
On the use of remote sensing techniques for monitoring spatio-temporal soil organic carbon dynamics in agricultural systems

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Soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics affect soil quality, agricultural productivity and atmospheric CO2 concentration. Despite the need for spatial assessments of SOC content over time, reliable estimates from traditional field survey methods are limited by data availability; where measurements are often made at discrete point locations, at a coarse sample spacing or over a limited spatial extent. Remote sensing (RS) is in a strong position to provide spatially distributed, reproducible, scale-appropriate and resource-efficient measurements of SOC content and fluxes at field, landscape and regional scales. This paper provides a critical review of optical RS techniques for such applications. The first part of the paper reviews the methods, instruments and techniques used for developing predictive models for monitoring spatial SOC content. Secondly, sources of spatio-temporal SOC variations are examined, including the lateral transfer of SOC by erosion, soil structural breakdown and land management practices, in the context of RS data and techniques. The key challenges of using RS to monitor SOC contents are discussed along with opportunities for improving SOC predictions within a spatial framework. Such opportunities include the use of ancillary data, scale-specific methods, improved development of spectral libraries and better integration of RS technologies into empirical and simulation SOC models. This paper aims to provide a transparent assessment and practical guide to RS techniques and products in order to further advance and better incorporate the use of RS methods within soil science.

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... Starting with the launch of Landsat 5 in 1984, the availability of multispectral satellite data has increased substantially during the last decades. The potential of remote sensing to predict SOC dynamics was already recognized more than a decade ago (Croft, Kuhn, and Anderson 2012). Multitemporal soil samples can be combined with the corresponding EO data to conduct spatiotemporal models and generate information on SOC trends and changes Heuvelink et al. 2021). ...
... Based on this, spatially explicit and fine-scale SOC predictions can act as an important resource to support existing soil monitoring programs such as the Land Use/Cover Area Frame Survey (LUCAS) soil survey in Europe (De Rosa et al. 2024). However, this potential has rarely been realized due to challenges with SOC changes being small (< 0.5 g kg −1 year −1 ), the lack of appropriate ground truth data from long-term soil monitoring, and the low availability of EO data for early years (Croft, Kuhn, and Anderson 2012). ...
... Several studies have raised concerns about the high uncertainty and low signal-to-noise ratio of EO-based SOC models Croft, Kuhn, and Anderson 2012). For spatiotemporal SOC models and the prediction of SOC trends, the signal can be defined as the absolute SOC change in time, while the noise describes the SOC prediction uncertainty in space (Heuvelink et al. 2021;Paustian et al. 2019). ...
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Soil monitoring requires accurate and spatially explicit information on soil organic carbon (SOC) trends and changes over time. Spatiotemporal SOC models based on Earth Observation (EO) satellite data can support large-scale SOC monitoring but often lack sufficient temporal validation based on long-term soil data. In this study, we used repeated SOC samples from 1986 to 2022 and a time series of multispectral bare soil observations (Landsat and Sentinel-2) to model high-resolution cropland SOC trends for almost four decades. An in-depth validation of the temporal model uncertainty and accuracy of the derived SOC trends was conducted based on a network of 100 long-term monitoring sites that were continuously resampled every 5 years. While the general SOC prediction accuracy was high (R 2 = 0.61; RMSE = 5.6 g kg −1), the direct validation of the derived SOC trends revealed a significantly greater uncertainty (R 2 = 0.16; p < 0.0001), even though predicted and measured values showed similar distributions. Classifying the results into declining and increasing SOC trends, we found that 95% of all sites were either correctly identified or predicted as stable (p < 0.001), highlighting the potential of our findings. Increased accuracies for SOC trends were found in soils with higher SOC contents (R 2 = 0.4) and sites with reduced tillage (R 2 = 0.26). Based on the signal-to-noise ratio and temporal model uncertainty, we were able to show that the necessary time frame to detect SOC trends strongly depends on the absolute SOC changes present in the soils. Our findings highlight the potential to generate significant cropland SOC trend maps based on EO data and underline the necessity for direct validation with repeated soil samples and long-term SOC measurements. This study marks an important step toward the usability and integration of EO-based SOC maps for large-scale soil carbon monitoring.
... The estimation of SOC in the laboratory frequently requires destructive sampling, which is then followed by preliminary processing to minimize the heterogeneity of the soil sample. In addition, soil BD may be promptly estimated in situ using near-infrared or mid-infrared spectroscopy, or with a gamma ray probe (Bellon-Maurel and McBratney, 2011;Croft et al., 2012). Despite the need for extensive sample preparation (collecting, grinding, sifting, and drying), spectroscopic techniques offer a fast and nondestructive method for measuring SOC with a greater precision, saving money and processing time. ...
... Despite the need for extensive sample preparation (collecting, grinding, sifting, and drying), spectroscopic techniques offer a fast and nondestructive method for measuring SOC with a greater precision, saving money and processing time. Croft et al. (2012) and Rossel et al. (2006) both found that spectroscopic techniques were superior to other methods. The spectroscopic methods may prove convenient for calibrating satellite and aerial data (Stevens et al., 2010). ...
... However, these are destructive methods that only offer point data (McCarty et al., 2002). Calculations of SOC and data collection could also be done on the go, thanks to sensors mounted on tractors (Croft et al., 2012). Even if these field methods cost less than lab-based methods, they do not significantly lower the cost of generating a soil carbon map across a large region. ...
... According to Croft et al. (2012), there have been considerably fewer studies using airborne and satellite platforms compared to proximal RS. Access to data, cost and training requirements affect the accessibility of airborne/satellite-derived reflectance products. ...
... Access to data, cost and training requirements affect the accessibility of airborne/satellite-derived reflectance products. Moreover, there is an increased complexity in deriving reflectance data from a pixel compared to controlled laboratory conditions, due to changes in illumination angles, terrain effects, atmospheric attenuation and low signal-to-noise ratios (Ben-Dor et al., 2002;Croft et al., 2012). Thus, using satellite RS to study soil properties involves multiple challenges. ...
... RS imagery has been used for several decades to determine soil properties, but the data have limitations in terms of access, cost, training requirements, and spatial and spectral resolution (Croft et al., 2012). Vis-NIR spectroscopy is therefore presented as a means to study soil ...
Reflectance spectroscopy can be used to non-destructively characterize materials for a wide range of applications. In this study, visible-near infrared (Vis-NIR) spectroscopy was evaluated for the prediction of diverse soil properties (clay content, SOC, TN, and pH) related to different soil samples from the Eastern Cape Province in South Africa. Soil samples were scanned by a portable spectrometer at 1 nm wavelength resolution from 350 to 2500 nm. Calibrations between soil properties obtained from digital soil maps and reflectance spectra were then developed using cross-validation under partial least squares regression (PLSR) and support vector machine regression (SVMR). Raw reflectance and Savitzky-Golay first derivative data were used separately for all the samples in the data set. Key wavelengths to predict clay content, SOC, TN, and pH were identified using the variable importance projection (VIP) and Boruta algorithms. Data were additionally divided into two random subsets of 70 and 30% of the full data, which were each used for calibration and validation. The results indicated that Vis-NIR spectroscopy can be successfully used to predict soil clay content, SOC, TN and pH.
... Practical limitations include the cost of taking soil inventories and the inability to determine the spatiotemporal changes in soil resulting from changes in land use and land management. Spatiotemporal methods using remote sensing technologies provide a means of measuring, monitoring and verifying SOC stocks (Post et al, 2001, Croft et al, 2012, Smith et al, 2012, Minasny et al, 2013. ...
... Such uncertainty in the direction of change is explained by the complex interaction between the soil and the vegetation, land management methods (e.g. manure management, crop-fallow succession), erosion processes (Croft et al, 2012), climate and soil properties (Guo and Gifford, 2002) and whether the study design is based on a chronosequence or time series (Fujisaki et al, 2015). . DSM sets out to create soil databases at a given resolution by using field and laboratory observation methods coupled with spatial and non-spatial environmental data (covariates) through quantitative relationships (Boentinger et al, 2010). ...
... The datasets have the reflectance of the land surface in the visible and near infra-red regions which is widely used to indicate the primary and ecological productivity. The reflectance in the middle and thermal infrared bands depends mostly on the soil properties (Mulder et al, 2011, Croft et al, 2012. ...
Le changement d’usage des terres, lié à l’agriculture et à la foresterie, engendre une perte importante de biodiversité et représente une part importante de nos émissions de gaz à effet de serres à l’origine du changement climatique. Le mécanisme de Réduction des Émissions liéesà la Déforestation et à la Dégradation des forêts, conservation, gestion durable et restauration des stocks de carbone (REDD+) initié il y a dix ans peine à se mettre en place du fait de nombreuses contraintes politiques et scientifiques. Malgré l’existence de lignes directrices élaborées par la communauté scientifique internationale, des outils et données sont nécessaires afin de fournir des informations précises, à moindre coût et utilisables à différentes échelles. L’objectif de cette thèse est de développer des méthodologies innovantes pour réduire les incertitudes sur les estimations des émissions et séquestrations de CO2 associées à la déforestation, dégradation et régénération des terres. Madagascar, pays engagédans la REDD+ depuis huit ans, et soumis à des pertes importantes de biodiversité et de couvert forestier, est pris comme exemple. Trois études complémentaires ont été réalisées : i) le suivi de la déforestation en région tropicale humide et sèche par satellites, ii) l’estimation des stocks de carbone dans les sols et les forêts et iii) la modélisation des changements d’usage de terres. Nous avons développé une nouvelle méthodologie de suivi de la déforestation à Madagascar permettant de tenir compte de la définition des forêts et d'améliorer la prise en compte des petites parcelles de défriche brûlis. Les chiffres de la déforestation ont ainsi été actualisés jusqu’en 2013. Une méthodologie innovante de cartographie des stocks de carbone dans le sol à des résolutions fines et à des échelles régionales a été mise au point en couplant plusieurs facteurs environnementaux etdesinventaires de terrain à l’aide d’un modèle d’arbres de « forêts aléatoire » (Random Forests). Ce modèle spatial du carbone a été appliqué sur des images satellites acquises vingt années plus tôt afin d’évaluer la dégradation des stocks de carbone du sol et leur régénération potentielle. Des facteurs de perte et gain de carbone dans le sol ont pu ainsi être estimés. Enfin, une approche de modélisation des changements d’usage des terres a permis de mieux comprendre les facteurs biophysiques et socio-économiques liés à la déforestation, dégradation des terres et régénération, et de proposer des scénarios spatialisés pour aider les décideurs. Les résultats obtenus dans cette thèse et les méthodologies développées permettentd’alimenter les discussions et documents concernant la stratégie REDD+ de Madagascar. Elle contribue plus largement à fournir des informations spatiales justes, précises spatialement et cohérentes à large échelle dans le but d’améliorer la gestion de nos écosystèmes terrestres.
... Soil reflectance varies according to chemical factors, such as soil mineralogy, SOM content and soil moisture, and also physical structure, such as surface roughness and particle size. Soil spectral signatures are defined by the reflectance of electromagnetic radiation by chemical substances as a function of wavelength (Croft et al. 2012). The color of the soil is usually closely related to its organic matter content, with darker soils being higher in organic matter, which indicates the relationship between soil organic matter content and its visible light reflectance (Aghababaie et al. 2018). ...
... To date, there is no versatile model, which fits all over the world, and the waveband selection for different study areas is also diverse (He et al. 2009). The soil generally has reflectance spectra in the 1100-2500 nm range, including three distinct absorption peaks around 1400, 1900 and 2200 nm with a few small absorption peaks between 2200 and 2500 nm (Croft et al. 2012). Organic matter affects the spectra by decreasing the overall reflectance (in the visible wavelengths (Blue, Green, Red; 400-700 nm), near-infrared (NIR; 700-1400 nm) and shortwave infrared (SWIR; 1400-2500 nm) regions of the electromagnetic spectrum (Croft et al. 2012), therefore bands around 1100, 1600, 1700 to 1800, 2000, and 2200 to 2400 nm have been identified as being particularly important for SOC calibration (Stenberg et al. 2010). ...
... The soil generally has reflectance spectra in the 1100-2500 nm range, including three distinct absorption peaks around 1400, 1900 and 2200 nm with a few small absorption peaks between 2200 and 2500 nm (Croft et al. 2012). Organic matter affects the spectra by decreasing the overall reflectance (in the visible wavelengths (Blue, Green, Red; 400-700 nm), near-infrared (NIR; 700-1400 nm) and shortwave infrared (SWIR; 1400-2500 nm) regions of the electromagnetic spectrum (Croft et al. 2012), therefore bands around 1100, 1600, 1700 to 1800, 2000, and 2200 to 2400 nm have been identified as being particularly important for SOC calibration (Stenberg et al. 2010). ...
