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Over 50 refereed publications have been published on the quiet eye (QE, Vickers, 1996) in a wide range of motor tasks. Mean quiet eye duration in the golf putt is longer for highly skilled golfers (handicap less than 4), averaging 2.5–3.0 s, compared with 1.0–1.5 s for those with lower skill levels. A long duration QE not only helps organize and sustain the neural networks underlying the organization and control of the putt, but also may insulate the golfer from the normally debilitat-ing effects of distracting thoughts, high arousal and high pressure. Research from neuroscience using electroencephalograph (EEG) and imaging are beginning to identify the neural structures underlying QE focus of attention. QE training in the golf putt has proven to be effective and has been shown to increase performance under high pressure. Golf putting requires precise control of physical actions and vision is essential in providing the information the movement systems needs to perform at a high level. Vision and focus of attention play a critically important role as the ability to direct the gaze (i.e., the eyes, the head, and the body) to optimal areas of the golf environ-ment at the appropriate time is one characteristic of elite putting performance. One variable that has been consistently found to discriminate elite performers from their near-elite and novice counterparts is the quiet eye. In this paper the quiet eye is defined and the neural pathways of the visual-motor system are explained. Follow-ing there is a presentation of the results of recent neural imaging studies conducted during long duration movements which show increased activation of a frontal area that is central to both focus of visual attention and precise motor control. Following this, there is an explanation how QE training not only improves the performance of novice golfers, but also is of assistance to elite golfers in improving their accuracy during competition. The quiet eye (QE) is a perceptual-motor variable applicable to a wide range of motor skills (for review see Mann, Williams, Ward & Janelle, 2007; Vickers, 2007). The QE is defined as the final fixation or tracking gaze located on a specific location or object in the visuo-motor workspace within 3° of visual angle (or less) for more than 100 ms (Vickers, 1996; Vickers, 2007). The QE onset occurs before Articles
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International Journal of Golf Science, 2012, 1, 2-9
© 2012 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Vickers is a Professor in the Faculty of Kinesiology University of Calgary, Alberta, Calgary, Canada.
Neuroscience of the Quiet Eye
in Golf Putting
Joan N. Vickers
University of Calgary
Over 50 refereed publications have been published on the quiet eye (QE, Vickers,
1996) in a wide range of motor tasks. Mean quiet eye duration in the golf putt
is longer for highly skilled golfers (handicap less than 4), averaging 2.5–3.0 s,
compared with 1.0–1.5 s for those with lower skill levels. A long duration QE not
only helps organize and sustain the neural networks underlying the organization
and control of the putt, but also may insulate the golfer from the normally debilitat-
ing effects of distracting thoughts, high arousal and high pressure. Research from
neuroscience using electroencephalograph (EEG) and imaging are beginning to
identify the neural structures underlying QE focus of attention. QE training in the
golf putt has proven to be effective and has been shown to increase performance
under high pressure.
Keywords: performance under pressure, vision, attention, brain, quiet eye, focus
Golf putting requires precise control of physical actions and vision is essential
in providing the information the movement systems needs to perform at a high level.
Vision and focus of attention play a critically important role as the ability to direct
the gaze (i.e., the eyes, the head, and the body) to optimal areas of the golf environ-
ment at the appropriate time is one characteristic of elite putting performance. One
variable that has been consistently found to discriminate elite performers from their
near-elite and novice counterparts is the quiet eye. In this paper the quiet eye is
dened and the neural pathways of the visual-motor system are explained. Follow-
ing there is a presentation of the results of recent neural imaging studies conducted
during long duration movements which show increased activation of a frontal area
that is central to both focus of visual attention and precise motor control. Following
this, there is an explanation how QE training not only improves the performance of
novice golfers, but also is of assistance to elite golfers in improving their accuracy
during competition.
