Conference PaperPDF Available

Ozone treatment of air in pig sheds

  • UPWr (UniSQ)
  • Government of South Australia
© Institution of Engineers Australia, 2011
* Reviewed and revised version of a paper originally presented at
the 2009 Society for Engineering in Agriculture (SEAg) National
Conference, Brisbane, Queensland, 13-16 September 2009.
Corresponding author A/Prof Thomas Banhazi can be
contacted at
Treatment of airborne pollutants in livestock
buildings with ozone as potential abatement option*
T Banhazi
National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture,
University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland
ABSTRACT: Previous research has demonstrated the negative effects of sub-optimal air quality on
pro tability, production ef ciency, occupational health and safety, environmental sustainability and
animal welfare. Ozone application has been used in North America to reduce internal air pollutant
concentrations in livestock buildings and as a result potentially reduce airborne pollution emission.
The main objective of this research was to evaluate the potential of using low concentration ozone
(0.03 ppm) in Australian piggery buildings to reduce airborne pollution levels within piggery
buildings and thus reduce pollution emission potentially. The data collected during the experiments
demonstrated that ozone could be used effectively to reduce airborne bacteria (on average by 30%
within this study) and reduce the concentration of inhalable particles (by 21% on average within
this study). However, it appeared that ozone treatment did increase the concentration of respirable
particles in the airspace of piggery buildings (within this study by approximately 26% on average).
Previous studies have identified several key
management and housing factors that contribute to
high concentrations of airborne pollutants within
piggery buildings and to very high emission rates
from those buildings (Banhazi et al, 2008a; 2008b;
2008c; 2008d). It has also been demonstrated that
some airborne pollutants are associated with a
reduced production efficiency in pigs (Banhazi
& Cargill, 1998; Lee et al, 2005) and increased
occupational health and safety risk for humans
(Donham et al, 1989; Banhazi et al, 2009). Airborne
pollutants appear to enhance both the prevalence and
severity of respiratory diseases in pigs and it may also
aid the spread of other infections (Donaldson, 1977).
European data also suggests (Takai et al, 1998; Seedorf
et al, 1998; Groot Koerkamp et al, 1998) that as a result
of high indoor airborne pollution concentrations in
piggery buildings, an average enterprise of 500 sows
on a single site would release signi cant amounts
of dust, bacteria, ammonia and endotoxins (the
ne component of this mixture is often referred to
as “bioaerosol”) into the surrounding environment
via emissions from buildings. For example 500 kg of
pigs (standard livestock unit (SLU)) would generate
762 and 85 mg/h of dust (Takai et al, 1998). This
would translate to above 100 kg of inhalable dust
and around 15 kg of respirable dust released in
the surrounding environment per year per 20 SLU
produced on such a farm. It has been demonstrated
also by a previous study that dust emission could
travel signi cant distances, carrying other organic
compounds, including bacteria and endotoxins
(Banhazi et al, 2007). The potential health effects of
airborne pollution emission on the health of people
living in the vicinity of livestock buildings have been
documented in the literature (Seedorf et al, 1998;
Hartung & Seedorf, 1999; Radon et al, 1999; 2000).
Therefore, simple and practical techniques, which will
have the potential to deliver a signi cant reduction of
odour, ammonia and other pollutant concentrations
inside the buildings and therefore reduced emissions
from those buildings cost effectively, need to be
investigated, developed and evaluated (Banhazi et
al, 2008d; 2009). A number of emission reduction
methods exist including the more precise balancing
of diets to reduce excess protein intake, the lowering
the pH of manure, oil-sprinkling of building  oors
and the use of air cleaning systems (Aarnink &
Verstegen, 2007; Godbout et al, 2001; Seedorf et al,
2005). However, in recent years, in the USA, interest
in using ozone in animal buildings for air quality
improvements has increased (Elenbaas-Thomas et
al, 2005; Kim-Yang et al, 2005; Watkins et al, 1997).
