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Epilepsy and Vitamin D

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  • International Center for Medical Nutritional Intervention


Summary Several disorders, both systemic and those of the nervous system, have been linked with vitamin D deficiency. Neurological disorders with a vitamin D link include but are not limited to multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer and Parkinson disease as well as cerebrovascular disorders. Epilepsy which is the second leading neurological disorder received much less attention. We review evidence supporting a link between vitamin D and epilepsy including those coming from ecological as well as interventional and animal studies. We also assess the literature on the interaction between antiepileptic drugs and vitamin D. Converging evidence indicates a role for vitamin D deficiency in the pathophysiology of epilepsy.
Copyright © 2013 Informa Healthcare
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International Journal of Neuroscience, 2013; 00(00): 1–7
Copyright ©2013 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
ISSN: 0020-7454 print / 1543-5245 online
DOI: 10.3109/00207454.2013.847836
Epilepsy and Vitamin D
as Holl´
oa Clemens,2,3and P´
eter Lakatos4
1National Institute for Medical Rehabilitation, Budapest, Hungary; 2National Institute of Neuroscience, Budapest,
Hungary; 3Department of Neurology, University of P´
ecs, P´
ecs, Hungary; 41st Department of Internal Medicine,
Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
Several disorders, both systemic and those of the nervous system, have been linked with vitamin D deciency.
Neurological disorders with a vitamin D link include but are not limited to multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer and
Parkinson disease, as well as cerebrovascular disorders. Epilepsy which is the second leading neurological
disorder received much less attention. We review evidence supporting a link between vitamin D and epilepsy
including those coming from ecological as well as interventional and animal studies. We also assess the literature
on the interaction between antiepileptic drugs and vitamin D. Converging evidence indicates a role for vitamin
D deciency in the pathophysiology of epilepsy.
KEYWORDS: vitamin D deficiency, antiepileptic drugs, neurosteroids
Understanding the role of vitamin D in various health
functions has increased exponentially in the past few
years. Beyond its well-known role in bone health, vi-
tamin D is implicated in diverse functions such as
cardiovascular health, tumor prevention, immunologi-
cal functioning, as well as glucose metabolism [1]. It
is now assumed that vitamin D status is a major factor
inuencing life expectancy [2]. As regards the central
nervous system vitamin D is involved in both brain
development and adult brain function [3,4]. Decient
levels of vitamin D have been associated with sev-
eral brain disorders including multiple sclerosis [5],
Alzheimer [3,6,7] and Parkinson diseases [8], autism
[9–11], schizophrenia [12], and cerebrovascular disor-
ders [13]. Yet as compared, much less attention has
been paid to epilepsy, the second major neurological
Vitamin D is a member of a large family of
steroid hormones signaling via nuclear and membrane-
associated receptors. It is synthesized from 7-dehydro-
cholesterol in the skin through exposure to ultraviolet
B radiation. A number of vitamin D forms exist but
Received 19 August 2013; revised 18 September 2013; accepted 18 September
Correspondence: Zs ´
oa Clemens, National Institute of Neuroscience,
H-1145 Budapest, Amerikai ´
ut 57, Hungary. Tel: 00 3614679300.
Fax: 00 3612558869. E-mail: clemenszso
vitamin D3 is the form naturally occurring in mam-
mals. Metabolism of vitamin D3 is highly complex with
the major route involving two consecutive hydroxyla-
tion steps taking place in the liver and the kidney.
The rst hydroxylation results in 25(OH)D, the ma-
jor circulating form of vitamin D also used to measure
vitamin D status. The second hydroxylation step is me-
diated by the 1-alpha-hydroxylase enzyme and results in
1,25(OH)D. This is the active form of vitamin D mean-
ing that this metabolite binds to the nuclear vitamin
D receptor and mediates genomic responses. In fact,
the 1-alpha-hydroxylase enzyme activity is not limited
to the kidney but is present in various tissues through-
out the body including the brain [10]. Vitamin D recep-
tors as well as the 1-alpha-hydroxylase enzyme activity
have been described in virtually all brain structures, neu-
ronal and glial cell types [14]. The catabolizing enzyme
of 1,25(OH)D which is upregulated at high levels of
1,25(OH)D is also present in the brain [15]. Based on its
molecular structure, bioactivation in the nervous system
and mechanism of action of vitamin D is considered as
a neurosteroid [16,17]. Neurosteroids are increasingly
recognized as modulators of neuronal excitability and
seizure susceptibility (for a review see [18]).
Direct evidence for a role of vitamin D in epilepsy
is limited. However, several lines of indirect (eco-
logical and epidemiological) evidence together with
experimental data as well as two interventional hu-
man studies suggest a role of vitamin D in epilepsy.
Here we review what is currently known on the
2A. Holl ´
relation between epilepsy, antiepileptic drugs (AEDs),
and vitamin D.
Ecological studies
Variations in disease prevalence or severity according to
seasons or geographic latitude are generally thought to
reect variations in vitamin D levels as these are the ma-
jor factors determining vitamin D status.
Epileptic births
Three epidemiological studies investigated the seasonal
variation of births of epileptic patients. Assessing a large
epileptic sample from England and Wales hospitals, Pro-
copio et al. [19] found a signicant excess of epileptic
births in January and a decit in September as com-
pared to births in the general population. A similar sea-
sonal pattern was found in a Danish sample by the same
author [20]. A third study by Procopio et al. [21] in-
vestigated patients from Australian hospitals. This study
also found a seasonal birth pattern different from that
in the general population but unlike the unimodal si-
nusoid distribution present in the two earlier studies, a
bimodal pattern was found with peaks during the win-
ter and summer. The second peak during the Australian
summer was supposed to be due to the fact that about
20% of the total population was born outside Australia.
