
Leadership as (Un)usual:: How to Display Competence in Times of Crisis

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In recent years, U.S. newspapers and television have featured some company in crisis almost daily. The crises have ranged from corporate fraud to allegations of widespread sexual harassment or discrimination. In almost all cases, the leaders of these companies are caught off guard; yet with the world watching, they are expected to say (and do) something to manage the situation. The consequences of mishandling a corporate crisis on a firm's reputation can linger for decades. We want to emphasize that it is often the mishandling of crises, not the crises themselves, that can have the most severe consequences for a firm. What differentiates those firms that thrive following a crisis from those that do not is the leadership displayed throughout the process. Consider, for example, how most people continue to hold Johnson and Johnson (J & J) as the standard for how to effectively manage a crisis situation when cyanide-laced Tylenol capsules caused numerous deaths in Chicago in the early 1980s. To this day, the popular press consistently rates J & J as one of America's top companies, despite a crisis situation that could have adversely affected consumer trust and firm performance.

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... In addition, the competence of the spokesperson-whether AI or human-plays a crucial role in stakeholders' confidence in an organization's ability to manage crises, ultimately affecting its reputation (Coombs, 2015;James & Wooten, 2005). In turn, this raises questions on how the public perceives the comparative competence of AI and human spokespersons in a crisis context. ...
... Similarly, public perceptions of a CEO's competence can have a significant impact on an organization's reputation during an ongoing crisis. In such cases, when stakeholders are uncertain and in need of reassurance, increased perceptions of a spokesperson's competence can positively affect the organization's reputation by implicitly conveying that it is in control of the situation (Coombs, 2015;James & Wooten, 2005). Various techniques have been proposed to improve the appearance of a spokesperson's competence, especially during the acute crisis stage. ...
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Imagine a world where chatbots are the first responders to crises, efficiently addressing concerns and providing crucial information. ChatGPT has demonstrated the capability of GenAI (Generative Artificial Intelligence)-powered chatbots when deployed to answer crisis-related questions in a timely and cost-efficient manner, thus replacing humans in crisis communication. However, public reactions to such messages remain unknown. To address this problem, this study recruited participants (N 1 = 399, N 2 = 189, and N 3 = 121) and conducted two online vignette experiments and a qualitative survey. The results suggest that, when organizations fail to handle crisis-related requests, stakeholders exhibit higher satisfaction and lower responsibility attribution to chatbots providing instructing (vs. adjusting) information, as they are perceived to be more competent. However, when organizations satisfy requests, chatbots that provide adjusting (vs. instructing information) lead to higher satisfaction and lower responsibility attribution due to higher perceived competence. The second experiment involving a public emergency crisis scenario reveals that, regardless of the information provided (instructing or adjusting), stakeholders exhibit greater satisfaction and positive attitudes toward high-competence (vs. low-competence) chatbots. The qualitative study further confirms the experimental findings and offers insights to improve crisis chatbots. These findings contribute to the literature by extending situational crisis communication theory to nonhuman touchpoints and providing a deeper understanding of using chatbots in crisis communication through the lens of machine heuristics. The study also offers practical guidance for organizations to strategically integrate chatbots and human agents in crisis management based on context.
... Crises can be sudden, meaning that they occur unexpectedly and have a locus of control that exists beyond the control of organizational leadership. Alternatively, crises can be smoldering; defined as small problems that build up within an organization due to managerial mismanagement or inattention (James & Wooten, 2005). ...
... Limited research exists on the role of districts and schools in situations of crises, particularly with regards to how district and school leaders are supposed to support students, staff, and school communities (Mutch, 2015). Nevertheless, scholars have described how organizational leaders in other contexts respond to crises across distinct phases including crisis mitigation and prevention, preparation, response, recovery, and learning (Grissom & Condon, 2021;James & Wooten, 2005). Notably, because the COVID-19 pandemic was a sudden and unprecedented crisis, districts and schools had done little in terms of mitigation, prevention or preparation (DeMatthews et al., 2021;De Voto & Superfine, 2023;Stone-Johnson & Weiner, 2020). ...
Purpose: Prior research shows wide variation in student learning across contexts during the COVID-19 pandemic, but less is known about why such variation occurred or how particular response approaches may help districts navigate future crises. Research methods: Drawing on crisis leadership and organizational theory, we conducted a multiple case study of pandemic response across five school districts in Michigan that performed better-than-predicted on benchmark assessments during the 2020–21 school year. We interviewed 46 district, school, and teacher leaders across district cases and analyzed data using comparative case study methods. Findings: We find that local leaders relied on existing resources such as staff-student relationships, school-family relationships, and curricula and instructional models to address foundational needs stemming from the pandemic. These resources were part of each district's distinct approach to supporting student learning prior to the pandemic and provided a reliable path forward amidst ongoing uncertainty and disruption. When previous approaches were not aligned to external demands, local leaders leveraged staff expertise, staff collaboration, and school-family relationships to develop new teaching and learning approaches. In-person and hybrid districts adapted to create safe in-person learning environments, while remote and hybrid districts adapted to use technology to engage students in distanced learning and personalized academic support. Implications: Our findings shed light on pandemic response approaches that other districts can adopt in future crises and resources that need to be cultivated and distributed across districts to support crisis response. We contribute new insights on the interplay between leadership and organizational capacity during crisis response.
... Irrespective of the size of the business enterprise (large corporate of SME), literature on building business resilience in crisis time suggests consensus that strategic management practices play a significant and crucial role (James & Wooten, 2005;Campbell & Sinclair, 2009;Boin & Van Eeten, 2013;Muñoz, Kimmitt, Kibler, & Farny, 2018;Khanzad & Gooyabadi, 2021). For example, James and Wooten (2005) contend that it is the mishandling of crises through inappropriate strategic management practices, and not the crises themselves, that generate most severe adverse outcomes for business entities. ...
... Irrespective of the size of the business enterprise (large corporate of SME), literature on building business resilience in crisis time suggests consensus that strategic management practices play a significant and crucial role (James & Wooten, 2005;Campbell & Sinclair, 2009;Boin & Van Eeten, 2013;Muñoz, Kimmitt, Kibler, & Farny, 2018;Khanzad & Gooyabadi, 2021). For example, James and Wooten (2005) contend that it is the mishandling of crises through inappropriate strategic management practices, and not the crises themselves, that generate most severe adverse outcomes for business entities. ...
... Empathetic CEOs are more likely to identify organizational crises, such as instances of employee discrimination (König et al., 2020). They are attuned to employees' insecurities and distress and are inclined to offer support (James & Wooten, 2005). As a result, employees are more likely to experience feelings of appreciation, esteem and trust, leading to increased job satisfaction (Strong et al., 2001). ...