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Regarding the importance of soil organic carbon (SOC), there is an increasing demand for knowledge of the spatiotemporal variability of SOC. Because of difficulties with traditional analytical measurement (time-consuming, expensive, and also soil data of sampling points are discrete and incapable of providing continuous and complete information regarding the total study area), spatial variability of SOC through field soil sampling cannot be obtained. Using remote sensing data to provide an indirect measurement of SOC to inform digital soil mapping has the potential to provide a more reliable and cost-effective estimation. The objective of this paper is to review the remote sensing data for mapping and evaluating SOC. There are several statistical methods, including regression models, principal component analysis, the ‘soil line’ approach, and geostatistics, which have been applied to investigate the accuracy of such estimates. Results suggest that these techniques have proven valuable; however, the limitations of each technique must be tested under wider environmental circumstances to choose the best technique for predictions. It seems that predictive equations aren’t universal, and every scene needs new regression models. However, an important benefit of remotely sensed data is to present a sampling strategy that can lead to improved representation of spatial heterogeneity of SOC.
... Mapping SOC has also been studied with remote sensing using airborne and satellite platforms to cover extended areas although with lower precision. Consequently, it should be integrated with field and laboratory measurements and complementary sensor data for better results [50]. Our results showed the feasibility of using on-the-go soil spectra for mapping SOC with appropriate reliability, having an accuracy closer to laboratory measurements than remote sensing data. ...
... Long-term monitoring can help to identify trends and seasonal Mapping SOC has also been studied with remote sensing using airborne and satellite platforms to cover extended areas although with lower precision. Consequently, it should be integrated with field and laboratory measurements and complementary sensor data for better results [50]. Our results showed the feasibility of using on-the-go soil spectra for mapping SOC with appropriate reliability, having an accuracy closer to laboratory measurements than remote sensing data. ...
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Agricultural soils serve as crucial storage sites for soil organic carbon (SOC). Their appropriate management is pivotal for mitigating climate change. Continuous monitoring is imperative to evaluate spatial and temporal changes in SOC within agricultural fields. In-field datasets of Vis-NIR soil spectra were collected on a long-term experimental site using an on-the-go spectrophotometer. Data processing for continuous SOC prediction involves a two-step modeling approach. In Step 1, a partial least square (PLSR) regression model is trained to establish a relationship between the SOC content and spectral information, including spectral preprocessing. In Step 2, the predicted SOC content obtained from the PLSR models is interpolated using ordinary kriging. Among the tested spectral preprocessing techniques and semivariogram models, Savitzky–Golay and the Gap-Segment derivative preprocessing along with a Gaussian semivariogram model, yielded the best performance resulting in a root mean square error of 1.24 and 1.26 g kg−1. A striping effect due to the transect-based data collection was addressed by testing the effectiveness of extending the spatial separation distance, employing data aggregation, and defining the distribution based on treatment plots using block kriging. Overall, the results highlight the high potential of on-the-go spectral Vis-NIR data for field-scale spatial-temporal monitoring of SOC.
... Robust quantification of change in SOC that is cost-effective and provides a statistical assessment of uncertainty is challenging; this is particularly the case in the presence of large spatial variability and slow SOC gains (Smith et al, 2020;Paustian et al., 2019;Stanley et al., 2023). For these reasons, data from universally available sources-such as freely available remote sensing imagery-that can provide an indication of temporal changes (or spatial differences) at landscape scales can help inform more effective decision making and reduce the costs associated with measurement of SOC (Ladoni et al., 2010;Croft at al., 2012;Paustian et al., 2019). ...
... Many studies have utilised remote sensing data to better model the spatial and spatio-temporal variation of SOC (Yang et al., 2009;Page et al., 2013;Wilson et al., 2017;Venter et al., 2021). However, relationships between remote-sensing variables and the temporal variation of SOC can be very site-specific (Croft et al., 2012), making it difficult to build broadly applicable predictive models of the spatiotemporal variation of SOC. Nonetheless, site-specific indicators of temporal changes can still be useful for informing the likelihood of increases or decreases in SOC. ...
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Temporal variation of soil organic carbon (SOC) is driven by land use/management practice, ecosystem conditions and climatic variation. Robust quantification of changes in SOC that is cost-effective and provides a statistical assessment of uncertainty is challenging, particularly in the face of large spatial variability and slow soil SOC changes. Remote-sensing indicators of above-ground vegetation provide some indication of the amount of fresh organic material being supplied to the soil. Although, because of the time taken for this organic material to decay and become incorporated into the soil, there will be a lag between the changes in the indicator of vegetation growth and the resulting changes in SOC. In this work, we investigate how a remotely sensed indicator of vegetation cover can be used with a lag period to predict or indicate changes in SOC for grazed pasture sites at a long-term monitoring study, which has been monitoring soil under different land uses for over forty years. We assessed how well this worked for indicating the SOC changes for different depths in the soil profile. Results suggested that a lagged remotely sensed vegetation cover-the average cover of the two preceding years-provides some indication of SOC changes for the 0-10 cm soil depth, but changes for deeper soil depths were not well predicted. Further, we investigated the potential of using soil data from a point-in-time spatial dataset (e.g. data from a baseline sampling round) to calibrate a relationship between the remotely sensed cover and SOC, which can then be applied to predict or indicate the temporal variation of SOC. Results showed this approach gave large prediction errors, likely because the temporal variation (at a fixed point in space) and spatial variation (for a fixed point in time) of SOC that is predictable by cover differences are not interchangeable.
... SOC is one of the core indices of soil fertility and plays an important role in the global carbon cycle. Although SOC is only a small part of the total soil mass, it plays a positive role in soil fertility, environmental protection, plant growth, and agricultural production (Croft et al. 2012;Nawar et al. 2016;Tiessen et al. 1994;Wang et al. 2009). Farmland soils have a relatively high carbon sequestration potential and can effectively mitigate climate change (Hutchinson et al. 2007;Liu et al. 2019). ...
... Farmland SOC sequestration is the objective of international initiative "4 per 1000". The decrease in SOC content will not only lead to the degradation of farmland ecology, but also reduce the sustainable use of farmland (Croft et al. 2012;Tiessen et al. 1994;Zhang et al. 2021). SOC stocks in topsoil are more abundant but less stable under climate change. ...
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Background and aimsSolar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) is closely related to vegetation photosynthesis and can sensitively reflect the growth and health of vegetation. Using the advantages of SIF in photosynthetic physiological diagnosis, this study carried out a collaborative study of SIF, land attributes and image reflectance spectra to estimate soil organic carbon (SOC) content in typical agricultural areas of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau (QTP).Methods The spectral reflectance (R), first derivative of reflectance (FDR), second derivative of reflectance (SDR) of spectral band of Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) data were selected together with land attributes (i.e. elevation, slope, soil temperature, and soil moisture content) and SIF index and vegetation indices to establish the SOC content estimation models using the random forest (RF), back propagation neural network (BPNN) and partial least squares regression (PLSR), respectively.ResultsSIF index can significantly improve the SOC content estimation compared to the vegetation indices. The accuracy of the BPNN model established by combining SIF index with the FDR of Landsat 8 OLI data and land attributes was the highest (R2 = 0.977, RMSEC = 2.069 g·kg− 1, MAE = 0.945 g·kg− 1, RPD = 3.970, d-factor = 0.010).Conclusion This study confirmed the good effect of BPNN model driven by SIF index, land attributes, and Landsat 8 OLI data on the estimation of SOC content, which can provide a new way for the accurate estimation of the soil internal components in the agricultural areas.
... However, FMs have yet to achieve a similar impact on state-of-the-art performance in tasks involving spatio-temporal data. Encompassing all kinds of data with both spatial and temporal dimensions, spatiotemporal (ST) data is pervasive across an extremely diverse range of fields, including urban analysis [37], [45], [50], [53], [58], weather forecasting [9], [30], [38], climate science [16], [18], [31], [54], environmental monitoring [1], [4], [26], [51], agriculture [10], [14], [34], [55], and public health [36], [42], [49], [60], [64]. As the collection and distribution of spatiotemporal data continues to grow from diverse sources, so does the feasibility and potential of spatio-temporal foundation models (STFMs) to learn shared patterns across different domains, improving efficiency and enhancing generalization, particularly for data-deficient applications. ...
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Foundation models have revolutionized artificial intelligence, setting new benchmarks in performance and enabling transformative capabilities across a wide range of vision and language tasks. However, despite the prevalence of spatio-temporal data in critical domains such as transportation, public health, and environmental monitoring, spatio-temporal foundation models (STFMs) have not yet achieved comparable success. In this paper, we articulate a vision for the future of STFMs, outlining their essential characteristics and the generalization capabilities necessary for broad applicability. We critically assess the current state of research, identifying gaps relative to these ideal traits, and highlight key challenges that impede their progress. Finally, we explore potential opportunities and directions to advance research towards the aim of effective and broadly applicable STFMs.
... Overall, the use of spectroscopy in the VNIR spectrum in combination with multivariate statistical methods has proven to be a precise technique for estimating not just soil C but various other soil properties as well (Viscarra Rossel et al., 2006;Croft et al., 2012 So far, monitoring of spatio-temporal changes in post-fire soil quality has yet to be conducted in the pedological and climatic conditions of Mediterranean Croatia. Therefore, the primary purpose of this research was to apply soil spectroscopy to provide a continuous quantitative assessment of post-fire effects on SOM using two modelling approaches, PLSR and ANN, to facilitate informed land management decisions for ecosystem recovery in Mediterranean conditions. ...
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Wildfires profoundly impact ecosystems and soil organic matter (SOM), a critical factor in soil quality and carbon cycling. This research aimed to assess the impact of wildfire severity on SOM and the potential of visible-near infrared spectroscopy (VNIR) spanning the 350 - 1050 nm wavelength range for monitoring SOM in a post-fire landscape using two modelling approaches (i) Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) and (ii) Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Following a comprehensive two-year investigation in Zadar County, Croatia, where a 13.5 ha mixed forest was moderately to severely affected by a wildfire, spectral reflectance analysis revealed that SOM content strongly influenced soil reflectance. High-severity samples exhibited the lowest reflectance compared to those with moderate severity and the control group. The critical region for SOM information in post-wildfire soil estimation models was between 550and 700 nm. ANN consistently outperformed PLSR, achieving a ratio of performance to deviation (RPD) values from1.74 to > 2.5. In contrast, PLSR achieved values between 1.62 and 2.29, demonstrating ANN's capability to provide accurate predictions of SOM content in complex post-fire SOM dynamics conditions. This research indicates that VNIR spectroscopy, particularly coupled with ANN-based models, offers a reliable and non-destructive method for assessing SOM content in post-fire environments, facilitating informed land management decisions for ecosystem recovery.
... The link between soil reflectance and particle size is well established, 25,31,66,67 as in Figure 1. The effective composition of the soil surface will also change upon crushing or grinding, as soil components such as organic matter break down, 68,69 and components previously hidden inside aggregates become exposed. ...
Soil reflectance is a cumulative attribute determined by interactions between light (photons) and the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soil. Soil properties such as organic matter, moisture, mineral oxide contents, soil texture, and surface roughness all influence soil reflectance at unique wavelengths. Many standard sample preparation techniques are designed to alter soil properties, so as to homogenize samples to improve the consistency of reflectance data collected. This study aims to quantify the effects of one standard sample preparation activity, drying, and repeated wetting–drying cycles on visible–near-infrared soil reflectance, by collecting reflectance data from nine samples which were dried then wetted for a total of three times. This study demonstrates the major, permanent effects of a drying and wetting cycle on soil reflectance, and then presents a model which can be used to correct for these effects. These results have direct implications for remote sensing activities, soil libraries, and soil spectral libraries. These results show that without correction, data from soil spectral libraries, spectral data collected from stored samples, and spectral data transferred between studies, have limited utility for characterizing soils as they exist in the field. Soil spectral data collected in the lab requires correction before it may be used to predict soil properties in the field, as standard sample handling procedures change intrinsic soil properties and introduce systematic error into these data.
... Three replicates of each sample were taken and averaged into one spectrum per sample. For accurate estimation of the percentage of SOC, proper pretreatment of the soil samples for spectral analyses is important (Brunet et al., 2007;Ludwig et al., 2002;Van Waes et al., 2005;Croft et al., 2012). The soil samples were dried at 105°C, sieved and ground to a size fraction below 0.25 mm to exclude coarse and medium fine sand, thus obtaining a more homogeneous sample for analysis (Guillou et al., 2015;Nawar et al., 2016;Terra et al., 2015;Shi et al., 2015). ...
... Thus, the Veris field spectral measurements are affected by more disturbance effects compared to the site-specific above-ground ASD measurements. Surface roughness could also affect the model performance of the above-ground point ASD measurements due to the surface soil heterogeneity affecting the soil reflectance [33,64]. Models obtained from the ASD laboratory data showed better performance compared with the Veris laboratory data, displaying the effect of the inbuilt sensors and the lower spectral resolution. ...