The quiet eye (QE) is a perceptual-motor variable applicable to a wide range
of motor skills (for review see Mann, Williams, Ward & Janelle, 2007; Vickers,
2007). The QE is dened as the nal xation or tracking gaze located on a specic
location or object in the visuo-motor workspace within 3° of visual angle (or less)
for more than 100 ms (Vickers, 1996; Vickers, 2007). The QE onset occurs before
Neuroscience Quiet Eye 3
a nal critical movement in the task and offset when the gaze deviates off the loca-
tion or object by more 100 ms. The onset of the QE in elite athletes occurs earlier
and the duration is longer compared to near-elite or non-elites. It is also earlier and
longer during higher levels of performance (success, fail). The QE in the golf putt
is the nal xation located on the top or back of the ball within 1° of visual angle
for more than 100 ms. The QE onset occurs before the onset of the backswing
and QE offset when the gaze deviates off the top or back of the ball by more than
100 ms. QE research in golf has grown over the years with some of the major stud-
ies shown in Table 1. Across the studies (with one exception), QE duration of low
handicap golfers averaged between 2.0-3.0 seconds compared to 1-1.5 seconds for
high handicap or lower skilled golfers (Vickers, 2007, 1992; Vine & Wilson, 2011;
Vine, Moore & Wilson, 2011; Mann, Coombes, Mousseau, & Janelle, 2011). The
one exception is Van Lier, van der Kamp & Savelsbergh (2010) who found a QE
of 1080 ms that did not differ due to expertise or accuracy. It appears the authors
dened the QE as the nal xation before the ball was contacted, instead of the
nal xation that had an onset prior to the backstroke.
Neural Pathways and Visuo-Motor Control of the Quiet Eye
Humans see with clear acuity when light falls on a small region of the retina called
the fovea. Because of this humans are able to see with full acuity over a relatively
small visual angle of 3° (Coren, Ward, & Enns, 2004). Elite golfers control their
gaze precisely to process critical aspects of the ball, hole, breakpoint and other
locations with full acuity. Researchers who use mobile eye trackers measure the
location of the gaze in space over this small visual angle, with two eye movements,
xations and saccades being of greatest interest. A xation occurs when the gaze is
held stable on an object (ball, club head, part of green, hole or other location) within
3° of visual angle for 100 ms or longer (Carpenter, 1988). The 100 ms threshold is
the minimum amount of time needed to recognize or become aware of a stimulus.
Saccades occur when the eyes move quickly from one xated location to another,
for example when looking from the hole to the ball when putting. During xations
information is processed by the brain, but during saccades it is suppressed.
During the QE visual information is registered rst by the retina, then passes
rapidly through the optic nerve, the lateral geniculate nucleus, and the optic/straite
Table 1 Mean Quiet Eye Duration of Low and Handicap Golfers
as Found in Selected Studies.
Studies Low Handicap High Handicap
Vickers, 1992 2200 ms 900 ms
Vickers & Crews, 2004 2210 ms 1680 ms
VanLier et al., 2009** 1080 ms 1100 ms
Mann et al., 2011** 3300 ms 2900 ms
Vine et al., 2011 2794 ms 1405 ms
Mean QU Duration 2317 1597
** est. 1 s for stroke duration
4 Vickers
radiations to the visual/cortex occipital lobe at the back of the head. Located in
the occipital cortex are visual sensors that begin the processing of registering and
interpreting what the golfer sees, with specic detectors for initial registration (V1),
shape (V2), angles (V3), motion (V3a), color (V4), V5 (motion with direction),
depth and self motion (V6) and depth of stereo motion (V7) (Carter, 2009; Kolb &
Whishaw, 2009; Corbetta, Patel, & Shulman, 2008; Corbetta, & Shulman, 2002).
During a long duration QE the gaze is stable for 2-3 seconds depending on the
distance of the putt; therefore, from the outset of the xation the golfer perceives a
constant and relatively stable stream of information about the ball and its location
relative to the club face and intended target as determined before onset. Extensive
testing of golfers has shown that only highly skilled golfers are consistently able
to hold the QE stable on the ball for about one second before the backswing, one
second during the stroke, and a half second after contact. Instead, for lower skilled
golfers it is more common for the gaze to shift once the stroke begins as indicated
by higher xation rates to more locations (Vickers, 1992; Vickers, 2004) therefore,
the brain registers information from multiple sources using the V1-V7 sensors.
Instead of receiving input about one location re the position of the ball and its
relationship to the intended target as occurs with elite golfers, lower skilled golfers
take more information from many sources and therefore may be unable to maintain
the precise alignment of the club face on the ball that must occur in order for high
levels of putting accuracy to occur (Pelz, 2000).
