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Vertical Toeplitz operators
on the upper half-plane
and very slowly oscillating functions
Crispin Herrera Ya˜nez, Egor A. Maximenko, Nikolai Vasilevski
This is a preprint of the article published in
Integral Equations and Operator Theory 77:2 (2013), 149–166.
The final publication is available at Springer via
We consider the C∗-algebra generated by Toeplitz operators acting on the Bergman
space over the upper half-plane whose symbols depend on the imaginary part of the
argument only. Such algebra is known to be commutative, and is isometrically iso-
morphic to an algebra of bounded complex-valued functions on the positive half-line.
In the paper we prove that the latter algebra consists of all bounded functions fthat
are very slowly oscillating in the sense that the composition of fwith the exponential
function is uniformly continuous or, in other words,
y→1f(x)−f(y)= 0.
MSC: Primary 47B35; Secondary 47B32, 32A36, 44A10, 44A15.
Key words: Bergman space, Toeplitz operators, invariant under horizontal shifts, Laplace
transform, very slowly oscillating functions.
This work was partially supported by CONACYT Project 102800 and by IPN-SIP Project
2013-0633, M´exico.
1 Introduction
The paper is devoted to the description of a certain class of Toeplitz operators acting on the
Bergman space over the upper half-plane and of the C∗-algebra generated by them.
Let Π = {z=x+iy ∈C|y > 0}be the upper half-plane, and let dµ =dxdy be
the standard Lebesgue plane measure on Π. Recall that the Bergman space A2(Π) is the
(closed) subspace of L2(Π, dµ) which consists of all function analytic in Π. It is well known
that A2(Π) is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space whose (Bergman) reproducing kernel has
the form
KΠ,w(z) = −1
thus the Bergman (orthogonal) projection of L2(Π, dµ) onto A2(Π) is given by
(P f )(w) = hf, KΠ,wi.
Given a function g∈L∞(Π), the Toeplitz operator Tg:A2(Π) → A2(Π) with generating
symbol gis defined by Tgf=P(gf).
One of the phenomena in the theory of Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space is
that (contrary to the Hardy space case) there exists a rich family of symbols that generate
commutative algebras of Toeplitz operators (see for details [13, 14]). There are three model
classes of such symbols: elliptic, which is realized by radial symbols, functions depending on
|z|, on the unit disk, parabolic, which is realized by symbols depending on y= Im(z) on the
upper half-plane, and hyperbolic, which is realized by homogeneous of order zero symbols on
the upper half-plane. All other classes of symbols, that generate commutative algebras of
Toeplitz operators, are obtained from the above three model classes by means of the M¨obius
In each case of a commutative algebra of Toeplitz operators there is an (explicitly defined)
unitary operator Rthat reduces each Toeplitz operator Tafrom the algebra to a certain
(again explicitly given) multiplication operator by γa, being a function (in the parabolic
and hyperbolic cases), or a sequence (in the elliptic case). This “spectral” function (or
sequence) γa“carries” many substantial properties of corresponding Toeplitz operators, such
as boundedness, norm, compactness, spectrum, essential spectrum, etc.
A very important task to be done in this connection is to describe the properties of such
“spectral” functions and algebras generated by them, understanding thus in more detail the
properties of Toeplitz operators and algebras generated by them.
The first essential step in this direction was done by Su´arez [9, 10], who proved, in
particular, that the set of Toeplitz operators with bounded radial symbols (the elliptic case)
is dense in the C∗-algebra generated by these operators, and that the l∞-closure of the set of
corresponding “spectral” sequences coincides with the l∞-closure of a certain set, which he
denotes by d1and which is commonly used in Tauberian theory. Then in [4] it was shown
that this closure coincides with the C∗-algebra of all slowly oscillating sequences introduced
by Schmidt [7, Definition 10], i.e., of all bounded sequences x= (xn)∞
n=0 such that
n+1 →1|xm−xn|= 0,
which gives thus an isometric characterization of the elliptic case commutative algebra.
