
Herramientas para la evaluación multidimensional de uso para médicos de cuidados paliativos: Proyecto ICO tool-kit ☆

  • Catalan Institute of Oncology, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain
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Este artículo ha sido retirado de la revista por haberse duplicado accidentalmente su publica-ción. De manera involuntaria había sido previamente publicado en Med Paliat. 2010;17(6):348-59. Como consecuencia, las páginas <92-104> ocupadas por este artículo faltan de la publicación on-line. El editor lamenta las molestias que esto puede causar.

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... 28 Given existing evidence alongside evidence collected from stakeholders, we anticipate the content of the MAP will adhere to other consensuses of best methods for a needs assessment in PC. This will include assessing multiple symptoms from multiple domains, 50 and allowing for open-ended questions that practitioners can flexibly adjust to each patient's needs 51 within a feasible and practical time frame. We will implement the ...
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Introduction The benefits of palliative care rely on how healthcare professionals assess patients’ needs in the initial encounter/s; crucial to the design of a personalised therapeutic plan. However, there is currently no evidence-based guideline to perform this needs assessment. We aim to design and evaluate a proactive and systematic method for the needs assessment using quality guidelines for developing complex interventions. This will involve patients, their relatives and healthcare professionals in all phases of the study and its communication to offer clinical practice a reliable approach to address the palliative needs of patients. Methods and analysis To design and assess the feasibility of an evidence-based, proactive and systematic Multidimensional needs Assessment in Palliative care (MAP) as a semistructured clinical interview guide for initial palliative care encounter/s in patients with advanced cancer. This is a two-phase multisite project conducted over 36 months between May 2019 and May 2022. Phase I includes a systematic review, discussions with stakeholders and Delphi consensus. The evidence gathered from phase I will be the basis for the initial versions of the MAP, then submitted to Delphi consensus to develop a preliminary guide of the MAP for the training of clinicians in the feasibility phase. Phase II is a mixed-methods multicenter feasibility study that will assess the MAP’s acceptability, participation, practicality, adaptation and implementation. A nested qualitative study will purposively sample a subset of participants to add preliminary clues about the benefits and barriers of the MAP. The evidence gathered from phase II will build a MAP user guide and educational programme for use in clinical practice. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval for this study has been granted by the university research ethics committee where the study will be carried out (approval reference MED-2018-10). Dissemination will be informed by the results obtained and communication will occur throughout.
... En la actualidad se dispone de un amplio abanico de herramientas de evaluación que permiten realizar la valoración del paciente en situación avanzada de una manera unidimensional [10][11][12][13][14][15][16] . Probablemente, dicha varie-dad sea debida a que ningún instrumento se ha mostrado lo suficientemente útil como para ser aceptado de forma unánime 17 . ...
RESUMEN Objetivo: Traducir, adaptar y validar el Hospice Comfort Questionnaire para su utilización en el ámbito de los cuidados paliativos españoles. Método: Han participado en este estudio un total de 67 pacientes ingresados en una Unidad de Cuidados Paliativos. El instrumento empleado ha sido el Hospice Comfort Questionnaire. Se adoptó una metodología dirigida a la equivalencia semántica, idiomática y conceptual del contenido de los ítems y la equivalencia psicométrica, mediante la evaluación de la fiabilidad, la validez de contenido y de criterio. Resultados: Respecto a la fiabilidad, se observaron comportamientos poco consistentes con el resto de la escala en siete ítems, que presentaran una correlación inferior a 0,20. Teniendo en cuenta los datos estadísticos y el análisis crítico de contenido de los ítems, se decidió eliminar solamente tres ítems. Una vez reducida la escala a 46 ítems, se midió la consistencia interna del total de la escala con un α de Cronbach de 0,89 y de cada grupo de ítems de cada estado del confort. El alfa de Cronbach del alivio fue de 0,72, de la tranquilidad 0,73, y de la trascendencia 0,75. Se constató validez de criterio a través del coeficiente de correlación de Spearman, obteniendo una correlación de 0,805 entre el Hospice Comfort Questionnaire versión española y la Escala Visual Analógica de Confort. Conclusiones: Los resultados muestran que la versión española del Hospice Comfort Questionnaire es un instrumento de evaluación de confort en cuidados paliativos con garantías psicométricas de calidad (buena fiabilidad y validez). ABSTRACT Objective: To translate, adapt and validate the Hospice Comfort Questionnaire for use in the context of palliative care Spanish. Method: A total of 67 patients admitted in the Palliative Care Unit have participated in this study. The instrument used was the Hospice Comfort Questionnaire. A methodology for the semantic, idiomatic and conceptual equivalence of items` content and psychometric equivalence by assessing the reliability, validity and content approach was adopted. Results: Regarding reliability, results inconsistent with the rest of the scale were observed in 7 items, with a correlation of less than 0.20. Taking into account the statistical data and critical content analysis of the items, it was decided to eliminate only 3 items. Once the scale was reduced to 46 items, the internal consistency of the total scale was measured with a Cronbach’s α of 0.89 and each group of items in each comfort state. Cronbach’s alpha of relief was 0.72; ease 0.73 and transcendence 0.75. Criteria validity was found through the Spearman correlation coefficient, obtaining a correlation of 0.805 between the Spanish version of the Hospice Comfort Questionnaire and the Visual Analog Scale of Comfort. Conclusions: The results show that the Spanish version of the Hospice Comfort Questionnaire is an instrument for evaluating comfort in palliative care with psychometric quality assurance (good reliability and validity). Spanish adaptation of Hospice Comfort Questionnaire provides access to a tool that allows professionals to develop more suitable care plan for comfort needs of patients admitted to palliative care units.
