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An accessible, adaptive and multimodal digital TV framework and corresponding development tool


Abstract and Figures

This paper presents a tool and a framework to develop accessible and adaptable digital TV interfaces for disabled and elderly users. The development methodology involves disabled and elderly users early in the design process and optimizes interfaces using a simulation system. The simulator complements existing user centred design processes and helps designers to understand, visualize and measure effect of impairments on interaction. The adaptive framework supports a wide variety of applications through its easy-to-use APIs. The system is validated through a series of user trials confirming its usefulness for users with different range of abilities.
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Science and Information Conference 2013
October 7-9, 2013 | London, UK
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An accessible, adaptive and multimodal digital TV
framework and corresponding development tool
Pradipta Biswas, Pat Langdon
Engineering Design Centre
Department of Engineering
University of Cambridge,
Carlos Duarte, Jose Coelho,Tiago
Departamento de Informática
Faculdade de Ciências University of
Lisbon, Portugal
Christoph Jung
Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische
Datenverarbeitung IGD,
AbstractThis paper presents a tool and a framework to
develop accessible and adaptable digital TV interfaces for
disabled and elderly users. The development methodology
involves disabled and elderly users early in the design process
and optimizes interfaces using a simulation system. The
simulator complements existing user centred design processes
and helps designers to understand, visualize and measure effect
of impairments on interaction. The adaptive framework supports
a wide variety of applications through its easy-to-use APIs. The
system is validated through a series of user trials confirming its
usefulness for users with different range of abilities.
KeywordsHuman Computer Interaction; User Model;
Multimodal Adaptation
Recent research on interactive electronic systems can
improve the quality of life of many disabled and elderly
people by helping them to engage more fully to the world. In
particular, during the past few years digital TV has turned
from a simple receiver and presenter of broadcast signals to an
interactive and personalised media terminal, with access to
traditional broadcast as well as internet-based services.
Currently available TV panels offer integrated digital
processing platforms, with access to standardised hybrid
WebTV (or Hybrid TV) portals (e.g. HbbTV [9]). These
portals do not only offer access to the internet and legacy web
services (like web browser or proprietary portal views on
YouTube, Flickr, Facebook, etc.), but also specify content
services that are immediately coupled to broadcast content. At
the same time it is recognised that disabled or elderly people
still face problems when using the above mentioned services.
Approximately half of the elderly people over 55 suffer from
some kind of functional limitations or impairments (vision,
hearing, motor and/or cognitive [7]). For them interaction,
especially with digital TV or other consumer electronics
devices is sometimes challenging, although accessible ICT
applications could make a difference for their living quality.
They have the potential to enable or simplify participation and
inclusion in their surrounding private and professional
The early attempts of designing systems for people with
disabilities was confined to developing isolated system like
blind access via Optacon, special video card for low vision
access or switch access software for motor impaired users.
From late 90s, researchers started to take a more holistic
approach like developing Accessibility APIs like Microsoft
Accessibility API and standardizing guidelines like Web
Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). However services
and products for people for disabilities still lags behind
mainstream systems. The diverse range of abilities
complicates the designing of interfaces for these users. Many
inclusive or assistive systems often address a specific class of
users and still exclude many users. Lack of knowledge about
the problems of disabled and elderly users has often led
designers to develop non inclusive systems. As a result, the
availability of accessible user interfaces being capable to adapt
to the specific needs and requirements of users with individual
impairments is very limited. Although there are numerous
APIs available for various operating systems or application
platforms in web browsers that allow developers to provide
accessibility features within their applications, today none of
them offers features for automatic adaptation of multimodal
interfaces, being capable to automatically fit to the individual
requirements of users with different kinds of impairments.
Moreover, the provision of accessible user interfaces is still
expensive and risky for application developers, as they need
special experience and effort for user tests. Many
implementations simply neglect the needs of elderly people
locking out a large portion of their potential users.
The European project GUIDE [13] aims to fill the
accessibility, expertise, time, budget and framework gap
mentioned above. This is realised through a comprehensive
approach for the development and dissemination of
multimodal user interfaces capable to intelligently adapt to the
individual needs of users with different kinds of physical and
age-related impairments. As application platform, GUIDE
targets connected TVs and Set-Top Boxes (STBs), including
emerging application platforms such as HbbTV, and also
proprietary STB middleware solutions that integrate broadcast
and broadband services. These platforms have the potential to
address the special needs of elderly users with applications
such as for home automation, communication or continuing
education. This paper focuses on the utility of the GUIDE
system in developing inclusive applications. It presents
A simulation system used by GUIDE application
developers. The simulation system helps designers to
visualize, understand and measure effect on
impairment on their designs. It can evaluate designs of
interface layouts for different levels of impairment and
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October 7-9, 2013 | London, UK
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can be used on paper-pencil prototypes to actual
operational systems.
