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J Dengler, M Chytry
´, and J Ewald. Phytosociology. In Sven Erik Jørgensen and Brian D. Fath
(Editor-in-Chief), General Ecology. Vol. [4] of Encyclopedia of Ecology,
5 vols. pp. [2767-2779] Oxford: Elsevier.
Author's personal copy
J Dengler, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
M Chytry
´, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
J Ewald, University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan, Freising, Germany
ª2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Phytosociological Data
Classification of Vegetation
Applied Phytosociology
Further Reading
Phytosociology is a subset of vegetation science, in which
it stands out by focusing on extant (vs. fossil), taxonomic
(vs. physiognomic or functional) plant assemblages at the
scale of vegetation stands (vs. landscapes or biomes). Its
principal goal is the definition and functional character-
ization of vegetation types based on the total floristic
composition of stands. Phytosociology distinguishes
between concrete vegetation stand (phytocoenosis),
which can be represented by a plot record (releve
´), and
abstract vegetation type (syntaxon), representing a group
of all stands sharing certain attributes. The classification
framework (syntaxonomy) is designed in close analogy to
plant taxonomy, with association as the basic unit.
The fundamental concepts of phytosociology were
developed by Josias Braun-Blanquet in the 1920s. He
combined a standardized protocol for plot sampling,
sorting of species-by-plot matrices, demarcation of com-
munity types, and their hierarchical ordering into a
practical and efficient framework for the study of vegeta-
tion. In this article, we use the term phytosociology for
the Braun-Blanquet approach and its modern extensions.
Phytosociology is the mainstream vegetation classifi-
cation scheme in Europe, as well as in several countries
outside Europe, and has become increasingly popular
worldwide from the 1990s onward. Within modern ecol-
ogy, phytosociology represents the most comprehensive
and consistent methodology for vegetation classification.
´s are the most widely used standardized protocol
for sampling plant species co-occurrences at the stand
scale. Being derived from the vast body of releve
syntaxonomy provides a comprehensive yet open system
of vegetation types, which are indispensable in land-use
management and nature conservation. Consisting of
abundance data on individual plant species, releve
´s and
vegetation types organized in large phytosociological
databases are an enormous source of fine-scale biodiver-
sity information. If linked to the growing body of plant
trait or indicator value data or environmental information
in geographical information systems (GISs), phyto-
sociological data open new avenues for exploring large-
scale ecological patterns and processes, and provide spa-
tially explicit information necessary for environmental
Phytosociological Data
Data Records
In phytosociology, the data of a single plot are called a
´(French for record, see Table 1), which consists of
‘header’ and species data. The ‘header’ comprises plot
identification, methodological information, and metric,
ordinal, or categorical data on geographic position, envir-
onmental conditions, and overall vegetation structure.
Some of these data are essential, others optional, depend-
ing on the purpose and resources of a project (Table 2).
The species data are composed of a list of plant taxa
(species and infraspecific taxa; further referred to as ‘spe-
cies’) and their attributes. A full releve
´lists all plant
species occurring in the plot and growing on soil, includ-
ing bryophytes, lichens, and macroalgae. Additional
recording of species growing on substrata other than
soil, such as on living plants (epiphytes), rocks (saxicolous
plants), or dead wood (lignicolous plants), is desirable, but
not standard in phytosociology. Every species observation
is assigned to a vertical stratum (e.g., tree layer, shrub
layer, herb layer, and cryptogam layer). Woody species
occurring in different layers are recorded separately for
each layer. For each species observation in a layer, an
importance value is estimated and usually expressed on a
simplified scale of abundance (number of individuals/
ramets) and/or cover (area of the vertical projection of
all aerial parts of a species relative to the total plot area)
(Table 3). As mixed cover-abundance scales pose pro-
blems in data analysis, pure cover scales are preferred
when precise quantitative estimates are required, for
General Ecology |Phytosociology 2767
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Table 1 Example of a forest releve´ with five vegetation layers distinguished: upper tree layer (T1), lower tree layer (T2), shrub layer (S),
herb layer (H), and cryptogam layer (C)
Plot ID/methodology
Field number 291
Author J Ewald
Plot size (m
) 144
Plot shape square
Sampling date 3 June 1997
Preliminary syntaxon Galio-Fagetum adenostyletosum
Geographic data
UTM coordinates 32 U 4434393 E 5272800 N
Locality Ettaler Manndl, Ho¨ llenstein, 3 km W from
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, Germany
Environmental data
Elevation (m a.s.l.) 1300
Slope aspect ()35
Slope inclination ()32
Soil type Cambisol
Parent material Cretaceous sandstone
Management Protective forest
Stand age (year) 140
Structural data
Height upper tree layer (m) 30
Height lower tree layer (m) 6
Height shrub layer (m) 3
Cover upper tree layer (%) 75
Cover lower tree layer (%) 3
Cover shrub layer (%) 1
Cover herb layer (%) 20
Cover cryptogam layer (%) 3
Layer Species Importance Layer Species Importance
T1 Fagus sylvatica 3HOxalis acetosella 2
Picea abies 3Paris quadrifolia þ
Polypodium vulgare þ
T2 Picea abies 1Prenanthes purpurea þ
Primula elatior þ
SPicea abies 1Ranunculus lanuginosus 1
Rumex alpestris þ
HAcer pseudoplatanus þSalvia glutinosa 1
Aconitum vulparia þSanicula europaea þ
Adenostyles alliariae 1Saxifraga rotundifolia 1
Adoxa moschatellina þSenecio fuchsii 1
Athyrium filix-femina þStellaria nemorum 2
Cardamine flexuosa þThelypteris limbosperma þ
Chaerophyllum hirsutum þVeronica urticifolia þ
Chrysosplenium alternifolium þViola biflora þ
Cicerbita alpina þ
Deschampsia cespitosa þCAtrichum undulatum 1
Dryopteris dilatata þBrachythecium rutabulum þ
Dryopteris filix-mas þConocephalum conicum þ
Epilobium montanum þCtenidium molluscum þ
Galeopsis tetrahit þDicranella heteromalla þ
Galium odoratum þDicranum scoparium þ
Geranium robertianum þFissidens taxifolius þ
Gymnocarpium dryopteris þMnium spinosum þ
Impatiens noli-tangere þPlagiochila porelloides þ
Lamiastrum montanum 1Plagiomnium undulatum þ
Luzula sylvatica subsp. sieberi þPlagiothecium curvifolium þ
Lysimachia nemorum 1Polytrichum formosum þ
Mercurialis perennis þRhizomnium punctatum þ
Mycelis muralis 1Thuidium tamariscinum þ
Myosotis sylvatica þ
2768 General Ecology |Phytosociology
Author's personal copy
example, in studies of vegetation change in permanent
plots. Sometimes, additional characteristics of the
species such as sociability (degree of clustering of the
individuals), vitality, fertility, age class (e.g., seedling or
juvenile), and phenological status are recorded, but
these are of little or no importance for standard analyses.
Selection and Size of Plots
Plot sites in the field are positioned in vegetation stands
that are relatively homogeneous in terms of structure,
species composition, and environment, so that variation
is minimized within and maximized between plots.
The traditional sampling strategy in phytosociology,
preferential sampling, in which the researcher selects
stands that are considered as representative of some
vegetation units, has several disadvantages: it is not repea-
table by other researchers, tends to neglect some
vegetation types and oversample others, and produces a
nonrepresentative sample of vegetation diversity in the
study area. In spite of these disadvantages, probabilistic
sampling strategies, such as random or systematic sam-
pling, have never received wider acceptance in
phytosociology. While providing reliable estimates of
vegetation attributes, probabilistic sampling is less suited
to phytosociology’s goal of representing maximum varia-
tion in vegetation diversity across a study area, as it tends
to undersample or even miss rare types. GIS and global
positioning system (GPS) technology have made strati-
fied-random sampling schemes increasingly popular in
phytosociology. Based on the overlay of digital maps in
a GIS, the study area can be stratified into patches with
certain combinations of land-cover types and environ-
mental variables that are supposed to correlate with
plant distribution. Within each of these strata, plot posi-
tions are randomly placed and subsequently found in the
field with a GPS receiver. A related sampling strategy is a
gradient-oriented transect or gradsect, which establishes
plot sites along a landscape transect that runs parallel to
an important environmental gradient.
Phytosociological plots are usually squares or rectan-
gles, which, as a rule of thumb, are roughly as large in
square meters as the vegetation is high in decimeters (e.g.,
200 m
for a forest of 20 m height). Despite this rule and
other suggestions in textbooks, actual plot sizes used may
Table 2 Essential (
) and selected optional data to be included in the ‘header’ of a phytosociological releve´
Group Data Comment
ID/methodology Field number
Plot size
Plot shape
Sampling date
Preliminary assignment to a syntaxon
Geographic data Geographic coordinates
Locality in textual form
For example, Greenwich coordinates, UTM
including political and/or natural geographic units
Environmental data Elevation (m a.s.l.)
Slope aspect
Soil For example, type, texture, depth, pH, humus form, humus
content, C/N ratio
Geology (parent material)
Structural data Height of vegetation layers (m) For example, tree layer, shrub layer, herb layer, cryptogam layer
Cover of vegetation layers (%)
Cover of each layer and total cover
Cover of other surfaces (%) For example, bare soil, litter, woody debris, rocks, open water
Table 3 Customary version of an extended Braun-Blanquet
cover-abundance scale with ordinal values, which are often used
for numerical interpretation. In the original Braun-Blanquet scale,
2m, 2a, and 2b were joined under the symbol ‘2’
Abundance (number of
r 1 0–5 1
þ2–5 0–5 2
1 6–50 0–5 3
2m More than 50 0–5 4
2a Any 5–12.5 5
2b Any 12.5–25 6
3 Any 25–50 7
4 Any 50–75 8
5 Any 75–100 9
General Ecology |Phytosociology 2769
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span more than one order of magnitude within the same
vegetation type. Standardization of plot sizes is hindered
by the vague and misleading concept of ‘minimal area’,
which is thought to be a certain plot size specific for each
vegetation type, beyond which any further enlargement
has negligible effects on species richness and composition.
However, plot size strongly influences estimates of spe-
cies richness and other vegetation parameters. Joint use of
differently sized releve
´s in a single analysis may thus
produce artifacts in classification, ordination, and calcula-
tion of fidelity of species to vegetation units. To safeguard
data compatibility, standard plot sizes have been
proposed for use within certain structural formations,
for example, 200 m
in forest vegetation; 50 m
in scrub
vegetation; 16 m
in grassland, heathland, and other her-
baceous vegetation; and 4 m
in aquatic and low-growing
herbaceous vegetation.
Vegetation Databanks
Phytosociology has a long tradition of publishing, archiv-
ing, and re-analyzing releve
´s as its basic primary data.
