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A Nonlinear Circuit Network Toward Brain Voxel Modeling


Abstract and Figures

This paper presents a nonlinear dynamical model for predicting activities of voxels in a human primary visual cortex (V1); the activities are represented by blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signals. The prediction performance is shown to be better than those of other traditional major models, e.g., general linear model and multivariable autoregressive model.
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A Nonlinear Circuit Network Toward Brain Voxel Modeling
Takashi Matsubara, Hiroyuki Torikai,
Tetuya Shimokawa, Kenji Leibnitz, and Ferdinand Peper
Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University,
1-3 Machikaneyama-cho, Toyonaka-shi, Osaka 560-8531, Japan.
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyoto Sangyo University,
Motoyama, Kamigamo, Kita-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 603-8555, Japan.
* Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet),
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, and Osaka University,
1-4 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan.
E-mails:,,,, and
Abstract—This paper presents a nonlinear dynam-
ical model for predicting activities of voxels in a human
primary visual cortex (V1); the activities are repre-
sented by blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) sig-
nals. The prediction performance is shown to be bet-
ter than those of other traditional major models, e.g.,
general linear model and multivariable autoregressive
1. Introduction
Responses and interactions of human brain regions
have been investigated from various viewpoints. In-
vestigations of the responses and the interactions of
the brain regions contribute the more accurate map-
ping of the network topology and the elucidation of
the brain functions. The retinotopic organization is
mapping of visual inputs from the retina to responded
brain regions; the visual inputs are often flickering
checkerboard stimuli with different polar angles and
eccentricities [1–5]. The responses of the brain regions
are sampled by using functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI), which detects the blood-oxygen-level-
dependent (BOLD) signals; the scanned spatial unit
is called “voxel”. Traditionally, the responded vox-
els have been identified by using cross correlation [2]
and covariance [3,4] between the visual inputs and the
BOLD signals. In addition, the BOLD signals are pre-
dicted by general linear model (GLM) [5, 6]; this is on
the assumption that the BOLD signals are calculated
by summation of the visual inputs and do not have any
dynamics. On the other hand, the brain voxel dynam-
ics and their interactions represented by BOLD signals
are often modeled in a little more complicated ways:
multivariable autoregressive model (MARM) [7–9] and
dynamic causal model (DCM) [10, 11]. The linear and
bilinear models are simple and versatile models, but
not specifically designed for the brain voxel dynamics.
More appropriate and powerful model is needed. This
paper focuses on the dynamic responses of voxels in
the human primary visual cortex (V1) to the visual
inputs and models them in a more sophisticated way.
2. Integrate and Oscillate Model
This section models the dynamic responses of vox-
els in the human primary visual cortex (V1) to the
visual inputs; the model is called integrate and oscil-
late model” (IOM) hereafter. The visual inputs consist
of some types of flickering checkerboard stimuli, which
are indexed by iI {0,1,...}. For simplicity, the
interactions between voxels are ignored and the voxel
dynamics are assumed to be affected only by the vi-
sual inputs. A BOLD signal is scanned with a period
of T, and the n-th scanned BOLD signal of a voxel
is expressed as x(n)R(n= 0,1,...). A predicted
value of the n-th scanned BOLD signal x(n) is denoted
by y(n) hereafter. In addition, each visual input iis
expressed as
Ii(n) =
1if the visual input iis
applied at the time n,
0 otherwise .
This paper presents the IOM described by the follow-
ing equation:
y(n) = v(n) + A(n) cos(θ(n)) + k.
v(n) is a major component, A(n) and θ(n) are an am-
plitude and an angle of a minor component, respec-
tively, and the dynamics of which are described by
v(n+ 1) = v(n) + bPiIaiIi(n+ 1) v(n),
θ(n+ 1) = θ(n) + ω+ωvv(n),
A(n+ 1) = A0+Avv(n+ 1),
where the DC bias k, the coefficients b,ai(iI),
the angular velocity coefficient wv, the basic radius
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2013 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications
NOLTA2013, Santa Fe, USA, September 8-11, 2013
visual input i= 0 visual input i= 1 visual input i= 2
Figure 1: The three types of flickering checkerboard stimuli.
visual inputs
0 150
0 150
fMRI voxel BOLD signal
0 150
BOLD signal
0 150
BOLD signal
Integrate and Oscillate Model
0 150
BOLD signal
0 150
BOLD signal
General Linear Model
0 150
BOLD signal
0 150
BOLD signal
Multivariable Autoregressive Model
0 150
BOLD signal
0 150
BOLD signal
known dataset unknown dataset
Figure 2: The visual inputs, the BOLD signal x(n) of a V1 voxel, and the predicted BOLD signals y(n)of the
IOM, the GLM, and the MARM, from top to bottom. Each left (right) figure shows the known dataset (the
unknown dataset).