A framework that sits between end-users and
applications, empowering applications with adaptation
and multimodal interaction capabilities. This is
achieved through a user modeling mechanism that
coupled with adaptive fusion and fission mechanisms
are capable of (1) perceiving what the user can interact
with from an application’s interface description; (2)
interpreting the user’s multimodal commands; (3)
transform the user command into an application
understandable format; while (4) adapting the
application’s interface to the user and context.
The following sections present the simulation tool,
adaptation system and the framework respectively. The
adaptation capabilities of the system are validated through a
series of user trials described in section 6 followed by
conclusions in section 7.
We have used a simulator [4] to improve interface designs
of GUIDE applications. The simulator takes a task definition
and locations of different objects in an interface as input and
then predicts possible eye movements and cursor paths on the
screen and uses these to predict task completion times with
respect to different user profiles. The simulator embodies both
the internal state of an application and also the perceptual,
cognitive and motor processes of its user. Figure 1 shows the
architecture of the simulator.
The Environment model contains a representation of
an application and context of use. It consists of:
The Application model containing a representation of
interface layout and application states.
The Task model representing the current task
undertaken by a user that will be simulated by breaking
it up into a set of simple atomic tasks following the
KLM model [5].
The Context model representing the context of use
like background noise, illumination and so on.
The Device model decides the type of input and output
devices to be used by a particular user and sets parameters for
an interface.
The User model simulates the interaction patterns of users
for undertaking a task analysed by the task model under the
configuration set by the interface model. It consists of a
Perception model, a Cognitive model and a Motor Behaviour
The details about users are stored in XML following
standardized format developed in EU VUMS cluster [14]. The
visual perception model simulates the phenomenon of visual
perception (like focusing and shifting attention) by
investigating eye gaze patterns (using a Tobii X120 eye
tracker) of people with and without visual impairment. The
model uses a backpropagation neural network to predict eye
gaze fixation points and can also simulate the effects of
different visual impairments (like Maccular Degeneration,
colour blindness, Diabetic Retinopathy and so on) using image
processing algorithms.
Fig. 1. Architecture of the simulator
The auditory perception model simulates effect of both
conductive (outer ear problem) and sensorineural (inner ear
problem) hearing impairment. The models are developed
using frequency smearing algorithm [12] and are calibrated
through audiogram tests.
The cognitive model uses CPM-GOMS model [11] to
simulate expert performance. It has a novel and easy-to-use
module to simulate performance of novices using two
interacting Markov processes.
The application of Fitts’ law [8] for people with motor
impairment is debatable as the assumptions behind Fitts’ law
are often violated by movement patterns of motor-impaired
users. So the motor behaviour model is developed by
statistical analysis of cursor traces from motor impaired users
and measuring their hand strength using a Baseline 7-pc Hand
Evaluation Kit. Based on the analysis, a regression model has
been developed to predict pointing time.
The models are calibrated and validated through extensive
user studies covering more than 50 users affected by different
extents of visual, hearing and motor impairment [4]. The
actual and predicted eye gaze patterns, sub-movement profiles
in cursor trajectory and task completion times are compared
and they are correlated with statistical significance (p <
The simulator simulates performance of users in a more
detailed level than GOMS models, but easier to use than the
cognitive architectures as it does not need detailed knowledge
of psychology or programming to operate. It has graphical
user interfaces to provide input parameters and showing
output of simulation. The simulator has already been used to
develop a few assistive interaction systems [2]. A
demonstration copy of the simulator is available for
downloading at the publication section of GUIDE website
[13]. Interface designers have used the simulator for
improving their designs. Figure 2a and b demonstrate such an
example. In figure 2a, the font size was smaller and the
buttons were close enough to be missed clicked by a person
with tremor in hand. The designer chose the appropriate font
type (Tiresias in this case) and size and also the inter-button
spacing through simulation.
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As Figure 2b shows, the new interface remain legible even
to moderate visually impaired users, the inter-button spacing
is large enough to avoid missed-clicking by moderate motor
impaired users. In figure 2b the purple lines show simulated
cursor trajectories of users with tremor in hand.
a. Initial interface
b. Changed Interface with
simulation of medium visual and
motor impaired profile
Fig. 2. Correcting interface layout
The simulator can predict how a person with visual acuity
v and contrast sensitivity s will perceive an interface or a
person with grip strength g and range of motion of wrist w will
use a pointing device. We ran the simulator in Monte Carlo
simulation and developed a set of rules relating users’ range of
abilities with interface parameters (Figure 3). For example the
following graph (figure 4) plots the grip strength in kilograms
(kg) with movement time averaged over a large range of
standard target widths and distances in an electronic screen for
three different input devices. The curve clearly shows an
increase in movement time while grip strength falls below 10
kg and the movement time turns independent of grip strength
while it is more than 25 kg. Similar analyses have been done
on fontsize selection with respect to visual acuity and colour
selection with respect to different types of dichromatic colour
blindness. Taking all the rules together, three sets of
parameters can be predicted:
1) User Interface(UI) parameters
2) Adaptation code
3) Modality preference
GS: Grip Strength
ROMW: Active Range of Motion of Wrist
CB: Type of Colour Blindness
CS: Contrast Sensitivity
Fig. 3. Developing runtime user model
Fig. 4. Relating Movement Time with Grip Strength
In the following sections we briefly describe these
prediction mechanisms.