Collectively, these studies indicate a rather consistent
seasonal pattern with a winter excess in epileptic births
Epileptic seizures
There are two studies assessing the seasonal distribu-
tion of the epileptic seizures themselves. The rst one
assessed seizure events occurring in an epilepsy inpa-
tient ward throughout a year [22] and found a signicant
seasonal variation with the least seizures during summer
and most during winter. Recently, we have carried out
a study in which we analyzed individual seizure diaries
and found decreasing seizure frequencies from January
to August and increasing seizure frequencies throughout
the rest of the year [23]. There are two studies investi-
gating the seasonal onset of infantile spasms. The study
by Cortez et al. [24] found greatest frequency of onset
in December and January and lowest incidence during
April and May. Another study [25] on the contrary did
not nd an association of infantile spasm onset with cal-
endar month and length of photoperiod.
Electrophysiological abnormalities
Strong seasonal variation in photoparoxysmal dis-
charges in epilepsy patients with summer decits and
winter excess have been reported by Danesi [26,27]. Of
note, Danesi was the rst to explain his ndings by sea-
sonal variation in the amount of sunshine. In support
of his theory, Danesi also demonstrated a relative rar-
ity of interictal EEG abnormalities among Nigerian as
compared to British epileptic patients with grand mal
seizures [28].
Vitamin D and antiepileptic action
Clinical studies of vitamin D administration
There are two studies where the effect of vitamin D
supplementation on seizure control was investigated.
The rst one was carried out almost 40 years ago
and was controlled by placebo [29]. Here supplemen-
tation of vitamin D2 (4000 IU/day), in the treatment
group resulted in an average seizure reduction of 30%,
whereas no signicant seizure reduction was present in
the control group. The seizure reduction was not as-
sociated with a change in the serum levels of calcium
and magnesium. In 2011, we have carried out a study
in which we measured and corrected decient levels of
serum 25(OH)D levels by supplementing vitamin D3
in 13 therapy-resistant epilepsy patients [30]. Assessing
seizure numbers before and after treatment onset re-
vealed a signicant reduction of seizure numbers with
percentage of seizure reduction in those with larger ele-
vations in serum 25(OH)D levels. Although this was an
uncontrolled study, the effect size of 40% is greater than
could be expected for a placebo response.
Animal models
In an early study by Siegel et al. [31] both in-
trahippocampal and intravenous administration of
1,25(OH)D resulted in elevation of seizure treshold in
rats. More recently, Kalueff et al. [32] found reduced
severity of chemically induced seizures when adminis-
tering 1,25(OH)D subcutaneously in mice. In another
study by the same group, increased seizure susceptibil-
ity was reported in rats with vitamin D receptor knock-
out genes [33]. In a study by Borowicz et al. [34], ad-
ministration of vitamin D3 raised the electroconvulsive
threshold and also potentiated the anticonvulsant activ-
ity of phenytoin and valproate.
Putative mechanisms
Like other neurosteroids, vitamin D is thought to ex-
ert its actions by multiple ways. Most studied are
its genomic actions [35]. These involve binding of
1,25(OH)D to the nuclear vitamin D receptor and reg-
ulating the expression of several proteins expressed in
the nervous system including neurotrophins such as
neurotrophin-3, neurotrophin-4, and nerve growth fac-
tor and glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor as well as
parvalbumin a calcium-binding protein [36–39], and
inhibiting the synthesis of the nitric oxid synthetase
[40]. Parvalbumin is known for its antiepileptic effects
[41], while inhibiting nitric oxid synthetase is thought to
International Journal of Neuroscience
Epilepsy and vitamin D 3
convey general neuroprotective effects [42]. These ge-
nomic actions occur with a time lag of hours or days.
However, more rapid vitamin D actions have also been
described suggesting the co-existence of nongenomic
pathways [43,44]. In fact, studies of epileptic animals
reported a rapid anticonvulsive effect following vitamin
D administration [31,32,34]. Nongenomic actions of
vitamin D include binding to a membrane-associated
vitamin D receptor thereby activating intracellular sig-
naling cascade. Major signal transduction events are
regulation of calcium and chloride channels, activa-
tion of protein kinase C, and mitogen-activated pro-
tein kinase [44]. In addition to specic binding to
membrane-associated vitamin D receptors, allosteric
modulation of the GABA(A) receptor and thereby ne-
tuning neuronal excitability has also been suggested
[45]. The GABA(A) receptor is well-known as a target
of other classical neurosteroids such as progesterone as
well as its natural and synthetic analogues (e.g. ganax-
olone) that are also known to convey antiepileptic effects
Antiepileptic medication and vitamin D
The impact of antiepileptic medication on vitamin D
levels and bone metabolism is the most studied as-
pect of epilepsy and vitamin D (for a review see [48]).
Early reports from the 1960s have already shown that
the use of antiepileptic medication is associated with
impaired bone quality and increased risk for fractures
[49,50]. This observation led to an extensive research
on the interaction of AEDs and vitamin D metabolism.