Many phytosociological journals print full tables includ-
ing all relevant releve
´s, thus making data accessible for
future compilation and analysis, which was traditionally
performed as synoptic tables on paper. The limitations of
manual data management were overcome by using table
editing and databank software, which allows seizing, stor-
ing, managing, filtering, and analyzing releve
´data in
multiple ways.
Compilation in a databank requires that all informa-
tion obeys stringent formal and technical rules laid down
in reference lists, meta-data and data models. Databanks
of different formats and complexity were established,
ranging from simple spreadsheets to relational and
object-based data models that allow flexible definitions
and comprehensive documentation of meta-data. Simple
databanks are able to exchange data freely if the same
standards, database formats, definitions, and reference
lists are used. The success of phytosociological databanks
is so far due to rather simple management software
packages such as TURBOVEG, which is currently the
most widespread program in Europe and beyond, distrib-
uted free of charge or at small cost along with taxonomic
reference lists and tools to create, edit, and analyze phyto-
sociological tables.
While early databank development revolved around
fixing standards for data types and references for plant
taxon concepts and names, modern ecoinformatics pro-
vides tools to exchange data of different formats and
taxonomic reference and, ultimately, link up databanks
of any format in networks. Rather than enforcing standard
formats, these systems require that data are recovered and
stored with as much original information as possible,
including meta-data on sampling design and methods,
cover-abundance scales, definition of layers, taxonomic
references, and original data sources.
Classification of Vegetation
Aims and Criteria
Vegetation classifications are performed with three
fundamental goals: (1) delimiting and naming parts
of the vegetation continuum to enable communication
about them; (2) predicting a multitude of ecosystem attri-
butes (e.g., species composition, site conditions, and
ecological processes) from the assignment of a particu-
lar stand to a vegetation unit; and (3) making multi-
species co-occurrence patterns representable by verbal
descriptions, tables, diagrams, and maps. Floristically
defined vegetation types are thus suitable reference enti-
ties for ecological research, bioindication, and nature
Reaching these aims requires of the classification
1. coherence of units with respect to major ecosystem
2. simple and clear discernability of units;
3. completeness of the system (i.e., coverage of all vege-
tation types of the given area);
4. robustness (i.e., minor changes of the data should not
considerably change the classification);
5. tolerance against varying data quality;
6. supra-regional applicability;
7. applicability for a range of different purposes;
8. hierarchical structure, allowing for different degrees
of generalization;
9. equivalence of units of the same hierarchical level; and
10. adequate number of units with respect to practical
As no single classification can ideally meet all of these
criteria at the same time, and their relative importance
depends on the purposes, competing classifications of the
same objects and data are a reality. Thus, the interpreta-
tion of local data will change with scaling up from local to
regional and supra-regional context. However, there
is also a practical requirement to have a unified supra-
regional classification to enable communication among
scientists, managers, and authorities between regions.
Braun-Blanquet Approach
The ‘Braun-Blanquet approach’ provides a methodologi-
cal framework for vegetation classification that seeks an
optimal combination of the above criteria and that recon-
ciles conflicting requirements of different scales and
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purposes. However, it is not an unambiguous and uni-
form set of recipes, and it has been subject to diverse
modifications. Despite the variety of different versions,
practitioners agree on certain fundamentals, which distin-
guish the Braun-Blanquet approach from most other ways
of vegetation classification: (1) The classification is based
on the (total) species composition of the sample plots
(floristic–sociological method), whereas structural or
environmental criteria play a subordinate role. (2) The
classification units called syntaxa (singular: syntaxon) are
arranged into a hierarchical system according to their
floristic similarity. The principal ranks of this system are,
from bottom up, association, alliance, order, and class.
(3) There are generally accepted rules for the scientific
naming of syntaxa (see the section entitled ‘Phytosociological
ranks and nomenclature’).
Within the Braun-Blanquet approach, the concept of
character and differential species is important for the
recognition of previously defined syntaxa. Differential
species are those that positively differentiate, by their
occurrence, the target syntaxon from other syntaxa.
Character species are a special case of differential species:
they positively differentiate the target syntaxon from all
other syntaxa. The differential and character species com-
bined are called diagnostic species. The validity of
diagnostic species may be restricted to comparisons
within the syntaxon of the next higher rank or within a
physiognomic vegetation type. Diagnostic species are
based on the concept of fidelity, that is, concentration of
their occurrence or abundance within the given syntaxon.
Traditionally, arbitrary measures of fidelity were used,
such as constancy in the target syntaxon had to be at least
twice as high as in any other syntaxon. Nowadays, statis-
tical fidelity measures are increasingly used (see the
section entitled ‘Numerical approaches’). However, in
spite of several attempts at a formal definition of differ-
ential and character species, no widely accepted
agreement in this respect has been reached so far.
Phytosociology faces difficulties in the classification of
vegetation types that lack species of narrow ecological
amplitude which could be used as character species of the
respective syntaxa. This problem led early practitioners
to avoid stands without specialist species as ‘atypical’ and
‘fragmentary’ and oversample those containing presumed
character species. Even when sampled and recognized,
such poorly characterized vegetation types were often
excluded from the syntaxonomic system. Vegetation
types poor in diagnostic species may be incorporated
into the system in several ways, for example:
(1) Deductive classification affiliates such units as so-
called basal or derivative communities to higher syntaxa
of the system, from which their formal names are derived
(e.g., Elymus repens [Artemisietea vulgaris] derivative com-
munity). (2) According to the concept of central syntaxon,
there can be one negatively differentiated syntaxon
within the next superior syntaxon of the hierarchy;
central syntaxa have the same ranks (e.g., association)
and nomenclature as normal syntaxa.
This diversity of approaches within the Braun-Blanquet
system must be unified where all vegetation types of a large
area are to be placed in a single coherent system, such as in
modern projects of national vegetation classifications.
These projects have usually developed consistent systems
of standardized and operational methodology of vegetation
classification based on the Braun-Blanquet approach.
Numerical Approaches
Traditional phytosociological work was based on the
subjective delimitation of vegetation units, made either
already during the field reconnaissance and sampling or
in the process of manual sorting of releve
´s and species
within tables. The need for more formal, transparent,
efficient, and repeatable classification procedures led to
the introduction of numerical classification methods in
phytosociology since the 1960s. They can be either
agglomerative or divisive. Agglomerative methods start
with linking individual releve
´s based on the similarity of
their species composition, forming releve
´clusters and
subsequently linking these clusters to form a hierarchical
classification, usually presented as a dendrogram. Divisive
methods start with dividing the set of releve
´s into subsets,
which are further divided into subsets on a lower hier-
archical level, thus eventually proceeding to the single
´s. The most popular divisive method is two-way
indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN), which uses the
ordination method of correspondence analysis to divide
the releve
´s into subsets. Simultaneously with the classifi-
cation of releve
´s, TWINSPAN classifies species, and
produces an ordered species-by-releve
´table similar to
that used in traditional phytosociology (see the section
entitled ‘Phytosociological tables’). The classifications of
the same data sets produced by agglomarative clustering
and TWINSPAN usually roughly correspond but differ
in details. Agglomerative clustering is the method of
choice when cluster homogeneity is the principal goal,
while TWINSPAN better reflects the main gradients in
species composition of the input data set. An important
choice in any numerical procedure is the transformation
of cover-abundance data, which determines to what
degree species cover-abundance will be accounted for in
the analysis.
In addition to numerical classification, phytosociology
frequently uses various ordination methods, such as cor-
respondence analysis (CA), detrended correspondence
analysis (DCA), or principal components analysis
(PCA). Sometimes, ordination and classification are per-
ceived as antagonististic approaches, representing the
Gleasonian continuum concept and the Clementsian concept
of superorganism, respectively. However, phytosociologists
General Ecology |Phytosociology 2771
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never engaged in that ideological debate, and nowadays
both approaches seem to be reconciled: classification stu-
dies often use ordination to visualize the position of
vegetation units along gradients, and ordination patterns
are used to propose the delimitation of releve
´groups for
certain purposes.
Applicability of an established classification crucially
depends on finding those species that are typical of releve
groups (vegetation units) and make them recognizable by
simple floristic criteria. Such species may include the
most frequent species, dominant species, or diagnostic
species. The former two groups of species can be easily
defined by setting some threshold of constancy or cover-
abundance values that a species must exceed to be con-
sidered as frequent (constant) or dominant, respectively.
Diagnostic species are determined based on the concept
of fidelity, which quantifies the degree of concentration of
a species’ occurrence or abundance in the releve
´s of the
target vegetation unit. If a species occurs mainly in the
´s of the target vegetation unit while it is largely
absent elsewhere, it is considered as faithful to this vege-
tation unit. Fidelity can be quantified by various statistical
measures. If it is based on species presence/absence, var-
ious measures of association between categorical variables
can be used, for example, chi-square, Gstatistic, or phi
coefficient of association. Some fidelity measures have
also been proposed to deal with cover-abundances, for
example, the Dufre
ˆne–Legendre indicator value. The
properties of different fidelity measures vary slightly, for
example, with respect to the weight given to rare or
common species. Statistical significance of fidelity can
be either derived directly from the values of some of
these measures or determined by a separate procedure
such as permutation test. Apart from the selection of the
appropriate fidelity measure, fidelity can be measured in
two different ways. First, species occurrence in the target
group of releve
´s can be compared with all the releve
the data set that do not belong to the target group,
irrespective of the divisions of the rest of the data set.
Second, species frequency in that group of releve
where it is most common is compared with its frequency
in the group where this species is the second most com-
mon. In both cases, some arbitrary threshold fidelity value
is selected and species that exceed this value are consid-
ered as diagnostic. The first approach is not affected by
the divisions of the data set outside the target vegetation
unit, thus yielding a more general result, whereas the
latter approach is only valid in the context of a given
table or classification, but it provides a clearer separation
of vegetation units through diagnostic species within this
table or classification. The results of both approaches
depend on the geographical extent, sampling design, and
delimitation of the available set of releve
´s, the ‘universe of
Integrating the Different Approaches
While having the basic aims in common, the traditional
Braun-Blanquet approach and numerical approaches
differ in some respects. Indeed, no approach produces
an objective or ‘the correct’ classification. In spite of
the high degree of formalization involved in numerical
classification, the numerous choices concerning the
data set composition, cover-abundance transformation,
numerical coefficients, classification algorithms, or num-
ber of vegetation units to be accepted result in the fact
that numerical methods, like the traditional expert-based
approaches, may suggest many different partitions of the
same data.
Unlike the expert-based classifications, which often
use unclear classification criteria, numerical classifica-
tion methods consistently use explicit information on
species occurrence and cover-abundance and apply it
consistently across vegetation types. However, while
experts often implicitly incorporate in the classification
process knowledge of species behavior in a broad geo-
graphical and environmental range, numerical methods
only use information contained in the particular data
set, which often results in rather idiosyncratic classifi-
cations. It is therefore difficult to combine different
numerical classifications into a single system of syntaxa,
which would be valid over large areas and different
habitats, without relying on expert judgment.