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Carbon sequestration in soils under agricultural use can contribute to climate change mitigation. Spatial–temporal soil organic carbon (SOC) monitoring requires more efficient data acquisition. This study aims to evaluate the potential of spectral on-the-go proximal measurements to serve these needs. The study was conducted as a long-term field experiment. SOC values ranged between 14 and 25 g kg−1 due to different fertilization treatments. Partial least squares regression models were built based on the spectral laboratory and field data collected with two spectrometers (site-specific and on-the-go). Correction of the field data based on the laboratory data was done by testing linear transformation, piecewise direct standardization, and external parameter orthogonalization (EPO). Different preprocessing methods were applied to extract the best possible information content from the sensor signal. The models were then thoroughly interpreted concerning spectral wavelength importance using regression coefficients and variable importance in projection scores. The detailed wavelength importance analysis disclosed the challenge of using soil spectroscopy for SOC monitoring. The use of different spectrometers under varying soil conditions revealed shifts in wavelength importance. Still, our findings on the use of on-the-go spectroscopy for spatial–temporal SOC monitoring are promising.
... These machine learning methods can effectively account for nonlinear data relationships and integrate supplementary variables in the learning process. Due to the fact that SOC dynamics and correlations with other variables are often non-proportional and even non-monotonic (Croft et al., 2012), nonlinear techniques become a core requirement for analyzing SOC dynamics. The proper model selection, hence, is determined by the available data, objectives, and level of understanding of underlying processes. ...
... Contour ridging reduced carbon loss compared to NT and SR. It has been shown that cropping systems and farm management practices have a great impact on SOC (Croft et al., 2012;Poffenbarger et al., 2017). Tillage induces soil aggregate breakdown and accelerates organic carbon mineralization. ...
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Soil erosion has become one of the most common environmental problems and threatens food security. This study assessed the short‐term effect of tillage and mulch on soil redistribution using the beryllium‐7 method, soil moisture distribution, and soil organic carbon loss through soil erosion in typical agroecological conditions of Benin. The experiment was conducted on acrisols (at Dan) and ferralsols (at Za‐zounmè) in central Benin. Three tillage practices slope ridging (SR), contour ridging (CR), and no‐tillage (NT), and three mulch doses 0 (0 M), 3 (3 M), and 7 t ha⁻¹ (7 M) on soil erosion under maize were investigated. The results showed a tillage and mulch interaction significantly (p < 0.05) influencing the soil redistribution, the loss of total carbon, the carbon of the particulate organic matter (C_POM), and the carbon content of the fine organic matter (C_MOM). High soil erosion was observed under SR0M (−10.19 t ha⁻¹) at Dan and under NT0M (−7.36 t ha⁻¹) at Za‐zounmè. NT7M (0.80 t ha⁻¹), SR7M (0.69 t ha⁻¹), CR3M (2.07 t ha⁻¹), and CR7M (4.05 t ha⁻¹) showed deposition at Dan, while SR7M (0.23 t ha⁻¹), NT7M (1.69 t ha⁻¹), and CR7M (3.93 t ha⁻¹) showed deposition at Za‐zounmè. C_MOM was lost on both sites. Mulch increases soil moisture for all three tillage treatments, and this effect is well pronounced especially if the amount of mulch is great. This study revealed useful information to be taken into consideration when developing soil and water conservation management strategies in Benin.
... However, due to the strong spatial heterogeneity and uncertainty of soil, these first two methods hinder accurate estimation of regional SOC when soil samples are limited (Guo et al., 2021). The soil landscape model utilizes environmental variables formed by soil formation as covariates (such as digital elevation model, land use type, vegetation information, etc.) to construct a relationship model between SOC and environmental variables, thus achieving the prediction and mapping of SOC (Croft et al., 2012). This effectively solves the obstacle caused by strong soil variability to digital mapping (Arrouays et al., 2020). ...
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Soil organic carbon (SOC) undergoes rapid changes due to human production activities, which have an impact on the land carbon cycle and ultimately global change. As one of the main human production activities, coal mining significantly impacts the soil carbon cycle. However, due to the lack of remote sensing modeling of soil carbon in mining areas, the spatio-temporal changes and driving mechanisms of SOC in mining areas remain unclear. Therefore, this study investigated and determined SOC data from 300 sampling points (depth of 0–20 cm) located in an arid mining area of China. Remote sensing images were then used to established a soil organic carbon density (SOCD) prediction model within the Random Forest (RF) model to achieve digital mapping of soil organic carbon stocks (SOCS). The spatiotemporal changes of SOCS were analyzed using SOCS digital mapping, and the influencing mechanism of SOCS was revealed using path analysis. The results showed that the constructed SOCD predictive model meets the demand for SOCD prediction (R2 ≥ 0.74, p < 0.01, RMSE ≤ 1.72 kg/m2). Under the combined influence of coal mining and land reclamation, the total amount of surface SOCS in the mining area exhibited a fluctuating upward trend from 1990 (6.34 Tg) to 2021 (7.73 Tg), with an annual growth rate of 0.038 Tg/a. The spatial distribution of SOCS generally increased from southeast to northwest. Precipitation, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and land use were positively correlated to SOCS spatial distribution, while temperature, elevation, soil erosion, and mining intensity were negatively correlated to SOCS. The impact degree of factors on SOCS was as follows: NDVI > soil erosion > mining intensity > precipitation > elevation > land use > temperature. The negative impact of coal mining on SOCS was mainly indirect, through disturbance to elevation, vegetation, and soil erosion. The uneven ground subsidence and stretching caused by coal mining contribute to intensified soil erosion and vegetation degradation in the affected area, leading to a reduction in SOCS. However, SOCS did not decrease under high intensity mining, which was related to the increase in vegetation and the reduction in soil erosion in the mining area. In this study, a soil carbon prediction model was established based on remote sensing modeling to evaluate the temporal and spatial distribution of soil carbon in an arid mining area. The results can serve as valuable references for the scientific improvement of the ecological environment in mining areas, the rational planning of mining area construction, as well as low-carbon land reclamation and ecological compensation assessments.
... We also emphasize that our satellite data provides a single snapshot of the landscape at a specific time. SOC levels can vary seasonally and annually due to factors like temperature, precipitation, and vegetation dynamics (Croft et al., 2012). Ignoring these temporal variations could lead to an incomplete understanding of SOC dynamics. ...
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Digital soil maps find application in numerous fields, making their accuracy a crucial factor. Mapping soil properties in homogeneous landscapes where the soil surface is concealed, as in forests, presents a complex challenge. In this study, we evaluated the spatial distribution of soil organic carbon stocks (SOCstock) under forest vegetation using three methods: regression kriging (RK), random forest (RF), and RF combined with ordinary kriging of residuals (RFOK) in combination with Sentinel-2A satellite data. We also compared their accuracies and identified key influencing factors. We determined that SOCstock ranged from 0.6 to 10.9 kg/m² with an average value of 4.9 kg/m². Among the modelling approaches, we found that the RFOK exhibited the highest accuracy (RMSE = 1.58 kg/m², NSE = 0.33), while the RK demonstrated a lack of spatial correlation of residuals, rendering this method inapplicable. An analysis of variable importance revealed that the SWIR B12 band of the Sentinel-2A satellite contributed the most to RFOK predictions. We concluded that the RFOK hybrid approach outperformed the others, potentially serving as a foundation for digital soil mapping under similar environmental conditions. Therefore, it is essential to consider spatial correlations when mapping soil properties in ecosystems that are inaccessible for capturing the spectral response of the soil surface.
... However, there are still limitations to the spaceborne measurement of SOC due to temperature, air pressure, spectral calibration, and the height of the crop. Moreover, the satellite is super expensive, so it's unsuitable for general-purpose use [23]. ...
... Machine learning techniques relate coarse-fine resolution pairs of observed images to anticipate unknown images of finer resolution. A range of methods have been employed in spatiotemporal data fusion, such as dictionary-pair learning , extreme learning (Tsagkatakis et al. 2019); regression tree (Hilker et al. 2009); random forest (Saini and Ghosh 2017); deep convolutional neural networks (Yu et al. 2020); and artificial neural networks (Croft et al. 2012). The SPSTFM was the first method to apply dictionary-pair learning approaches to spatiotemporal data fusion for natural picture super-resolution. ...
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For many years, spectral remote sensing has been essential for research on the Earth’s surface. The data from a single satellite sensor is sometimes insufficient to fulfil the expanding needs of remote sensing applications. Spatial-temporal fusion techniques have become an effective way for merging spectral data from many sources and times, enabling improved data analysis and interpretation. The goal of this review paper is to offer a thorough examination of the historical growth of spatio-temporal fusion techniques for spectral remote sensing. The classification of all currently used fusion approaches, such as Unmixing, Weight-based, Bayesian-based, machine learning-based, and hybrid methods, is covered in detail. Additionally, it evaluates pixel-level, decision-level, and feature-level-based data fusion techniques and compares and contrasts their advantages and disadvantages. The report also discusses spatiotemporal fusion’s difficulties and recommends future advances. For those working in remote sensing research and practice, it offers an invaluable resource. In conclusion, this review paper provides a comprehensive overview of spatio-temporal fusion systems for spectral remote sensing, including an analysis of their comparative benefits and drawbacks and a description of their historical development. It aims to stimulate further research and development of spatio-temporal fusion methods for spectral remote sensing. In summary, this review paper presents a comprehensive overview of spatio-temporal fusion methods for spectral remote sensing, including their historical development, categorization of existing techniques and applications, and a comparative analysis of their strengths and limitations. It also discusses the current challenges and future research directions, providing a valuable resource for the remote sensing community.
... There is a certain correlation between the content of SOC and the reflectance of visible near-infrared spectroscopy, providing a basis for remotely sensing SOC [11]. Therefore, remote sensing can provide a rapid, repeatable, and cost-effective means of quantitatively assessing the spatial distribution of soil properties [12]. Hyperspectral remote sensing has been widely applied in predicting SOC content in spatially small areas, such as farmland and forests [13,14]. ...
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The North China agro–pastoral zone is a large, ecologically fragile zone in the arid and semi-arid regions. Quantitative remote sensing inversion of soil organic carbon (SOC) in this region can facilitate understanding of the current status of degraded land restoration and provide data support for carbon cycling research in the region. Deep learning (DNN) for SOC inversion has been W.a hot topic over the past decade, but there have been few studies at the regional scale in the arid and semi-arid zones. In this study, a DNN model with five hidden layers and five skip connections was established using 644 spatially distributed SOC samples and Landsat 8 OLI imagery. The model was compared with the random forest algorithm in terms of generalization ability. The main conclusions were as follows: 1. The DNN algorithm can establish a high-precision SOC inversion model (R2 = 0.52, RMSE = 0.7), with 90% of errors concentrated in the range of −2.5 to 2.5 kg·C/m2; 2. the Boruta variable-screening algorithm can effectively improve the model accuracy of the random forest algorithm, but due to the DNN’s better ability to mine hidden information in the data, the improvement effect on the DNN model accuracy is limited; 3. the SOC samples in arid and semi-arid areas are highly positively skewed, with a significant impact on the modeling accuracy of DNN, and conversion is required to obtain a model with better generalization ability; and 4. in arid and semi-arid regions, SOC has a weak correlation with vegetation indices but a stronger correlation with temperature, elevation, and aridity. This study established a reliable deep learning model for SOC density in a large arid and semi-arid region, providing a reference and framework for the establishment of SOC inversion models in other regions.
... Mapping SOC has also been studied with remote sensing using airborne and satellite platforms to cover extended areas although with lower precision. Consequently, it should be integrated with field and laboratory measurements and complementary ancillary data for better results (Croft et al., 2012). Our results showed the feasibility of using on-the-go soil spectra for mapping SOC with appropriate reliability, having an accuracy closer to laboratory measurements than remote sensing data. ...
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Agricultural soils serve as crucial storage sites for soil organic carbon (SOC). Their appropriate management is pivotal for mitigating climate change. To evaluate spatial and temporal changes in SOC within agricultural fields, continuous monitoring is imperative. In-field data sets of Vis-NIR soil spectra were collected on a long-term experimental site using an on-the-go spectrophotometer. Data processing for continuous SOC prediction involves a two-steps modelling approach. In Step 1, a Partial Least Square (PLSR) regression model is trained to establish a relationship between the SOC content and the spectral information also including spectral preprocesisng. In Step 2, the predicted SOC content obtained from the PLSR models is interpolated using ordinary kriging. Among the tested spectral preprocessing techniques and semivariogram models, SG and gapDer preprocessing along with a Gaussian semivariogram model, yielded the best performance resulting in a root mean square error of of 1.24 and 1.26 g kg-1. A striping effect due to the transect-based data collection was addressed by testing the effectiveness of extending the spatial separation distance, employing data aggregation, and defining the distribution based on treatment plots using block kriging. Overall, the results highlight the immense potential of on-the-go spectral Vis-NIR data for field-scale spatial-temporal monitoring of SOC.