Role of Dorsal Attention Network (DAN)
and Ventral Attention Networks (VAN)
Once an object is perceived by the visual cortex, visual information moves rapidly
forward in the brain, along two routes (Corbetta, Patel, & Shulman, 2008; Corbetta,
& Shulman, 2002; Milner & Goodale, 1995). The dorsal attention network (DAN)
projects from the occipital lobe to parietal lobe and forward to the frontal lobe in
a journey that goes over the top of your head to the frontal lobe, while the ventral
attention network (VAN) projects forward along the sides of the head through the
temporal lobes to the frontal areas (Corbetta, Patel, & Shulman, 2008; Corbetta,
& Shulman, 2002). The primary function of the DAN is to sustain spatial focus of
attention on one location, thereby blocking out competing stimuli that may intrude
from the VAN system. The VAN includes the hippocampus and amygdala, which
are located on the inside of the temporal lobe on each the side of the head. The hip-
pocampus is responsible for recording memories and the amygdala for emotional
control and regulation. Imagine for example, that a golfer has had a particularly
bad experience. This would be dually registered by the hippocampus and amygdala.
When a long duration QE is maintained on an optimal location a mental buffer
or barrier is created that prevents intruding thoughts or bad experiences arising in
the hippocampus and amygdala from distracting attention and leading to higher
levels of anxiety. Evidence in support of this is provided in studies by Land (2009),
Corbetta, Patel, & Shulman, (2008), and Corbetta, & Shulman, 2002, which show
the VAN network is activated when visual attention switches from one location to
another. We can speculate that when the QE duration is lower the DAN system has
been deactivated and the gateway is opened to potentially harmful memories and
emotions that contribute to higher levels of anxiety and lower levels of performance.
Neuroscience Quiet Eye 5
Evidence in support of this speculation comes from QE studies conducted under
conditions of high pressure and/or anxiety which show that when the QE duration
declines, performance also decreases. This has been shown in table tennis (Wil-
liams, Vickers & Rodrigues, 2002), shooting (Vickers & Williams, 2007; Causer,
Holmes, Smith & Williams, 2011) basketball shooting and golf (Vine, Moore &
Wilson, 2011; Wilson, Vine & Wood, 2009).
Both the DAN and VAN send information to the frontal lobes, where the stroke
is planned, initiated and controlled. Only recently have imaging studies provided
some insight into the role of the frontal areas during long duration movements like
the putt. This is due to the vast majority of EEG and MRI studies concentrating on
the preparation of the stroke and/or the use of tasks that require rapid movements
(such as a key press). In contrast, studies by Swinnen and colleagues have suc-
ceeded in imaging the brain not only before, but during, long duration movements
with time spans similar to the one second found in the putting stroke. Callaert et
al. (2011) have shown that a new dorsal spatial attention frontal area is activated
during long duration movement planning and control, irrespective of which hand
is used, having the eyes open or closed, or whether feedback is available or not.
The dorsal spatial attention frontal area is located in the right inferior, medial and
superior frontal gyrus and activated when spatial information must be continuously
exploited to maintain accurate long duration movements.
Quiet Eye Training
QE training studies are designed to help novices acquire the quiet eye charac-
teristics of experts (Vickers, 2009, 2007). Table 2 provides an overview of some
studies completed to date, in the volleyball serve reception (Adolphe, Vickers &
LaPlante, 1997), basketball free throw (Harle & Vickers, 2001), golf putt (Vickers,
2007; Vine, Moore & Wilson, 2011) and skeet shooting (Causer et al., 2011). Using
this approach, Vine, Moore and Wilson (2011) randomly placed 22 elite golfers
into 2 groups (QE trained; Control) based on their handicaps. Changes in putting
performance and QE duration were determined during a pretest, a posttest under
pressure in the laboratory and a follow-up transfer test of 10 rounds of competi-
tive golf. Although both groups had similar accuracy and QE scores in the pretest,
the QE-trained group was signicantly more accurate and lagged the ball closer
to the hole than the Control group during the pressure test. They also increased
the QE duration by 800 ms while the control group decreased their QE duration
by 400 ms. Over the course of 10 competitive rounds the QE-trained group made
1.9 fewer putts per round (p < .05) compared with their pretest while the Control
group showed no change in their putting statistics.
Neuroplasticity in Golf
The concluding topic now considers the type of neural structures that may change
as a result of QE training. Jancke, Koeneke, Hoppe, Rominger and Hanggi (2009)
scanned 40 golfers using MRI: 10 professional golfers (handicap 0), 10 highly-
skilled golfers (handicap range 1–14); 10 golfers at the intermediate level (handicaps
15 and 36), and 10 individuals with no golf experience. Signicant differences were
found between the two high skilled groups (handicap range 0–14) when compared
with the lower skilled (handicap range 15–36 plus novices). Specically, changes
Table 2 Selected Quiet Eye Training Studies by Sport, Skill Level and Increase in Performance with and
without Quiet Eye Training.