To avoid these problems, supervised classification
methods have gained importance recently. They take
traditional syntaxa that are widely recognized by phyto-
sociologists as given and assign new releve
´s to these
syntaxa by numerical procedures. Such an approach sup-
ports both the stability of the traditional phytosociological
system, which has already received wide acceptance, and
the application of formal, unequivocal classification pro-
cedures. A simple approach is to calculate an index of
similarity of species composition between new releve
and constancy columns of synoptic tables (see the section
entitled ‘Phytosociological tables’) that summarize the
traditional classification and subsequent matching of
each new releve
´to the vegetation unit to which it has
the highest similarity. More sophisticated methods of
supervised classification include quadratic discriminant
analysis, multinomial log-linear regression, classification
trees, and artificial neural networks. The latter, for exam-
ple, can establish a classifier based on the previous
knowledge of what the releve
´s belonging to a certain
vegetation unit look like. When new releve
´s are sub-
mitted, the classifier assigns them, with some degree of
uncertainty, to the correct vegetation unit.
Another method of supervised classification is
COCKTAIL, which was specifically designed to imitate
traditional Braun-Blanquet classification. It uses the
external information on species behavior, extracted from
2772 General Ecology |Phytosociology
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large phytosociological databases, and forms sociological
groups of species with statistical tendency of co-occur-
rence in the releve
´s of the database. Then, unequivocal
definitions of syntaxa are created that involve decision
rules, postulating which of the sociological species groups
must be present or absent for a particular releve
´to be
assigned to the target syntaxon. COCKTAIL definitions
can be created to fit the meaning of the syntaxa of tradi-
tional phytosociology. In such a way, traditional syntaxa
can be defined formally and applied in the computer
expert systems, which automatically assign newly
encountered releve
´s to syntaxa.
Phytosociological Tables
In phytosociology, original data and classification
results are presented as tables of species by releve
community types. There are two types of phytosocio-
logical tables, releve
´tables (Table 4(a)) and synoptic
tables (Table 4(b)). In both cases, species are listed in
the lines and releve
´s (in releve
´tables) or combined
groups of releve
´s (in synoptic tables) in the columns.
Both types of tables are normally presented in a struc-
tured manner. Lines and columns are arranged in such a
way that ‘species blocks’ (i.e., groups of nonempty table
cells) form more or less a diagonal from the top left to
the bottom right. Therefore, the diagnostic species corre-
sponding to the syntaxa ordered from left to right are
to be found from top downward (except for the
negatively differentiated syntaxa). In tables representing
multi-layered woody vegetation, plant species of upper
layers are normally listed at the top of the table to give an
impression of stand structure. At the bottom of the table,
those species are listed that have no diagnostic value
within the respective table. These may be diagnostic
species of superior syntaxa or ‘companions’, that is, spe-
cies that have no diagnostic value for any syntaxon
included in the table. Within blocks, species are sorted
by decreasing constancy or decreasing fidelity. Species
blocks or individual diagnostic species can be highlighted
by frames or shadings in the tables; the criteria for doing
so are related to species fidelity to syntaxa and should be
clearly defined in particular studies.
In synoptic tables, all releve
´s assigned to the same
vegetation unit are represented by a single column with
constancy values (i.e., the percentage proportion of
´s in which the species is present). Constancy values
are often presented as classes indicated by Roman numer-
als (I: 1–20%; II: 21–40%; ...; V: 81–100%), but the use of
percentages has several advantages, for example, it does
allow the application of modern fidelity concepts and
merging of different synoptic tables without loss of accu-
racy. In addition to the constancy values, medians or
ranges of the cover-abundance values or fidelity levels
may be indicated. It is important to note (though
long-neglected in phytosociology) that the calculation
and comparison of constancy values does only make
sense for plots of the same or similar size, because con-
stancy values are strongly influenced by plot size.
Phytosociological Ranks and Nomenclature
Abstract vegetation units defined by floristic–sociological
criteria are termed syntaxa. They are positioned in a
hierarchy of different ranks (Table 5), which is meant to
make the multitude of units manageable and offers the
opportunity to vary the conceptual resolution of analysis,
maps, and graphs. The association is considered as the
basic unit, comparable to species in taxonomy. Ranks
below the association level are often used to express
edaphic (subassociations and variants), climatic (altitudi-
nal forms), geographic (vicariants or races), structural
(facies of dominant species), and successional variation
Like other fields of biological systematics, syntax-
onomy is an open-ended process that is carried out by a
large community of independent researchers and requires
unequivocal rules for naming classification units.
Therefore, the Nomenclature Commission of the
International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS)
and the Fe
´deration Internationale de Phytosociologie
(FIP) have established the International Code of
Phytosociological Nomenclature (ICPN), similar to the
nomenclature codes used in botanical and zoological
The ICPN regulates the scientific nomenclature of four
principal and four supplementary ranks of syntaxa. Neither
synusial nor symphytosociological units (see the section
entitled ‘Symphytosociological approaches’), nor infor-
mally named syntaxa (e.g., Elymus repens community) fall
under the ICPN. The ICPN provides precise instructions
for the formation of syntaxon names, their valid publica-
tion, and the decision about which of several available
names from the earlier literature to apply. According to
the ICPN, every syntaxon of a certain circumscription and
rank has only one correct name. However, the ICPN only
regulates the nomenclature and does not define rules for
proper delimitation and classification of syntaxa. Aiming to
provide unambiguity and stability of syntaxon names, the
ICPN is based on two major principles: (1) among several
names for a syntaxon, the oldest valid (published) name is
the correct one (priority); (2) each syntaxon name is con-
nected to a nomenclatural type (a single releve
associations, a validly described lower-rank syntaxon for
higher syntaxa), which determines the usage of the name
when this syntaxon is split off, merged with others, or
otherwise changed in its delimitation.
Syntaxon names are formed of the scientific names of
one or two (in the case of subassociations, up to three)
plant species or infraspecific taxa, which usually are, but
General Ecology |Phytosociology 2773
Author's personal copy
Table 4 (a) Worked example (I): Releve´ table containing three associations of three alliances and two classes of the subalpine heathland and grassland vegetation of the Czech Republic (see Table 6 for their position in the
syntaxonomic hierarchy). Species of the cryptogam layer are marked with ‘C’, the other species belong to the herb layer. Blocks of diagnostic species are shaded. Within blocks, diagnostic species are ranked by decreasing
fidelity to the given syntaxon. Fidelity was measured with the phi coefficient of association and was based on the comparison of species occurrences within the syntaxa of this table only; species with > 0.25 were
considered as diagnostic. As each association belongs to a different alliance, diagnostic species of the associations can be partly considered as diagnostic of the alliances. Companion species are ranked by decreasing
constancy within the entire table. Data were taken from the Czech National Phytosociological Database. Species occurring in a single releve´ are not shown. (b) Worked example (II): Synoptic table based on the same data as
Table 4a. The numbers in the table are percentage constancies
´table (b)Synoptic table
Association Junco trifidi-Empetretum hermaphroditi Cetrario-Festucetum supinae Carici-Nardetum J-E C-F C-N
´number 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829n¼13 n¼10 n¼6
Diagnostic species of the association Junco trifidi-Empetretum hermaphroditi
Empetrum hermaphroditum 5333543333 4 4 4 . . . . þ...........100 10 .
Hylocomium splendens (C) ..1r.2..1...r................ 38 . .
Vaccinium myrtillus 1122121122 1 2 2 1 þ..þ1...þ..þþþ. 100 50 50
Melampyrum sylvaticum ..þ..þ...þ..þ................ 31 . .
Pleurozium schreberi (C) ..1r.2..3r..r.............þ. . 46 . 17
Polytrichum piliferum (C) 2 þ....2þ..2.....1............ 38 10 .
Diagnostic species of the association Cetrario-Festucetum supinae
Cladonia bellidiflora (C) .......... . ......þþ..þ........ 30 .
Thamnolia vermicularis (C) .......þ......þ..þþ...þ...... 8 40 .
Diagnostic species of the association Carici bigelowii-Nardetum strictae
Nardus stricta .......... . ......1.2.þ1344445. 40 100
Galium saxatile .......... . ............2.þ.2.. . 50
Anthoxanthum alpinum .......... . ........1....r.12.. 10 50
Deschampsia cespitosa .......... . .............þ.1... . 33
Festuca rubra agg. .......... . ...............1þ.. . 33
Luzula campestris agg. .......... . ...............1þ.. . 33
Potentilla erecta .......... . ...............1þ.. . 33
Diagnostic species of the class Juncetea trifidi
Calluna vulgaris .......... . . . 21þ11þ2. þ2. þ1r . . . 90 50
Bistorta major ......þ... . . . 1þ1þþþ1. 1þþ.þþ..8 90 50
Agrostis rupestris .......... . ...1...þ. 11. . þ..... 40 17
Carex bigelowii .......... . . . 4 þ.3þ. 111. 1þ.þ.þ.7067
Hieracium alpinum agg. ......1... þ...þ2. þþ121þþ1þþþ.15 80 83
Companion species
Avenella flexuosa þþþ111211þ1111þ13þ. 31224þ32. 2100 90 83
Vaccinium vitis-idaea . 212. 2. 121 þ1211. . . þ.....þþþ2 . 77 30 67
Cetraria islandica (C) . þ1r . 1. þ2r 2 . r . þ2. þ..23þ......69 60 .
Festuca supina ...1....1. 1. . 2 23 1 . 3. 2 þ...þ.1þ23 70 50
Author's personal copy
Solidago virgaurea .þþ......þþ......þrþ..1þ..þ. r 31 40 50
Homogyne alpina ..r......r.....þ.þ...þ1þ. . 2 1 . 15 40 50
Huperzia selago .þ....1þ.......þ.þþ..1þ......23 50 .
Calamagrostis villosa ....þ..... þþ....þ........þ.rþ23 10 50
Juncus trifidus 12.....3......2...1..........23 20 .
Trientalis europaea ..þ......þþþ..............þ..31 . 17
Vaccinium uliginosum ...þ.þ..þ...þ....þ...........31 10 .
Racomitrium lanuginosum (C) .2.....2......þ..þ...........15 20 .
Cladonia arbuscula (C) .1.............2.þ...þ.......8 30 .
Cladonia rangiferina (C) . þ........ . . . . þ1. þ...........8 30 .
Dicranum fuscescens (C) .1....21.....................23 . .
Polytrichastrum alpinum (C) . þ.....1.............1.......15 10 .
Alectoria ochroleuca (C) .......þ............2.þ......8 20 .
Campanula bohemica .......... . ....þ.....þ....1... 20 17
Pulsatilla alpina
ssp. austriaca
.......... . ......þ....þ....1.. 20 17
Pohlia nutans (C) . þ.....................þ.....8 . 17
Polytrichum strictum (C) ..2......r...................15 . .