In this paper we study the commutative C∗-algebra VT (L∞) generated by Toeplitz opera-
tors of the model parabolic case, i.e., by Toeplitz operators with bounded symbols depending
on y= Im(z) (we call such symbols vertical). The main result of the paper states that the
set of Toeplitz operators with bounded vertical symbols is dense in the above C∗-algebra,
and that the algebra VT (L∞) itself is isometrically isomorphic to the (introduced in the
paper) C∗-algebra VSO(R+) of very slowly oscillating functions, the functions that are uni-
formly continuous with respect to the logarithmic metric ρ(x, y) = |ln(x)−ln(y)|on R+or,
equivalently, the functions satisfying the condition
y→1f(x)−f(y)= 0.
The paper is organized as follows. In Sections 2 and 3 we give various equivalent descriptions
of vertical operators (operators that are invariant under horizontal shifts) and of vertical
Toeplitz operators. In Sections 4 and 5 we introduce the algebra VSO(R+) and prove the
above stated main result on density. In Section 6 we give an example of a bounded Toeplitz
operator Tawith unbounded vertical symbol awhose “spectral” function γadoes not belong
to the algebra VSO(R+). This means that in spite of its boundedness Tadoes not belong
to the C∗-algebra generated by Toeplitz operators with bounded vertical symbols. In other
words, admitting bounded Toeplitz operators with unbounded symbol we enlarge the algebra
VT (L∞).
Note that the technique used in the paper for the parabolic case is more simple and
efficient than the general one of [9, 10]. Instead of the n-Berezin transform (a special kind of
an approximative unit introduced and used by Su´arez), we use another approximative unit
based on a certain Dirac sequence.
2 Vertical operators
Let L(A2(Π)) be the algebra of all linear bounded operators acting on the Bergman space
A2(Π). Given h∈R, let Hh∈ L(A2(Π)) be the horizontal translation operator defined by
Hhf(z) := f(z−h).
We call an operator S∈ L(A2(Π)) vertical (or horizontal translation invariant) if it com-
mutes with all horizontal translation operators:
∀h∈R, HhS=SHh.
In this section we find a criterion for an operator from A2(Π) to be vertical. First we
recall some known facts on translation invariant operators on the real line.
Introduce the standard Fourier transform
(F f )(s) := 1
e−ist f(t)dt,
being a unitary operator on L2(R).
For each h∈R, the translation operator τh:L2(R)→L2(R) is defined by
τhf(s) := f(s−h).
An operator Son L2(R) is called translation invariant if τhS=Sτh, for all h∈R. It is well
known (see, for example, [5, Theorem 2.5.10]) that an operator Son L2(R) is translation
invariant if and only if it is a convolution operator, i.e., if and only if there exists a function
σ∈L∞(R) such that
S=F−1MσF. (2.1)
We introduce as well the associated multiplication by a character operator MΘhf(s) :=
Θh(s)f(s), where Θh(s) := eish.
Note that τhand MΘ−hare related via the Fourier transform,
MΘ−hF=F τh.(2.2)
Lemma 2.1. Let M∈ L(L2(R)). The following conditions are equivalent:
(a) Mis invariant under multiplication by Θhfor all h∈R:
(b) Mis the multiplication operator by a bounded measurable function:
∃σ∈L∞(R) such that M=Mσ.
Proof. The part (b)⇒(a) is trivial: MσMΘh=MσΘh=MΘhMσ. The implication (a)⇒(b)
follows from the relation (2.2) and the result about the translation invariant operators cited
Old proof. Assuming (a), by (2.2) we have
F−1M F τh=F−1MMΘ−hF=F−1MΘ−hMF =τhF−1MF,
which implies that F−1MF commutes with translations. Then (2.1) implies
F−1MF =F−1MσF.
Since Fis unitary, (b) holds.
Conversely, if (b) holds, then MσMΘh=MσΘh=MΘhMσ.
Let Θ+
hdenote the restriction of Θhto R+. The following lemma states that an operator
on L2(R+) commutes with MΘ+
hif and only if it is a multiplication operator.
Lemma 2.2. Let M∈ L(L2(R+)). The following conditions are equivalent:
(a) Mis invariant under multiplication by Θ+
hfor all h∈R:
(b) Mis the multiplication operator by a bounded function:
∃σ∈L∞(R+) such that M=Mσ.