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“Treatment of airborne pollutants in livestock buildings with ozone as potential ...” – Banhazi
Ozonisation is recognised as an environmentally safe
and effective process for the treatment of industrial
ef uent, drinking water and sewage (Xu et al, 2002;
Rice, 1997; Priem, 1977; Pan et al, 1995; Klingman
& Christy, 2000; Hunt & Mariñas, 1999; Camel &
Bermond, 1998; Boeniger, 1995). However, it is
also generally accepted that high levels of ozone
can cause respiratory problems (Brauer et al, 1996;
Kinney & Lippmann, 2000; Paz, 1997). The current
Occupational Safety and Health Association of the
United States standard has a permissible exposure
limit for ozone of 0.1 ppm for an 8-hour, time-
weighted average exposure (NOHSC, 1995; Zhou
& Smith, 1997).
In a study by Priem (1997), who evaluated the
potential of using ozone as a deodorising agent, it
was found that the ozone treated piggery buildings
had a reduced the ammonia level of 18 ppm from the
original concentration of 37 ppm over a 16-month
period. During spring and autumn, the ammonia
reduction was greater (from 21 to 15 ppm) than
summer. During summer, the high ventilation rate
reduced the retention and reaction time of ozone
in the treated buildings, so the mean ammonia
concentration was reduced by 2 ppm (from 14 to
12ppm). During the study researchers also assessed
the respiratory tract of 37 pigs, and no signi cant
differences were observed, despite the fact that ozone
levels of up to 0.2 ppm were recorded during the
trial. There was a small improvement in daily gain
(549 g/day in control and 564 g/day in ozone treated
grower pigs) and feed ef ciency improved slightly.
However, another study reported a decrease in daily
gain in pigs as a results of treatment of building
air with ozone (Elenbaas-Thomas et al, 2005). The
same study also reported an increase in ammonia
concentrations as the result of ozone treatment on
piggery buildings.
In summary, ozonisation might offer a relatively
simple method of deodorisation and might also aide
the reduction of airborne pollutants. This technique
has been used extensively in other industries, such
as the food industry (Segovia Bravo et al, 2007;
Ricel et al, 1982; Guzel-Seydim et al, 2004), and can
be applied successfully in the livestock industry as
well. There are some occupational health and safety
aspects of ozone use, (such as reliable and continuous
monitoring) which need to be overcome, before the
use of ozone can be more widely applied in livestock
buildings. However, very little research data are
available internationally on the effects of use of
ozone in piggery buildings speci cally and certainly
no Australian research has been undertaken before.
Thus, the main aim of this research was to evaluate
the potential of using a low concentration of ozone
in Australian piggery buildings to reduce airborne
pollution levels within pig buildings and therefore
reduce pollution emission from these buildings.
Four weaner and two grower/ nisher rooms (three
times two paired identical rooms) were used to
study the effects of ozonisation on air quality in pig
production facilities at the University of Adelaide,
Roseworthy campus, research piggery. The weaner
rooms were negatively ventilated and partially
slatted rooms with dry feeding system. The grower
rooms were very similar in design, except they
were naturally ventilated. All experimental facilities
were built using sandwich panels. The control
rooms were managed according to normal farm pig
husbandry procedures (without ozone) while the
experimental rooms were treated with ozone. All
the three paired rooms were tested at the same time
and were managed in an identical manner. Given
the same age of livestock, ventilation rates were kept
similar. The experiment was designed to determine
the effect of ozonisation on air quality parameters
and, to some limited extent on animal performance.
It was a simple paired comparative design with
each treatment facility having an identical control
facility. The facilities were located and designed in
such a way that the ventilation air was discharged
at the opposite side of the building where the intake
air was drawn into the buildings using negative-
pressure ventilation principles. The study was
undertaken during the summer season and relevant
environmental information including temperature
as well as humidity values are presented in table 1.
Table 1: CO2 concentrations measured in the control and experimental facilities.
Room CO2 concentrations (ppm)
Air temperature (°C)
Relative humidity (%)
Weaner 1 510/731/430 24.8/31.1/20.6 59.9/95.7/36.1
Weaner 2 509/750/413 24.9/32.2/18.6 57.7/91.9/35.2
Weaner 3 542/881/431 23.5/29.6/16.0 62.4/89.2/45.2
Weaner 4 538/862/419 23.4/30.8/15.3 57.4/85.6/33.2
Grower 1 633/844/506 22.8/36.5/12.4 57.2/94.8/25.7
Grower 2 642/859/511 22.2/37.3/13.1 59.6/96.1/23.9
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“Treatment of airborne pollutants in livestock buildings with ozone as potential ...” – Banhazi
Ozone were distributed in the rooms using equipment
supplied by Ozone Solution Inc. (IA, USA) and
following the protocol given by the company to
achieve the desired ozone concentrations. The
possible adverse effect of high levels of ozone was
identified as an experimental risk. Therefore, to
ensure that neither the pigs nor the piggery staff
were exposed to risk, Ozone Solutions provided
the research team with an ozone monitoring device
(Ozone Hunter, NCEC Ltd. Osaka, Japan) which was
used to record the levels of ozone in the experimental
rooms four times daily.