Silene vulgaris .......... . . . þ............þ... 10 17
Cetraria cucullata (C) .......... . . . . þ..þ............ 20 .
Diphasiastrum alpinum .......... . ......þ....þ....... 20 .
Polytrichum juniperinum (C) .......... . ......þ....þ....... 20 .
pyxidata (C)
.......... . .......þ.....þ..... 10 17
Veratrum album
subsp. lobelianum
.......... . ........r....þ..... 10 17
Author's personal copy
need not be, characteristic in the respective vegetation
type. The formation of the scientific syntaxon names
involves connecting vowels, the declination of the taxon
epithets, and addition of terminations indicating syntaxo-
nomic rank (Table 5). An ‘author citation’ (i.e., the
author(s) and year of the first valid publication) also
forms part of the complete syntaxon name (see Table 6).
Other Levels of Classification
Synusial approaches
While phytosociological classifications are usually based on
all plant species occurring in vegetation stands, for some
purposes sampling may be restricted to certain taxonomic,
functional, or structural parts of these. Abstract types of such
partial communities are called synusiae (singular: synusia)
in order to differentiate them from normal community types
(syntaxa) (Table 7). Synusiae include plant assemblages
of horizontally differentiated microhabitats within larger
vegetation stands, of vertical vegetation layers, and
of seasonally separated phenological phases. Epiphytic
cryptogams inhabiting tree bark are a typical example of a
tion estimated perpendicular to the substrate surface.
Synusiae should be placed in a separate hierarchical system
with ranks of their own and the union as its basic unit.
However, many studies of partial communities place their
units in the system of syntaxa, leading to the ambiguous
situation that the same name can refer to both a synusia and
Symphytosociological approaches
While plant communities and partial communities are
assemblages of plant species and their individuals,
symphytosociological units are assembled of synusiae or
syntaxa (Table 7) and represent a coarser view of com-
munity diversity. Sampling and classification basically
follow the phytosociological method, but use synusiae or
syntaxa (fine-scale vegetation types) instead of plant spe-
cies as objects of observation. Two major concepts fall in
this category and may be combined: (1) ‘Integrated synu-
sial phytosociology’ of some French authors classifies
separate ‘associations’ for tree, shrub, herb, and cryptogam
layers, which in the normal terminology would be synu-
siae. These ‘associations’ are recorded in releve
´s of entire
Table 5 Syntaxonomic ranks whose names are regulated by the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature (ICPN)
Rank Termination Example (without author citation)
-etea Koelerio-Corynephoretea
-enea Koelerio-Corynephorenea
-etalia Phragmitetalia australis
-enalia Oenanthenalia aquaticae
-ion Fagion sylvaticae
-enion Cephalanthero-Fagenion
-etum Corniculario aculeatae-Corynephoretum canescentis
-etosum or typicum’or‘inopsCorniculario aculeatae-Corynephoretum canescentis cladonietosum
Principal rank (obligatory).
Supplementary rank (optional).
Table 6 Worked example (III): Syntaxonomic hierarchy
including all principal ranks and full syntaxon names with author
citations for the syntaxa presented in Table 4
Class: Loiseleurio-Vaccinietea Eggler ex Schubert 1960
Order: Rhododendro-Vaccinietalia Braun-Blanquet in Braun-
Blanquet et Jenny 1926
Alliance: Loiseleurio procumbentis-Vaccinion Braun-
Blanquet in Braun-Blanquet et Jenny 1926
Association: Junco trifidi-Empetretum hermaphroditi
ˇmarda 1950
Class: Juncetea trifidi Hadac
ˇin Klika et Hadac
Order: Caricetalia curvulae Braun-Blanquet in Braun-Blanquet
et Jenny 1926
Alliance: Juncion trifidi Krajina 1933
Association: Cetrario-Festucetum supinae Jenı´k 1961
Alliance: Nardo strictae-Caricion bigelowii Nordhagen 1943
Association: Carici bigelowii-Nardetum strictae (Zlatnı´k
1928) Jenı´k 1961
Table 7 Levels of classification from synusial phytosociology
to sigmasociology
Concrete object
recorded in
´s Abstract type
Partial vegetation stand
(e.g., layer)
Species Synusia
Vegetation stand
Species Syntaxon
Vegetation stand
Synusiae Coenotaxon
Vegetation mosaic (tesela) Syntaxa or
Landscape mosaic (catena) Sigmataxa Geosigmataxon
2776 General Ecology |Phytosociology
Author's personal copy
stands, analyzed like species in normal phytosociological
tables, and such releve
´s are then classified to form so-
called coenotaxa. (2) Sigmasociology records syntaxa (or
coenotaxa) in large releve
´s of uniform macrotopography,
substrate, and climate (tesela), which are tabulated and
classified to form sigmataxa, which at a yet coarser scale
(catena) become the elements of landscape units called
Applied Phytosociology
Ecological Assessment
The study of species–environment and community–
environment relations is the key to the functional inter-
pretation of plant communities and to applications of
phytosociology in bioindication and predictive modeling.
Since the time of Braun-Blanquet, many releve
´s have
been made in conjunction with measurements of soil,
topographic, and climate variables. If releve
are known, environmental variables can also be post hoc
read from maps or modeled from geodata. Environmental
data are of multivariate nature, which requires conden-
sing their information content and choosing the most
meaningful variables. As in species-by-releve
the dimensions of environmental variation can be reduced
by extracting continuous gradients (ecological factors) or
by forming clusters (site types). Relationships with the
environment can be established for community types or
While often restricted to verbal descriptions and sim-
ple outlines of schematic correspondences (e.g.,
vegetation type–soil type) in early phytosociology, vege-
tation type–environment relationships are nowadays
studied based on measured variables. These data enable
to establish environmental envelopes, which define
the possible occurrence of each vegetation type in ecolo-
gical space. The overall significance of environmental
differentiation between types can be tested, for example,
by nonparametric permutation procedures (MRPPs).
There is a long tradition in phytosociology of defining
ecological groups of species that exhibit similar behavior
along gradients and represent species of similar realized
niche (‘ecological amplitude’) rather than fundamental
niche (‘physiological amplitude’). Such groups are mainly
based on expert knowledge and are only partly calibrated
on independent measurements of environmental vari-
ables. Also, the derivation of ecological indicator values
of plant species strongly relies on phytosociological
descriptions of vegetation patterns, from which the
principal ecological gradients are extracted. While
separate species group systems and indicator value
systems have been devised for vegetation of arable
fields, grasslands, and forests, Heinz Ellenberg created a
general, semiquantitative system of indicator values for
the central European flora, in which most species of
vascular plants, bryophytes, and lichens are assigned a
value on an ordinal scale, ranging from 1 to 9 and repre-
senting the estimated ecological optimum with respect to
the principal factors light, temperature, continentality,
moisture, soil reaction, nutrient availability, and salinity.
Being unique in summarizing the niches of an entire flora,
Ellenberg values are widely used for calibrating ecologi-
cal conditions based on plant communities. The concept
of plant indicator values has been recently adapted for use
beyond central Europe.
Vegetation Maps
Information on spatial distribution of syntaxa is often
summarized in vegetation maps. Maps of actual vegeta-
tion show the current distribution of vegetation types in a
given area, usually in small areas of particular interest,
such as nature reserves. Fine-scale mapping of actual
vegetation requires operational definitions of syntaxon
boundaries and their differential floristic and structural
features, which are laid down in detailed mapping keys.
For mapping larger areas, the concept of potential
natural vegetation (PNV) is often used. PNV is hypothe-
tical vegetation that would exist at certain sites under
current site conditions and current climate, provided the
vegetation is not disturbed by humans and is allowed to
develop into equilibrium with the prevailing site condi-
tions. Being based on the knowledge of the relationship
between habitat and natural vegetation, PNV maps impli-
citly or explicitly rely on models, which can take different
forms. Traditional phytosociology establishes the corre-
spondence between actual (e.g., certain meadow or weed
communities) and natural vegetation (e.g., certain forest
types), and maps PNV units by interpreting actual vegeta-
tion. More modern PNV models are calibrated from joint
descriptions of vegetation and site conditions of remnant
natural stands, and use combinations of site conditions to
extrapolate natural vegetation for any point in the land-
scape. Process-based models predict the outcome of
competition between the dominant plant species, but
have so far rarely been used to construct PNV maps.
While maps of actual or potential vegetation provide
full coverage of a study area and its vegetation units,
selective maps show the distribution of certain syntaxa,
based on the available releve
´s. They can be presented as
dot maps of exact plot positions or as grid maps, indicat-
ing presence or absence of the syntaxon in grid cells. As,
however, information on distribution of syntaxa is often
less comprehensive than on plant species, the potential
range of a syntaxon can be modeled by superimposing
distribution maps of its diagnostic species. The more the
number of these co-occur in a certain area, the higher the
probability to find the respective community type there.
Models of potential syntaxon ranges can be based on
General Ecology |Phytosociology 2777
Author's personal copy
outline or grid maps and on simple or weighted sums of
species, but the prediction value is best for high-resolution
grid maps where the contribution of diagnostic species to
the prediction of a syntaxon is weighted by their fidelity to
the latter.
Spatial models of syntaxon distribution can also be based
on the knowledge of the relationships between environmen-
tal variables (including land use) and syntaxon occurrence. If
digital maps of environmental factors and landscape struc-
tures relevant to plant distribution are available, the model
can be made with the probability of syntaxon occurrence as
a response variable and a set of landscape variables as pre-
dictors. The relevant environmental maps are then overlaid
in a GIS and the probabilities of syntaxon occurrence pre-
dicted by the model are mapped.
Monitoring Temporal Change
As spatially and temporally explicit, detailed representa-
tions of vegetation, phytosociological releve
´s and maps are
appropriate tools for monitoring change in plant species
composition and the underlying environmental conditions.
Thus, fine-scale monitoring systems in agriculture, for-
estry, nature conservation, and civil engineering have
used repeated phytosociological releve
´s at permanently
marked locations over many decades, which allow us to
analyze trends in diversity of species and species groups
(such as Ellenberg indicators or plant functional types).
Besides detecting gradual changes, phytosociology
expresses succession as a change of community types.
Where many permanent plots conform to the same rules,
succession can be generalized into temporal gradients and/
or sequences of community types (seres). However, many
phytosociological succession models have been based on
comparative observation (space-for-time substitution)
rather than real time series. Larger groups of old releve
without permanent marking are sometimes used to detect
succesional trends by making new releve
´s in the supposed
old positions (‘quasi-permanent plots’) and by detecting
systematic differences between old and new data.
Repeated mapping may reveal changes in the spatial
delimitation of vegetation units and allow representation
of succession in a transition matrix. However, its validity
crucially depends on fully operational mapping keys that
unequivocally define the criteria for drawing boundaries
between types.
