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Water level reduction with global navigation satellite systems in bathymetric surveying requires knowledge of the ellipsoidal heights of lowest astronomical tide (LAT). The traditional approach uses tidal water levels of an ocean tide model, which are subtracted from mean sea level (MSL). This approach has two major drawbacks: the modeled water levels refer to an equipotential surface, which differs from MSL, and MSL may not be known close to the coast. Here, we propose to model LAT directly relative to an equipotential surface (geoid). This is conceptually consistent with the flow equations and allows the inclusion of temporal MSL variations into the LAT definition. Numerical experiments for the North Sea show that significant differences between the traditional and the pursued approach exist if average monthly variations in MSL are included. A validation of the modeled LAT using tide gauge records reveals systematic errors, which we attribute to both the model and the tidal analysis procedure. We also show that the probability that water levels drop below LAT is high, with maximum frequency of once per week in the eastern North Sea. Therefore, we propose to reconsider the deterministic concept of LAT by a probabilistic chart datum concept, and we quantified the differences between them.
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... The connection of heterogeneous datasets referenced to different land and sea vertical datums across the coastal boundary is fundamental to meet industrial and scientific requirements to support economic development, environmental and infrastructure protection and maritime and coastal safety (e.g. Slobbe et al. 2013a). This is particularly important for Australia with �85% of Australia's population located on or near the coast (Ramm et al. 2017), and a heavy reliance on maritime trade and offshore resource development. ...
... This provides a vertical reference for safe maritime navigation because the depths published on official nautical charts relate to the lowest tide at that specific tide gauge location under average conditions (cf. Slobbe et al. 2013a). ...
... html) is able to transform between tidal and other land-based datums (Parker, Milbert, and Gill 2003); (4) the French approach in Bathyelli (Pineau-Guillou and Dorst 2013), differs in that it relies mostly on colocated GNSS and tide gauge observations along the coast, satellite radar altimetry offshore, and shipborne GNSS and water level surveys to fill in the gap areas. They did not use an MDT and geoid model to approximate the MSS in the open ocean as the Canadian, USA and UK approaches did; (5) the Netherlands (NEVREF) took a different approach again, where they used a geoid model and then estimated the vertical distance between LAT and the geoid (Slobbe et al. 2013a, 2013b, Slobbe et al. 2018. In this case, the important value is the LAT-geoid separation (D LATÀ geoid ) which was derived from a hydrodynamic and geoid model in the open ocean, and tide gauge records and a geoid model at the coast. ...
... Obtaining the tidal correction through the ellipsoidal height of the water level provided by the global satellite navigation systems requires that the CD is also referenced to the ellipsoid, simplifying the calculation and improving the accuracy of the tidal correction applied to the depth soundings (Figure 1). There are programs that link the CD to the ellipsoid, such as: VDATUM in the United States (Myers et al. 2005), AUSHYDROID in Australia (Martin and Broadbent 2004), BLAST for the North Sea (Slobbe et al. 2013) and VORF for UK and Irish waters (Iliffe et al. 2007). ...
... Following the recommendations of the IHO for the choice of the CD, curves of equal value with an equidistance of 0.3m were determined. It is important to note that some meteorological conditions can result in water levels below the LAT, especially in shallow waters (Slobbe et al., 2013); therefore in these regions the effects of negative storm surges can be significant. ...
... Although matching horizontal geospatial reference systems is well addressed by the central collection of the different projections in the European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) registry, connecting vertical reference levels can be quite challenging (Muis et al., 2017). One way to consistently connect global absolute sea level to local measured relative sea level is using Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) maps (Slobbe et al., 2013). ...
