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Many problems that have to be solved in present day humancomputer inter-
faces arise from technology limitations, quite apart from those arising from
lack of appropriate knowledge. Some of the progress we see in the most re-
cently developed interfaces has occurred simply because bit-mapped screens,
large memories, colour, compute-power appropriate to local intelligence, and
the like, have all become inexpensive at the same time as rising human costs
have nally been appreciated, and deprecated, by those who pay the bills.
e new technical possibilities, and the now obvious economic advantages
of providing good interactive computer support to enhance human produc-
tivity in all areas of endeavour has created tremendous pressure to improve
the human-computer interface. is pressure, in turn, has dramatically high-
lighted our lack of fundamental knowledge and methodologies concerning
interactive systems design, human problem solving, interaction techniques,
dialogue prototyping and management, and system evaluation. e design of
human computer interfaces is still more of an art than a science. Furthermore,
the knowledge and methodologies that do exist oen turn out to fall short of
what is needed to match computer methods or to serve as a basis for detailed
algorithm design.
e paper is addressed to a mixed audience, with the purpose of re-
viewing the background and current state of human-computer in-
teraction, touching on the social and ethical responsibility of the de-
signer, and picking out some of the central ideas that seem likely to
shape the development of interaction and interface design in future
computer systems. Areas are suggested in which advances in fun-
damental knowledge and in our understanding of how to apply that
knowledge seem to be needed to support interaction in future com-
puter systems. Such systems are seen as having their roots in the vi-
sionary work of Sutherland (1963), Englebart and English (1968),
Kay (1969), Winograd (1970), Hansen (1971), Papert (1973), Foley
and Wallace (1974), and D. C. Smith (1975). eir emphasis on natu-
ral dialogue, ease of use for the task, creativity, problem solving, ap-
propriate division of labour, and powerful machine help available in
the user’s terms will still be crucial in the future: However, the abil-
ity to form, communicate, manipulate and use models eectively
Future Computing Systems Volume 2. Number 1. 1987
Interacting with Future Computers
DAVID R. HILL Man-Machine Systems Laboratory,
Department of Computer Science,
The University of Calgary,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1 N4
© 1987 Oxford University Press and Maruzen Company Limited
Future Computing Systems84
will come to dominate interaction with future computer systems as
the focus of interactive systems shis to knowledge-based perform-
ance. Human-computer interaction must be regarded as the amplication of
an individual’s intellectual productivity by graceful determination and satis-
faction of every need that is amenable to algorithmic solution, without any
disturbance of the overall problemsolving process.
A non-technical vision of the future possibilities for human interac-
tion with computers has been provided in a variety of media includ-
ing several recent movies. e story that really centered on this inter-
action and interplay was that involving HAL, the shipboard control
computer for a voyage to Jupiter, following the summons of an alien
intelligence (200 J: a Space Odyssey, by Arthur C. Clarke). More tech-
nical views have been provided, at least in part, by developments in the
eld, documented in the technical literature, but on a piecemeal, scat-
tered basis. Two recent surveys of directions in humancomputer inter-
action concentrate on the application of Articial Intelligence (AI) to
interactive interfaces (Rissland 1984, Vickery 1984) and highlight the
increasingly important role seen for AI in future human-computer in-
teraction. e Architecture Machine Group (AMG) project, which has
been underway at MIT since 1976, provides one of the more ambitious
non-ctional views of future interaction. It is based on the exploita-
tion of spatiality and other normal properties of evolved human per-
ceptual motor performance in a computersimulated ‘Dataland’, and is
intended to complement more conventional forms of interaction (Bolt
1979, 1980, 1982, 1984). However, HAL serves as an important dif-
ferent view of possible integrated interfaces of the future, all the more
powerful because the view is set in the context of a real task, but forms
the background and plausible context for action, rather than being the
focus. As in the past (with submarines, space ight, and the weapons of
war) art suggests and denes the future goals of our technology.
In the last year or two, there has been an upsurge of interest in
providing better ways for people to interact with information pro-
cessing systems. ere are at least two reasons for this. First, it has
become apparent that poor interfaces make it more dicult for us-
ers of computer systems (including computer science experts) to
do their job. Better interfaces improve productivity, reduce errors,
and allow higher quality results. ey give a competitive edge to
their suppliers and, incidentally, make the users more comfortable
in their work. With falling hardware costs and rising labour costs,
the emphasis has changed from utilizing machines to their maxi-
mum capacity to utilizing their human users and operators to best
1. Introduction
1.1. A prospectus
1.2. Why better
85Interacting with future computers
eect. For once, this is a trend that also benets these people directly.
Secondly, computers are becoming very widely used, even in areas
and in equipment that have previously not been associated with com-
puters. e users of computers, in these circumstances, frequently have
little or no computer training and, collectively, may exhibit the whole
gamut of educational and career achievement in their various speciali-
ties. For such people, the computer should appear as a tool, interfaced
in such a way that the user can think about the task goals for which
the system is used, rather than the characteristics of the computer tool
used to achieve these goals. Some systems must carry the computer
power so deeply embedded that it is eectively hidden, just as the elec-
tric motor in a dishwasher or clock is hidden. e interface seen by
the user is completely task-oriented, and the internal logic of the sys-
tem (programmed, even in the case of non-computer equipment these
days) translates the user’s needs into the control and/or power signals
required to employ the technology as a subsystem. Of course, the user
may well be aware that a computer (or motor) is in there doing essen-
tial things, but does not have to be concerned with its characteristics.1
us, so-called user friendly interfaces have become the touchstone
for the more widespread and eective use of computer power. Such
interfaces have a direct economic and social impact, to the extent they
succeed or fail. ey allow the computer industry generally to expand
markets, hence creating new jobs within the computer industry. Good
interfaces also allow other companies that use the new computer
power to be more productive and competitive, which may not only
expand their existing market shares but also lead to new markets for
information technology in previously untouched application areas.
ere is a warning here for those societies that feel they can remain
as mere users of the new technology. Future markets will increasingly
deal in the products of the new information technology industry, with
employment in traditional areas declining as the new machines make
the remaining employees more productive. Balance of payments prob-
lems will explode for those countries that face the need to import the
new technology to remain competitive, through failure to develop it
A few years ago the graphics area in computer science ex-
panded dramatically as the need, the methodology, and the
technology appeared or were generated. Advertising, lm-
1.3. Th economic
1.4. The basis for
1 e analogy to embedded motors was rst suggested by Weizenbaum 1975).
Future Computing Systems86
making, and design have provided much of the nance and incentive
to the graphics expansion. Now that costs have fallen (as research has
been amortized, as mass-market soware has been developed, and as
mass-produced hardware tailored to the specic needs of computer
graphics has started to appear), computer graphics is providing part
of the base for better human-computer interface design. Other tech-
nologies are starting to mature: expert systems; low-cost very power-
ful desktop computers with high-resolution colour displays; dialogue
prototyping and management systems; databases and database ac-
cess methods (especially limited natural-Ianguage-based access); new
kinds of input-output devices that are also inexpensive (speech input-
output devices, innovative direct manipulation media, etc.); and so on.
It is now commonplace to do things that were not possible even as
recently as two years ago. Not only does this allow new approaches to
human-computer interfacing but it also allows sophisticated interfaces
to be created quickly and at low cost. is, in turn, facilitates better and
more diverse experimentation related to human-computer interaction,
as part of the research needed to expand the body of knowledge con-
cerning the methods and goals of human-computer interface practice.
e Apple Macintosh, developed from the Lisa (Williams 1983,
Morgan et al. 1983) is an example of a current popular application
of both new technology and new knowledge. e technology and
experience that made this approach to computing possible has its
roots in the visionary work of Sutherland (1963) who invented the
rst ‘graphics-land’, with elegant graphical interaction techniques,
employing unobtrusive machine assistance, to amplify the drawing
skills of the draughts-person unconcerned with the technicalities of
computers; of Englebart (1968), who originated the mouse and com-
puter-augmented human reasoning at SRI; of Kay (1969, 1972) who
developed the rst higher-level personal computer, object-oriented
programming with windows and multiple views, systems based on
message-passing primitives, and simple personal programming sys-
tems of great power; of Papert (1973, 1980) who, following in the tra-
ditions of Piaget and Montessori, used computers to show how com-
plex ideas could be taught easily when translated into concrete terms
in an environment in which it was easy and enjoyable to experiment,
catering to the growth of the child rather than mere provison of in-
formation; of Foley and Wallace (1974), who made a notable early
statement of rules for natural graphical ‘conversation’; and of D. C.
Smith (1975) who developed direct manipulation and the ‘icon’ as the
basis for computer-aided thought using ‘visualization’, inspired by the
1.5. The promise
and the problem
87Interacting with future computers
visual simulations and animations of Smalltalk, Kay’s system. But the
Macintosh would not have been possible as a popular personal com-
puter without technological advances in microchip design and fabri-
cation, allowing cheap memory and processing power as a basis for
bit-mapped graphics, speed, and powerful interactive soware. Now
we have the Atari 1040 ST that oers similar facilities not for US$2500,
but for US$900, and the Commodore Amiga at US$1200, both with
higher resolution and excellent expansion capabilities.