Proof. To prove that (a) implies (b), define the restriction operator
P:L2(R)→L2(R+), g 7→ g|R+,
and the zero extension operator
J:L2(R+)→L2(R), Jf(x) := (f(x) if x > 0,
0 if x≤0.
For every h∈Rthe following equalities hold:
h=MΘhJ, P MΘh=MΘ+
If (a) holds, then the operator JM P is invariant under multiplication by Θh, for all h∈R:
and by Lemma 2.2 there exists a function σ1∈L∞(R) such that JM P =Mσ1. Set σ=σ1|R+.
Then for all f∈L2(R+) and all x∈R+,
(Mσf)(x) = σ(x)f(x) = σ1(x)(Jf)(x) = (Mσ1Jf )(x)
= (J MP J f )(x)=(JMf )(x)=(Mf)(x),
and (b) holds. The implication (b)⇒(a) follows directly, as in the previous lemma.
The Berezin transform [1, 2] of an operator S∈ L(A2(Π)) is the function Π →Cdefined
B(S)(w) := hSKΠ,w, KΠ,wi
hKΠ,w, KΠ,w i.
Following [12, Section 2] (see also [14, Section 3.1]), we introduce the isometric isomorphism
R:A2(Π) →L2(R+),
(Rφ)(x) := √x
φ(w) e−iwx dµ(w).
The operator Ris unitary, and its inverse R∗:L2(R+)→ A2(Π) is given by
(R∗f)(z) = 1
√πZR+pξf (ξ) eizξ dξ.
The next theorem gives a criterion for an operator to be vertical, and is an analogue of the
Zorboska result [15] for radial operators.
Theorem 2.3. Let S∈ L(A2(Π)). The following conditions are equivalent:
(a) Sis invariant under horizontal shifts:
(b) RSR∗is invariant under multiplication by Θ+
hfor all h∈R:
(c) There exists a function σ∈L∞(R+)such that
(d) The Berezin transform of Sis a vertical function, i.e., depends on Im(w)only.
Proof. (a)⇒(b). Follows from the formulas R∗MΘ+
h=HhR∗and RHh=MΘ+
(b)⇒(c). Follows from Lemma 2.2.
(c)⇒(d). Using the residue theorem we get
(RKΠ,w)(x) = −i√x
B(S)(w) = hMσRKΠ,w , RKΠ,w i
hKΠ,w, KΠ,w i= (2 Im(w))2Z+∞
xσ(x) e−2 Im(w)xdx,
and B(S)(w) depends only on Im(w).
(d)⇒(a). Compute the Berezin transform of H−hSHhusing the formula HhKΠ,w =
B(H−hSHh)(w) = hSHhKΠ,w, HhKΠ,wi
kKΠ,wk2=hSKΠ,w+h, KΠ,w+hi
=B(S)(w+h) = B(S)(w).
Since the Berezin transform is injective [8], H−hSHh=S.
Corollary 2.4. The set of all vertical operators on L(A2(Π)) is a commutative C∗-algebra
which is isometrically isomorphic to L∞(R+).
3 Vertical Toeplitz operators
In this section we establish necessary and sufficient conditions for a Toeplitz operator to be
Lemma 3.1. Let g∈L∞(Π). Then Tgis zero if and only if g= 0 almost everywhere.
Proof. The corresponding result for Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space on the unit
disk is well known, see, for example, [14, Theorem 2.8.2]. To extend it to the upper half-plane
case, we introduce the Cayley transform
ψ: Π →D, w 7−→ w−i
the corresponding unitary operator
U:A2(D)→ A2(Π), f 7−→ (f◦ψ)ψ0,
and observe that U∗TgU=Tg◦ψ−1.
The next elementary lemma gives a criterion for a function on Rto be almost everywhere
constant. We use there the Lebesgue measure in Rnfor various dimensions (n= 1,2,3),
indicating the dimension as a subindex: µn.
Lemma 3.2. Let f:R→Cbe a measurable function. Then the following conditions are
(a) There exists a constant c∈Csuch that f(x) = cfor almost all x∈R.
(b) µ2(D) = 0, where D:= (x, y)∈R2|f(x)6=f(y).
