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Non-coding Y RNAs as tethers and gates

Taylor & Francis
RNA Biology

Abstract and Figures

Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) called Y RNAs are abundant components of both animal cells and a variety of bacteria. In all species examined, these ~100 nt RNAs are bound to the Ro 60 kDa (Ro60) autoantigen, a ring-shaped protein that also binds misfolded ncRNAs in some vertebrate nuclei. Although the function of Ro60 RNPs has been mysterious, we recently reported that a bacterial Y RNA tethers Ro60 to the 3' to 5' exoribonuclease polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase) to form RYPER (Ro60/Y RNA/PNPase Exoribonuclease RNP), a new RNA degradation machine. PNPase is a homotrimeric ring that degrades single-stranded RNA, and Y RNA-mediated tethering of Ro60 increases the effectiveness of PNPase in degrading structured RNAs. Single particle electron microscopy of RYPER suggests that RNA threads through the Ro60 ring into the PNPase cavity. Further studies indicate that Y RNAs may also act as gates to regulate entry of RNA substrates into the Ro60 channel. These findings reveal novel functions for Y RNAs and raise questions about how the bacterial findings relate to the roles of these ncRNAs in animal cells. Here we review the literature on Y RNAs, highlighting their close relationship with Ro60 proteins and the hypothesis that these ncRNAs function generally to tether Ro60 rings to diverse RNA-binding proteins.
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©2012 Landes Bioscience. Do not distribute.
RNA Biology 10:10, 1602–1608; October 2013; © 2013 Landes Bioscience
1602 RNA Biology Volume 10 Issue 10
Non-coding Y RNAs as tethers and gates
Insights from bacteria
Sandra L Wolin,1,2,* Cedric Belair,1 Marco Boccitto,1 Xinguo Chen,1 Soyeong Sim,1 David W Taylor,2 and Hong-Wei Wang2,3
1Department of Cell Biology; Yale School of Medicine; New Haven, CT USA
2Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry; Yale School of Medicine; New Haven, CT USA
3Tsinghua-Peking Center for Life Sciences; School of Life Sciences ; Tsinghua University; Beijing, P.R. China
Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) called
Y RNAs are abundant components
of both animal cells and a variety of bacte-
ria. In all species examined, these ~100 nt
RNAs are bound to the Ro 60 kDa (Ro60)
autoantigen, a ring-shaped protein that
also binds misfolded ncRNAs in some
vertebrate nuclei. Although the function
of Ro60 RNPs has been mysterious, we
recently reported that a bacterial Y RNA
tethers Ro60 to the 3 to 5 exoribonuclease
polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase)
to form RYPER (Ro60/Y RNA/PNPase
Exoribonuclease RNP), a new RNA degra-
dation machine. PNPase is a homotrimeric
ring that degrades single-stranded RNA,
and Y RNA-mediated tethering of Ro60
increases the effectiveness of PNPase in
degrading structured RNAs. Single par-
ticle electron microscopy of RYPER sug-
gests that RNA threads through the Ro60
ring into the PNPase cavity. Further stud-
ies indicate that Y RNAs may also act as
gates to regulate entry of RNA substrates
into the Ro60 channel. These findings
reveal novel functions for Y RNAs and
raise questions about how the bacterial
findings relate to the roles of these ncRNAs
in animal cells. Here we review the litera-
ture on Y RNAs, highlighting their close
relationship with Ro60 proteins and the
hypothesis that these ncRNAs function
generally to tether Ro60 rings to diverse
RNA-binding proteins.
What Are Y RNAs?
Y RNAs were discovered because these
ncRNAs are complexed with the Ro60
protein, a frequent target of the immune
system in patients suffering from two
common rheumatic diseases, systemic
lupus erythematosus, and Sjogren’s syn-
drome.1–4 Characterization of the four dis-
tinct Y RNAs in human cells revealed that
these ncRNAs (called hY1, hY3, hY4, and
hY5; h stands for human) are 83–112 nt
long and transcribed by RNA polymerase
III.3,5–10 The number of distinct Y RNAs
varies between species. For example,
mouse cells contain only two Y RNAs,
mY1 and mY3, which are orthologs of hY1
and hY3.5 A defining feature of animal
cell Y RNAs is that these RNAs fold into
structures consisting of a large internal
loop and a long stem formed by basepair-
ing the 5 and 3 ends of the RNA.6 –8, 11
Near the base of the stem is a conserved
sequence that is the high affinity binding
site for Ro60 (refs. 12–15 and Fig. 1A).
Most Y RNAs in cells are bound to
Ro60, a doughnut-shaped RNA-binding
protein that also binds misfolded ncRNA
precursors in some animal cell nuclei.15 –18
Ro60 orthologs are present in most ani-
mal cells and also in ~5% of sequenced
bacterial genomes.19 Immunoprecipitation
experiments from mouse and human cells
have demonstrated that most Y RNAs are
present as Ro60 RNPs (refs. 7 and 20 and
Fig. 2A and C). As worms, mouse cells,
and bacteria lacking Ro60 all have drasti-
cally reduced Y RNAs, Ro60 is required
for stable accumulation of these RNAs
(refs. 18 and 21–23 and Fig. 2B). Ro60
also stabilizes human Y RNAs, as experi-
ments in which we used siRNAs to deplete
Ro60 by 83% from human keratinocytes
Keywords: non-coding RNAs,
Y RNAs, exoribonucleases,
RYPER, RNA degradation
*Correspondence to: Sandra L Wolin;
Submitted: 07/19/2013; Accepted: 08/15/2013
Citation: Wolin SL, Belair C, Boccit to M, Chen
X, Sim S, Taylor DW, Wang H. Non-coding
Y RNAs as tethers and gates: Insights from
bacteria. RNA Biology 2013; 10:In press
©2012 Landes Bioscience. Do not distribute. RNA Biology 1603
revealed that these RNAs were reduced
between 30 and 90%, depending on the
RNA (Fig. 2D and E).
In addition to Ro60, some Y RNAs in
animal cells are bound by the La autoan-
tigen, a nuclear phosphoprotein that binds
all newly synthesized RNA polymerase
III transcripts.5,24 Like other La-bound
RNAs, Y RNAs initially end in uridines,
since RNA polymerase III terminates in a
run of Ts and La recognizes the sequence
UUUOH.24 Because trimming of the
terminal uridines by exoribonuclease(s)
removes the La binding site, the Y RNAs
bound by La are slightly longer at the
3 end than the bulk of the population
(Fig. 2A). Ro60 and La can bind simul-
taneously to the same RNA.5 However,
Figure1. Potential seconda ry structures for Y RNA s. (A) The four human Y RNAs. A cons erved helix present in all an imal cell Y RNAs is boxed. Nucleot ides
within this helix are important for Ro60 binding.13 –15 The proposed structures are consistent with phylogenetic analyses52 and enzymatic probing
experiments.11,53 (B) X. laevis Y3 RNA. Structural and enzymatic probing studies show that nucleotides in the conserved helix can form two alternate
conformers.14,15 ,53 Sequences present in the X. laevis Ro60/Y3 RNA crystal structure are in bold type. (C) D. radiodu rans Y RNA. Regions involved in Rsr
and PNPase binding are shown.30
©2012 Landes Bioscience. Do not distribute.