In the face of this technological cornucopia coupled with an abun-
dance of relevant ideas, it is becoming increasingly clear that inter-
face design is still an art, and that art is being severely taxed as the
purely technological limitations disappear and as an increasingly large
number of would-be users are able to aord the hardware to support
their activities. e remainder of this paper leads up to a discussion
of themes and ideas that will be important in interacting with future
computer systems (in Section 6). In preparation for this, three impor-
tant issues are addressed: (a) the ethical and practical constraints on
the application of future computers, since these form the context and
rationale for interaction; (b) the distinction between programmers and
users, and the nature of the programming task, since programming is
an important form of interaction with computers; and (c) the game
element in human-computer interaction, because evidence suggests it
may be possible to improve interfaces by exploiting some features of
games. In Section 5, a futuristic database access system (Rabbit, Wil-
liams 1984) is described, because it begins to incorporate ideas that
seem crucial in future computer systems interfaces. Finally, there is
the discussion. e central theme in future humancomputer interac-
tion will be the formation, representation, communication, manipula-
tion and use of models. Other important themes comprise redundant,
multi-modal interaction techniques; and the specication and man-
agement of interaction. ese are addressed.
e easiest way to get something done is to ask a competent loyal
assistant or colleague to do it for you or, if your involvement is nec-
essary, to assist you in doing it. Given appropriate talent, this may
be even more eective than doing it yourself. e metaphor has
been used before in the context of a programmer’s assistant (Teitel-
man 1972, 1977), and tends towards one extreme in the continuum
of views of the user interface. is extreme looks for an active, in-
telligent, reasoning mediator that lies between the user and what is
to be done. e other regards the interface as a simple passive ‘gate-
way’ or membrane between a user and the application (Rissland
1984), that can be tailored to particular needs, perhaps, but is simply
2.1. Introduction: the
‘do it’, or abdication
model of interaction
2. A context for future
interactive systems
Future Computing Systems88
a personalizable toolnot even a good servant, let alone an assistant or
colleague. e issues involved are: where is control located; and how
much expertise can be built into the interface management? However,
these questions are bound up with questions about the structure of
User Interface Management Systems (UIMSs) and about task alloca-
tion in humancomputer systemswhy is it necessary for humans and
computers to co-operate?
If we naively assume that the interface for future computer systems
will comprise a voice input natural language ‘Check this task denition
and do what I mean’ (DWIM) command system, perhaps with graphi-
cal aids to help in task denition, we are overlooking certain funda-
mental facts concerning the reasons for using computers, as well as
both current and absolute limitations on their use. We are also under-
estimating the problems involved in communicating with colleagues
and assistants. True, there will undoubtedly be an increasing number
of tasks for which the relevant experience and applicability criteria can
be dened to allow something approaching this type of interaction.
However, even these systems, which already exist in embryonic form,
must place a certain emphasis on the metacommentary aspects of the
dialogue involved, and respond to questions or comments related to
their internal workings and dialogue construction, as well as to specic
task goal elements. Control ultimately resides with the human, and hu-
man goals must be satised. Issues of communication and metacom-
mentary, as well as the eect of conict between the goals of the com-
municants, are nicely summarized in the work of omas and Carroll
(omas 1978, omas and Carroll t 981 ).
e problems of task expression and renement, of knowledge ac-
quisition and retrieval, of reasoning and planning, and of goal reso-
lution make the DWIM type of interface a remote dream as a gen-
eral-purpose form of interaction with computers. It was this kind of
interface that was portrayed in the movia 2001: a Space Odyssey, and
the system ultimately broke down due to the conict of goals at several
levels. Moreover, in the end, the computer was obliged to lie in an-
swer to questions at the metacommentary level, and nally to attempt
to take over absolute control, a strategy only thwarted by the creative
problem-solving performance of the remaining crew member. Rass-
mussen (1983) refers to this kind of performance as knowledge-based
performance, as opposed to rule-based performance in which situa-
tion-action rules are remembered from previous experience, selected
as appropriate, and applied. Weizenbaum (1975) has argued forceful-
ly against the belief that, in principle, computers may be able to take
over the running of society completely, and his arguments bear on the
89Interacting with future computers
topic raised above concerning absolute limits on what. computers
should do. Since his view requires human involvement in certain kinds
of activity, it also requires human-computer interaction, no matter how
sophisticated our computer systems become. ere is of course the
question, if HAL-like interaction is feasible, is it desirable or even pref-
erable to more traditional forms?
Society’s reaction to the modest progress in applying computers
alarms Weizenbaum, who sees the potential for dehumanization, in-
exibility, control, and oversimplication inherent in the unwise and
over-hasty application of computers in areas we either do not under-
stand well enough, or from which we should exclude computers for
ethical reasons.
Much of the force of Weizenbaum’s case derives from arguments
about the level of understanding required to model situations or sys-
tems as a basis for solving problems, and from arguments about our
ability (or, more likely, lack of ability) to implement such models as
computer programs. Both sets of arguments centre on problems cre-
ated by the complexity involved, as well as the character of the entities
being modeled. ese, in turn, aect the questions we ask, can ask, or
should ask in order to formulate the model in the rst place. From
this ground, Weizenbaum argues that computers are being applied in
harmful ways for a variety of derivative reasons. First, inexible solu-
tions to problems are created because complex programs--especially
those written by a team-are themselves not understood well enough
to permit changes to them, even to correct known errors. Secondly,
solutions are based on incomplete models and data, due to our lack of
understanding, and our lack of ability to formulate adequate questions
to illuminate even those aspects we are aware of, let alone all the ques-
tions that we should ask, if we had God-like insight. ere is also the
question as to whether all relevant matters could be covered by such
a factual approach. As riders to this, Weizenbaum points out that (a)
data may be ignored simply because ‘it is not in the right form’, and
(b) oversimplied solutions will be produced based only upon those
aspects of the problems that we can formalize. A third harmful eect
of computers, he argues, is that they act as a conservative force in so-
ciety, partly by providing the means of sustaining outdated methods
of running an increasingly complex society, and partly because, once
programs are written, they are so resistant to change, for practical
as well as economic reasons. Finally, he argues that computers have
made society more vulnerable. With continued centralization of con-
trol (such centralization itself outdated), errors and disturbances have
far-ung and unpredictable consequences as they propagate through a
2.2. Ethical and practical
constraints on abdication:
the knowledge interface
Future Computing Systems90
homogeneous system, optimized for economy rather than stability.
e scheduling of airline ights is an example of such a system in
which unplanned hijacking incidents have propagated their dislocat-
ing eects on a world-wide scale, by domino action in a system with
inadequate exibility. Equally, the recent mini-crash of the Wall Street
stock market (September 1986), which rippled around the world, is at-
tributed by experts to slavish adherence to predictions and recommen-
dations generated by computer models of stock market performance
that were inexible and incomplete. It is also increasingly obvious that,
as in all human activity, economic considerations tend to act in such a
way as to simplify solutions and to inhibit improvements that cannot
be proved to bring directly measurable nancial or political benets.
Such attitudes are much harder to attack when entombed in the amber
of computer soware.
Alongside this technical theme to Weizenbaum’s book, there runs
a strong philosophical argument against the dehumanization of life
and society. e most important point is this: by insisting that logi-
cal2 solutions to problems are equivalent to rational2 solutions to
problems, one is dening out of existence the possibility of conict-
ing human values, and hence the human values themselves. Here can
be seen the basis of conict with many researchers in Artical Intel-
ligence, for the whole philosophical thrust of the book is against the
view that the human being is just a computer, with mechanisms and
rules that can be understood and transferred to a machine. In Ras-
mussen’s terms, computers may assume a major share of the perfor-
mance burden at the rule-based level, minimizing and simplifying the
interaction required in the process, but the real challenge for future
computer systems will be to facilitate human-computer interaction in
a knowledge-based performance mode. If Weizenbaum is right, and I
believe he is, knowledge-based performance can never be completely
taken over by the computer because it is neither possible, nor ethical.
e computer must remain a smart tool in the search for formaliza-
tions of useful new knowledge, or of new insights into old knowledge,
conditioned by the goals and needs of humans. However, real progress
is possible, in terms of the acquisition and application of knowledge,
if we can solve the problems associated with the formation, represen-
tation, communication, manipulation and use of models in interac-
tive problem-solving and task execution. In this way, the ethical and
practical objections can be overcome, whilst still maximizing the
2 Webster denes rational as having reason or understanding; being reasonable; whilst logical
means formally true. Logic is, ultimately, tautologous, and denies conict. By denying conict-
ing human values, logic. in essence, denies the reality of the values themselves.
91Interacting with future computers
support to the human. is is why human-computer interaction will
be so important in future computer systems, and why models will
feature so prominently and importantly. Shared models will form the
knowledge interface between computers and people.
ere are really two kinds of question raised by Weizenbaum’s book.
One kind is technically oriented; questions about the best division
of labour in a system involving both humans and computers; ques-
tions about the practicality, validity and utility of partial solutions to
problems we do not fully understand; and questions about the state of
our knowledge concerning how to implement certain kinds of solu-
tions adequately. ere is also the question as to whether some kinds
of problems are amenable to programmed solution at all. ese are all
valid research questions that cannot be ignored as we design increas-
ingly complex systems. We should not get carried away by the modest
success in improving knowledge access that has been achieved on the
basis of rulebased ‘expert systems’.
e other kind of question begs the reader to step outside the con-
ventional framework of disinterested science and ask questions about
the value and ethics of what is being done with computers in terms
of replacing people and running society. e underlying, but unstated
message here seems to be that, if we are approaching God-like powers
with our technology, we need God-like wisdom and restraint in the ex-
ercise of these powers. e implication is that the only viable basis for
restraint and wisdom, on the scale required, is for each individual in
the technological and scientic areas concerned to take some personal
responsibility for the consequences of exercising his or her profession-
al skills. is is the context within which we should contemplate the
creation of future computer systems, and the context which constrains
the character of our interaction with them. is is why the human-
computer interface will grow more complex and demanding, rather
than less, as our knowledge increases. Understanding such interfaces
becomes tantamount to understanding ourselves, yet considerable un-
derstanding is required as a basis for design.
If the user must continue to be an active participant in increasingly
sophisticated future computer systems, which is the logical and ethical
conclusion from the foregoing discussion, then the human-comput-
er interface is not only here to stay, but must develop appropriately.