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The relationship between a chief executive officer’s childhood experience of family decline and his or her firm’s social responsibility rating was explored using data on more than 1000 Chinese listed firms. Such childhood experience is shown to predict better CSR ratings. This may be because adversity in childhood shifts the cognitive map through accommodation process, and further fosters cognitive processing ability and a long-term orientation. Career variety and education level are shown to moderate the imprinting effect by altering its strength. Career variety weakens the relationship whereas education level strengthens it.
... 14 THE DOs AND DON'Ts OF HOW TO REACT TO A CYBER CRISIS James and Wooten note that companies that thrive after a crisis show leadership throughout the process compared to those that do not. 15 They argue that a poorly handled crisis poses a more significant threat to an organisation than the crisis itself. Cyber crises are part of the 'third party hostile action' category of crises that include hijackings, hostage taking, extortion, product tampering and sabotage, all of which have an even greater degree of uncertainty since the perpetration of the situation is by third party (internal or external) actors and entirely dependent on a 'successful' resolution with them. ...
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This paper examines whether specific leadership competencies are relevant in a cyber crisis and what it takes to manage one effectively. Our increasing dependence on technology exposes us to risks and makes us more vulnerable to digital crises. Cyberattacks are more common and can affect even well-prepared companies. Leadership during a crisis can influence an organisation’s success or failure, no matter how primed and savvy its people are. The author compares crisis management to crisis leadership and emphasises the shift in crisis management responsibility from an operational response to prevention and the ability to steer through uncertainty. This change requires crisis-specific leadership skills and a broader recognition of organisational risk. The author highlights research by Wooten and James,1 which notes leadership competencies applicable to different phases of a crisis. Not all leaders can demonstrate all these attributes in every crisis and are often ill prepared when a crisis hits; however, leaders can learn, develop and practise the competencies needed to survive and triumph over a crisis. Tools that can help develop these skills include stakeholder mapping and a protocol that evaluates and trains leaders in hard (knowledge-based) and soft (behaviour-based) skills. The author refers to the Salviotti et al.2 (2023) study, which analysed the Norsk Hydro ransomware case, noting that leadership competencies identified in traditional crisis management also apply in a cyber crisis. Given the certainty of a cyber threat, the author recommends a stronger emphasis on developing crisis leadership competencies. Training should complement other activities and programmes to prepare employees to handle crises adeptly.
... In one of their studies James & Wooten (2005) propose a crisis management skills and competencies model in which they consider the stages and describe the organizational dynamics. In another of their work related to risk management, Wooten & James (2008) provide an opinion on the relationship between the stages and the leadership competencies required for each of them. ...
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The article analyzes and describes the main essential characteristics of the concepts of leadership and management. A comparative analysis of these two phenomena was made, clarifying the relationship, identity and differences between them. The object of the study is the process of managing interpersonal and professional relationships in the company and the focus is on the leaders and managers with their cognitive, professional and personal qualities. Special attention is paid to innovation and crisis management in the context of the digital transformation of business models. The author's thesis is that the modern leader is not only an individual, but a resource and capital, an intangible asset and an extremely important key factor for achieving competitive advantage and achieving sustainable development.
... Vol:. (1234567890) (Fearn-Banks, 1996, p.1). Crises can vary widely in nature, leading to different classifications, such as man-made and natural crises (Rosenthal & Kouzmin, 1993); sudden and smoldering crises (James & Wooten 2005); and conventional, unexpected, intractable, and fundamental crises (Gundel, 2005). Within the field of entrepreneurship, Miklian and Hoelscher (2022) classified those crises into economic/financial crises, epidemics, natural disasters, societal insecurity and armed conflict, and political violence. ...
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Why do some entrepreneurial ecosystems successfully adjust amid adversity while others languish? By integrating prospect theory into the entrepreneurial ecosystem literature and using a quasi-natural experimental design with a difference-in-difference-in-differences model, our theory and findings reveal that earthquakes reduce entrepreneurship in regions with high household savings, but increase entrepreneurship in regions with low savings, and these between-area differences increase over time. Reconceptualizing the meaning of savings from a resource into a key driver of loss aversion, we thus identify the surprising constraining influence of financial capital in times of adversity, yielding important implications for entrepreneurship research and policymakers.
... Owner-managers are more like craftsmen who are using their skills to earn a living (Cooper & Dunkelberg, 1986). Gibb (2005)stressed that the competencies of the key players in SMEs will determine the success of an organization.Bolman Lee and Deal Terrence (1997); Burnett (2002); James and Wooten (2005); Wooten and James (2008) argue that competencies required in predicting and managing crisis are different from formal training on the job experience that leaders have, and competencies required for crisis management are a set of complex competencies. Ahmad and Seet (2009) mentioned behavioral problems of owner-managers lead to business failures and their skills should be enhanced to overcome default rate. ...
Economic crises are becoming more frequent, due to which the economies are going in and out of recession continuously. Large organizations have the potential to survive recessions because of their huge financial base but problem becomes severe to SMEs'. SMEs' are the backbone of every economy; they are small in size but large in numbers. In Malaysia, SMEs contribute 32% of GDP and employ 59% of workforce. In this paper, authors have tried to establish a relationship between organizational crisis management preparedness with organizational performance, organization experience, CEO characteristics and risk attitude.It has been proposed that these factors have the potential to influence the organizations crisis management preparedness in SMEs' in Malaysia.
... Managing a crisiswhether a political scandal, national disaster, computer data theft, local crimes, or pandemicis arguably the ultimate test of ethical leadership. How a leader handles a crisis that affects stakeholders can influence perceptions that the organization (or the nation in the case of the President) can 'weather the storm' (James & Wooten, 2005). During a crisis, decisions must be made swiftly (Williams et al., 2009;. ...
Amid the challenges posed by COVID-19, this research focuses on the role of ethical leadership in shaping perceptions of crisis leaders’ effectiveness, personal well-being, and business-related outcomes. In this two-sample study, we contrast political leadership at the highest level examining the ethical leadership of a distal executive (President Biden) and a proximal executive (CEO leadership) – advancing literature about why top management ethical leadership matters, the importance of moral and duty-based views, and distal or proximal leadership. This research expands our understanding of ethical leadership and prompts rethinking leadership roles, echoing the urgency to prioritize ethical leadership given its profound impact.
... The pandemic caused leaders at all levels to create "extreme focus on what had to be done," "why it had to be done," and how to "solve problems quickly." James and Wooten (2005) shared these core leadership competencies: building trust, creating a new corporate mindset, identifying organizational vulnerabilities, making rapid and smart decisions, taking courageous actions, and learning from the crisis. Clarity of purpose, mission, vision and values is at the center of leaders dealing with crises. ...