Background: The comprehensive assessment of needs in palliative care identifies where patients most want attention to guide clinical decisions that tailor care provision from their first encounters. Aim: To define how and what needs are identified by the comprehensive assessment of needs in the original peer-reviewed articles in the field of palliative care. Design: An integrative systematic review as outlined by Whittemore and Knafl. Quality appraisal performed using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool. Data sources: PubMed, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Web of Science databases searched through May 2019 and updated in July 2020. Results: Forty-nine articles met inclusion criteria for original articles in English or Spanish reporting comprehensive assessment of needs of adult patients receiving palliative care. The majority (41/49) of studies were moderate to high quality. Two themes were identified: (1) How a comprehensive assessment of needs should be carried out in palliative care, which reflected a preference to develop structured tools for assessment; (2) What needs of patients should be assessed in the comprehensive assessment of needs in palliative care, which conveyed a trend to assess beyond core domains - physical, psychological, social, spiritual - with information and practical most prevalent, but with substantial variation in specifying and classifying needs into domains. Conclusions: The assessment of needs in palliative care is comprehensive but lacks consensus on the needs and domains that should be assessed by the palliative care team. Future studies should better define what needs can be standardized into the assessment to improve process of care and patient satisfaction.
Resumen Objetivo Describir la experiencia tras el primer año de funcionamiento de una consulta integrativa de cuidados paliativos en pacientes con mieloma múltiple. Materiales y métodos Se revisaron las historias clínicas de los pacientes visitados por primera vez en la consulta de cuidados paliativos en pacientes con mieloma múltiple. Durante la primera y las 3 siguientes visitas se evaluaron: dolor, anorexia, estreñimiento, insomnio, náuseas y vómitos, disnea, ansiedad y tristeza; mediante una escala visual numérica [0-10]. Se calculó la carga sintomática de los síntomas físicos y emocionales mediante el sumatorio de las puntuaciones de sus escalas visuales numéricas. La intensidad del dolor y su interferencia se evaluó mediante la versión española del Brief Pain Inventory modificada ad hoc. Resultados De febrero a diciembre 2013, se visitaron 67 pacientes (mediana desde el diagnóstico 355 días), y tras 3 visitas de seguimiento (mediana 60 días) la proporción de pacientes con dolor moderado-severo (escala visual numérica ≥ 5) se redujo para el «dolor máximo» (57 vs. 18%; p < 0,0001) y el «dolor promedio» (24 vs. 2%; p < 0,0001). La proporción de pacientes sin interferencia por el dolor mejoró: actividad general (52 vs. 82%; p = 0,0001), sueño (73 vs. 91%; p = 0,01), estado de ánimo (52 vs. 87,5%; p = 0,0001). La carga sintomática física y emocional, y la proporción de pacientes deprimidos (13 vs. 5%; p = 0,001) mejoraron. Conclusiones La integración de los cuidados paliativos en la atención de los pacientes con mieloma múltiple no solo es posible, sino que mejora de forma significativa los síntomas emocionales y físicos.
El estatus funcional ha demostrado valor pronóstico en múltiples ámbitos. Hay pocos trabajos en población atendida en domicilio. Nos preguntamos si la Palliative Performance Scale (PPS) nos sirve como herramienta para estimar la supervivencia en pacientes con cáncer avanzado en el domicilio. Como objetivos secundarios se analizó la interacción de otras variables en su capacidad estimatoria, como el delirium.
IntroductionAattention to the spiritual needs of patients and caregivers is important in the end of life quality care process. This study aims to assess perception of spiritual care received by patients and main caregivers in a palliative care unit, and to compare this between groups: patient, caregiver during admission, and caregiver in follow-up.MethodA descriptive comparative cross-sectional study, using an ad hoc questionnaire (items on emotional state, received spiritual attention and other resources), on a population of 219 users of a palliative care unit with a spiritual care service. Entry criteria: at least two days of admission, a first contact with the spiritual care provider, without cognitive impairment, agreement to participate, and able to respond.ParticipantsA total 145 users were preselected, with a final sample of 66 people (45.5% response rate); 56 (84.8%) were oncology patients; 38 (57.6%) women and 28 (42.4%) men. The mean age was 76 years (standard deviation, 9). Response rate; 36.7% patients (11), caregivers of admitted patients, 44.9% (22) and caregivers of follow up patients, 50% (33). Reasons for rejection: 83.5% (66) refusal to participate, 8.9% (10) not contacted, and 3.8% (3) family did not allow it.ResultsSpiritual care helped 88% to feel hopeful, 83% comforted, 79.1% to find meaning, and 73.4% to understand the meaning. Al most all (95.2%) valued spiritual care in disease as necessary.Conclusion Although the attempt to quantify the spiritual care substantially reduces its value, our data support the hypothesis that appropriate spiritual care improves the quality of the end of life stage experience and coping with death, and positively influences patient and family members.
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The presence of psychiatric disorders in the cancer patient has been well documented. In spite of their frequency, the identification of these disorders remains insufficient. There are various reasons for this, such as: a) the mingling of somatic and psychological symptomatology; b) believing that the presence of anxiety, depression, or insomnia is normal among patients with cancer; c) the lack of training of medical personnel in the detection of psychiatric disorders; or d) viewing these disorders as secondary to the illness itself and to the oncological treatments. This research paper deals with insomnia, anxiety, and depression among cancer patients, as being the disorders with the highest incidence among them and with the greatest impact on their well-being. We present guidelines for the detection of these disorders, as well as their pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment. La presencia de trastornos psicopatológicos en el paciente oncológico ha sido ampliamente documentada. A pesar de su frecuencia, la identificación de estos trastornos es insuficiente debido a diferentes motivos, como: a) la confluencia de sintomatología somática y psíquica, b) considerar como normal la presencia de ansiedad, depresión o insomnio en el paciente con cáncer, c) la falta de formación de los sanitarios en la detección de trastornos psiquiátricos, o que estos puedan ser secundarios a la propia enfermedad y a los tratamientos oncológicos. El presente trabajo aborda el insomnio, la ansiedad y la depresión por ser trastornos de los mas frecuentes en el paciente con cáncer y por su incidencia en su bienestar, asimismo presentamos pautas para la detección y el manejo de dichos trastornos, tanto desde una perspectiva farmacológica como no farmacológica.