Furthermore, whatever the status of the user as a computer specialist,
the user must have some task-relevant knowledge. It is the unica-
tion of the two sources of knowledge, human and computer, in the
2.3. In conclusion
Future Computing Systems92
problem solution, that is the ultimate goal of humancomputer interaction.
Williams (1984) points out that the knowledge brought to the task by humans
very likely diers from that brought by machines. at brought by the hu-
man is high-level generic knowledge whilst that brought by the machine is
the lower-level, physical-particulars kind of knowledge. Again in Rasmussen’s
terms, the human tends to have a model at an intentional level of ends, whilst
the machine is able to provide models at the physical level of means. e map-
ping between them is many to one in both directions. Interaction applies the
means to the ends by forming or invoking particular functional models that
connect the two. For this to work, mechanisms must be available to allow the
participants to explain themselves to each other and form the connections.
Furthermore, any such process should result in the creation of, or accom-
plishment of, something relatively perfect and formally correct (the solution
to the original problem) from an error-prone sketchy interaction. Interac-
tion must be regarded as amplifying an individual’s intellectual productivity
by graceful determination and satisfaction of every need that is amenable to
algorithmic solution, without disruption of the overall, usually knowledge-
based performance of the human. e key to this is the eortless sharing of
the models that embody the various kinds of knowledge involved: their for-
mation, representation, communication, manipulation and use. Where those
models are partially or completely inaccessible behind the human cognitive
veil, for whatever reason, then the interface must support the elicitation and
communication of incomplete constructs and informal descriptions based on
the results of using those models covertly.
Experience has shown that good interfaces make it easier for computer
users to do their job. Even computer experts show increased produc-
tivity, reduced errors, and higher quality work when they are provided
with a better programming environment and more powerful tools that
are easy to apply to their work. Furthermore, falling hardware costs
and rising labour costs are shiing the emphasis from machine uti-
lization to human productivity, in terms of increased throughput,
reduced errors, shorter training periods, and lower sta turnover,
whilst still maintaining or preferably improving the quality of work
produced. With the increasingly widespread use of computers by non-
experts for a variety of economic and practical reasons, this situation
(as already noted) has led to a dramatic surge in the attention given to
the human-computer interface in applications areas. (Unfortunately,
when advertising products, all too oen the attention is mere lip ser-
vice.) However, the corresponding rise in our knowledge of how to
3.1. Current support for
3. The programmer
as a user
93Interacting with future computers
design good interfaces, even for well-dened applications tasks, has
been far less than dramatic, again as noted.
Surprisingly little has been achieved in terms of providing good sup-
portive interfaces for programmers (programming environments) de-
spite the fact that, in a very real sense, one of the most important ap-
plications of computers is to programming. Not that the problem has
been ignored by researchers. ere have been studies and experiments
concerned with various aspects of the psychology of programming
and much written about the value of structured program design and
the relative merits of various kinds and levels of languages. Problems
of specication, program comprehension and debugging have been
considered. Curtis (1981) provides a useful selection of papers up to
1981 but, for example, in the classication system for human-comput-
er interaction literature appearing in the special issue of Ergonomics
Abstracts devoted to human-computer interaction (Megaw and Lloyd
1984), the word programming (or anything like it) appears only twice.
Even then it is only in connection with languages, and with ‘aspects’
which turn out to be mostly the psychology of programming. ere
has apparently been little success in integrating some of the available
knowledge into programmer interfaces (programming environments-
systems or applications oriented) comparable to those available for end
users. e sum total seems to be a collection of fourth-generation tools
to assist in screen management and Unix. Programmers are still largely
le to look aer themselves, which may boost their egos, but hardly
boosts their productivity or the quality of their prod ucts.
A more comprehensive approach to meeting the programmer’s
needs seems reasonable. us, a future programmer’s environment
should allow dierent parts of programs to be implemented in what-
ever languages are appropriate, and run on arbitrary machines in a
distributed system according to the best match between algorithm
and machine, the latter without requiring any intervention by the
programmer or (if there is one) the end-user. is requires smooth,
languageindependent module interfaces. Debugging tools should
understand a lot about program structure and behaviour, as well as
about data structures and how they are used, providing a higher level
interface together with expert help for the programmer looking for
faults. Structure editors (DonzeauGouge et al. 1975, Neal 1980) em-
bodying the syntax and character of any programming language or
document in use should be available. File systems present a partic-
ular problem and probably require progress in expert le manage-
ment to help the user (programmer) manage and retrieve les. e
3.2. The programmer’s
Future Computing Systems94
spectacle of a productive programmer searching an extensive hierar-
chical le structure for a lost le of uncertain appellation is sad to see.
An integrated applications programming environment would, in addi-
tion, place the computational tools needed to support an application at
the same level as the interaction tools needed to support the user, with
control residing at a task management level integrated within the op-
erating system that allowed the programmer to concentrate on goals,
functions and solution strategies rather than mechanisms and house-
A computer user (including a programmer) thinks and/or learns
about the solution to a problem with computer assistance. Papert
(1980) believes the eect of computers on thinking and learning to
be comparable to that of the invention of writing. He notes one im-
portant eect of using a word processor is to free the writer from te-
dious housekeeping, and the laborious use of writing implements, per-
haps in a very unskilled manner. For children, the eect is dramatic:
‘For most children rewriting a text is so laborious that the rst dra is the nal copy
and the skill of rereading with a critical eye is never acquired. is changes dra-
matically when children have access to computers capable of manipulating texts.
e rst dra is composed at the keyboard. Corrections are made easily. e cur-
rent copy is always neat and tidy. I have seen a child move from total rejection of
writing to an intense involvement (accompanied by rapid improvement of quality)
within a few weeks of beginning to write with a computer.’
Other specialized aids are available (spelling checkers, formatters and
the like) so that productivity and quality both rise at the same time as
the task becomes more rewarding, and attention is focussed on content
and strategy rather than mechanism. Programmers require an analo-
gous environment that goes beyond mere text manipulation (although,
as suggested below, one of the two principal activities in programming
may be documentation in one form or another).
Sheil (1981) presents an interesting view of the current state of knowl-
edge concerning programming environments:
‘Most innovations in programming languages and methodology are motivated by
a belief that they will improve the performance of the programmers who use them.
Although such claims are usually advanced informally, there is a growing body of
research which attempts to verify them by controlled observation of programmers’
behaviour. Surprisingly, these studies have found few clear eects of changes in
either programming notation or practice. Less surprisingly, the computing com-
munity has paid relatively little attention to these results.’
He goes on in the paper to suggest that the problem is due
to the unsophisticated experimental techniques used, and a
95Interacting with future computers
shallow view of the nature of programming skill (emphasis added).
us, no systematic study seems to have been made of the overall
needs of the programmer as a user of computers. It seems to be as-
sumed that the programmer is so expert that he or she (a) can take
care of him or herself, and (b) has needs so arcane that they are beyond
study. e ‘programmer’s operating system’, Unix (Ritchie and omp-
son 1974, 1978), is a fruit of this attitude, or possibly a caution against
it, depending on your viewpoint. e original version was written by a
programmer (Ken ompson) working at Bell Laboratories strictly for
himself, because he had been given a minicomputer with an operating
system that did not meet his needs (McIlroy, Pinson and Tague 1978).
Subsequently, other programmers liked it so much that it spread, was
adopted by AT&T, then licensed to universities (with some very ex-
pensive commercial licensing), and nally (quite recently) turned into
a ‘product’. In many ways Unix represents a distillation of what serious
computer scientists (who are all programmers?) need. It is usually tout-
ed as the best available. At the same time, the user interface has many
of the shortcomings of other applications devised by programmers,
as Norman (1981) has pointed out. Furthermore, it is not so much
a system, as a playground of Dungeons-and-Dragons-like complexity,
even to the helpful gnomes and hidden traps. e knowledge in such a
system is contingent:. that is, uncertain, accidental, and subject to the
caprice of the designer. If something is not known, it usually cannot
be inferred. Oen the on-line manual itself is a maze of considerable
extent, and is most easily accessed using some of the knowledge being
sought, leading to interactive deadlock. If it is regarded as a help sys-
tem, there is little help with help itself. In these circumstances, it is best
to ask someone who ‘knows’, which is why programmers learn best as
part of an active community, and may partly explain the importance
of embedded mail systems. Computer manuals are in any case illde-
signed for anything but reference, a topic we return to shortly.
Programmers are not necessarily expert in the techniques and pitfalls
of good interface design, and they may not even have a very clear idea
of what they do when programming, let alone the ‘best’ way to do it
(as has been conrmed by our experience (Hill 1985). In this, they are
typical users, albeit with a great deal of computer-oriented expertise,
including experience of coping with existing facilities. One early pro-
gramming environment, the ‘Programmer’s Workbench’, tackled the
problem in a pragmatic, ad hoc manner (Dolotta, Haight & Mashey
3.3. Self-help in
Future Computing Systems96
1978), noting amongst other things the importance of docu-
mentation, and we have seen the development of Lisp and Smalltalk
programming environments. But these developments only seem to
constitute minor gains on existing programming techniques, with great
reliance on the programmer’s expertise, as suggested above.
It is partly a lack of understanding of the programmer’s task that leads
computer science research funding agencies and university adminis-
trations to veto the idea of providing certain kinds of facilities (e.g.
laser printers and document preparation tools). It is possible that the
only important thing that both systems and applications programmers
do is to document. It is just that some of the documentation (on how
to solve a particular problem) can be directly interpreted and executed
by a computer. However, such ‘documentation’ is very demanding, and
requires many special aids, techniques and system facilities to make it
easy to produce excellent creations eciently. Of course, the underly-
ing activity is problemsolving-a common professional regime, but the
thing that distinguishes programming is the form and context of the
Programmers also have to document at levels other than that of prob-
lem solution. is is either (a) so that other people (usually also pro-
grammers) can understand (and therefore check, debug, or modify)
the problem solution statement, or (b) so that other people (oen non-
programmers) can use the problem solution itself in their work. is
latter case involves an operating manual (or so-called ‘user manual’).