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Purpose The current study qualitatively examined the challenges and lessons learned from Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) during the COVID-19 pandemic. The current study draws upon previous crisis leadership research to understand and classify the most important lessons learned from CEOs. Design/methodology/approach A total of 30 in-depth, structured CEO interviews were conducted with large, multi-divisional organizations across market sectors that included healthcare, automotive, steel, agriculture, logistics, distribution, banking, financial services, light manufacturing and industrial services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Three separate judges performed a content analysis, and three main themes (eleven overall lessons) emerged related to high-level leadership lessons learned through the pandemic. Findings The leadership lessons that emerged overwhelmingly focused on the importance of emphasizing leadership fundamentals during crisis. CEO’s shared the importance of getting “back to basics” during the pandemic. The current study presents these leadership lessons, along with insights for leadership practices and development, as well as future research. Additionally, questions for reflection are posed to stimulate current and future leaders’ growth and development. Originality/value The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted leadership and organizations in an unprecedented manner. Previous research has outlined the leadership traits and behaviors needed to successfully lead through organizational crises. However, little research has examined CEO level lessons learned, focusing on learning from such crises.
... Indeed, compared to ecological disaster like hurricanes and floods, sudden events (like earthquakes, terror attacks, explosions, technological incidents) are difficult to predict (Björck, 2016). These events, over which organizations have virtually no control, influence social behavior and the ways the emergency services are organized (James and Wooten, 2005;Coombs, 2014;Quarantelli et al., 2017). We propose two evaluation settings: (a) Train on expected events and test on sudden, (b) Train on sudden and test on expected. ...
In emergency situations users of social networks convey all sorts of what have been called communicative intentions, well-known since the work of Austin (1962) and Searle (1969) as speech acts (SA). While speech acts have been the focus of close scrutiny in the philosophical and linguistic literature (see (Portner, 2018) for extended discussion), their role has been only rarely understood and exploited in processing social media content about crisis events, our focus here. Current work on communicative intentions in social media are topic-oriented, focusing on the correlation between SA and specific topics such as crisis (e.g., earthquakes) but also politics, celebrities, cooking, travel, etc. It has been observed that people globally tend to react to natural disasters with SA distinct from those used in other contexts (e.g., celebrities, which are essentially made up of comments). Here, we explore the further hypothesis of a correlation between different SA types and urgency and propose an in depth linguistic and computational analysis of communicative intentions in tweets from an urgency-oriented perspective. Indeed, SA are mostly relevant to identify intentions, desires, plans and preferences towards action and to ultimately produce a system intended to help rescue teams. Our contribution is four-fold and consists of: (1) A two-layer annotation scheme of speech acts both at the tweet and sub-tweet levels, (2) A new French dataset of about 13K tweets annotated for both urgency and SA, targeting both expected (e.g., storms) and unexpected or sudden (e.g., building collapse, explosion) events, (3) A thorough analysis of the annotations studying in particular the correlation between SA and the urgency of the message, SA and intentions to act categories (e.g., human damages), and SA and crisis types, finally, (4) A set of deep learning experiments to detect SA in crises related corpora. Our results show a strong correlation between SA and urgency annotations at both the tweet and sub-tweet levels with a particular salient correlation in the latter case, which constitutes a first important step towards SA-aware NLP-based crisis management on social media.
... In this context, the existence of dynamic capability, organizational commitment, and knowledge sharing can stimulate individuals in the organization to develop leadership and innovative characteristics. Then based on the crisis management approach (James & Wooten, 2005), The best thing to have in times of crisis and fluctuating situations is to have a leader with specific abilities. Organizational Knowledge Creation Theory looks at how knowledge and information are used to create value for an organization. ...
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The Transformative Work Behavior (TWB) concept is able to build optimal SME performance in a dynamic business environment, especially post-pandemic, through a strategic human resource and socio-emotional approach. Reflecting the important role of leadership in forming an innovative and adaptive work culture, which is one of the keys to the long-term success of an organization amidst market dynamics and an ever-changing environment. This paper aims to develop, validate and measure the variable mechanism of Transformative Work Behavior (TWB) as a concept scientific novelty. This research uses transformative learning theory, organizational knowledge creation theory, leadership theory, open innovation, social exchange theory as the basis for forming the novelty variable. The population in this study were digital creative MSMEs, questionnaires were given randomly, using non-probability sampling. Meanwhile, the sample size using the 10 times rule method is 280 samples. The analysis method used uses the SEM method. This paper is a concept development, validation and explanation of the mechanism for measuring the novel variable of transformative work behavior which has never been studied before.
... A multitude of studies link CSR to the financial performance of companies. James and Wooten (2005) have already highlighted the financial benefits of corporate responsibility for companies themselves, as a result of improving their overall image, customer confidence and the confidence of all stakeholders. Hohnen (2007) also emphasized the importance of CSR in the intangible assets of firms, Bakker et al. (2014) positively correlate it with profitability, and Lu et al. (2009) and Yuen and Lim (2016) report a positive correlation of corporate performance with the CSR level of firms, while Husted and Salazar (2006) proved the connection of social performance with profitability, confirming other empirical studies that had preceded them. ...
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Academics and professionals alike are highly interested in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Corporate Governance (CG), environmental, social, and governance (ESG) and corporate non-financial reporting (CNFR) and how they can improve a brand’s reputation, financial efficiency, and sustainability within businesses and organisations. The main objective of our study was to examine whether the financial data of large companies can be correlated with the data in their non-financial reports and provide information on the level of corporate governance and corporate responsibility and to examine the correlation between them. For this purpose, we conducted research by examining the 100 largest companies in Greece, over a period of 3 years, collecting both financial and non-financial data from their official reports. Using appropriate quantitative tools such as similarity, classification and econometric methods (stepwise method and panel least-squares method), the correlations between the data for CSR, CG and non-financial actions and key financial performance ratios are evaluated. Our research has revealed a strong link between financial performance and ESG actions of large companies and, in particular, we demonstrated the positive correlation of CSR performance with their total assets and whether they are listed on the stock exchange, and of CG with CSR and EBITDA. This study adds to the existing academic discourse on the relationship between financial and non-financial information of corporations in the areas of Corporate Responsibility and Governance and provides a valuable way to assess the decisions of businesses.
... Individuals believe their organization appreciates their contributions and cares about their well-being [32]. Organizational support increases work satisfaction, dedication, and performance [17]. ...
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This research study explores the integration of the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita in modern management practices, specifically through the application of Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) to identify organizational factors and communication protocols for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).The study delves into the timeless wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita and examines its relevance and applicability in the context of contemporary management. Through ISM, the research identifies and analyzes key organizational factors that contribute to successful implementation of IIoT, along with communication protocols that facilitate efficient operation and coordination within IIoT systems. By integrating the principles of the Bhagavad Gita and utilizing ISM, this research aims to provide valuable insights into leveraging ancient wisdom for modern management practices and enhancing the effectiveness of IIoT implementation.
... Örgüt dışı kaynaklanan olarak adlandırılan ani krizlerde kontrolün sağlanamadığı açıklanmıştır. Sinsi krizler için ise küçük sorunların zamanla büyüdüğü ve toplumu etkileyen krizler tanımı yapılmıştır (James ve Wooten, 2005). ...