Currently, a large body of evidence indicates that sev-
eral AEDs lower 25(OH)D levels and are associated
with adverse effects on bones and muscles [48,51,52].
Among all AEDs, carbamazepine and phenytoin are
most studied in this regard. Cross-sectional [53–66]
as well as longitudinal [CBZ: 67–73; PHT: 72,74,75]
studies of these two drugs rather consistently demon-
strate their 25(OH)D lowering effect. This effect is
thought to be due to the enzyme inducing properties
of these antiepileptics. Induction of the cytochrome P-
450 system is known to increase catabolism of vitamin
D by upregulating enzymes converting 25(OH)D into
inactive metabolites [76,77]. The majority of other en-
zyme inducer AED studies such as those with phenobar-
bital and primidone also indicated a 25(OH)D lower-
ing effect [56,59,78–82]. Although valproate is regarded
as a cytochrome P-450 noninducer, currently available
data are unequivocal as to whether this drug also low-
ers 25(OH)D. Several cross-sectional studies in epilep-
tic patients taking valproate showed no signicant re-
duction of 25(OH)D levels [59,66,83–87]. At the same
time, out of the ve longitudinal prospective studies
three [69,72,75] demonstrated decreased, whereas two
Table 1. Longitudinal studies (with a follow-up of a minimum
of 3 months) on the relationship between AEDs and 25(OH)D
Direction of
Number of change in
AED Reference patients 25(OH)D
PHB Sumi et al., 1978 42 decreased
Menon et al., 2010 2 decreased
PHT Bell et al., 1979 5 decreased
Krishnamoorthy et al., 2010 19 decreased
Menon et al., 2010 14 decreased
CBZ Nicolaidou et al., 2006 24 decreased
Kim et al., 2007 10 decreased
Misra et al., 2010 32 decreased
Menon et al., 2010 7 decreased
Verrotti et al., 2000 12 unchanged
Verrotti et al., 2002 20 unchanged
OXC Cansu et al., 2008 34 decreased
VPA Nicolaidou et al., 2006 27 decreased
Krishnamoorthy et al., 2010 15 decreased
Menon et al., 2010 3 decreased
Verrotti et al., 2010 20 unchanged
Kim et al., 2007 15 unchanged
LTG Kim et al., 2007 8 unchanged
LEV Koo et al., 2012 61 unchanged
AED, antiepileptic drug; PHB, phenobarbital; PHT, pheny-
toin; CBZ, carbamazepine; OXC, oxcarbazepine; VPA, valproate;
LTG, lamotrigine; LEV: levetiracetam
[70,88] indicated unchanged 25(OH)D levels (Table 1).
Polytherapy as compared to monotherapy of traditional
AEDs was also associated with larger decrease in vita-
min D levels [59,81,89].
As compared to the classic AEDs, much less stud-
ies are available regarding the new antiepileptics.
Lamotrigine—as investigated in both cross-sectional
[54,55] and longitudinal studies [70]—does not seem
to lower vitamin D levels. Topiramate [90,91] and leve-
tiracetam [92] as investigated in cross-sectional studies
were neither shown to be associated with decreased lev-
els of serum 25(OH)D. A longitudinal study of levetirac-
etam involving 61 patients did neither show vitamin D to
be decreased [93]. As regards, oxcarbazepine—a study
comparing this drug with carbamazepine—revealed that
the former, in spite of being regarded as a limited
inducer, also signicantly decreased serum 25(OH)D
[53]. On the contrary, another cross-sectional study did
not nd decreased vitamin D levels in children taking
oxcarbazepine [94]. Finally, the only longitudinal study
of oxcarbazepine also conrmed its effect of lowering
vitamin D [95]. Concerning the remaining new AEDs
(e.g. gabapentin, zonisamide, lacosamide), there are in-
sufcient clinical data currently available as regard to
their effect on vitamin D metabolism. Some inconsisten-
cies regarding the vitamin D lowering effect of the same
AEDs in different studies may be due to differences in
the study design, geographic location, or dietary habits
2013 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
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between study populations [53,96]. To overcome some
of these methodological confounds, a focus on longitu-
dinal rather than cross-sectional studies may be help-
ful in determining whether a given AED actually lowers
serum 25(OH)D level or not. For this reason in Table
1, we only highlight those studies that have a longitudi-
nal design that is investigating the same set of patients
before and after AED administration. In addition, this
table is conned to those studies that have a minimum
follow-up of 3 months to enable comparison. It should
also be mentioned that some genetic factors may also
inuence the relationship of vitamin D and AEDs [97].
From the studies assessed, we can conclude that the en-
zyme inducer AEDs lower vitamin D. Concerning val-
proate results are unequivocal. The newer nonenzyme
inducer AEDs (lamotrigine, levetiracetam, and topira-
mate) does not seem to lower vitamin D levels.