Study Sport & Task Skill Level QE Trained Control
Adolphe et al. 1997 Volleyball Team Canada +7% 0
Harle & Vickers 2001 Basketball Varsity +23% +6%
Ouedjans et al., 2005 Basketball Professional +14% 0%
Vine et al., 2011 Golf Putt Low Handicap -1.9 putts/ round 0/round
Causer et al., 2011 Skeet Shooting Olympic +5% 0%
Vine et al., 2011 Basketball Novices +34% +23%
Neuroscience Quiet Eye 7
occurred primarily in the dorsal premotor and parietal cortex, the area also identied
by Callaert et al. The authors concluded that extensive practice in golf, which is
necessary to achieve a handicap ranging from 0 to 14, leads to signicant changes
in the dorsal spatial attention frontal area. In a follow-up study, Bezzola, Merillat,
Gaser and Jancke (2011) trained novice golfers using 40 hours of golf practice
and play and compared with a control group with no experience in golf. The pre-/
post MRI showed signicant increases in the dorsal spatial attention frontal area
of the trained group that were not present in the control group. In particular there
were changes in the parietal-occipital junction (POJ) which is functionally and
anatomically connected to the visual system. Increases in gray matter in this area
provide an additional clue why a long duration QE is essential to golf success; it
assists and establishes, in a consistent manner, visuospatial attention control that
is associated with enhanced spatial learning and body perception/control. Similar
results have been shown for elite ballet dancers (Hangii, et al 2010).
Recently Wood & Wilson (2012) have established that when athletes receive
QE training this endows them with a higher sense of perceived control and con-
dence. In a study of skilled penalty takers in soccer, not only did the QE trained
group increase their QE duration on locations further from the goalkeeper, but
they also were more accurate to these locations than a control group in both
a laboratory based retention test and a high stress shootout. Perceived control
was determined from a questionnaire developed by the authors based on the work
of Jordet et al. (2006) that assessed perceptions of contingency and competence.
The authors are the rst to show that QE training not only increases QE duration
and performance but also positively alters control beliefs when performing under
high pressure.
In summary, a long duration QE is an objective measure of a golfer’s ability to
detect the critical cues underlying putting success and maintain visual focus under
conditions of high anxiety and pressure. The QE prevents a loss of visual focus
and task relevant attention by providing the information the brain needs to control
the hands and club face as precise contact with the ball is made. In support of this
notion, MRI studies of subjects, including golfers, show increased activation of a
neural area within the dorsal spatial attention frontal network and decreased activa-
tion in ventral temporal areas, areas central to attention switching and emotional
activation. A long duration QE appears to help maintain focus on the task at hand
while at the same time blocking out destructive thoughts known to lead to lower
levels of performance.
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... Golf demands precise technical skills amidst intense pressure, particularly for golfers aspiring to succeed on professional tours like the pGA (Aparicio et al., 2021). effective pressure management is vital for success, especially in scenarios like putting, where negative emotions, such as anxiety can adversely impact performance (chambers & Marshall, 2017;vickers, 2012). this phenomenon is often associated with the yips, a psycho-neuromuscular impediment affecting fine motor skills during sporting performance, as defined by clarke et al. (2015). ...
... the review aimed to outline critical factors associated with the professional development of golfers. in total, 33 quantitative and 24 qualitative publications were identified, focussing on various factors that may influence the professional development of a golfer. the seven main factors that have a significant influence on promoting professional development in golf include: the quality of coaching (Bertram et al., 2007;Diekfuss & raisbeck, 2017;Hwang, 2021;Kitching & campbell, 2019;lee, 2021;Mears et al., 2019), competition-specific training (Ashbrook et al., 2018;Baker & McHale, 2022;carson & collins, 2015;Davies et al., 2017;Fry & Bloyce, 2017;Hayman et al., 2014;Henriksen et al., 2014;pilgrim et al., 2018;roberts et al., 2021;roos & lennox, 2019), physical conditioning (coughlan et al., 2018langdown et al., 2019;pates & Kingston, 2020;pilgrim et al., 2018;Son et al., 2018;wells & langdown, 2020), psychological skillset (Aparicio et al., 2021;Ashbrook et al., 2018;campbell et al., 2019;carson & collins, 2015;chambers & Marshall, 2017;clarke et al., 2015;lundkvist et al., 2021;parker et al., 2021;revankar et al., 2021;roberts et al., 2008;roos et al., 2022;vickers, 2012;vine et al., 2011), expertise of the caddie (carey et al., 2021;Donald & winter, 2022;McNeill & Meade, 2017;pates, 2021;pilgrim et al., 2016), and availability of funds (Fry et al., 2015;Fry & Bloyce, 2017;Hayman et al., 2014;lee, 2021;roos et al., 2022;roos & Muller, 2023). the quality of coaching is essential in the professional development of golfers, and they need a knowledgeable coach to assist them in this process (Kitching & campbell, 2019). ...