The ozone system consisted of:
• ozone generator – located outside the weaner
• distribution ow-meters – allowing the system to
be balanced and adjusted
5/16” ozone compatible Te on tubing
distribution fans – used to mix con nement air
with high concentration ozone and distribute it
through PVC pipes
PVC pipe – transports the ozonised air throughout
the room (one pipe per room).
The ozone distribution system was comprised of
PVC tubing and circulation fans designed by Ozone
Solutions Inc. ( gure 1). The PVC pipe was connected
to the ozone generator and a simple mixing fan was
mounted on one end of the mixing tubes, while the
other end was capped. Holes were drilled along
the PVC pipe to allow the ozone/air mixture to be
evenly distributed throughout the weaner/grower
rooms. Environmental parameters were recorded
for 30 days in weaner rooms (1 and 2) and grower
rooms, and 12 days in the weaner rooms (3 and 4),
as described below.
The selection of airborne pollutants to be measured
was based on the international scienti c literature
(Donham, 1995) and the results of previous Australian
studies (Banhazi et al, 2008a).
2.1 Airborne particles
Total inhalable (< 100 μm) and respirable particle
(<5 μm) concentrations were measured using
air pumps connected to cyclone  lter heads (for
respirable particles) and seven hole sampler  lter
heads (for inhalable dust) and operated at 1.9 and
2.0 L/minute  ow rate, respectively. The pumps
were operated over a 6-hour period. The selection
of the monitoring period (9 am to 3 pm) was based
on previous studies (Banhazi et al, 2008a). After
sampling, the  lter heads were taken back to the
laboratory and weighed to the nearest 0.001 mg using
certi ed microbalances and then the inhalable and
respirable dust levels were calculated. Filter papers
were conditioned, following standard operational
procedures for gravimetric air sampling (Banhazi
et al, 2008a).
Fig ure 1: Distribution fan at the end of
Fig ure 2: Ozone generator mounted on the wall
of the weaner unit.
Fig ure 3: Anderson sampler.
2.2 Bacteria
Total viable airborne bacteria were measured using
an Anderson viable six-stage bacterial impactor
(Clarke & Madelin, 1987)  lled with horse blood
agar plates. The airspace was sampled for five
minutes at a  ow rate of 1.9 L/minute. The bacteria
plates were incubated for 48 hours at 37 °C and
the numbers of colonies were counted manually,
entered into a database and the concentration
of airborne microorganisms was calculated and
expressed as colony forming units per m3 (cfu/m3).
Mixed cellulose  lter papers were used (Millipore
Co., Billerica, MA, USA) and the  lter papers were
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“Treatment of airborne pollutants in livestock buildings with ozone as potential ...” – Banhazi
treated according to standard laboratory procedures
to ensure than neither electrostatic build-up or
humidity could interfere with the measurement
accuracy (Banhazi et al, 2008b).
2.3 Ammonia and carbon dioxide
Ammonia and carbon dioxide were planned to be
monitored continuously using a gas monitoring
machine (Banhazi et al, 2008a). The equipment was
designed to take air samples from two different
sampling locations (control and experimental
buildings), using a sampling pump, which draws
air from two different locations via two quarter-inch
tubes. The air ow was directed by two solenoid
valves to the actual sensor heads. Carbon dioxide
was measured using a GMM12 infrared (Vaisala Oy,
Finland) sensor head and ammonia was measured
using a GS-DX (TX-FM/TX-FN) electrochemical
(Bionics Instruments Co. Ltd, Japan) ammonia
sensor. However, due to equipment failure (likely
to be caused by the presence of ozone), no useable
ammonia data were collected during this trial.
Fig ure 4: Gas monitoring machine in operation.