... However, areas with yellow Ferralsols also showed increased goethite abundance at depth, while it did not occur for haematite in red Ferralsols (Fig. 10b). This phenomenon is possibly explained by the masking of iron oxides by SOC in the 0-0.2 m layer (Croft et al., 2012;Heller Pearlshtien and Ben-Dor, 2020). This effect is more pronounced for goethite than for haematite, as haematite pigmentation directly affects the spectral response of the visible region. ...
... Increasing the sampling density can improve the comprehensiveness; however, it will generate a disproportionate increase in the cost. Digital soil mapping (DSM) that integrates the field point data to remote sensing data has provided an economic, accurate, and practical solution for obtaining and exhibiting the spatial distribution of soil condition (Croft et al., 2012;Wang et al., 2018;Arrouays et al., 2021). Generally, various predictors are extracted by utilizing the ecological significance of remote sensing data, intrinsic correlations of the predictors in area form with field soil data in point form are established using mathematical models, and spatial simulations of the soil data are then conducted to realize the "from point to area" conversion (Chi et al., 2018;Fathololoumi et al., 2020). ...
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Comprehensively revealing the spatial pattern of soil condition is vital for exploring the evolution mechanism of island ecosystem and providing reference for ecological maintenance. However, it is difficult to meet the demands of comprehensiveness and accuracy in mapping the soil condition in an archipelago that contains remote islands. Such an archipelago, namely, Shengsi Archipelago off the Yangtze River Estuary, China, was selected as the study area. Field survey was conducted on part of islands that have relatively high accessibility in the archipelago, and remote sensing data that cover the entire study area was adopted. An island soil index system, including soil content, storage, and quality indices, was proposed to represent the island soil integrated condition. Soil content indices are original soil measured data, and soil storage and quality indices are composite indices that are determined based on soil content indices. Then, a predictor system based on remote sensing and the 10-fold cross-validation were used to conduct the spatial simulations of soil indices. The results validated that the combination of soil measured data sourced by field survey could respond more sensitively to remote sensing data and integrate with it better than the original soil measured data, thereby increasing the simulation accuracies of soil storage and quality indices to higher levels than the corresponding soil content indices and achieving the spatial exhibition of soil integrated condition. The spatial pattern of soil indices in Shengsi Archipelago indicated that islands or areas with good vegetation condition but low soil salinity, land surface aridity, and human interference generally had good soil integrated condition. Then, suggestions to improve the island soil integrated condition were proposed from perspectives of different essential components of the island ecosystem. The study has provided a practical method for comprehensively mapping the soil condition in areas with low accessibility.
... However, soil properties are also estimated with a lower spectral resolution using satellite and airborne multispectral sensors. Imaging data from these sensors are recorded in only a few bands of the VNIR range and can be used to estimate the content of soil organic carbon (SOC) (Croft et al. 2012, de Paul Obade, Lal 2013 and clay (Nanni, Dematte 2006, Demattê, Fiorio 2009). However, better results can be obtained by combining satellite data with hyperspectral measurements (Peng et al. 2015). ...
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Remote sensing techniques based on soil spectral characteristics are the key to future land management; however, they still require field measurement and an agrochemical laboratory for the calibration of the soil property model. Visible and near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy has proven to be a rapid and effective method. This study aimed to assess the suitability of multispectral data acquired with the agricultural digital camera in determining soil properties. This 3.2-Mpx camera captures images in three spectral bands – green, red and near-infrared. First, the reference data were collected, which consist of 151 samples that were later examined in the laboratory to specify the granulometric composition and to quantify some chemical elements. Second, additional soil properties such as cation exchange capacity, organic carbon and soil pH were measured. Finally, the agricultural digital camera photograph was taken for every soil sample. Reflectance values in three available spectra bands were used to calculate the spectra indices. The relationships between the collected data were calculated using the independent validation regression model such as Cubist and cross-validation model like partial least square in R Studio. Additionally, different types of data normalisation multiplicative scatter correction, standard normal variate, min–max normalisation, conversion into absorbance] were used. The results proved that the agricultural digital camera is suitable for soil property assessment of sand and silt, pH, K, Cu, Pb, Mn, F, cation exchange capacity and organic carbon content. Coefficient of determination varied from 0.563 (for K) to 0.986 (for soil organic carbon). Higher values were obtained with the Cubist regression model than with partial least squares.
... Although aerial RS employing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) or manned flights can provide high resolution data (cm resolution), it cannot cover as big an area as satellite RS in the same amount of time [26]. Finally, proximal RS, which can be performed using Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV), vehicles with an operator, or on foot, can retrieve high-resolution data (mm resolution), but requires long and heavy effort [5,27,28]. ...
Various Remote Sensing (RS) technologies and platforms have been widely used in olive cultivation studies over the last 16 years. These technologies and platforms have been applied throughout the olive cultivation cycle, providing significant insights into olive growth and productivity. The goal of this review was to determine the importance of RS technologies and platforms in specific agronomic focus areas in order to determine the equipment and platform requirements in olive cultivation studies. For this reason, frequency and correspondence studies were carried out. Unmanned aerial vehicles, multispectral sensors, and vigour assessment found to be important in olive cultivation studies. Additionally, each agronomic focus area in an olive cultivation study presents different needs in equipment, proximity of sensing, and coverage area, indicating that this must be taken into account during field experiments with RS. Further technological improvements will permit the use of other RS technologies and platforms during future studies. Finally, future studies are expected to focus more on RS data processing as well as on the use of unmanned aerial and ground vehicles in swarms for data collection and performance of actions.
... Particularly, remote sensing data provide abundant predictors, which are area data. The intrinsic correlations of the soil point data with the remote sensing area data are established, and then the conversion of soil data from point to area can be realized based on the intrinsic correlations by means of mathematical models (Croft et al., 2012;Chi et al., 2018a;Paul et al., 2020;Dharumarajan et al., 2021). In recent years, the soil organic carbon mapping in three-dimensional space, i.e., horizontal and vertical spatial simulation at a time point, was explored in certain areas. ...
In the context of multiple disturbances, soil organic carbon stock (SOCS) in coastal wetlands experiences drastic spatiotemporal variations, which involve four dimensions. However, the finiteness and discontinuity of historical field soil data hinder the four-dimensional SOCS reconstruction in coastal wetlands. In this study, the zonal and progressive simulations were integrated to reconstruct the four-dimensional characteristics of coastal wetland SOCS by using field soil data in current time point and remote sensing data during the last decades. The zonal simulation was adopted to conduct the two-dimensional simulation at a low cost of field survey. The spatial and temporal progressive simulations were implemented based on the close relationships among soil factors in different depths and at different time points, respectively, for realizing the three- and four-dimensional simulations. The demonstration of the study in Chongming Island, an important coastal wetland in China, validated the low cost, high accuracy, and good applicability of the approach. Over the entire island during the last decades, SOCS in surface layer showed overall increasing characteristics, while SOCS in intermediate and bottom layers did not exhibit distinct change trend. Generally, SOCS in surface layer increased and that in intermediate and bottom layers decreased along the gradient from the shoreline to the inner island. Continuous sediment discharge and deposition enlarged the areas of coastal wetlands and thus increased SOCS in the alongshore areas. Human activities distinctly increased SOCS through long-term and large-scale agricultural activities in the inner island, while decreased it through urbanization. Then, healthy, coordinated, and sustainable measures for increasing coastal wetland SOCS were proposed from perspectives of scale control, spatial configuration, and quality promotion. Therefore, this approach could reconstruct SOCS four-dimensional characteristics and achieve the conversions of soil data from point to area, from surface to bottom, and from present to past.
... Even when studies sampled SOC multiple times to investigate changes in SOC (46,73,79,96,97,102), models were built separately for each year rather than based on use of A covariates likely due to the difficulty to resample the same soil profile. The review of Croft et al. (178) showed that RS data may be promising for modeling temporal SOC changes through the monitoring of soil structural changes, soil erosion, agricultural practices in time, but the accuracy of these covariate data obtained at the large spatial extent need to be tested further. ...
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To explore how well large spatial scale digital soil mapping can contribute to efforts to monitor soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and changes, we reviewed regional and national studies quantifying SOC within lands dominated by agriculture using SCORPAN approaches that rely on soil (S), climate (C), organisms (O), relief (R), parent material (P), age (A), and space (N) covariates representing soil forming factors. After identifying 79 regional (> 10,000 km2) and national studies that attempted to estimate SOC, we evaluated model performances with reference to soil sampling depth, number of predictors, grid-distance, and spatial extent. SCORPAN covariates were then investigated in terms of their frequency of use and data sources. Lastly, we used 67 studies encompassing a variety of spatial scales to determine which covariates most influenced SOC in agricultural lands using a subjective ranking system. Topography (used in 94% of the cases), climate (87%), and organisms (86%) covariates that were the most frequently used SCORPAN predictors, aligned with the factors (precipitation, temperature, elevation, slope, vegetation indices, and land use) currently identified to be most influential for model estimate at the large spatial extent. Models generally succeeded in estimating SOC with fits represented by R2 with a median value of 0.47 but, performance varied widely (R2 between 0.02 and 0.86) among studies. Predictive success declined significantly with increased soil sampling depth (p < 0.001) and spatial extent (p < 0.001) due to increased variability. While studies have extensively drawn on large-scale surveys and remote sensing databases to estimate environmental covariates, the absence of soils data needed to understand the influence of management or temporal change limits our ability to make useful inferences about changes in SOC stocks at this scale. This review suggests digital soil mapping efforts can be improved through greater use of data representing soil type and parent material and consideration of spatio-temporal dynamics of SOC occurring within different depths and land use or management systems.
... There are many studies that estimate the SOC content based on climate humidity, or on plant AGB or remotely-sensed vegetation index such NDVI (Croft et al., 2012;Sun et al., 2019;, and little attention is paid to the effects of soil properties such as DUL or sand % on the SOC content in different climate zones. Our results suggest that soil water retention parameters modulate the relations between climate and vegetation biomass or SOC content, and DUL is a better predictor than climate humidity for predicting SOC content, and it is necessary to incorporate soil physical and hydraulic parameters for the improvement of the prediction of SOC and plant production in semi-arid steppes. ...
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Soil hydraulic properties determine water transport, distribution and storage in soils, thus affect ecosystem functioning. Soil water retention parameters, such as saturation water content (SAT), water drained upper limit (DUL) and lower limit (DLL), characterize soil water-holding capacity, thus are important for plant growth and carbon and nutrient cycling in grassland ecosystem. However, we are still unclear to what a content these soil water retention parameters may regulate plant production and soil organic matter content in natural ecosystems in semi-arid grassland environment. We investigated plant species richness (SR) and aboveground biomass (AGB), soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (SON) contents, and soil water retention and other physical parameters in the steppe ecosystems along a climate transect, which spans the desert steppe, typical steppe and meadow steppe zones in Northern China. We analyzed the relative importance of climate factors, soil water retention parameters and other soil physical parameters in regulating plant AGB and SOC and SON contents using partial correlation analysis, and quantified the contribution of each separate and combined climate and soil physical parameters in predicting plant AGB and SOC and SON contents using geographic detectors method. We found that (i) plant SR and AGB, soil SAT and DUL, and SOC and SON are all significantly inter-correlated, and increased with the increase of climate humidity. (ii) Climate, but not soil physical parameters, was the most preponderant factor in predicting plant SR and AGB. (iii) Soil physical parameters were more important than climate parameters in regulating soil organic matter content; soil DUL was the best predictor to SOC content. Our results suggest that soil water retention parameters especially soil DUL, may play a greater role than climate factors in modulating SOC content, though climate is more predominant in regulating plant SR and production. Our results imply that we need to be cautious in estimating SOC content based on climate factors and vegetation biomass or remotely-sensed vegetation indices, and that soil physical properties need also to be incorporated along with vegetation parameters for improving SOC estimation at a regional scale.
... There are many studies that estimate the SOC content based on climate humidity, or on plant AGB or remotely-sensed vegetation index such NDVI (Croft et al., 2012;Sun et al., 2019;, and little attention is paid to the effects of soil properties such as DUL or sand % on the SOC content in different climate zones. Our results suggest that soil water retention parameters modulate the relations between climate and vegetation biomass or SOC content, and DUL is a better predictor than climate humidity for predicting SOC content, and it is necessary to incorporate soil physical and hydraulic parameters for the improvement of the prediction of SOC and plant production in semi-arid steppes. ...