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Globally, millions participate in golf, however, the likelihood of transitioning to a professional level is only 0.006%. Success as a professional golfer is uncertain, even for individuals who attain this status. This systematic review aimed to synthesize the most significant research findings identifying factors that promote professional development in golf, thereby aiding aspiring golfers in their journey toward becoming professional athletes. Following a segregated design, quantitative and qualitative research findings were analysed using meta- and thematic analyses. Electronic searches were conducted in Scopus, Google Scholar, SPORTDiscus™, Web of Science™, and EbscoHost™. Search terms included golf, athlete development, professional golfer, and golfer transition. The eligibility criteria included studies written in English from 2007 to present. The electronic search yielded 7216 records, and after evaluation, the review included 24 qualitative and 33 quantitative studies. The study identified seven main topics related to the professional development of golfers, namely the expertise of the caddie, the quality of coaching, the developmental environment of golfers, availability of funds, competition-specific training, strong psychological skillset, and physical conditioning. The review highlights the need for all stakeholders in a professional golfer’s environment to adopt a holistic approach to enhance golfers’ professional development and maximize their performance potential.
... Para esto se ha ayudado dentro del proceso de investigación de dispositivos como el eye tracker (Watanabe et al., 2013;Optican y Pretegiani, 2017). Finalmente, con este acervo documental, se hace necesario involucrar protocolos de medición perceptiva visual, fundamentados en criterios que permitan el análisis de los MS y de las fijaciones, soportado en el hecho de que, de acuerdo con la literatura, este se ha encontrado entre tenistas expertos y novatos, así como en otros deportes (golf, disparo, tenis de mesa o baloncesto); hay diferencias en estos dos aspectos del procesamiento visual (Vickers, 2014;Piras et al., 2015). De esta forma, el análisis de resonancia magnética en torno a las fijaciones permitió establecer que cuando existe una mayor activación de la red neuronal frontal de atención espacial de la vía dorsal y una menor activación de las áreas temporales ventrales, evitan que se distraiga la atención, lo cual genera control de los niveles de ansiedad que perturben las ejecuciones técnicas (Vickers, 2014). ...
... Finalmente, con este acervo documental, se hace necesario involucrar protocolos de medición perceptiva visual, fundamentados en criterios que permitan el análisis de los MS y de las fijaciones, soportado en el hecho de que, de acuerdo con la literatura, este se ha encontrado entre tenistas expertos y novatos, así como en otros deportes (golf, disparo, tenis de mesa o baloncesto); hay diferencias en estos dos aspectos del procesamiento visual (Vickers, 2014;Piras et al., 2015). De esta forma, el análisis de resonancia magnética en torno a las fijaciones permitió establecer que cuando existe una mayor activación de la red neuronal frontal de atención espacial de la vía dorsal y una menor activación de las áreas temporales ventrales, evitan que se distraiga la atención, lo cual genera control de los niveles de ansiedad que perturben las ejecuciones técnicas (Vickers, 2014). ...
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Purpose: The presente study aims to explore the existingbibliography on visual skills and visual movements in tennisplayers.Method: We searched the Scopus, SPORTDiscus, PubMedand Google Scholar databases, which allowed us to select 37empirical studies carried out with a quantitative method.The choice of the studies responded to the criteriaestablished around the Keywords, the subject of the studyand the research methodology.Results: The results are organized into three central topics:(a) Antecedents of visual skills in the 20th century, (b) 21stcentury: Role of saccadic movements, and (c) Reflections onthe tennis feat and saccadic movements.Conclusions: Throughout several decades of researchand monitoring of the “vision and sport” approach infield tennis, specifically in the visual movements betweenfixations and saccadic movements, differential levels oftennis performance can be identified with the potential tobe indicators of better sports performance. Given that thetools used so far in this discipline for the selection and/orevaluation processes are not determinant, due to being amultifactorial sport discipline of perceptual-motor order andopen skills, it is suggested that visual skills may be essentialfor the acquisition of a high competitive level. This aspectraises an interesting line of research that deserves furtherexploration in the future.
