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Increasing Persistence of College Students in STEM



An evidence-based framework offers a guide for efforts to increase student persistence in STEM majors.
A 2012 report by the President’s Coun-
cil of Advisors on Science and Tech-
nology (PCAST) predicts that the
U.S. workforce will suffer a defi cit of one
million college graduates in science, technol-
ogy, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
over the next decade ( 1). The report calls for
addressing the shortfall by increasing reten-
tion of college students in STEM. But many
academic leaders have not responded aggres-
sively to workforce needs by implementing
measures that increase retention. Some of
this nonaction is likely due to lack of knowl-
edge about proven retention strategies.
Here, we introduce a “persistence frame-
work” that integrates evidence from psychol-
ogy and education research into a guide for
launching and evaluating initiatives aimed
at increasing persistence of interested col-
lege students ( 25). We emphasize “persis-
tence,” which focuses on student agency ( 6),
rather than on the institutional perspective of
“retention,” although the intended outcomes
are the same. Most of the research we review
was conducted in the United States, but the
problem is not unique to one country, and the
solutions are probably universal.
Persistence of more top students would
address the projected STEM workforce def-
icit, while building a deeper, broader talent
pool ( 1). Less than half of the three mil-
lion students who enter U.S. colleges yearly
intending to major in a STEM fi eld persist in
STEM until graduation ( 1). The exit rate is
especially high for the so-called “underrep-
resented majority,” women, racial, and eth-
nic minorities who are underrepresented in
STEM majors but collectively make up 68%
of college students in the United States ( 7).
For example, African-American students
who intend to major in STEM switch to a
non-STEM fi eld before graduation twice as
often as white students ( 8). Such stark statis-
tics invite a hard look at research and prac-
tice that bear on retention.
The concept of persistence originates in
social and cognitive psychology as one man-
ifestation of motivation ( 6). In education,
motivation is viewed as a driver of student
engagement. Among the important con-
structs underlying motivation is the powerful
infl uence of confi dence (i.e., self-effi cacy),
which is a requirement for persistence ( 9).
Therefore, it is imperative that persistence
efforts address motivation and confi dence
(see the fi gure).
The framework identifies learning and
professional identifi cation as determinants
of persistence. Research demonstrates their
importance in predicting student behavior ( 2,
4, 10), and both can be modulated by myriad
interventions ( 7). Some of the most success-
ful STEM retention initiatives pay careful
attention to both elements ( 3). Moreover,
both learning and professional identifica-
tion increase confi dence and, consequently,
motivation, which in turn spur academic suc-
cess and feeling like a scientist, thus creating
mutually reinforcing experiences (see the
gure). This contrasts with student reports
of many current introductory STEM courses
that obscure the subject, diminish students’
confidence, and discourage them from
becoming scientists ( 7). Although the con-
ceptual elements are well established, unify-
ing them into a single persistence framework
for guiding STEM education is new.
Answering PCAST’s call to increase
STEM student retention requires wide-
spread attention. Departments and institu-
tions also need fl exibility in the approaches
they take and a look at working examples
they can model. Because the framework uni-
es principles that may be implicit in even
the most successful programs, we highlight
a few intensively studied ones with quantifi -
able success (although many other success-
ful models exist).
For African-American students and other
underrepresented groups, the University of
Maryland–Baltimore County Meyerhoff
Scholars Program has dramatically increased
student achievement, retention, and graduate
study in STEM fi elds. Of their 508 STEM
majors between 1993 and 2006, Meyerhoff
boasts 86% retention in STEM ( 3), twice
the nationwide average for all students and
more than four times the average retention
for African-American students. Other pro-
grams such as the Biology Scholars Program
at University of California, Berkeley ( 11),
more broadly target gender, racial, and eth-
nic groups. Another approach is the peer-led
Gateway Science Workshops at Northwest-
ern University ( 12), which are open to all
beginning STEM students. The Posse pro-
grams that focus on urban-schooled science
students ( 1), and the LA-STEM and Howard
Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Research
Scholars Programs at Louisiana State Uni-
versity that focuses on promoting student
diversity in STEM are other outstanding
Such successful programs commonly use
three interventions widely recognized for
inspiring STEM students: (i) early research
experiences, (ii) active learning in introduc-
tory courses, and (iii) membership in STEM
learning communities (see the fi gure).