1604 RNA Biology Volume 10 Issue 10
since the La binding site can be eliminated
by end trimming, the fraction of Y RNAs
bound by La varies between 0100%,
depending on the cell type.7,8,20
Assigning Functions to Mammalian
Y RNAs: A Work in Progress
One role of mammalian Y RNAs is to
influence the subcellular location of Ro60.
Ro60 is both nuclear and cytoplasmic, and
its distribution between these compart-
ments is at least partly Y RNA-mediated.
Ro60 exits mouse cell nuclei as a Ro60/
mY3 complex, and binding of the zip-
code binding protein ZBP1 (also known
as IMP1 and IGF2BP1) to mY3 RNA is
important for export of this R NP.25 Addi-
tionally, binding of mY3 to Ro60 masks a
nuclear accumulation signal on the Ro60
surface, thus retaining the RNP in the
cytoplasm.26 Moreover, since both Ro60
and mY3 RNA become strongly nuclear
following UV irradiation,18 the position of
this RNA on Ro60 may be altered during
environmental stress to allow the nuclear
accumulation signal to become accessible.
Since Y RNAs are intimately asso-
ciated with Ro60, our laboratory has
used Ro60 as an entry point to identify
additional roles of these RNAs. Because
Ro60 binds misfolded 5S rRNA precur-
sors and variant U2 small nuclear RNAs
(snRNAs) in some animal cell nuclei, we
proposed that Ro60 functions in ncRNA
surveillance.16 –18 Biochemical and crystal-
lographic studies demonstrated that Ro60
binds misfolded ncRNAs that contain
both single-strand 3 ends and adjacent
protein-free helices. Structural analyses
revealed that the single-stranded 3 end
of a misfolded RNA fragment inserts
through the Ro60 cavity, while a helix
contacts the ring outer surface (ref. 27 and
Fig. 3B). Because binding of Ro60 to mis-
folded ncRNAs is not strongly sequence-
specific, Ro60 may scavenge RNAs that
fail to assemble with their correct RNA-
binding proteins. Further, the relative lack
of sequence specificity suggests that Ro60
could potentially bind a wide range of
Structural and biochemical studies
suggest that Y RNA binding could regu-
late access of misfolded RNAs to Ro60.
A crystal structure of Ro60 complexed
with a Y RNA fragment encompassing
the Ro60 binding site revealed that this
part of Y RNA binds on the outer edge
of the ring (ref. 15 and Fig. 3C). How-
ever, both Y RNAs and misfolded RNAs
are larger than the fragments present in
the crystal structures, and biochemical
experiments indicate that the two RNAs
bind overlapping portions of Ro.15, 27 Since
Y RNAs bind Ro60 with higher affinity
than misfolded RNAs, a bound Y RNA
could sterically prevent misfolded RNA
binding.14,15 ,27 It has also been proposed
that Y RNAs could potentially contribute
to recognition of misfolded ncR NAs and/
or to recruiting helicases or nucleases that
refold or degrade these RNAs.28 Excit-
ingly, studies in bacteria29,30 demonstrate
that Y RNAs both regulate access of Ro60
to some RNA substrates and recruit exori-
bonucleases involved in their degradation
(described below).
Figure2. Ro60 is a stable component of Y RNPs and is important for Y RNA integrity. (A) Mouse
embryonic stem cell lysates were subjected to immunoprecipitation with antibodies against the
trimethylguanosine (TMG) cap that is the 5 end of many snRNAs (lanes 2–3), anti-Sm antibodies,
which recognize the Sm proteins of the spliceosomal U snRNPs (lanes 4–5), anti-La (lanes 6–7) and
anti-Ro60 antibodies (lanes 8–9). RNAs in immunoprecipitates (lanes 2,4,6,8), supernatants (lanes
3,5,7,9), and an equivalent amount of lysate (lane 1) were subjected to northern blotting to detect
mY1 and mY3. As a control, th e blot was reprobed to detec t the spliceosomal U2 snRNA. Note th at Y
RNAs in the anti- La immunoprecipitate are slightly larger (lane 6) than the Y RNAs remaining in the
supernatant (lane 7). (B) RNA extrac ted from wild-typ e and Ro60/ embryo nic stem cells (lanes 1–2),
brain (lanes 3–4), testis (lanes 5–6), and ovary (lanes 7–8) were subjected to northern blotting to
detect mY1 and mY3. As a loading control, th e blot was reprobed to detect 5S rRNA. (C) HEK 293 cell
lysates were subjected to immunoprecipitation with anti-Ro60 antibodies or nonimmune isotype
control IgG. RNAs extracted from immunoprecipitates (lanes 4 and 5), supernatants (lane 2 and 3),
and the starting lysate (lane 1) were subjected to northern blotting to detect hY RNAs. As a nega-
tive control, the blot was probed to detect the spliceosomal U6 snRNA. (D and E) To determine if
Ro60 stabilizes hY RNAs, siRNAs against Ro60, or control non-target (NT) siRNAs were transfected
into human keratinocytes. After 72 h, lysates were prepared and subjected to western blotting (D)
to detect Ro60. Actin was used as a loading control. RNA extracted from the lysates was subjected
to northern blotting (E) to detect hY RNAs. U6 snRNA was used as a loading control. Quantitation
revealed that Ro60 was reduced by 83%, while hY1, hY3, hY4, and hY5 were reduced by 90%, 30%,
59%, and 60%, respectively.