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Soil hydraulic properties determine water transport, distribution and storage in soils, thus affect ecosystem functioning. Soil water retention parameters, such as saturation water content (SAT), water drained upper limit (DUL) and lower limit (DLL), characterize soil water-holding capacity, thus are important for plant growth and carbon and nutrient cycling in grassland ecosystem. However, we are still unclear to what a content these soil water retention parameters may regulate plant production and soil organic matter content in natural ecosystems in semi-arid grassland environment. We investigated plant species richness (SR) and aboveground biomass (AGB), soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (SON) contents, and soil water retention and other physical parameters in the steppe ecosystems along a climate transect, which spans the desert steppe, typical steppe and meadow steppe zones in Northern China. We analyzed the relative importance of climate factors, soil water retention parameters and other soil physical parameters in regulating plant AGB and SOC and SON contents using partial correlation analysis, and quantified the contribution of each separate and combined climate and soil physical parameters in predicting plant AGB and SOC and SON contents using geographic detectors method. We found that (i) plant SR and AGB, soil SAT and DUL, and SOC and SON are all significantly inter-correlated, and increased with the increase of climate humidity. (ii) Climate, but not soil physical parameters, was the most preponderant factor in predicting plant SR and AGB. (iii) Soil physical parameters were more important than climate parameters in regulating soil organic matter content; soil DUL was the best predictor to SOC content. Our results suggest that soil water retention parameters especially soil DUL, may play a greater role than climate factors in modulating SOC content, though climate is more predominant in regulating plant SR and production. Our results imply that we need to be cautious in estimating SOC content based on climate factors and vegetation biomass or remotely-sensed vegetation indices, and that soil physical properties need also to be incorporated along with vegetation parameters for improving SOC estimation at a regional scale.
... Compared to other SOC remote sensing prediction models, the established models accounted for the impact of land-use types on SOC sensitive bands, and thereby improved the model precision. Several studies have confirmed that the use of ancillary data can improve the accuracy of soil prediction models [74,75]. ...
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Coal mining, an important human activity, disturbs soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation and decomposition, eventually affecting terrestrial carbon cycling and the sustainability of human society. However, changes of SOC content and their relation with influential factors in coal mining areas remained unclear. In the study, predictive models of SOC content were developed based on field sampling and Landsat images for different land-use types (grassland, forest, farmland, and bare land) of the largest coal mining area in China (i.e., Shendong). The established models were employed to estimate SOC content across the Shendong mining area during 1990–2020, followed by an investigation into the impacts of climate change and human disturbance on SOC content by a Geo-detector. Results showed that the models produced satisfactory results (R2 > 0.69, p < 0.05), demonstrating that SOC content over a large coal mining area can be effectively assessed using remote sensing techniques. Results revealed that average SOC content in the study area rose from 5.67 gC·kg−1 in 1990 to 9.23 gC·kg−1 in 2010 and then declined to 5.31 gC·Kg−1 in 2020. This could be attributed to the interaction between the disturbance of soil caused by coal mining and the improvement of eco-environment by land reclamation. Spatially, the SOC content of farmland was the highest, followed by grassland, and that of bare land was the lowest. SOC accumulation was inhibited by coal mining activities, with the effect of high-intensity mining being lower than that of moderate- and low-intensity mining activities. Land use was found to be the strongest individual influencing factor for SOC content changes, while the interaction between vegetation coverage and precipitation exerted the most significant influence on the variability of SOC content. Furthermore, the influence of mining intensity combined with precipitation was 10 times higher than that of mining intensity alone.
... Few studies use satellite sensors for SOC estimation [59]. However, the soil and the above-ground environment can be closely related allowing us to understand the biological, chemical and physical processes that govern the soil functions [60]. ...
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Background Soil organic carbon (SOC) affects essential biological, biochemical, and physical soil functions such as nutrient cycling, water retention, water distribution, and soil structure stability. The Andean páramo known as such a high carbon and water storage capacity ecosystem is a complex, heterogeneous and remote ecosystem complicating field studies to collect SOC data. Here, we propose a multi-predictor remote quantification of SOC using Random Forest Regression to map SOC stock in the herbaceous páramo of the Chimborazo province, Ecuador. Results Spectral indices derived from the Landsat-8 (L8) sensors, OLI and TIRS, topographic, geological, soil taxonomy and climate variables were used in combination with 500 in situ SOC sampling data for training and calibrating a suitable predictive SOC model. The final predictive model selected uses nine predictors with a RMSE of 1.72% and a R² of 0.82 for SOC expressed in weight %, a RMSE of 25.8 Mg/ha and a R² of 0.77 for the model in units of Mg/ha. Satellite-derived indices such as VARIG, SLP, NDVI, NDWI, SAVI, EVI2, WDRVI, NDSI, NDMI, NBR and NBR2 were not found to be strong SOC predictors. Relevant predictors instead were in order of importance: geological unit, soil taxonomy, precipitation, elevation, orientation, slope length and steepness (LS Factor), Bare Soil Index (BI), average annual temperature and TOA Brightness Temperature. Conclusions Variables such as the BI index derived from satellite images and the LS factor from the DEM increase the SOC mapping accuracy. The mapping results show that over 57% of the study area contains high concentrations of SOC, between 150 and 205 Mg/ha, positioning the herbaceous páramo as an ecosystem of global importance. The results obtained with this study can be used to extent the SOC mapping in the whole herbaceous ecosystem of Ecuador offering an efficient and accurate methodology without the need for intensive in situ sampling.
... The successful application of satellite RS images in predicting agricultural SOC has been proved in much research at the regional, national and global scale (Croft et al., 2012;Dvornikov et al., 2021;Hamzehpour et al., 2019;Mirzaee et al., 2016;Paul et al., 2020;Zhou et al., 2020a The relative importance of prediction features is presented in Fig. 8. Only 24 variables (10 features derived from S-2 and 14 features derived S-1) out of 48 variables were shown the high relative importance in the agricultural SOC. ...
Monitoring agricultural soil organic carbon (SOC) has played an essential role in sustainable agricultural management. Precise and robust prediction of SOC greatly contributes to carbon neutrality in the agricultural industry. To create more knowledge regarding the ability of remote sensing to monitor carbon soil, this research devises a state-of-the-art low cost machine learning model for quantifying agricultural soil carbon using active and ensemble-based decision tree learning combined with multi-sensor data fusion at a national and world scale. This work explores the use of Sentinel-1 (S1) C-band dual polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR), Sentinel-2 (S2) multispectral data, and an innovative machine learning (ML) approach using an integration of active learning for land-use mapping and advanced Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) for robustness of the SOC estimates. The collected soil samples from a field survey in Western Australia were used for the model validation and indicators including the coefficient of determination (R2) and root - mean – square - error (RMSE) were applied to evaluate the model’s performance. A numerous features computed from optical and SAR data fusion were employed to build and test the proposed model performance. The effectiveness of the proposed machine learning model was assessed by comparing with the two well-known algorithms such as Random Forests (RF) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) to predict agricultural SOC. Results suggest that a combination of S1 and S2 sensors could effectively estimate SOC in farming areas by using ML techniques. Satisfactory accuracy of the proposed XGBoost with optimal features was achieved the highest performance (R2 = 0.870; RMSE= 1.818 tonC/ha) which outperformed RF and SVM. Thus, multi-sensor data fusion combined with the XGBoost lead to the best prediction results for agricultural SOC at 10 m spatial resolution. The innovative method described here could contribute significantly to various agricultural SOC retrieval studies globally. What makes this possible is its high prediction performance at 10 m spatial resolution and cost-effectiveness with reliable free-of-charge optical and SAR data acquired from Copernicus Open Access Hub.
... The authors [8] argue that SOC dynamics affect soil quality, agricultural productivity and CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. Despite the need for spatial estimates of SOC content over time, reliable estimates using traditional field research methods are limited by data availability because measurements are often made at discrete points, large sample spacing, or confined spaces. ...
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The article solves the urgent problem of developing a system for remote monitoring of the soil conditions of grape agrocenoses in the southern regions of Russia. It is shown that such monitoring is required to be carried out constantly because of the high anthropogenic load and critical decrease in soil fertility. Experimental studies showing the possibility of satellite remote monitoring of the soil conditions have been carried out, while the accuracy of determining the humus content in the soil when shooting with a camera in a laboratory and using satellite images obtained with multispectral equipment is no worse than 10-20 percent compared to chemical laboratory methods. For the experiment, 22 experimental plots, the condition of the soil on which was determined in the laboratory according to Tyurin and by shooting and processing images of a high-resolution digital camera, were laid. Synchronous data from the Russian satellite Kanopus-V were studied for the same areas. Analytical dependences of the humus content in the soil on the brightness level of the red spectral channel were obtained. The structure of the information system for remote satellite monitoring of the soil conditions in the region is proposed.
... This characteristic plays an important role in soil mapping. The shorter the revisit time, the greater is the number of images that can be obtained and, therefore, the soil will be better monitored over time (Croft et al., 2012). Thus, the discussion about these three components of an image, has gain great importance to understand soil variability. ...
Soil maps at appropriate scales can aid decision-making in agriculture and the environment. In this sense, remote sensing products have shown their power to investigate soil properties, but the assessment of its spatial infor-mation can be hampered by the presence of other objects than soil. To overcome this issue, soil scientists have been studying spatial patterns from multi-temporal satellite images aiming at at improving soil property maps. In this work, we applied the cubist algorithm to predict topsoil properties (clay, sand, organic matter and iron contents, and soil color components) in south-eastern Brazil using multi-temporal (Landsat8-OLI, and Sentinel2- MSI) and single-date images (PlanetScope, Landsat8-OLI, and Sentinel2-MSI). We aimed to evaluate the influence of satellite’s spatial, spectral and temporal resolutions on soil mapping. Predictive models were constructed with 120 soil samples and using four (vis-NIR) and six (vis-NIR-SWIR) spectral bands as predictors in a 10-fold cross- validation procedure. The multi-temporal image obtained from the Sentinel2-MSI satellite (with 10 m pixel size and six spectral bands), showed the best model performances in cross-validation (R2 between 0.48 and 0.78). The PlanetScope image, which has only four bands in the vis-NIR region and spatial resolution of 3 m did not improve model performances, although the R2 values were higher for soil color components (R2 >0.5). Satellite images in different spatial, spectral and temporal resolution provides slightly different soil property maps which may promote different strategies regarding soil classification and management. However, satellite images should be used with caution, as they provide only surficial information about the soil variability and confirmation with field surveys is required.
... This reduces errors in quantifying soil carbon and other key properties that are often caused by spatial heterogeneity of soils. Infrared data can be integrated with geostatistic data (Cobo et al., 2010), remote sensing data and topographic information for digital soil mapping at the landscape level (Croft et al., 2012). Rossel et al. (2014), for instance, used infrared data to develop a soil carbon map of Australia. ...
... Soil physic and chemical properties, land control measures, tree species planted, vegetation types and environmental factors determine the change degree of SOC stocks and the timing of the switch between increase and decrease of stocks (Arai and Tokuchi, 2010;Don et al., 2011). In addition, it is also affected by the following factors, such as interactions between geochemistry and climate (i.e., precipitation and temperature) (Doetterl et al., 2015), previous land use type (England et al., 2016;van Straaten et al., 2015v), erosion processes (Croft et al., 2012), and whether the study design is based on a chrono sequence or time series (Fujisaki et al., 2015). However, different criteria of the research blocks, such as study design and scale, stock calculation method, and land management measures, which caused the considerable uncertainties in the SOC stock dynamics (Grinand et al., 2017). ...
In the context of global climate change, the preservation of soil productivity and the estimation of carbon budgets and cycles, the quantification of changes in carbon has important significance. In this study, we investigated the dynamics of soil aggregate associated organic carbon (OC) following temperate natural forest development in China. The objectives of this study were to examine the variation of soil aggregate associated OC decomposition rates, quantify the changes in the proportion of new and old soil aggregate OC, and explore the effects of controlling factors on SOC stocks, rate of total SOC increase and decomposition rate constants. The results showed that soil aggregate associated OC sequestration increased in 0−10 cm soil depth, while decreased in 10−30 cm soil depth. However, rate of aggregate associated OC increase, decomposition rate constants, and proportion of new OC increased at the early stage and then decreased along with the natural vegetation restoration. In addition, land use change had an important effect on soil aggregate associated OC dynamics, and soil particles, BD, MWD, C: N, plant diversity also played an important role. Moreover, SOC stocks had a negative relationship with clay and silt, while had a positive relationship with MWD and sandy soils. decomposition rate constants had a negative relationship with plant diversity, silt, and sand, while had a positive relationship with C: N and MWD. The proportions of new SOC had significant positive relationships with C: N, and it had a negative relationship with clay and silt. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the formation mechanism of soil particles and aggregates, improve plant biodiversity, regulate the soil C: N ratio, and improve soil particle structure to increase soil carbon sequestration.