Early research experiences. Despite well-
known benefi ts of research experience, most
undergraduates are not offered research
opportunities until late in college, after
the critical period of attrition from STEM
Increasing Persistence of College
Students in STEM
Mark J. Graham,
1, 2 Jennifer Frederick,
1 Angela Byars-Winston,
3 Anne-Barrie Hunter,
Jo Handelsman
An evidence-based framework offers a guide
for efforts to increase student persistence
in STEM majors.
1Center for Scientific Teaching, Department of Molec-
ular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Yale Uni-
versity, New Haven, CT 06520, USA. 2Department of
Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Yale University, New
Haven, CT 06511, USA. 3Department of Medicine, School
of Medicine and Public Health, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, WI 53705, USA. 4Ethnography and Evaluation
Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, USA.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: SCIENCE VOL 341 27 SEPTEMBER 2013 1455
Persistence framework
Identify as
a scientist
Early research
Active learning
Learning communities
The Persistence Framework. Confi dence is belief
in one’s own ability; motivation is intention to take
action in pursuit of goals; learning is acquiring
knowledge and skills; and professional identifi cation
is feeling like a scientist.
Published by AAAS
majors ( 13). Students who engage
in research in the first 2 years of
college are more likely to persist in
STEM majors ( 14). Research expe-
rience is a powerful learning tool,
engaging students and stimulating
curiosity; and it naturally encour-
ages professional identification
because students are being scien-
tists, not just studying products of
other people’s science.
The PCAST report recommends
implementing research courses for
all beginning undergraduates ( 1).
Research courses provide students
with the project ownership and intel-
lectual challenges of empirical pur-
suit. At the same time, these courses
use teaching time and materials effi ciently by
having student teams work on parallel prob-
lems that require similar techniques.
In research courses, students engage in
authentic research—they design experi-
ments, collect and analyze data, and some-
times make significant discoveries ( 15);
thus, undergraduates in research courses
experience the same dramatic gains in learn-
ing and positive attitudes toward science as
those who conduct research in faculty labo-
ratories ( 10, 16).
A variety of research courses have been
implemented successfully at large and small
institutions. Faculty who are understandably
hesitant to accept inexperienced undergrad-
uates into their research laboratories find
research courses feasible and rewarding to
teach. One is the multi-institutional HHMI–
Science Education Alliance (SEA) PHAGES
in which freshman discover new bacterio-
phages from soil ( 15). The University of
Texas at Austin’s Freshman Research Initia-
tive demonstrates that research courses can
also be cost-effective on a large scale when
they replace traditional introductory lab
courses. In the Austin model, faculty provide
projects, derived from their own research, as
the basis for student research projects in lab
sections of 20 to 30 students.
Active learning in introductory courses.
Many talented college students fl ee STEM
majors because they find introductory
courses uninspiring ( 7). This can be cor-
rected by incorporating classroom teaching
practices that engage students in the learning
process, known as “active learning,” which
has been shown to reduce STEM attrition
( 17). Active learning includes any activity
in which every student must think, create, or
solve a problem. For example, brief lectures
interspersed with opportunities for students
to refl ect on or apply their own knowledge
induces active engagement in large lec-
ture courses ( 18). Active learning improves
understanding and retention of concepts and
information ( 1), and it helps students identify
as scientists because they participate in sci-
entifi c thinking with peers who create a sci-
entifi c community.
Faculty are often reluctant to try active
learning because of lack of experience, so it
is essential to provide training. Opportunities
exist at many universities, professional soci-
eties, and in the National Academies Sum-
mer Institutes on Undergraduate Science
Education, a national program that trains
instructors in evidence-based instructional
methods ( 19).