Fig ure 5: Mean total bacteria concentrations in the control and experimental weaner rooms (means ±
SE). Difference was significant between weaner rooms 1 and 2 (p < 0.01), but not significant
between weaner rooms 3 and 4 (p>0.05). Reduction achieved in weaner room 1 was 46%
and 14% in weaner room 3.
2.4 Temperature and humidity measurements
Temperatures were monitored continuously in all
buildings for the duration of the experiment using
Tinytalk temperature loggers (Hasting Dataloggers,
Tinytalk-2). Sensors were placed as close to pig level as
practicable, without allowing the pigs to interfere with
the instruments. A Microsoft Excel-based software
(developed “in-house”) was used for temperature
data analysis and presentation. The software included
the relevant mathematical equations to compute the
daily maximum and minimum and average values
for the monitoring period.
2.5 Data analysis
Window based STATISTICA 6.1 (StatSoft Inc., 1996)
were used to conduct statistical analyses of the data.
Statistical models were developed using analysis
of variance (ANOVA) procedures to test treatment
effects. The dependent variables of interest were
airborne particles and bacteria concentrations while
the independent variables were the treatment and
building effects. The results from these analyses
presented graphically and are based on means and
± standard error (SE) values.
3.1 Bacteria
Bacteria concentrations were recorded in all
experimental sheds daily. There was a clear tendency
of reduced bacteria concentrations in the ozone
treated rooms. The difference was statistically
signi cant (p < 0.01) in weaner rooms (1 and 2) and
in the grower rooms ( gures 5 and 6). The difference
was not statistically signi cant in weaner rooms (3
and 4), but this might be related to the fact that the
experimental period was reduced in these rooms
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“Treatment of airborne pollutants in livestock buildings with ozone as potential ...” – Banhazi
with previous anecdotal information obtained from
researchers in the USA (Bottcher, 2001; personal
communication). One possible explanation was
suggested, that as a result of ozone treatment the
coagulation and therefore the precipitation of large
dust particles are enhanced possibly by unintentional
ionisation effect of the ozone generator. However, this
theory cannot be con rmed at this stage.
3.3 Respirable particles
Respirable particle concentrations were recorded
in all experimental buildings daily. There was a
clear tendency of increased respirable particle
concentrations in all trial rooms, although none of
the differences were statistically signi cant ( gures
9 and 10). These  ndings cannot be explained at this
stage, and it is especially interesting in the light of the
previous  ndings on inhalable particles. One possible
Fig ure 6: Mean total bacteria concentrations in
the control and experimental grower
rooms (means ± SE). Difference was
significant (p < 0.01) and reduction
achieved in the experimental grower
room was 30%.
Fig ure 7: Mean inhalable particle concentrations in the control and experimental weaner (1 and 2) rooms
(means ± SE). Difference was not significant between the paired experimental and control rooms
(p > 0.05). Reduction achieved in weaner rooms 1 and 3 was 10% and 5%, respectively.
Fig ure 8: Mean inhalable particle
concentrations in the control and
experimental grower rooms (means
± SE). Difference was significant
(p <0.01) and 49% reduction was
achieved in the experimental room.
due to logistical problems ( gure 5). For example,
the concentration of airborne bacteria was reduced
from approximately 49,600 cfu/m3 to approximately
26,800 cfu/m3 in the experimental grower building.
3.2 Inhalable particles
Inhalable particle concentrations were recorded in
all experimental buildings daily. There were reduced
inhalable particle concentrations in all ozone treated
rooms; however, the difference was only statistically
significant in the grower/finisher rooms (figure
8) where a 49% reduction was achieved, reducing
the concentration of inhalable particles from 1.56
to 0.80mg/m3. However, the same tendency and
arithmetic reduction was observed in all of the
weaner rooms as well. The observed reduction in
inhalable dust particle concentration is dif cult to
explain, although this  nding was in agreement
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“Treatment of airborne pollutants in livestock buildings with ozone as potential ...” – Banhazi
piggery buildings can be effectively used to reduce
the concentration of airborne bacteria. However,
practically, ozone did not have any noticeable effect
on the concentrations of airborne particles.