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Introduction Global coastal flooding maps are now achieving a level of detail suitable for local applications. The resolution of these maps, derived from widely available open data sources, is approaching that of local flooding maps (0.5–100 m), increasing the need for a standardized approach to evaluate underlying assumptions and indicators for local applications. Methods This study introduces the Waterlevel, Elevation, Protection, Flood, Impact, Future (WEPFIF) notation, a structured notation for documenting and comparing key methodological choices and data variations across global coastal flooding studies. This approach enhances the understanding and explanation of the fitness-for- purpose of flood maps. This notation builds on commonly used methodological choices, dataset variations, and model approaches in global flooding risk research. Analysis of these workflows identifies common elements and highlights the need for a more structured reporting approach to improve comparability. Results Applying the WEPFIF notation to a case study in the Netherlands reveals significant variations in flood risk assessments originating from differences in Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and water level selection, and inclusion of protective infrastructure. Discussion WEPFIF, by annotating these methodological variations, enables more informed comparisons between local and global flood studies. This allows researchers and practitioners to select appropriate data and models, based on their specific research objectives. The study proposes tailored approaches for three common types of flood studies: raising concern, optimizing flood protection investments, and representing the state of coastal risk.
... GNSS RTK provides accurate position and ellipsoidal height of the GNSS antenna with an accuracy of a few centimeters in the WGS84 reference frame. The seafloor depth relative to the chart is then derived using the ellipsoidal height, GNSS antenna and transducer offsets from the vessel's center of gravity (COG) and chart datum shift, obtained from chart datum models, an example of this is given in [36,37]. Thus, the uncertainty induced by the chart datum has been already included in the vertical positioning uncertainty, and hence there is no need to add this as a separate contributor to the total bathymetry uncertainty. ...
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Realistic predictions of the contribution of the uncertainty sources affecting the quality of the bathymetric measurements prior to a survey is of importance. To this end, models predicting these contributions have been developed. The objective of the present paper is to assess the performance of the bathymetric uncertainty prediction model for Phase Difference Bathymetric Sonars (PDBS) which is an interferometric sonar. Two data sets were acquired with the Bathyswath-2 system with a frequency of 234 kHz at average water depths of around 26 m and 8 m with pulse lengths equal to 0.0555 ms and 0.1581 ms, respectively. The comparison between the bathymetric uncertainties derived from the measurements and those predicted using the current model indicates a relatively good agreement except for the across-track distances close to the nadir. The performance of the prediction model can be improved by modifying the term addressing the effect of footprint shift, i.e., spatial decorrelation, on the bottom due to fact that at a given time the footprints seen by different receiving arrays are slightly different.
... Their results indicated that a 2D model constrained within the estuary can sufficiently reproduce depth-averaged flow within the stratified estuary. Slobbe et al. (2012) modeled (LAT) relative to the European Gravimetric Geoid 2008 (EGG2008) using the extended and vertically referenced Dutch continental shelf model (DCSM), after obtaining the ellipsoidal heights of LAT by adding geoid heights to the modeled LAT values. They used the geoid instead of MSL because the former can be realized everywhere and does not leave a gap along the coast as satellite radar altimetry does. ...
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Alexandria is the second-largest city in Egypt and the country's largest seaport that serves about 70% of the Egyptian imports and exports, especially the western harbor, which is the main commercial port and contains the Egyptian military naval base. Although Alexandria harbor has significant effect on the Egyptian economical income, there is still a shortage in coastal oceanographic discipline, specifically in the sea-level study that plays an important and effective role in many applications especially in chart production and dredging operations. Sea level is one of the oceanographic parameters that always needed in hydrographic surveying for depth reduction and chart datum realization. An imaginary surface, such as the Lowest Astronomical Tide, is recently used as the vertical tidal datum or chart datum that depths are referred to in all nautical charts. Therefore, sea-level measurements and analysis are always crucial for establishing an accurate datum precisely connected to onshore geodetic vertical datum to achieve the basic needs for mariners and hydrographers. Continuous and precise updating of tidal and terrestrial vertical datums connection and relationship, is of importance to provide