A. User Interface parameter prediction
Initially we selected a set of variables to define a web
based interface. These parameters include:
Button spacing: minimum distance to be kept between
two buttons to avoid missed selection
Button Colour: The foreground and background colour
of a button
Button Size: The size of a button
Text Size: Font size for any text rendered in the
The user model predicts minimum button spacing required
from the users’ motor capabilities and screen size. The
simulation predicts that users having less than 10 kg of grip
strength or 80º of Active Range of motion of wrist or
significant tremor in hand produce a lot of random movement
while they try to stop pointer movement and making a
selection in an interface. The area of this random movement is
also calculated from the simulator. Based on this result, we
calculated the radius of the region of the random movement
and the minimum button spacing is predicted in such a way so
that this random movement does not produce a wrong target
selection. The exact formula is as follows:
If users have Tremor, less than 10 kg of Grip
strength or 80º of ROM in wrist
Minimum button spacing = 0.2 *distance of
target from centre of screen
If users have less than 25 kg of Grip strength
Minimum button spacing = 0.15 *distance of
target from centre of screen
Minimum button spacing = 0.05 * length of
diagonal of the screen
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If a user has colour blindness it recommends foreground
and background colour blindness as follows:
If the colour blindness is Protanopia or
Deuteranopia (Red-Green) it recommends
White foreground colour in Blue
For any other type of colour blindness it
White foreground in Black background or
vice versa
The system stores the minimum visual angle based on the
device type, screen size and distance of user from the screen
and use it to predict minimum font size for different devices in
pixel or point.
B. Adaptation code prediction
The adaptation code presently has only two values. It aims
to help users while they use a pointer to interact with the
screen like motion sensors or gyroscopic remote. The
prediction works in the following way
If a user has tremor in hand or less than 10
Kg Grip Strength
The predicted adaptation will be Gravity
Well and Exponential Average
The predicted adaptation will be Damping
and Exponential Average
In the first case, the adaptation will remove jitters in
movement through exponential average and then attract the
pointer towards a target when it is near by using the gravity
well mechanism. Details about the gravity well algorithm can
be found in a different paper [3, 10]. If the user does not have
any mobility impairment, the adaptation will only work to
remove minor jitters in movement.
C. Modality prediction
The modality prediction system predicts the best modality
of interaction for users. The algorithm works in the following
If User has Maccular Degeneration or User is
BestIP = "Voice"
If DeviceType = TV"
BestOP = "AudioCaption"
BestOP = "ScreenReader"
End If
499 Then 'Severe Motor Impairment with vision
Select Case DeviceType
Case ‘Mobile’
BestIP = "BigButton"
Case ‘Laptop’
BestIP = "TrackBall or
Case ‘Tablet’
BestIP = "Stylus"
Case ‘PC’
BestIP = "TrackBall or
Case ‘TV’
BestIP =
End Select
BestOP = "Screen"
299 Then 'Moderate Motor Impairment with
Select Case DeviceType
Case ‘Mobile’
BestIP = "BigButton"
Case ‘Laptop’
BestIP = "TrackBall or
Case ‘Tablet’
BestIP = "Stylus"
Case ‘PC’
BestIP = "TrackBall or
Case ‘TV’
BestIP =
End Select
BestOP = "Screen"
Select Case DeviceType
Case ‘Mobile’
BestIP = "Stylus or
Case ‘Laptop’
BestIP = "Trackball or
Case ‘Tablet’
BestIP = "Stylus"
Case ‘PC’
BestIP = "Trackball or
Case ‘TV’
BestIP = "BasicRemote"
End Select
BestOP = "Screen"
Else ‘User without visual or motor impairment
BestIP = "DirectManipulation"
BestOP = "Screen"
End If
In this section we describe the exploitation of the user
model in a run-time software framework (Figure 5).
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When a user starts interacting with the system, we use a
user initialization application to create a profile for the user.
The initialization is a sequence of multi-modal interactive
tests, coupled with a basic tutorial on how to use the system.
In the individual tests, we do not need an accurate
measurement of functional ability; rather an approximate
estimation is good enough to fire the user modeling rules. For
example we can use the age, gender, height and an assessment
on presence of any spasm or tremor in hand of a person to
interpolate his objective hand strength data [1] to invoke
appropriate adaptation features for him. Additionally, the user
can also override the prediction of the system by giving
explicit preference about any interface and the user model
stores this preference for future use.