Membership in STEM learning commu-
nities. Learning communities are typically
virtual or physical structures that provide
gathering places or events that enable stu-
dents to work with and learn from each
other ( 12).
Forming learning communities often
requires a small financial investment that
produces substantial impacts on student
achievement and persistence. Establishing
learning communities can be as simple as
ensuring that all students have access to a
study group outside of class or providing an
online environment where students can dis-
cuss course content. Learning communities
can be constructed in tutoring centers where
students congregate by course or discipline,
science clubs, or science-based residential
communities ( 12). All of these activities
stimulate intellectual growth. Involvement
with other students who are aspiring scien-
tists also strengthens professional identity.
To ensure inclusion of all students in
learning communities, attention must be paid
to being impartial. Students from groups typ-
ically underrepresented in science are less
likely to form study groups, may be unaware
of the academic benefi ts of group
work outside of class, and confront
unintentional biases that may make
it challenging to break into estab-
lished cliques ( 20). Instructors can
reduce this tendency by confronting
the issue in class and encouraging
students to form and join inclusive
Proven interventions exist, so
now it is time for all stakeholders
to contribute to increasing student
persistence in STEM majors (see
table). The elements of the persis-
tence framework are universal and
can be tailored for any classroom. In
the United States, a concerted effort
to implement evidence-based strat-
egies will pay off by advancing the goal of
having suffi cient STEM college graduates to
meet projected workforce needs.
References and Notes
1. PCAST, Engage to Excel: Producing One Million
Additional College Graduates with Degrees in Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (PCA ST,
Washington, DC, 2012).
2. M. Estrada, A. Woodcock, P. R. Hernandez, P. W. Schultz,
J. Educ. Psychol. 103, 206–222 (2011).
3. M. F. Summers, F. A. Hrabowski III, Science 311,
1870–1871 (2006).
4. H. Thiry, S. L. Laursen, A.-B. Hunter, J. Higher Educ. 82,
357–388 (2011).
5. A. Byars-Winston, B. Gutierrez, S. Topp, M. Carnes, CBE
Life Sci. Educ. 10, 357–367 (2011).
6. A. Bandura, Am. Psychol. 44, 1175–1184 (1989).
7. E. Seymour, N. M. Hewitt, Talking About Leaving (Wes t-
view Press, Boulder, CO, 1997).
8. National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of
Engineering, Institute of Medicine, Expanding Underrep-
resented Minority Participation: America’s Science and
Technology Talent at the Crossroads (National Academies
Press, Washington, DC, 2011).
9. C. S. Dweck, Am. Psychol. 41, 1040–1048 (1986).
10. D. Lopatto et al., Science 322, 684–685 (2008).
11. J. Matsui, R. Liu, C. M. Kane, Cell Biol. Educ. 2, 117–121
12. G. Light, M. Micari, Making Scientists (Harvard Univ.
Press, Cambridge, MA, 2013).
13. S. H. Russell, M. P. Hancock, J. McCullough, Science 316,
548–549 (2007).
14. B. A. Nagda, S. R. Gregerman, J. Jonides, W. Von Hippel,
J. S. Lerner, Rev. Higher Educ. 22, 55 (1998).
15. G. F. Hatfull et al., PLoS Genet. 2, e92 (2006).
16. A.-B. Hunter, S. L. Laursen, E. Seymour, Sci. Educ. 91,
36–74 (2007).
17. D. C. Haak, J. HilleRisLambers, E. Pitre, S. Freeman,
Science 332, 1213–1216 (2011).
18. J. Handelsman, S. Miller, C. Pfund, Scientifi c Teaching
(W. H. Freeman, New York, 2007).
19. C. Pfund et al., Science 324, 470–471 (2009).
20. C. A. Moss-Racusin, J. F. Dovidio, V. L. Brescoll, M. J.
Graham, J. Handelsman, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
109, 16474–16479 (2012).