©2012 Landes Bioscience. Do not distribute. RNA Biology 1605
Y RNAs may also function indepen-
dently of Ro60. Specifically, it has been
reported that vertebrate Y1 and Y3 RNAs
are required for initiation of DNA repli-
cation.31,32 In these experiments, Y RNAs
were found to stimulate DNA replication
when added to isolated G1 phase nuclei.31
Moreover, when added to cell extracts, all
four Y RNAs bound proteins involved in
initiation of DNA replication.33 Although
most of these experiments were performed
in cell extracts, siRNA-mediated deple-
tion of either hY1 or hY3 reduced the
number of replicating HeLa cells31,3 4 and
injection of antisense oligonucleotides into
X. laevis and zebrafish embryos was found
to block DNA replication.35 However, a
role for Y RNAs in DNA replication must
be reconciled with findings that Y RNA
levels are reduced ~30-fold in mouse cells
lacking Ro60, yet these cells grow indis-
tinguishably from wild-type cells,18,36 and
that mice lacking Ro60 are viable.23 One
possibility is that the remaining Y RNAs,
or fragments thereof, are sufficient to sup-
port DNA replication.37
A Bacterial Y RNA Tethers
Ro60 to a Nuclease to Form an
RNA Degradation Machine
Although Ro60 has not been detected
in budding or fission yeast, likely ortho-
logs are encoded in ~5% of sequenced bac-
terial genomes.19 To study Ro60 RNPs in
a genetically tractable single-celled organ-
ism, we chose the first bacterium with a
recognizable ortholog, Deinococcus radio-
durans. D. radiodurans is best known for
its remarkable resistance to severe oxida-
tive stress and its ability to repair massive
DNA damage.38 Our studies revealed that
D. radiodurans lacking the Ro60 ortho-
log Rsr (Ro60-related) exhibit decreased
survival after ultraviolet (UV), but not
γ-irradiation, and are at a competitive
disadvantage during growth in stationary
phase.22,39 Remarkably, as in animal cells,
Rsr associates with a ncRNA resembling Y
RNA (Fig. 1C). Both Rsr and the Y RNA
are upregulated after UV or γ-irradiation,
and also during dessication, heat stress,
and stationary phase.22 ,29,39,4 0 The role of
Ro60 and Y RNA in cell stress responses
is conserved, as mouse cells lacking Ro60
are sensitive to UV irradiation and both
Ro60 and mY3 RNA accumulate in nuclei
after UV irradiation.18 Addition ally, Cae-
norhabditis elegans lacking Ro60 have
abnormalities in dauer formation, a devel-
opmental stage adopted by larvae during
unfavorable growth conditions.41
Molecular analyses revealed that Rsr
and Y RNA function with 3 to 5 exori-
bonucleases to modulate RNA metabo-
lism in response to environmental stress.
During heat stress, Rsr, Y RNA, and the
exoribonucleases RNase II and RNase
PH function in 23S rRNA maturation.29
In stationary phase, both Rsr and the
exoribonuclease polynucleotide phos-
phorylase (PNPase) contribute to rRNA
degradation. Although Y RNA was not
investigated in these initial studies, Rsr
and PNPase co-purify, and the associa-
tion of PNPase with ribosomal subunits
requires Rsr.39 Moreover, PNPase exhibits
genetic interactions with both Y RNA and
Rsr during normal growth, growth at low
temperature, and during oxidative stress.29
Characterization of the Rsr/PNPase
complex revealed that Y RNA tethers Rsr
to PNPase to form RYPER, an RNA deg-
radation machine specialized for degrad-
ing structured RNA.30 PNPase forms a
trimeric ring with a degradation cavity
that is capped by single-stranded RNA-
binding S1 and KH domains. These S1/
KH domains bind RNA substrates and
also channel single-stranded RNA into
the PNPase cavity.42,43 In RYPER, the
portion of Y RNA containing the high
affinity Ro binding site interacts with Rsr,
while the other end of Y RNA interacts
with the PNPase S1/KH domains (ref. 30
and Fig. 1C). The Y RNA-mediated teth-
ering of Rsr to PNPase results in a dou-
ble-ringed complex that based on single
particle electron microscopy, is oriented
such that single-stranded RNA could pass
from the Rsr ring into the PNPase cen-
tral channel for degradation (ref. 30 and
Fig. 4). Biochemical analyses revealed that
RYPER degrades structured RNAs such
as rRNAs more efficiently than PNPase,
most likely because threading of RNA
through the Rsr ring contributes to ATP-
independent unwinding.30
Notably, although RYPER is more
effective than PNPase in degrading struc-
tured RNAs, it is less effective on single-
stranded substrates.30 One explanation for
the decreased activity of RYPER on sin-
gle-stranded RNA is that Y RNA-medi-
ated tethering of Rsr to the PNPase KH/
S1 motifs sterically blocks these RNA-
binding domains, replacing the PNPase
RNA-binding surface with that of Rsr.30
Although the RNA-binding specificity of
Rsr has not been characterized, X. laevis
Ro binds RNAs that contain both heli-
ces and single-stranded 3 ends.27 If Rsr
Figure 3. Structures of Ro60. (A) Molecular
surface representation of X. laevis Ro60. The
hole is 10–15 Å in diameter and binds single-
stranded RNA.15 (B) X. laevis Ro60 bound to a
misfolded pre-5S rRNA fragment consisting
of a short duplex and a single-stranded 3
extension. The duplex binds on the Ro outer
surface, while the single-stranded end inserts
through the cavity.27 (C) X. laevis Ro60 bound
to a Y RNA fragment.15 The sequence used for
crystallization is shown in bold in Figure 1B.
Studies of Y RNA binding to mutant Ro60 pro-
teins15, 27 suggest that the remainder of the
RNA interacts with portions of Ro60 that over-
lap the misfolded RNA binding site (arrows).
©2012 Landes Bioscience. Do not distribute.
1606 RNA Biology Volume 10 Issue 10
has similar RNA-binding requirements,
RYPER would preferentially bind struc-
tured RNAs.
A key question raised by the discovery
of RYPER is whether similar RNA deg-
radation machines form in other bacteria
with Ro60 orthologs. Preliminary studies
in the human pathogen Salmonella enterica
serovar Typhimurium revealed that the
Ro60 ortholog and a ncRNA also co-
purify with PNPase.30 Notably, both
S. Typhimurium Ro60 and two associ-
ated ncRNAs are encoded within a σ54-
regulated “RNA repair operon” that is
transcribed in response to an unknown
signal.30 Thus, as in D. radiodurans, the
expression of S. Typhimurium Ro60 and
its associated ncRNAs may be regulated
in response to environmental stress.30
A Bacterial Y RNA
May Also Function as a Gate
In addition to their role as tethers, Y
RNAs can potentially regulate access of
other RNAs to the Ro central cavity. As
described above, Y RNA and misfolded
RNAs bind overlapping sites on Ro60 and
a bound Y RNA could sterically inhibit
access of misfolded RNAs to the Ro cav-
it y.15, 27 Consistent with this hypothesis, Y
RNAs and misfolded RNAs compete for
binding to Ro60.14 However, since both
these RNA binding experiments and the
crystal structures employed only purified
Ro60, the possibility that interactions
with other proteins affect Y RNA posi-
tioning was not addressed. Importantly,
the fact that RYPER degrades RNA sub-
strates in the presence of Y RNA implies
that substrates can enter the Ro60 cavity
when PNPase is also complexed.