(c) µ1(Dx) = 0 for almost all x∈R, where Dx:= y∈R|f(x)6=f(y).
Proof. (a)⇒(b). Let C={x∈R|f(x)6=c}. The condition (a) means that µ1(C) = 0.
Since D⊂(C×R)∪(R×C), we obtain µ2(D) = 0.
(b)⇒(c). Apply Tonelli’s theorem to the characteristic function of D.
(c)⇒(a). Choose a point x0∈Rsuch that µ1(Dx0) = 0 and set c:= f(x0). Then f=c
almost everywhere.
Old proof of (b)⇒(c). Denote by Φ the characteristic function of D. By Tonelli’s theorem,
µ1(Dx)dx =ZRZR
Φ(x, y)dydx =ZR2
Φdµ =µ2(D) = 0,
and µ1(Dx) = 0 for almost all x∈R.
Proposition 3.3. Let g∈L∞(Π). The operator Tgis vertical if and only if there exists a
function a∈L∞(R+)such that g(w) = a(Im(w)) for almost every w∈Π.
Proof. Sufficiency. For every h∈R, define gh: Π →Cby gh(w) = g(w+h). Then for
almost all w∈C
gh(w) = g(w+h) = a(Im(w+h)) = a(Im(w)) = g(w).
Applying the formula H−hTgHh=Tghwe see that Tgis invariant with respect to horizontal
Necessity. Since Tgis vertical, for every h∈Rwe have Tg=H−hTgHh=Tgh. By Lemma
3.1, g=ghalmost everywhere. It means that for all h∈Rthe equality µ2(Eh) = 0 holds
Eh:= (u, v)∈R2|g(u+h+iv)6=g(u+iv).
Define Λ: R2×R+→Cby
Λ(u, x, v) := (0, g(x+iv) = g(u+iv);
1, g(x+iv)6=g(u+iv).
Then for all h∈R(u, v)∈Π|Λ(u, u +h, v)6= 0=Eh
and by Tonelli’s theorem
Λ(u, x, v)dµ3(u, x, v) = ZR2×R+
Λ(u, u +h, v)dµ3(u, h, v)
Λ(u, u +h, v)dµ2(u, v)dh =ZR
µ2(Eh)dh = 0.
Therefore ZR+ZR2
Λ(u, x, v)dµ2(u, x)dv =ZR2×R+
Λ(u, x, v)dµ3(u, x, v) = 0,
and for almost v∈R+
µ2({(u, x)∈R2|g(x+iv)6=g(u+iv)}) = ZR2
Λ(u, x, v)dµ(u, x)=0.
For such v, by Lemma 3.2, there exists a constant c(v) such that g(u+iv) = c(v). Then for
a:R+→Cdefined by
a(v) = (c(v),if µ2({(u, x)∈R2|g(x+iv)6=g(u+iv)})=0,
we have g(w) = a(Im(w)) for almost all w∈Π.
We say that a measurable function g: Π →Cis vertical if there exists a measurable
function a:R+→Csuch that g(w) = a(Im(w)) for almost all win Π.
The next result was proved in [11, Theorem 3.1] (see also [14, Theorem 5.2.1]).
Theorem 3.4. Let g(w) = a(Im(w)) ∈L∞be a vertical symbol. Then the Toeplitz operator
Tgacting on A2(Π) is unitary equivalent to the multiplication operator Mγa=RTgR∗acting
on L2(R+). The function γa=γa(s)is given by
γa(s) := 2sZ∞
a(t) e−2ts dt, s ∈R+.(3.1)
In particular, this implies that the C∗-algebra generated by vertical Toeplitz operators
with bounded symbols is commutative and is isometrically isomorphic to the C∗-algebra
generated by the set
Γ := γa|a∈L∞(R+).
4 Very slowly oscillating functions on R+
In this section we introduce and discuss the algebra VSO(R+) of very slowly oscillating
functions, and show that for any vertical symbol a∈L∞(R+), the associated “spectral
function” γabelongs to VSO(R+).
We introduce the logarithmic metric on the positive half-line by
ρ(x, y) := ln(x)−ln(y):R+×R+→[0,+∞).