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The goal of this study was to develop a new, objective prognostic score (OPS) for terminally ill cancer patients based on an integrated model that includes novel objective prognostic factors. A multicenter study of 209 terminally ill cancer patients from six training hospitals in Korea were prospectively followed until death. The Cox proportional hazard model was used to adjust for the influence of clinical and laboratory variables on survival time. The OPS was calculated from the sum of partial scores obtained from seven significant predictors determined by the final model. The partial score was based on the hazard ratio of each predictor. The accuracy of the OPS was evaluated. The overall median survival was 26 days. On the multivariate analysis, reduced oral intake, resting dyspnea, low performance status, leukocytosis, elevated bilirubin, elevated creatinine, and elevated lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were identified as poor prognostic factors. The range of OPS was from 0.0 to 7.0. For the above cutoff point of 3.0, the 3-week prediction sensitivity was 74.7%, the specificity was 76.5%, and the overall accuracy was 75.5%. We developed the new OPS, without clinician's survival estimates but including a new prognostic factor (LDH). This new instrument demonstrated accurate prediction of the 3-week survival. The OPS had acceptable accuracy in this study population (training set). Further validation is required on an independent population (testing set).
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The Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) is widely used in the palliative care setting despite the fact that its performance in this population has not been validated. The aim of the study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the CAM when used by Non-Consultant Hospital Doctors (NCHDs) working in a specialist palliative care unit. A pilot phase was performed in which NCHDs received a 1-hour training session based on the original CAM training manual. 32 patients underwent 33 assessments in the pilot phase but the sensitivity of the CAM was only 0.5 (0.22-0.78) and specificity was 1.0 (0.81-1.0). An 'enhanced' training programme was devised that took place over two 1-hour sessions and involved case-based learning focused on the areas where the NCHDs were experiencing difficulty. 52 patients underwent 54 assessments in the main phase of the study and the performance of the CAM improved significantly. Sensitivity was 0.88 (0.62-0.98) and specificity was 1.0 (0.88-1.0). The results suggest that the CAM is a valid screening tool for delirium in the palliative care setting but its performance is dependent on the skill of the operator. NCHDs require a certain standard of training before becoming proficient in its use.
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The Palliative Performance Scale (PPS), a modification of the Karnofsky Performance Scale, is presented as a new tool for measurement of physical status in palliative care. Its initial uses in Victoria include communication, analysis of home nursing care workload, profiling admissions and discharges to the hospice unit, and, possibly, prognostication. We assessed 119 patients at home, of whom 87 (73%) had a PPS rating between 40% and 70%. Of 213 patients admitted to the hospice unit, 175 (83%) were PPS 20%-50% on admission. The average period until death for 129 patients who died on the unit was 1.88 days at 10% PPS upon admission, 2.62 days at 20%, 6.70 days at 30%, 10.30 days at 40%, 13.87 days at 50%. Only two patients at 60% or higher died in the unit. The PPS may become a basis for comparing drug costs at home and for studying the effects of treatments (e.g. hypodermoclysis) at various levels of physical performance. Validity and reliability testing are currently being undertaken.
The importance of identifying multiple drug addictions is crucial to clinical diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment as well as to the formulation of the etiology and research models for abuse and addiction to alcohol and drugs. The theoretical implications for the genetic vulnerability and transmission of alcoholism and drug addiction are interesting and far reaching. The traditional understanding of the behavioral principles of addiction and the neurobiology of addiction to individual drugs is challenged by the concept of the multiple addicted, which suggests a universal susceptibility to alcohol and drug addictions.
Suggestions are made for the conduct of chemotherapy trials in patients with cancer. Application of the principles involved are illustrated in a comparative study of triethylene thiophosphoramide and nitrogen mustard in cancer of the lung and breast, melanoma, and Hodgkin's disease. Neither drug was appreciably effective in cancer of the lung which had previously been irradiated or in melanoma. In cancer of the lung not previously irradiated and in cancer of the breast, 30 to 50 per cent reduction in tumor size occurred in 10 to 26 per cent of the patients. In Hodgkin's disease certain factors limit the completeness of the comparison, but it is possible to draw the tentative conclusion that thio-TEPA was less active than HN2 (in the doses used) in inducing remissions. The advantages and disadvantages of this type of trial are discussed and several suggestions are made for improved experimental design.
Background Our aims were to develop a Spanish version of the short portable mental status questionnaire (SPMSQ) (Pfeiffer’s test) and to validate the resultant Spanish version of the test among a general population aged 65 years or older. Patients, Material And Methods First, we developed the Spanish version of the SPMSQ by means of a cross-cultural adaptation methodology. Patients were the assessed by independent teams in two sessions the same day. The first team (two trained psychiatrists and one trained family physician) carried out a standardised neuropsychological assessment to diagnose cognitive impairment/dementia according to ICD-10 criteria wich was regarded as the reference “gold standard” to calculate validity parameters (sensitivity and specificity). The second team (family physicians/nurses) assessed the presence of cognitive impairment with the Spanish version of the SPMSQ. Results 255 subjects (66.7%, females) underwent the assessment. Mean age was 74.5 years and 65.5% of them were illiterate. The inter-rater reliability and test-retest reliability of the SPMSQ Spanish version were 0.738 (p < 0.001), and 0.925 (p < 0.001), respectively, with a convergent validity of 0.74 (p < 0.001) and a discriminant validity of 0.230 (p < 0.001). The internal consistency was high with an αvalue of 0.82. The area under the ROC curve was 0.89. Sensitivity and specificity were 85.7 and 79.3, respectively (cut-off of 3 or more). Conclusions The Spanish version of the SPMSQ test has a good reliability and validity. For clinical use, a cut-off of 3 appears to be most useful. When illiterate patients are assessed, the it is recommended to employ a cut-off of 4 or more.
The aim of this work was to validate a previously constructed prognostic score for terminally ill cancer patients in order to determine its value in clinical practice. The Palliative Prognostic Score (PaP Score) was tested on a population of 451 evaluable patients consecutively entered in the hospice programs of 14 Italian Palliative Care Centers. The score subdivided patients into three specific risk classes based on the following six predictive factors of death: dyspnea, anorexia, Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS), Clinical Prediction of Survival (CPS), total white blood count (WBC), and lymphocyte percentage. The performance of the PaP Score index in the training and testing sets was evaluated by comparing mortality rates in the 3 prognostic risk categories. The score was able to subdivide the validation-independent case series into three risk groups. Median survival was 76 days in group A (with a 86.6% probability of 30-day survival), 32 days in group B (with a 51.6% probability of 30-day survival), and 14 days in group C (with a 16.9% probability of 30-day survival). Survival medians were remarkably similar to those of the training set (64 days in group A, 32 days in group B, and 11 days in group C).In the complex process of staging terminally ill patients, the PaP Score is a simple instrument which permits a more accurate quantification of expected survival. It has been validated on an independent case series and is thus suitable for use in clinical practice.