Single particle electron microscopy of
RYPER suggested a model for how Y RNA
binding can be modulated to allow RNA
substrates to access the Ro60 surface. Spe-
cifically, in the three-dimensional recon-
struction, the Rsr and PNPase rings are
bridged by a rod shaped density (ref. 30
and Fig. 4). If as predicted from the bio-
chemical experiments, this density corre-
sponds to the Y RNA, binding of PNPase
to the distal loops may remove this por-
tion of the Y RNA from the Rsr surface,
rendering the cavity accessible to RNA
substrates (Fig. 5). In this model, a bound
Y RNA would prevent RNA
substrates from entering the
Rsr cavity unless PNPase
was also present.
Studies of the roles of
Rsr and Y RNA during heat
stress support the hypoth-
esis that Y RNAs also func-
tion as gates.29 During
normal growth, maturation
of D. radiodurans 23S rRNA
is very inefficient, as ~40%
of these rRNAs contain
5 and 3 extensions. Dur-
ing heat stress, maturation
becomes highly efficient and
requires Rsr, RNase II, and
RNase PH.29 As expected if
Y RNAs block entry of pre-
rRNAs into the Rsr cavity during normal
growth, 23S rRNA is fully matured at all
growth temperatures when either the Y
RNA is deleted or a mutant Rsr that can-
not bind Y RNA is overexpressed.29 These
results also imply that Rsr is capable of
assisting exoribonucleolytic maturation
of at least some RNAs without a Y RNA
Evidence that Y RNAs Function
as Tethers in Mammalian Cells
In mammalian cells, Y RNA-mediated
tethering may be important for correct
subcellular localization of Ro60. Specifi-
cally, binding of the zipcode-binding pro-
tein ZBP1 to mY3 RNA is important for
nuclear export of the Ro60/mY3 RNP.25
ZBP1, which has well-characterized func-
tions in mRNA post-transcriptional regu-
lation,44 uses two of its four KH domains
to bind mRNAs containing a short “zip-
code” sequence.45 Since mY3 competes
with a zipcode-containing RNA fragment
for ZBP1 binding,46 formation of the
Ro60/Y RNA/ZBP1 RNP may involve
binding of one or both of these KH
domains to the mY3 RNA large internal
Because Ro60 RNPs are largely cyto-
solic and mammalian PNPase localizes to
the mitochondrial intermembrane space,47
RYPER may not form in mammalian cells.
However, Y RNAs could potentially tether
Ro60 to other RNA remodeling proteins,
such as exoribonucleases, helicases, or
RNA chaperones to assist unwinding of
structured RNAs. In this scenario, Ro60
and their associated Y RNAs would func-
tion as modules that attach in trans to
diverse proteins involved in RNA metabo-
lism. Moreover, the multiple distinct Y
RNAs found in mammalian cells could
allow Ro60 to be tethered to a greater
range of RNA-binding proteins. Consis-
tent with this proposal, several proteins
have been shown to associate with Ro60
Figure4. Model for RYPER based on single particle electron
microscopy reconstruction.30 Portions of the reconstruction
corresponding to Rsr, Y RNA, and PNPase are depicted in
magenta, yellow, and blue, respectively. A possible path for a
duplex-containing RNA substrate is drawn in red.
Figure5. Model for RYPER formation. In the
absence of interacting proteins, the Y RNA
acts as a gate to prevent other RNAs from
accessing the Ro60 cavity. In the presence
of PNPase, the Y RNA loops interact with the
KH and S1 domains, removing this part of the
Y RNA from Ro60, and allowing the single-
stranded ends of RNA substrates to enter the
©2012 Landes Bioscience. Do not distribute. RNA Biology 1607
RNPs through binding distinct subsets
of Y RNAs. These include two splicing
factors, PUF60 and the polypyrimidine-
tract binding protein PTB1, the multi-
functional protein nucleolin, the putative
helicase MOV10, and the cytidine deami-
nase APOBEC3G.25,2 8,48–50 Major goals of
future studies will be to define the protein
composition and RNA substrates of these
complexes and to elucidate how Ro60 and
Y RNAs contribute to their functions.
Materials and Methods
RNA isolation and northern blotting
Total brain, testis, and ovary tis-
sue was removed from wild-type and
Ro60-/- mice,23 lysed in TRIzol (Invi-
trogen), and RNA isolated as described
by the manufacturer. Wild-type and
Ro60−/− embryonic stem (ES) cells were
cultured as described18 and RNA isolated
using TRIzol as above. For northern blot-
ting, RNAs were fractionated in 5% poly-
acrylamide/8 M urea gels, transferred to
Hybond-N membranes (GE Healthcare),
and hybridized with [γ32-P]ATP-labeled
oligonucleotides as described.51 Oligonu-
cleotide probes were
mouse 5s: 5-TC A G AC -
mouse u2: 5-CAGATAC-
hy3: 5-GGAGA-
human u6: 5-CAC-
Mouse ES cells were maintained as
described above. HEK293 cells were
maintained in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle
medium (Invitrogen) supplemented
with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and
2 mM L-glutamine. Cells were sonicated
in NET-2 (40 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5,
150 mM NaCl, 0.1% NP-40) contain-
ing 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride
and 1x protease inhibitor cocktail (Roche
Applied Science). After clearing by cen-
trifugation at 100 000 × g in a Beckman
TLA100.3 rotor for 20 min at 4 °C, ES
cell lysates were incubated as described12
with antibodies bound to Protein A Sep-
harose (GE Healthcare). Antibodies used
were rabbit anti-Ro60,18 human anti-La
(gift of J. Harley, Cincinnati Children’s
Hospital), anti-TMG (Oncogene Sci-
ence), and anti-Sm (Y12; gift of Mei-Di
Shu and Joan Steitz, Yale University).
HEK293 lysates were incubated with
mouse anti-human Ro60 (1F2, Novus
Biologicals) and isotype control IgG
(M2AK), bound to Dynabeads Protein
G (Invitrogen).
siRNA transfections
Adult human epidermal keratinocytes
(Invitrogen) were maintained in EpiLife
medium with 60 μM calcium and Huma n
Keratinocyte Growth Supplement (Invit-
rogen). Cells were transfected with Lipo-
fectamine RNAiMAX (Invitrogen) using
a modified version of the manufacturer’s
protocol for reverse transfection. Anti-
Ro60 siRNA (siGENOME SMARTpool,
Dharmacon) or non-targeting control
siRNA (Ambion) was diluted in 125 μl of
Opti-MEM (Invitrogen) in 10 cm dishes
for a final concentration of 40 nM after
addition of cells. Five μl of Lipofectamine
RNAiMAX was mixed with 125 μl Opti-
MEM, added to the dish and incubated
for 15 min at room temperature. Two
hundred and fifty thousand trypsinized
keratinocytes were then added to each
well in 1.75 ml of growth media. Fresh
media was added the following day, and
the cells incubated for 72 h before har-
vesting. Cells were sonicated in NET-2
containing 1 mM phenylmethylsul-
fonyl fluoride, 200 u/ml RNaseOUT
(Invitrogen), and 1x protease inhibi-
tor cocktail and cleared by sedimenting
for 10 min at 4 °C in a microcentrifuge.