Such manuals themselves oen fall far short of the needs of their read-
ers, concentrating on the formal description of the system (what it is)
rather than the functional description (what it does), and certainly
never venturing into the intentional description (why it is what it is,
and why it does what it does). All three levels are needed by the hu-
man user, as a basis for forming the dierent levels of model needed to
understand and therefore use the system eectively (Rasmussen 1983).
e U nix manual should be no exception.
Most programmers seem to hate documentation, except the kind fed
into the computer, so one obvious component of a programming sys-
tem is something to make excellent program documentation easy. e
diculty of producing documentation is a problem important enough
for Bell Laboratories to have produced a special environment aimed
at documentation management (Frase 1983), but it is aimed not at the
overall problem (which would include programming) but rather at the
evaluation of specialist technical writing.
3.4. Programming as
97Interacting with future computers
Proposed solutions to problems rarely work as originally formulated.
In this, programming is like other human endeavours. People suc-
ceed to the extent that they can debug their ideas. Proper debugging
aids that help in nding and correcting the many varieties of program
faults are therefore also important. Debugging is the second majorac-
tivity for a programmer. We have hardly progressed beyond the kinds
of systems developed in the late 1960s (Digital Equipment Corpora-
tion’s DDT or RAID (Petit 1970), despite the higherlevel debugging
techniques of the Lisp and Smalltalk environments. Some research is in
progress (e.g. Johnson and Soloway 1983) that should bring us closer
to meeting the programmer’s debugging needs, outlined earlier (sub-
section 3.2), but clearly an expert debugging aid is needed that can un-
derstand highlevel aspects of recipes for problem solution (programs)
and communicate in terms of intentions, causes and eects.
e important case of the programmer as a user is currently dealt with
least eectively, partly for lack of knowledge, and partly for lack of ef-
fective application of what is available. More seriously, too many pro-
grammers (who seem to associate the term ‘user friendly’ with patron-
ising, anthropomorphic, or inecient interaction) are quite content
with-indeed seem to prefer-this outcome, which hardly encourages
progress. ey certainly distinguish themselves sharply from mere ‘us-
ers’, even whilst claiming to know (without much investigation) what
a user needs. With the increasingly sophisticated tools provided to
allow ‘end-users’ to develop their own applications, coupled with the
increasing sophistication of these end-users, the attitude is at best self-
defeating. Incidentally, ‘end-user’ is the subclass of user that is prop-
erly contrasted with ‘programmer’. Both are users, as argued above,
but possibly the distinction will not survive indenitely. Smith’s view
(introduced in the next section) certainly suggests that it will not.
In his thesis D. C. Smith (1975) is concerned with the attempt to de-
ne and create the ‘ideal’ programming environment, which means an
environment in which the programmer can easily be creative, produc-
tive and correct. In the process, he ventures a redenition of the term
‘programmer’. He poses ve questions related to programming that re-
ally get to the heart of the matter for all interaction. e ve questions,
followed by some of his related comments, are:
(1) Why is programming a tedious process?
(2) What are the relationships between creating a solution to a problem and creat-
ing a problem to nd a solution?
3.5. Programming as
3.6. Conclusions
4.1. Pygmalion
4. Computers are fun
Future Computing Systems98
(3) Do programming languages stimulate or inhibit creative solutions?
(4) Does creativity in art and mathematics provide any guidelines for creative ac-
tivity on a computer?
(5) Can a programming environment be constructed to stimulate creative thought?
What would be its characteristics?
Programming need not be tedious. e rest of this [thesis] is devoted to program-
ming systems which make programming fun. As we have seen, creativity is an
emotional process, and joy is one of its strongest emotions. ere is playfulness in
creativity ....
... PYGMALION brings art into computer science. Rather than providing a
computer resource which artists can use to create (paint, compose music, etc.),
PYGMALION is a rst attempt to provide an artistic resource which computer
scientists can use to create. In fact I hope PYGMALION will contribute to a reeval-
uation of what a “computer scientist” is. In my view, a computer scientist is anyone
who knows how to do something and wants to use the computer in doing it. e
view that only highlytrained programmers can implement a task on the computer
is intellectual snobbery of the worst kind.
... [quoting Kay] e skilled programmer is necessary only because the distance
between the computer implementation of the task and a person’s mental concep-
tion of it is too great.’
Rasmussen (1983), who developed amongst other things a hierarchical model
encompassing knowledge and abstraction (see below), would certainly agree
with the formulation of that last point. Also, the vital role of play in creative
learning activity underpins much of what Papert seeks to do with computers.
It is worth noting that the underlying idea of direct manipulation
is quite complementary to programming. In programming (which is
symbolic manipulation) a recipe for action is generated by the user,
and executed automatically by the computer. By way of illustration,
consider what is needed to move the cursor, replace some characters,
and check the result in the line editor supplied by Digital Equipment
Corporation as part of their RT-l1 operating system. One might type
the following:$d-9iinsert.this$0j1$$
which advances 13 lines, nds the text ‘’, erases it, substi-
tutes ‘insert.this’, moves the cursor to the beginning of the line and
lists it. One moves continually in an out of command mode. Omit-
ting an Escape key, echoed as ‘S’, causes any following commands to be
treated as text instead. ere are many other ways of making errors-in
counting lines or characters, for example. With direct manipulation,
one moves the cursor to the desired location, watches the deletion and
4.2 Direct manipulation
99Interacting with future computers
insertion take place, and there is never any doubt about what is go-
ing on. Mistyped text can be corrected immediately. Of course, if the
same (or closely similar) operation were to be repeated many times,
the symbolic manipulation (programming) approach might be prefer-
able. Once debugged, perhaps with a varying parameter or two, the
operation could be reliably applied automatically. Direct manipula-
tion requires constant monitoring and eort on each application. But
for varied, one-o transaction sequences, such as occur increasingly
as the majority of human-computer interaction situations, direct ma-
nipulation oers overwhelming advantages. In any case, programmed
sequences or macros can be included, allowing the user to have the
cake and eat it as well. e ability to operate directly, without planning
and with low probability of error, is what makes direct manipulation
attractive, and is part of what Smith was concerned with. Ideally, for a
‘mixed’ system, the symbolic representation of a direct manipulation
action could be determined automatically, if repeated application were
desired. is would eectively incorporate a form of programming by
example (Halbert 1984) or (in a suitable context) query by example
(Zloof 1977). In practice, several problems in implementing such a fa-
cility are still unsolved, and Halbert’s system involves automatic acqui-
sition of tedious ‘inline’ code from direct manipulation activity with
the subsequent addition of structure and variables by an editing pro-
cess. However, if symbolic specication versus direct manipulation is
part of what forms the supposed programmer/ user distinction, such a
facility would act to reduce it, whilst meeting the more general notion
of catering to user preferences.
e specic issue of playful enjoyable activity as a desirable metaphor
for arbitrary human-computer interaction (as opposed to just educa-
tion) was raised at the rst conference devoted specically to human
factors in computer systems, at Gaithersburg, Maryland, in 1982. A
paper by Malone (1982) was entitled ‘Heuristics for designing enjoy-
able user interfaces: lessons from computer games’. In it he addressed
two questions. Why are computer games so captivating? And how can
the features that make computer games captivating be used to make
other interfaces interesting and enjoyable to use? Part of the answer
in Malone’s study was that an element of fantasy was more important
than simple feedback. e choice of fantasy seemed subject to audi-
ence characteristics (specically sex dierences in one of the experi-
ments). Malone analysed motivating characteristics under three head-
ings (challenge, fantasy, and curiosity) summarizing the factors found
important in each, and also distinguished between toy-systems (which
4.3. Games
Future Computing Systems100
are used for their own sake and involve intrinsically determined goals,
as in games) and tools-systems in which the goals are extrinsically de-
is distinction in the character of goal determination is a possible
basis for separating games from real life. Of course, another impor-
tant distinction lies in the fact that, in games, devastating results are
only denoted.3 In real situations the devastation occurs, and one cannot
come back to life or undo the delivery of a missile. Research by Kahne-
man and Tversky (1982) suggests that games may ‘hold’ players by a
so-called regret factor. e regret factor relates to the ratio between the
devastation caused and the triviality of the action causing the devasta-
tion (which may be a loss of score). Apparently people are more highly
motivated to ‘try again’ the higher the regret factor (which increases as
the loss increases or the action becomes more trivial). It might also be
called the ‘if only’ factor. Real applications will only appeal in game-
like terms to the extent that devastating results are easily avoided or
brushed aside.
One rather insightful comment on games relates back to the attitude
of the programmer and my suggestion that Unix is like Dungeons and
Dragons. Aer quoting Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari, as saying ‘A
good game should be easy to learn, but dicult to master’ Malone goes
on to say:
‘A good tool, on the other hand, should be both easy to learn and easy to master ....
the tool users should be able to focus most of their attention on the uncertain exter-
nal goal, not on the use of the tool itself. ... is distinction helps explain why some
users of complex systems may enjoy mastering tools that are extremely dicult to
use. To extent that these users are treating the systems as toys rather than tools, the
diculty increases the challenge and therefore the pleasure of using the system:
Perhaps this is the secret of the programmers’ resistance to change.
ey are so expert, that anything less challenging than an unfriendly
system would not be fun.
Goals, coupled with uncertainty, layered complexity and perfor-
mance feedback (scores) provide challenge. A system should present
an appropriate level of diculty commensurate with its power, and
with the skill of the user. e layers of complexity simply allow the
user to increase the challenge to keep pace with developing skill.
is is a renement of the more general dialogue design principle
of aiming for ‘optimum stress’ (see Appendix B). ‘Too easy’ is bor-
ing and probably not powerful enough. ‘Too hard’ is a barrier to
use, regardless of power. If skill is increasing (as it does in a game
situation, or for a regular user of a system) the task diculty can be
3 I am indebted to Harold imbleby for this insight.
101Interacting with future computers
increased or more complex tools made available (or discovered), to
maintain the challenge. is model underlies many successful teach-
ing strategies. Layering complexity could act not only as a means of
providing increasing challenge, but also, perhaps, as an answer to the
age-old dispute between simple systems for novice users and powerful
systems for experts.