Epilepsy comorbidities
In epilepsy care, AED-induced osteomalacia is the co-
morbidity usually considered as being related to vita-
min D. Enzyme inducers as compared to newer AEDs
have been shown to be associated with more dele-
terious effects on bone [66,98,99]. Vitamin D sup-
plementation proved to be an effective way to pre-
vent and treat AED-related osteomalacia [79,100]. Of
note, AEDs may also exert a detrimental effect on
bones through several mechanisms other than lower-
ing vitamin D [48,101–103]. Beyond the osteopenic ef-
fects, additional important epilepsy-comorbidities may
emerge in the context of vitamin D including polycystic
ovary syndrome (PCOS) and associated fertility prob-
lems [104,105]. The PCOS has a higher prevalence
(10%–25%) among epileptic women as compared with
the normal female population [106,107]. Since both
PCOS and fertility problems are more frequent in those
with low levels of vitamin D, a possible association with
AED-induced hypovitaminosis D should also be con-
sidered in patients with epilepsy [98,108,109]. Autism
is another condition frequently associated with epilepsy
[110–112] as well as linked to vitamin D deciency
[9,113]. The estimated prevalence of autism spectrum
disorder (ASD) among epilepsy patients ranges between
15% and 32% [114,115]. In addition, Bromley et al.
found ASD to be more common among offsprings of
epileptic mothers taking AED, than in a control group
[116,117]. These ndings point to the importance for
screening and supplementing pregnant epileptic moth-
ers and children taking AEDs [9].
Current recommendations
According to the Practice Guideline on Vitamin D is-
sued by American Endocrine Society [118], antiepilep-
tic medication should be considered as an indication for
measuring vitamin D levels. It is also suggested that pa-
tients on antiepileptic medications should be given even
two to three times more vitamin D for their age group
to satisfy their body’s vitamin D requirement. Within
the epilepsy literature, too, several experts recommend
screening vitamin D [102,119–121]. These recommen-
dations concentrate on preventing detrimental effects of
antiepileptics on bones.
The anticonvulsive effect of vitamin D is now supported
by evidence coming from different sources including
ecological and clinical interventional studies as well as
animal experiments. Several antiepileptic drugs, espe-
cially those with enzyme inducer properties,decrease
vitamin D level which paradoxically may predispose to
more seizures. These facts together with the worldwide
problem of vitamin D deciency and the known rela-
tionship of insufcient vitamin D levels with the major
disorders of civilization warrant routine screening and
supplementation of vitamin D in epilepsy patients. Fur-
ther studies are needed to more closely determine the
optimal level of vitamin D from the epilepsy point of
Declaration of Interest
The authors report no conicts of interest. The authors
alone are responsible for the content and writing of this
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2013 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
... Emerging evidence from clinical and experimental data suggests benefit of vitamin D in PWE, including seizure control. 6 However, despite some pilot studies, 7,8 there is no controlled trial proving the efficacy of vitamin D in drug-resistant epilepsy. Moreover, effects on comorbidities such as fatigue, 9 anxiety and mood disorders, 10,11 and quality of life (QOL) have not been studied. ...
... 2,3,22,26 However, weak or non-EIASMs such as oxcarbazepine and valproate have also been associated with decreased 25(OH)D, and few data are available for new ASMs, except for levetiracetam, which would not interfere with vitamin D metabolism. 6 The potential antiepileptic effect of vitamin D is based on its molecular structure and mechanism of action, considered as a neurosteroid, which could have a role in modulation of neuronal excitability and seizure susceptibility. 27 It has been proven that vitamin D receptors and enzymatic activity (1-αhydroxylase) allowing the active form to be synthesized were present in neuronal and glial cells, including neocortex and hippocampus. ...
... [29][30][31][32] In humans, ecological studies have reported a seasonal distribution of seizures, with a maximum frequency in winter. 6,33 However, despite some interventional pilot studies suggesting the role of vitamin D in epilepsy control, 7,8 convincing data are scarce. Recent studies failed to demonstrate significant efficacy after 3 and 6 months of supplementation. ...
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Objective This study was undertaken to assess the effect of treatment of vitamin D deficiency in drug‐resistant epilepsy. Methods We conducted a multicenter, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled, randomized clinical trial, including patients aged ≥15 years with drug‐resistant focal or generalized epilepsy. Patients with 25‐hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) < 30 ng/mL were randomized to an experimental group (EG) receiving vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol, 100 000 IU, five doses in 3 months) or a control group (CG) receiving matched placebo. During the open‐label study, EG patients received 100 000 IU/month for 6 months, whereas CG patients received five doses in 3 months then 1/month for 3 months. Monitoring included seizure frequency (SF), 25(OH)D, calcium, albumin, creatinine assays, and standardized scales for fatigue, anxiety–depression, and quality of life (Modified Fatigue Impact Scale [M‐FIS], Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Quality of Life in Epilepsy [QOLIE‐31]) at 3, 6, and 12 months. The primary efficacy outcome was the percentage of SF reduction compared to the reference period and CG at 3 months. Secondary outcomes were SF and bilateral tonic–clonic seizure (BTCS) reduction, scale score changes, and correlations with 25(OH)D during the follow‐up. Results Eighty‐eight patients were enrolled in the study (56 females, aged 17–74 years), with median baseline SF per 3 months = 16.5 and ≥2 antiseizure medications in 88.6%. In 75 patients (85%), 25(OH)D was <30 ng/mL; 40 of them were randomly assigned to EG and 34 to CG. After the 3‐month blinded period, SF reduction did not significantly differ between groups. However, during the open‐label period, SF significantly decreased (30% median SF reduction, 33% responder rate at 12 months). BTCSs were reduced by 52%. M‐FIS and QOLIE‐31 scores were significantly improved at the whole group level. SF reduction correlated with 25(OH)D > 30 ng/mL for >6 months. Significance Despite no proven effect after the 3‐month blinded period, the open‐label study suggests that long‐term vitamin D3 supplementation with optimal 25(OH)D may reduce SF and BTCSs, with a positive effect on fatigue and quality of life. These findings need to be confirmed by further long‐term studies. Trial Registration identifier: NCT03475225 (03‐22‐2018).