Ten percent of the lysate was removed
for western blotting using a monoclonal
anti-mouse Ro60 antibody as described.23
RNA was extracted from the remaining
lysate using phenol:chloroform:isoamyl
alchohol, precipitated with ethanol,
and subjected to northern blotting as
described above.
Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest
No potential conicts of interest were disclosed.
We thank Hong Shi for technical
assistance. This work was supported by
NIH grant R01 GM073863 (to SLW)
and National Basic Research Program of
China grant 2010CB912401 (to H-WW).
DWT is an NSF Graduate Research
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... Immunoprecipitation studies from human and mouse cells have shown that most Y RNAs exist as Ro60 RNP complexes [33,38]. Ro60 binding to Y RNA was found to be important for successful Y RNA nuclear export [36] and to stabilize Y RNA in the cytoplasm, as siRNAs mediated knockdown of Ro60 in human keratinocytes was shown to significantly reduce Y RNA levels [47]. In contrast to the highly conserved lower stem region, the loops of Y RNAs differ greatly among individual Y RNAs and are quite flexible in nature [42]. ...
... Furthermore, it has been showed that Y RNAs can not only regulate Ro60 access to RNA substrates, but also can contribute to recognition of misfolded ncRNAs and recruit other proteins involved in RNA metabolism [83,84]. In the bacterium D. radiodurans, Y RNA function as a scaffold, tethering the exonuclease PNPase to the bacterial ortholog of Ro (ro-sixty related, Rsr), thus forming an RNA degradation complex which mediates RNA decay [47,83]. In contrast to prokaryotes, in mammals PNPases reside inside mitochondria and since Ro60 RNPs are predominantly cytosolic, it is possible that PNPases RNA degradation machine in mammalian cells does not form. ...
... In contrast to prokaryotes, in mammals PNPases reside inside mitochondria and since Ro60 RNPs are predominantly cytosolic, it is possible that PNPases RNA degradation machine in mammalian cells does not form. It was suggested, however, that Y RNA can scaffold Ro60 to other proteins playing a role in RNA metabolism, including helicases, exoribonucleases or RNA chaperones [47]. With regards to eukaryotes, however, association of exoribonucleases with RoRNPs and their Y RNAs to this date have not been reported. ...
In recent years, progress in the field of high-throughput sequencing technology and its application to a wide variety of biological specimens has greatly advanced the discovery and cataloging of a diverse set of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) that have been found to have unexpected biological functions. Y RNAs are an emerging class of highly conserved, small ncRNAs. There is a growing number of reports in the literature demonstrating that Y RNAs and their fragments are not just random degradation products but are themselves bioactive molecules. This review will outline what is currently known about Y RNA including biogenesis, structure and functional roles. In addition, we will provide an overview of studies reporting the presence and functions attributed to Y RNAs in the cardiovascular system.
... The function of Y RNA is not well understood, although several hypotheses were proposed. As Ro60 binds misfolded ncRNA, it is suspected that Y RNA might be involved in RNA quality control as a structure regulating the access of RNA to Ro60 protein [83,84] or recognizing the misfolded ncRNA, and recruiting appropriate enzymes [84]. Another presumed function for Y RNA is participation in the initiation of chromosomal DNA replication (especially Y1 and Y3 RNA) [85] and support for cell proliferation [86]. ...
... The function of Y RNA is not well understood, although several hypotheses were proposed. As Ro60 binds misfolded ncRNA, it is suspected that Y RNA might be involved in RNA quality control as a structure regulating the access of RNA to Ro60 protein [83,84] or recognizing the misfolded ncRNA, and recruiting appropriate enzymes [84]. Another presumed function for Y RNA is participation in the initiation of chromosomal DNA replication (especially Y1 and Y3 RNA) [85] and support for cell proliferation [86]. ...
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Small extracellular vesicles (EVs) play a significant role in intercellular communication through their non-coding RNA (ncRNA) cargo. While the initial examination of EV cargo identified both mRNA and miRNA, later studies revealed a wealth of other types of EV-related non-randomly packed ncRNAs, including tRNA and tRNA fragments, Y RNA, piRNA, rRNA, and lncRNA. A number of potential roles for these ncRNA species were suggested, with strong evidence provided in some cases, whereas the role for other ncRNA is more speculative. For example, long non-coding RNA might be used as a potential diagnostic tool but might also mediate resistance to certain cancer-specific chemotherapy agents. piRNAs, on the other hand, have a significant role in genome integrity, however, no role has yet been defined for the piRNAs found in EVs. While our knowledgebase for the function of ncRNA-containing EVs is still modest, the potential role that these EV-ensconced ncRNA might play is promising. This review summarizes the ncRNA content of EVs and describes the function where known, or the potential utility of EVs that harbor specific types of ncRNA.
... Ro60 binds to a highly conserved motif within the stem formed by pairing the 5 and 3 ends (17)(18)(19). In both animal cells and bacteria lacking Ro60, Y RNA levels are strongly reduced, indicating that Ro60 is required for stable accumulation of these ncRNAs (20)(21)(22)(23)(24). ...
... Since both Ro60 and Y1 RNA were overexpressed in Ro60 −/− , FLAG 3 -Ro60 mESCs (Figure 4), we confirmed the interactions of Ro60 with each of the identified proteins using wild-type mESCs. Using anti-Ro60 antibodies, we confirmed that the interaction of Lrpprc with Ro60 required Y1 RNA, while Ssb/La interacts with Ro60 through both Y1 and Y3 RNAs ( Figure 5C and D), as expected from previous studies (23). Similarly, immunoprecipitations with antibodies against Ptbp1, Orf1, Mov10 and Igf2bp1/Zbp1 and Orf1 confirmed that their association with Ro60 depended on one or both Y RNAs ( Figure 5E-H). ...