It is easy to see that ρis indeed a metric and that ρis invariant under dilations: for all
x, y, t ∈R+,
ρ(tx, ty) = ρ(x, y).
Recall that the modulus of continuity of a function f:R+→Cwith respect to the metric
ρis defined for all δ > 0 as
ωρ,f (δ) := sup|f(x)−f(y)| | x, y ∈R+, ρ(x, y)≤δ.
Definition 4.1. Let f:R+→Cbe a bounded function. We say that fis very slowly
oscillating if it is uniformly continuous with respect to the metric ρor, equivalently, if the
composition f◦exp is uniformly continuous with respect the usual metric on R. Denote by
VSO(R+) the set of such functions.
Proposition 4.2. VSO(R+)is a closed C∗-algebra of the C∗-algebra Cb(R+)of bounded
continuous functions R+→Cwith pointwise operations.
Proof. Using the following elementary properties of the modulus of continuity one can see
that VSO(R+) is closed with respect to the pointwise operations:
ωρ,f+g≤ωρ,f +ωρ,g, ωρ,f g ≤ kfk∞ωρ,g +kgk∞ωρ,f ,
ωρ,λf =|λ|ωρ,f , ωρ,f∗=ωρ,f .
The inequality ωρ,f (δ)≤2kf−gk∞+ωρ,g(δ) and the usual “ ε
3-argument” show that VSO(R+)
is topologically closed in Cb(R+).
Note that instead of the logarithmic metric ρwe can use an alternative one:
Let ρ1:R+×R+→[0,+∞) be defined by
ρ1(x, y) := |x−y|
max(x, y).
It is easy to see that ρ1is a metric. To prove the triangle inequality ρ1(x, z) + ρ1(z, y)−
ρ1(x, y)≥0, use the symmetry between xand yand consider three cases: x<y<z,
x<z<y,z<x<y. For example, if x<y<z, then
ρ1(x, z) + ρ1(z, y)−ρ1(x, y) = (z−y)(x+y)
yz >0.
The other two cases are considered analogously.
Lemma 4.3. For every x, y ∈R+the following inequality holds
ρ1(x, y)≤ρ(x, y).(4.1)
Proof. The metrics ρand ρ1can be written in terms of max and min as shown below:
ρ(x, y) = ln max(x, y)
min(x, y), ρ1(x, y) = 1 −min(x, y)
max(x, y).
Since ln(u)≥1−1
ufor all u≥1, the substitution u=max(x, y)
min(x, y)yields (4.1).
It can be proved that ρ(x, y)≤2 ln(2)ρ1(x, y) if ρ1(x, y)<1/2. Thus VSO(R+) could
be defined alternatively as the class of all bounded functions that are uniformly continuous
with respect to ρ1.
Theorem 4.4. Let a∈L∞(R+). Then γa∈VSO(R+). More precisely,
kγak∞≤ kak∞,
and γais Lipschitz continuous with respect to the distance ρ:
|γa(y)−γa(x)| ≤ 2ρ(x, y)kak∞,(4.2)
that is
Proof. The upper bound kγak∞≤ kak∞follows directly from the definition (3.1) of γa. The
proof of (4.3) written below is based on an idea communicated to us by K. M. Esmeral
Garc´ıa. First, we bound |a(v)|by kak∞:
|γa(x)−γa(y)| ≤ kak∞Z∞
02vx e−2vx −2vy e−2vydv
Without lost of generality assume y > x, so the inequality
2vx e−2vx −2vy e−2vy ≥0
is true if and only if v≥v0:= 1
y−xln y
x. Then
|γa(x)−γa(y)| ≤ kak∞Zv0
(2vy e−2vy −2vx e−2vx)dv
(2vx e−2vx −2vy e−2vy )dv
= 2kak∞e−2v0x1−e2v0(x−y)
≤2kak∞ρ1(x, y)≤2kak∞ρ(x, y),
where the last inequality uses Lemma 4.3.
5 Density of Γin VSO(R+)
The set R+provided with the standard multiplication and topology is a commutative locally
compact topological group, whose Haar measure is given by dν(s) := ds
For each n∈N:= {1,2, . . .}, we define a function ψn:R+→Cby
ψn(s) = 1
B(n, n)
(1 + s)2n,
where B is the Beta function.