After the initialization application, the user can provide
input through multiple devices like motion sensors and speech
recognizers, meaning he can use multiple modalities like
pointing, gesture and speech simultaneously. The signals from
recognition based modalities are processed by interpreter
modules like a series of points from the motion sensor go
through a gesture recognition engine in order to detect
gestures. Signals corresponding to pointing modalities go
through input adaptation modules. Both interpreter and
adaptation modules base their decisions on knowledge stored
in the GUIDE profiles achieving noise reduction in the input
signals or invoke gravity well algorithm.
Fig. 5. GUIDE Framework
The multimodal fusion module analyzes the raw input
signals and the outputs of input interpreters and input
adaptation and combines these multiple streams into a single
interpretation based on the user, context and application
models. The interpretation resulting from the input signals are
sent to the dialog manager which couples the framework with
applications and decides the application’s response.
Finally, this response of the application is fed to the
multimodal fission module, which again takes help from the
user, context and application models and prepares the output
appropriately (like embedding a HTML page in a video with
subtitle and voice output) to be rendered in the output devices.
The user perceives this output and provides further input.
The proposed framework concept can in principle support
any known application environment/runtime (such as native
C/C++ runtimes, JAVA, Android, etc.). As a first proof of
concept we decided to rely on proven and widely known Web
technology, as it is represented by HTML(5) and Web
browsers. Applications in this environment are represented in
terms of HTML pages, with embedded JavaScript, CSS as
well as media objects, like images, videos, etc.
There are several requirements to be considered when
creating a UI management layer for an existing application
environment. At first, a UI framework should limit
interventions with the existing development tools and
processes. It should further support the simple integration of
legacy applications. An application can be usually considered
an independently acting entity, reacting to user input as well
as internal or external events. Consequently, a UI framework
must support synchronisation with application processes and
user I/O. Of course, the UI framework should provide
adaptation and UI management services in a transparent
manner, so that the developer/application does not need to
have any knowledge about UI configurations or UI-related
user properties.
Considering the previous requirements, we developed the
Web Browser Interface (WBI), which is the basic component
in our framework that abstracts the application to the
framework and vice versa. The WBI ensures that all UI-
related information that is exchanged with the framework is
being mapped to the concrete HTML/JS representation in the
browser. The WBI can receive events from the framework
(like user input, required GUI adaptations, cursor positions,
etc.) and forward data from the application to the framework
(current UI representation, submission of new user profile
data, etc.).
The application developer can access the WBI services
through a JavaScript API, which must be embedded as a file in
the application’s HTML page. In order to fulfill the above
mentioned synchronisation requirement, the application has to
follow a specific protocol (Figure 6). Whenever the
application has finished internal state transitions (“Application
phase”) and requires new user input, it calls the framework. A
sub component of the WBI now queries the HTML DOM for
annotated elements (WAI-ARIA) and generates a UIML
representation from the elements. Now the framework core
starts various adaptation processes and concurrently
recognizes multi-modal user input (“Framework phase”). In
this phase the WBI might receive instructions from the core to
modify the GUI, e.g. by manipulating elements in the HTML
DOM (e.g. increase font size for a vision-impaired user). Once
the Framework has recognized relevant user input (which
maps to available application input slots), the core sends this
input to the WBI, which in turn maps the input e.g. to a click
event that is emitted on the corresponding HTML element. A
user can for example select an item on screen using voice, and
thereby click the element. It should be noted that this process
is absolutely transparent for the application developer.
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Fig. 6. Interaction of application and framework
The WBI can be employed in two variants, depending on
the underlying platform restrictions. When being used with
standard browsers (like Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Chrome, etc.)
the WBI can be deployed as a shared library plugin in the
browser (NPAPI interface). Where this is not possible, the
WBI can run as a stand-alone native application, and
communicate with the JS API via WebSockets. The basic
model of the GUIDE Framework allows the application to
always remain in control, regarding internal state changes and
updates of the user interfaces. Nevertheless, it is required to
synchronise application logic and Framework processes, to
avoid interference. In order to not collide with (transparent)
Framework processes, the application must call a function
before it changes its UI, and another function after it has
finished a transition:
nInternalEvent = function() {
// ... do something useful, change
user interface, etc. ...
Before using the GUIDE JavaScript API, it has to be
initialised by calling the init() function. On the host TV
platform, this function embeds the WBI browser plugin in the
page and initialises everything.
On a second screen device (like smartphone or tablet), it
establishes a network connection to the host instance.
Optionally, one can also register event handlers in the GUIDE
API, or configure the API by setting available parameters.