Background and objective Our goal was to validate the Spanish version of the Brief Pain Inventory(BPI) questionnaire used to measure the intensity of oncological pain and its impact on activitiesof daily living in patients with cancer. Patients and method Patients with oncological pain were consecutively included in the study.These patients filled up the Spanish version of the BPI questionnaire (CBD) and the RotterdamSymptom Checklist (RCSL) during the inclusion visit and again after 3-5 days (patients withclinically stable oncological pain) or after one month (patients with unstable oncological pain). Results 126 patients were assessed; 85.1% of them had suffered some episode of irruptivepain 24 hours prior to their inclusion in the study. 86.5% of patients fully completed the questionnaire.The CBD showed mild to moderate correlations with the patients perception of painseverity and with the presence of tumor dissemination. The «psychological symptoms» dimensionof the RCSL displayed the highest correlation with the dimensions of the BPI («pain intensity» and «interference in activities of daily living»). The internal consistency and the test-retestreliability between dimensions were good (0.87 and 0.89) and low to moderate (0.53 and0.77), respectively. The CBD questionnaire was found to be a tool capable of detecting changesin pain intensity. The changes observed in the two CBD dimensions between study visitsfairly reflected the patients perceived changes in pain intensity. Conclusions The Spanish version of BPI is valid for measuring the intensity of oncological painand its impact on activities of daily living in conditions of usual clinical practice.
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a new theoretically based measure that would assess the full range of religious coping methods, including potentially helpful and harmful religious expressions. The RCOPE was tested on a large sample of college students who were coping with a significant negative life event. Factor analysis of the RCOPE in the college sample yielded factors largely consistent with the conceptualization and construction of the subscales. Confirmatory factor analysis of the RCOPE in a large sample of hospitalized elderly patients was moderately supportive of the initial factor structure. Results of regression analyses showed that religious coping accounted for significant unique variance in measures of adjustment (stress-related growth, religious outcome, physical health, mental health, and emotional distress) after controlling for the effects of demographics and global religious measures (frequency of prayer, church attendance, and religious salience). Better adjustment was related to a number of coping methods, such as benevolent religious reappraisals, religious forgiveness/purification, and seeking religious support. Poorer adjustment was associated with reappraisals of God's powers, spiritual discontent, and punishing God reappraisals. The results suggest that the RCOPE may be useful to researchers and practitioners interested in a comprehensive assessment of religious coping and in a more complete integration of religious and spiritual dimensions in the process of counseling. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Clin Psychol 56: 519–543, 2000.
ABSTRACT– A self-assessment scale has been developed and found to be a reliable instrument for detecting states of depression and anxiety in the setting of an hospital medical outpatient clinic. The anxiety and depressive subscales are also valid measures of severity of the emotional disorder. It is suggested that the introduction of the scales into general hospital practice would facilitate the large task of detection and management of emotional disorder in patients under investigation and treatment in medical and surgical departments.
Establishing goals of care is important in advance care planning. However, such discussions require a significant time investment on the part of trained personnel and may be overwhelming for the patient. The Go Wish card game was designed to allow patients to consider the importance of common issues at the end of life in a nonconfrontational setting. By sorting through their values in private, patients may present to their provider ready to have a focused conversation about end-of-life care. We evaluated the feasibility of using the Go Wish card game with seriously ill patients in the hospital. Of 133 inpatients approached, 33 (25%) were able to complete the game. The "top 10" values were scored based on frequency and adjusted for rank. The value selected of highest importance by the most subjects was "to be free from pain." Other highly ranked values concerned spirituality, maintaining a sense of self, symptom management, and establishing a strong relationship with health care professionals. Average time to review the patient's rank list after the patient sorted their values in private was 21.8 minutes (range: 6-45 minutes). The rankings from the Go Wish game are similar to those from other surveys of seriously ill patients. Our results suggest that it is feasible to use the Go Wish card game even in the chaotic inpatient setting to obtain an accurate portrayal of the patient's goals of care in a time-efficient manner.
A comprehensive whole-person approach might improve processes and outcomes of care for patients with cancer. To assess the ability of NEST13+ (Needs of a social nature; Existential concerns; Symptoms; and Therapeutic interaction), a screening and assessment tool, to identify social, emotional, physical, and care-system needs and to improve clinical outcomes for cancer patients in tertiary care. A controlled trial involving 451 patients hospitalized for cancer care at a comprehensive cancer center. Patients responded to 13 screening questions regarding possible care needs. When an individual response exceeded threshold levels, additional in-depth questions for the relevant need were asked. For patients in the intervention arm, clinical recommendations for each dimension of need were generated based on a previously developed NEST-response-driven menu, and were reported to the clinical team. Documented needs, clinician response, patient perception of goals alignment, and overall quality of palliative care. Using the NEST13+ tool in the clinical setting facilitated greater documentation of illness-related needs than routine clinical assessment. Improvement in secondary outcomes was attenuated: changes in the clinician response were modest; changes in outcomes were not significant. The NEST13+ tool facilitated identification of a wider range of important needs than traditional evaluation, while care outcomes were not improved. Traditional evaluation may need improvement. Future trials of the NEST13+ should focus on more intensive clinician-directed interventions.
In this paper, an evaluation of Cloninger's typology of alcohol abuse in personality, psychopathology and personality disorders is carried out. The sample consisted of 158 alcoholics in treatment (56 Type I alcohol-dependent patients and 102 Type II alcohol-dependent patients). All subjects were assessed with diverse assessment tools related to personality (Impulsiveness Scale, Sensation Seeking Scale and STAI), psychopathology (SCL-90-R, BDI and Inadaptation Scale) and personality disorders (IPDE). The main findings were that Type II alcohol-dependent patients were more impulsive and sensation-seeking and they displayed more hostility and emotional distress than Type I alcohol-dependent patients. Personality disorders were not so prevalent in the case of Type I alcohol-dependent patients. The most specific personality disorders for Type II alcohol-dependent patients were narcissistic and paranoid. The implications of this study for further research are commented on.