3.4 Other results
3.4.1 Gas data
Unfortunately, no useable ammonia data were
collected, due to equipment failure. After talking
to the supplier of the ammonia sensors used, it was
concluded that most probably the ozone itself was
likely to have affected the sensor heads, rendering
them useless after a short period of time. In agreement
with the US supplier of the ozone equipment, further
experiments might be conducted. However, in the
light of the current problems encountered with the
equipment, it is planned that short-term tubes will
be used for ammonia monitoring. However, usable
carbon dioxide concentration data was collected
during the experiment that proved that the paired
experimental and control rooms had similar level
of ventilation (table 1). In addition, temperatures
and humidity values were similar in the paired
experimental rooms.
3.4.2 Ozone levels
Throughout the trial, an average concentration of
0.03 ppm ozone was maintained in the experimental
rooms. Despite the low levels measured, the staff at the
piggery appeared to be concerned with the working
environment and uncomfortable with spending too
much time in the ozone treated rooms. In order to
ease staff concerns, the research team organised a
pre-trial information session as well as developed
and distributed copies of an information brochure
to all piggery staff. It appeared that the provision of
detailed information about this technology have to
be an essential component of any future marketing
campaign by commercial companies.
Fig ure 9: Mean respirable particle concentrations in the control and experimental weaner rooms (means
± SE). Difference was not significant (p > 0.05) between the paired experimental and control
rooms, and 24% and 32% increase was detected in the experimental rooms 1 and 3, respectively.
Fig ure 10: Mean respirable particle
concentrations in the control and
experimental grower rooms (means
± SE). Difference was not significant
(p > 0.05) and a 23% increase was
detected in concentration of respirable
airborne particle concentrations in the
experimental grower room.
explanation is that the smaller (respirable) particles
are actually kept in suspension by the air turbulence
caused by the ozone distribution system. As the
ozone distribution system comprised tubes and fans
that distributed the ozonised air in the building; this
might have acted as a localised air-stirring system
keeping the smaller particles in suspension. Ozone
might also have an effect on the smaller particles,
which enhances their ability to remain in suspension.
However, the question still remains, as to why
the two portions of airborne particles (respirable
and inhalable) react to the presence of ozone so
differently. At this stage no further explanation can
be given, but this phenomenon certainly warrants
further investigation.
In summary it does appear that the injection of
low concentration of ozone into the airspace of
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“Treatment of airborne pollutants in livestock buildings with ozone as potential ...” – Banhazi
3.4.3 Pen hygiene
Dunging patterns and pen hygiene was also
documented throughout the trial using documented
methodology (Banhazi et al, 2008a), as previous
research demonstrated that these factors have a major
in uence on the resulting air quality (Banhazi et al,
2008b; 2008d). It has to be noted that the improved
bacteria and inhalable particle concentrations were
achieved in the experimental rooms, despite the fact
that the experimental weaner (3 and 4) and grower
rooms generally had a reduced level of pen hygiene
compared to the control rooms.
3.4.4 Production results
No significant growth rate improvement was
observed in the experimental rooms.
Overall the experiment confirmed the results
of a preliminary study (Banhazi et al, 2002) and
demonstrated the positive effect of ozone on airborne
bacteria levels. This result was expected, as ozone is
a strong oxidising agent, often used for sterilisation
purposes in the food industry (Klingman & Christy,
2000; Julson et al, 1999).
The experiment also delivered consistent results
in relation to the concentrations of inhalable
particles, indicating a positive effect of ozone on the
concentration of these particles. However, results
also consistently indicated that ozone might have the
opposite effect on very small (respirable) airborne
particles. At this stage no plausible explanation
was found for that phenomenon. In summary,
ozone application during this study did not deliver
large enough improvements in air quality to
justify the potential occupational health and safety
risks associated with piggery workers spending
potentially long hours in ozone treated rooms and
the investment needed in establishing the systems
in pig production facilities.
This project was a collaborative effort between a
number of organisations and was part of a larger
Australian Pork Limited (APL) funded project. Thus
the  nancial support of APL and the assistance of
the staff of the Roseworthy research piggery and the
technical assistance of K. Hillyard and T. Murphy are
gratefully acknowledged.
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Australian Journal of Multi-disciplinary Engineering Vol 8 No 2
“Treatment of airborne pollutants in livestock buildings with ozone as potential ...” – Banhazi
A/Prof Thomas Banhazi is a Principal Research Scientist at the National Centre
for Engineering in Agriculture, University of Southern Queensland, and his
research interests are related to livestock production. He has undertaken
studies to investigate the relationship between environmental conditions and
management factors in livestock buildings, and has also investigated methods
for reducing the impact of poor environmental conditions on the health of both
humans and animals. His recent research interest is related to the development
of data acquisition and data management systems for the livestock industries
to improve the precision of production management. He is the President of
the International Commission for Agricultural Engineering (CIGR) – Section II
group and the Chair of the Australian Society for Engineering in Agriculture.