... Despite the importance of leadership competencies in a crisis management context, several studies have confirmed the lack of appropriate learning and training tools, which as a result leaves leaders unprepared. In particular, studies on the subject underline how processes such as sensemaking, decision-making, and risk-taking are systematically underestimated (James & Wooten, 2005;Shaw & Harrald, 2004). Wooten & James (2008) argue that, although communication skills are fundamental, crisis management requires a broader skillset to overcome the various phases of the crisis and bring the organization to a successful recovery (Bolman & Deal, 1997;Burnett, 2002;Wooten & James, 2004), and that "in its most ambitious form, crisis leadership is also about handling a crisis in such a way that the firm is better off after a crisis than it was before" (Brockner & James, 2008;Wooten & James, 2004). ...
... 16 James and Wooten showed that complexity, ambiguity, and lack of insight increased while the ability to make wise decisions decreased in times of crisis. 17 Crises and disasters are very complex, and making the right decisions in these conditions requires scientific thinking to turn the crisis into an everyday problem. The qualitative research approach is the most suitable research method to find the challenges of crisis decision-makers and the strategies and skills they need to solve the COVID-19 crisis. ...
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BACKGROUND: Dealing with crises in the current era requires a fundamental change in science and technology, consumption patterns, and people's relationship patterns, which demands new strategies, alternatives, and administrative methods to deal with different realities of life. Due to the severe outcome of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, governments had to intensify their efforts to deal with this disease and make decisions to manage the crisis and its extreme economic, health, and educational consequences. This qualitative study was conducted in 2023 and aimed to explain the healthcare executives' decision-making structure in the COVID-19 crisis. METHODS: This qualitative study was conducted using content analysis method. 14 managers working in health and treatment sectors of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Sanandaj, Iran were selected with purposeful sampling in 2023. A semi-structured interview was used to collect data. The conventional content analysis method was used to analyze the data. RESULTS: The results led to the extraction of 3 main categories, seven sub-categories, and 16 primary categories. The executives had made decisions, based on their point of view, to deal with COVID-19 in pre-crisis (including the sub-categories of crisis initiation signal recognition, preparing to resist the crisis, and preventing the geographical spread), during-crisis (preventing the crisis damage, limiting the crisis injuries), and post-crisis (including sub-categories of recovery of management and guidance systems and learning from the experiences) phases. CONCLUSION: Based on the results of this study, scientific management and the characteristic of leadership over people can be a way forward for healthcare managers to organize in crises.
... Crises often impact key stakeholders (e.g., employees or suppliers) (James et al., 2011) and include, for instance, a deterioration of reputation, liquidity problems, or a threat to survival. As external crises occur infrequently, organizations are rarely prepared for them and/or may never have faced a crisis of this magnitude before (James & Wooten, 2005). The COVID-19 crisis is described not only as a drastic global health crisis but also as a global economic crisis (McKee & Stuckler, 2020). ...
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Current crises pose uncertainties and threats to family businesses (FBs), demonstrating the importance of risk management (RM). Based on an explorative case study of nine Austrian medium-sized FBs, we examine the design of RM in FBs and how the COVID-19 crisis impacts their RM practices. The findings highlight that the medium-sized FBs analyzed generally rely on both formal and informal RM, and that these structures are strongly connected to their unique stewardship culture. In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, formal RM gained increased relevance, prompting FBs to allocate additional resources for its professional upgrading. Likewise, when confronted with heightened risks during the COVID-19 crisis, informal practices such as family bonds and close ties to employees and customers are not only reinforced but also proven highly effective, resulting in increased loyalty. The COVID-19 crisis serves as a compelling illustration of how both informal and formal RM methods have grown in strength. The synergy between these RM methods enhances risk awareness within FBs, ultimately fostering resilience during unpredictable and uncertain times.
... During crises, leaders had to cope with unexpected and ambiguous reality. They had to present the complex scenarios (offensive and defensive), allowing them to ease the situation and give more time to prepare an adequate response (James & Wooten, 2005). The further aim of the study was to describe the implications to risk and stress management in the situation of adaptation during the COVID-19 crisis and re-adaptation after its end. ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has forced higher education students to change their academic functioning, as well as the process of their social integration. This study focuses on the impact of the pandemic on student well-being, engagement and commitment to the university. The research group comprises 184 students from two universities (Poland and Germany). The research has shown that engagement with the university and the sense of commitment are negatively related to students’ well-being before the pandemic. It has also been revealed that females show higher commitment and engagement regardless of the country. Findings contribute to understanding student engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic.
... We elect to interview auditors with extensive experience (i.e., manager or above), given our interest in understanding the impact of the pandemic from the perspective of individuals who hold a leadership position within their respective audit teams, i.e., audit engagement leaders. Prior literature finds that crisis leadership is a key component of crisis management (e.g., Pearson and Mitroff 1993;James and Wooten 2005;Bundy et al. 2017). Audit engagement leaders are likely the ones responsible for assessing the impact of the pandemic and for establishing an initial plan of response within the audit teams that they oversee. ...
This study uses crisis management and organizational culture theories to understand how audit engagement leaders’ responses to challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic provide insight into audit firm culture. Semi-structured interviews with 22 U.S. audit engagement leaders during and after the pandemic reveal consistencies and inconsistencies among the organizational mechanisms used to convey and embed underlying cultural values. We find that audit engagement leaders consistently espouse and reinforce professionalism and commercialism as strong values of audit firm culture. However, in maintaining both of these values during the pandemic, leaders respond inconsistently to learning and development, as well as auditors’ mental health and well-being, despite their potential long-term impacts on professionalism and commercialism, suggesting that these are weaker cultural values. The findings reveal the short-term myopia of the audit profession on audit quality and firm profitability. Our findings have important implications for research and practice. JEL Classifications: M40; M42.
... However, while smouldering crises are attributed to a guilty party, this is not the case with sudden crises (Madigan, 2017). Sudden crises occur unexpectedly and present management and governance with completely new challenges (James & Wooten, 2005a) pp. [141][142]. ...
Possession of information offers advantages for the informed, but also comes with responsibilities towards the public. In case of a sudden crisis, the information flow contributes to the creation of trust or resentment and significantly impacts the perceived quality of crisis leadership. It is therefore crucial to understand the basic concept of information relationships to prevent complications. The principal-agent theory analyses the relationship between actors and deals with the resulting information asymmetries and occurring problems. The objective of this paper is to combine the existing knowledge about information asymmetries with crisis leadership and to derive implications and approaches of action. To get a feeling for the deep level at which information influences human behaviour, and the relationships between actors, the theory is applied to examples of leadership performance in the Covid-Crisis.
... Managers who primarily see a danger in crises usually react emotionally and operate with a sense of reduced opportunities in mind. On the other hand, crises can also be perceived positively and lead to a flexible and open working approach in management (Brockner and James, 2008;Dane and Pratt, 2007;James and Wooten, 2005). In general, a crisis can be viewed from an internal and an external perspective. ...