One suggestion for introducing a game/challenge perspective into
programming came over the Unix network a year or two ago. It rec-
ognized the character of Unix by proposing that Zork (an adventure
game like Dungeons and Dragons) would provide an excellent substi-
tute for the normal shell (the operating system interface), managing
les, gaining resources, printing and the like (see Appendix A). Such
an interface would clearly satisfy those programmers looking for a use-
ful toy (not unreasonable in the context of Smith’s view). Zork is also
based on fantasy.
Fantasies should be emotionally appealing and expressed in terms
of familiar metaphors. A system with fantasy evokes mental images
of physical objects or social situations that are not actually present.
Fantasy maintains interest, and hence motivation. Fantasy may also
invoke useful analogies for action (thus Zork does tell us something
about Unix!).
Finally, curiosity satisfaction involves a complex of factors including
interesting but manageable and appropriate presentation components,
randomness, and humour, as well as assistance in the structuring and
extension of the user’s knowledge when appropriate.
ere are, of course, some more mundane principles (not unrelated)
for making computers more pleasurable and eective in use. Two of
the earliest papers on interactive system design per se (Foley & Wal-
lace 1974, Hansen 1971) are still amongst the best introductions to
the basic problems and philosophy. Norman (1983) has produced
an excellent restatement of the ·issues, while MacGuire (1982) pro-
vides a concise survey of several earlier views. Much can be learned
from such accounts, but, as noted, there is no established design
procedure for the human-computer interface. Appendix B provides
a summary of this author’s view of reasonable design principles for
human-computer interaction within a framework of the human and
machine characteristics involved, with some attempt to instanti-
ate the principles in something closer to rules. Rules and principles
dier. Principles are intentional or functional, whilst rules result in
specic implementation particulars. is can be illustrated by anal-
ogy with bridge design. ere might be two principles: (a) that all
bridges should last indenitely; and (b) that bridges should blend into
4.4. Principles and rules:
Future Computing Systems102
the environment. Specic rules would then relate foundation materi-
als to soil acidity, and paint colour to terrain type. Recognition and
application of rules should be largely automatic, specifying the physi-
cal particulars of how to do something, whereas principles can be
hard to interpret in given situations, and in the absence of rules. Even
the recent comprehensive 448-page report from the Mitre Corpora-
tion (Smith and Mosier 1984) comprises detailed principles, rather
than quantitative specication related to particular needs and goals
(i.e. rules), and requires considerable expertise and insight to apply.
Following the models of human performance described by Rasmus-
sen (1983) it is suggested that principles require the designer to in-
dulge in knowledge-based performance, whilst rules supply the data
for rule-based performance. Knowledgebased performance involves
the search for, and validation of, new methods in the absence of rules.
It is an open-ended search commitment, involving planning, and the
formulation and testing of hypotheses, either by experiment or the use
of internal models. Rules allow the application of methods known to
work from past experience, by recognizing their applicability based on
the situation or problem encountered. Rules form the basis for cur-
rent expert systems, and represent the material gained by knowledge
elicitation techniques. e diculty of working within a knowledge-
based performance domain presents a serious obstacle to the activities
of the interactive system designer, and underscores the value of rules
and procedures in the design task in general.
RABBIT (Williams 1984) provides an example of a current system
that achieves some of its power from the sharing of knowledge in
the form of explicit models. e main emphasis is on just the pro-
cess of explanation, renement and conceptual consistency. RABBIT
is a database retrieval system that must show its view of the world
to the user in such a way that the user can formulate retrieval ques-
tions in acceptable, albeit crude, terms. en a process of successive
renement occurs in which the user moulds the crude physical form
of a question to correspond to the intent of the particular retrieval,
but framed in RABBIT’s terms. As the renement proceeds, the ef-
fects it has on what will be retrieved are made apparent. Also, by no-
ticing the physical details of most interest to the user, RABBIT is able
to adapt the information presented to t this interest. In setting up
the query formulation this way, Williams is faithful to the design-in-
terpretation model of communication promoted by omas and Car-
roll (1981) and, at the same time, ensures that the means and ends
are continually in view and under control, linked by the functional
5. RABBIT: an example
of a futuristic system
103Interacting with future computers
mechanisms of the retrieval system. When RABBIT fails it does so ex-
actly at the point where the user (e.g. a wine novice) is unable to estab-
lish a connection between the means available (the wine expert terms
and concepts understood by RABBIT) and the intent of the query (e.g.
to choose a wine for dinner). Here, an expansion of RABBIT’s world
view, and some user modelling along the lines of Rich’s Grundy system
(Rich 1983), would presumably solve the problem. e point is that
eective action is based on shared models that either the human or
the computer may update for purposes of communication, improved
performance, or whatever. ese processes also take place in strict sub-
servience to human goals and intentions.
Williams is quick to point out that the interface design for RABBIT is
highly specic to information browsing, exploration and retrieval and
has not been extended to interfaces for other tasks such as word pro-
cessing, or computer programming. At rst sight, it might appear that
the ideas do not easily transfer. Indeed, Moran’s view that designing
the interface is tantamount to designing the user’s model [of the sys-
tem, and hence designing the system itself] (Moran 1981), could sug-
gest an opposite view, namely that every system has unique interface
requirements. In a sense, this is quite true, but certain generic ideas do
transfer. e best word processors depend critically on the idea that
‘What you see is what you get’ (WYSIWYG), and thus obey the same
design-interpretation model of communication between operator and
system that RABBIT follows. It is fairly easy to imagine a program-
ming paradigm along the same lines (see subsection 4.2). In fact there
is a strong avour of the design-interpretation model in the commu-
nication/design of algorithms using interpretive languages, which goes
quite a way towards explaining their attractiveness.
Although more conventional programming systems do not provide
quite the same facility for working with the solution model at sever-
al levels at once (especially given the relatively crude debugging aids
available), the essence of programming is successive renement, and
iteration towards completeness and correctness. Despite the claim that
top-down design is an orderly process that results in a correct solution
when complete, and despite the goal of automatic programming to
produce correct programs from provably correct specications, some-
where along the line the purpose of the human has to be matched to the
means for achieving that purpose. Even mathematicians admit that the
discovery/creation of a proof is not the orderly process suggested by its
explication. At the point where the human skills are applied, the same
iteration between models and levels of representation must take place.
Future Computing Systems104
ere is plenty of scope for development and experiment to learn
more about this process, and possible related algorithms. I t is worth
emphasizing the implications of a previous point here. To the extent
that task completion in an interactive system depends on the construc-
tion, modication and reconciliation of models at dierent levels, fu-
ture computer systems must make these models explicit, examinable
and manipulable by the users, in their own terms. Communication
with the system about the models, their relationships, and their form
must follow the natural eective design-interpretation schema. And,
furthermore, changes made at one level must immediately be reected
at other levels, in appropriate terms. Research on solving the associated
problems will be a key factor in the proper design of future computer
e central issue in designing interfaces for future computers will be
the formation, representation, manipulation and use of models. is
kind of model-based activity is central to human perceptual, com-
municative and problem-solving processes (e.g. Gentner and Stevens
1983). Rissland (1984) raises essentially the same point when she talks
about the importance of sources of knowledge. Like knowledge, models
can exist at various levels of abstraction, and may be built up in a hi-
erarchy. Models represent sources of knowledge for planning, testing
and evaluating in knowledge-based performance, or for customizing
the interaction to both user and task, setting up representations, do-
main knowledge, and tools. One kind of model represents the kind of
generative core knowledge that allows a user to avoid rote memori-
zation ofprocedures in dealing with complex systems, reconstructing
them instead, and even generating new ones (Halasz and Moran 1983).
Other kinds of models represent information about the user, the user’s
understanding of the system, the task, and methods of interaction.
Some of the models must exist within the system, and some within the
user, but, in a very real sense, all these models must be shared. Even
inaccessible models must be shared in some form.
A metaphor is a partial model, built to represent some aspect of re-
ality, that is useful in understanding some other aspect of reality, in
this case, an interactive computer system. e topic is considered
by Carroll and omas (1982) and omas and Carroll (1981). In-
teraction will be more eective when the models and metaphors are
closer to the reality they mirror, unless the task is strictly routine
(i.e. rule-based) (Halasz and Moran 1983). e system can actively
assist the user in forming correct models of itself or suggest appro-
priate metaphors. e user can contribute to the system’s mod-
els of the user and the current task (in RABBIT, this is the role of
6. Interacting with
future computers
6.1. Models
105Interacting with future computers
‘reformulation’). Part of the role of interaction is the updating and
correction of the relevant models, which involves both tutoring and
knowledge elicitation, but a great deal of knowledge can also be built
into the system. e success and power of SOPHIE (Brown 1975) as an
instructional system depended in part on the excellence of its model-
ling and reasoning, and in part on its ability to communicate using lan-
guage in a natural and robust manner, both depending on a great deal
of built-in knowledge (circuit simulation, natural language parsing,
spelling correction, ... ). e modicaton of the circuit model to repre-
sent faults, and the reconciliation of the fault model with observation,
gives an early example of the kind of knowledge-based interaction that
will come to dominate future computer systems, as more routine tasks
are automated almost completely (that is, automated apart from the
potential for human intervention). Models are, in a fundamental sense,
the ultimate development of objectoriented programming, since they
encapsulate data, and the procedures for operating on that data, in an
absolute, literally ‘real’, sense. In rule-based performance, the models
will be static, and will be available only in terms of their inputs and
outputs. In knowledge-based performance, dialogue must take place at
a meta-level, and the objects become accessible for internal modica-
tion. Models that exist in the human, and are inaccessible for various
reasons discussed earlier, will constitute objects not available for inter-
nal modication from the computer’s point of view. Some computer
objects will equally be unmodiable by the users, perhaps depending
on the role and expertise of the user.