essential information to many users including those in; commercial shipping industry, marine construction, water boundaries delimitation, marine safety, coastal areas planning, Engineering, chart datum for nautical charts production, in addition to military operations and many others. The geodetic vertical datum network in Egypt has been set as the mean sea level in Alexandria. This datum was first derived based on sea-level observations for eight years from 1898 to 1906. This imaginary surface was (34 cm) referred to the zero of the graduated staff in Alexandria harbor, and it was called the Egyptian Survey Authority datum. In each annual edition of the Admiralty Tide Tables, it was stated that the chart datum in Alexandria, as a secondary port in Egypt, is (-0.34 m) from mean sea level and all the essential known tidal levels were calculated and referred to Gibraltar as the standard port for Alexandria harbor on Mediterranean Sea. However, limited research has been updating this issue since most of the earlier studies of sea level in Alexandria Harbor dealt with sea level based on statistical computations without referring sea level measurements to a specific geodetic vertical datum. For most of the scientific applications especially in sea-level studies, the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) is preferred. ITRF-2014 is the most accurate realization of the international terrestrial reference system. Delft-3D hydrodynamic flow model was used to model hourly sea level time series (19 yrs.). Bathymetric data acquired from chart digitization that was produced from hydrographic surveying operations, together with Era-interim meteorological data (1996-2006) compiled with Ras El-Tin automatic weather station data (2006-2016), all were employed as model's initial conditions beside other physical parameters. Boundary conditions were acquired from Achieving, Validation and Interpretation of the Satellite Oceanographic service (AVISO) for a daily sea level data, compiled with tidal constituents (amplitudes and phase angles) obtained from harmonic analysis of offshore observed sea level data from S4 current meter buoy (depth sensor) and the major tidal constituents parameters in the area from Delft-3D Dashboard tidal data. Model results were validated by results obtained from several observed sea-level data analysis. The analyzed hourly observed sea level time series was accurately referred to the tide gauge zero level which was geo-referenced to the latest geodetic terrestrial reference frame, data was recorded inside the harbor during two time periods (09/11/2008-08/22/2010) and (04/30/2012-10/25/2013). Besides, a short-term sea-level data from S4 buoy offshore outside the harbor during the period (10/26/2008-12/31/2008). From harmonic analysis of both modeled and observed sea level datasets inside and outside the harbor in the two different intervals using Delft-3D tide suit. It was concluded that sea level is mainly derived by tidal power with a power percentage between 53% and 81% to the total sea-level power respectively. These percentages are a result of 13 significant tidal constituents, dominated by the principal diurnal and semi-diurnal lunar tidal constituents (M2-S2-K1-O1). Besides, the solar annual (Sa) along with solar semi-annual (Ssa) tidal constituents which were found to contribute significantly with amplitude percentage ranged between (14% to 23%) for Sa and (2% to 13%) for (Ssa) to the total tidal constituents amplitudes, which reflects the seasonality effect that is related to the annual meteorological variations and thus affects sea-level changes in the area. The amplitude root means square error between both molded and observed datasets equal (0.005 m) and (0.012 m) respectively, that will not affect the accuracy of the major tidal datums determined. The cross-correlation analysis between modeled and observed sea level datasets demonstrated a strong correlation between tidal signals and moderate correlation in residuals with correlation coefficients equal (0.72) and (0.62) respectively, that confirmed the capability of Delft-3D flow model to precisely simulate variabilities and trends of observed oceanic conditions reasonably in Alexandria Harbor. From form factor percentage of both modeled and observed datasets it was signified that the tidal type regime in Alexandria Harbor is semidiurnal with a (0.25) ratio. From analyzing long-term modeled sea-level dataset (19 yrs) during the period (01/01/1996 till 11/30/2015), a positive linear trend was resulted by a rate of 3.4 mm/yr that agrees with the global sea level rise rate. From tidal vertical datums calculations of both modeled and observed datasets, the ellipsoidal heights of lowest and highest astronomical tide datums considering ± 10 cm safety margin were updated and suggested to be (14.29 m) and (15.23 m) referred to the international terrestrial reference frame 2014 respectively, with a range equals (94 cm), while the suggested same datums ellipsoidal height values referred to the world geodetic system 1984 are (14.36 m) and (15.20 m) respectively, with a range equals (84 cm). Finally, the ellipsoidal height values of the most essential used vertical datums referred to both geodetic datums ITRF-2014 and the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84) were re-visited and updated from both modeled and observed sea-level datasets for Alexandria Harbor.