Purpose – Within a very short period of time, the worldwide pandemic triggered by the novel coronavirus has not only claimed numerous lives but also caused severe limitations to daily private as well as business life. Just about every company has been affected in one way or another. This first empirical study on the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on family firms allows initial conclusions to be drawn about family firm crisis management. Design/methodology/approach - Exploratory qualitative research design based on 27 semi-structured interviews with key informants of family firms of all sizes in five Western European countries that are in different stages of the crisis. Findings – The COVID-19 crisis represents a new type and quality of challenge for companies. These companies are applying measures that can be assigned to three different strategies to adapt to the crisis in the short term and emerge from it stronger in the long run. Our findings show how companies in all industries and of all sizes adapt their business models to changing environmental conditions within a short period of time. Finally, the findings also show that the crisis is bringing about a significant yet unintended cultural change. On the one hand, a stronger solidarity and cohesion within the company was observed, while on the other hand, the crisis has led to a tentative digitalization. Originality/value – To the knowledge of the authors, this is the first empirical study in the management realm on the impacts of COVID-19 on (family) firms. It provides cross-national evidence of family firms’ current reactions to the crisis.
... Study design: This was a qualitative study with a content analysis approach. The content analysis approach is usually applied to describing a phenomenon when existing theory or literature on a phenomenon is limited (23,24). Since the problems of ISMA could have complex dimensions and require speci c strategies and actions, the qualitative study using in-depth-interviews and focus group discussions with key informants was used for data collection. ...
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Background This study aimed to evaluate the Iran Scientific Association of Midwifery (ISAM) using a translated valid version of the Member Association Capacity Assessment tool (MACAT), and also to explain the needs and the related strategies to improve ISAM capacities. Methods This was a mixed sequential explanatory study. The study was performed in three phases. In the first phase, MACAT was translated into Persian and then its validity was assessed. In the second descriptive phase, the capacity of ISAM was assessed by two trained evaluators using MACAT. In the third phase, with a qualitative approach and using a focused group discussion and six in-depth individual interviews with 14 key informants, the demonstrated challenges in the first phase of the study, and the related suggestions for the problem solutions were discussed. The data from the qualitative phase of the study were analyzed using directed qualitative content analysis. Lincoln and Guba’s criteria were used to confirm the trustworthiness of the data. Results In the first phase, the validity of MACAT was shown by S-CVI = 0.91 and I-CVI = 0.89. CVR scores of all items were above 0.62 and acceptable. In the second phase, the evaluation by MACAT showed 88 out of 96 items scored 1. The items which showed poor status were related to advocacy, shortage in resources, low contribution in decision-making in midwifery affairs. In the third phase, 83 codes in the seven dimensions were extracted. Then, 53 actions were proposed for improving ISAM capabilities. Conclusions ISAM is among the most potent member associations of the ICM. The most necessary actions for the ISAM capacity improvement are; considering more independence, paying attention to infrastructure improvement, and defining the mechanisms in communication with the other midwifery-related sectors and potential sponsors; involvement in making macro policies in midwifery affairs.
... A considerable body of research and theorising has emerged in recent years, highlighting the multidimensional nature of resilience as a process, capability and/or outcome (Pearson & Clair, 1998;James & Wooten, 2005;Lengnick-Hall & Beck, 2005;Vogus & Sutcliffe, 2007;Lengnick-Hall et al., 2011;Burnard et al., 2018;Duchek, 2020). Frigotto et al. (2022) highlight the complex and dynamic interplay between stability and change whilst unpacking resilience as a social phenomenon. ...
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This chapter draws on seminal contributions from the crisis management and resilience literature to develop and test a new framework for organisational resilience in higher education in the context of digital transformation. The study unpacks developments before and during the COVID-19 crisis and sheds light on crucial endogenous and exogenous factors likely to determine resilience outcomes. It does so by developing and testing a novel analytical framework centred on resilient antecedents, processes and outcomes. The empirical findings suggest that, in the Nordic countries, higher education institutions denote a high ability to adapt to new situations whilst retaining both function and identity, that is, they are resilient. We identify and unpack a number of key resilient drivers and reflect on the implications for research and practice going forward.
... A considerable body of research and theorising has emerged in recent years, highlighting the multidimensional nature of resilience as a process, capability and/or outcome (Pearson & Clair, 1998;James & Wooten, 2005;Lengnick-Hall & Beck, 2005;Vogus & Sutcliffe, 2007;Lengnick-Hall et al., 2011;Burnard et al., 2018;Duchek, 2020). highlight the complex and dynamic interplay between stability and change whilst unpacking resilience as a social phenomenon. ...
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In many respects, one could argue that COVID-19 has opened up an opportunity to test the resilient nature of higher education (HE) systems and higher education institutions (HEIs) around the world, at a time when the sector experiences profound structural changes resulting from major societal transformations such as urbanization, digitalization, de-globalization, political polarization, and democratic decline; growing social and economic inequality; demographic decline (outside sub-Saha ran Africa); and, chief amongst all the “grand challenges,” climate change and the quest for a more sustainable, equitable, and inclusive world econ omy and society. The main aim of this edited volume is, first, to map out the types of responses by HEIs around the globe to the challenges and strategic oppor tunities brought by the COVID-19 pandemic and, second, to unpack the effects such responses are likely to have in the institutional fabric or foun dations of HE systems and HEIs across the world.
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Objective: Entrepreneurs in the tourism industry face dynamic and unpredictable environments where resilience, preparedness, and adaptability are crucial for fostering sustainable economic growth. This study aims to explore how Psychological Capital (PsyCap) and Crisis Management Approaches influence the performance of Indonesian SMEs in the tourism sector, advancing SDG 8 by promoting decent work and economic growth. Theoretical Framework: This study use Psychological Capital (PsyCap) and Crisis Management Approaches to understand what factors influence the performance of Indonesian SMEs in the tourism sector, with a focus on fostering sustainable development in line with SDG 8. Method: Adopting a quantitative study and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM-PLS) methodology, data were collected and analyzed from 360 entrepreneurs to explore these relationships. Results and Discussion: The results demonstrate a significant positive relationship between PsyCap and entrepreneurial performance, emphasizing that entrepreneurs with higher psychological resources perform better in navigating challenges and uncertainties. Additionally, Research Implications: The findings provide actionable insights for entrepreneurs and policymakers, underscoring the importance of developing psychological resources and implementing robust crisis management strategies. Originality/Value: The study highlights the critical role of crisis management factors, specifically Crisis Leadership and VUCA Intelligence, in enhancing the effectiveness of PsyCap. These factors enable entrepreneurs to adapt to volatile and complex environments, further improving their performance during uncertain conditions.