... Buvo registruotas ženklus ,,epilepsinių gimimų" skaičiaus padidėjimas sausio mėnesį ir sumažėjimas rugsėjo mėnesį, lyginant su bendra populiacija. Panašūs duomenys gauti tiriant epilepsijos atvejus Danijoje [26,27]. Keletas epidemiologinių studijų taip pat pastebėjo tam tikrą sezoninį pasiskirstymą, būdingą epilepsijos sukeltiems traukulių epizodams. ...
... Gauti duomenys atskleidė, jog daugiausia priepuolių užfiksuota žiemą, o ženkliai mažesnis atvejų skaičius fiksuotas vasaros metu. Antrojo tyrimo metu buvo analizuojami epilepsijos dienynai ir fiksuotas priepuolių skaičiaus sumažėjimas nuo sausio iki rugpjūčio ir atvejų padidėjimas likusią metų dalį [26][27][28][29]. ...
... Gauti rezultatai parodė ženklų priepuolių skaičiaus sumažėjimą, vidutiniškai 40 procentų. Ženklus priepuolių sumažėjimas buvo stebimas tiems pacientams, kurių 25-OH vitamino D koncentracija serume pakilo ženkliau [26]. ...
Vitamino D, vieno iš riebaluose tirpių vitaminų, kuris šiuo metu priskiriamas net ir neurosteroidų grupei, trū­kumas ar nepakankamas jo kiekis nustatomas daugeliui žmonių visame pasaulyje. Atliekant mokslinius tyrimus, nustatoma vis daugiau sąsajų tarp vitamino D stokos ir neurologinių sutrikimų. Šiuo metu randama vis daugiau įrodymų, kad vitaminas D turi įtakos Alzheimerio li­gos, epilepsijos vystymuisi, neretai nuo jo priklauso net ligos eiga ir jos sunkumas. Randama duomenų apie šio vitamino trūkumo poveikį galvos skausmams, migrenai. Tyrimo tikslas − remiantis moksline literatūra apžvelgti vitamino D įtaką anksčiau minėtiems neurologiniams sutrikimams.
... This disease affects the neurological system and has an immense impact on other human systems. It is widely known that epileptic patients taking anticonvulsants have decreased vitamin D levels (Holló et al., 2014) and zinc (Ma et al., 2015), contributing to various other comorbidities. ...
... Vitamin D plays a crucial role in the metabolic pathway of calcium absorption, which closely relates to bone formation and density. It has been shown that epilepsy patients who suffer from vitamin D insufficiency are prone to bone damage and are more often exposed to fractures (Holló et al., 2014). Additionally, vitamin D receptors and the 1-alpha-hydroxylase enzyme, which is responsible for the formation of the active form of vitamin D, have been found to be present in all brain tissues, thus increasing its recognition as an important neuronal modulator (Elmazny et al., 2020). ...
... Antiepileptic therapy and different medications for the treatment of epilepsy contribute to lower vitamin D and zinc levels in epileptic patients. Evidence shows that many epileptic medications are usually CYP-450 inducers, thus converting vitamin D into inactive metabolites (Holló et al., 2014). Each antiepileptic drug or antiepileptic therapy has its own impact on vitamin D metabolism and zinc levels. ...
... This observation was noticed in studies that investigated the link between seasonal variation and epilepsy. They found a significant fluctuation in seizure occurrence throughout the year, with the lowest number of seizures in summer and the highest in winter [4][5][6]. This increase in seizure frequency during winter was linked to diminished vitamin D levels. ...
... It is proposed that a low 25(OH)D concentration tends to increase seizure frequency in children with epilepsy. Prior research has documented a notable seasonal variation in seizure frequency, with a decrease in seizure occurrence during the summer months and a peak in winter [4][5][6]. The increased seizure frequency during winter was attributed to a low 25(OH)D concentration. ...
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Background: Antiseizure medications (ASMs) are crucial for managing epilepsy in children. However, a well-documented side effect of ASMs is their impact on bone health, often due to interference with vitamin D metabolism. This can lead to vitamin D deficiency in children with epilepsy. This study aimed to determine if a daily dose of 400 IU or 1000 IU would maintain adequate vitamin D levels in children with epilepsy. Methods: A phase IV randomized controlled trial enrolled children aged 2–16 years with epilepsy and receiving antiseizure medications. Children were divided into two groups: the monotherapy group, which was defined as children on one antiseizure medication (ASM), and the polytherapy group, which was defined as children receiving two or more ASMs. Eligible children with levels above 75 nmol/L were randomized to receive a maintenance dose of either 400 IU/day or 1000 IU/day of cholecalciferol. Baseline and 6-month assessments included demographic data, anthropometric measurements, seizure type, medications, seizure control, and 25(OH)D level. Results: Out of 163 children, 90 were on monotherapy and 25 on polytherapy. After 6 months of vitamin D maintenance, the proportion of children with 25(OH)D concentration below 75 nmol/L was 75.0% in the 400 IU group and 54.8% in the 1000 IU group. In the monotherapy group, baseline seizure-free children increased from 69% to 83.6% after treating vitamin D deficiency. Conclusion: Daily vitamin D supplementation with 1000 IU may be beneficial for children with epilepsy, particularly those receiving monotherapy, to maintain sufficiency and potentially improve seizure control.