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Noncoding Y RNAs are abundant in animal cells and present in many bacteria. These RNAs are bound and stabilized by Ro60, a ring-shaped protein that is a target of autoantibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Studies in bacteria revealed that Y RNA tethers Ro60 to a ring-shaped exoribonuclease, forming a double-ringed RNP machine specialized for structured RNA degradation. In addition to functioning as a tether, the bacterial RNA gates access of substrates to the Ro60 cavity. To identify roles for Y RNAs in mammals, we used CRISPR to generate mouse embryonic stem cells lacking one or both of the two murine Y RNAs. Despite reports that animal cell Y RNAs are essential for DNA replication, cells lacking these RNAs divide normally. However, Ro60 levels are reduced, revealing that Y RNA binding is required for Ro60 to accumulate to wild-type levels. Y RNAs regulate the subcellular location of Ro60, since Ro60 is reduced in the cytoplasm and increased in nucleoli when Y RNAs are absent. Last, we show that Y RNAs tether Ro60 to diverse effector proteins to generate specialized RNPs. Together, our data demonstrate that the roles of Y RNAs are intimately connected to that of their Ro60 partner.
... Large cluster of olfactory receptor genes on chromosome 6 is located in proximity to class 1 histocompatibility complex genes which mediate immunity (36). Another factor that attributes to the development of ASD in SLE's offspring is the presence of the autoimmune antibodies in patients with SLE which attack the Ro60 protein bound to YRNA (37,38). All these factors justify the reason behind the doubled risk of ASD in SLE patients' offspring, giving that 21.4-26% of SLE offspring have autism (39). ...
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Background Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a multifactorial, neurodevelopmental disorder, characterized by deficits in communication, restricted and repetitive behaviors. ASD is highly heritable in Saudi Arabia; indecencies of affected individuals are increasing.Objectives To identify the most significant genes and SNPs associated with the increased risk of ASD in Saudi females to give an insight for early diagnosis.Methods Pilot case–control study mostly emphasized on the significant SNPs and haplotypes contributing to Saudi females with ASD patients (n = 22) compared to controls (n = 51) without ASD. With the use of allelic association analysis tools, 243,345 SNPs were studied systematically and classified according to their significant association. The significant SNPs and their genes were selected for further investigation for mapping of ASD candidate causal variants and functional impact.ResultsIn females, five risk SNPs at p ≤ 2.32 × 10−05 was identified in association with autism. The most significant exonic variants at chromosome 6p22.1 with olfactory receptor genes (OR12D2 and OR5V1) clustered with high linkage disequilibrium through haplotyping analysis. Comparison between highly associated genes (56 genes) of male and female autistic patients with female autistic samples revealed that 39 genes are unique biomarkers for Saudi females with ASD.Conclusion Multiple variations in olfactory receptor genes (OR5V1 and OR12D2) and single variations on SPHK1, PLCL2, AKAP9 and LOC107984893 genes are contributing to ASD in females of Arab origin. Accumulation of these multiple predisposed coding SNPs can increase the possibility of developing ASD in Saudi females.
... Coverage sharply decreased before the reported 3ʹ-end of Y1, Y3 and Y4. This, however, was not observed for Y5 containing an Oligo-U stretch at its 3ʹ-end indicating that Y1, Y3 and Y4 are 3ʹ-trimmed leading to the release of the last 5-6 nts, as suggested earlier [18]. Intriguingly, trimmed Y RNAs are mainly cytoplasmic whereas Y5 is enriched in the nucleus suggesting a link of trimming and subcellular sorting [19]. ...
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Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are powerful regulators of gene expression but medium-sized (50-300 nts in length) ncRNAs (msRNAs) are barely picked-up precisely by RNA-sequencing. Here we describe msRNA-sequencing (msRNAseq), a modified protocol that associated with a computational analyses pipeline identified about ~1800 msRNA loci, including over 300 putatively novel msRNAs, in human and murine cells. We focused on the identification and initial characterization of three POLIII-derived transcripts. The validation of these uncharacterized msRNAs identified an ncRNA in antisense orientation from the POLR3E locus transcribed by POLIII. This msRNA, termed POLAR (POLR3E Antisense RNA), has a strikingly short half-life, localizes to paraspeckles (PSPs) and associates with PSP-associated proteins indicating that msRNAseq identifies functional msRNAs. Thus, our analyses will pave the way for analyzing the roles of msRNAs in cells, development and diseases.
... Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are called Y RNAs. Most Y RNAs in cells are bound to Ro60 [29]. Many members in a family of RNA binding proteins are called ELAV-like proteins are unique to neurons. ...
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Autism is heterogeneous multifactorial neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorder with repetitive and limited behaviors as well as communication deficits. Prevalence of autism in males is predominant than females, but their genetic association is unclear. The study was performed to investigate Y-chromosome haplotypes, significant risk variants and susceptibility genes associated with autistic Saudi young males with autism. Exome genotyping microarray analysis was performed in Saudi young boys with autism (cases, n = 47) and without autism and other genetic or neurodevelopmental disorders (con-trol, n = 43) to identify the functional exonic risk variations among 243,345 exonic variations. The most significant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of protein coding associated with autism in Saudi young boys were studied for functional enrichment. Y-chromosome haplotyping analysis of 6 SNPs such as rs1865680, rs2032624, rs2032658, rs2032631, rs9786153 and rs13447352 uncovered the most significant protective (ACG ACA p = 2.94 × 10 −9) among the controls and the high risk Y-haplotype (GAA GTC p = 6.85 × 10 −6) among autistic boys. Exome association study revealed 6 susceptible genes, MCC, AUTS2, VSX1, SETBP1, CNTN3, and PCDH11Y that were known for autistic disorder. The significant predisposed genes with functional variants of Y-chromomere are strongly connected with spermatogenic failure (p = 8.02 × 10 −8), azoospermia (p = 6.32 × 10 −7), partial chromosome Y deletion (p = 7.66 × 10 −6), HDMs demethylate histones pathway (p = 3.55 × 10 −4) and immune system diseases (p = 4.11 × 10 −3). Y-haplotypes and highly significant pathogenic exonic variants in MCC, AUTS2, VSX1, SETBP1, CNTN3 and PCDH11Y genes are more influential genetic factors for developing autism in boys of Arab origin.
... RO60 is a 60kDa ring-shaped RNA-binding protein (Stein et al. 2005) important in the response to environmental stress, such as exposure to UV radiation or heat, in both animal cells and bacteria. It is highly conserved (Sim and Wolin 2011;Wolin et al. 2013), able to bind aberrant non-coding RNAs such as mis-folded 5S rRNA or U2 snRNA (O'Brien and Wolin 1994;Chen et al. 2003) and possibly acting as a cellular stress sensors (reviewed in (Kowalski and Krude 2015;Boccitto and Wolin 2019)). Structural and biochemical studies have shown that the binding affinity of Y RNA for RO60 is higher than that of mis-folded RNA, suggesting that Y RNA might act as a RO60 repressor (Stein et al. 2005;Fuchs et al. 2006), although some evidence support the hypothesis that these molecules (or, at least, hY5) might also enhance the recognition of mis-folded ncRNA (Hogg and Collins 2007). ...