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Dispersion modelling was conduct for clusters of hypothetical piggery buildings to ascertain the impact of different building configuration on dust emission. The modelling is based on dust emissions information developed recently in South Australia. This report investigates the potential impacts of dust emission associated with standard (slatted floor) building and deep-bedded shelter (DBS) designs.
This paper presents a detailed review of published applications of ozone for treating many types of industrial wastewaters. Applications of ozone technologies to control pollution in full-scale industrial wastewater treatment plants in the areas of recycling marine aquaria, electroplating wastes, electronic chip manufacture, textiles, and petroleum refineries, are discussed. The rising acceptance of ozone as a replacement bleaching agent for paper pulp to eliminate the discharge of halogenated effluents from pulp bleaching plants also is traced. Newer applications for ozone in treating rubber additive wastewaters, landfill leachates, and detergents in municipal wastewaters are summarized briefly. The combination of ozone oxidation followed by biological treatment has been installed full-scale at a large German industrial chemical complex. Ozone coupled with ultraviolet radiation and/or hydrogen peroxide (advanced oxidation) is being utilized to destroy organic contaminants in groundwaters at munitions manufacturing plants and at Superfund sites (hazardous wastes). Ozone followed by activated carbon adsorption removes color and organics cost-effectively from North African phosphoric acid.
In light of modern advances in ozone generation and associated equipment, as well as increased understandings of the various technologies associated with the application and handling of ozone, and advances in methods of food transportation, it is believed to be timely to re-evaluate the potentials for this oxidant/disinfectant, to provide cost-effective benefits in food preservation. This paper represents a first attempt to review past and current studies, with suggestions for future studies to develop those benefits which appear to be achievable for the food preservation and distribution industries. -Authors
This study reports the effect of ozone on odor thresholds and the concentration of selected odorous organic compounds in a swine housing facility. This study was conducted in four rooms that each housed 24 pigs. Ozone was injected at different rates into the each of the rooms to give a final concentration of gaseous ozone in the rooms of approximately 0 (control), 0.01, 0.05, or 0.1 ppm. The concentrations of phenolic and indolic compounds and volatile fatty acids (VFAs) were measured in the air in the rooms using solid-phase microextraction (SPME). The results showed that ozonation reduced the levels of indolic compounds in the swine building air significantly (at the 95% confidence level). However, the reduction in the levels of volatile fatty acids and phenolic compounds in the air was small and generally not statistically significant. Sensory measurements showed that there was a small increase (less than 0.5 log units) in the odor detection thresholds for air in the ozonated rooms. At the ozone levels used in this experiment, the reduction in odor levels achieved is small. It is not likely to be practicable to achieve significantly higher reductions in odor levels, as the ozone concentration needed would exceed the OSHA permissible exposure limit for ozone.
Alternative and economical methods for reducing the bacterial load on cider apples are needed by small cider producers to comply with U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations for food safety. In 1996, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that several illnesses and one death were attributed to Escherichia coli O157:H7 contaminated apple cider. Currently the only option available for cider producers to avoid an FDA required warning label on their product is pasteurization. The equipment needed for pasteurization can be expensive and is limited to liquids only. Ozone (O3) is a potent disinfectant that shows great potential for food sanitizing applications. This article summarizes the design and construction of a benchtop prototype chamber and related components for the treatment of whole cider apples with ozonated washwater prior to grinding and pressing for cider. Preliminary performance data on residual ozone concentrations produced in the washwater are also presented. A maximum residual dissolved concentration of 34 ppm was achieved over a 0.5 to 1.5 min contact time per apple.
A badge-type passive monitor was used to evaluate the effectiveness of four ozone trapping reagents for measuring O3 concentrations in the air. These were sodium nitrite (NaNO2), 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone acetone azine (MBTH), p-acetamidophenol (p-ATP), and indigo carmine. Experiments in an exposure chamber showed that only NaNO2 and MBTH monitors gave sensitive and linear responses over realistic ranges of O3 concentrations. When tested in ambient air, NaNO2 and MBTH monitors with a single-layer diffusion barrier overestimated O3 concentrations by a significant amount. This was largely canceled out in the NaNO2 monitor by using a multi-layered diffusion barrier to combat wind turbulence effects. However it had almost no effect on the MBTH monitor, and it was found that NO2 was a source of serious interference. We concluded that using the NaNO2 monitor with an effective diffusion barrier can measure O3 in ambient air with an accuracy of ±16%.