Proposition 5.1. The sequence (ψn)∞
n=1 is a Dirac sequence, i.e., it satisfies the following
three conditions:
(a) For each n∈Nand every s∈R+,
(b) For each n∈N,Z∞
s= 1.
(c) For every δ > 0,
n→∞ Zρ(s,1)>δ
s= 0.
Proof. The property (a) is obvious, and (b) follows from the formula for the Beta function:
B(x, y) = Z∞
(1 + s)x+yds.
We prove (c). Fix a δ > 0. The function s7→ sn−1
(1 + s)2nreaches its maximum at the point
sn:= n−1
n+1 . It increases on the interval [0, sn] and decreases on the interval [sn,∞). Since
sn→1, there exists a number N∈Nsuch that e−δ< sN. Let n∈Nwith n≥N. Then
e−δ≤sN≤sn, and for all s∈(0,e−δ] we obtain
(1 + s)2n≤(e−δ)n−1
(1 + e−δ)2n.
Integration of both sides from 0 to e−δyields
(1 + s)2nds ≤e−δ
(1 + e−δ)2n
4 cosh2(δ/2) n
Applying Stirling’s formula ([3, formula 8.327]), we have
B(n, n)=Γ(2n)
√πn .
Since cosh(δ/2) >1,
B(n, n)1
4 cosh2(δ/2) n
2√πcosh2n(δ/2) →0.
To prove a similar result for the integral from eδto ∞, make the change of variable s= 1/t:
n→∞ Z∞
t= lim
n→∞ Ze−δ
Rn,δ := Zρ(s,1)>δ
n→∞ Rn,δ = lim
n→∞ Ze−δ
s+ lim
n→∞ Z∞
s= 0.
Introduce now the standard Mellin convolution of two functions aand bfrom L1(R+, dν):
(a∗b)(x) := Z∞
y, x ∈R+,(5.2)
being a commutative and associative binary operation on L1(R+, dν).
Note that (5.2) is well defined also if one of the functions aor bbelongs to L∞(R+)
and the other belongs to L1(R+, dν). In that case a∗b∈L∞(R+) and a∗b=b∗a. The
associativity law also holds for any three functions a, b, c such that one of them belongs to
L∞(R+) and the other two belong to L1(R+, dν).
The next result is a special case of a well–known general fact on Dirac sequences and
uniformly continuous functions on locally compact groups. For the reader’s convenience we
write a proof for our case.
Theorem 5.2. Let σ∈VSO(R+). Then
n→∞ kσ∗ψn−σk∞= 0.(5.3)
Proof. For every n∈N,δ > 0 and x∈R+,
I2=Zρ(y,1)>δ σx
If ρ(y, 1) ≤δ, then ρ(x/y, x) = ρ(x, xy) = ρ(y, 1) ≤δ. Thus
For the term I2we obtain an upper bound in terms of Rn,δ, see (5.1):
y= 2kσk∞Rn,δ.
kσ∗ψn−σk∞≤ωρ,σ(δ)+2kσk∞Rn,δ .
Given ε > 0, first apply the hypothesis that σ∈VSO(R+) and choose δ > 0 such that
2. Then use the fact that Rn,δ →0 and find a number N∈Nsuch that Rn,δ <
4kσk∞for all n≥N. Then for all n≥N
Recall now that, for each m, n ∈N, the generalized Laguerre polynomial (called also
associated Laguerre polynomial) is defined by
n(t) = 1
(n−j)! (m+j)! j!tj, t ∈R+.
Then, for each n∈N, we introduce the function φn:R+→Cby
φn(t) = 1
(n−1)! tne−tL(n)
Each function φnis obviously bounded and continuous on R+, and admits the following
alternative representation
φn(t) = 1
The next lemma relates the functions ψnand φnvia the Laplace transform L, which is
defined by
L(f)(s) := Z∞
f(t) e−st dt.
Lemma 5.3. For each n∈N,
s=L(φn)(s), s ∈R+.(5.5)
Proof. The function t7→ e−tt2n−1and its first 2n−2 derivatives vanish at 0 and +∞.
