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A ‘sample’ is a subset of the population, selected so as to be representative of the larger population. Since we cannot study the entire population we need to take a sample. Sampling techniques are broadly classified into ‘Probability’ and ‘Non-probability’ samples. Probability sampling allows the investigator to generalise the findings of the sample to the target population. Probability sampling includes Simple random sampling, Systematic random sampling, Stratified random sampling, Cluster sampling, etc. A sampling frame is crucial in probability sampling, because if the sampling frame is not drawn appropriately from the population of interest, random sampling from that frame cannot address the research problem. Generalisations can be made ‘only’ to the actual population defined by the sampling frame. Non-probability sampling includes Convenience/purposive sampling, Quota sampling, Snow ball sampling, etc. Each method of sampling has its own advantages and limitations, however, probability sampling is preferable, since its results can be generalised. Keywords : Data collection; sampling studies; sampling bias; population; probability; random allocation.
Sampling: Why and How of it?
Anita S Acharya*, Anupam Prakash**, Pikee Saxena#, Aruna Nigam##
Departments of * Community Medicine, **Medicine and #Obs. & Gynae, Lady Hardinge Medical College & SSK Hospital, New Delhi-110001, India.
##Department of Obs. & Gynae., HIMS&R, New Delhi, India.
Corresponding author: Dr. Anita S Acharya, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Lady Hardinge Medical College & SSK
Hospital, New Delhi-110001, India. E-mail:
Received: 17-06-2013 | Accepted: 29-06-2013 | Published Online: 07-07-2013
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
Conict of interest: None declared | Source of funding: Nil | DOI:
A ‘sample’ is a subset of the population, selected so as to be representative of the larger population. Since
we cannot study the entire population we need to take a sample. Sampling techniques are broadly classied
into ‘Probability’ and ‘Non-probability’ samples. Probability sampling allows the investigator to generalise
the ndings of the sample to the target population. Probability sampling includes Simple random sampling,
Systematic random sampling, Stratied random sampling, Cluster sampling, etc. A sampling frame is crucial
in probability sampling, because if the sampling frame is not drawn appropriately from the population of
interest, random sampling from that frame cannot address the research problem. Generalisations can be
made ‘only’ to the actual population dened by the sampling frame. Non-probability sampling includes
Convenience/purposive sampling, Quota sampling, Snow ball sampling, etc. Each method of sampling has
its own advantages and limitations, however, probability sampling is preferable, since its results can be
Key words: Data collection; sampling studies; sampling bias; population; probability; random allocation.
In any research study, the best strategy is to
investigate the problem in the whole population.
But practically, it is always not possible to
study the entire population. Alternatively, we
study a “sample” which is sufciently large and
representative of the entire population. A sample
is a subset of the population, selected so as to be
representative of the larger population [1]. By
taking a representative sample, we can reduce the
costs incurred, the time taken to do the research
and also the manpower needed to conduct the
study. Sample representativeness depends on three
factors: 1) Sampling methodology 2) Sample size
and 3) Response rate. Sampling methods should be
systematic and dened so as to draw valid inferences
from the sample.
Classication of sampling methods
Broadly, sampling methods are classied as 1)
Probability sample and 2) Non-probability
sample. Probability samples are the gold standard
in sampling methodology and also for ensuring
generalisibility of the study results to the target
population. By probability sampling, we mean each
individual in the population has an equal chance of
being selected in the study. Probability sampling is
further classied as:
1. Simple random sampling
2. Systematic random sampling
3. Stratied random sampling
4. Cluster sampling
5. Multiphase sampling
6. Multistage sampling
All the above sampling methods use a random
1. Simple random sampling: In this method, every
individual has an equal chance of being selected
in the sample from the population. Data is chosen
330 Indian Journal of Medical Specialities, Vol. 4, No. 2, July - Dec 2013
using random number table or computer generated
list of random numbers. It can also be done by
lottery method, using currency notes, etc.
In this method, a sampling frame is required. All
the individuals in the study population have to be
enumerated either in ascending or descending order.
The advantages of this method are that minimal
knowledge of the population is required, the internal
as well as external validity is high and it is easy to
analyse data. However, the limitations are that the
cost is high, a sampling frame is required. They tend
to have large sampling errors and less precision than
stratied samples of the same size [2].
Example- Let us say there are 200 participants
in a conference and we would like to select 50
participants by simple random sampling. The list of
all the 200 participants would be available which
constitutes the sampling frame. The 50 participants
can now be selected by either using random number
table or by lottery method. Once a participant has
been selected, that particular number is struck
off from the random number table. This method
is known as sampling without replacement. In this
way 50 participants are selected.