Soil organic carbon (SOC) is a crucial component of the global carbon cycle, playing a significant role in ecosystem health and carbon balance. In this study, we focused on assessing the surface SOC content in Shandong Province based on land use types, and explored its spatial distribution pattern and influencing factors. Machine learning methods including random forest (RF), extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost), and support vector machine (SVM) were employed to estimate the surface SOC content in Shandong Province using diverse data sources like sample data, remote sensing data, socio-economic data, soil texture data, topographic data, and meteorological data. The results revealed that the SOC content in Shandong Province was 8.78 g/kg, exhibiting significant variation across different regions. Comparing the model error and correlation coefficient, the XGBoost model showed the highest prediction accuracy, with a coefficient of determination (R²) of 0.7548, root mean square error (RMSE) of 7.6792, and relative percentage difference (RPD) of 1.1311. Elevation and Clay exhibited the highest explanatory power in clarifying the surface SOC content in Shandong Province, contributing 21.74% and 13.47%, respectively. The spatial distribution analysis revealed that SOC content was higher in forest-covered mountainous regions compared to cropland-covered plains and coastal areas. In conclusion, these findings offer valuable scientific insights for land use planning and SOC conservation.
Carbon cycle is influenced by agricultural soils, and accurately mapping the soil organic carbon (SOC) content of global Mollisols at a 30 m spatial resolution can contribute to clarifying the carbon sequestration capacity of each region, facilitate the quantification of agroecosystems and contribute to global food security. However, the high heterogeneity of environmental variables in global regions, coupled with the challenges posed by small-sample tasks, creates significant obstacles to producing reliable SOC content datasets. In this study, we collected 191,465 scenes of Landsat TM and OLI images and elevation model data to calculate spectral indices that can represent soil formation information based on a soil-pedogenic model. Second, a local strategy (LS) was proposed to reduce the influence of the high heterogeneity of SOC content and environmental variables on the prediction results. More importantly, the first meta-learning convolutional neural network (ML-CNN) model was proposed. It provides high prediction accuracy for small-sample tasks and was used to generate the first high-resolution global Mollisol region SOC content product (GMR-MCNN). Finally, we compared GMR-MCNN with the existing SoilGrids250m and Soil SubCenter products. The results showed that long-term, high-accuracy and high-resolution prediction of the SOC content in global Mollisol regions was achieved by the ML-CNN model (RMSE = 4.84 g kg-1, R2 = 0.75, RPIQ = 2.43). Compared with a CNN, ML-CNN can continuously optimize the meta-task, thus improving the performance of the model in small-sample tasks. Compared to the prediction model that combined the recursive feature elimination technique with the random forest model (RFE-RF), ML-CNN can efficiently extract high-level features from time-series data, thus improving the model performance. Compared with that of the global strategy, the RMSE of the LS decreased by 0.20 g kg-1, and R2 and RPIQ increased by 13.00% and 0.22, respectively. In addition, the GMR-MCNN results illustrated that the SOC content in the global Mollisol regions shows a decreasing trend, and the trend can be divided into significant decrease (1984–2000) and moderate decrease (2001–2021) phases. Different products were tested based on laboratory-measured SOC contents, and GMR-MCNN (RMSE = 6.13 g kg-1, R2 = 0.63) displayed better performance than SoilGrids250m (RMSE = 23.37 g kg-1, R2 = 0.28) and the Soil SubCenter map (RMSE = 8.59 g kg-1, R2 = 0.43). The developed methodology can provide a reference for the long-term observation of soil and crop properties at moderate and high resolutions globally.
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Currently, humanity is indeed in turbulent times. The current world affairs are no different from those during World War I (28th July 1914–11th November 1918) or during the time of World War II (1st September 1939–2nd September 1945). Scientists, especially, chemists, have a vital role to ensure that lifesaving materials are available at the disposal of common people. Renowned German chemist Raphael von Ostrejko has a few patents based on activated carbon from biomass during 1900–1920 and his inventions based on those patents, namely activated carbon based masks, saved many people from perishing due to the harmful effects of poisonous gases used during World War I. Carbon materials from biomass, in particular, are equally significant during these testing times of war, energy and food shortages and climate change. Biomass constitutes a rich source of carbon materials with diverse properties and applications impacting almost every sphere of human activity, ranging from agriculture, health, energy, environment, materials, safety, security, defence and many more. All the three vital components of biomass, namely cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, offer unique structure and morphological features to the resulting carbon materials. Owing to the sustainability, diversity in properties and applications of these carbon materials produced from biomass, it is conceived that a Special Issue needed to be launched in the journal “C-journal of carbon research” published by Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), wherein the latest scientific advancements throughout the globe could be assembled and made available freely, at a click, to the scientific, academic and industrial fraternity for their growth and development. Thus, this Special Issue was launched with the title “Biomass—A renewable resource for carbon materials”.
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Soil organic carbon storage in agricultural soil constitutes a crucial potential for sustainable agricultural productivity and climate change mitigation. This paper aimed at assessing soil or-ganic carbon stock and its distribution in three particle size fractions across five cropping systems located in Kiti sub-watershed in Benin. Soil samples were collected using a grid sampling method on four soil depth layers: 0–10, 10–20, 20–30 and 30–40 cm in five cropping systems maize–cotton relay cropping (MCRC), yam–maize intercropping (YMI), teak plantation (TP), 5-year fallow (5YF) and above 10-year fallow (Ab10YF) from July to August 2017. Soil organic carbon stock (C stock) was estimated for the different soil layers and particle-size fractionation of soil organic matter was performed considering three fractions. The fractions coarse particulate organic matter (cPOM: 250–2000 µm), fine particulate organic matter (fPOM: 53–250 µm) and non-particulate organic matter (NOM: <53 µm) were separated from two soil depth layers: 0–10 and 10–20 cm. The results showed that fallow lands Ab10YF and 5YF exhibited the highest C stock, 22.20 and 17.74 Mg C·ha−1, while cultivated land under tillage MCRC depicted the lowest, C stock 11.48 Mg C·ha−1. The three organic carbon fractions showed a significant variation across the cropping systems with the NOM fraction holding the largest contribution to total soil organic carbon for all the cropping systems, ranging between 3.40 and 7.99 g/kg. The cPOM and fPOM were the most in-fluenced by cropping systems with the highest concentration observed in Ab10YF and 5YF. The findings provide insights for upscaling farm management practices towards sustainable agricultural systems with substantial potential for carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation.
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Soil organic carbon (SOC) is one of the key soil components for cultivated soils. SOC is regularly monitored and mapped to improve the quality, health, and productivity of the soil. However, traditional SOC-level monitoring is expensive for land managers and farmers. Estimating SOC using satellite imagery provides an easy, efficient, and cost-effective way to monitor surface SOC levels. The objective of this study was to estimate the surface SOC distribution in selected soils of Major Land Resource Areas (MLRA), 102A (Rolling Till Plain, Brookings County, SD), and 103 (Central Iowa and Minnesota Till Prairies, Lac qui Parle County, MN), using satellite imagery with different resolutions (Landsat 8 and PlanetScope). The dominant soils in the study area are Haplustolls, Calciustolls, and Endoaquolls, which are formed in silty sediments, local silty alluvium, and till. Landsat 8 and PlanetScope spectral bands were used to develop SOC prediction models. Parametric and data-driven methods were employed to predict the SOC. Multiple linear regression and Linear Spatial Mixed Model (LSMM) were used on the Landsat 8 and PlanetScope data. In addition to the parametric models, Regression Trees and Random Forest were also employed on both satellite data. The results showed that reduced LSMM provided the lowest RMSE, which are 0.401 and 0.367 for Landsat 8 and PlanetScope, respectively. Furthermore, the random forest has the highest RPD and RPIQ for Landsat 8 (RPD of 2.67 and RPIQ of 2.49) and PlanetScope (RPD of 2.85 and RPIQ of 3.7). In all cases, models obtained from PlanetScope are better than those obtained from Landsat 8.
The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) is a typical ecologically fragile area. Once the surface vegetation degenerates, it may not be restored. This requires the development of soil organic matter (SOM) monitoring method without destroying the surface, so as to ensure the sustainable development of plateau agriculture. This work investigated the environmental factors that are significantly related to SOM content in the river valley of the southern QTP. These environmental factors include soil hydrothermal factors (soil moisture content and soil temperature), topographic factors (elevation and slope) and vegetation factor (NDVI). The original band reflectivity (OR) of Landsat 8 OLI images and the band reflectivity after the first-order derivative (FDR) and the second-order derivative (SDR) processing were combined with the above environmental factors to estimate SOM content. The results showed that the accuracy of the model was improved obviously by adding environmental factors. The estimation effect of back propagation neural network (BPNN) model was better than that of geographically weighted regression (GWR) model, partial least squares regression (PLSR) model and multivariable linear regression (MLR) model. GWR model can also meet the estimation requirements, while PLSR and MLR models cannot achieve effectively the estimation of SOM content. FDR-BPNN model considering environmental factors was the best model for estimating SOM content, with R² being 0.947, RMSEC being 4.701 g·kg⁻¹ and MAEV being 5.485 g·kg⁻¹. Moreover, the model had the lowest uncertainty and the highest stability. This study will provide a good insight for the monitoring of SOM content in the future, and provide basic data support for the implementation of precision agriculture in the QTP.
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The regular monitoring of soil physical, chemical, and biological properties is very essential, due to its role in soil ecosystem functions. A cost-effective alternative for soil monitoring corresponds to spectral sensing techniques. Soil spectral sensing techniques can support decision-making in agricultural systems at both time and spatial scales, maximizing food production while preserving an adequate soil condition. Due to the large number of ground, airborne, and orbital spectral sensors operating today, this technology has been increasingly assimilated by soil scientists. However, it is important to have an adequate comprehension about the technique principles and limitations. This chapter provides a wide perspective about the soil spectral sensing in the visible (vis: 350–700 nm), near-infrared (NIR: 700–1000 nm), and shortwave infrared (SWIR: 1000–2500 nm), considering reflectance data at different acquisition levels. Here, it is discussed how soil constituents interact with EMR and the resulting soil spectral behaviors. We describe the predictive potential of vis-NIR-SWIR data for quantitative assessment of soil and which soil attributes have been reliably estimated and the most commonly used vis-NIR-SWIR equipment, as well as their advantages and limitations. Finally, we discuss the current application in soil science and future perspectives.
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Airborne hyperspectral images provide high spatial and spectral resolution along with flexible temporal resolution that are ideally suited for precision agricultural applications. In this study, we have explored the potential of aerial visible/infrared (VIR) hyperspectral imagery for characterizing soil fertility factors in midwestern agricultural fields. Two fields (SW and NW) in Illinois and two fields (GV and FO) in Missouri were considered in this study. Field data included hyperspectral VIR images and soil fertility parameters including pH, organic matter (OM), Ca, Mg, P, K, and soil electrical conductivity. The VIR images were geo-registered and calibrated into apparent reflectance values. The FO field had the highest average reflectance, followed by SW, GV, and NW. The Illinois fields (SW and NW) were high in soil minerals, OM, and soil electrical conductivity. The measured soil fertility characteristics were modeled on first derivatives of the reflectance data using partial least square regression (PLSR). The PLSR model on derivative spectra was able to explain 66% of the overall variability in soil fertility variables considered in this study, with a predicted residual sum of square (PRESS) of 0.66. The model explained a higher degree of variability in some of the response variables, such as Ca (82%), Mg (72%), Veris shallow (86%), Veris deep (67%), and OM (66%), compared to factors such as pH (48%) and EM (50%). Analysis of the parameter estimates for each response variable showed that some of the wavebands, such as 625, 652, 658, 661, 754 and 784 nm, explained a high degree of variability in the model, whereas a large number of wavelengths had negligible contribution. In conclusion, this study showed that soil fertility factors important for precision agriculture applications can be successfully modeled on hyperspectral VIR remote sensing data with partial least square regression models.
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Models of soil reflectance under changing moisture conditions are needed to better quantify soil and vegetation properties from remote sensing. In this study, measurements of reflected shortwave radiation (400-2500 nm) were acquired in a laboratory setting for four different soils at various moisture contents. The observed changes in soil reflectance revealed a nonlinear dependence on moisture that was well described by an exponential model, and was similar for different soil types when moisture was expressed as degree of saturation. Reflectance saturated at much lower moisture contents in the visible and near-infrared (VNIR) spectral region than in the shortwave-infrared (SWIR) spectral region, suggesting that longer wavelengths are better suited for measuring volumetric moisture contents above ∼20%. To explore the potential of a general reflectance model based solely on dry reflectance and moisture, we employed a Monte Carlo analysis that accounted for observed variability in the measured spectra. Modeling results indicated that the SWIR region offers significant potential for relating moisture and reflectance on an operational basis, with uncertainties less than half as large as in the VNIR. The results of this study help to quantify the strong influence of moisture on spectral reflectance and absorption features, and should aid in the development of operational algorithms as well as more physically based models in the future.