We describe a simple method for the assessment of symptoms twice a day in patients admitted to a palliative care unit. Eight visual analog scales (VAS) 0-100 mm are completed either by the patient alone, by the patient with nurse's assistance, or by the nurses or relatives at 10:00 and 18:00 hours, in order to indicate the levels of pain, activity, nausea, depression, anxiety, drowsiness, appetite, and sensation of well-being. The information is then transferred to a graph that contains the assessments of up to 21 days on each page. The sum of the scores for all symptoms is defined as the symptom distress score. The Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS) was carried out for 101 consecutive patients for the length of their admission to our unit. Of these, 84% were able to make their own assessment sometime during their admission. However, before death 83% of assessments were completed by a nurse or relative. Mean symptom distress score was 410 +/- 95 during day 1 of the admission, versus 362 +/- 83 during day 5 (p less than 0.01). Mean symptom distress scores throughout the hospitalization were 359 +/- 105, 374 +/- 93, 359 +/- 91 and 406 +/- 81 when the ESAS was completed by the patient alone, patient with nurse's assistance (p = N.S.), nurse alone (p = N.S.), or relative (p less than 0.01) respectively. We conclude that this is a simple and useful method for the regular assessment of symptom distress in the palliative care setting.
To develop and validate a new standardized confusion assessment method (CAM) that enables nonpsychiatric clinicians to detect delirium quickly in high-risk settings. Prospective validation study. Conducted in general medicine wards and in an outpatient geriatric assessment center at Yale University (site 1) and in general medicine wards at the University of Chicago (site 2). The study included 56 subjects, ranging in age from 65 to 98 years. At site 1, 10 patients with and 20 without delirium participated; at site 2, 16 patients with and 10 without delirium participated. An expert panel developed the CAM through a consensus building process. The CAM instrument, which can be completed in less than 5 minutes, consists of nine operationalized criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III-R). An a priori hypothesis was established for the diagnostic value of four criteria: acute onset and fluctuating course, inattention, disorganized thinking, and altered level of consciousness. The CAM algorithm for diagnosis of delirium required the presence of both the first and the second criteria and of either the third or the fourth criterion. At both sites, the diagnoses made by the CAM were concurrently validated against the diagnoses made by psychiatrists. At sites 1 and 2 values for sensitivity were 100% and 94%, respectively; values for specificity were 95% and 90%; values for positive predictive accuracy were 91% and 94%; and values for negative predictive accuracy were 100% and 90%. The CAM algorithm had the highest predictive accuracy for all possible combinations of the nine features of delirium. The CAM was shown to have convergent agreement with four other mental status tests, including the Mini-Mental State Examination. The interobserver reliability of the CAM was high (kappa = 0.81 - 1.0). The CAM is sensitive, specific, reliable, and easy to use for identification of delirium.
A French adaptation of the CAGE questionnaire was used as a self-administered test in 200 outpatients (heart clinic 100, gastroenterology clinic 100) from a French University Hospital. People with two positive items or more were regarded as potential "alcoholics", i.e. indulging in excessive alcohol consumption without being alcohol-dependent. With a 9.5 per cent prevalence of "alcoholics", 95.5 per cent of out-patients were correctly classified.
As part of an institution-wide program to enhance the education of physicians in diagnosing and treating alcohol dependence and abuse, a comprehensive survey was conducted in which all new admissions to the adult inpatient services of The Johns Hopkins Hospital were screened for alcoholism. The prevalence of screen-positive alcoholism, by department, was as follows: medicine (25%), psychiatry (30%), neurology (19%), obstetrics-gynecology (12.5%), and surgery (23%). Detection rates by the house staff and faculty physicians caring for those patients who screened positively were less than 25% in surgery and obstetrics-gynecology, between 25% and 50% in neurology and medicine, and greater than 50% in psychiatry. However, physicians were less likely to identify as alcoholic those patients with higher incomes, higher education, or private medical insurance; women; and those who denied heavy alcohol intake. Physician-instituted treatment rates for those patients diagnosed by the physician as having nonrecovered alcoholism were less than 50% in surgery and obstetrics-gynecology, between 50% and 75% in medicine and neurology, and 100% in psychiatry. The extent to which the physicians intervened while the patient was hospitalized correlated with the patient's reported change in alcohol use after discharge. Recommendations based on these data are being incorporated into the medical education curriculum.
The authors present a 10-item clinician-rated symptom rating scale for delirium. Compared to demented, schizophrenic, and normal control groups, 20 delirious subjects scored significantly higher on the scale, which quantitates multiple parameters affected by delirium. The scale can be used alone or in conjunction with an electroencephalogram and bedside cognitive tests to assess the delirious subject.
The recognition or detection of depressive symptoms and syndromes in patients with cancer is of value to the patient because his mental distress may respond to treatment, and to the clinician because some of the clinical complications or difficulties in diagnosis and treatment of the patient may be reduced. Many factors militate against the diagnosis of depressive syndromes in patients with cancer. These include problems with the application of standard sets of criteria for depression, the assumption on the part of medical staff, family, and patients that depression is a "natural" response and therefore not treatable, and the pressure on all involved to "think positive." Some ways of modifying the usual screening and diagnostic procedures for depressive disorders are suggested.
A self-assessment scale has been developed and found to be a reliable instrument for detecting states of depression and anxiety in the setting of an hospital medical outpatient clinic. The anxiety and depressive subscales are also valid measures of severity of the emotional disorder. It is suggested that the introduction of the scales into general hospital practice would facilitate the large task of detection and management of emotional disorder in patients under investigation and treatment in medical and surgical departments.