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by a grant
to J.H. from the HHMI Professors Program and NIH Grant
1R13GM090574-01. We thank E. Baraban and J. Young for
comments on an earlier version of this manuscript.
(i) Faculty and instructional staff should teach undergraduate research
courses, use active learning in introductory STEM courses, and encourage
students to form learning communities;
(ii) Students should be educated about the benefits of learning communities
and supported to create their own;
(iii) Departments should examine curricula and reward structures to
incentivize effective teaching, and then align them to enable early research
and active learning in introductory courses;
(iv) Provosts, deans, and chairs should advocate for and dedicate resources
to changing classroom practice by creating opportunities for instructors to
learn new teaching techniques;
(v) Public and private funding entities should apply the persistence
framework to evaluation of new initiatives in STEM undergraduate
education; and,
(vi) Accreditation agencies should incorporate measurements of STEM
persistence into their periodic institutional reviews.
Published by AAAS
... Developing a positive science identity and sense of belonging to the science community may be a fundamental mechanism for increasing student persistence in STEM, especially among historically marginalized student groups (Chang et al., 2011;Estrada et al., 2011Estrada et al., , 2018Graham et al., 2013;Byars-Winston et al., 2016;Flowers and Banda, 2016). Science identity is a strong predictor of students' choices related to science pathways (Sumabat Estrada, 2020;Chen et al., 2021). ...
... Each cohort consisted of 16 to 22 students, including a mix of high school students and recent high school graduates. A multi-tiered mentoring framework is developed each year among the incoming students, near-peer alumni mentors, undergraduate interns, graduate students, and early career professionals-an approach shown to facilitate development of science identity among both mentee and mentor students (Trujillo et al., 2015;Atkins et al., 2020) and creates a learning community that helps to retain students in STEM through a "persistence framework" (Graham et al., 2013). Over the course of the program, students participated in course, field, and laboratory-based marine science activities, culminating in a student-led, small-group research project in collaboration with professional research scientists and peers. ...
An assessment of latent factors of learning gains and student reflections are used to explore the intersecting factors that impact students practicing science in an immersive, culturally-responsive CURE and describe how these factors may contribute towards building an undergraduate research experience within a Native Hawaiian Place of Learning.
... For example, firsthand involvement in research relies on a strong relationship between sense of belonging and community involvement. Early research experiences are important and directly contribute to student motivation to persist in STEM and lead to the student identifying as a scientist (Schultz et al., 2011;Graham et al., 2013;Rodenbusch et al., 2016). Considering literature on student success and the college learning environment, Museus (2014) explains culturally engaging learning environment are those that incorporate educationally purposeful engagement strategies while also attending to racial and cultural context (e.g., nature of the campus cultures in which students' involvement or engagement behaviors occur). ...
... As early research experiences are important in connection to students' cultural values and communities (Schultz et al., 2011;Graham et al., 2013;Rodenbusch et al., 2016), we found validating actions were more than faculty taking interest in and caring for students. Rather, students talked specifically about how instructors and community partners drew on culturally relevant matters that validated students' experiences and backgrounds. ...
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Using the Culturally Engaging Campus Environments (CECE) Model, this qualitative study examined development of psychosocial attributes (i.e., sense of belonging, science identity , and self-efficacy) among 1st-year life science undergraduate students who participated in integrated and culturally engaging research activities at New Mexico Highlands University, a rural Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI). Research activities were part of a project called SomosSTEM [We are STEM], which included four major components: 1) course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) that are laboratory modules integrated into introductory life science classes; 2) summer Bridge Science Challenge Academy for 1st-year students; 3) full summer internship program; and 4) Community Voices lecture series. We found the integrated nature of SomosSTEM represents an engaging learning environment that positively impacted students' perceptions of their development of psychosocial attributes. This paper's significance is it outlines specific, integrated activities that are also community-based and culturally engaging. We discuss community-based and culturally engaging learning environments as a viable solution to the problem of individualistic and exclusionary learning environments. Stacy Alvares, Monitoring Editor
... With technological and innovation advancements and the global economy's development, STEM employees are becoming increasingly important to the economic growth of countries. However, an important challenge is that far too many early careers STEM specialists leave the field [1,2], in some cases because they feel overqualified [3]. Perceived overqualification (POQ) occurs when people think that their credentials exceed the requirements of their job [4]. ...