... Most researchers have focused on the genomic actions of vitamin D, which involves binding of 1,25(OH)D to the nuclear vitamin D receptor and regulating the expression of several proteins in the nervous system, including neurotrophins such as neurotrophin-3, neurotrophin-4, nerve growth factor, and glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor as well as parvalbumin, a calcium-binding protein that inhibits the synthesis of nitric oxide synthetase and prevents seizures [17]. Vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency is common with anticonvulsant therapy, especially EIASDs, which have a particular effect on vitamin D levels. ...
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Background The use of antiseizure medication in patients with epilepsy is one of the significant risk factors associated with abnormal vitamin D status. We aimed to identify risk factors related to hypovitaminosis D in pediatric patients treated with antiseizure medications. Method A cross-sectional retrospective cohort study was conducted on 127 pediatric epilepsy patients who received antiseizure drugs from December 2021 to December 2022. Demographic data, seizure types, diet, physical activity, duration, and types of antiseizure medications were analyzed. Results Among the 127 patients in this study, 53% were male, and the mean age was 9,1 ± 4,6 years (range: 2–17). The mean serum 25(OH)D level at baseline in winter/autumn was 24,2 ± 14,2 ng/mL; 47.0% of the patients were 25(OH) D deficient, 23% were 25(OH)D insufficient, and 30% had a vitamin D level within the normal range. The vitamin 25(OH) D level was 27,6 ± 12,2 in the epilepsy group with non-enzyme-induced antiseizure drugs, 21,76 ± 19,7 in the group with enzyme-induced antiseizure drugs, and 13,96 ± 7,9 in the group with combined antiseizure drugs ( p < 0.001). Conclusion The number of antiseizure drugs, treatment with enzyme-induced antiseizure drugs, duration of epilepsy, abnormalities in magnetic resonance imaging, and etiology play important roles in determining the vitamin D level.
... The relationship between vitamin D deficiency and epilepsy has been extensively researched (50). Researches have indicated that correcting vitamin D deficiency can lead to improvements in seizures (51). ...
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Background Earlier researches have demonstrated that ischemic stroke, metabolic factors, and associated medications may influence the risk of epilepsy. Nevertheless, the causality between these elements and epilepsy remains inconclusive. This study aims to examine whether ischemic stroke, metabolic factors, and related medications affect the overall risk of epilepsy. Methods We used single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with ischemic stroke, hypothyroidism, hypertension, blood glucose levels, high cholesterol, serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D levels, testosterone, HMG CoA reductase inhibitors, and beta-blocking agents as instrumental variables in a Mendelian randomization technique to investigate causality with epilepsy. Multiple sensitivity methods were performed to evaluate pleiotropy and heterogeneity. Results The IVW analysis revealed positive associations between ischemic stroke (OR = 1.29; p = 0.020), hypothyroidism (OR = 1.05; p = 0.048), high blood pressure (OR = 1.10; p = 0.028), high cholesterol (OR = 1.10; p = 0.024), HMG CoA reductase inhibitors (OR = 1.19; p = 0.003), beta-blocking agents (OR = 1.20; p = 0.006), and the risk of epilepsy. Conversely, blood glucose levels (OR = 0.79; p = 0.009), serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D levels (OR = 0.75; p = 0.020), and testosterone (OR = 0.62; p = 0.019) exhibited negative associations with the risk of epilepsy. Sensitivity analyses confirmed the robustness of these findings (p > 0.05). Conclusion Our research suggests that ischemic stroke, hypothyroidism, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, HMG CoA reductase inhibitors, and beta-blockers may increase the risk of epilepsy, whereas serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D levels and blood glucose levels may reduce the risk.
... Integrating cholecalciferol into these formulations has not resulted in significant adverse effects, suggesting that HPMC multi-composite matrices co-delivering OXC and vitamin D could offer a promising pharmacotherapeutic strategy for epilepsy management. 8,9 Aim of the Work This study provides a new pharmaceutical formulation of HPMC multi-composite construct for extended release of OXC combined with vitamin D that would be of great influence on seizure control offering better therapeutic effects regarding the management of epilepsy. ...
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Background: Carbamazepine (CBZ) is considered as first-line treatment for epilepsy. The literature has signified a history of non-uniform drug performance and clinical failures. However, many studies suggested that Oxcarbazepine (OXC), a structural analog of CBZ, may have an equivalent antiepileptic effect. OXC follows a different metabolic pathway other than CBZ. However, both share the same mechanism of action by blocking voltage-gated sodium channels. Objectives: This study aimed to form hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) extended-release tablets containing OXC combined with vitamin D. Methods: These formulated tablets were tested for their dissolution rate, tablet hardness, friability, thickness and pharmacokinetic parameters (Cmax and Cmin). Blood sodium levels were additionally investigated to ensure the absence of hyponatremia; the main side effect of long-term use of CBZ and some of its derivatives. Results: The use of HPMC inhibited the formation of dihydrate OXC form thus offering a significant extended-release profile. OXC also showed a highlighted capability to attain high bioavailability. Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) was also added to tablets formed to inhibit polymorphic transformation. Tablets containing OXC co-delivered with vitamin D ensured significantly decreased susceptibility to hyponatremia, and an extended-release profile was evident. Lower amounts of OXC were loaded in formed tablets containing vitamin D owing to the synergistic effect between vitamin D and antiepileptic drugs. Conclusion: Conclusively, employing these newly HPMC-constructed tablets of OXC co-delivered with vitamin D appeared to be a promising option for the effective management of epilepsy with least side effects.