This paper presents a detailed review of published applications of ozone for treating many types of industrial wastewaters. Applications of ozone technologies to control pollution in full‐scale industrial wastewater treatment plants in the areas of recycling marine aquaria, electroplating wastes, electronic chip manufacture, textiles, and petroleum refineries, are discussed. The rising acceptance of ozone as a replacement bleaching agent for paper pulp to eliminate the discharge of halogenated effluents from pulp bleaching plants also is traced. Newer applications for ozone in treating rubber additive wastewaters, landfill leachates, and detergents in municipal wastewaters are summarized briefly. The combination of ozone oxidation followed by biological treatment has been installed full‐scale at a large German industrial chemical complex. Ozone coupled with ultraviolet radiation and/or hydrogen peroxide (advanced oxidation) is being utilized to destroy organic contaminants in groundwaters at munitions manufacturing plants and at Superfund sites (hazardous wastes). Ozone followed by activated carbon adsorption removes color and organics cost‐effectively from North African phosphoric acid.
The use of ozone for the remediation of nuisance odorous chemicals in liquid swine manure slurry was investigated. Gaseous ozone was bubbled directly into stored swine manure slurry in a continuously stirred batch reactor. One‐liter samples of swine slurry were ozonated to achieve ozone dosages of 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 g ozone/liter of waste. Olfactometric determinations demonstrated a significant reduction in odors in ozonated samples as compared to raw and oxygenated samples. Volatile fatty acids, nitrate, phosphate and ammonia concentrations were unchanged by ozonation. The biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and the chemical oxygen demand (COD) were essentially unaffected by ozonation. The concentrations of odorous phenolic microbial metabolites (e.g., phenol, p‐cresol and p‐ethylphenol) and odorous indolic microbial metabolites (e.g., 3‐methylindole and indole) were reduced to non‐detectable levels by ozonation. Hydrogen sulfide concentrations were reduced slightly by the process, with a concurrent increase in the sulfate concentration. E. coli counts were reduced by a factor of three log units and total coliforms showed a one log decrease in concentration after treatment with ozone at 1.0 g/L.The results of this study demonstrate clearly that at the pH values studied (ca. 7), ozonation is effective for the elimination of the malodors associated with stored swine slurry and for killing potentially pathogenic bacteria, without increasing the concentrations of major pollutants of current concern, (i.e., nitrate and phosphate) and without oxidizing ammonia, which is a major plant nutrient.
II Abstract The muscle foods are exposed to microbial contamination during slaughter and handling. This can cause microbial spoilage and food borne illness. Newly emerging strains of Listeria monocytogenes need to be inactivated to render safe ready to eat ham products. We investigated the effectiveness of ozone in inactivating Listeria monocytogenes in ready to eat cooked cured ham (97% fat free). The effectiveness of ozone in three different environments 1) gaseous, 2) aqueous and 3) humidified (>90%) was studied. The effectiveness was studied for all environments at 3 ozone concentrations (0.2, 0.5 & 1.0 ppm), 3 exposure times (1, 15 & 30 min) and 2 temperatures (10 & 20ºC). The effectiveness was represented as %kill of Listeria monocytogenes. The maximum microbial inactivation for any of the treatment combinations was limited to 99.7% (i.e., < one log cycle reduction). The most effective environment was gaseous followed by aqueous and humidified. Effectiveness increased with increasing exposure time, temperature & ozone concentration. The results indicated that the presence of high organic matter (i.e. protein) might have quenched the lethal activity of ozone. The samples exposed to gaseous environment at 20ºC were also analyzed for the physical characteristics of color and shear strength. The Hunter a* values for different treatments were in the range of 10.3 to 3.2. The samples tend to have lower a* values with increased ozone concentration and exposure time. The shear strength values of ham samples under different treatment conditions were not significantly different. Ozone may be of limited use in reducing microbial population such as Listeria monocytogenes on cured ham products.