This is the first report on the McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire (MQOL), a questionnaire relevant to all phases of the disease trajectory for people with a life-threatening illness. This questionnaire differs from most others in three ways: the existential domain is measured; the physical domain is important but not predominant; positive contributions to quality of life are measured. This study was conducted in a palliative care setting. Principal components analysis suggests four subscales: physical symptoms, psychological symptoms, outlook on life, and meaningful existence. Construct validity of the subscales is demonstrated through the pattern of correlations with the items from the Spitzer Quality of Life Index. The importance of measuring the existential domain is highlighted by the finding that, of all the MQOL subscales and Spitzer items, only the meaningful existence subscale correlated significantly with a single item scale rating overall quality of life.
To investigate whether concurrent administration of misoprostol reduces the occurrence of serious upper gastrointestinal complications, such as perforation, gastric outlet obstruction, or bleeding, in patients with rheumatoid arthritis who are receiving nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). 6-month randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. 664 clinical practices of family medicine, internal medicine, or rheumatology in the United States and Canada. 8843 men and women (mean age, 68 years) receiving continuous therapy with any of 10 specified NSAIDs for control of symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Patients were enrolled between July 1991 and August 1993. Patients were randomly assigned to receive 200 micrograms of misoprostol or placebo four times a day. Development of serious upper gastrointestinal complications detected by clinical symptoms or findings (not by scheduled endoscopy). Serious upper gastrointestinal complications were reduced by 40% (odds ratio, 0.598 [95% CI, 0.364 to 0.982; P = 0.049]) among patients receiving misoprostol (25 of 4404 patients) compared with those receiving placebo (42 of 4439 patients). During the first month, more patients receiving misoprostol (20%) than placebo (15%) withdrew from the study, primarily because of diarrhea and related problems (P < 0.001). Risk factors for serious upper gastrointestinal complications were increasing age, history of peptic ulcer or bleeding, and cardiovascular disease. Patients with all four risk factors would have a 9% risk for a major complication in 6 months. In older patients with rheumatoid arthritis, misoprostol reduced serious NSAID-induced upper gastrointestinal complications by 40% compared with placebo.
The assessment of depression in patients with advanced cancer presents a difficult clinical challenge. Reported prevalence rates of depression in cancer patients range from 3.7% to 58%. Studies using structured diagnostic interviews and clearly defined diagnostic criteria are presented. The current literature suggests that among hospitalized cancer patients with significant levels of physical impairment at least 25% suffer from clinically important depression. Risk of suicide and recent literature regarding early wish to die are also discussed.
Corticosteroids have multiple effects as adjuvant drugs in pain management. Their pharmacologic characteristics will be described. Studies documenting the efficacy of corticosteroids for different pain syndromes and other cancer-related symptoms will be reviewed. Practical guidelines will be given and directions for future research suggested.
The Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale (MSAS) is a new patient-rated instrument that was developed to provide multidimensional information about a diverse group of common symptoms. This study evaluated the reliability and validity of the MSAS in the cancer population. Randomly selected inpatients and outpatients (n=246) with prostate, colon, breast or ovarian cancer were assessed using the MSAS and a battery of measures that independently evaluate phenomena related to quality of life. Symptom prevalence in the 218 evaluable patients ranged from 73.9% for lack of energy to 10.6% for difficulty swallowing. Based on a content analysis, three symptoms were deleted and two were added; the revised scale evaluates 32 physical and psychological symptoms. A factor analysis of variance yielded two factors that distinguished three major symptom groups and several subgroups. The major groups comprised psychological symptoms (PSYCH), high prevalence physical symptoms (PHYS H), and low prevalence (PHYS L). Internal consistency was high in the PHYS H and PSYCH groups (Cronback alpha coefficients of 0.88 and 0.83, respectively), and moderate in the PHYS L group (alpha = 0.58). Although the severity, frequency and distress dimensions were highly intercorrelated, canonical correlations and other analyses demonstrated that multidimensional assessment (frequency and distress) augments information about the impact of the symptoms. High correlations with clinical status and quality of life measures support the validity of the MSAS and indicate the utility of several subscale scores, including PSYCH, PHYS, and a brief Global Distress Index. The MSAS is a reliable and valid instrument for the assessment of symptom prevalence, characteristics and distress. It provides a method for comprehensive symptom assessment that may be useful when information about symptoms is desirable, such as clinical trials that incorporate quality of life measures or studies of symptom epidemiology.
The purpose of this retrospective study was to determine the prevalence of alcoholism among terminally ill cancer patients when assessed by multidisciplinary interviews and by the CAGE Questionnaire. We reviewed the charts of 100 consecutive patients assessed by a multidisciplinary team for the presence of alcoholism during 1989, and 100 consecutive patients assessed by the CAGE Questionnaire during 1992. Alcoholism was diagnosed in 28/100 patients during 1989 (28%) and 18/66 patients during 1992 (27%). Thirty-four patients were unable to complete the CAGE Questionnaire in 1992 because of sedation or cognitive impairment; six of these patients (17%) were found to be alcoholics after multidisciplinary assessment. Only 9/28 (32%) and 8/24 (33%) patients diagnosed as alcoholics during 1989 and 1992, respectively, had been previously diagnosed as alcoholics according to the medical charts. The mean equivalent daily dose of morphine during admission and on Day 2 during 1992 were 153 +/- 193 mg and 183 +/- 198 for alcoholic patients, versus 58 +/- 80 and 70 +/- 79 mg for nonalcoholics (P = 0.06 and 0.03, respectively). The maximal dose of opioid and the pain intensity during admission, however, were not significantly different between alcoholics and nonalcoholics. Our results suggest that alcoholism is highly prevalent and underdiagnosed among symptomatic terminally ill cancer patients. The CAGE Questionnaire should be used for screening for alcoholism in this population. When multidimensional assessment and management of pain is applied, the outcome of alcoholic patients appears to be similar to that of nonalcoholics.