Finally to use the GUIDE Framework JavaScript API one has
to embed the JavaScript file into the application:
<script type="text/javascript"
Figure 7 below shows effects of adaptation on a Smart
Home Application for different profiles. It shows different
colour contrasts, font sizes and button sizes used for different
A few more applications for this DTV based system can be
found at http://www-
(110 Mb).
We have validated the adaptation system of the framework
in two stages. The internal validation considered a
representative pointing and clicking task and conducted over
twelve participants in controlled laboratory settings. It
validates the recommendations from the user model. The
external validation is performed through an Electronic
Program Guide (EPG) application implemented through the
GUIDE framework. The following sections presents detail of
these studies.
Fig. 7. daptation in GUIDE
A. Internal Validation
The internal validation validates the rules of the user
model through a simple point and click task. The task is kept
simple to ensure the statistical effect we observed in the trial is
only due to the experimental conditions and not due to
difficulty in learning the task.
B. Participants
We collected data from the following twelve users
(average age: 56.92 years, male to female ratio 7:5) with
physical or age related impairment (Table 1). The selection
criteria of participants was either more than 60 years old or
having physical impairment. These users were recruited
through a local user organization in UK, they all use
computers or laptops everyday and volunteered for the study.
C. Design
The study simulates a situation of pointing and clicking in
a direct manipulation interface. For example, users often click
an icon on desktop to open a folder and then click another
time to select the required file. This study first showed users a
couple of familiar icons and then asked them to click on these
two icons from a list of icons. The list of icons was presented
in three different ways. In one case they use the default
parameter settings (font size, button spacing) of Windows 7
operating system. In the other two cases the layout was
adapted following predictions from the user model.We
considered two different organizations of icons in the adapted
versions elliptical and rectangular. Figure 8 below shows
examples of the control and adapted versions of the icon
searching screens.
Phase “Application
Phase “Framework
Phase “Framework time”
User input Application event
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October 7-9, 2013 | London, UK
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Tunnel Vision, Spasm in
Spina Bifida
Spina Bifida
Glaucoma, age related
Age related visual
Age related visual
Age related visual
Age related visual
Blurred vision due to
droops in lower eye-lid,
protanomalous colour
The elliptical arrangement requires more visual search
time but it has less probability of accidental clicking on wrong
icons by motor impaired users as the pointing path does not
contain multiple icons. The rectangular arrangement is more
familiar than the elliptical one. In both adapted versions, we
changed the font size and button spacing according to the
algorithms discussed above.
The button labels are also presented in higher contrast for
colour blind users. The gravity well and exponential averaging
algorithms [3] were activated according to the Adaptation
Selection algorithm in previous section. Users also followed
predictions from the user model in choosing the appropriate
input devices in adapted conditions.
D. Material
The study was conducted using a computer and a Tablet
device. Both of these devices had Windows 7 operating
system. The computer has a 20” screen with 1280 1024
pixel resolution while the Tablet had a 10” screen with 1280
800 pixel resolution. The participants used a standard mouse
and their fingers with the tablet touchscreen in control
condition, while they were allowed to use a TrackBall and
Stylus in experimental condition based on the prediction from
the user model.
Adapted Elliptical Condition
Adapted Rectangular Condit
Fig. 8. Icon searching screens
E. Procedure
Initially the participants used part of the UIA to create a
user profile. Then they undertook the icon searching task. The
control (non-adapted) and experimental (adapted) conditions
were randomly chosen. For each screen, participants needed to
remember two icons and click on them. Each participant used
both computer and Tablet. They undertook 10 icon searching
tasks under each condition for each device. We measured the
time interval between presentations of the screen of icons and
the event of clicking on an icon.
F. Results
Figures 9 and 10 show average pointing times and number
of correct selections for all different conditions. The Y bars
signify standard deviation. Initially we found that 9 out of 12
users selected more correct icons and took less time to point in
one of the adapted conditions than the control conditions for
both PC and Tablet, while they selected the first icon. During
selection of the second icon, 10 out of 12 users in PC and 12
out of 12 users for Tablet selected more correct icons and took
less time to point in one of the adapted conditions than the
control conditions.
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We have further analyzed the pointing times and number
of correct icon selection through ANOVA and MANOVA
tests. The structure of these tests were as follows
Device has two levels: PC and Tablet
Condition has four levels: Control, Adapted Elliptical,
Adapted Rectangular and AdaptedMerged. The last
condition aims to merge the different adaptation
conditions into one. Users preferred and performed
better in one of the elliptical or rectangular conditions,
the last condition (AdaptedMerged) considers the
better performance (less pointing time and more
correct selection) between elliptical and rectangular
Selection has two levels: First selection and Second
selection, as users needed to select two icons each
We have the following significant effects in the Within-
Subject Test
1) As expected Selection has a significant effect for both
correct icon selection and pointing time. Users selected less
number of correct icons and took more time to click the
second icon than the first icon.