... According to the results of this study, POQ can strengthen STEM women's CI under supportive leadership. Our findings add to the growing body of knowledge of the positive outcomes of STEM women's overqualification [2]. Moreover, research on perceived overqualification in STEM fields has shown that self-efficacy is the primary mechanism by which perceived overqualification influences employee performance [5,54]. ...
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Women’s career progression and empowerment in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) sectors are critical to attaining SDG 5: Gender Equality because they promote equal access to education, job prospects, and leadership roles, building a more inclusive and equitable society. The purpose of this study is to look into the impact of perceived overqualification (POQ) on career anxiety and career decidedness (CD) among women in STEM disciplines while also considering the function of career identity (CI) and leadership support. With a total sample size of 1,045 participants, two distinct investigations were conducted, one in the educational field (N = 530) and one in an industry setting (N = 515 time-lag). To test the model, the analysis was carried out using the AMOS-24 software program. Our findings show a favorable association between women’s perceptions of overqualification in STEM and their CI. Furthermore, our research shows that a stronger CI among women in STEM corresponds to decreased career anxiety and increased CD. Additionally, we find that a CI is a mediator between POQ and both career anxiety and CD. Our findings also highlight the moderating effect of leadership support in this mediation process. We discuss the theoretical and practical ramifications of these findings.
... Based on the glossary of high-frequency topics and combined with the analysis of key node literature and citation literature, it is summarised that the hotspots of STEM research are mainly in the following areas: (1) racial and gender differences in STEM education (Estrada et al., 2016;Estrada et al. 2018;Rainey et al., 2018;Stains et al., 2018;Theobald et al., 2020); (2) reforms in the way undergraduate students are assessed and incentivised in STEM education (Auchincloss et al., 2014;Eagan et al., 2013;Henderson et al., 2011;Linn et al., 2015;Thiry et al., 2019); (3) strategies to improve STEM academic performance (Freeman et al., 2014;Graham et al., 2013) and (4) the impact of STEM education on employment (Rodenbusch et al., 2016), among other aspects. ...
... The analysis reveals highly cited authors in the field of STEM education. Based on the intensity values, the following are the highly cited articles in the field of STEM education (Auchincloss et al., 2014;Brewer et al., 2011;Cooper, 2015;Eagan et al., 2013;Estrada et al., 2016;Freeman et al., 2014;Graham et al., 2013;Henderson et al., 2012;Linn et al., 2015;Rainey et al., 2018;Sargent & Shea, 2012;Seymour et al., 2019;Stains et al., 2018;Theobald et al., 2020 (Rainey et al., 2018;Seymour et al., 2019;Stains et al., 2018;Theobald et al., 2020), and the retrieval of these four articles reveals that the research mainly focuses on STEM education's current problems and solutions (Seymour et al., 2019;Stains et al., 2018), gender and racial differences in STEM education (Rainey et al., 2018), teaching strategies in STEM education, and teaching effectiveness (Theobald et al., 2020), which are the direction and hot issues of current STEM research. Besides, it can be observed that the majority of the articles experienced citation bursts only after several years of publications, which was justified in the study by Li et al. (2020) stating STEM education research developed significantly after 2010. ...