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A growing amount of evidence demonstrates the role of non-coding RNAs (ncRNA) in the etiopathogenesis of cancer. ncRNA are the product of the transcription of genes which are not further translated into proteins, thus they exert their functions as they are or more frequently after post-transcriptional modifications. In the last decades, several different classes of ncRNA had been described, both long (lncRNA) and short (sncRNA). The former are molecules usually longer than 200 nucleotides (nt), while the latter usually include species of a few tens of nucleotides in length, although exceptions are present (for example, circRNA span a length of 100-1600nt; snoRNA are 60-300nt). Y RNA belong to the sncRNA family and are in the range of ca. 80-120nt. Here we summarize the current knowledge about Y RNA biology, their role in normal cellular homeostasis, and their expression variations in human cancers.
... Once assembled, this RNP complex fulfills several intracellular tasks, such as RNA quality control [32,44], intracellular transport of RNA-binding proteins [45], and response to environmental stress (reviewed in [22,24]). RO60 is highly conserved [44,46], and its functions include the binding of aberrant or mis-folded non-coding RNAs (ncRNA) such as 5S rRNA or U2 snRNA [47,48]. Due to the very high binding affinity of Y RNA for RO60, some authors hypothesize that Y RNA might act as RO60 repressors [42,49], although some evidence supports the hypothesis that these molecules (or, at least, hY5) might also enhance the recognition of mis-folded ncRNA [32]. ...
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Y RNA are a class of small non-coding RNA that are largely conserved. Although their discovery was almost 40 years ago, their function is still under investigation. This is evident in cancer biology, where their role was first studied just a dozen years ago. Since then, only a few contributions were published, mostly scattered across different tumor types and, in some cases, also suffering from methodological limitations. Nonetheless, these sparse data may be used to make some estimations and suggest routes to better understand the role of Y RNA in cancer formation and characterization. Here we summarize the current knowledge about Y RNA in multiple types of cancer, also including a paragraph about tumors that might be included in this list in the future, if more evidence becomes available. The picture arising indicates that Y RNA might be useful in tumor characterization, also relying on non-invasive methods, such as the analysis of the content of extracellular vesicles (EV) that are retrieved from blood plasma and other bodily fluids. Due to the established role of Y RNA in DNA replication, it is possible to hypothesize their therapeutic targeting to inhibit cell proliferation in oncological patients.
Among the two Y RNAs in Deinococcus radiodurans, the functional properties of Yrn2 are still not known. Yrn2 although consists of a long stem-loop for Rsr binding, differs from Yrn1 in the effector binding site. An initial study on Yrn2 delineated it to be a UV-induced noncoding RNA. Apart from that Yrn2 has scarcely been investigated. In the current study, we identified Yrn2 as an γ-radiation induced Y RNA, which is also induced upon H2O2 and mitomycin treatment. Ectopically expressed Yrn2 appeared to be nontoxic to the cell growth. An overabundance of Yrn2 was found to ameliorate cell survival under oxidative stress through the detoxification of intracellular reactive oxygen species with a subsequent decrease in total protein carbonylation. A significant accumulation of intracellular Mn(II) with unaltered Fe(II) and Zn(II) with detected while Yrn2 is overabundant in the cells. This study identified the role of a novel Yrn2 under oxidative stress in D. radiodurans.
Ro60 ribonucleoproteins (RNPs), composed of the ring-shaped Ro 60-kDa (Ro60) protein and noncoding RNAs called Y RNAs, are present in all three domains of life. Ro60 was first described as an autoantigen in patients with rheumatic disease, and Ro60 orthologs have been identified in 3% to 5% of bacterial genomes, spanning the majority of phyla. Their functions have been characterized primarily in Deinococcus radiodurans, the first sequenced bacterium with a recognizable ortholog. In D. radiodurans, the Ro60 ortholog enhances the ability of 3′-to-5′ exoribonucleases to degrade structured RNA during several forms of environmental stress. Y RNAs are regulators that inhibit or allow the interactions of Ro60 with other proteins and RNAs. Studies of Ro60 RNPs in other bacteria hint at additional functions, since the most conserved Y RNA contains a domain that is a close tRNA mimic and Ro60 RNPs are often encoded adjacent to components of RNA repair systems. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Microbiology, Volume 74 is September 8, 2020. Please see for revised estimates.
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Cells have evolved to regulate the asymmetric distribution of specific mRNA targets to institute spatial and temporal control over gene expression. Over the last few decades, evidence has mounted as to the importance of localization elements in the mRNA sequence and their respective RNA-binding proteins. Live imaging methodologies have shown mechanistic details of this phenomenon. In this minireview, we focus on the advanced biochemical and cell imaging techniques used to tweeze out the finer aspects of mechanisms of mRNA movement.
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The hY RNAs are a group of four small cytoplasmic RNAs of unknown function that are stably associated with at least two proteins, Ro60 and La, to form Ro ribonucleoprotein complexes. Here we show that the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNP) I and K are able to associate with a subset of hY RNAs in vitro and demonstrate these interactions to occur also in vivo in a yeast three-hybrid system. Experiments performed in vitro and in vivo with deletion mutants of hY1 RNA revealed its pyrimidine-rich central loop to be involved in interactions with both hnRNP I and K and clearly showed their binding sites to be different from the Ro60 binding site. Both hY1 and hY3 RNAs coprecipitated with hnRNP I in immunoprecipitation experiments performed with HeLa S100 extracts and cell extracts from COS-1 cells transiently transfected with VSV-G-tagged hnRNP-I, respectively. Furthermore, both anti-Ro60 and anti-La antibodies coprecipitated hnRNP I, whereas coprecipitation of hnRNP K was not observed. Taken together, these data strongly suggest that hnRNP I is a stable component of a subpopulation of Ro RNPs, whereas hnRNP K may be transiently bound or interact only with (rare) Y RNAs that are devoid of Ro60 and La. Given that functions related to translation regulation have been assigned to both proteins and also to La, our findings may provide novel clues toward understanding the role of Y RNAs and their respective RNP complexes.