Integrating by parts n−1 times we get
dtn−1e−tt2n−1e−st dt =sn−1Z∞
e−tt2n−1e−st dt =sn−1Γ(2n)
(1 + s)2n.
L(φn)(s) = Γ(2n)
(1 + s)2n=ψn(s)
Given a function a:R+→C, we define ea:R+→Cas ea(t) = a(1/t).
The mapping a7→ eais obviously an involution:
ea=a, (5.6)
and, for all a∈L∞(R+) and b∈L1(R+, dν), we have
b. (5.7)
The change of variable t=1
t= (ea∗b)(s).(5.8)
The next lemma relates “spectral functions” γawith Mellin convolutions.
Lemma 5.4. Let α(u)=2ue−2u, then for each a∈L∞(R+),
γa=ea∗α. (5.9)
Proof. Rewrite γain the form
γa(s) = Z∞
a(t)2st e−2stdt
and apply (5.8).
Introduce the function m2(s) := 2s, then (5.5) and (5.9) imply that the elements ψnof
the Dirac sequence are in fact certain “spectral functions”:
Now we are ready to prove the main result of the paper.
Recall first that, by Theorem 3.4, the C∗-algebra generated by vertical Toeplitz operators
with bounded symbols is isometrically isomorphic to the C∗-algebra generated by the set
Γ = γa|a∈L∞(R+).
Theorem 5.5. We have that Γ = VSO(R+).
Proof. Let σ∈VSO(R+). For each n∈N, we define an:R+→Cby
an:= eσ∗(φn◦m2).
From (5.4) it follows that φn∈L1(R+, dν), and thus an∈L∞(R+). Then equations (5.7),
(5.6) and the associativity of Mellin convolutions yield
which means that σn∗ψn∈Γ. To finish the proof apply Theorem 5.2.
Let us mention some important corollaries of the theorem. First of all it implies that
the C∗-algebra VT (L∞) generated by Toeplitz operators with bounded vertical symbols is
isometrically isomorphic to VSO(R+). Moreover it shows that the set of initial generators of
VT (L∞) (i.e., the Toeplitz operators with bounded vertical symbols) is dense in VT (L∞).
That is, the two quite different types of the closures, the C∗-algebraic closure and the topo-
logical closure, of the set of initial generators end up with the same result: the C∗-algebra
VT (L∞) generated by Toeplitz operators with bounded vertical symbols.
Then, the theorem permits us to compare and realize the difference between the algebra
generated by general vertical operators and its subalgebra generated by special vertical
operators, Toeplitz operators with bounded vertical symbols. The first one is isomorphic to
L∞(R+), while the second, its subalgebra, is isomorphic to VSO(R+).
In this connection it is interesting to consider “intermediate”, in a sense, operators,
the bounded vertical Toeplitz operators whose defining symbols are unbounded. As it turns
out such operators do not necessarily belong to the algebra VT (L∞) generated by vertical
Toeplitz operators with bounded symbols.
The next section is devoted to an example of such an operator.
6 Example
Note that γacan be defined by the formula (3.1) not only if a∈L∞(R+), but also if
a∈L1(R+,e−ηt dt) for all η > 0.
In this section we construct a non-bounded function a:R+→Csuch that a∈L1(R+,e−ηt dt)
for all η > 0 and γa∈L∞(R+), but γa/∈VSO(R+). This implies that the corresponding
vertical Toeplitz operator is bounded, but it does not belong to the C∗-algebra generated by
vertical Toeplitz operators with bounded generating symbols.
The idea of this example is taken from [4].
Proposition 6.1. Define f:{z∈C|Re(z)≥0} → Cby
f(z) := 1
z+ 1 exp i
3πln2(z+ 1),(6.1)
where ln is the principal value of the natural logarithm (with imaginary part in (−π, π]).
Then there exists a unique function A:R+→Csuch that A∈L1(R+,e−ηu du)for all η > 0
and fis the Laplace transform of A:
f(z) = Z+∞
A(u) e−zu du.