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Methods for rapid estimation of soil properties are needed for quantitative assessments of land management problems. We developed a scheme for development and use of soil spectral libraries for rapid nondestructive estimation of soil properties based on analysis of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. A diverse library of over 1000 archived topsoils from eastern and southern Africa was used to test the approach. Air-dried soils were scanned using a portable spectrometer (0.35-2.5 μm) with an artificial light source. Soil properties were calibrated to soil reflectance using multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS), and screening tests were developed for various soil fertility constraints using classification trees. A random sample of one-third of the soils was withheld for validation purposes. Validation r2 values for regressions were: exchangeable Ca, 0.88; effective cation-exchange capacity (ECEC), 0.88; exchangeable Mg, 0.81; organic C concentration, 0.80; clay content, 0.80; sand content, 0.76; and soil pH, 0.70. Validation likelihood ratios for diagnostic screening tests were: ECEC <4.0 cmolc kg-1, 10.8; pH <5.5, 5.6; potential N mineralization >4.1 mg kg-1 d-1, 2.9; extractable P <7 mg kg-1, 2.9; exchangeable K >0.2 cmolc kg-1, 2.6. We show the response of prediction accuracy to sample size and demonstrate how the predictive value of spectral libraries can be iteratively increased through detection of spectral outliers among new samples. The spectral library approach opens up new possibilities for modeling, assessment and management of risk in soil evaluations in agricultural, environmental, and engineering applications. Further research should test the use of soil reflectance in pedotransfer functions for prediction of soil functional attributes.
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The soil is important in sequestering atmospheric CO2 and in emitting trace gases (e.g. CO2, CH4 and N2O) that are radiatively active and enhance the ‘greenhouse’ effect. Land use changes and predicted global warming, through their effects on net primary productivity, the plant community and soil conditions, may have important effects on the size of the organic matter pool in the soil and directly affect the atmospheric concentration of these trace gases. A discrepancy of approximately 350 × 1015 g (or Pg) of C in two recent estimates of soil carbon reserves worldwide is evaluated using the geo-referenced database developed for the World Inventory of Soil Emission Potentials (WISE) project. This database holds 4353 soil profiles distributed globally which are considered to represent the soil units shown on a 1/2° latitude by 1/2° longitude version of the corrected and digitized 1:5 M FAO–UNESCO Soil Map of the World. Total soil carbon pools for the entire land area of the world, excluding carbon held in the litter layer and charcoal, amounts to 2157–2293 Pg of C in the upper 100 cm. Soil organic carbon is estimated to be 684–724 Pg of C in the upper 30 cm, 1462–1548 Pg of C in the upper 100 cm, and 2376–2456 Pg of C in the upper 200 cm. Although deforestation, changes in land use and predicted climate change can alter the amount of organic carbon held in the superficial soil layers rapidly, this is less so for the soil carbonate carbon. An estimated 695–748 Pg of carbonate-C is held in the upper 100 cm of the world's soils. Mean C: N ratios of soil organic matter range from 9.9 for arid Yermosols to 25.8 for Histosols. Global amounts of soil nitrogen are estimated to be 133–140 Pg of N for the upper 100 cm. Possible changes in soil organic carbon and nitrogen dynamics caused by increased concentrations of atmospheric CO2 and the predicted associated rise in temperature are discussed.
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This review article gives an overview of how satellite observations are used to feed or tune crop models and improve their capability to predict crop yields in a region. Relations between crop characteristics which correspond to models state variables and satellite observations are briefly analysed, together with the various types of crop models commonly used. Various strategies for introducing short wavelength radiometric information into specific crop models are described, from direct update of model state variables to optimization of model parameter values, and some of them are exemplified. Methods to unmix crop-specific information from mixed pixels in coarse resolution-high frequency imagery are analysed. The conditions of use of the various methods and types of information are discussed.
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Predictive models for soil organic carbon using reflectance were generated for soil samples collected from five Saskatchewan fields on a field-specific basis. Models were developed using calibration data sets to identify optimal regressor wavebands for multiple linear regressions and subsequently tested using validation data sets. Models were evaluated by comparing coefficient of determination and sum of squared error values, with a bias toward models with fewer regressors. The optimum model, including the number and wavelength of reflectance bands, for each field was identified. The four-regressor model, using reflectance in the 1500, 1720, 1740, and 1790-nm wavebands, was selected for the Hepburn field. Four-regressor models were also selected for Outlook and St. Louis fields, using reflectance at 480, 760, 1650, and 1700 nm and 530, 560, 2320, and 2360 nm, respectively. Reflectance data in the 1370, 2390, and 2450-nm wavebands were used in the three-regressor model for the Swift Current field, while the two-regressor model, comprised of reflectance data in the 1570 and 1600-nm wavebands, was chosen for the Watrous field. Coefficients of determination for these models were 0.85, 0.85, 0.89, 0.73, and 0.86 for the Hepburn, Outlook, St. Louis, Swift Current and Watrous fields, respectively.
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There is a global concern about the increase in atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases. One method being dis-cussed to encourage greenhouse gas mitigation efforts is based on a trading system whereby carbon emitters can buy effective mitigation efforts from farmers implementing con-servation tillage practices. These practices sequester car-bon from the atmosphere, and such a trading system would require a low-cost and accurate method of verification. Re-mote sensing technology can offer such a verification tech-nique. This paper is focused on the use of standard image processing procedures applied to a multispectral Ikonos image, to determine whether it is possible to validate that farmers have complied with agreements to implement con-servation tillage practices. A principal component analysis (PCA) was performed in order to isolate image variance in cropped fields. Analyses of variance (ANOVA) statistical procedures were used to evaluate the capability of each Ikonos band and each principal component to discriminate between conventional and conservation tillage practices. A logistic regression model was implemented on the princi-pal component most effective in discriminating between conventional and conservation tillage, in order to produce a map of the probability of conventional tillage. The Ikonos imagery, in combination with ground-reference information, proved to be a useful tool for verification of conservation tillage practices.
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For the determination of soil organic carbon (OC) concentrations, the availability of a fast, low-cost analysis method is required. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the possibilities of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) to build a spectral database and to develop calibrations for the prediction of organic carbon concentrations in grassland soils. NIRS spectra of 1626 soil samples from different grasslands (both agricultural and natural) were collected between 1100 and 2500 nm. NIRS calibrations were developed with modified partial least square regression and tested with independent validation samples. The best equations were obtained with the first derivative of the spectra without scatter corrections. For the global calibration, containing the samples of all origins, the standard errors of calibration (SEC) and of prediction (SEP) were respectively 3·70 g OC/kg dry soil (R2=0·89) and 3·95 g OC/kg dry soil (R2=0·88). The ratio of the standard deviation of the reference validation data to the SEP (RPD), indicating the performance of the calibration, was 2·9. Dividing the samples into groups according to their practice (agricultural or natural grassland), improved SEP by 5·8 and 7·7%, respectively. Dividing the samples into texture groups (clay, silt, sand) improved SEP for agricultural grassland by, on average, 7·4% and for natural grassland by 16·2%.
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Farm managers are becoming increasingly aware of the spa- tial variability in crop production with the growing availabil- ity of yield monitors. Often this variability can be related to differences in soil properties (e.g., texture, organic matter, salinity levels, and nutrient status) within the field. To de- velop management approaches to address this variability, high spatial resolution soil property maps are often needed. Some soil properties have been related directly to a soil spectral response, or inferred based on remotely sensed mea- surements of crop canopies, including soil texture, nitrogen level, organic matter content, and salinity status. While many studies have obtained promising results, several inter- fering factors can limit approaches solely based on spectral response, including tillage conditions and crop residue. A number of different ground-based sensors have been used to rapidly assess soil properties "on the go" (e.g., sensor mounted on a tractor and data mapped with coincident po- sition information) and the data from these sensors compli- ment image-based data. On-the-go sensors have been devel- oped to rapidly map soil organic matter content, electrical conductivity, nitrate content, and compaction. Model and statistical methods show promise to integrate these ground- and image-based data sources to maximize the information from each source for soil property mapping.
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The ability of agricultural lands to sequester carbon from the atmosphere and help mitigate global warming has the potential to add value to farmland through the development of carbon-credit trading. Crucial to the creation of a market-based carbon credit trading system is the monitoring and verification of agricultural practices that promote carbon storage. Using remotely sensed images for this purpose could prove more efficient and cost-effective than traditional land-based methods. Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) imagery and logistic regression had >95% accuracy in verifying no-till fallow fields. Further research is needed to investigate the potential for this low-cost technology to assist in the monitoring and verification of practices that sequester carbon. Development of an accurate, low-cost, efficient means of monitoring and verifying carbon sequestering practices will further the development of cropland carbon credits, thus helping to mitigate global warming, and will add value to U.S. farmland.
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In situ or on-the-go visible and near infrared (VisNIR) diffuse reflectance spectroscopy has been proposed as a rapid and inexpensive tool for intensively mapping soil texture and organic carbon (SOC). While lab-based VisNIR has been established as a viable technique for estimating various soil properties, few experiments have compared the predictive accuracy of on-the-go and lab-based VisNIR. In this study, eight north central Montana wheat fields were intensively interrogated using on-the-go and lab-based VisNIR. The on-the-go VisNIR system employed a spectrophotometer (350–2224nm, 8-nm spectral resolution) built into an agricultural shank mounted on a toolbar and pulled behind a tractor. Regional (whole-field out cross-validation) and hybrid (regional model including randomly chosen “local” calibration samples) spectral models were calibrated using partial least squares regression. Lab-based spectral data consistently provided more accurate predictions than on-the-go data. However, neither in situ nor lab-based spectroscopy yielded even semi-quantitative SOC predictions. For hybrid models with nine local samples included in the calibrations, standard error of prediction (SEP) values were 2.6 and 3.4gkg−1 for lab and on-the-go VisNIR respectively, with σSOC=3.2gkg−1. With an SOC coefficient of variation (CV)=26.7%, even with a relatively low SEP values, there was little SOC variability to explain. For clay content, hybrid-7 calibrations yielded lab SEP=53.1gkg−1 and residual product differential (RPD)=1.8 with on-the-go SEP=69.4gkg−1 and RPD=1.4. With more variability (σclay=91.4gkg−1 and CV=49.6%), both lab and on-the-go VisNIR show better explanatory power. There a number of potential explanations for degraded on-the-go predictive accuracy: soil heterogeneity, field moisture, consistent sample presentation, and a difference between the spatial support of on-the-go measurements and soil samples collected for laboratory analyses. In terms of predictive accuracy, our results are largely consistent with those previously published by Christy (2008), but on-the-go VisNIR was not able to capture the subtle SOC variability in Montana soils. Though the current configuration of the Veris on-the-go VisNIR system allows for rapid field scanning, on-the-go soil processing (i.e. drying, crushing, and sieving) could improve predictions.
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Near infrared diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry, within the wavelength range 1100 to 2500 nm, was investigated for use in the simultaneous prediction of the moisture, organic C, and total N contents of air‐dried soils. An infraAlyzer 500 C (Technicon Instruments Corp.) scanning spectrophotometer was used to obtain near infrared reflectance of soils at 2‐nm intervals. Calibration equations for each of the soil constituents studied were based upon selection of the best combination of three wavelengths in a multiple regression analysis. The wavelengths selected for moisture, organic C, and total N, respectively, were 1926, 1954, and 2150 nm, 1744, 1870 and 2052 nm, and 1702, 1870 and 2052 nm. The standard errors of prediction for finely ground samples (<0.25 mm) from the top layers (0‐0.1, 0.1‐0.2, 0.2‐0.3, 0.3‐0.6 m) were 0.58, 0.16, and 0.014% for moisture, organic C, and total N, respectively. The standard errors of prediction, however, were much larger for coarsely ground soils (<2 mm), soils containing low amounts of organic C (<0.3%) and total N (<0.03%), and for those with a wide range in colors. Within a narrow range in soil color and at moderate amounts of organic matter (0.3–2.5%C), the near infrared reflectance technique provides a rapid, nondestructive, and simultaneous measurement of moisture, organic C and total N in soils
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The data acquired from the hyperspectral airborne sensor DAIS-7915 over Izrael Valley in northern Israel was processed to yield quantitative soil properties maps of organic matter, soil field moisture, soil saturated moisture, and soil salinity. The method adopted for this purpose was the Visible and Near Infrared Analysis (VNIRA) approach, which yields an empirical model for predicting the soil property in question from both wet chemistry and spectral information of a representative set of samples (calibration set). Based on spectral laboratory data that show a significant capability to predict the above soil properties and populations using the VNIRA strategy, the next step was to examine this feasibility under a hyperspectral remote sensing (HSR) domain. After atmospherically rectifying the DAIS-7915 data and omitting noisy bands, the VNIRA routine was performed to yield a prediction equation model for each property, using the reflectance image data. Applying this equation on a pixel-bypixel basis revealed images that described spatially and quantitatively the surface distribution of each property. The VNIRA results were validated successfully from a priori knowledge of the area characteristics and from data collected from several sampling points. Following these examinations, a procedure was developed in order to create a soil property map of the entire area, including soils under vegetated areas. This procedure employed a random selection of more than 80 points along non-vegetated areas from the quantitative soil property images and interpolation of the points to yield an isocontour map for each property. It is concluded that the VNIRA method is a promising strategy for quantitative soil surface mapping, furthermore, the method could even be improved if a better quality of HSR data were used.