2. Systematic random sampling: In systematic
sampling, the selection of the rst subject is done
randomly and then the subsequent subjects are
selected by a periodic process. A systematic random
sample is one in which every kth item is selected; k
is determined by dividing the number of items in the
sampling frame by the desired sample size. An initial
starting point is selected by a random process, and
then every kth number on the list is selected. The
advantages of this sampling is that it has moderate
usage, moderate cost, internal and external validity
is high, it is simple to draw and easy to verify. The
disadvantage is that technically only the selection
of the rst subject is a probability selection since
for subsequent selections there would be subjects
who will have zero chance of selection.
Example- If we take the same example as above,
N=200 and n=50, therefore, k = N/n, i.e. 4, which
becomes the sampling interval. Now we select a
random number between 1 to 4. Suppose it is “3”,
so number “3” participant is our rst subject. Then
we go on adding “4” to this number. Our subsequent
subjects would be 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31 and so
on, till we complete the requisite sample size of 50.
3. Stratied random sampling: Data is divided
into various sub-groups (strata) sharing common
characteristics like age, sex, race, income,
education, and ethnicity. A random sample is taken
from each strata. The advantages are- it assures
representation of all groups in the population
needed. The characteristics of each stratum can
be estimated and comparisons can be made. It also
reduces variability from systematic sampling. The
limitations are that it requires accurate information
on proportions of each stratum; also stratied lists
are expensive to prepare.
Example- In studying the prevalence of diabetes in
an adult population, it would be possible to stratify
the population according to gender and then having
equal number of subjects from both males and
females. This would yield sex-wise prevalence of
diabetes. The sample could also be stratied by
place of residence such as urban, rural or peri-
urban which would give us area-wise prevalence
of diabetes with equal representation from each
4. Cluster sampling: A cluster random sample is a
two-step process in which the entire population is
divided into clusters or groups, usually geographic
areas or districts like villages, schools, wards, blocks,
etc. It is more commonly used in epidemiologic
research than in clinical research. It is most
practical to be used in large national surveys. The
clusters are chosen randomly. All individuals in the
cluster are taken in the sample. Usually it requires
a larger sample size. Cluster sampling is very useful
when the population is widely scattered and it is
impractical to sample and select a representative
sample of all the elements [3].
Example- A sample could be taken from rst year
college students measuring their knowledge of
Human papilloma virus (HPV) and cervical cancer.
Suppose all the colleges in Delhi are clusters.
We select 20 colleges either by simple random
or systematic random sampling, and then every
college becomes a cluster. We may then interview
all the students or randomly select students in each
selected cluster for their knowledge on HPV.
5. Multiphase sampling: Multi-phase sampling
Indian Journal of Medical Specialities, Vol. 4, No. 2, July - Dec 2013 331
Sampling: why and how of it?
is a complex form of cluster sampling. Here the
population is organised into groups; subsequently
groups are randomly selected and then the
members are randomly selected in these groups
(an equal number selected per group). A part of the
information is collected from whole sample and part
from sub-sample. This method of sampling is mostly
carried out to increase precision, reduce costs and
reduce non-response.
Example- In a tuberculosis survey, Mantoux test is
done in all cases (Phase I); in the next phase, X-ray
chest is done in all Mantoux positive cases (Phase
II); in the last phase, sputum examination is done in
all X-ray positive cases (Phase III).
Survey by this method of sampling is less costly, less
laborious & more purposeful.
6. Multistage sampling: It is a complex form of
cluster sampling in which two or more levels of
units are embedded one in the other. It involves
the repetition of two basic steps i.e. listing and
sampling. Typically, at each stage the cluster gets
smaller in size and in the end, subject sampling is
done. Sometimes, special terminology is used for
various stages of sampling. The rst stage sampling
is called as ‘Primary Sampling Unit” (PSU), the
second stage called as “Secondary Sampling Unit”
(SSU), the third stage known as “Tertiary Sampling
Unit” (TSU) and so on till one gets to the “Final” or
“Ultimate” sampling units [2].
Example- In a national survey, a random number
of districts are chosen in all the states followed by
random number of talukas and villages. In the third
stage, houses will be selected. All the houses which
are the nal units of sampling are surveyed.
It is not as robust as true random sampling but
probably helps to resolve the limitations inherent to
random sampling. It is extremely useful as it involves
multiple stages of randomisations. Multi-stage
sampling is used frequently when a complete list
of all the members of the population does not exist
and is inappropriate. The costs are thereby reduced
as compared to traditional cluster sampling.