Nature Conservation
The conservation of species depends on the maintenance
of their habitats. Habitat classifications can be founded on
structural or abiotic features, but they are often based on
syntaxa, conveying a summary of ecosystem properties
that are difficult to measure or model. Preserving the
diversity of extant plant communities is thought to
safeguard the survival of typical species not only of plants,
but also of animals, fungi, and microorganisms, and the
maintenance of current ecosystem processes.
In Europe, phytosociological units were important in
defining habitats (biotopes) in the CORINE and EUNIS
systems, which contain a comprehensive classification of
European habitats. The CORINE classification provided
the basis for inclusion of habitat types under the Habitats
Directive of the European Union, the most powerful
legislative instrument for nature conservation in Europe.
In the Union-wide conservation network Natura 2000,
phytosociologically defined habitat types are crucial for
the delimitation, inventory, monitoring, and management
of protected areas.
In landscape planning and policy making, phytosocio-
logical units are used to underpin normative judgments
and set conservation priorities by evaluating their natur-
alness and endangerment. Naturalness, or its reciprocal
concept, hemeroby, ranks communities by the strength of
human influence and consequent alterations of species
composition, structure, and ecological processes.
Methodologies range from assigning community types
to classes of naturalness to complex evaluation schemes
taking detailed account of community features.
Reporting the degree of threat to the habitats of a
region, red lists of plant communities are another poten-
tially powerful policy tool in nature conservation.
Compilation of red lists presupposes a comprehensive
and well-established phytosociological classification for
the target region, including detailed knowledge about
distribution, commonness, and temporal trends of syn-
taxa. With the advent of phytosociological databanks
and GIS, red list compilation is moving from pure expert
judgment to a process driven by releve
´data and
rule-based decisions on the vulnerability and conserva-
tion value of plant communities. While vulnerability
considers current distribution, quantitative development
in the past, and foreseeable threats in the future, conser-
vation value may be based on the frequency and status of
component red-listed plant species, naturalness of the
inhabited sites, and responsibility of the target region for
the global preservation of a syntaxon. The combination of
vulnerability and conservation value may be used to set
reasonable priorities for conservation measures.
See also: Application of Ecological Informatics; Artificial
Neural Networks: Temporal Networks; Association;
Biodiversity; Biotopes; Community; Dominance;
Ecological Niche; Ecosystem Ecology; Ecosystems;
Environmental Protection and Ecology; History of
Ecology; Intertidal Zonation; Ordination; Plant
Demography; Plant Ecology; Principal Components
Analysis; Scale; Seasonality; Spatial Models and
Geographic Information Systems; Statistical Prediction;
Succession; Synecology.
2778 General Ecology |Phytosociology
Author's personal copy
Further Reading
Barkman JJ (1990) Controversies and perspectives in plant ecology and
vegetation science. Phytocoenologia 18: 565–589.
Berg C, Dengler J, Abdank A, and Isermann M (eds.) (2001–04) Die
Pflanzengesellschaften Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns und ihre
Gefa¨ hrdung, 2 vols. Jena: Weissdorn.
Braun-Blanquet J (1964) Pflanzensoziologie Grundzu¨geder
Vegetationskunde, 3rd edn. Vienna: Springer.
Bruelheide H (2000) A new measure of fidelity and its application to defining
species groups. Journal of Vegetation Science 11: 167–178.
´M and Oty
´pkova´ Z (2003) Plot sizes used for phytosociological
sampling of European vegetation. Journal of Vegetation Science
14: 563–570.
´M, Tichy
´L, Holt J, and Botta-Duka´ t Z (2002) Determination of
diagnostic species with statistical fidelity measures. Journal of
Vegetation Science 13: 79–90.
Dengler J (2003) Archiv naturwissenschaftlicher Dissertationen 14:
Entwicklung und Bewertung neuer Ansa¨ tze in der Pflanzensoziologie
unter besonderer Beru¨ cksichtigung der Vegetationsklassifikation.
Nu¨ mbrecht: Galunder.
Dierschke H (1994) Pflanzensoziologie Grundlagen und Methoden.
Stuttgart: Ulmer.
Ellenberg H, Weber HE, Du¨ll R, et al. (1992) Scripta Geobotanica 18:
Zeigerwerte von Pflanzen in Mitteleuropa, 2nd edn. Go¨ ttingen: Goltze.
Ewald J (2001) Der Beitrag pflanzensoziologischer Datenbanken zur
vegetationso¨ kologischen Forschung. Berichte der Reinhold-Tu¨xen-
Gesellschaft 13: 53–69.
Gillet F and Gallandat J-D (1996) Integrated synusial phytosociology:
Some notes on a new, multiscalar approach to vegetation analysis.
Journal of Vegetation Science 7: 13–18.
Mucina L, Schamine´ e JHJ, and Rodwell JS (2000) Common data
standards for recording releve´ s in field survey for vegetation
classification. Journal of Vegetation Science 11: 769–772.
Rodwell JS, Schamine´ e JHJ, Mucina L, et al. (2002) Rapport EC-LNV
2002/054: The Diversity of European Vegetation An Overview of
Phytosociological Alliances and Their Relationships to EUNIS
Habitats. Wageningen: National Reference Centre for Agriculture,
Nature and Fisheries.
Weber HE, Moravec J, and Theurillat J-P (2000) International code of
phytosociological nomenclature, 3rd edn. Journal of Vegetation
Science 11: 739–768.
Whittaker RH (ed.) (1973) Handbook of Vegetation Science 5:
Ordination and Classification of Communities. The Hague: Junk.
Pioneer Species
J W Dalling, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA
ª2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pioneers in Primary Succession
Pioneers in Secondary Succession
Further Reading
In early ecological literature, the term pioneer was used to
describe those plant species that initiate community devel-
opment on bare substrate (primary succession). More
recently, usage of the term has included microbial and
invertebrate taxa, and describes the first colonists of sites
affected by less extreme disturbance which undergo sec-
ondary succession. Pioneers of primary and secondary
successions share some traits; in both cases colonization of
new habitat depends on effective dispersal, which generally
selects for high reproductive output and small propagule
size. However, differences in resource availability between
these habitat types result in different opportunities for
growth and reproduction. Few species can be successful
on both primary and secondary successions.
Pioneers in Primary Succession
Primary succession occurs when extreme disturbances,
such as landslides and volcanic eruptions, create new
habitats by removing or covering existing vegetation
and soil. Pioneers that initiate primary succession must
be able to establish and grow on substrates that are
nutrient poor and that often have unfavorable moisture
conditions. The most extreme sites are exposed unweath-
ered rock surfaces. Here, colonization may be limited to
cyanobacteria (‘blue-green algae’), lichens, and bryo-
phytes, with no further vegetation development.
Somewhat more nutrient-rich conditions associated with
weathered or fragmented bedrock surfaces, such as the
scree slopes of landslides, are often dominated by tree
species. Sites still richer in mineral nutrients, which may
contain some residual organic soil, such as the deposi-
tional zones of glacial moraines, in turn are often
colonized by herbaceous species and grasses with faster
growth rates (Figure 1).
For pioneers in primary successions, nitrogen is often
the most limiting resource. Unlike other mineral nutrients
that can be released through weathering of underlying
rock, nitrogen must either be transported to primary
successions through leaching and deposition, or fixed
in situ. Some of the most inconspicuous pioneers on
exposed rock faces are nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria.
Rates of nitrogen fixation by cyanobacterial ‘biofilms’ on
rock surfaces may be considerable; thus, nitrogen-rich
leachate from these surfaces may affect community devel-
opment at down-slope sites. Cyanobacteria may also form
symbiotic associations with lichens (e.g., Stereocaulon spp.).
General Ecology |Pioneer Species 2779
... Vascular plants, bryophytes, gastropods, and various environmental characteristics were recorded for each plot (Table 1). All vascular plants were recorded with their percentage cover within three layersif presentherbs, shrubs and trees (see also Dengler et al., 2008). All bryophytes growing on soil, rocks and dead wood were sampled. ...
Full-text available
River corridors are among the most important natural pathways for invasive species to spread into landscapes. Nevertheless, the ecological processes underlying invasions of riparian habitats are poorly understood for many taxonomic groups. We sampled bryophytes, vascular plants, and molluscs along three West Carpathian rivers (Central Europe) to identify spatial trends and drivers of native and alien species diversity across multiple taxa. Generalised additive models revealed decreasing downstream diversity patterns across all studied rivers and taxonomic groups. In contrast, alien diversity showed the opposite trend, displaying a high degree of idiosyncrasy among the rivers. Random forest analysis revealed that climate-induced variables (altitude and related temperature) played a more pronounced role in the diversity of alien species than in the diversity of native species. The diversity of native species was more influenced by local land use and habitat alternations (molluscs) or by source-to-mouth river interactions along the longitudinal gradient (plants). Dispersal limitation and temperature constrain alien species distributions along river corridors, while a multitude of natural and an-thropic influences drive native species diversity. The climate-driven distribution of alien plants and molluscs suggests future altitudinal and longitudinal shifts in non-native species along river corridors, which will be exacerbated by ongoing climate warming and associated environmental changes.
... The alpine grasslands and subnival scree vegetation types are easily distinguishable in this area. Vegetation data from 19 plots, each 10 m × 10 m, were collected following the methodology of Braun-Blanquet (Braun-Blanquet 1964;Dengler et al. 2008). The proportional covers of the vegetation, scree, soil, and rock were estimated in each plot. ...
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Questions: The highest mountain peak of Zagros is located in the Dena mountain system (4409 m a.s.l.), which is identified as the second richest center of plant endemism of Zagros. In this study we (1) investigate floristic affinities of Dena Mts to adjacent mountain ranges based on the endemic species of the Iranian Plateau, (2) identify the species reaching the subnival zone, and (3) characterize the plant communities of the subnival zone of Dena Mts. Study area: Dena Mts is a calcareous mountain system in southern Zagros, Iran. Methods: The list of taxa endemic to the Iranian Plateau present also in Dena Mts was taken from our previously published data. Novel vegetation data were collected using the methodology of Braun-Blanquet. Classification was carried out in JUICE using the Modified TWINSPAN method. Results: Of the 242 taxa endemic to the Iranian Plateau present in Dena Mts, 22 taxa are endemic to the latter. Dena Mts have the strongest floristic affinity with the Yazd-Kerman massif, with which they share 84 taxa compared to 51 taxa shared with Alborz, 37 taxa shared with the Azerbaijan Plateau, and 15 taxa shared with Kopet Dagh-Khorassan. In Dena Mts, 38 taxa reach the subnival zone, most of them being endemic to the Iranian Plateau (68%). From scree habitats in the subnival zone, two new plant associations are described, Aethionemetum umbellati and Zerdanetum anchonioidei. These constitute a newly described alliance Galion pseudokurdici, classified within the class Didymophyso aucheri-Dracocephaletea aucheri. Conclusions: Although Dena Mts lie within a protected area, this will not prevent shrinking of alpine and subnival habitats due to global warming. Consequently, strong attention to the conservation of all range-restricted species of this mountain system, especially of alpine and subnival species, is highly recommended. Taxonomic reference: Flora of Iran (Assadi et al. 1989–2021) and, for families not yet covered in the previous source, Flora Iranica (Rechinger 1963–2015).