2) A main effect of Condition for correct icon selection, F
(1.84, 20.24) = 3.74, p< 0.05, η² = 0.25 after applying
Greenhouse-Geisser correction. The effect of condition for
pointing time tends to significance, F(3, 11)= 2.83, p = 0.05,
η² = 0.20.
3) A main effect of Device for correct icon selection,
F(1,11) = 5.21, p< 0.05, η² = 0.32
4) An interaction effect of Device
Selection for correct
icon selection, F(1,11) = 5.52, p < 0.05, η² = 0.33
In the MANOVA test, we have the following significant
1) A significant effect of selection for both reaction and
correct icon selection as in the within subject test.
2) A main effect of Device for correct icon selection,
F(1,11) = 5.21, p< 0.05, η² = 0.32
3) An interaction effect of Device
Selection for correct
icon selection, F(1,11) = 5.52, p < 0.05, η² = 0.33
4) The effect of Condition tends to significance for
pointing time, F(3, 9) = 3.44, p = 0.06, η² = 0.53
In summary,
1) The control condition packed icons in a small portion
of the screen due to reduced font size and button spacing. It
may be expected that this condition would require less eye
gaze and pointer movements than adapted versions, which
spread out the icons throughout the screen. However, users
selected more correct icons in one of the adapted conditions
than control condition with statistical significance and their
pointing times were not compromised due to spreading up the
Fig. 9. Comparing average pointing times between control and adapted
Fig. 10. Comparing number of correct icon selections between control and
adapted conditions
icons in the screen as the differences in pointing times with
control condition were not significant, rather on average it
was less in AdaptedMerged condition than Control condition.
It shows that the increased font size, button spacing and
colour contrast helped users to remember, search, point and
click on them.
2) Users took more time to remember the second icon,
which can be attributed to the fact that many of our
participants have age or cerebral palsy related dementia.
3) Users selected more correct icons in the PC than in
tablet, especially during selecting the second icon. This is due
to the fact that many of our participants had more experience
with PC than with Tablet device. However their pointing times
to select correct icons were not significantly different between
PC and Tablet.
4) Regarding subjective preference, 6 users preferred
Elliptical arrangements of buttons while 5 preferred
rectangular and one had no preference. All of them preferred
Comparing pointing times to select icons
Control Adapted Ellipt Adapted Rect Adapted Merged
Reaction Time (in msec)
PC 1
PC 2
Tablet 1
Tablet 2
Comparing number of correct selections
Control Adapted Ellipt Adapted Rect Adapted Merged
No. of correct selections
Tablet 1
Tablet 2
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October 7-9, 2013 | London, UK
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one of the adapted conditions more usable than the control
G. External Validation
This study has used the user model implementation within
the GUIDE Framework in a setting mimicking users are
watching TV at home.
We conducted a study [6] to evaluate the user model’s
ability to assess users’ profiles and adapt interfaces
accordingly. Users interacted with the system using TV
remote, gesture recognition and second screen based systems,
the appropriate modality was chosen by the user model.
Herein, we briefly summarize the results obtained in three
countries, Germany, Spain and UK, with a total of 40 elderly
people, with different age-related disabilities. In this study, all
participants created user profiles and used adapted and non-
adapted versions of an Electronic Program Guide (EPG)
application. The average age of participants was 70.9 years
old. To understand the benefits of the user model and the
adaptations performed, we analysed the subjective
understanding and acceptance of the created profiles and
consequent interface changes. Results [6] showed that
participants perceived the adaptation during the adapted EPG
tasks. It was also found that those were subject to adaptations
rated the adaptive version as an improvement over the non-
adapted one. The baseline EPG already had improved
accessibility features over traditional EPGs due to the use of
the simulation tool, a fact that may have reduced the impact of
the adaptations in such a short term evaluation. The
participants showed to be positive about the adaptations,
which is relevant as a requirement for adoption, particularly in
the elderly population.
Later, we conducted a task-by-task video analysis of 15
users sampled from all users (6 Spanish users, 6 British users
and 3 German users). We first constructed a list of the
necessary variables to look for while watching each user
interacting with both the user profile creation application and
different adapted and non-adapted versions of the EPG.
Following that selection, the 15 users more relevant and which
cover all user model features were selected. Finally the 15
videos were watched once (several were watched and then
revised to make sure all variables were classified in the same
manner for every user) and the list of variables was filled
The detailed analysis performed with 15 users with
different profiles showed that there was a clear distinction
between the adapted and non-adapted EPG versions. A higher
percentage of the participants (94%) perceived the interface
elements and adaptations in the Adapted version without any
intervention from the evaluation monitors. In the Non-adapted
version, unaided perception of the interface elements was
lower (77%). The main reasons for this difference were the
visual adaptation mechanisms in the adapted version that
helped users in perceiving the interface elements.