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There has been growing interest in the use of diffuse reflectance as a quick, inexpensive tool for soil characterization. Some studies, using techniques like Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression of 1st derivative spectra have reported predictive accuracies for soil Organic C (OC) and Inorganic C (IC) that approach the analytical limits of standard laboratory measures. We applied 1st derivative Visible and Near-Infrared (VNIR) reflectance PLS regression modeling to soil samples obtained from six sites with similar soils across three counties in north central Montana, with five completely random 30% test sets selected for model validation. We obtained–relative to estimated SEL (Standard Error of Laboratory reference measurements) of 1.07 and 0.97 g kg−1 for OC and IC, respectively–SECV (calibration Standard Error of Cross-Validation) values of 1.04–1.20 and 1.54–1.63 g kg−1, and SEP (validation Standard Error of Prediction) values of 1.09–1.27 and 1.43–1.63 g kg−1. These results, together with validation RPD (Residual Prediction Deviation) values ≥2, could suggest a stable, effective PLS calibration that could be applied to similar soils in the same physiographic region. However, when we attempted to predict soil C for each of the six sites in turn using the remaining five sites for calibration, the models failed completely at two of the six sites and gave inconsistent results at a third site despite pre-screening for spectral similarity. “One-off” local calibrations for this study required ∼20–35% of the full samples, which could be prohibitively expensive for many applications. The results of this study demonstrate that “pseudo-independent” validation (random selection of non-independent test samples) can overestimate predictive accuracy relative to independent validation. The spatial structure of calibration and validation samples matters a great deal. Greater care needs to be taken to ensure that validation samples are independent to a degree that matches intended model use.
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A digital elevation model (DEM) can be extracted automatically from stereo satellite images. During the past decade, the most common satellite data used to extract DEM was the across-track SPOT. Recently, the addition of along-track ASTER data, which can be downloaded freely, provides another attractive alternative to extract DEM data. This work compares the automated DEM extraction results using an ASTER stereo pair and a SPOT stereo pair over an area of hilly mountains in Drum Mountain, Utah, when compared to a USGS 7.5-min DEM standard product. The result shows that SPOT produces better DEM results in terms of accuracy and details, if the radiometric variations between the images, taken on subsequent satellite revolutions, are small. Otherwise, the ASTER stereo pair is a better choice because of simultaneous along- track acquisition during a single pass. Compared to the USGS 7.5-min DEM, the ASTER and the SPOT extracted DEMs have a standard deviation of 11.6 and 4.6 m, respectively.
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A controlled investigation of the spectral signature of soil's structural crust in the 1.2- to 2.5-μm spectral region was conducted to investigate the feasibility of accounting for the crust status solely from the spectral information. This research was conducted because there is no valid method for in situ assessment of soil-crust characteristics in agricultural fields while and after the crust is formed. Through the use of a laboratory rainfall simulator and a sensitive spectrometer, we showed that significant spectral differences occurred between the crust and the bulk soil for three selected soils from Israel. The study was divided into two parts: Part 1, in which qualitative observations of the three soils were conducted under one level of rainstorm energy, and Part 2, where a selected soil was further investigated under varying levels of rain energy. The spectral differences obtained for the crusted soil are related to the texture and mineralogy of the soil's surface. It was concluded that the relationship between structural crust and soil reflectance spectroscopy can be used as a tool for estimating soil properties governed by the physical crust formation, such as infiltration rate, soil runoff, and erosion. It was further suggested that this methodology be tested within a remote sensing domain, using field, air, or spaceborne hyperspectral sensors.
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In this paper we consider how we may determine the relative proportions of ground cover components in a mixed pixel. We assume the usual linear model for signal mixing and examine a number of methods, closely related, for estimating the proportions. We also show how the precision of our estimates can be defined. We introduce a new estimator which is based on regularisation principles and which produces a smoother set of images than other methods, and gives more accurate estimates. The methods are compared on a simulated data set.
To obtain basic information for site-specific soil management that can improve nutrient use efficiency by plants, spatial variability of soil properties was evaluated in a 50×100 m paddy field. Ninety-one surface soil samples were collected after harvesting to investigate the spatial variability of their chemical properties: pH, EC, total C content, total N content, C/N ratio, contents of available P, exchangeable Ca, Mg, K and Na. Fifty samples were also collected after transplanting to investigate that of nitrogen-related properties: total C content, total N content, C/N ratio, and contents of mineralizable N and inorganic N. A geostatistical analysis was carried out to examine within-field spatial variability using semivariograms and kriged maps as well as descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics indicated more than a 10% coefficient of variation for the EC, total C content, total N content, contents of available P, exchangeable K, Na and mineralizable N, suggesting relatively high variability. The geostatistical analysis indicated a high spatial dependence for all the properties except pH and inorganic N content. The ranges of spatial dependence were about 20 m for EC, total C content, total N content, C/N ratio, contents of exchangeable Ca, Mg, Na and mineralizable N, and about 40-50 m for the contents of available P and exchangeable K. Based on the results of spatial dependence, kriged maps were prepared for the properties to show their spatial distribution in the field. The results reflected the history of soil management of the field in addition to the characteristics of the inherent soil properties. In conclusion, rational sampling interval was evaluated at 20-50 m depending on the soil properties, and the need for site-specific soil management and possibility of precision agriculture were demonstrated even in an almost flat paddy field.
Over the last 3yr, a cooperative effort between scientists and users to update the USLE is nearing completion and will produce a revised version of the USLE known as the RUSLE. Some of the improvements in the RUSLE will include: A greatly expanded erosivity map for the western United States. Minor changes in R factors in the eastern United States. Expanded information on soil erodibility. A slope length factor that varies with soil susceptibility to rill erosion. A nearly linear slope steepness relationship that reduces computed soil loss values for very steep slopes. A subfactor method for computing values for the cover-management factor. Improved factor values for the effects of contouring, terracing, stripcropping, and management practices for rangeland. -from Authors
Soil reflectance data were collected with a portable near infrared (NIR) spectrophotometer and were correlated with soil organic matter content in laboratory and field tests. Laboratory calibrations yielded a correlation of 0.89 and a standard error of prediction of 0.40% organic matter with 30 representative Illinois soils at 1.5 MPa and 0.033 MPa moisture tension levels. Limited in-furrow field operation produced much higher errors, due to the movement of soil past the sensor during data acquisition. Estimation of cation exchange capacity and soil moisture content was also accomplished in the laboratory. -Authors
Spectral mixture modeling was performed for identification and mapping of land degradation features related to soil erosion processes in the Sacaba Valley, Bolivia. The model allowed use of up to five surface components to characterize the selected area, since six bands (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7) of the Landsat TM sensor were used as inputs. Among the various methods commonly used to determine end-members from the satellite image, three were selected: a) identification of one “pure” pixel representing a particular surface component from false color composites; b) average of “pure” pixels to characterize a particular end-member; and c) a method based on principal components. The best characterization of end-members was achieved by using average pure pixel reflectance. The median of the abundance images showed that, in 95% of the cases, the individual pixel compositions were explained by the selected surface components. The research has demonstrated that regional patterns of soil surface erosion features can be reliably mapped using linear spectral mixture analysis. Extrapolation of this approach to other regions where soil degradation features are correlated with spectrally distinguishable surface characteristics is feasible, provided that an optimization of the unmixing model as a function of local or regional surface component types is completed.
In a laboratory rainfall simulator study soil surface roughness was measured using contact (roller chain, pin meter) and noncontact devices (laser scanner, photogrammetry). Soil surfaces with two initial roughness conditions (aggregates < 20 mm and < 63 mm) were investigated before and after 90 mm of simulated rainfall. Measured plot area was 50 by 55 cm. A comparison of soil roughness measurement techniques was undertaken with regard to data acquisition and computation efforts, resolution, precision and capability to represent soil surface features.
Accelerated erosion involves preferential removal of soil organic carbon (SOC) because it is concentrated in vicinity of the soil surface and has lower density than the mineral fraction. The SOC transported by water runoff is redistributed over the landscape and deposited in depressional sites where it is buried along with the sediments. However, the fate of the SOC transported, redistributed and deposited by erosional processes is a subject of intense debate. Sedimentologists argue that SOC buried with sediments is physically protected, and that depleted in the eroded soil is replaced through biomass production. Thus, they argue that the erosion–sedimentation process leads to globally net SOC sequestration of 0.6–1.5 Gt C/year. In contrast, soil scientists argue that: (i) a large portion of the SOC transported by water runoff comprises labile fraction, (ii) breakdown of aggregation by raindrop impact and shearing force of runoff accentuates mineralization of the previously protected organic matter, and (iii) the SOC within the plow zone at the depositional sites may be subject to rapid mineralization, along with methanogenesis and denitrification under anaerobic environment. Whereas, tillage erosion may also cause burial of some SOC, increase in soil erosion and emission of CO2 from fossil fuel combustion are net sources of atmospheric CO2. Soil scientists argue that soil erosion may be a net source of atmospheric CO2 with emission of 1 Gt C/year. It is thus important to understand the fate of eroded SOC by measuring and monitoring SOC pool in eroded landscape as influenced by intensity and frequency of tillage operations and cropping systems.
have made it possible to obtain high-resolution digital elevation models (DEM) from which terrain attributes The quality of soil property maps may be improved and spatial are readily derived. Further, high-resolution digital ele- sampling intensities reduced by incorporating secondary data to en- hance spatial estimates. The purpose of this study was to evaluate vation data are available from the U.S. Geological Sur- how scale of sampling and secondary spatial information (terrain vey. While useful in predicting soil properties, there is attributes) affected the quality of spatial estimates of soil C. A field little consensus regarding which terrain attributes are in Central Michigan was sampled using 30.5- and 100-m regular grids most important and how analytical techniques and and the samples were analyzed for total C. Extracting a 61-m grid scales of soil measurements influence map quality. from the 30.5-m regular grid (G30) data set created an additional data Techniques to optimize spatial estimates of soil prop- set. Total C maps were created at each scale using ordinary kriging, erties include complex methods, such as kriging with an kriging with a trend model, cokriging, kriging with an external drift, external drift and cokriging; however, simpler methods and multiple regression. Each resulting map was compared with an
To determine the degree of comparability between three spectrometers (Analytical Spectral Devices FieldSpec Pro FR (FR), Analytical Spectral Devices HandHeld (HH), and UniSpec Spectral Analysis System (UN)), leaf spectra of three species (Cafea arabica, Lantana camara, Eriobotrya japonica), recorded from each instrument, were compared using two illumination, viewing, and field of view (FOV) scenarios. Scenario 1 eliminated differences due to illumination, viewing, and FOV conditions. Scenario 2 represented a ‘typical’ illumination and viewing set-up for each instrument. Six vegetation indices were computed from the raw spectra as well as spectra (1) interpolated to 1-nm intervals (the sampling interval of the FR) and (2) interpolated to 3.3 nm (the sampling interval of the UN). The spectra measured from the three instruments differed in both shape and amplitude, more so for scenario 2 than scenario 1. In many cases, indices obtained using one instrument differed significantly from the same indices obtained using the other two instruments (but the same leaves), regardless of scenario. The severity of these differences varied between indices. Interpolation was generally ineffective in ‘matching’ the spectra from the various instruments. Care should be exercised when comparing indices generated from spectra measured from different instruments.
Under the European Commissions's DG XII “Research & Development Programme in the Field of the Environment” emphasis is given to identify, map and control desertification phenomena in the Mediterranean area. Based upon previous experiences in Mediterranean land cover mapping, the “Environmental Mapping and Modelling Unit” of the Institute for Remote Sensing Applications is actively participating in this programme. A semi‐operational approach to land degradation mapping has recently been developed which requires radiometric rectification of the multi‐spectral images and the availability of spectral libraries. Linear spectral mixture modelling is then used to decompose image spectra into their spectrally distinct components, the fractional abundance of which then provides a largely unbiased measure for direct mapping of vegetation abundance and the identification of soil conditions and erosion hazards. Ground verification in a well‐contro