It is to note that in multi-stage sampling, the
sampling units for the different stages are different.
On the other hand, in multi-phase sampling the
same sampling unit is sampled multiple times.
Non-probability sampling: Non-probability samples
are those in which the probability that a subject is
selected is unknown and results in selection bias in
the study. They include the most commonly used
convenience/purposive sampling, quota sampling,
snowball sampling, etc.
1. Convenience/purposive sampling: This is the
most commonly used sampling method. The sample
is chosen on the basis of the convenience of the
investigator. Often the respondents are selected
because they are at the right place at the right
time. Convenience sampling is most commonly used
in clinical research where patients who meet the
inclusion criteria are recruited in the study. The
advantages are that they are most commonly used,
less expensive and there is no need for a list of all the
population elements. However, they are not without
limitations; the foremost being variability and bias
cannot be measured or controlled. Secondly, results
from the data cannot be generalised beyond the
Example- Patients coming to the out-patient
department of a hospital and meeting the inclusion
criteria, school students, members of a social
organisation, etc.
2. Quota sampling: The sampling procedure that
ensures that a certain characteristic of a population
sample will be represented to the exact extent that
the investigator desires.
Example- In a sample of 100, the investigator wishes
to have 40% men & 60% women in the sample. He
would stop when 40 men are recruited i.e. ‘quota’
for men is over. The advantages are that the cost is
moderate, it is very extensively used/understood,
and there is no need for list of population elements.
It also introduces some elements of stratication.
The limitations are similar to convenience sampling.
Stratied sampling and Quota sampling are similar in
that in both, population is divided into categories/
strata and subjects are selected from each category.
The purpose is to select a representative sample
and/or to allow sub –group analyses.
However, there are certain differences between
332 Indian Journal of Medical Specialities, Vol. 4, No. 2, July - Dec 2013
Anita S Acharya and others
“Stratication” and “Quota” sampling. In the
former, selection of subjects is by simple random
sampling once the categories have been created.
Call-backs are used to get that particular subject.
Stratied sampling without call-backs may not, in
practice, be much different from quota sampling. In
‘quota’ sampling, interviewer selects rst available
subject who meets the inclusion criteria. Thereby,
it is a convenience sampling. A sampling frame is
required for stratied sampling but not for quota
sampling. More importantly, stratied sampling uses
probability sampling, thus permitting the estimation
of sampling error which is not possible with quota
3. Snow-ball sampling: In this sampling procedure,
the initial respondents are chosen by probability
or non-probability methods, and then, additional
respondents are obtained by information provided
by the initial respondents.
Example- In a study on a sample engaging in high-
risk behaviour or substance abuse, a person who is
engaging in a high-risk behaviour may name other
persons involved in similar high-risk behaviour
practices, and this continues further till adequate
number of respondents are completed. The
advantages are its low cost, usefulness in specic
circumstances and for locating rare populations.
The disadvantages include bias because sampling
units are not independent and projecting data
beyond sample is not justied.
In order to have valid results from any research
Key Points
The sampling method chosen depends on the
population of interest.
Careful planning is the key for generating
reliable results.
Probability samples are the gold standard in
sampling methodology.
Probability sampling means one can
generalise to the population dened by the
sampling frame.
Non-probability sampling means one cannot
generalise beyond the sample.
study, it is important to choose a sound and scientic
sampling methodology. Ideally, probability sampling
methods should be used to ensure representativeness
of the sample and also for generalisibility of the
results to the target population. If they are not
used, caution must be exercised in interpreting the
study results.
1. Probability & related topics for making
inferences about data. In: Dawson B, Trapp RG
(eds). Basic & clinical biostatistics. McGraw Hill,
USA 2004,4th edn; 61-92.
2. Choosing the type of probability sampling.
Available from
data/40803_5.pdf Accessed on 16th June,2013.
3. Baridalyne N. Sampling, sample size estimation
and randomisation. Indian J Med Spec
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Sampling: why and how of it?
... While this method is cost-effective and widely used, it has the drawback of potential researcher bias in the selection process [29,30]. ...