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Citation: Díaz, R.; Niell, S.; Cesio, M.V.; Heinzen, H. A Conceptual Framework for the Apibotanical Evaluation of Different Landscapes. Ecologies 2025, 6, 3. https://doi. Abstract: The suitability of different agroecosystems (native forest, soybean, artificial forest with Eucalyptus sp., mixed horticulture and fruticulture, and dairy prairies) for settling and managing hives for honey production were appraised via holistic surveys of the spatial and seasonal occurrence of floral resources. Metadata were obtained from a project developed by our group, which took place between 2014 and 2017. Species richness, abundance, growth habit (tree, shrub, stand, scrub or stem, accompanying species), and the flowering period for each melliferous plant across the different seasons in 120 samplings were measured. Using the Shannon-Wiener diversity index and the floral characteristics of the different species in each environment, an Agroecosystem Apibotanical Index was developed. It revealed that the best agroecosystems for honey production were the most biodiverse native forest as well as mixed horticulture and fruticulture. Knowledge of the floral characteristics and species arrangement enabled the categorization of agroecosystems, aiming for rational management to enhance honey production.
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Aim We aim to refine the definition of peri‐Carpathian forest‐steppe grasslands, provide an updated distribution map, identify consensus indicator species and summarise data on their extreme species richness. Location East‐Central Europe (Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine). Taxon Vascular plants. Methods A total of 127 vegetation plots from large vegetation databases and field sampling were classified as the Brachypodio ‐ Molinietum association based on two criteria: (1) the existing formal definition and (2) a threshold of consensus indicator species derived from a literature review. The plots were mapped, and their basic habitat conditions were characterised. Habitat affiliations of consensus indicator species were expressed using the diagnostic species lists in the EuroVegChecklist. Maximum species richness values were extracted from the plot data and summarised. Results Peri‐Carpathian forest‐steppe grasslands of the Brachypodio – Molinietum association have been recorded across a large area of East‐Central Europe, particularly in the lower to middle altitudes of the Western and Eastern Carpathians and their foothills and adjacent regions. These grasslands typically occur in moderately warm, relatively precipitation‐rich regions with deep soils, primarily on plateaus and gentle slopes of up to 10°, developed predominantly over less consolidated Mesozoic and Tertiary sedimentary rocks. We identified 60 consensus indicator species, mostly species of forest‐steppe habitats, with species of mesic grasslands also well represented. The current maxima of vascular plant species richness exceed 110 species per 10–16 m ² . These maxima have been recorded in three regions: the Prut‐Siret Interfluve in western Ukraine, the NW Transylvanian Basin in Romania and the White Carpathian Mts in the Czech Republic. Main Conclusions The extremely species‐rich peri‐Carpathian forest‐steppe grasslands are confined to a geographically well‐defined area of East‐Central Europe. The observed fine‐scale species richness of vascular plants is currently the highest known in the world. In addition to similar habitat conditions, the presence of an ancient forest‐steppe species pool appears to be a prerequisite for such extreme species richness. Recent paleoecological evidence supports this hypothesis.
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The article deals with forest communities that develop on small surfaces on steep gradients of the geo- morphologically diverse landscape of the Kras plateau. They appear in small depressions called dolines, where a steep gradient of ecological conditions appears over a small spatial scale. We tried to detect the turnover of forest communities on this small scale and steep gradient with small plots (microplots) of 4 m 2 arranged in a continuous transect. We sampled only the ground layer and estimated the cover of each vascular plant species. The main problem was that we could not sample vegetation plots in standard sizes, which would allow a standard classi- fication procedure. We built an expert system based on all of the relevant standard vegetation plots from the region and applied this system on a microplot matrix. We classified one third of microplots in this way, but the remainder were classified by semi-supervised k-means clustering. We thus established 8 communities that appear in dolines and compared their characteristics and ecological conditions by Ellenberg indicator values. Our results show that oak-hornbeam forests can be found in the bottom of dolines. Towards the bottom of deeper dolines, mesophilous ravine forests dominated by sycamore on rocky places, and sessile oak forests on deeper soils appear. On lower slopes, thermophilous ravine forests dominated by limes appear on rocky places. Upper slopes are dominated by Turkey oak, hophornbeam-pubescent oak forests and shrub formations. Turkey oak forests can be found on rather deeper soils than hophornbeam-pubescent oak forests. At the top, hophornbeam-pubescent oak forests can be found that build the zonal vegetation of the region. On rock walls vegetation of rock crevices can be found. The high biodiversity of the region supports the idea that diverse karstic features might have the potential for formation of refugia in future foreseen climate change, related to the potential of karstic relief to create diverse climatic conditions.
Phyto‐ecological studies are crucial in developing insights into community structure and functioning. Here, we studied the phytosociological and soil parameters of Swertia thomsonii – an endemic medicinal plant of western Himalaya. Thirty quadrats were laid out across three different habitats of S. thomsonii in Kashmir Himalaya. Soil samples were collected from each site and soil properties were determined by using standard methods. A total of 62 species belonging to 51 genera and 34 families were recorded across the three study sites. Herbs were dominant (83.87%) followed by shrubs (9.67%), trees (4.83%), and ferns (1.61%). Based on importance value index (IVI) values Cynodon dactylon (42.84), Gaultheria trichophylla (42.44) Leucanthemum vulgare (39.93), Poa angustifolia (30.33), Trifolium pratense (26.67), Galium aparine (25.88), and Androsace rotundifolia (25.82) were found to be dominant species within S. thomsonii assemblages. The maximum (23.14) IVI value of S. thomsonii was recorded at the Doodhpathri site followed by Gulmarg (22.12) and Pahalgam (16.34). Diversity indices varied across three study sites. Plant species richness was recorded maximum at Pahalgam (30 species) followed by Doodhpathri (26 species) and Gulmarg (20 species). Also, Shannon index was recorded maximum (H = 3.03) at the Pahalgam site followed by Doodhpathri (H = 2.99) and Gulmarg (H = 2.62). Simpson index and species evenness were recorded maximum (0.93 and 0.79 respectively) at the Doodhpathri site followed pahalgam (0.92 and 0.67 respectively) and Gulmarg site (0.90 and 0.65 respectively). Soil parameters also varied significantly across study sites. Nitrogen and phosphorous were recorded maximum (465.32 ± 4.26 kg ha ⁻¹ and 80.2 ± 3.63 kg ha ⁻¹ respectively) at the Gulmarg site and minimum (301.33 ± 2.62 kg ha ⁻¹ and 33.63 ± 4.22 kg ha ⁻¹ respectively) at Pahalgam site. Potassium was recorded maximum (295.5 ± 3.34 kg ha ⁻¹ ) at the Pahalgam site and minimum (165.83 ± 4.25 kg ha ⁻¹ ) at the Gulmarg site. The scientific information generated could contribute to better management practices for target species and thereby ensuring ecosystem health and sustenance of ecosystem services.
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Ecosystems and landscapes shaped by the intricate relationship between people and their natural environment embody the impact of many different past land‐use practices and historical events. However, in some regions, classical historical records of landscape change do not exist or are insufficiently detailed. Local communities' ecological memory can play an important role in filling this gap by reconstructing the socio‐ecologically relevant indirect drivers and their interactions, as well as identifying vegetation characteristics that are legacies of previous land‐use practices. We studied a rapidly transforming cultural landscape in Transylvania (Romania) by conducting 144 oral history interviews covering the last 70 years (before, during and after collective farming). The interviews revealed complex interactions of indirect drivers. Country‐scale political and economic changes affected the landscape with crop outflow during the collective system (1962–1989), resulting in labour outflow to cities from the 1960s. The latter reduced the time and attention devoted to haymaking and affected population ageing. Together with other drivers, this demographic change led to a major transformation of the traditional landscape by the 2010s. We identified 47 vegetation characteristics as land‐use legacies related to grasslands and classified them into general legacy types. Our results support that there was an opportunity to innovatively revive the traditional cultural landscape after the fall of communism, when local knowledge, and willingness to manage the landscape were still present, but financial assets and government support were lacking. The indirect driver interactions led to the abandonment of traditional hay meadow management, resulting in a homogenising landscape with simplified land use dominated by sheep grazing and increasingly dependent on agricultural subsidies. We found that many vegetation characteristics of the studied species‐rich grasslands are only legacies of former land‐use activities, still known by locals but no longer applied. By creating knowledge partnerships, we can still learn about the past management and the functioning of such biodiversity‐rich cultural landscapes from the people who actively maintained them. We argue that this type of knowledge is essential to revive and adapt practices for protecting and managing species‐rich habitats across European cultural landscapes and for supporting the planning of appropriate conservation management and subsidy schemes. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
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Forest and landscape restoration are increasingly popular nature‐based solutions to mitigate climate change and safeguard biodiversity. Restoration planning and monitoring implies that a reference ecosystem has been defined to which the restored site can be compared, but how to best select such reference? We tested three different potential natural vegetation (PNV) maps of the same areas in Kenya and Uganda for their utility as ecological references with independent data that were not used when those maps were made. These independent datasets included presence observations of woody species from 76 sites in forest reserves in Kenya and Uganda, and classification of surveyed species into a system that included “forest‐only” and “nonforest‐only” ecological types. Our tests show that (1) the three vegetation maps largely agree on the environmental envelopes/ranges within which forests occur. (2) There are large differences in how well the maps predict the presence of forest‐only species. (3) Two maps, based on empirical observations (V4A and White), predict forest types well, whereas the third, based on climate envelopes only (NS), performs poorly. (4) A large area in Uganda is potentially in one of two alternative stable states. We conclude that it is possible to evaluate the utility of PNV maps at a more detailed scale than the level of biome and ecoregion. This indicates that it is possible to map PNV at scales required for reference for restoration and management of forest vegetation. We recommend that empirically based maps of potential natural vegetation are used in restoration planning (biome and PNV maps based on climate envelopes alone may be unreliable tools) as a baseline model for predicting the distribution of reference ecosystems under current and future conditions. It could conveniently be done by deconstructing the existing biome maps, supported by rapid botanical surveys.
