... Drawing inspiration from "the physical world around us" 1 he developed a numerical computational system based on two fundamental atoms , the ordinary natural number 1 ∈ N for finite quantities, and a new infinite unit ①called grossone for infinite and infinitesimal quantities: the reader can see [49,52,57,58,60,62] for detailed introduction surveys, the book [47] written in a popular way or [29,34] for more technical insights. This new numerical system has already been applied in many different research areas of pure and applied mathematics, and also of several experimental sciences: for instance, in optimization and numerical differentiation (see [15,16,53,69] ), in Euclidean and hyperbolic geometry (see [31,32] ), fractals (see [9,10,48,50,55,59,66] ), cellular automata (see [12,13] and in the context of [7] under investigation), numerical solution of ordinary differential equations (see [1,33,56,65] ), infinite series (see [51,54,61,68] ), percolation (see [21,22,66] ), Turing machines and supertasks (see [43,63,64] ), etc. Instead, as far as we know, in the present paper the new system is used for the first time in connection with complex numbers and variables, and also with doubly-infinite series. ...