One interesting aspect of the role of models, hypotheses, and levels of
abstraction is noted by Norman (1984). He is concerned that future
interfaces should move away from the level of details (physical mod-
els) towards the intentional global levels. He relates the story of a man
going to open his car door:
‘X leaves work and goes to his car in the parking lot. X inserts his key in the door,
but the door will not open. X tries the key a second time; it still doesn’t work.
Puzzled, X reverses the key, then examines all the keys on the key ring to see if the
correct key is being used. X then tries once more, walks around to the other door
of the car to try yet again. In walking around, X notes that this is the incorrect car.
X then goes to his own car and unlocks the door without diculty.’
He reports having a collection of stories similar to this, re-
vealing that even though people know their own intentions,
they seem to work bottom-up, tackling the problem at the
6.2. Raising the ab-
straction level and ‘set-
Future Computing Systems106
lowest level, and only reluctantly and slowly moving to the higher lev-
els of action and intention. ere is a role here for an interactive system
to prod users out of inappropriate levels, and away from incorrect hy-
potheses. Suppose the door could have said ‘at key is for a dierent
c ar ’.
It has been established that one common failure mode in human
problem solving is failure to abandon an initial hypothesis. In one
study (Wason 1971), students were asked to determine the rule un-
derlying the generation of a number sequence, given the beginning
of the sequence. If the rule was incorrect, further numbers in the se-
quence were given, refuting the initial hypothesis, and providing more
data. Many of the students simply reformulated the original, incor-
rect hypothesis, perpetuating their inability to solve the problem. is
behaviour is seen in Norman’s example, except that, being in a richer
environment, the subject is eventually forced to abandon successive
hypotheses until the solution is literally forced on his attention. T. F. M.
Stewart has called this the ‘setbreaking’ problem.
ese examples also capture another essential of interaction with fu-
ture computers, namely the importance of redundant, multimodal
exchange of information. e issue is raised explicitly in a chapter
entitled ‘Future Interfaces’ in Bolt’s book about the work of the Ar-
chitecture Machine Group (Bolt 1984). Noting that related infor-
mation in a communication channel may be redundant or supple-
mentary in character, and that this form of communication was
invented by nature, he points out the advantages of being able to
speak, point and look, all at the same time (Dataland allows all these
modes to be sensed). Supplementary information allows such pos-
sibilities as the resolution of pronouns by pointing (making speech
more economical and natural). Redundant information allows cor-
rect identication of intent from information that, taken piecemeal,
is ambiguous because of imperfections of various kinds. Bolt also
emphasizes the importance of integration of sources of informa-
tion. e usefulness of the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
e whole concept of the AMG’s Dataland is futuristic, but in sum-
marizing the future interfaces chapter, Bolt picks out two other main
points as especially relevant. One is the use of circumstantial cues, par-
ticularly in retrieval, and the other is the use of eye tracking to help in
modelling the user’s interests and intentions.
We tend to remember circumstances, even when contents are for-
gotten, and even though the circumstances may have little for-
mal connection with the desired fact or action. us we remem-
ber information from books, reports and newspapers partly
6.3. Redundant,
communication: pointing,
looking, and situational
107Interacting with future computers
on the basis of where and when we obtained it as well as whereabouts
within the source the information was encountered. Such information
provides hooks to access our associative memory, and explains why
examinations seem easier if they are taken in the lecture room, rather
than some new place. Far from preserving this kind of information,
current computer systems even suppress what little may exist. us
text, presented on screens, is likely to change in format, depending on
the terminal, or the trivial modications made since a previous visit,
whilst failing to give anyone document distinct visual character. A fu-
ture computer system can keep the circumstantial record of a user’s ac-
tivities and preserve the distinct idiosyncratic form of documents even
in electronic form, using them to assist in future interactions. Printed
material may, in future, only be viewable in bit-mapped run-o form,
which could also help in copyright protection (Benest and Jones 1982).
Cheaper approaches to structured document viewing that tie in with
document preparation are also possible (Witten and Bramwell 1985).
Eyes, Bolt notes, are especially revealing. ey form a highly mo-
bile pointer, revealing interest and focus of attention, as a supplement
to dialogue. A great deal can be communicated by a changing point
of regard, both intentionally and unintentionally. A child learns the
names of things by hearing the names and noticing what the namer is
looking at. Bolt distinguishes three kinds of looking: spontaneous; task-
relevant; and changing orientation of thought. In addition, there are pu-
pil size eects that relate to degree of interest as well as stage of task
completion. us, although there is clearly a need for more research,
in principle it is possible to determine what a user wishes to know
about, how interested the user is, and how the user’s mental tasks are
progressing, especially when coupled with other cues like voice and
gesture. is, and other multimodal input can be used to form and
update appropriate models related to the overall management of the
e control and management of human-computer interaction in fu-
ture computer systems will depend on the success of research cur-
rently in progress. An excellent review of the state of the art appears
in Pfa (1985). Present attention is focussed on the functional divi-
sions within the overall User Interface Management System (UIMS),
on the location of control (in the application or in the UIMS), and
on the nature of the method used for formal specication of the dia-
logues that are the object of the UIMS. e UIMS, which mediates
between a user and an application, is intended to provide a frame-
work for the construction and management of user interfaces that
6.4. Managing the
interface: control,
specication, and
Future Computing Systems108
cuts out repeated hand coding of common parts of human-computer
interfaces, allows complexity management, and provides uniformity,
consistency, and other desirable properties in the resulting interface by
the constraints and facilities it embodies. Given the formal specica-
tion, it allows certain kinds of error and interaction performance to be
veried. And, perhaps as important as any other advantage, a properly
constructed UIMS allows interactive systems to be prototyped very
rapidly, with user involvement and feedback. is is so important in
practical applications that one should really talk about User Interface
Prototyping and Management Systems (UIPMSs).
e argument about location of control is reminiscent of the argu-
ments about graphics packages versus graphics languages. In a graph-
ics package, or an internal control UIMS system, the interaction is
controlled from within the application, with the package encapsulat-
ing the appropriate graphical or interaction techniques for use by the
application. In the graphics language, or external control UIMS, the
system (graphics system or UIMS) is in control, and calls applications
resources just like any other resources. Some authors (Hayes, Szekely,
and Lerner 1985) suggest the use of a mixed control UIMS, to try and
obtain the advantages of both, whilst avoiding their disadvantages. It
seems likely that none of these solutions is entirely satisfactory. A bet-
ter approach is likely to place control at a higher level than either the
application or interaction resources, forming a task management level,
as suggested in subsection 2.5. Such a system would represent an op-
erating system component, avoiding the question of whether the ap-
plication or the interface had control. e form of such a solution is
still a subject for research, but will certainly involve a more methodical
approach to the instantiation of applications resources. Indeed, an im-
portant aspect of future computer systems will be the determination of
adequate applications primitives, as well as interaction primitives, le
management primitives, and the like.
It is not possible to summarize all the arguments and problems as-
sociated with various aspects of UIMSs within the scope of this paper.
However, various expert system components within a UIMS will be
needed to represent at least
• the interaction desired (a script for interaction (e.g. Hill and
Irving 1984),
• thetask(intentions,goals),
• appropriateproblemsolutiontechniques(applicationsprimitives),
• theuser(e.g.Rich1983),
6.5. Models again
109Interacting with future computers
• appropriate interaction techniques (e.g. Foley, Wallace, and
Chan 1984),
• activitymetacommentary(modellingtechniques),
• andthesystemitself(intelligenthelpandlemanagement,etc.),
to provide the models, or sources of knowledge, demanded by Riss-
land’s exposition of the intelligent user interface (Rissland 1984). It
seems clear that the UIPMS component of future interactive systems
will be a sophisticated expert system, well integrated into the basic op-
erating soware of any future computer. e UIPMS will require an in-
terface of its own, which would provide a uniform basis for interaction
for all users. Like soware for other computer methods, the UIPMS
would be much easier to design and implement if it were already avail-
able to assist in the task, but a bootstrapping approach will have to
suce, given the framework. e ultimate development of the idea
would conceivably eradicate and distinction between programmer and
non-programmer by making problem solving and/or the denition
of problem solving methods eective, productive and fun for anyone
with a problem to solve and access to a computer. at was certainly
Smith’s ideal. But then, that is what the inventors of FORTRAN hoped.
is paper has examined the drive towards better humancomputer in-
terfaces in the context of the needs of future computer systems, has
raised issues that seem important in this quest, and has highlighted
areas where work has started on some of the deeper problems that
must be solved to provide appropriate interaction with future com-
puter systems. e real dierence between the creations of the AMG
(Dataland), and Arthur C. Clarke (HAL), from a conceptual point of
view seems relatively small. Both represent views of the future, albeit
with only a sketchy supporting framework. Supercially, apart from
the quality of the various modes of interaction, and an ability to lip
read, HAL oered little as ction that is not already available as fact
for interaction with Dataland. However, Dataland is still just a sophis-
ticated information retrieval system, lacking either problem-solving
ability of its own, or the ability to guide a human in such activities.
e information modalities, and means of interacting with them are
clearly very sophisticated, and have advanced our understanding of
data forms and interaction techniques, including the integration of dif-
ferent modalities. But it is just a start.
e central issue for interaction with future computers
will be the formation, representation, communication, ma-
nipulation, and use of models embodying all kinds of useful
7. In conclusion
Future Computing Systems110
knowledge in an accessible form, so that it can be applied to make
interfaces truly supportive without entailing the abdication of respon-
sibility on the part of the human user. e computer will provide the
intelligent computational Indians for the human Chiefs. is situation
will demand both more and less from the human interacting with the
computer. All kinds of knowledge on facts and procedures will become
readily available, to the extent that it can be formalized, and access
to computers will move closer to the model espoused by Foley and
Wallace-that of natural conversation, whatever the medium. But the
human user will have to understand much wider problems at a higher
level. To the extent that users have expertise and solve problems, they
will add to the store of knowledge in the computer and explore its limi-
tations. It seems likely that the kind of interaction envisaged will pro-
mote the sharing of knowledge in both directions, so that education
will become an ongoing, on-line experience as computer users pursue
their careers. Again this will both help, and demand more from, the
human. However, the distinction between programmer and user will
remain. But the programmer could very well be called a knowledge
systems therapist, concerned with the nature of the world, the under-
standing of knowledge, and the care and development of the machine.