The purpose of this article is to report the development and psychometric testing of the Edmonton Functional Assessment Tool (EFAT). The EFAT was developed as a functional outcome measure for use with a palliative care population. The assessment identified ten functional activities important to patients even in the terminal stage of their illness. In addition, a global performance status rating (PS) asked for an overall judgment of functional status after the ten EFAT functions were evaluated. Tests for interrater reliability and concurrent validity were conducted on a sample of 25 inpatients on the Palliative Care Unit (PCU) at the Edmonton General Hospital (EGH) who were evaluated independently by two raters. Interrater reliability of the EFAT expressed as an intraclass correlation (ICC) was established at 0.88. The interrater reliability of these two raters was 0.71 for the Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) and 0.81 for the performance status measure of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG). Concurrent validity of the EFAT was demonstrated by correlating the total EFAT score with the KPS (r = -0.79, P = 0.0001) and the ECOG (r = 0.85, P = 0.0001). The total EFAT score was also strongly correlated with the global PS rating scale (r = 0.90, P = 0.0001). Construct validity of the EFAT was tested with a sample of 101 patients admitted to the unit, which was later divided into the unit group (N = 88) and the home group (N = 13). Our findings provided initial evidence that the EFAT distinguished between the functional status of these two groups. The results of this preliminary study suggest that the EFAT requires further research and development, but shows potential to evolve as a useful clinical tool in palliative care.
We conducted two studies with medically hospitalized cancer and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients to assess the reliability and validity of a new measure of delirium severity, the Memorial Delirium Assessment Scale (MDAS). The first study used multiple raters who jointly administered the MDAS to 33 patients, 17 of whom met DSM III-R/DSM IV criteria for delirium, 8 met diagnostic criteria for another cognitive impairment disorder (for example, dementia), and 8 had non-cognitive psychiatric disorders (for example, adjustment disorder). Results indicate high levels of inter-rater reliability for the MDAS (0.92) and the individual MDAS items (ranging from 0.64 to 0.99), as well as high levels of internal consistency (coefficient alpha = 0.91). Mean MDAS ratings differed significantly between delirious patients and the comparison sample of patients with other cognitive impairment disorders or no cognitive impairment (P < 0.0002). The second study compared MDAS ratings of 51 medically hospitalized delirious patients with cancer and AIDS made by one clinician to ratings on several other measures of delirium (Delirium Rating Scale, clinician's ratings of delirium severely) and cognitive functioning (Mini-Mental State Examination) made by a second clinician. Results demonstrated a high correlation between MDAS scores and ratings on the Delirium Rating Scale (r = 0.88, p < 0.0001), the Mini-Mental State Examination (r = -0.91, P < 0.0001), and clinician's global ratings of delirium severity (r = 0.89, P < 0.0001). Thus, our findings indicate that the MDAS is a brief, reliable tool for assessing delirium severity among medically ill populations that can be reliably scored by multiple raters. The MDAS is highly correlated with existing measures of delirium and cognitive impairment, yet offers several advantages over these instruments for repeated assessments which are often necessary in clinical research.
Stool form scales are a simple method of assessing intestinal transit rate but are not widely used in clinical practice or research, possibly because of the lack of evidence that they are responsive to changes in transit time. We set out to assess the responsiveness of the Bristol stool form scale to change in transit time. Sixty-six volunteers had their whole-gut transit time (WGTT) measured with radiopaque marker pellets and their stools weighed, and they kept a diary of their stool form on a 7-point scale and of their defecatory frequency. WGTT was then altered with senna and loperamide, and the measurements were repeated. The base-line WGTT measurements correlated with defecatory frequency (r = 0.35, P = 0.005) and with stool output (r = -0.41, P = 0.001) but best with stool form (r = -0.54, P < 0.001). When the volunteers took senna (n = 44), the WGTT decreased, whereas defecatory frequency, stool form score, and stool output increased (all, P < 0.001). With loperamide (n = 43) all measurements changed in the opposite direction. Change in WGTT from base line correlated with change in defecatory frequency (r = 0.41, P < 0.001) and with change in stool output (n = -0.54, P < 0.001) but best with change in stool form (r = -0.65, P < 0.001). This study has shown that a stool form scale can be used to monitor change in intestinal function. Such scales have utility in both clinical practice and research.
This study investigated the mediational hypothesis of hopelessness in predicting suicidal ideation in a group of 196 patients with advanced terminal cancer. Each patient underwent a semistructured interview to assess hopelessness and suicidal ideation, and also completed the Beck Depression Inventory (short form). Hopelessness was correlated more highly with suicidal ideation than was the level of depression. In multiple linear-regression analyses, hopelessness contributed uniquely to the prediction of suicidal ideation when the level of depression was controlled. For health care providers attending to the needs of dying patients, hopelessness appears to be an important clinical marker of suicidal ideation in this vulnerable patient population.
Conservative calculations estimate that approximately 107,000 patients are hospitalized annually for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)-related gastrointestinal (GI) complications and at least 16,500 NSAID-related deaths occur each year among arthritis patients alone. The figures for all NSAID users would be overwhelming, yet the scope of this problem is generally under-appreciated. The Arthritis, Rheumatism, and Aging Medical Information System (ARAMIS) Post-Marketing Surveillance Program (PMS) has prospectively followed patient status and outcomes, drug side effects, and the economic impact of illness for >11,000 arthritis patients at 8 participating institutions in the United States and Canada. Analysis of these data indicates that: (1) osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients are 2.5-5.5 times more likely than the general population to be hospitalized for NSAID-related GI events; (2) the absolute risk for serious NSAID-related GI toxicity remains constant and the cumulative risk increases over time; (3) there are no reliable warning signals- >80% of patients with serious GI complications had no prior GI symptoms; (4) independent risk factors for serious GI events were age, prednisone use, NSAID dose, disability level, and previous NSAID-induced GI symptoms; and (5) antacids and H2 antagonists do not prevent NSAID-induced gastric ulcers, and high-risk NSAID users who take gastro-protective drugs are more likely to have serious GI complications than patients not taking such medications. Currently, limiting NSAID use is the only way to decrease the risk of NSAID-related GI events. Ongoing ARAMIS research is aimed at developing a simple point-score system for estimating individual risks of developing serious NSAID-related GI complications.