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A0, and the radius coefficient Avare parameters.
In dynamical system viewpoint, vis a slow major
stimulus-induced dynamics and θis a fast minor semi-
autonomous dynamics.
fMRI Scan Dataset and Parameter Fitting:
The scan dataset is sampled with the conditions as
provided below. The visual inputs are 375 second
time length and consist of the three types of flicker-
ing checkerboard stimuli shown in Fig. 1, which are
indexed by iI {0,1,2}from left to right. The
BOLD signals x(n) are scanned by 3 T MRI (3 mm
thick) and the scan period is T= 2.5[sec], and thus,
each recorded time series x(n) contains 150 scans. The
MNI coordinate of the scan dataset is transformed to
the Talairach coordina te [12, 13] and each voxel is la-
beled by the Talairach client [13–15]. The visual inputs
and an example of the BOLD signal of a V1 voxel are
shown in the upper left figures in Fig. 2.
The parameters k,b,ai(iI), wv,A0, and Av, and
the initial states v(0) and θ(0) of the IOM are initial-
ized randomly and updated by a simple 2-opt search
algorithm for minimizing the root-mean-square error
(RMS). The center left figure in Fig. 2 also shows the
predicted BOLD signal y(n) of the IOM after param-
eter fitting.
Other Traditional Modelings: General linear
model (GLM) is expressed as the following equation:
y(n) = X
aiIi(n) + k,
where the coefficients ai(iI) and the DC bias kare
Multivariable autoregressive model (MARM) is ex-
pressed as the following equation:
y(n+ 1) =
j=0 ajy(nj) + X
bi,j Ii(nj)!,
where the degree pof the MARM, and the coefficients
ajand bi,j (iI, j = 0,...,p1) are parameters. In
this paper, p= 10 is used.
Performance Comparison: For testing the perfor-
mance of predicting an unknown dataset, another scan
dataset with the same conditions as above is provided;
the first 24 scans are used for estimating the internal
states (i.e., the initial states v(0) and θ(0) and the DC
bias k) and the other 126 scans are used for perfor-
mance test. The prediction performance is evaluated
by the average of the prediction errors (i.e., the RMS)
of 50 randomly chosen V1 voxels which have high co-
variances (r0.5) with the summation I=PiIIiof
the visual inputs. Fig. 2 shows the BOLD signal x(n)
Table 1: BOLD Signal Prediction Performance
Model Average RMS for
known dataset unknown dataset
IOM 1.90 2.45
GLM 2.29 3.78
MARM 1.23 3.21
of the unknown scan dataset, and the predicted BOLD
signals y(n) of the IOM, the GLM, and the MARM.
The average RMS are summarized in Table 1, which
implies that the IOM is the best way for predicting
the BOLD signals of V1 voxels.
3. Conclusion
This paper has presented a novel model “integrate
and oscillate model” (IOM), which predicts BOLD sig-
nals of V1 voxels responded to visual inputs. The pre-
diction error of the IOM has been shown to be small
with compared to those for the other major BOLD
signal prediction models: general linear model and
multivariable autoregressive model. That is, the IOM
has been confirmed to be a better way for predicting
BOLD signals of V1 voxels. Future work includes: (a)
modeling the interactions between brain voxels, (b) a
theoretical analysis of the IOM, (c) prediction perfor-
mance testing on the BOLD signals responded by more
complicated visual inputs, and (d) prediction perfor-
mance comparison with the other major BOLD signal
prediction models, e.g., DCM.
The authors would like to thank Yusuke Morito
of National Institute of Information and Communica-
tions Technology for providing BOLD signal data. The
authors would like to also thank Professor Toshimitsu
Ushio of Osaka University for helpful discussions. This
work was partially supported by the Support Cen-
ter for Advanced Telecommunications Technology Re-
search (SCAT), Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, KAK-
ENHI (24700225), the Telecommunications Advance-
ment Foundation (TAF), and Toyota Riken Scholar.