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This study aims to review the STEM education intervention on the undergraduate level by applying CiteSpace software, an innovative tool for bibliometric analysis and visualization. The Web of Science (WOS) database was used and covers the period from January 2008 to August 2023. Based on keyword search, seven clusters with the largest research volume in the past 15 years were identified and analysed with relevant literature. The results revealed that the trending topics of STEM education research included racial and gender differences in STEM education, reform of STEM education assessment and motivation methods for undergraduates, strategies to improve STEM academic performance, and the impact of STEM education on undergraduate employment. Furthermore, a cluster analysis of keywords and references was conducted to explore the connections between the clustered themes and the core theme of STEM. The timeline visualization diagram was used to examine the duration and evolution of each research theme in STEM education, which provided useful information for identifying the direction of STEM research. Finally, through the citation burst analysis, the top 15 most cited references were determined, and the STEM research hotspots were discussed in relation to their literature, which were consistent with the STEM research hotspots derived from the high-frequency themes and node literature. The findings of this study offer important insights into the development trend of STEM education and provide an evidence base and reference for future research and development of STEM education particularly at the undergraduate level.
... In both physics and biology, pedagogical reforms like inquiry-based labs have been shown to broadly benefit student learning, improve students' attitudes towards learning science (Brownell et al., 2015;Geller et al., 2018;Jeffery et al., 2016;Wilcox & Lewandowski, 2017) and increase students' performance in data analysis and interpretation (Brownell et al., 2015;Karelina et al., 2007). Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) (Auchincloss et al., 2014) have been shown to increase confidence and student persistence through a STEM degree (Graham et al., 2013), especially for students coming from underrepresented backgrounds (Bangera & Brownell, 2014;Bradshaw et al., 2023). Research has also shown that students who begin the semester with weaker experimental design skills show greater gains than initially higher-performing students (Blumer & Beck, 2019). ...
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Biophysical research is both exciting and challenging. It is exciting because physical approaches to biology can provide novel insights, and it is challenging because it requires knowledge and skills from multiple disciplines. We have developed an undergraduate biophysical laboratory module that is accessible to both biology and physics majors, teaches fundamental skills such as time-lapse microscopy, image analysis, programming, critical reading of scientific literature, and basics of scientific writing and peer-review. This module uses published research on the biomechanics of Hydra mouth opening as its framework because this work was co-first authored by an undergraduate student and featured in the public press, thus providing two anchors that make this research accessible and exciting to undergraduates. Students start with a critical reading and discussion of the publication. Then they execute some of the experiments and analysis from the paper, thereby learning fluorescence time-lapse microscopy and image analysis using ImageJ and/or MATLAB/Python, and compare their data to the literature. The module culminates in the students writing a short paper about their results following the Micropublication journal style, a blinded peer-review, and final paper submission. Here, we describe one possible implementation of this module with the necessary resources to reproduce it, and summarize student feedback from a pilot run. We also provide suggestions for more advanced exercises. Several students expressed that repeating a published study done by an undergraduate student inspired and motivated them, thus creating buy-in and assurance that they 'can do it', which we expect to help with confidence and retention.
... Learning communities and student affinity groups offer opportunities to come together with individuals who share one's identities, interests, and/or plan of study to engage in intellectual, preprofessional, and/or social events. Such structures can provide marginalized students with space to be one's complete self and foster connections with peers and professionals with common identities and experiences (Graham et al., 2013;Knekta and McCartney, 2021;Ong et al., 2018;Rodriguez and Blaney, 2021). Rodriguez and Blaney (2021) found that affinity-based student groups serve as a major source of belonging for Latina STEM majors who otherwise encountered regular isolation and exclusion at their predominantly white research university. ...
By elevating marginalized student voices, our study explores how curricular and co-curricular experiences impact undergraduate students'; sense of belonging and perceptions of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the biology department at a large, predominantly-white research institution in the Southeast U.S.
... Exposure to research experiences, learning how to use material resources, and finding relatable mentors can strongly impact students' science identities and are frequently not accessible for students from marginalized groups. This can especially be challenging in field environments (Haeger and Fresquez, 2016), and represents a significant missed opportunity for STEM fields to increase retention since factors such as student self-efficacy, motivation, and authentic learning experiences (Graham et al., 2013) can be fostered in a field environment (Gilmore et al., 2011;Robnett et al., 2018). To promote a sense of belonging which is a crucial element of retention in STEM majors, we need to understand what components of fieldwork lead to positive student outcomes for students from diverse backgrounds and who hold diverse identities. ...