Cooperative Extension plays a vital role in supporting rural communities during crises and in building community resilience. Studies report that during the COVID-19 lockdown, producers in the USA reported concern about the demand for their fresh produce and needed information on marketing, digital marketing, community engagement, and collective marketing and distribution of products. Extension continued to support its clients and their changing demands during this dynamic time. However, the role of Extension in responding to its clients’ evolving needs regarding marketing produce during the COVID-19 lockdown has not been explored. Using a capabilities-based organizational resilience model, this study aimed to understand the anticipation, coping, and adaptation capabilities of Florida Cooperative Extension (FCE) during the COVID-19 lockdown, particularly focusing on response to marketing challenges of producers. A narrative research approach was used, and data were collected through Zoom interviews with Extension agents (n = 9), and Extension leaders (n = 6). The six-step thematic data analysis process resulted in four major themes. Participants described FCE as unprepared to deal with the challenges of lockdown. FCE’s response to the challenges of producers was reactive, and it primarily helped producers market their products by connecting producers with consumers through online platforms and setting up farm stands. After the lockdown, Extension agents made some changes in their Extension programs, however, no higher-level changes were found. Our findings suggest strengthening adaptation capabilities by including reflective activities to take lessons from this event, which could also be incorporated into future crisis planning to enhance resilience.
Purpose This study investigates management challenges, communication plans and crisis decision-making during the COVID-19 pandemic, plus highlights management excellence for future operations. Using Deloitte Consultancy’s (2015) time frames of organisational crisis management strategies: response, recovery and readiness, this article explores management approaches of the UK’s public sector organisations (PSO) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach A mixed-method approach consisting of a quantitative survey followed by semi-structured interviews was used. About 33 part-time master’s degree students on a business administration (MBA) course, who were also full-time managers in the UK’s healthcare, education and other PSOs, completed the survey. The survey responses were subsequently used to select nine participants for follow-up semi-structured online interviews. Findings Qualitative data showed the importance of speedy decisions and clarity of communication during the pandemic. Teamwork was seen as paramount to successful decision-making despite many changing job roles. On reflection, managers gained confidence in future crisis decision-making with the importance of sharing ideas between departments, but further reflection was needed to prepare for future challenges. Research limitations/implications One of the limitations to this research is that the participants are all part-time MBA students, and although they were all full-time managers in PSOs, they may be more critical of the status quo. Practical implications Practically, organisations would benefit from reflecting on their reaction to the pandemic and what can be learnt. It is clear the majority of the managers interviewed felt that after the pandemic the organisations just moved on and there was no in-depth reflection on what had happened; the last stage of Deloitte’s (2015) model was never fully realised. The post-pandemic phase is an area that would benefit from further research, as it has now been over four years since the beginning of the pandemic, and some of the positives, such as teamwork and a sense of belonging, seem to have been lost. The pandemic has left organisations with staff absences and long-term illnesses; last year alone workplace absences cost the UK economy £32.7bn (Nolsoe, 2014). To survive, organisations have to be resilient, responsive and flexible. The next challenge will emerge from navigating times of austerity and the need for PSOs to restructure post-pandemic, an area that would benefit from further research. Originality/value The COVID-19 pandemic was a crisis that impacted all organisations, including their goals, operations and employees. It was clear that the amount of planning was vast, but as soon as the pandemic was over, quite a few of the organisations went back to the status quo and the “readiness stage” did not happen. The smaller organisations were more likely to reflect and improve than the larger ones.
Crises caused by a broad spectrum of emergency triggers are creating unprecedented challenges for local and global institutions and business entities. The capacity of a system to respond and recover from a crisis is strongly influenced by the ability to manage coordination among “coalitions” of involved agents and to support dialogue and collaborative leadership. However, coordination science and engineering approaches have not been extensively investigated in crisis management studies and practitioner applications. This article is positioned in such a research gap and it adopts a cross-disciplinary view to design a novel crisis management paradigm, which defines coordination as a keystone of effective and efficient responses. In this article, we present a coordination core, with three key dependencies (i.e., fit, flow, and share) concerned with resource and activity management during a crisis, and four pillars of crisis prevention, crisis awareness, crisis response, and crisis recovery, with 64 associated attributes, including constructs, processes, tools, and analytics. We present two illustrative scenarios and we discuss that findings are made along a societal and organizational crisis management viewpoint. The article further develops crisis management theory by bringing a coordination engineering perspective, and it offers business leaders and policymakers a practical model for embedding crisis management capabilities in their organizations.
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Based on impression management theory and upper echelons theory, this study constructs an integrated mediating model involv-ing external investors. It aims to explore the impact of CEO optimism, a positive psychological advantage, on corporate crisis management performance. The research uses machine learning based on LSTM to analyze content text, measuring CEO displayed optimism. It also uses a Python program to crawl objective financial data and third-party objective reports after corporate crises occur, evaluating investor confidence and corporate crisis management performance. This study reveals the positive psychological advantage factors of leaders that enhance corporate crisis management performance and potential mediating mechanisms. It deepens our understanding of how CEOs improve corporate crisis management performance, provides practical insights for en-terprises and managers, and offers reference value for future research.
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“Avrupa Birliği ve Sivil Kriz Yönetimi” başlığı ile ulusal, uluslararası ve ulus-üstü kuruluşlara tehdit oluşturan kriz durumunun önlenmesi veya en az hasarla atlatılması için Avrupa Birliği’nin oluşturmuş olduğu kriz yönetim misyonlarının sivil yönleri üzerinde durmuştur. Birliğin etki alanlarının arttırılması ile farklı opera yon türlerinin de ortaya çıkabileceğini belirtmiştir.
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This study primarily focused on financial crises in Ghana's banking sector. The study analysed banking crises across three major banks and examined how learning and sense-making influence crisis management in these banks. Qualitative data through semi-structured interviews formed the backbone of the research. Fifteen bank executives from three Ghanaian banks were interviewed. A combination of theoretical, empirical and conceptual models was used to analyze the data from the multiple cases comparatively. The results show four major banking crises including liquidity crisis, fluctuation in currency, natural disasters, corporate governance failures, scandals and frauds that occurred during these crisis periods: 2000-01, 2011-12, 2014-15 and 2017-2020 with different causes, consequences and severities. Shocking, some crises have been repetitive. The banks initiated different crisis management strategies to resolve crisis events including crisis resolution committees, customer grievance redressal, fraud prevention cells, crisis communication and prevention plans, automated messaging systems and disaster alert systems. The banks have developed and implemented different levels of organisational learning and sense-making decisions. Transboundary crisis management covered enterprise risk management, business continuity management and disaster risk management at varying degrees. Regrettably, the banks did not document their crisis learning processes, leading to the design of crisis management frameworks.
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Research has focused on episodic crises (e.g., fire extinguished), with regard to causality, management, and recovery. But some crises (e.g., illegal migration) are continuous, with no clear conclusion, and the nature and timing of the recovery phase are indeterminate. To explore the challenges facing leaders in a continuous crisis, we turn to ‘extreme fiction’ – a radically imaginative narrative of possible accidents, crises and disasters. The television series The Walking Dead is an example of a continuous crisis. This is also a novel crisis, which means that crisis management routines, protocols, and standard operating procedures may not apply, and the value of past experience may be limited. Our analysis offers a novel perspective on the nature of the crisis leadership role, by showing how a continuous crisis generates three paradoxical leadership agendas: managing the crisis (which includes unmanageable elements), managing conflict (while initiating and participating in conflict), and managing values (which may have to be temporarily abandoned). Our findings also demonstrate how contextual properties shape the leadership role in a continuous crisis.