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An automated coordinate-based system to retrieve brain labels from the 1988 Talairach Atlas, called the Talairach Daemon (TD), was previously introduced [Lancaster et al., 1997]. In the present study, the TD system and its 3-D database of labels for the 1988 Talairach atlas were tested for labeling of functional activation foci. TD system labels were compared with author-designated labels of activation coordinates from over 250 published functional brain-mapping studies and with manual atlas-derived labels from an expert group using a subset of these activation coordinates. Automated labeling by the TD system compared well with authors' labels, with a 70% or greater label match averaged over all locations. Author-label matching improved to greater than 90% within a search range of +/-5 mm for most sites. An adaptive grey matter (GM) range-search utility was evaluated using individual activations from the M1 mouth region (30 subjects, 52 sites). It provided an 87% label match to Brodmann area labels (BA 4 & BA 6) within a search range of +/-5 mm. Using the adaptive GM range search, the TD system's overall match with authors' labels (90%) was better than that of the expert group (80%). When used in concert with authors' deeper knowledge of an experiment, the TD system provides consistent and comprehensive labels for brain activation foci. Additional suggested applications of the TD system include interactive labeling, anatomical grouping of activation foci, lesion-deficit analysis, and neuroanatomy education. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
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Human area V1 offers an excellent opportunity to study, using functional MRI, a range of properties in a specific cortical visual area, whose borders are defined objectively and convergently by retinotopic criteria. The retinotopy in V1 (also known as primary visual cortex, striate cortex, or Brodmann's area 17) was defined in each subject by using both stationary and phase-encoded polar coordinate stimuli. Data from V1 and neighboring retinotopic areas were displayed on flattened cortical maps. In additional tests we revealed the paired cortical representations of the monocular "blind spot." We also activated area V1 preferentially (relative to other extrastriate areas) by presenting radial gratings alternating between 6% and 100% contrast. Finally, we showed evidence for orientation selectivity in V1 by measuring transient functional MRI increases produced at the change in response to gratings of differing orientations. By systematically varying the orientations presented, we were able to measure the bandwidth of the orientation "transients" (45 degrees).
Modern neurosurgical concepts call for not only "seeing" but also for "localizing" structures in three-dimensional space in relationship to each other. Hence there is a need for a reference system. This book aims to put this notion into practice by means of anatomical and MRI sections with the same stereotaxic orientation. The purpose is to display the fundamental distribution of structures in three-dimensional space and their spatial evolution within the brain as a whole, while facilitating their identification; to make comparative studies of cortico-subcortical lesions possible on a basis of an equivalent reference system; to exploit the anatomo-functional data such as those furnished by SEEG in epilepsy and to enable the localization of special regions such as the SMA in three-dimensional space; and to apply the anatomical correlations of this reference system to neurophysiological investigations lacking sufficient anatomical back-up (including PET scan).
MNI coordinates determined using SPM2 and FSL/FLIRT with the ICBM-152 template were compared to Talairach coordinates determined using a landmark-based Talairach registration method (TAL). Analysis revealed a clear-cut bias in reference frames (origin, orientation) and scaling (brain size). Accordingly, ICBM-152 fitted brains were consistently larger, oriented more nose down, and translated slightly down relative to TAL fitted brains. Whole brain analysis of MNI/Talairach coordinate disparity revealed an ellipsoidal pattern with disparity ranging from zero at a point deep within the left hemisphere to greater than 1-cm for some anterior brain areas. MNI/Talairach coordinate disparity was generally less for brains fitted using FSL. The mni2tal transform generally reduced MNI/Talairach coordinate disparity for inferior brain areas but increased disparity for anterior, posterior, and superior areas. Coordinate disparity patterns differed for brain templates (MNI-305, ICBM-152) using the same fitting method (FSL/FLIRT) and for different fitting methods (SPM2, FSL/FLIRT) using the same template (ICBM-152). An MNI-to-Talairach (MTT) transform to correct for bias between MNI and Talairach coordinates was formulated using a best-fit analysis in one hundred high-resolution 3-D MR brain images. MTT transforms optimized for SPM2 and FSL were shown to reduced group mean MNI/Talairach coordinate disparity from a 5-13 mm to 1-2 mm for both deep and superficial brain sites. MTT transforms provide a validated means to convert MNI coordinates to Talairach compatible coordinates for studies using either SPM2 or FSL/FLIRT with the ICBM-152 template.