Although accurate prediction of survival is essential for palliative care, few clinical methods of determining how long a patient is likely to live have been established. To develop a validated scoring system for survival prediction, a retrospective cohort study was performed with a training-testing procedure on two independent series of terminally ill cancer patients. Performance status (PS) and clinical symptoms were assessed prospectively. In the training set (355 assessments on 150 patients) the Palliative Prognostic Index (PPI) was defined by PS, oral intake, edema, dyspnea at rest, and delirium. In the testing sample (233 assessments on 95 patients) the predictive values of this scoring system were examined. In the testing set, patients were classified into three groups: group A (PPI< or =2.0), group B (2.0<PPI< or =4.0), and group C (PPI>4.0). Group B survived significantly longer than group C, and group A survived significantly longer than either of the others. Also, when a PPI of more than 6 was adopted as a cut-off point, 3 weeks' survival was predicted with a sensitivity of 80% and a specificity of 85%. When a PPI of more than 4 was used as a cutoff point, 6 weeks' survival was predicted with a sensitivity of 80% and a specificity of 77%. In conclusion, whether patients live longer than 3 or 6 weeks can be acceptably predicted by PPI.
The role of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is examined in the control of cancer pain with a particular focus on their use as adjuvants to opioids in advanced cancer pain. These agents have both a peripheral effect on inflammation and a role in attenuating central pain pathways. The possibility of obtaining the benefits of NSAIDs with fewer side-effects by using COX-2-specific agents is discussed. The gastrointestinal, renal, haemostatic, cognitive and hypersensitivity side-effects of NSAIDs are reviewed and their potential impact assessed. The evidence for the efficacy of NSAIDs as single agents for cancer pain is reviewed together with the nine papers which have reported the effects of NSAIDs as adjuvants to opioids in cancer pain. All of these papers reported positive results of NSAIDs, but, in the absence of any randomized, double-blind controlled trials, where NSAIDs were used as adjuvants on a long-term basis alongside optimal opioid use, definite conclusions cannot be reached. Guidelines for the safe use of NSAIDs are suggested. Finally, suggestions for future research are made.
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a new theoretically based measure that would assess the full range of religious coping methods, including potentially helpful and harmful religious expressions. The RCOPE was tested on a large sample of college students who were coping with a significant negative life event. Factor analysis of the RCOPE in the college sample yielded factors largely consistent with the conceptualization and construction of the subscales. Confirmatory factor analysis of the RCOPE in a large sample of hospitalized elderly patients was moderately supportive of the initial factor structure. Results of regression analyses showed that religious coping accounted for significant unique variance in measures of adjustment (stress-related growth, religious outcome, physical health, mental health, and emotional distress) after controlling for the effects of demographics and global religious measures (frequency of prayer, church attendance, and religious salience). Better adjustment was related to a number of coping methods, such as benevolent religious reappraisals, religious forgiveness/purification, and seeking religious support. Poorer adjustment was associated with reappraisals of God's powers, spiritual discontent, and punishing God reappraisals. The results suggest that the RCOPE may be useful to researchers and practitioners interested in a comprehensive assessment of religious coping and in a more complete integration of religious and spiritual dimensions in the process of counseling.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are popular and important for the treatment of inflammation and pain. However, conventional NSAIDs are intrinsically toxic to the gastroduodenal (GD) mucosa. The literature can, and should, guide us towards safer prescribing of NSAIDs. Factors known to increase the risk of GD toxicity include: history of peptic ulcer disease; advanced age; high doses; and coadministration of aspirin, anticoagulants or corticosteroids. Patients with any one of these risk factors, with the possible exception of age alone, should receive gastroprotective prophylaxis with proton pump inhibitors or misoprostol. Standard dose H2 antagonists do not protect against NSAID-induced gastric ulcers and are unsuitable for prophylaxis. Awareness of risk factors and appropriate prophylactic agents will minimize the risk to patients. Whether the new generation of highly selective COX-2 inhibitors and nitric oxide-donating NSAIDs are safer drugs in long-term use be remains to be proven, though initial clinical trial data are positive.
To describe and validate the Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS). The AIS is a self-assessment psychometric instrument designed for quantifying sleep difficulty based on the ICD-10 criteria. It consists of eight items: the first five pertain to sleep induction, awakenings during the night, final awakening, total sleep duration, and sleep quality; while the last three refer to well-being, functioning capacity, and sleepiness during the day. Either the entire eight-item scale (AIS-8) or the brief five-item version (AIS-5), which contains only the first five items, can be utilized. The validation of the AIS was based on its administration to 299 subjects: 105 primary insomniacs, 144 psychiatric patients and 50 non-patient controls. Regarding internal consistency, for both versions of the scale, the Cronbach's alpha was around 0. 90 and the mean item-total correlation coefficient was about 0.70. Moreover, in the factor analysis, the scale emerged as a sole component. The test-retest reliability correlation coefficient was found almost 0.90 at a 1-week interval. As far as external validity is concerned, the correlations of the AIS-8 and AIS-5 with the Sleep Problems Scale were 0.90 and 0.85, respectively. The high measures of consistency, reliability, and validity of the AIS make it an invaluable tool in sleep research and clinical practice.
To determine the positive rate of the CAGE questionnaire in an outpatient palliative radiotherapy clinic and to examine the association between problem drinking, pain control, and analgesic consumption, patients referred for palliative radiotherapy were screened with the CAGE questionnaire and asked to rate their symptom distress using the modified Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS). The latter instrument uses 11-point numeric scales (0 = best, 10 = worst). Their daily analgesic consumption in oral morphine equivalent was recorded. A total of 128 patients participated in the study. Only 9 patients answered one of the four CAGE questions affirmatively (positive group). All the rest answered negatively (negative group). The mean pain intensity at index site/overall pain was 4.97 +/- 3.31/3.27 +/- 2.76 for the negative group and 6.29 +/- 4.42/2.89 +/- 3.37 for the positive group. The mean total daily oral morphine equivalent for the negative and positive group were 112.35 +/- 233.58 mg and 36.82 +/- 58.85 mg, respectively. There was no significant difference found in other symptoms in the modified ESAS between these two groups. The positive rate of the CAGE in patients with advanced cancer attending an out-patient radiotherapy clinic was only 7%, and analyses were limited by the small sample size of those with a positive CAGE. Whether our observed low positive rate of CAGE represents the true prevalence of problem drinking or the CAGE questionnaire is an insensitive tool for screening problem drinking in an outpatient palliative radiotherapy clinic requires further investigation. We did not find a statistically significant worse pain intensity nor higher analgesic consumption in patients who screened positive for CAGE questionnaire.