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Vegetation classification is a tool for organizing the patterns and diversity of plant communities. It is used in nature conservation, and helps to understand the role of vegetation in the biosphere. Given the rapidly diminishing opportunity to understand the vegetation diversity of Tajikistan located in the Middle Asian region, phytosociological surveys using the floristic-ecological approach and the Braun-Blanquet cover-abundance scale were undertaken in 2006. Aer 18 years of research, with a total of 55 research expeditions to Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan, it is time to summarise and make a first attempt to establish a comprehensive classification system for the entire vegetation of Tajikistan and the surrounding areas. As a first step, the Vegetation of Middle Asia (VMA) database with records from three countries: Tajikistan (4,130 relevés), Kyrgyzstan (1,681 relevés) and Uzbekistan (13 relevés) was created. e internal comparison of all the plots and the analysis of the similarities with the vegetation of Iran, Russia, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Pakistan, and China make it possible to present the comprehensive list of plant communities organized in 45 classes, 47 orders, 83 alliances, 297 associations, and 237 rankless units. In addition to those described in our previous works, we propose also several new sytaxa: Eremogono griffithii-Nepetetea podostachyos, Artemisio persicae-Stipetea drobovii, Festucetea alaico-krylovianae, Carici koshewnikowii-Asperuletea oppositifoliae, Trichodesmo incani-Pachypterygietea brevipes, Aceretalia turkestanici, Juniperetalia seravschanicae, Crataegetalia ponticae, Populetalia pruinoso-euphraticae, Salici capusii- Hippophaeetalia rhamnoidis, Carici stenophylloidis-Stipetalia drobovii, Eritrichion pamirico-subjacquemontii, Stipetum kazachstanicae, Caricetum pamirensis , and Bolboschoenetum affinis . Tis systematic compilation of data, based on our fieldwork and literature data, is not definitive, and certainly the rich and diverse vegetation of Middle Asia requires further studies incorporating also modern LIDAR and satellite techniques.
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The project "Die Pflanzengesellschaften Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns und ihre Gefährdung" (The plant communities of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and their vulnerability) is published as a two-volume series consisting of a table volume (2001) and a text volume (2004). Based on a huge vegetation-plot database and a consistent and well-documented methodology, the complete vegetation of this federal state in NE Germany was phytociolociologally classified de novo. The result are 34 phytosociological classes, 12 subclasses, 70 orders, 6 suborders, 125 alliances and 284 associations. This text volume contains detailed descriptions, nomenclatural revisions, diagnostic species and conservation assessments of all syntaxa of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The Introductory section provides detailed insights into the natural history of the study region as well as the methodology of the project. The concluding Conservation section summarizes the outcomes of the unique conservation assessment methodology applied in the project. An Introduction and summary for English-speaking readers (M. Isermann & J. Dengler; pp. 16–21 of the text volume 2004) makes most of the content of both volumes accessible to persons not comprehending German.
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Development and evaluation of new approaches in phytosociology with special regard to vegetation classification Phytosociology had its starting point in the beginning of the 20th century as one of several schools which deal with vegetation from a scientific point of view. Josias Braun-Blanquet, who-se textbook ‘Pflanzensoziologie’ had been published in its first edition in 1928, could be seen as the founder of this school. Basic ideas of the Braun-Blanquet approach of vegetation science are the following: • Plant stands on plots are documented in a standardised manner, the so-called vegetation relevés, which form an adequate mean between being too superficial and being too lavish. They comprise information on location, site conditions and vegetation structure as well as a complete list of the occurring plant species each of those quantified by means of a combined cover-abundance scale. • Concrete plant stands (phytocoenoses) are thought to be assignable to abstract plant communities (phytocoena), which are characterised and separated one from another with regard to their whole species combination (floristic-coenological method). Since each of its constituent species has a certain ecological optimum and a specific geographical range it should be expected that they as a whole result in a clearly limited ecological space and synareal in which the community is distributed. Therefore it is not necessary to use the accordance in site conditions and geographical range as additional classification criteria. • Phytocoena are arranged into a hierarchical system according to their floristic similarity. The principal ranks of this system are bottom to top association, alliance, order and class. Those so-called syntaxa are given scientific names deriving from one or two species names. • As means for recognition and distinction of syntaxa diagnostic species are derived from the phytosociological data: Species which are restricted to a large extent to one such syntaxon are called character species, whereas differential species only differentiate one side only. Phytosociology has undergone an enormous impetus within the last century and has integrated most of the other former schools of vegetation science step by step. By means of the Braun-Blanquet approach, millions of relevés from all continents have been collected until now. For several countries comprehensive overviews of the plant communities occurring on their territories have been published. Since the 1960s numerous attempts have been made to automate the classification process by means of computer programs (numerical syntaxonomy). Phytosociology also found its way into legislation in the field of nature conservancy as protected habitats defined by the occurrence of certain syntaxa. In spite of this quantitative success phytosociology was always exposed to intense criticism, going as far as to blame it for not being scientific. Indeed, it must be stated that consistent and generally accepted methods are missing in syntaxonomy as one of the core subjects of phytosociology – even though a huge amount of phytosociological papers have been published and also numerous textbooks. Therefore the major aim of this Ph.D thesis is to develop such methods and to back them up from a theoretical point of view. As a first step, the three major purposes of vegetation classifications are determined: (1) Naming of the research object to enable communication about them. (2) Reduction of data and making them representable. This means that instead of determining and describing the distribution of numerous species doing the same only for several plant communities will be suitable generally. (3) Framework for the ‘inductive generalisation’: The floristic-coenological delimitation of phytocoena results into a far reaching accordance of the phytocoenoses belonging to them with regard to species combination and site conditions. Phytocoena therefore are suitable reference entities especially for ecological research and nature conservation. Moreover they can be used for bioindication. These purposes lead to the requests to be made on vegetation classifications which preferably should be meat. Most important are both the inner coherence of the separated units with respect to their major properties and their simple and clear discernibility. As further criteria the following should be mentioned: (1) completeness of the system. (2) Stability of the classification. (3) Tolerance against heterogeneous data. (4) Supra-regional applicability. (5) Applicability for different purposes. (6) Hierarchical structure. (7) Equivalence of syntaxa of the same rank. (8) Adequate number of discerned entities. As a whole these criteria are already fulfilled in the ‘classical’ form of the Braun-Blanquet approach. Nevertheless some weak points remain: • Until now precise and operational definitions for major concepts are missing. Syntaxonomy therefore is often difficult to comprehend for laymen. Instead of clear and verifiable criteria for and against a certain classification authors of phytosociological papers often refer to their own ‘expert knowledge’ or quote the opinion of a renowned phytosociologist. • Even though it has been well known for a long time, that numerous phytocoenoses and phytocoena are lacking character species, there is no generally accepted and methodically sound way to include them into the phytosociological system. As a result such plant stands frequently are not documented by relevés or at least not taken into account in the final syntaxonomic treatment. • Among phytosociologists belief in minimal areas is widely distributed. These should be relevé areas, beginning with which the species number does not increase substantially any more with further enlargement of the area. But it is well known for a long time by numerous empirical data as well as via theoretical arguments that every increase in area will cause an increase in the mean species number. The only problem ist that this increase is hardly recognizable when plotting the two axes of a species-area-curve in a linear scaling. This is because the function more or less follows a power function. The assumption of the existence of minimal areas lead many phytosociologists not to draw their major attention to relevé areas in syntaxonomy as long as they approximately correspond to the assumed mimimal areas. Relevé sizes for different vegetation types suggested by various textbooks differ by 150,000. Due to the dependence of species numbers from area it is not permissible to compare relevés of different area sizes. Most of the synthetic properties of plant communities as well are influenced by area size. This especially holds true for constancy which is the percentage of occurrences of a certain species within a set of relevés. By means of a conceptual model and empirical data a function is derived which approximately describes this dependence: St (A) = 1 – (1 – St0)(A / A0)^0,42, where St is the constancy and A the area size. The classification method put forward is formulated as an axiomatic system comprising twelve suggestions of definitions: 1. Phytocoenoses are defined in a pure operational manner as the plant individuals of different species growing in a time-space unit of a certain dimension. Neither discreteness nor integration are demanded a priori. This definition includes expressively all synusiae thriving in that time-space unit as for example epiphytes. 2. The so-called ‘basic syntaxonomic axiom’ states that every phytocoenosis belongs – within a syntaxonomic system – to exactly one syntaxon of a certain rank. 3. The classical definition of fidelity degrees by SZAFER & PAWŁOWSKI (1927) is both contradictory and impractical. Therefore a new differential species criterion is presented in which it says that a species can be called differential of one syntaxon versus another syntaxon of the same rank if its constancy is at least twice as high and this difference in commonness most probably is not due to chance. This formulation goes back to BERGMEIER & al. (1990) but uses constancy percentages instead of constancy classes as otherwise there would be unreasonable changes in the minimum requirements for differential species below and above the class borders. 4. Whereas constancy at association level and below is defined as percentage of relevés in which the species occurs, a constancy reference value (short: constancy) of a higher syntaxon should be calculated as a mean of the constancy values in all associations belonging to it. This me-thod of calculation is due to the fact that associations are considered the basic units of the system and prevents the results from being influenced from different examination intensities in different associations. 5. A differential species below the vegetation class must fulfil the differential species criterion against all other syntaxa of the same rank within the syntaxon of the next higher rank. To a-void both taxa from being named differential species which nearly do not contribute to the discernibility of the syntaxa and effects due to chance a restriction has to be appended: Only those taxa should be given the status of differential species which have at least 20 % constancy within the particular syntaxon and not more than 20 % in the compared syntaxa. 6. As common differential species of a class are those taxa named which are a nowhere seen character species within the particular structural type, but fulfil the differential criterion of two or three classes against all other classes of this type. 7. Character species of a syntaxon are those taxa which meet the differential species criterion compared with all other syntaxa of the same rank within a structural type. The function of character species is twofold: (1) In the classification process the principal demand of the existence of character taxa ascertains the approximate equivalence of syntaxa of one rank, which especially holds true for associations. (2) When a classification is done on the basis of the complete species combination, character species as those taxa which have a clear sociological optimum in a particular syntaxon can be used best as a means for recognition and discrimination of the entities. If the next higher syntaxa occur nowhere together, as an exception from the general rule, one taxon could be named character species in two independent syntaxa. The major reason for restricting the character species to structural types is the dependency of constancy from area size. Since the customary relevé sizes widely differ between different vegetation types, which seems to be sensible at least to some extent, it is not acceptable to classify all of them within one system. It seems to be appropriate to discern two (vegetation types with and without phanerophytes) or three (vegetation types with phanerophytes, without phanerophytes, but with other vascular plants and those built up solely by one layer of mosses, lichens and algae) floristically defined structural types a priori. Some problems related to the practical implementation of this rule are discussed and a pragmatic approach is recommended. 