Multi-satellite altimetry has been employed in tidal modelling as its accuracy has been proven acceptable in constructing good-quality models. However, the modelling process often fails to consider the varying temporal resolution and observation periods among satellites, which can affect the accuracy of the model due to aliasing and Rayleigh effects. In Indonesia, we investigate and propose a satellite selection procedure for tidal modelling utilizing the response method, validated with along-track data obtained from both older and newer generations of ERM (Exact Repeat Mission)-type altimetry satellites, including the TOPEX/Jason series (TOPEX, Jason-1, Jason-2, Jason-3, and SENTINEL-6A), ENVISAT, ERS-2, GFO, SENTINEL-3B, and SENTINEL3A. The most optimal satellite combination identified is the TOPEX/Jason series, GFO, and ENVISAT, as they contribute significantly less error compared to ERS-2, SENTINEL-3A, and SENTINEL-3B, with errors exceeding 50%, primarily due to aliasing and Rayleigh effects. This combination of three satellites with tide gauge stations achieves higher precision (11.31 cm) than the current global tidal model. This study provides empirical evidence that the accuracy of tidal models is not solely dependent on the number of altimetry satellites utilized, but implementing effective satellite selection procedures is also crucial to enhance the precision of a model.
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There have been developments of GNSS heighting in hydrography. These are motivated by the need for improving the efficacy of hydrographic operations, through omission of shore-based tidal surveys and post-processed datum reduction of depth soundings. However, this will demand presence of hydrographic separation model (HSM) that defines the vertical relationship of any tidal datum used in hydrography to ellipsoid. In addition to that, a reliable technique for real-time positioning is also required. At the same time, the overall accuracy the use of the entire system (i.e. height datum, vertical positioning) must be identified. This paper discusses the prospect of using models of sea surface for the construction and operation of HSM for the SW Java Sea, Indonesia. The discussion is based on two models of sea surface: the analytically constructed sea surfaces (i.e. HAT, MSL, LAT) according to data from TPXO.7 missions and models of sea surface database published by the Indonesian Agency for Geospatial Information. In order to verify the operability of such models, observation of geodetic heights of instantaneous sea levels across an approximately 13.5 Nm sailing tracks between Pramuka (Seribu Islands) and Ancol (Jakarta) is made. It is evident that the work presented here results in deviation level in the order of several tens of centimetres. This provides reasonably quantified contribution to the error budget against the standard of depth accuracy for data presented on nautical charts as of Zone of Confidence A and hence confirm the prospect of using existing surface models and vertical positioning respectively for the construction and operation of HSM in the domain in question.
The spatial and temporal resolution of satellite altimetry is usually sufficient for monitoring the changes of sea surface topography in the open ocean. However, coastal ocean dynamics are much more complex, being characterized by smaller spatial and temporal scales of variability. The quality and availability of satellite-derived products along the coasts have to be improved, with a strategy optimized for coastal targets. Therefore a coastal multi-satellite altimetry dataset (TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1; Envisat; GFO) at a 10 - 20 Hz sampling rate has been derived from routine geophysical data products using a new processing software dedicated to coastal zone applications. Improved along-track sea level variations with fine space scales are available in the North-western Mediterranean Sea from 2001 to 2003, and are compared with high-resolution numerical model elevations from the eddy-resolving model SYMPHONIE. This preparatory work emphasizes the potential of improved multi-satellite altimetry for validating coastal hydro-dynamical models and could contribute in the future to a better tuning of the boundary conditions of the simulations.
The international Hydrographic Organisation recommends that Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) be adopted as the international Chart Datum. LAT is defined as the lowest tide level, which can be predicted in average meteorological situation and in any combination of astronomical conditions. Many hydrographic offices, like SHOM in France, have adopted this recommendation up to now. After a quick review of current methods based on tide predictions and observations in use to locate and recover chart datum, we will focus on modern techniques based on space geodesy and numerical modelling. A new approach to fix chart datum and rectify bathymetric surveys depth measurements will be presented. It is based on modern space techniques, including GPS, lowest astronomical tide calculation and mean sea level ellipsoidal heights. This subsequent chart datum can then be considered as heights related to a well-defined and maintained global geodetic reference frame like ITRF.
The creation of vertical reference surfaces at sea, related to a reference ellipsoid, is a necessary step to enable the use of GPS (Global Positioning System) for referencing depth measurements at sea. Several projects exist for specific parts of the oceans, resulting in surfaces that partly overlap. As an example, we will present the French BATHYELLI project in detail, followed by a comparison of results for the North Sea area.