This paper presents a general approach to the analysis of functional MRI time-series from one or more subjects. The approach is predicated on an extension of the general linear model that allows for correlations between error terms due to physiological noise or correlations that ensue after temporal smoothing. This extension uses the effective degrees of freedom associated with the error term. The effective degrees of freedom are a simple function of the number of scans and the temporal autocorrelation function. A specific form for the latter can be assumed if the data are smoothed, in time, to accentuate hemodynamic responses with a neural basis. This assumption leads to an expedient implementation of a flexible statistical framework. The importance of this small extension is that, in contradistinction to our previous approach, any parametric statistical analysis can be implemented. We demonstrate this point using a multiple regression analysis that tests for effects of interest (activations due to word generation), while taking explicit account of some obvious confounds.
There is great interest in estimating brain "networks" from FMRI data. This is often attempted by identifying a set of functional "nodes" (e.g., spatial ROIs or ICA maps) and then conducting a connectivity analysis between the nodes, based on the FMRI timeseries associated with the nodes. Analysis methods range from very simple measures that consider just two nodes at a time (e.g., correlation between two nodes' timeseries) to sophisticated approaches that consider all nodes simultaneously and estimate one global network model (e.g., Bayes net models). Many different methods are being used in the literature, but almost none has been carefully validated or compared for use on FMRI timeseries data. In this work we generate rich, realistic simulated FMRI data for a wide range of underlying networks, experimental protocols and problematic confounds in the data, in order to compare different connectivity estimation approaches. Our results show that in general correlation-based approaches can be quite successful, methods based on higher-order statistics are less sensitive, and lag-based approaches perform very poorly. More specifically: there are several methods that can give high sensitivity to network connection detection on good quality FMRI data, in particular, partial correlation, regularised inverse covariance estimation and several Bayes net methods; however, accurate estimation of connection directionality is more difficult to achieve, though Patel's τ can be reasonably successful. With respect to the various confounds added to the data, the most striking result was that the use of functionally inaccurate ROIs (when defining the network nodes and extracting their associated timeseries) is extremely damaging to network estimation; hence, results derived from inappropriate ROI definition (such as via structural atlases) should be regarded with great caution.
The communication among neuronal populations, reflected by transient synchronous activity, is the mechanism underlying the information processing in the brain. Although it is widely assumed that the interactions among those populations (i.e. functional connectivity) are highly nonlinear, the amount of nonlinear information transmission and its functional roles are not clear. The state of the art to understand the communication between brain systems are dynamic causal modeling (DCM) and Granger causality. While DCM models nonlinear couplings, Granger causality, which constitutes a major tool to reveal effective connectivity, and is widely used to analyze EEG/MEG data as well as fMRI signals, is usually applied in its linear version. In order to capture nonlinear interactions between even short and noisy time series, a few approaches have been proposed. We review them and focus on a recently proposed flexible approach has been recently proposed, consisting in the kernel version of Granger causality. We show the application of the proposed approach on EEG signals and fMRI data.
Friston et al. (1995, NeuroImage 2:45-53) presented a method for detecting activations in fMRI time-series based on the general linear model and a heuristic analysis of the effective degrees of freedom. In this communication we present corrected results that replace those of the previous paper and solve the same problem without recourse to heuristic arguments. Specifically we introduce a proper and unbiased estimator for the error terms and provide a more generally correct expression for the effective degrees of freedom. The previous estimates of error variance were biased and, in some instances, could have led to a 10-20% overestimate of Z values. Although the previous results are almost correct for the random regressors chosen for validation, the present theoretical results are exact for any covariate or waveform. We comment on some aspects of experimental design and data analysis, in the light of the theoretical framework discussed here.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging has been successfully used to map the activation in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) in both hemispheres as well as the primary visual cortex (V1) during a checkerboard visual stimulation. The average blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) change in LGN was less than that in V1. However, the BOLD temporal responses were similar between LGN and V1. The activation in the pulvinar nucleus during visual perception was also detected, and its activated location could be separated from LGN in 3D images. The LGN activation between intersubject and intrasubject multiple trials was compared. The results demonstrate that fMRI can reliably and robustly detect small subcortical nucleus activation in the human brain.