8. Species which meet the character species criterion within more than one syntaxon fitted into one another, which is often the case, are called transgressive character species. 9. With regard to syntaxa not possessing character species of their own it is recommended to apply the central syntaxon concept of DIERSCHKE (1981) at all syntaxonomic levels below the class. Accordingly, at a maximum one central syntaxon not or not sufficiently characterised by character species of its own can be distinguished within a syntaxon of the next higher rank. This is named in the same manner as all other syntaxa. As compared to the ‘deductive meth-ode’ developed by KOPECKÝ & HEJNÝ (1971) and other approaches to deal with negatively characterised syntaxa the suggested method has several theoretical and practical advantages. These are discussed in detail. Most important is probably the fact that the presented approach avoids the introduction of different ways of naming syntaxa, which unavoidably gives the impression that there would be an ecological difference – which in fact does not exist. 10. Syntaxa from association to class level either must be sufficiently characterised by character species of their own or be the central syntaxon of the next higher entity. ‘Sufficiently’ in this case means a constancy sum of all character species of at least 100%. 11. The association is the lowest syntaxon that could be characterised by character species of its own and not divided further in such syntaxa or otherwise it can be regarded as the central syntaxon of a (sub-) alliance. 12. The class is the highest syntaxon characterised well by character species within one structural type. To measure the ‘quality’ of a syntaxon the sum of the constancy values of its character species seems to be appropriate. An adequate classification then would be one in which the constancy sums of all classes are as high as possible. Both the minimum and the mean of those should be maximised. Some further recommendations for syntaxonomic work are presented which do not form part of the above axiomatic system: • ‘Graduated’ hierarchies are – from an information theoretical point of view – favourable to ‘flat’ ones. In many cases they reflect the structure of syntaxonomic data better. • Below association level it seems inappropriate to prolong the linear-monohierarchical classification from above. Here a multidimensional-polyhierarchical approach in which different complexes of differentiating factors stand aside with equal importance has its advantages. • Formal syntaxonomic classification above class level is to be rejected since the class is ac-cording to the suggested definition 12 the uppermost syntaxon. The syntaxonomic concept leads to requests upon the drawing up of relevés, the most important of which are the following: • Since – as has been shown – sound syntaxonomic classification is only possible on the basis of relevés of the same (or at least a similar) size, standard sizes for relevés in different structural types are proposed. • Due to the above definition of phytocoenoses and to the often high diagnostic value of non-vascular plants it is requested to document in relevés of phytocoenoses (holocoenoses) in principle all macroscopically visual photoautotroph organisms, including all synusiae such as epiphytes. The practical application of the presented syntaxonomic concept could be understood as a problem of optimisation which has to be treated in an iterative process: The most similar relevés on a floristic basis are to be combined together until the emerging units either possess character species of their own or can be regarded as the central association of a higher unit which evolves from the further joining of these basic units (associations). The treatment continues with analyses on the question which quotients and differences of percentage constancy values accord to statistical significant differences in commonness. They lead to the recommendation to complete – in case of low numbers of relevés – the requested constancy quotient q > 2 from the differential species criterion by an minimal constancy difference of Δ = (2 ⋅ n1)-1/2, where n1 is the number of relevés in the particular syntaxon. Additionally, some recommendations concerning the adequate presentation of syntaxonomic data in form of tables arise from the presented syntaxonomic concept: • It is essential always to give the (mean) sizes of the relevé areas, also in the case of constancy tables. • Constancy values should be presented as percentages and not in form of constancy classes to allow the application of the differential species criterion. • To make the results transparent, it is advisable, to give columns for all syntaxonomic levels in constancy tables and not only for associations and their subdivisions. Nomenclature is the second indispensable part of syntaxonomy besides the classification. It is ruled by the ‘International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature’ (ICPN), which has been published in its third edition by WEBER & al. (2000). The basic function of the ICPN is to guarantee unambiguity and stability of the scientific names of syntaxa. To achieve this, two major principles are employed, that of priority and that of nomenclatural types. Although this construction and the Code as a whole have proven to be useful, some possibilities for improvement remain, of which the following should render prominent: • It seems necessary to clearly separate the system of phytocoena and that of synusiae. It is a logical contradiction if one entity at the same time is regarded as syntaxon and synusia as it is common practice at the time being. It is therefore recommended to put the synusial system on a clear nomenclatural basis, by reserving separate endings for its ranks within the ICPN. • The demands for original diagnoses of associations should be increased, to avoid the further accumulation of nomenclatural ‘ballast’ in literature. It should be pointed out in the ICPN that the requested full species list for a description of an association has to include bryophytes and lichens as well. • The ruling of subassociations by the ICPN should be omitted, especially due to the fact that it is incompatible with multidimensional subdivisions. How the presented ideas work when practically applied is shown in detail by several examples, most of which are taken from the comprehensive treatment of the plant communities in the German state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern by BERG & al. (2001b), where they have been use in a large scale survey for the first time. In particular, it is shown how more equivalent classes could be achieved in the system and how central syntaxa could solve classificatory problems about which has been debated at length but to no avail. Distribution maps of syntaxa have been published rarely so far. One possibility to generate such synchorological maps is the superimposition of distribution maps of their diagnostic species. This results in maps of ‘potential synareals’. This method is both applicable to outline and lattice maps. How this could be done is described in detail. Examples of either case are shown and their interpretation is discussed. Finally, the presented syntaxonomic concept is examined as a whole: Due to the axiomatic construction it is consistent. It meets the above given requests for vegetation classifications better than any other known approach. It has proven its practical suitability in BERG & al. (2001b), where it enabled the establishment of a syntaxonomic classification of the extant vegetation types within a region, based on a large databank. A major strength of the approach could be seen in the fact, that clear criteria are given to evaluate different classifications with respect to which of those is conform with the method at all and – if there being more – which is the best of them. Likewise high importance has the applicability of the presented method both in manual table work and as basis for an implementation in a numerical classification algorithm. The latter will be a necessary property of any syntaxonomic approach with which the data of one of the large national and supranational vegetation-plot databases arising can be analysed one day.
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Zusammenfassung: Wirth, V. 2010. Ökologische Zeigerwerte von Flechten – erweiterte und aktualisierte Fassung. – Herzogia 23: 229 –248. Eine neue Ausgabe der Liste der ökologischen Zeigerwerte von Flechten wird vorgelegt. Die Werte der bislang berücksichtigten Arten wurden überprüft und gegebenenfalls korrigiert. 58 weitere Arten wurden aufgenommen. Somit liegen für insgesamt 516 Arten Indikatorwerte für wichtige klimatische Faktoren (Licht = L, Temperatur = T, Kontinentalität = K, Feuchte = F) und Substrateigenschaften (pH = R, Eutrophierung = N) vor. Außerdem wird ein Verfahren zur Abschätzung der klimaökologischen Ozeanität (KO) anhand der Zeigerwerte vorgelegt. Da die klima-ökologische Ozeanität eine thermische und eine hygrische Komponente hat, lässt sich der entsprechende Zeigerwert aus den Zeigerwerten für Kontinentalität und Feuchte nach der Formel KO = (10 – K + F) : 2 errechnen. Abstract: Wirth, V. 2010. Ecological indicator values of lichens – enlarged and updated species list. – Herzogia 23: 229 –248. A new edition of the species list of ecological indicator values of lichens is presented. Values of the hitherto considered species have been checked and corrected where appropriate. Fifty-eight additional species have been included. Overall, indicator values for important climatic factors (light = L, temperature = T, continentality = K, moisture = F) and substrate properties (pH = R, eutrophication = N) are now available for 516 species. A procedure to assess the eco-climatic oceanity (KO) with the help of the indicator values is presented. Since the eco-climatic oceanity has a temperature and a moisture component, the indicator value of eco-climatic oceanity can be calculated with the formula KO = (10 – K+F) : 2.
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Statistical measures of fidelity, i.e. the concentration of species occurrences in vegetation units, are reviewed and compared. The focus is on measures suitable for categorical data which are based on observed species frequencies within a vegetation unit compared with the frequencies expected under random distribution. Particular attention is paid to Bruelheide's u value. It is shown that its original form, based on binomial distribution, is an asymmetric measure of fidelity of a species to a vegetation unit which tends to assign comparatively high fidelity values to rare species. Here, a hypergeometric form of u is introduced which is a symmetric measure of the joint fidelity of species to a vegetation unit and vice versa. It is also shown that another form of the binomial u value may be defined which measures the asymmetric fidelity of a vegetation unit to a species. These u values are compared with phi coefficient, chi-square, G statistic and Fisher's exact test. Contrary to the other measures, phi coefficient is independent of the number of relevés in the data set, and like the hypergeometric form of u and the chi-square it is little affected by the relative size of the vegetation unit. It is therefore particularly useful when comparing species fidelity values among differently sized data sets and vegetation units. However, unlike the other measures it does not measure any statistical significance and may produce unreliable results for small vegetation units and small data sets. The above measures, all based on the comparison of observed/expected frequencies, are compared with the categorical form of the Dufrêne-Legendre Indicator Value Index, an index strongly underweighting the fidelity of rare species.
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The integrated synusial approach of the vegetation is based on the differentiation of several spatio-temporal organization levels. A phytocoenosis (community of the second level) is considered as a complex of synusiae (communities of the first level) and is characterised by a strong tendency to self-organization. At each level, a typology of the communities can be performed. Ecological indicator values as well as different diversity indices are calculated for each vegetation unit. They are useful for understanding the spatial and temporal organization of the phytocoenoses. As an example. this approach is applied to wooded meadows.
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This is the 3rd edition of the Code of phytosociological nomenclature, prepared by the Nomenclature Commission of the International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS) and the Fédération Internationale de Phytosociologie (FIP) on the basis of the 2nd edition. The Code consists of a series of definitions, principles, rules and recommendations which will facilitate the proper use of syntaxonomical names for the denomination of syntaxonomical units.
The first objective of this paper is to define a new measure of fidelity of a species to a vegetation unit, called u. The value of u is derived from the approximation of the binomial or the hypergeometric distribution by the normal distribution. It is shown that the properties of u meet the requirements for a fidelity measure in vegetation science, i.e. (1) to reflect differences of a species’relative frequency inside a certain vegetation unit and its relative frequency in the remainder of the data set; (2) to increase with increasing size of the data set. Additionally (3), u has the property to be dependent on the proportion of the vegetation unit's size to the size of the whole data set. The second objective is to present a method of how to use the value of u for finding species groups in large data bases and for defining vegetation units. A species group is defined by possession of species that show the highest value of u among all species in the data set with regard to the vegetation unit defined by this species group. The vegetation unit is defined as comprising all relevés that include a minimum number of the species in the species group. This minimum number is derived statistically in such a way that fewer relevés always belong to a species group than would be expected if the differential species were distributed randomly among the relevés. An iterative algorithm is described for detecting species groups in data bases. Starting with an initial species group, species composition of this group and the vegetation unit defined by this group are mutually optimized. With this algorithm species groups are formed in a data set independently of each other. Subsequently, these species groups can be combined in such a way that they are suited to define commonly known syntaxa a posteriori .