... Previously, Vickers [55] claimed that longer QE durations provide a better interchange of attentional resources by the vigilance network in achieving the task goals. Vickers [67] also stated that two visual-attention networks are involved in the QE. The first attentional network is termed the "ventral attentional network" (VAN), and its role is to direct attention to unexpected stimuli from the environment. ...
Introduction: Visual attention is a cognitive skill related to visual perception and neural activity, and also moderated by expertise, in time-constrained professional domains (e.g., aviation, driving, sport, surgery). However, the contribution of both perceptual and neural processes on performance has been studied separately in the literature. Development: We defend an integration of visual and neural signals to offer a more complete picture of the visual attention displayed by professionals of different skill levels when performing free-viewing tasks. Specifically, we propose to zoom the analysis in data related to the quiet eye and P300 component jointly, as a novel signal processing approach to evaluate professionals’ visual attention. Conclusion: This review highlights the advantages of using portable eye trackers and electroencephalogram systems altogether, as a promising technique for a better understanding of early cognitive components related to attentional processes. Altogether, the eye-fixation-related potentials method may provide a better understanding of the cognitive mechanisms employed by the participants in natural settings, revealing what visual information is of interest for participants and distinguishing the neural bases of visual attention between targets and non-targets whenever they perceive a stimulus during free viewing experiments. Link for the full-text access:
... 15 Finally, the quiet eye may be related to the processes inhibiting excursions of attention to other, less relevant sources of sensory information. 17,18 The initial research on gaze fixations in basketball began in 1986 11 with the study of visual perception during jump shots and continued in 1996 focusing on free throws, where Vickers 12,15 also introduced the term "Quiet eye". This topic has interested various researchers over the last 35 years, who have studied visual attention and its properties under different conditions in conjunction with some other factors such as training, 19 anxiety 20 and fatigue. ...
Visual attention has a significant impact on shooting performance in basketball. Over the past 35 years, researchers have explored individual concepts of visual attention, such as gaze fixation, the number and direction of saccades, and their effects on shooting accuracy. The last gaze fixation, also known as the quiet eye, was found to be particularly important. The aim of this paper was therefore to systematically review the literature to present how visual attention and the quiet eye contribute to shooting performance and how they are affected by anxiety, training, defensive pressure, and fatigue. The 26 articles selected were divided into two categories; the first category included studies that examined visual attention during free throws, and the second category included studies examining jump shots. In addition, we performed a meta-analytic comparison to determine whether the duration of the quiet eye differs with respect to temporal constraints. Results show that for both jump shots with or without defence and free throws, a longer quiet eye durations and a lower number of gaze fixations are associated with better performance. For a successful shot, the quiet eye phase must occur at the right moment, which is likely due to visuomotor reaction latency prior to elbow extension. Furthermore, improvement in shooting performance can be achieved through quiet eye training or traditional training. Nevertheless, individual factors such as quiet eye timing, systematic training, and visual attention in top basketball players of different playing positions need to be further explored as this will provide even more information for individual’s improvement.
... Through these senses, external messages are delivered to the brain [7]. Among the different types of stimuli, visual information is the most important, and athletes need a certain reaction time to make a correct decision when they receive action information from their opponents [8]. Research shows that high-performance visual search strategies can enhance 2 of 9 decision-making capabilities through better recognition patterns and capturing important messages from opponents' body positions [9]. ...
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Background: The purpose of this study was to explore the gaze behavior of tennis players with different skill levels when receiving serves through eye movement information. Methods: The skill level was divided into group A (experts, with more than 10 years of playing experience) and group B (novices, with less than 2 years of playing experience). We compared the differences in gaze behavior between groups A and B at the head-shoulder, trunk-hips, arm-hand, leg-foot, racket, ball, and racket-ball contact area seven positions using the Eye-gaze Response Interface Computer Aid (ERICA) device. Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA. Results: Compared with the novices, the experts have more gaze time in the head–shoulders, rack, and ball when serving forehand (p < 0.01). The experts also have more gaze time on the head–shoulders, trunk–hips, racket, ball, and racket–ball contact area when serving backhand (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Expert athletes have a longer stare time for a specific position, which mainly determines the direction of the ball. Tennis coaches can increase the gaze time for these four positions and improve tennis players’ ability to predict the direction of the ball.