In this context, perhaps Weizenbaum will be in danger of losing an
important element from his line of argument, as we socialize our com-
e author wishes to acknowledge with gratitude the nancial support
of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
under grant A5261. e author would also like to thank those who
read and commented on earlier dras of this paper, especially John
Andreae, Bruce Conrad, Richard Esau, Dan Freedman, Brian Gaines,
Saul Greenberg, Harold imbleby, Ian Witten, and two anonymous
referees. Any remaining problems are, of course, the author’s responsi-
bility as he made the nal decisions.
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Future Computing Systems114
Many computer centres in North America and some elsewhere, including
university departments of computer science, are connected by several net-
works that allow all kinds of material, including personal mail, to be widely
transmitted and received. e following material arrived over one of these
networks. e originator’s network addresses (CSNet, ARPAnet and uucp)
are all appended as the last three lines of the message. e main text repre-
sents computer prompts (‘%’) and replies, with user input in italic. e script
follows the general form of a popular adventure game Zork, but instead of
travelling underground, ghting, picking up bottles, axes, and the like, and
throwing them at dwarfs or collecting water in them, and nding treasure,
the objects and characters and plot are within Unix. It is not unlike the movie
Tron, in which a real character enters the conceptual world inside a computer.
Subject: AN IDEA
Date: Wed. 12/09/81 10:56
Has anyone thought of graing the pseudo-English parser of Zork or other
dungeon games onto a shell? Not only would it be a cheap way to get the more
natural syntax some people say they want, it could provide a very amusing
interface, and add glamour and excitement to ordinary work:
%go to bin
you are in Jon/bin. there are many les here.
you are in Jon/bin. the directory contains:
date date.c readtape scramble
the only exit is up.
%use date to create tmp
%take tmp
%open tmp
you open tmp to reveal:
Tue, November 24, 1981 (2:00pm EST)
%take date.c
you are in Jon/bin. the directory contains:
date readtape scramble
the only exit is up.
you are carrying: date.c tmp
%goto src
you are in Jon/src, there are many les here.
%drop date.c
Appendix A: Zork as a
user command
115Interacting with future computers
%throw tmp at printer
the printer catches your le, turns it into paper, and leaves it in the basement.
you are in Jon/src. the directory contains: date.c scramble.c readtape.c
there are exits marked ‘zshell’ and ‘secret’ as well as the path leading up.
you are back in your home directory. there are many les here.
%run foo
the foo dumps core
Oh dear! you seem to have gotten yourself killed.
%attack core with sdb
End Inserted Text.
O the Wall of Gene Spaord
e Clouds Project, School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332
CSNet: Spaf@GATech
ARPA: SpafGATech@CSNet-Relay
uucp: ... !{akgua,allegra,r1gvax,sbl,unmvax,ulysses,utsally}!gatech!spaf
In what follows, numbered bold items indicate selected principles
for design, items (1) and (2) being of pre-emptive importance. Un-
der each numbered category, elaboration of the principles oc-
curs, and curly-bracketted entries { ... )- indicate, in note form,
the relevant human and/or machine consideration(s) involved.
Like many categorizations, this one is probably somewhat arbitrary.
Other divisions are undoubtedly possible, and the inevitable overlap
and uncertainty between the categories makes them less clear-cut than
one would like. However, the selection and structuring does attempt
another small step towards the goals of formalizing the user interface
design process, and giving more detailed guidance on the ‘whats’ and
‘whys’ of the process. It does not attempt to provide the kind of formal
framework for specication aimed at by Moran (1981), but it does pro-
vide a structured guide concerning what goaloriented content should
be tted within such a framework. e categorization now follows.
(1) Know the user.
e designer should be intimately acquainted with the user’s needs,
the user’s frame of reference and experience, and the conditions
under which the task(s) will be performed. e less this is satis-
ed, the more likely it is that the interface design will be decient in
meeting those needs, and in providing a natural, comfortable, non-
Appendix B: Principles
for human-computer
interface design. 1986
Future Computing Systems116
intrusive tool. Knowing the user also includes knowing about the limita-
tions, strengths, skills, and characteristics of humans in general.
Investigate the characteristics of the user population directly (not sec-
ond-hand: stereotypes, percentile measures, conceptual framework ... )
and design accordingly. e designer must remember that he or she is
not necessarily a good example of a typical user, even if there is consid-
erable overlap in terms of experience and task characteristics with some
users. Self-assessment of interface components can oen short-circuit
the need for extensive human factors experiments, and guide design,
but can be very dangerous if carried too far. Presumably every system is
‘friendly’ to its designer.
us the designer must appreciate that humans vary greatly in their
physical and mental characteristics, being especially aware that dierent
does not usually mean inferior. People have valid preferences, that oen
reect the very experience that the designer should be exploiting. ere
are a number of important aspects of the human operating characteris-
tic, including the fact that mistakes are inevitable, whilst fatigue, bore-
dom, panic, and frustration cannot rationally be condemned, but only
avoided by careful task and interface design. Humans also have strengths
and abilities denied to machines-that is why they are designed into the
system in the rst place-and the designer should build on these quali-
ties, and design to overcome the less convenient human characteristics.
Indeed, learning to use neutral terms to discuss such problems, rather
than using terms such as ‘weakness’, ‘failure’, ‘operator error’, ‘impatience’,
and the like is probably half the battle in meeting these aspects of the
design goals.
(2) Design the tools the user needs, t for the user’s tasks.
If a system is designed that does not provide the specic taskoriented
components needed by the user, in suitable form, then it is decient
in a very fundamental sense. Application of the rst principle results,
amongst other things, in a detailed statement of the specic tasks that
the user must perform. e next step in the design process is to design
the tools to meet each particular user need in the specic task context.
e tools should be consistently integrated into an overall system that
ts the user’s conception of the task and task environment. Perhaps the
best approach to ensure this is done eectively is to start writing the user
manual at the earliest possible stage in the design process. If possible, a
dialogue prototyping aid should be used to help formulate the design
realistically, to allow the eect of design decisions to become obvious
before they become cast in stone, and to give the user direct experience
(promoting user involvement in the design process).
117Interacting with future computers
A reasonable outline for such a manual would be as follows.
• Summary. Briey summarizes the content of the document.
• Introduction. Gives background to the application. What is the general
area into which the task falls. Who are the users and what are their
overall needs. Who was consulted. Any special circumstances or dif-
culties ....
• Purpose of the system. e specic purpose of this interactive dialogue-
what job does it do for the user. Be brief. Details can go in the section
on capabilities or transaction details.
• System overview and rationale. An outline view of how the system is
organized, and why it is organized this way. A diagram showing the
main blocks, paths and relations may help here.
• System capabilities. A list of the specic capabilities of the system,
rather than just a statement of the overall function as stated in the
‘Purpose’ section.)
• Transaction details. is, and the next three sections, are the most
detailed part of the user manual. An introductory subsection should
explain overall screen formats and the like; and then the actual screen
formats, error handling, default entries, form of feedback, any other
keystroke saving facilities (e.g. menu short-cuts), and so on should
be outlined for each transaction. Common features (such as editing
modes) go in the introductory subsection.
• Help facilities available. How help is organized and how to access it.
• Facilities for audit and gripes. (How they are organized and how to ac-
cess them.)
• Sample dialogues. A few representative samples of typical dialogues,
using reasonably exact representations. e main point is to give an
idea of the system in use, as opposed to the previous section which
tends to give a picture of the parts, without relating them. e over-
view diagram from the overview section may be a useful aid in ex-
plaining how dialogue sequences work out.
• Critical review of system with a note of ‘next-release’ improvements.
Stand back and try to point out any problems with the system. is
section provides a guide for anyone who might have to produce the
next release.
• Acknowledgements.
• References.
• Appendices. e most likely items here are forms associated with some
existing system.
e remaining principles, which serve as categories within which
design rules can be successively rened, really follow from the two
major principles above, and cannot be applied in a vacuum. e de-
signer must have a goal, a functional context, and an understanding
Future Computing Systems118
of the available materials in order to apply principles and instantiate de-
sign rules in an eective and integrated manner.
(3) Make the system easy to learn and remember. (See, also, (8) below.)
Keep the system as simple as possible whilst still meeting other criteria.
Ask what can safely be excluded, not what might be put in.
{Short-term memory is limited-magic number 7 ± 2.}
{Too much detail confuses, and slows human operations.}
Be both consistent and uniform in the style and details of the dialogue. As
Gaines has succinctly stated (Gaines and Shaw 1983):
‘All terminology and operational procedures should be uniformly available and
consistently applied throughout all system activites.’
Use familiar terms and familiar concepts.
{Humans learn new skills in terms of past experience.}
{Human memory is associative.}
{Negative transfer occurs between incompatible skills.}
Use mnemonic coding for all things symbolized (icons can also be mne-
monic). (A mnemonic symbol is an easily remembered symbol having
strong association to the item symbolized.)