A central issues in ecology is the underrepresentation of individuals from diverse backgrounds. Using the Phenomenological Variant Ecological Systems Theory, we present findings from the evaluation of a field-based graduate training program. Three cases describe different students belonging outcomes, providing critical constructive perspectives.
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Advancements in electronics and the rapid evolution of technology necessitate that higher education institutions continuously adapt their curricula to accommodate new teaching methodologies and emergent tools. This paper examines the impact of integrating flipped learning and digital laboratories into practical sessions of a Basic Electronics course by analyzing 5 years of data. Using an action research methodology, the research was conducted through three phases: traditional in‐person teaching, fully online instruction during the COVID‐19 pandemic, and a hybrid model combining flipped classrooms, digital laboratories, and in‐person sessions. The findings reveal that the hybrid model, blending digital and traditional methods, significantly enhanced student performance, particularly in practical tasks. Furthermore, digital laboratories provide students with a risk‐free environment to simulate real‐world electronic scenarios, fostering deeper cognitive engagement and reducing the cognitive load during in‐person sessions. The flipped classroom structure encouraged active learning and peer collaboration, which led to greater student motivation, lower absenteeism, and improved learning outcomes. Additionally, students demonstrated a marked increase in their ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical problems, highlighting the effectiveness of this approach in bridging the gap between theory and practice. This model enhances cognitive and motivational learning dimensions, providing a balanced, effective approach to modern engineering education. The results can potentially contribute to the understanding of effective pedagogical strategies in adapting engineering education to meet the challenges of the digital age.
This phenomenological study examines how women and Students of Color who attend a small undergraduate predominately white institution (PWI) make meaning of their experiences in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and how individual and contextual factors influence whether they decide to stay, leave, or add an STEM major. We conducted qualitative interviews with 50 juniors and seniors across three participation pathways: (1) students who entered college with an interest in an STEM major and are still an STEM major, (2) students who entered college with an interest in a non‐STEM major and switched to an STEM major, and (3) students who entered college with an interest in an STEM major and changed to a non‐STEM major. Students' descriptions of the factors that influenced their academic choices support the tenets of the situated expectancy‐value theory. Themes related to expectancies for success, value beliefs, and teachers and peers are presented. Implications of these findings for retaining underrepresented students in STEM majors are discussed.
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This article evaluates the impact of a program promoting student-faculty research partnerships on college student retention. The program, built on the premise that successful retention efforts integrate students into the core academic mission of the university, targets first-year and sophomore undergraduates. Findings of a participant-control group design show that the research partnerships are most effective in promoting the retention of students at greater risk for college attritionÑAfrican American students and students with low GPAs.
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Introductory science courses at large universities in the United States serve as the portals that connect undergraduates to frontiers in research and scientific ways of thinking (1-3). According to the National Research Council report, BIO2010 (4), however, teaching practices have not changed in correspondence with advances in scientific research. Consequently, the gateway through which most students pass is antiquated and misrepresents the interdisciplinary, collaborative, evidencebased culture of science. To provide faculty with the knowledge and skills they need to improve undergraduate teaching, BIO2010 recommended an annual summer institute for biology faculty devoted to teaching and learning. Here, we report the design of such an institute and its impact on participants' teaching practices, challenges faced when they returned to their institutions, and how they disseminated institute practices.