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Background/Objectives: Preparing families to support children after hospital discharge is crucial, particularly due to the fragile health of pediatric patients and the care required at home. In this study, the aim was to assess the readiness for hospital discharge among primary caregivers of pediatric patients in medical–surgical units in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and to identify factors influencing their preparedness. Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted among 258 primary caregivers recruited from two hospitals in Jeddah: King Abdulaziz University Hospital (KAUH) and a Ministry of Health (MOH) hospital. A purposive sampling method was used. Data were collected through the Pediatric Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale (Ped-RHDS) and the Quality of Discharge Teaching Scale (QDTS), translated into Arabic. Descriptive statistics, t-tests, and multiple regression analyses were employed to identify key predictors of discharge readiness. Results: Caregivers reported moderate to high readiness for discharge, with mean scores of 8.28 (SD = 2.65) for personal strength and 8.62 (SD = 2.26) for their child’s strength. Knowledge scores averaged 7.49 (SD = 3.27). The quality of discharge teaching was higher at KAUH (M = 6.43, SD = 2.56) than at the MOH hospital (M = 5.48, SD = 2.89, p = 0.006). Caregiver age, child age, and discharge teaching quality were significant predictors of readiness (p < 0.05). Conclusions: In this study, the importance of discharge readiness is emphasized, highlighting the role of discharge education in enhancing preparedness. Addressing caregivers’ specific needs, especially for younger children or prolonged stays, can improve readiness and reduce post-discharge complications.
... The questionnaire was randomly sent through Google Form to the intended respondents, who are the higher education students in Malaysia. Random sampling is a technique used to choose samples randomly to avoid biased representation of the total population (Acharya et al., 2013). ...
With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, students at higher education institutions have recently relied greatly on technological support for their studies and remote support from their universities. Technological enablement is a major determinant of entrepreneurial initiation among higher education students in Malaysia. Empirical studies demonstrate the growing interest in investigating the impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial success among the country’s higher education students. The focus areas include how governmental support, entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurial education, and technological enablement (mediator factor) can influence entrepreneurial initiation. Therefore, this study aims to determine the factors that affect entrepreneurial initiation (action) among graduating students and the mediating effect of technological enablement on entrepreneurial adoption among students at higher education institutions in Malaysia. The study used Google Form to obtain information related to the topic. Data collection from 297 students in Peninsular Malaysia was voluntary and based on informed consent and anonymity. PLS-SEM (partial least squares structural equation modeling) with a formative-reflective model was adopted to assess the direct and indirect effects alongside the mediating factor. Hence, Smart PLS software was adopted for data analysis. Empirical results also proved that technological enablement as a mediating factor has a greater and significant impact on perceived entrepreneurial success. The results empirically demonstrate that the technological enablement factor has a major impact and influence when students at higher education institutions start businesses. Through such findings, policymakers at the institutional level will be able to identify and deliver the technological support and initiatives necessary to achieve a higher rate of entrepreneurial adoption success.
... For recruitment, we used a purposive sampling strategy [28]. We aimed to recruit French speaking care partners who had personal experiences using health and social care services. ...
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Background Persons living with dementia and their care partners encounter many challenges within the health and social care system, including lack of information, support, counselling, and access to community services, as well as significant staff turnover in home care services. The objective of this study was to work with multiple stakeholders to formulate relevant and feasible recommendations to improve care for persons living with dementia and their care partners in Quebec, Canada. Methods We conducted deliberative dialogues in the context of a large mixed methods study on the care of persons living with dementia and care partners. First, we organized two deliberative dialogues with care partners to formulate recommendations informed by the quantitative and qualitative results of the large study. These recommendations were further discussed in a third deliberative dialogue focused on the prioritization of relevant and feasible recommendations by clinicians, health project managers, and decision-makers. We performed a thematic analysis of the data using a multi-level framework: structural, organizational, provider, and patient perspectives. Results Participants formulated 14 recommendations. Two structural-level recommendations included fighting ageism and ensuring the same access to services in the whole province. Three organizational-level recommendations involved improving interdisciplinarity collaboration, improving access and follow-up in primary care, and adapting emergency departments. Additionally, two organizational-level recommendations were specific to healthcare crisis management (such as the COVID-19 pandemic): ensuring both the regular communication and the flexibility of implemented rules. Four provider-level recommendations encompassed providing more training on dementia, offering more training on levels of care, reviewing the relationship-based approach in training programs, and revising and optimizing medications. There were three patient-level recommendations including strengthening partnerships with persons living with dementia and care partners, guaranteeing personalized services and care, and reinforcing support for care partners. Conclusion The deliberative dialogues enabled us to formulate relevant recommendations based on research evidence, the lived experience of care partners, and the expertise of clinicians, health project managers and decision-makers. The results revealed several recommendations that will help mitigate the challenges faced by persons living with dementia and care partners in the health and social care system by informing policies and practices.