... However, in a murine epilepsy model, miR-142 was downregulated in the brains of multidrug-resistant animals [59]. This miRNA is known to play a role in the neuroinflammatory response [60], the regulation of interleukin-1 alfa production [61], and the positive regulation of microglial cell activation. It has been associated with genes involved in neuroinflammation like "transforming growth factor beta receptor 2" (TGFBR2), "mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 3" (SMAD3), and genes related to pharmaco-resistance, like the one coding for the multidrug resistance protein 1 (MDR1) [21]. ...
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Epilepsy is one of the most prevalent complex neurological diseases in both the canine and human species, with the idiopathic form as its most common diagnosis. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, noncoding RNA molecules that play a role in gene regulation processes and appear to be a promising biological target for convulsion control. These molecules have been reported as constituents of the internal content of exosomes, which are small extracellular vesicles released by cells. In this study, exosome samples were isolated from the plasma of 23 dogs, including 9 dogs with epilepsy responsive to treatment, 6 dogs with drug-resistant epilepsy, and 8 control dogs. Plasma exosomes were then characterized by electron transmission microscopy, nanoparticle tracking analysis, and dot blotting. Afterwards, the microRNA-enriched RNA content of exosomes was isolated, and miRNA quantification was performed by quantitative real-time PCR. Seven circulating miRNAs that have been previously described in the literature as potential diagnostic or prognostic biomarkers for epilepsy were evaluated. We observed significant differences in miR-16 (p < 0.001), miR-93-5p (p < 0.001), miR-142 (p < 0.001), miR-574 (p < 0.01), and miR-27 (p < 0.05) levels in dogs with refractory epilepsy compared to the control group. In drug-sensitive epileptic dogs, miR-142 (p < 0.01) showed significant differences compared to healthy dogs. Moreover, distinct levels of miR-16 (p < 0.05), miR-93-5p (p < 0.01), miR-132 (p < 0.05), and miR-574 (p < 0.05) were also found between drug-sensitive and drug-resistant epileptic dogs. Our results present plasma-circulating exosomes as an advantageous source of epileptic biomarkers, highlighting the potential of miRNAs as prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers of canine idiopathic epilepsy.
Objective: To investigate vitamin D levels and factors associated with seizure control in adult patients with epilepsy (APE). Method: Cross-sectional study with APE in routine outpatient follow-up at a neurology clinic. Clinical variables, antiseizure medications (ASM) and vitamin D were investigated. Data were analyzed using the Chi2 or Fisher's exact tests, Mann-Whitney, Spearman's correlation coefficient, ROC curve and univariate and multiple logistic regression analysis. Results: Mean age was 46.5±15.1 years and disease duration was 27.5±17.0 years; 52.7% (n=49) of patients used one ASM and 47.3% (n=44) used≥2 ASM. There was a significant difference in the level of vitamin D according to the number of ASM and it was higher in patients who used a single ASM (26.02±10.22 versus 22.50±8.69; P=0.048). In the logistic regression, when vitamin D level was set at 20ng/mL, the chance of seizure control for patients using a single ASM was 6.99 times greater than for those using≥2 ASM. When vitamin D level was set at 40ng/mL, the number of ASM did not modify seizure control. There was no correlation between vitamin D and disease duration, patient age and age at the time of the first seizure. In the logistic regression, it was observed that satisfactory levels of vitamin D did not modify potential seizure control. Conclusion: Thirty-three percent (33%) of patients presented with vitamin D deficiency (values below 20ng/mL) and 80% had vitamin D levels below what is recommended (30ng/mL). The use of ASM, when associated with different levels of vitamin D, modified the probability of seizure control in APE. Vitamin D levels and intrinsic epilepsy factors are associated with failure to effectively control seizures.
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This review concentrates on advances in nitric oxide synthase (NOS) structure, function and inhibition made in the last seven years, during which time substantial advances have been made in our understanding of this enzyme family. There is now information on the enzyme structure at all levels from primary (amino acid sequence) to quaternary (dimerization, association with other proteins) structure. The crystal structures of the oxygenase domains of inducible NOS (iNOS) and vascular endothelial NOS (eNOS) allow us to interpret other information in the context of this important part of the enzyme, with its binding sites for iron protoporphyrin IX (haem), biopterin, L-arginine, and the many inhibitors which interact with them. The exact nature of the NOS reaction, its mechanism and its products continue to be sources of controversy. The role of the biopterin cofactor is now becoming clearer, with emerging data implicating one-electron redox cycling as well as the multiple allosteric effects on enzyme activity. Regulation of the NOSs has been described at all levels from gene transcription to covalent modification and allosteric regulation of the enzyme itself. A wide range of NOS inhibitors have been discussed, interacting with the enzyme in diverse ways in terms of site and mechanism of inhibition, time-dependence and selectivity for individual isoforms, although there are many pitfalls and misunderstandings of these aspects. Highly selective inhibitors of iNOS versus eNOS and neuronal NOS have been identified and some of these have potential in the treatment of a range of inflammatory and other conditions in which iNOS has been implicated.