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Despite efforts to recruit and retain more women, a stark gender disparity persists within academic science. Abundant research has demonstrated gender bias in many demographic groups, but has yet to experimentally investigate whether science faculty exhibit a bias against female students that could contribute to the gender disparity in academic science. In a randomized double-blind study (n = 127), science faculty from research-intensive universities rated the application materials of a student—who was randomly assigned either a male or female name—for a laboratory manager position. Faculty participants rated the male applicant as significantly more competent and hireable than the (identical) female applicant. These participants also selected a higher starting salary and offered more career mentoring to the male applicant. The gender of the faculty participants did not affect responses, such that female and male faculty were equally likely to exhibit bias against the female student. Mediation analyses indicated that the female student was less likely to be hired because she was viewed as less competent. We also assessed faculty participants’ preexisting subtle bias against women using a standard instrument and found that preexisting subtle bias against women played a moderating role, such that subtle bias against women was associated with less support for the female student, but was unrelated to reactions to the male student. These results suggest that interventions addressing faculty gender bias might advance the goal of increasing the participation of women in science.
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Describes how motivational processes influence a child's acquisition, transfer, and use of knowledge and skills. Recent research within the social-cognitive framework illustrates adaptive and maladaptive motivational patterns, and a research-based model of motivational processes is presented that shows how the particular performance or learning goals children pursue on cognitive tasks shape their reactions to success and failure and influence the quality of their cognitive performance. Implications for practice and the design of interventions to change maladaptive motivational processes are outlined. It is suggested that motivational patterns may contribute to gender differences in mathematics achievement and that empirically based interventions may prevent current achievement discrepancies and provide a basis for more effective socialization. (79 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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In this ethnographic study of summer undergraduate research (UR) experiences at four liberal arts colleges, where faculty and students work collaboratively on a project of mutual interest in an apprenticeship of authentic science research work, analysis of the accounts of faculty and student participants yields comparative insights into the structural elements of this form of UR program and its benefits for students. Comparison of the perspectives of faculty and their students revealed considerable agreement on the nature, range, and extent of students' UR gains. Specific student gains relating to the process of “becoming a scientist” were described and illustrated by both groups. Faculty framed these gains as part of professional socialization into the sciences. In contrast, students emphasized their personal and intellectual development, with little awareness of their socialization into professional practice. Viewing study findings through the lens of social constructivist learning theories demonstrates that the characteristics of these UR programs, how faculty practice UR in these colleges, and students' outcomes—including cognitive and personal growth and the development of a professional identity—strongly exemplify many facets of these theories, particularly, student-centered and situated learning as part of cognitive apprenticeship in a community of practice. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Sci Ed91:36–74, 2007
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Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics instructors have been charged with improving the performance and retention of students from diverse backgrounds. To date, programs that close the achievement gap between students from disadvantaged versus nondisadvantaged educational backgrounds have required extensive extramural funding. We show that a highly structured course design, based on daily and weekly practice with problem-solving, data analysis, and other higher-order cognitive skills, improved the performance of all students in a college-level introductory biology class and reduced the achievement gap between disadvantaged and nondisadvantaged students—without increased expenditures. These results support the Carnegie Hall hypothesis: Intensive practice, via active-learning exercises, has a disproportionate benefit for capable but poorly prepared students.
Few, if any, educational interventions intended to increase underrepresented minority (URM) graduate students in biological and behavioral sciences are informed by theory and research on career persistence. Training and Education to Advance Minority Scholars in Science (TEAM-Science) is a program funded by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with the twin goals of increasing the number of URM students entering and completing a PhD in BBS and increasing the number of these students who pursue academic careers. A framework for career development in graduate research training is proposed using social cognitive career theory. Based on this framework, TEAM-Science has five core components: 1) mentor training for the research advisor, 2) eight consensus-derived fundamental competencies required for a successful academic career, 3) career coaching by a senior faculty member, 4) an individualized career development plan that aligns students' activities with the eight fundamental competencies, and 5) a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats personal career analysis. This paper describes the theoretical framework used to guide development of these components, the research and evaluation plan, and early experience implementing the program. We discuss the potential of this framework to increase desired career outcomes for URM graduate trainees in mentored research programs and, thereby, strengthen the effectiveness of such interventions on participants' career behaviors.