During execution of tasks, the adaptations showed to
improve the participants’ autonomy and overall performance.
This was visible in the amount of times they stopped during a
trial without being able to continue on their own (11% vs
16%) but also in the percentage of tasks that were
accomplished without requiring any help from the test monitor
(49% vs 61%). The number of explicit help requests also
showed to be higher in the non-adapted version (0.33 times
per task) than in the adapted version (0.16 times per task)
revealing that the adaptations ease the usage of the EPG and
make the user more comfortable. The acceptance ratings of
the participants towards the adaptations showed that almost
half of the users were satisfied with the adaptations performed
(7 participants 47%) This could seem as a low value but
looking in detail only 2 participants (13%) disagreed with the
adaptation. The remaining 6 participants were mildly satisfied
with the adaptation as they wished it to be more evident (even
bigger fonts and buttons and more contrast).
In summary, in an adapted version, supported with an
automatically enriched user-model, the users are more
effective both in understanding and completing tasks,
performing fewer errors, and requiring less help. These
results, together with the positive acceptance of the adaptation
concepts and their expected impact in the quality of life of its
users, validate the approach followed so far and pave the road
for the project’s future developments, which will be verified in
a longitudinal trial for better assessing the effects of
adaptation based on our user model.
This paper presents a new method of developing electronic
interfaces for elderly users and people with disabilities. Our
approach involves simulating interaction patterns for users
with a wide range of abilities and then using the prediction to
make decisions about design. This enables designers to
evaluate the effect of physical impairment on their design in
early design phase and customize their products according to
different user groups. As they do not need to go for time
consuming and expensive user trials at early design stage for
all combinations of design alternatives and user categories, it
reduces the cost and time to develop inclusive systems. The
simulation is used in developing the GUIDE framework.
The GUIDE Software Framework is designed to integrate
various kinds of multi-modal user interface technologies (like
gesture control, automatic speech recognition, remote
controls, graphical user interfaces, virtual characters, second
screen devices, assistive technologies, etc.) and adapt them
automatically to the preferences and capabilities of individual
Adaptation is based on the user profiles and can select
appropriate I/O modalities and combinations, and
appropriately configure them for a specific user profile.
Further support for the user during interaction is provided by
input adaptation and processing of contextual data. Our user
trials showed that the development methodology can help
designers in developing accessible system and our adaptive
system can indeed makes end users more effective both in
understanding and completing tasks, performing fewer errors,
and requiring less external help.
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Science and Information Conference 2013
October 7-9, 2013 | London, UK
37 | P a g e
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... In its most fundamental versions, proponents of the proactive approach claim that applications should be developed on an agnostic core, from the interaction point of view, which adapts, automatically or not, to any user, platform, or metaphor, through appropriate interface manifestations for each need (Stephanidis et al., 2012). Important results of this strategy include rules for the development of accessible applications (Abascal & Nicolle, 2005); component libraries that comprise several alternative interaction modes (Stephanidis et al, 2012); agnostic adaptation of platforms on which originally inaccessible applications adapt to each individual (Biswas et al., 2013); or extensions to development environments that guide developers in their work (Stephanidis et al., 2012). Some of these results, in particular the one with perhaps greater disclosure at the political level, the Web accessibility guidelines (W3C, 2008) have, or potentiate for its comprehensiveness, a huge impact in the area of accessibility. ...
... From a more pragmatic perspective, as computational representations of users, models considering accessibility are the foundation for tools (Stephanidis et al., 2012) or adaptive platforms (Biswas et al., 2013) that fit interaction with the abilities of users. Here, the specific characteristics of each disability are directly reflected in computational representations and guide the design, simulating the disability to aid the developer's understanding (Oikonomou, Votis, Tzovaras, & Korn, 2009), or enabling the developer to adapt the user interface on the fly (Costa & Duarte, 2011). ...
This chapter addresses the design of accessible interfaces. Departing from an analysis of the challenges facing designers of interactive systems that want to create accessible solutions, the chapter presents novel interaction solutions that have high potential to increase the accessibility of future systems. The chapter focuses, in particular, modalities dealing with wearable and body-based interaction on one hand, and with mobile devices, touch interaction and Braille based solutions on the other.
Conference Paper
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The development of TV applications nowadays excludes users with certain impairments from interacting with and accessing the same type of contents as other users do. Developers are also not interested in developing new or different versions of applications targeting different user characteristics. In this paper we describe a novel adaptive accessibility approach on how to develop accessible TV applications, without requiring too much additional effort from the developers. Integrating multimodal interaction, adaptation techniques and the use of simulators in the design process, we show how to adapt User Interfaces to the individual needs and limitations of elderly users. For this, we rely on the identification of the most relevant impairment configurations among users in practical user-trials, and we draw a relation with user specific characteristics. We provide guidelines for more accessible and centered TV application development.