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Seasonal variation has been reported for several disorders, including those of the nervous system. This variability is usually regarded as reflecting fluctuations in vitamin D level. Although epilepsy has also been reported to exhibit some seasonal features only one previous study assessed seasonal distribution of the epileptic seizures themselves. Based on individual seizure diaries obtained from 62 epilepsy patients we evaluated seizure distribution across calendar months. We found a significant seasonal effect (p=0.026). At the group level seizure counts peaked in January and reached a nadir in August, a seasonal pattern consistent with that found for a variety of other neurologic and systemic disorders. This finding together with other types of evidence suggests a role for vitamin D deficiency in epilepsy.
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A growing body of literature suggests that higher serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations, either in utero or in early life, may reduce the risk of autism. For example, an ecological study in the companion paper inversely correlated solar UV-B doses in the United States with prevalence of autism among those aged 6-17 y. That study proposed that vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy could account for this finding, although the findings are also consistent with childhood vitamin D deficiency contributing to the condition. Also, in a recent study, children with autism had lower serum 25(OH)D concentrations than did control subjects (19 vs. 33 ng/ml), despite parents of each group reporting the same amount of sun exposure. The same study found highly significant inverse correlations between 25(OH)D and autism rating scales and between 25(OH)D and levels of an antineuronal antibody. This finding indicates that higher serum 25(OH)D concentrations may reduce the symptoms of established autism. Because activated vitamin D, a secosteroid, upregulates DNA-repair genes, vitamin D deficiency during development may inhibit the repair of de novo DNA mutations in fetuses and infants and thus contribute to risk of autism. Vitamin D might also reduce the risk or severity of autism through its anti-inflammatory actions, antiautoimmune effects, increasing seizure threshold, increasing T-regulatory cells, protecting the mitochondria, and upregulating glutathione, which scavenges oxidative by-products and chelates (captures and excretes) heavy metals. Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy and childhood is a widespread and growing epidemic.
Vitamin D has been called the neglected neurosteroid. Vitamin D belongs to the super family of nuclear steroid transcription regulators that include thyroid hormones, vitamin A, androgens, and the glucocorticoids. As such vitamin D exerts its influence over a vast number of genes. All these agents have well-defined roles to play in shaping braindevelopment and ongoing function. Therefore it comes as some surprise to realize that neuroscientists have only recently directed their attention to this agent. In this review we have collated a diverse array of data describing how vitamin D signaling was established in the brain; how dietary, environmental, or genetically engineered abnormalities could affect braindevelopment and function; how vitamin D could be a neuroprotective agent and finally how a disturbance in normal vitamin-D-related activities could produce neurological or neuropsychiatric diseases. Given the substantial recent efforts of a number of laboratories in these endeavors it would appear that neurosteroid D has finally “arrived.”
This chapter provides an overview of 1,25(OH)2D3 nongenomic responses, defines the molecular tools used to investigate them, and defines the role the nuclear vitamin D receptor (VDR) plays in nongenomic, extranuclear signaling. It also describes the structural/molecular details associated with the ability of the VDR to send signals dynamically. In addition, it speculates on how some of the 1,25(OH)2D3 extranuclear, nongenomic, and rapid responses are initiated through binding the VDR. The advancement of biophysical instrumentation, molecular biology reagents, and knockout/in animal models has ushered in additional methods used to differentiate genomic and nongenomic responses that are not strictly dependent on time. 1,25(OH)2D3 has been shown to modulate a number of nongenomic, rapid (i.e., extranuclear) responses that occur outside the nucleus of the cell. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy have convincingly shown that the classic nuclear VDR associates with a variety of cellular membranes and is observed in the cytosolic and nuclear compartments. In the past two years it has become clear that botanical ligands isolated from the roots of plants can bind to the VDR. These data are likely to incline more researchers to consider the fact that when flexibly docked to the VDR-AP, VDR-GP, and the overlapping A-ring domain, all of the small molecules show differences in the intermolecular contacts and pocket selectivity.
Background: Epilepsy is commonly associated with reproductive endocrine disorders. These include polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), isolated components of this syndrome such as polycystic ovaries, hyperandrogenaemia, hypothalamic amenorrhoea, and functional hyperprolactinaemia. Objective: To summarise the currently known relations between epilepsy and reproductive endocrine disorders. Methods: A review of clinical experience and published reports. Results: The most likely explanations for endocrine disorders related to epilepsy or antiepileptic drugs are: (1) a direct influence of the epileptogenic lesion, epilepsy, or antiepileptic drugs on the endocrine control centres in the brain; (2) the effects of antiepileptic drugs on peripheral endocrine glands; (3) the effects of antiepileptic drugs on the metabolism of hormones and binding proteins; and (4) secondary endocrine complications of antiepileptic drug related weight changes or changes of insulin sensitivity. Regular monitoring of reproductive function at visits is recommended, including questioning about menstrual disorders, fertility, weight, hirsutism, and galactorrhoea. Particular attention should be paid to patients on valproate and obese patients or those experiencing significant weight gain. Single abnormal laboratory or imaging findings without symptoms may not constitute a clinically relevant endocrine disorder. However, patients with these kinds of abnormalities should be monitored to detect the possible development of a symptomatic disorder associated with, for example, menstrual disorders or fertility problems. Conclusions: If a reproductive endocrine disorder is found, antiepileptic drug treatment should be reviewed to ensure that it is correct for the particular seizure type and that it is not contributing to the endocrine problem. The possible benefits of a change in treatment must be balanced against seizure control and the cumulative side effect of alternative agents.