{Associative character of human memory}
Facilitate the formation and use of models: the user should be taught an
adequate model of the system, and the system should acquire and use in-
formation about the user and his or her goals. e user’s mental model is
central to this. It constrains the design in the rst instance, and serves as
a major link with the user in learning, using and improving the dialogue.
{Humans need structure to combat complexity.}
{H umans work best in terms of their own conceptual models.}
Maximize continuity in all aspects of the interaction; visual, tactile, con-
textual, command language use, layout, stereotypes developed, ... (cf
Foley and Wallace 1974).
{Physically and perceptually obvious}
{Models, and transfer of training}
Provide excellent help facilities. Help should be specic to the
context where it is needed; the user should not have to work
out how to access information on something he or she doesn’t
understand. It should be invoked by some obvious action,
probably even automatically in certain cases. Initial help (especially
119Interacting with future computers
if automatic) should be succinct. Repetitive requests should increas-
ingly detailed help (Gaines and Shaw 1983: Query-in-Depth). e user
may quite possibly need help with the help facility itself, to avoid inter-
active deadlock, even if only by an expandable index richly laced with
synonyms (a Help-Help facility).
{Well designed help is a powerful learning aid.}
{Human memory is fallible.}
{Don’t give a person a job if the job can be dened so a machine is
{Even experts cannot always remember everything.}
Optimize learning/skill-acquisition; provide specic aids to learning.
Note that learning requires support and takes time to happen-it is a bio-
logical process.
{Humans are adaptable, but also need to learn to use the system.}
Understand what the human users are trying to do in their terms and try
to help them do it. .
{H umans work best in terms of their own conceptual models.}
Present system functions and facilities in a form appropriate to the user’s
skills and background. Remember, too, that even experts have to learn,
may forget, and also evolve in terms of the use they make of any system,
so that, even for experts, easy learning must be provided. In any case,
experts can get quite frustrated when they are not on their home sys-
tem. Indeed, this may explain why ‘experts’ tend to be so partisan about
the operating systems and languages they use. Furthermore, the system
must cope with sta turnover.
(4) Deal with errors in a positive and helpful manner. (See, also, (8)
Avoid errors if at all possible, without restricting the user. us a cur-
sor-selected menu prevents unknown commands, but may restrict an
{Mistakes are an inevitable accompaniment to human performance;
the more errors are possible, the more will be made.}
Provide assertive explicit error messages that identify the cause of
problems and set users on the right track to correct them (cf M. J. Smith,
1975-an ‘assertive’ message carries no emotional overtones-is not pa-
tronising, obsequious, or rude).
{ Humans make errors.}
{H umans need to maintain a good self image.}
{H umans do not perform well if they do not feel in control.}
Future Computing Systems120
Provide ‘reasonableness checks’ on input data, and correct ‘obvious’ er-
rors automatically, normally notifying the user (unless the user explicitly
chooses to disable notication).
{Humans make errors.}
{Humans should not have to do things the machine can do well. }
Don’t make the user feel stupid or put down by a literal, unchecked
interpretation of user input when the resulting action would be inappro-
priate, or would have serious consequences. is clearly requires some
model of task and goals.
{Maintain a good self-image for the user.}
{e machine should be a ‘good servant’.}
(5) Consider, protect against, and, if possible, avoid both human and
machine failure modes.
Make the system ‘bullet-proof’ so that it cannot be crashed, and control
exit from the dialogue to other host facilities.
{Humans are deranged by unexpected action.}
{e computer should be a ‘good servant’.}
Allow forestalling of prompts. at is, rst allow type-ahead. en, if
the user has anticipated a prompt, and given the response already, drop
the prompt. is can automatically provide for shortcutting menu hier-
archy traversal and is of especial importance when speech output is used.
{Humans do not function well when subjected to delays.}
Make simple repetitive tasks the responsibility of the machine.
{e machine is tireless, good at repetition, and direct memory tasks;
humans are not.}
Aim for optimum stress.
{Humans become deranged if bored or overloaded.}
Provide back-up for machine components in humancomputer systems,
especially critical real-time systems (of course, human back-up may also
be needed).
{Machines tend to fail suddenly and completely.}
{Machine failure will almost certainly overload the human
capacity. }
{Humans may panic when subjected to unexpected emergencies. }
Be forgiving and exible. Support not punish.
{Humans do not handle rigid protocols well.}
{Humans become deranged by perceived lack of cooperation. }
121Interacting with future computers
Provide variety to motivate and interest the user (though this conicts
with consistency, and is secondary; initiative on the part of the computer
frightens some and stimulates others).
{Humans enjoy variety. It motivates them if they still feel in
control. }
(6) Provide good feedback on what the system is doing, and how this
ts in with the overall structure of the system.
Provide clear feedback to the user, especially for errors, but always so
that the user is sure of what is going on.
{People perform better, learn better, feel more in control, and develop
a better model of the system with feedback, which increases motiva-
tion, builds condence, and promotes accuracy.}
(7) Structure the interaction, the information presented or requested,
and any data used, to help the user cope with its complexity.
Break up any information for recall or choice into familiar groupings:
- familiar organizations, e.g. mimic diagrams, relate closely to a
user’s reality;
- exploit chunking and association, especially in choosing mne-
- pictures are worth many words (but may require commentary);
- layout, fonts, colour, ... ;
- hierarchical, or other appropriate organizational structure.
{Short-term memory characteristics.}
{Humans nd unstructured detail dicult to manage.}
Provide structural cues to combat complexity
{Don’t leave the human to work out something if the machine can
(8) Convey a real feeling of control to the user, even when it is the
computer that is asking the questions.
Make it easy to ‘escape’ and to correct errors. Conrm actions having
major consequences if recovery is not practical. People oen don’t ap-
preciate the consequences of their action until too late, so that an UNDO
command is a valuable approach to this problem. A system that is uni-
form, consistent, and easy to learn and remember promotes a feeling of
control (see (3) above).
{Humans do not function well if they do not feel in control.}
{Humans do not feel in control if they nd it impossible to escape
from a course of action, or reverse the eects of a mistake.}
Future Computing Systems122
{Humans make errors, it is part of their operational nature and de-
signers must design on that basis and allow for the inevitable. Note:
this actually reduces errors because of reduced anxiety, apart from the
direct eect on productivity.}
{Humans will learn more quickly and eectively if it is easy to experi-
ment without horrible consequences.}
Make provision for the user to tailor the interaction to his or her needs
{e user must feel in control and be in control.} {Individual dier-
ences-people vary.}
Minimize the activity needed to initiate actions-but don’t penalize ver-
{Humans do not feel in control if control requires great eort. }
{Individual dierences-people vary.}
Don’t have the machine do unexpected or unreasonable things.
{Humans are good at initiative and creativity; if the machine com-
petes in this, panic may ensue, the image of the machine as a good
servant is destroyed, the user’s model is disrupted, and the user no
longer feels in control.}
(9) Consider carefully the division of labour in allocating tasks be-
tween human and computer.
Capitalize on the strengths, and avoid the less convenient characteris-
tics, of both humans and machines. For example, divide tasks and pres-
ent information in a way that allows the human to exercise integrative
skills eectively (e.g. by pictures that reveal matters of importance, rath-
er than tables of numbers).
{is is the prime reason for having the human acting in cooperation
with the system to start with!}
{Human abilities and machine abilities are complementary.}
Minimize keystrokes within the constraints of familiar mnemonic, re-
dundant coding for all symbolization. For input, function keys can be
used whilst allowing multicharacter symbols. Voice buttons that work
provide an ideal access to functions, except they are not self-document-
ing. Providing sensible defaults for input (including commands) wher-
ever practical is another excellent measure that can be taken.
{Physically obvious; don’t have the human doing unnecessary work.}
{Function keys aid memory, as well as reducing keystrokes and pro-
moting association.}
{Less chance for errors.}
123Interacting with future computers
Provide for the machine to do all arithmetic-either automatically, or by
a calculator function
{Humans are slow and inaccurate at arithmetic.}
{Use of a real calculator breaks continuity.}
Use documents, where they perform best for people.
{Humans scan documents easily, and nd them more convenient
than screens for some purposes such as browsing and searching for
answers to ill-dened requests, or reading in the bath.}
(10) Take into account human performance limits.
Present information legibly.
{Human performance limits.}
Don’t overload the human communication capacity.
{Not only straight information loss, but also the multiplicative eect
of confusion.}
Allow enough time for the human to function.
{Humans have limits to their information processing capacity. }
Consider carefully the arrangement of the physical workplace.
{H umans have limits to their physical reach, direction of gaze, abil-
ity to see when subject to glare or reections, .... }
(11) Ensure that the user is psychologically comfortable.
Provide adequate rest periods for human operators.
{Humans require rest and recreation to maintain motivation and
Make the system aesthetically pleasing.
{Humans perform better when they feel someone takes an interest in
their working conditions.}
Don’t ‘put down’ the user.
{Humans need a good self-image to operate properly.}
(12) Ensure that the user is physically comfortable.
Arrange a comfortable workstation.
{Discomfort leads to fatigue and distraction, hence errors and low-
ered productivity.}
(13) Design is an ongoing process. Provide facilities to monitor over-
all system activity.
Provide an audit trail for tracking down problems, as well as
for security. Log system activities (this requires careful selection
and processing of important, necessary material, plus the discard
Future Computing Systems124
of all else, or there will be an unreasonable amount of unstructured
data; it is not reasonable to expect that this kind of log is a substitute for
carefully designed experimental data collection intended to support the
testing of hypotheses in evaluation trials; it can only act as a focussing
mechanism). Make explicit provision for user complaints and sugges-
tions (a ‘gripe’ facility) that is easy to use, as a dialogue excursion. You
need the information.
{Don’t ask the human to do alone what the machine can help with:
reduced eort increases response likelihood.}
{Humans perform better when they feel someone takes an interest in
their working conditions.}
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