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هدفت الدراسة الى استكشاف العلاقة بين سلوكيات القيادة الخادمة من خلال ابعادها [الشفاء العاطفي، خلق قيمة للمجتمع، المهارات المفاهيمية، التمكين، مساعدة المرؤوسين على النجاح، وضع المرؤوسين في المرتبة الاولى، السلوك الاخلاقي]، و التطوير التنظيمي بأبعاده [الغرض، الهيكل، المكافات، العلاقات، اليات المساعدة، التوجه نحو التغيير]. وقد تم اختيار رئاسة جامعة الكوفة مجتمعا لإجراء الدراسة، و بلغ حجم العينة (50)، فردا من العاملين في رئاسة الجامعة، ولغرض تحليل البيانات واختبار فرضيات الدراسة جرى الاعتماد على البرنامج الاحصائي (Spss). و توصلت الدراسة الى ان هناك دورا لسلوكيات القيادة الخادمة في تعزيز التطوير التظيمي. بمعنى كلما تبنت رئاسة جامعة الكوفة مستويات عالية من سلوكيات القيادة الخادمة ادى ذلك الى تحسين مستويات التطوير التنظيمي. وان الابعاد الاكثر تأثيرا في التطوير التنظيمي هي، خلق قيمة للمجتمع، المهارات المفاهيمية، والتمكين.
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Numerous research have identified factors that contribute to competitive advantages, such as dynamic capabilities and distinctive competencies. However, these factors sometimes fail to perform optimally in turbulent situations, like the current global pandemic. This has made it increasingly difficult to sustain a competitive advantage. Consequently, this study aims to develop a new foundation for competitive advantage after the pandemic. We hypothesize that pandemic leadership and resilience systems will enhance the relationship between distinctive competencies and competitive advantage. Using structural equation modeling, we evaluated our proposed model with a sample of 200 ASEAN multinational firms. The findings show a positive relationship between dynamic capabilities and competitive advantage through distinctive competencies. Furthermore, pandemic leadership and resilience systems beneficially moderate the relationship between distinctive competencies and competitive advantage.
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This chapter examines the role of crisis leadership in the higher education sector. It defines organisational crises and elucidates five dynamics of crises that are particularly salient to higher education institutions, they being the unexpected, public, high-consequence, novel and ambiguous, and emotionally and ethically laden nature of crises. The chapter goes on to explain the differences between crisis management and crisis leadership before exploring key challenges to crisis leadership in the higher education sector. It then provides a brief case analysis of how Tulane University in Louisiana, USA, navigated the Hurricane Katrina crisis (2005). This case illustrates the practical application of many aspects of effective crisis leadership in higher education. The chapter concludes with a reminder that the frequency and severity of crises in higher education will continue to increase and that it is paramount for crisis leaders and managers to retain a clear focus on the well-being of their students, faculty, staff, and surrounding communities.
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Purpose: This study intends to investigate the influence of strategic alignment capability (SAC) and volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) as moderator on navigation leadership in private hospitals of healthcare sector in Pakistan. Utilizing ventakraman’s model of strategic alignment capability and volatility-ambiguity theory by Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus, the research hopes to identify the impact of SAC model and VUCA moderator on navigation leadership in healthcare sector in Pakistan. Design/Methodology/Approach: A total of 400 healthcare executives from the healthcare industry will participate in this study by completing an online self-filled questionnaire. The collected data will undergo various statistical analyses, including normality tests, reliability assessments, correlation analyses, and descriptive examinations. These analyses shall be employed to determine the connection between independent variables (strategic alignment capability model) and the dependent variable of navigation leadership along with volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous context as moderator variable. Findings: The research paper serves as a conceptual framework of influence of strategic alignment capability and volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous context as moderator on navigation leadership. Healthcare leaders have the potential to significantly enhance their productivity, making valuable contributions to their respective fields in the healthcare profession. The study underlines the significance of addressing these sensitive elements of healthcare sector to enhance the performance in the Pakistan healthcare sector. Practical Implications: This study offers valuable insights for healthcare leadership within the developing countries like Pakistan healthcare industry. By recognizing and fostering influence of strategic alignment capability and vuca moderator on navigation leadership in healthcare sector can create an environment where healthcare leaders are more inclined to increase their productivity and positively impact overall healthcare sector success. Originality/Value: The originality of this study lies in its application of venkatraman’s model of strategic alignment capability and volatility-ambiguity theory by Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus within the specific context of the Pakistan healthcare industry. By identifying the unique factors influencing strategic alignment capability model in navigation leadership along with vuca moderator in to evaluate and enhance the performance in this industry, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of the relationship between strategic alignment capability and navigation leadership moderating vuca context.
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Mygla í skólahúsnæði á Íslandi hefur haft töluverð áhrif á starfsemi skóla á síðastliðnum árum. Áhrifin ná til barna, foreldra, starfsfólks og innra starfs skólanna. Í þessari grein er fjallað um rannsókn sem hafði að markmiði að kanna hvernig leikskólastjórar takast á við afleiðingar þeirrar krísu sem myndast þegar mygla greinist í húsnæði leikskóla, hvaða áhrif það hefur á innra starf og hvaða stuðningur er til staðar. Tilgangurinn var að greina hvaða eiginleikar og áherslur nýtast best til að takast á við krísu og óvissu. Talið er að forystueiginleikar á krísutímum séu í eðli sínu þeir sömu og á öðrum tímum en aðstæður þó aðrar og erfiðari. Tekin voru viðtöl við átta leikskólastjóra er höfðu glímt við afleiðingar myglu í húsnæði leikskólans sem höfðu áhrif á starfsemi hans. Niðurstöður sýndu að stjórnendurnir sem tóku þátt í rannsókninni tókust á við afleiðingar myglu í húsnæði leikskólanna með hag heildarinnar í huga og sinntu mörgum verkefnum sem að hluta til féllu hvorki undir starfslýsingu þeirra né hlutverk sem leikskólastjóra. Þeir töldu mikilvægt að sjá tækifæri í krísunni, að setja sér markmið og hafa framtíðarsýn í huga. Þá greindu viðmælendur frá hvaðan þeir sóttu sér stuðning og bjargir og hvar var ekki aðstoð að fá. Að mati viðmælenda var þetta streituvaldandi tímabil fyrir starfsfólk, foreldra og ekki síst börnin sem dvelja í leikskólunum. Gildi rannsóknarinnar felst í aukinni þekkingu á stjórnun og forystu á krísutímum til að takast sem best á við þá óvissu og þær breytingar sem krísutímum fylgja. Hagnýtt gildi rannsóknarinnar felst í að nauðsynlegt sé að undirbúa og þjálfa stjórnendur til að takast á við óvissutíma og reikna með að þeir bresti á og líði hjá.