Vision is central to success in nearly all sports, and there is an emerging body of research investigating the links between visual abilities and athletic performance. This preregistered scoping review seeks to clarify the topics of study, methodologies used, populations under investigation, researchers, and disciplines driving this field. Systematic searches of English-language articles were conducted in PubMed and Web of Science, with additional literature identified through bibliographic searches. Six hundred sixty-seven articles published between 1976 and 2023 were identified with 547 empirical studies, 58 review articles, 20 commentaries, and 4 meta-analyses, among others. Among the empirical papers, 411 reported on visual assessments and 98 on vision training interventions. The most represented sports included baseball, soccer, basketball, and cricket, with over 150 articles reporting on professional, elite, or Olympic athletes. This scoping review describes the breadth of this emerging field, identifies its strengths and weaknesses, and provides recommendations for future improvement.
The purpose of this study was to clarify predictive visual patterns of skilled table tennis players during forehand rallies. Collegiate male table tennis players (n = 7) conducted forehand rallies at a constant tempo (100, 120 and 150 bpm) using a metronome. In each tempo condition, participants performed a total of 30 strokes (three conditions). Gaze fixation time, gaze targets and saccade eye movements were detected by video footage of an eye tracking device. We found that participants gazed at a ball approaching them only 20 % of the total rally time. Participants tended to gaze at the ball when the opponent hit the ball and move their gaze away from the ball after that. Furthermore, saccades were directed toward the opposite side of the court including the opponent after tracking the ball. These findings suggest that focusing on the opponent motion is important for successful forehand table tennis rallies. Taken together, skilled table tennis players are likely to use unique visual patterns for interceptive sports players to estimate spatiotemporal information about the ball.
While the impact of strategic self-talk on performance is well documented, examination of the attentional–perceptual mechanisms of self-talk is still at early stages. This study’s aim was to examine the effects of instructional self-talk on quiet-eye durations and putting performance. Thirty participants were recruited and randomly assigned to self-talk or control conditions. Participants performed a golf-putting task in a mixed between (self-talk vs. control) and within (pre- vs. postintervention) design. Two 2 × 2 mixed-design analyses of variance were conducted for performance and quiet-eye durations as dependent variables. A mediation analysis was conducted to examine the mediating effect of quiet-eye durations on performance. Results showed that self-talk use led to longer quiet-eye durations and better performance compared with controls. The mediation analysis indicated that performance was mediated by quiet-eye durations. Discussion centers on the role of quiet-eye in motor performance and how self-talk can assist in regulating quiet-eye.
Das Kapitel „Perzeptuelle Expertise im Sport“ stellt überblicksartig den Forschungsstand zur Wahrnehmung bei sportlichen Spitzenleistungen dar. Nach der Erläuterung des Expertiseansatzes werden verschiedene Forschungsideen, strukturiert nach der taktischen Situationskomplexität, vorgestellt. Zunächst wird die perzeptuelle Expertise in einer 1:0-Situation und anschließend in individual- und mannschaftstaktischen Aufgaben aufgezeigt. Zuletzt werden Umwelteinflüsse thematisiert. Abschließend werden weitere Forschungsfelder dargestellt. Dieser Beitrag ist Teil der Sektion Sportmotorik, herausgegeben von den Teilherausgebern Alfred Effenberg und Gerd Schmitz, innerhalb des Handbuchs Sport und Sportwissenschaft, herausgegeben von Arne Güllich und Michael Krüger.
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PURPOSE The quiet eye (QE) is defined as the final fixation time that is a specific target prior to initiating movement. This study aimed to identify the cause of QE in golf putting and to present an efficient practice method for improving putting skills. METHODS Thirty participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups. Each group practiced golf putting in different ways for two days. RESULTS The QE group showed a significant difference in putting scores, which was higher than that of the control group. The visual-occlusion group showed no difference compared to the other groups in terms of putting scores. The QE group showed a significant difference in terms of QE in the retention and competition tests compared to the pretest. The control group tended to have a slightly longer QE in competition tests compared to the pretest. The visualocclusion group showed no statistically significant difference in QE based on the period. All three groups had significantly longer swing times over the selected period. There was no significant difference in terms of the alpha power of the occipital lobe based on group and period. CONCLUSIONS The position of the visual-occlusion group became stable. However, the QE did not lengthen. The QE group had a longer QE. Furthermore, the control group that practiced with their eyes open tended to have longer QE. Therefore, QE may be related to visual-based cognitive processing rather than posturalkinematics. Finally, this study proved that QE practice is a more efficient method for novices in golf putting.