Proof. For every z∈Cwith Re(z)≥0 we write ln(z+ 1) as ln |z+ 1|+iarg(z+ 1) with
2<arg(z+ 1) <π
2. Then
|z+ 1|exp i
3πln |z+ 1|+iarg(z+ 1)2
|z+ 1|exp −2 arg(z+ 1)
3πln |z+ 1|
|z+ 1|1+ 2 arg(z+1)
Since |z+ 1| ≥ 1 and −1
3<−2 arg(z+1)
|f(z)| ≤ 1
|z+ 1|2/3.
Therefore for every x > 0,
ZR|f(x+iy)|2dy ≤ZR
((x+ 1)2+y2)2/3<ZR
(1 + y2)2/3<+∞,
and fbelongs to the Hardy class H2on the half-plane {z∈C|Re(z)>0}. By Paley–Wiener
theorem (see, for example, Rudin [6, Theorem 19.2]), there exists a function A∈L2(R+)
such that for all x > 0
f(x) = Z+∞
A(u) e−ux du.
The uniqueness of Afollows from the injective property of the Laplace transform. Applying
H¨older’s inequality we easily see that A∈L1(R+,e−ηu du) for all η > 0:
0|A(u)|e−ηu du ≤ kAk2Z+∞
e−2ηu du1/2
Proposition 6.2. The function σ:R+→Cdefined by
σ(s) := s
s+ 1 exp i
3πln2(s+ 1),(6.2)
belongs to L∞(R+)\VSO(R+). Moreover there exists a function a:R+→Csuch that
a∈L1(R+,e−ηt dt)for all η > 0and σ=γa.
Proof. The function σis bounded since |σ(s)| ≤ s
s+1 ≤1 for all s∈R+. Let Abe the
function from Proposition 6.1. Define a:R+→Cby
a(s) = A(2s).
Then for all η > 0
0|a(t)|e−ηt du =1
0|A(t)|e−ηt/2dt < +∞,
a(t) e−2st dt = 2sZ+∞
A(2t) e−2st dt
A(t) e−st dt =s
s+ 1 exp i
3πln2(s+ 1)=σ(s).
Let us prove that σ /∈VSO(R+). For all s, t ∈R+
s+ 1exp i
3πln2(s+ 1)
t+ 1exp i
3πln2(t+ 1)
≥exp i
3πln2(s+ 1)−exp i
3πln2(t+ 1)
s+ 1 −1
t+ 1
=exp i
3πln2(s+ 1) −ln2(t+ 1)−1−1
s+ 1 −1
t+ 1.
Replace sby the following function of t:
s(t) := t+t+ 1
ln1/2(t+ 1).
ln(s(t) + 1) = ln(t+ 1) + ln 1 + 1
ln1/2(t+ 1)
= ln(t+ 1) + 1
ln1/2(t+ 1) −1
2 ln(t+ 1) +O1
ln3/2(t+ 1).
Denote ln2(s(t)+1)−ln2(t+ 1) by Ltand consider the asymptotic behavior of Ltas t→+∞:
Lt:= ln2(s(t) + 1) −ln2(t+ 1) = −1 + 2 ln1/2(t+ 1) + O1
ln(t+ 1).
Since Ltis continuous and tends to +∞as t→+∞, for every T > 40 there exists an integer
t≥Tsuch that Lt+ 1 is equal to an integer multiple of 6π2, say to 6mπ2:
Lt+ 1 = 6mπ2.
For such t,
exp i
3πLt−1=exp i
=exp −i
3π−1≈0.106 >1
|σ(s(t)) −σ(t)| ≥ exp i
T+ 1 >1
10 −1
20 =1
It means that |σ(s(t)) −σ(t)|does not converge to 0 as tgoes to infinity. On the other hand,
ρ(s(t), t) = ln s(t)
t≤t+ 1
tln1/2(t+ 1) →0.
Thus σ /∈VSO(R+).
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Crispin Herrera Ya˜nez
Departamento de Matem´aticas, CINVESTAV
Apartado Postal 14-740, 07000, M´exico, D.F., M´exico
Egor A. Maximenko
Escuela Superior de F´ısica y Matem´aticas, Instituto Polit´ecnico Nacional,
07730, M´exico, D.F., M´exico
Nikolai Vasilevski
Departamento de Matem´aticas, CINVESTAV
Apartado Postal 14-740, 07000, M´exico, D.F., M´exico