Bu araştırmanın amacı, fitness merkezi yöneticilerinin, Covid-19 salgını döneminde yaşamış oldukları ve krize karşı vermiş oldukları örgütsel tepkilerinin liderlik stilleri açısından incelenmesidir. Araştırmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden ''Fenomenoloji'' (olgu bilim) deseni kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu, amaçlı örneklem yöntemi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışma grubu, İzmir ve Manisa illerinde kurumsal spor merkezlerinde en az 1 yıl süreyle işletmede yöneticilik yapan 6 spor yöneticisinden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmada veriler, açık uçlu soru metodu ile oluşturulmuş 7 görüşme sorusu ile elde edilmiştir. Araştırmada veri toplama yöntemi olarak, “görüşme” yaklaşımı kullanılmıştır. Görüşmeler, ses kayıt cihazı ve not alma yöntemleri kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada veriler betimsel veri analizi yöntemi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmada kriz genel teması altında krizin şok aşaması, inkar etme aşaması, kabullenme aşaması, uyumsuzluk aşaması, uyum sağlama aşaması ve krizin tüm süreçleri olmak üzere 6 alt tema oluşturulmuştur. Liderlik genel temasında ise katılımcı liderlik, otokratik liderlik ve danışman liderlik olmak üzere 3 alt tema oluşturulmuştur. Araştırmanın sonucunda, fitness merkezindeki yöneticilerin krize karşı vermiş oldukları örgütsel tepkilerine göre sergilemiş oldukları liderlik stilleri analiz edilip katılımcıların görüşleri incelendiğinde tüm kriz sürecinde yöneticilerin katılımcı liderlik stili gösterdikleri görülmektedir.
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هدفت الدراسة الى استكشاف العلاقة بين سلوكيات القيادة الخادمة من خلال ابعادها [الشفاء العاطفي، خلق قيمة للمجتمع، المهارات المفاهيمية، التمكين، مساعدة المرؤوسين على النجاح، وضع المرؤوسين في المرتبة الاولى، السلوك الاخلاقي]، و التطوير التنظيمي بأبعاده [الغرض، الهيكل، المكافات، العلاقات، اليات المساعدة، التوجه نحو التغيير]. وقد تم اختيار رئاسة جامعة الكوفة مجتمعا لإجراء الدراسة، و بلغ حجم العينة (50)، فردا من العاملين في رئاسة الجامعة، ولغرض تحليل البيانات واختبار فرضيات الدراسة جرى الاعتماد على البرنامج الاحصائي (Spss). و توصلت الدراسة الى ان هناك دورا لسلوكيات القيادة الخادمة في تعزيز التطوير التظيمي. بمعنى كلما تبنت رئاسة جامعة الكوفة مستويات عالية من سلوكيات القيادة الخادمة ادى ذلك الى تحسين مستويات التطوير التنظيمي. وان الابعاد الاكثر تأثيرا في التطوير التنظيمي هي، خلق قيمة للمجتمع، المهارات المفاهيمية، والتمكين. المصطلحات الرئيسة: سلوكيات القيادة الخادمة، التطوير التنظيمي
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on business and project activities, particularly due to the lack of information about it. The experience of the pandemic indicated that due to the unknown nature of it and lack of suitable models, there was no clear strategy for managing projects in the crisis condition. Thus, the main objective of this paper is to develop a project management model for crisis situations and identify effective strategies to reduce project vulnerability during the pandemic period. For this purpose, a systematic review method was used. Based on this method, first the relevant articles were searched, then the relationships between their key concepts were plotted using VOSviewer, and finally 78 sources were selected in several steps. The results are presented in the form of answering research questions as well as developing a conceptual model that includes project management strategies in pre-crisis, crisis time and post-crisis situations. Accordingly, it can be said that Covid-19 pandemic has all characteristics of a serious crisis. Its origin is often external, and it usually happens all at once, so it reduces the opportunity for planning. Finally, it can last and continue. In addition, the model identifies key policy makers, participants, and project implementers in times of pandemic crisis. It is expected that the use of this model and strategies increase the PM’s knowledge and capabilities in crisis management in projects.
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We set out to link common characteristics associated with trusted leadership and the ability to communicate effectively during crisis. Trusted leaders with high efficacy tend to exert more efforts towards actions and persevere when facing unexpected challenges. Understanding self-perceptions of trusted leaders’ efficacy and desired outcomes helps prepare both current and future leaders to regain trust of followers and communicate more effectively. We therefore propose a diagnostic instrument for evaluating the skill set needed by leaders to build trust and show how it can be used for self-improvement. Practical implications for leadership development are also provided.
The impact of organizational crises has never been stronger. Yet previous research on crisis management lacks adequate integration. In this article we attempt to integrate and build upon current knowledge to create a multidisciplinary approach to crisis management research, using psychological, social-political, and technological-structural research perspectives. We offer definitions of organizational crisis and crisis management, as well as a framework that depicts the crisis management process and researchable propositions for the integration of these perspectives. We also suggest implications for research and practice.
For the first time in history, human-induced crises have the potential to rival natural disasters in both scope and magnitude. The financial costs of some crises have exceeded one billion dollars; the devastation wrought by these crises has included loss of hundreds of human lives as well as immeasurable damage to future generations and to the environment. For instance, major crises such as Chernobyl and Exxon Valdez, as well as the oil spills and fires during the Gulf war, affected large regions of the globe. Previously, such effects could only have been wrought by natural disasters. This article seeks to explain how organizations may actually contribute to their own crises, as well as what can be done to avert human-induced disasters, and to manage those that still occur. A framework is provided for executives interested in improving their organizations' crisis preparedness. First, we consider how to determine those crises for which a company should prepare. Next, the phases of a crisis are described followed by a description of the organizational systems which affect and are affected by it. Stakeholders' roles in the management of a crisis are discussed. The article concludes with implications for managers and executives interested in taking action.
Can a company that has fallen to boycotts and even comedians' jokes remake its corporate culture and salvage its image? In the case of the Denny's restaurant chain, the answer is a resounding yes. After charges of racial discrimination led to the company's signing a court imposed consent decree, Denny's went beyond the decree's requirements and radically changed its culture and functioning, its public image, and its bottom line. It recently won one of the Council of Economic Priorities' six Corporate Conscience Awards —for diversity. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Trust & betrayal in the workplace
  • Dennis Reina
  • Michelle Reina
Reina, Dennis, & Reina, Michelle (1999). Trust & betrayal in the workplace. San Francisco: BerrettKoehler Publishers.
ICM crisis report: News coverage of business crises during
Institute for Crisis Management (2003). ICM crisis report: News coverage of business crises during 2002, 12.