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Athletes must be able to make split-second decisions under the pressures of competition, but often this vital learning is left to chance. With Perception, Cognition, and Decision Training: The Quiet Eye in Action, readers gain access to the research foundations behind an innovative decision-training system that has been used successfully for years in training athletes. Certain to become the definitive guide to decision making in sport, this text presents three innovations solidly based in research. The first is the vision- in-action method of recording what athletes actually see when they perform. The second is the quiet eye phenomenon that has attracted considerable media attention. The third innovation is decision training to identify not only how athletes make performance decisions but also how to facilitate visual perception and action to enhance performance. Author Joan Vickers—who discovered the quiet eye and developed the vision-in-action method—takes the next step by integrating all three innovations into a system for helping athletes improve. Together, these advances provide scientific evidence of the effectiveness of perception– action coupling in athletes’ training.
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Kicks from the penalty mark (official term for the "penalty shootout") are regularly featured in major soccer tournaments to determine the outcome of tied games. Based on the contingency-competence-control (CCC) model (Weisz & Stipek, 1982), this study provides an examination of the control beliefs and anxiety experienced by W elite soccer players in the context of a major tournament penalty shootout. Measures included interview questions and CSAI-2R (Cox, Martens, & Russell, 2003) with direction instructions (Jones & Swain, 1992 The results gave some support to the model's predictions. The quantitative analyses demonstrated that perceived contingency and competence correlated with anxiety. For example, believing that outcome is based on luck was associated with debilitative interpretation of somatic anxiety symptoms. Most findings were supported by the qualitative analyses. The CCC-model can be useful for researchers endeavouring to learn more about perceived control in competitive sport.
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Describes how The Quiet Eye separates good putters from the others. Explains the concept of The Quiet Eye and why it is essential that The Quiet Eye is developed. Describes the strategies good putters use.
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Processing efficiency theory predicts that anxiety reduces the processing capacity of working memory and has detrimental effects on performance. When tasks place little demand on working memory, the negative effects of anxiety can be avoided by increasing effort. When tasks impose a heavy demand on working memory, however, anxiety leads to decrements in efficiency and effectiveness. These presumptions were tested using a modified table tennis task that placed low (LWM) and high (HWM) demands on working memory. Cognitive anxiety was manipulated through a competitive ranking structure and prize money. 10 participants' (mean age 28.9 yrs) accuracy in hitting concentric circle targets in predetermined sequences was taken as a measure of performance effectiveness, while probe reaction time (PRT), perceived mental effort (RSME), visual search data, and arm kinematics were recorded as measures of efficiency. Anxiety had a negative effect on performance effectiveness in both LWM and HWM tasks. There was an increase in frequency of gaze and in PRT and RSME values in both tasks under high vs. low anxiety conditions, implying decrements in performance efficiency. However, participants spent more time tracking the ball in the HWM task and employed a shorter tau margin when anxious. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
We introduced a sideward slope to the putting surface (i.e., 0%, 1% and 2% slopes) to examine the effects of task complexity on visual search behaviour during golf putting. Seventeen high-skilled golf players were divided into two groups on the basis of their overall putting performance. Slope did not affect the number of holed putts, but it did significantly influence the type of miss. A significantly higher proportion of balls were missed at the low side than at the high side of the hole, the effect being more pronounced for the group of less successful participants. With respect to gaze, it was found that increasing the steepness of the slope resulted in more fixations to the high side of the hole. Furthermore, the participants also spent less time viewing the ball for the steeper slopes. The final fixation durations were not affected by steepness of slope. It is argued that in dealing with a sloped green, the prime adjustment in gaze is in the spatial domain rather than in the temporal domain.
We review evidence for partially segregated networks of brain areas that carry out different attentional functions. One system, which includes parts of the intraparietal cortex and superior frontal cortex, is involved in preparing and applying goal-directed (top-down) selection for stimuli and responses. This system is also modulated by the detection of stimuli. The other system, which includes the temporoparietal cortex and inferior frontal cortex, and is largely lateralized to the right hemisphere, is not involved in top-down selection. Instead, this system is specialized for the detection of behaviourally relevant stimuli, particularly when they are salient or unexpected. This ventral frontoparietal network works as a 'circuit breaker' for the dorsal system, directing attention to salient events. Both attentional systems interact during normal vision, and both are disrupted in unilateral spatial neglect.