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Purpose This paper aims to present a new input interaction system for people with severe disabilities. The new system works based on eye gaze tracking and single switch scanning interaction techniques. It combines eye gaze tracking and scanning in a unique way which is faster than only scanning‐based systems while more comfortable to use than only eye gaze tracking‐based systems, which is also supported by a user study. Design/methodology/approach The aim was to design a new interaction technique combining eye tracking and scanning technique for severely disabled people. A comparative study with eight users involving only an eye tracking system and the system combining eye tracking and scanning was conducted. Findings The participants rated the new system easier and less strenuous to use than the eye gaze tracking‐based system, while the new system did not slow the speed of interaction. Originality/value This new method based on eye gaze tracking and single switch scanning interaction techniques has potential to be a new interaction technique combining free source eye tracker and scanning switches. It is hoped users who can move a limb to use a single switch‐based scanning system will be hugely benefitted by this new system.
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Elderly and disabled people can be hugely benefited through the advancement of modern electronic devices, as those can help them to engage more fully with the world. However, existing design practices often isolate elderly or disabled users by considering them as users with special needs. This article presents a simulator that can reflect problems faced by elderly and disabled users while they use computer, television, and similar electronic devices. The simulator embodies both the internal state of an application and the perceptual, cognitive, and motor processes of its user. It can help interface designers to understand, visualize, and measure the effect of impairment on interaction with an interface. Initially a brief survey of different user modeling techniques is presented, and then the existing models are classified into different categories. In the context of existing modeling approaches the work on user modeling is presented for people with a wide range of abilities. A few applications of the simulator, which shows the predictions are accurate enough to make design choices and point out the implication and limitations of the work, are also discussed.
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Hand strength is an important independent surrogate parameter to assess outcome and risk of morbidity and mortality. This study aimed to determine the predictive power of cofactors and to predict population-based normative grip and pinch strength. A representative population survey was used as the basis for prediction analyses (n = 978). Bivariate relationships between grip/pinch strengths of the dominate hand were explored by means of all relevant mathematical functions to maximize prediction. The resulting best functions were combined into a multivariate regression. Polynoms (up to the third degree) were the best predictive functions. On the bivariate level, height was best correlated to grip (46.2% explained variance) and pinch strength (37.7% explained variance) in a linear relationship, followed by sex, age, weight, and occupational demand on the hand. Multivariate regression provided predicted values close to the empirical ones explaining 76.6% of the variance for grip strength and 67.7% for pinch strength. The five easy-to-measure cofactors sex, age, body height, categorized occupational demand on the hand, and body weight provide a highly accurate prediction of normative grip and pinch strength.
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Abstract Background Hand strength is an important independent surrogate parameter to assess outcome and risk of morbidity and mortality. This study aimed to determine the predictive power of cofactors and to predict population-based normative grip and pinch strength. Methods A representative population survey was used as the basis for prediction analyses (n = 978). Bivariate relationships between grip/pinch strengths of the dominate hand were explored by means of all relevant mathematical functions to maximize prediction. The resulting best functions were combined into a multivariate regression. Results Polynoms (up to the third degree) were the best predictive functions. On the bivariate level, height was best correlated to grip (46.2% explained variance) and pinch strength (37.7% explained variance) in a linear relationship, followed by sex, age, weight, and occupational demand on the hand. Multivariate regression provided predicted values close to the empirical ones explaining 76.6% of the variance for grip strength and 67.7% for pinch strength. Conclusion The five easy-to-measure cofactors sex, age, body height, categorized occupational demand on the hand, and body weight provide a highly accurate prediction of normative grip and pinch strength.
For people with functional impairments, independent control of a computer is often an important part of everyday life. However, in order to be of benefit, computer systems must be accessible. For people with motion-impairments, the keyboard, mouse and monitor arrangement can be difficult, if not impossible, to use. Symptoms such as tremor, spasm, restricted range of motion, and reduced strength can often restrict the extent to which a keyboard and mouse are useful.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to design an adaptation algorithm to facilitate pointing in electronic interfaces by users with motor impairment. Design/methodology/approach First, the algorithm was optimized using a simulator, then the algorithm was validated through a user study involving seven motor‐impaired and six able‐bodied users and three different pointing devices. Findings The algorithm significantly reduces pointing time overall and most participants pointed quicker with the gravity well than without it. Originality/value The adaptation algorithm can significantly reduce pointing time for both motor and situational impairment.
Reports of 3 experiments testing the hypothesis that the average duration of responses is directly proportional to the minimum average amount of information per response. The results show that the rate of performance is approximately constant over a wide range of movement amplitude and tolerance limits. This supports the thesis that "the performance capacity of the human motor system plus its associated visual and proprioceptive feedback mechanisms, when measured in information units, is relatively constant over a considerable range of task conditions." 25 references. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved).