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Structure from Motion, Drohnen & Co. Neue Wege in der Dokumentation archäologischer Ausgrabungen



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... üggen-Grabungsfläche sind auch mit Standard-Hardware zu bewältigten. Bei der Verwendung von Online-Diensten ist die Bandbreite der Internetverbindung der limitierende Faktor, da das gesamte Bildmaterial auf die Server des Anbieters hochgeladen werden muss. 7 De Reu/Plets /Verhoeven et al. 2013. -De Reu/De Smedt/Herremans et al. 2014. -Reinhard 2012. -Reinhard 2013 Dreiecksnetz (mesh) vermascht. Über dieses die dreidimensionale Form der fotografierten Szene wiedergebende Gitternetz kann noch eine ebenfalls aus dem Bildmaterial abgeleitete Textur gelegt werden, die dem 3D-Modell ein fotorealistisches Aussehen verleiht. Soll das fertig texturierte 3D-Modell beispielsweise in Vermessungspläne eingebu ...
... Im Gegensatz zu unbearbeiteten Fotos gibt ein Orthofoto die abgebildete Fläche lagetreu und unverzerrt wieder, sodass es etwa als Fotokarte oder für Messzwecke verwendet werden kann. Foto J.Reinhard, 2013 den Geissrüggen transportieren liess (➡ Buchcover). Alle Flüge verliefen vollkommen problemlos, durch die Höhenlage auf fast 2000 m bedingte Veränderungen im Flugverhalten gegenüber vergleichbaren Bildflügen im Mittelland konnten nicht festgestellt werden, auch die Flugzeit war nicht merkbar verkürzt. ...
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J. Reinhard, 3D-Dokumentation mit Drohne. In: M. Sauter (Hrsg.), Surenenpass. Archäologie und Geschichte in Attinghausen. Archäologische Prospektion - Archaeological Survey 1 (Hochwald 2016), 172-183. For the 3D models see
... On the other hand, preserved or excavated archaeological sites also can be documented in 3D by UAVs through a method called Structurefrom-Motion (SfM). Corresponding studies are published e.g. for Germany (Reinhard, 2013;Bofinger & Steffen, 2014;Reinhard, 2016;Linck, 2020;Linck et al., 2023b), Thailand (Manajitprasert et al., 2019) or Italy (Germinario et al., 2020;Abate et al., 2023). However, s o m e t i m e s o t h e r f i e l d s o f application emerge. ...
... The application of SfM in archaeology has extensively been described and discussed (e.g. De Reu et al., 2014Reu et al., , 2013Doneus et al., 2011;Green et al., 2014;Reinhard, 2013;Remondino, 2011;Verhoeven, 2011;Verhoeven et al., 2012), hence only a brief overview will be given here. The fundamentals and mathematical principles for close range photogrammetry and mapping started being developed in the mid 19th century already. ...
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This article presents a novel methodology to the underwater documentation of pile fields in archaeological lakeside settlement sites using Structure from Motion (SfM). Mapping the piles of such sites is an indispensable basis to the exploitation of the high resolution absolute chronological data gained through dendrochronology. In a case study at the underwater site of Ploča, Mičov Grad at Lake Ohrid, North Macedonia, nine consecutive 10 m² strips and a 6 m² excavation section were uncovered, the situation documented, and the wood piles sampled. The gained data was vectorized in a geographic information system. During two field campaigns, a total of 794 wooden elements on a surface of 96 m² could be documented three-dimensionally with a residual error of less than 2 cm. The exceptionally high number of fishes in the 5 m deep water resulted in a significant covering of potentially important information on the relevant photos. We present a machine learning approach, especially developed and successfully applied to the automatic detection and masking of these fishes in order to eliminate them from the images. The discussed documentation workflow enables an efficient, cost-effective, accurate and reproducible mapping of pile fields. So far, no other method applied to the recording of pile fields has allowed for a comparably high resolution of spatial information.
... Auch werden mehr und mehr Anwendungen für das Erstellen von 3D-Modellen mittels der Methode Structure from Motion verfügbar, wobei die Pakete Visual SfM [9] und Agisoft Photoscan hervorzuheben sind. Speziell die letztere Anwendung wird in der archäologischen Welt als einer der wichtigsten neuen Dokumentationsmethoden angesehen und erfreut sich zunehmender Beliebtheit [10]. Es stellt sich somit die Frage, wie mit den jetzt verfügbaren Mitteln das oben dargelegte Dokumentationsverfahren verbessert werden könnte. ...
Conference Paper
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KURZDARSTELLUNG: Von 2008 bis 2010 wurde beim Landesamt für Archäologie Sachsen (LfA) während einer 28 Monate dauernden feinstratigrafischen Ausgrabung ein über 7000 Jahre alter Brunnen untersucht. Bei der Dokumentation kam die gesamte verfügbare technische Ausrüstung zur Erstellung einer vollständig digitalen dreidimensionalen Dokumentation zum Einsatz. In dem Beitrag wird die Vorgehensweise beschrieben, kritisch beleuchtet und mit den derzeit verfügbaren Methoden verglichen.
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The last decade has seen a steady increase in the application of virtual 3D approaches in cultural heritage research. Although a large literature exists about the advantages of 3D methods in this field, here we go one step further and elucidate a) how image-based 3D reconstructions can be displayed in virtual reality (VR) space using freeware game engine software and low-cost VR hardware and b) highlight the relative benefits and advantages with a focus on interactive museum displays of relatively large archaeological objects. Specifically, we present three 3D models of different stone grave structures from the Neolithic necropolis of Lenzburg (Northern Switzerland, 4450-3500 BCE). The site has been excavated in 1959/60 and certain graves were subsequently preserved for museum display. By means of VR applications, it is now possible to experience these approximately 6000-year-old tombs with an innovative approach circumventing various barriers or constraints and offering interactive display options.
Technical Report
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Die Digitalisierung führt aktuell zu grundlegenden Umgestaltungen ganzer Lebens- und Wirtschaftsbereiche – auch die Landwirtschaft ist davon nicht ausgenommen. Viele innovative Agrartechnologien, die wesentlich auf digitaler Datenverarbeitung beruhen, sind bereits praxisreif oder in fortgeschrittener Entwicklung – etwa satellitengesteuerte Landmaschinen, Sensor- und Applikationstechniken mit variabler Dosierung von Dünge- und Pflanzenschutzmitteln oderRoboter für Melk-, Fütterungs- und Entmistungsvorgänge. Digitale Anwendungen erfassen große Mengen an Prozessdaten und bilden so die Grundlage für eineweitreichende Digitalisierung der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion. Angesichts der großen Erwartungen, die mit dieser Entwicklung verknüpftsind, wurde das TAB vom Ausschuss für Bildung, Forschung und Technikfolgenabschätzung beauftragt, den Stand und die Perspektiven der Digitalisierung in der Landwirtschaft zu untersuchen. Die dazugehörige TA-Analyse gliedert sich in zwei Teile: Der vorliegende TAB-Arbeitsbericht Nr. 193 gibt einen Überblick über Entwicklungsstand, Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Tendenzen digitaler Agrartechnologien in den vier zentralen Technikfeldern Sensoren, Landmaschinen, Drohnen und Roboter. ... mehr
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Drohnen können in Kombination mit diversen Nutzlasten, etwa Digitalkameras, wertvolle Beiträge zur Dokumentation archäologischer Grabungen und zur Erkundung von Terrain für die archäologische Forschung leisten. Aufgrund der Effizienz und Geschwindigkeit ihrer Datengewinnung, der Möglichkeit schwierige Gelände zu erschließen und ihrer kostengünstigen Anschaffung haben Drohnen das Potenzial, die Archäologie in Richtung eines minimalinvasiven Top-Down-Ansatzes disruptiv zu verändern. Gleichzeitig besteht neben verschiedenen unklaren Rahmenfaktoren das Risiko, dass Drohnen zu einer Bedrohung für das archäologische Kulturerbe werden können.
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The Roman villa rustica of Cham-Heiligkreuz (Canton Zug, Switzerland; see for its location on a map) was partly excavated in the 1930ies. The exact position of the excavation trenches has been debated for a long time and was only reconstructed in 1993 using archival data. This placement has now been verified by a combination of geomagnetic survey and aerial infrared photography even though the location of the villa's pars urbana is still unknown. Furthermore, numerous snow marks seem to show a network of (mostly undated, presumably post medieval and/or modern) paths and tracks in the area. J. Reinhard, Chr. Rinne, R. Huber, Spurensuche mit Infrarotkamera, Metalldetektor und Magnetometer. Zur römischen villa rustica von Cham-Lindencham, Heiligkreuz. Tugium 34, 2018, 117-122 (for an additional 3D model see
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Will be published in: Reinhard, J. (im Druck) Structure-from-Motion-Fotogrammetrie mit Agisoft PhotoScan. Erste Erfahrungen aus der Grabungspraxis. In: U. Lieberwirth, I. Herzog (Hrsg.), Computeranwendungen und Quantitative Methoden in der Archäologie. 4. Workshop der CAA 2013. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World [im Druck].
Conference Paper
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c a 3D Optical Metrology (3DOM) unit, FBK Trento, Italy - - ABSTRACT: UAV platforms are nowadays a valuable source of data for inspection, surveillance, mapping and 3D modeling issues. New applications in the short-and close-range domain are introduced, being the UAVs a low-cost alternatives to the classical manned aerial photogrammetry. Rotary or fixed wing UAVs, capable of performing the photogrammetric data acquisition with amateur or SLR digital cameras, can fly in manual, semi-automated and autonomous modes. With a typical photogrammetric pipeline, 3D results like DSM/DTM, contour lines, textured 3D models, vector data, etc. can be produced, in a reasonable automated way. The paper reports the latest developments of UAV image processing methods for photogrammetric applications, mapping and 3D modeling issues. Automation is nowadays necessary and feasible at the image orientation, DSM generation and orthophoto production stages, while accurate feature extraction is still an interactive procedure. New perspectives are also addressed. Figure 1: Example of scenes surveyed with a UAV system (Microdrone MD4-200) and photogrammetric results achieved from the acquired images: digital surface model, orthoimages and overlaid contours (archaeological area in Montalcino, Italy).
Conference Paper
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For a few years, structure from motion has been commercially applied and 3D models are discussed in recent literature. Structure from motion is known to be a relatively fast and low-cost technique for the generation of photo-realistic 3D models. This technique uses a series of digi-tal images of an object or site, taken from different positions. In this image series, each part of the object is recorded on at least three images. Combining these images with information from the metadata file allows to determine the different camera positions and orientations and to calculate a textured mesh or colored point set in 3D. These calculations are based on solving a system of ge-ometric matrices and a least squares 2D to 3D projective problem. In this article, the geometric quality of an airborne digital surface model, based on structure from motion, is assessed, in order to use this model for archaeological research. An Iron Age hill fort in the municipality of Kooigem (Belgium) is used as test case for this research. In this area, archaeo-logical features, such as walls and ditches, are known and documented. These objects have a sub-meter height difference with the surrounding topography and are therefore very useful for visual validation and geometrical analysis of the digital elevation models. Although this fast and low-cost method results in a fair visual representation of the environment of the relicts, a special focus is needed on less manifest objects of interest in the landscape. Besides, the geometrical accuracy of the final products will be discussed. A digital elevation model, acquired by airborne laser scanning, with an average point density of 4 points per square meter, is used for the statistical quality as-sessment of the elevation model generated by structure from motion. This statistical and visual analysis of the digital elevation model generated with structure from motion, allows to evaluate this new technique, its results and its applicability for archeological research.
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Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) have evolved rapidly over the past decade driven primarily by military uses, and have begun finding application among civilian users for earth sensing reconnaissance and scientific data collection purposes. Among UAS, promising characteristics are long flight duration, improved mission safety, flight repeatability due to improving autopilots, and reduced operational costs when compared to manned aircraft. The potential advantages of an unmanned platform, however, depend on many factors, such as aircraft, sensor types, mission objectives, and the current UAS regulatory requirements for operations of the particular platform. The regulations concerning UAS operation are still in the early development stages and currently present significant barriers to entry for scientific users. In this article we describe a variety of platforms, as well as sensor capabilities, and identify advantages of each as relevant to the demands of users in the scientific research sector. We also briefly discuss the current state of regulations affecting UAS operations, with the purpose of informing the scientific community about this developing technology whose potential for revolutionizing natural science observations is similar to those transformations that GIS and GPS brought to the community two decades ago.
In the course of their research campaign in Siberia, Ghent University archaeologists have developed a simple and cost effective method for the rapid 3D imaging of rock art, standing stelae and surface monuments. Their procedure will undoubtedly have a big role to play in archaeological research in advance of the oil pipeline expected soon.
The unique rock art of the Russian Altai is increasingly suffering from human and natural processes. Without well-directed action and documentation it will be practically impossible to establish conservation initiatives and, eventually, many of these sites will be lost. This paper presents an overview of the different processes affecting this rock art, based on fifteen years of observations in the region and recent three-dimensional (3D) photorealistic documentation. A cost-effective 3D workflow for rock art recording and research is discussed as a possible way to tackle this worsening situation. The application of 3D documentation in rock art research has seen an explosive growth during recent years, but its use is still maturing and a strategy on how to deal with the models is still lacking.