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Polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase) is an exoribonuclease that cleaves single-stranded RNA substrates with 3'-5' directionality and processive behaviour. Its ring-like, trimeric architecture creates a central channel where phosphorolytic active sites reside. One face of the ring is decorated with RNA-binding K-homology (KH) and S1 domains, but exactly how these domains help to direct the 3' end of single-stranded RNA substrates towards the active sites is an unsolved puzzle. Insight into this process is provided by our crystal structures of RNA-bound and apo Caulobacter crescentus PNPase. In the RNA-free form, the S1 domains adopt a 'splayed' conformation that may facilitate capture of RNA substrates. In the RNA-bound structure, the three KH domains collectively close upon the RNA and direct the 3' end towards a constricted aperture at the entrance of the central channel. The KH domains make non-equivalent interactions with the RNA, and there is a marked asymmetry within the catalytic core of the enzyme. On the basis of these data, we propose that structural non-equivalence, induced upon RNA binding, helps to channel substrate to the active sites through mechanical ratcheting. Structural and biochemical analyses also reveal the basis for PNPase association with RNase E in the multi-enzyme RNA degradosome assembly of the α-proteobacteria.
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The Ro 60-kDa autoantigen, a ring-shaped RNA-binding protein, traffics between the nucleus and cytoplasm in vertebrate cells. In some vertebrate nuclei, Ro binds misfolded noncoding RNAs and may function in quality control. In the cytoplasm, Ro binds noncoding RNAs called Y RNAs. Y RNA binding blocks a nuclear accumulation signal, retaining Ro in the cytoplasm. Following UV irradiation, this signal becomes accessible, allowing Ro to accumulate in nuclei. To investigate how other cellular components influence the function and subcellular location of Ro, we identified several proteins that copurify with the mouse Ro protein. Here, we report that the zipcode-binding protein ZBP1 influences the subcellular localization of both Ro and the Y3 RNA. Binding of ZBP1 to the Ro/Y3 complex increases after UV irradiation and requires the Y3 RNA. Despite the lack of an identifiable CRM1-dependent export signal, nuclear export of Ro is sensitive to the CRM1 inhibitor leptomycin B. In agreement with a previous report, we find that ZBP1 export is partly dependent on CRM1. Both Ro and Y3 RNA accumulate in nuclei when ZBP1 is depleted. Our data indicate that ZBP1 may function as an adapter to export the Ro/Y3 RNA complex from nuclei.
The interactions between Ro and La proteins and hY RNAs have been analysed. The binding site for the 60 kDa Ro protein on hY RNAs is shown to be the terminal part of the base paired stem structure, which contains the most highly conserved sequence among hY RNAs. The bulged C-residue within this region plays an important role in the recognition by this protein. The same regions of hY RNAs are essential for the association of the 52 kDa Ro protein with the RNAs, strongly suggesting that the 60 kDa Ro protein is required for the 52 kDa Ro protein to bind, presumably via protein-protein interactions, to Ro RNPs. The binding site for the La protein on hY RNAs is shown to be the oligouridylate stretch near the 3'-end of the RNAs, which is also recognized when additional nucleotides flank this motif at the 3'-side. Additional sequence elements in hY3 and hY5, but not in hY1, are bound by the La protein as well. Deletion mutagenesis showed that the RNP motif, previously identified in many ribonucleoprotein (RNP) proteins and in some cases shown to be almost sufficient for the interaction with RNA, of both the 60 kDa Ro and the La protein are not sufficient for the interaction with hY RNAs. Substantial parts of these proteins flanking the RNP motif are needed as well. It is likely that they stabilize the correct conformation of the RNP motif for RNA binding.
Many bacteria contain an ortholog of the Ro autoantigen, a ring-shaped protein that binds noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) called Y RNAs. In the only studied bacterium, Deinococcus radiodurans, the Ro ortholog Rsr functions in heat-stress-induced ribosomal RNA (rRNA) maturation and starvation-induced rRNA decay. However, the mechanism by which this conserved protein and its associated ncRNAs act has been obscure. We report that Rsr and the exoribonuclease polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase) form an RNA degradation machine that is scaffolded by Y RNA. Single-particle electron microscopy, followed by docking of atomic models into the reconstruction, suggests that Rsr channels single-stranded RNA into the PNPase cavity. Biochemical assays reveal that Rsr and Y RNA adapt PNPase for effective degradation of structured RNAs. A Ro ortholog and ncRNA also associate with PNPase in Salmonella Typhimurium. Our studies identify another ribonucleoprotein machine and demonstrate that ncRNA, by tethering a protein cofactor, can alter the substrate specificity of an enzyme.
Ro/SSA and La/SSB comprise a linked set of autoantigens that are clinically important members of the extractable nuclear antigen family and key translational biomarkers for lupus and primary Sjögren's syndrome. Autoantibodies directed against the Ro60 and La polypeptide components of the Ro/La ribonucleoprotein complex, and the structurally unrelated Ro52 protein, mediate tissue damage in the neonatal lupus syndrome, a model of passively acquired autoimmunity in humans in which the most serious manifestation is congenital heart block (CHB). Recent studies have concentrated on two distinct pathogenic mechanisms by which maternal anti-Ro/La autoantibodies can cause CHB: by forming immune complexes with apoptotic cells in developing fetal heart; and/or by acting as functional autoantibodies that cross-react with and inhibit calcium channels. Although the precise role of the individual autoantibodies is yet to be settled, maternal anti-Ro60 and anti-Ro52 remain the most likely culprits. This article will discuss the molecular pathways that culminate in the development of CHB, including the recent discovery of β2 glycoprotein I as a protective factor, and present a proteomic approach based on direct mass spectrometric sequencing, which may give a more representative snapshot of the idiotype repertoire of these autoantibodies than genomic-based technologies.
All cells contain an enormous variety of ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes that function in diverse processes. Although the mechanisms by which many of these RNPs contribute to cell metabolism are well understood, the roles of others are only now beginning to be revealed. A member of this latter category, the Ro 60-kDa protein and its associated noncoding Y RNAs, was discovered because the protein component is a frequent target of the autoimmune response in patients with the rheumatic diseases systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjögren's syndrome. Recent studies have shown that Ro is ring shaped, binds the single-stranded ends of misfolded noncoding RNAs in its central cavity, and may function in noncoding RNA quality control. Although Ro is not present in yeast, many bacterial genomes contain potential Ro orthologs. In the radiation-resistant eubacterium Deinococcus radiodurans, the Ro ortholog functions with exoribonucleases during stress-induced changes in RNA metabolism. Moreover, in both D. radiodurans and animal cells, Ro is involved in the response to multiple types of environmental stress. Finally, Y RNAs can influence the subcellular location of Ro, inhibit access of the central cavity to other RNAs, and may also act as binding sites for proteins that influence Ro function. WIREs RNA 2011 2 686–699 DOI: 10.1002/wrna.85 For further resources related to this article, please visit the WIREs website