... In the current study, a total of ten focus group discussions were conducted with one category of key informants: the environmental organizations of every study area, as shown in Figure 4. The selection of focus groups in this research study was consistent with the concept of sampling units [63,64]. In BLM, the sampling units were members of the population from which data were gathered. ...
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Solid waste disposal methods within indigenous communities present unique challenges and opportunities for sustainable development. However, the current knowledge on solid waste management focuses on formal waste collection systems, neglecting the practices and sustainability aspects of solid waste management in indigenous communities. Thus, it becomes imperative to undertake research studies that evaluate the sustainability of these practices as they play a pivotal role in ensuring sustainable development. The current study systematically evaluates the views and judgments associated with the sustainability aspects of indigenous waste management practices in the rural communities of South Africa using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) model. The data analysis was carried out using the AHP model. The findings of this study showed that the rural communities of Bushbuckridge Local Municipality prioritize the sustainability of the environment (weight: 0.590) over the economic (weight: 0.240) and social sustainability (weight: 0.165) based on the AHP evaluative framework. The validity of the priorities was tested through the computed degree of consistency (<10%) and an eigenvalue of 5.107. Furthermore, according to the assessment in the current study, the AHP evaluative framework dominantly prioritizes the sub-criteria of environmental sustainability (composting) at a responding rate of over 70% almost across all indigenous communities except for Acornhoek (30%), Casteel (25%), and Mambumbu (24%). Likewise , the sub-criterion of social sustainability, which is associated with communal cleaning labor, was found to be of extreme importance (60%), outperforming taboos (10%) that are anchored in cultural and spiritual beliefs. With a response rate > 50%, waste trading proved to be of economic efficacy. Using the AHP model to evaluate the sustainability aspects associated with indigenous solid waste management practices addresses a substantial gap in the comprehension of the role of indigenous knowledge towards sustainability in the discipline of solid waste management. However, it also offers a valuable sustainability perception that is associated with indigenous waste disposal methods that local governments and policymakers should include for consideration in integrated waste management plans. This can lead to the development of waste disposal programs that are well-coordinated and in accordance with indigenous sustainable waste management practices that advance the circular economy and promote environmental protection.
... 27 Participants were recruited by word of mouth from the New Zealand Chiropractic College using a snowball sampling method. 29 The study took place at the Centre for Chiropractic Research at the New Zealand Chiropractic College between July 2021 to April 2022 and was managed around COVID-19 related lockdowns in compliance with the government and university restrictions as required. ...
... To balance the system's efficiency and have a representative of the data, 30% of the data was sampled using a stratified sampling method [44], which resulted in a sample size of 403,593, consisting of 323,025 non-defaults and 80,568 defaults, across 152 variables. This approach ensured that there were sufficient data without overwhelming the system. ...
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Predicting credit default risk is important to financial institutions, as accurately predicting the likelihood of a borrower defaulting on their loans will help to reduce financial losses, thereby maintaining profitability and stability. Although machine learning models have been used in assessing large applications with complex attributes for these predictions, there is still a need to identify the most effective techniques for the model development process, including the technique to address the issue of data imbalance. In this research, we conducted a comparative analysis of random forest, decision tree, SVMs (Support Vector Machines), XGBoost (Extreme Gradient Boosting), ADABoost (Adaptive Boosting) and the multi-layered perceptron, to predict credit defaults using loan data from LendingClub. Additionally, XGBoost was used as a framework for testing and evaluating various techniques. Moreover, we applied this XGBoost framework to handle the issue of class imbalance observed, by testing various resampling methods such as Random Over-Sampling (ROS), the Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique (SMOTE), Adaptive Synthetic Sampling (ADASYN), Random Under-Sampling (RUS), and hybrid approaches like the SMOTE with Tomek Links and the SMOTE with Edited Nearest Neighbours (SMOTE + ENNs). The results showed that balanced datasets significantly outperformed the imbalanced dataset, with the SMOTE + ENNs delivering the best overall performance, achieving an accuracy of 90.49%, a precision of 94.61% and a recall of 92.02%. Furthermore, ensemble methods such as voting and stacking were employed to enhance performance further. Our proposed model achieved an accuracy of 93.7%, a precision of 95.6% and a recall of 95.5%, which shows the potential of ensemble methods in improving credit default predictions and can provide lending platforms with the tool to reduce default rates and financial losses. In conclusion, the findings from this study have broader implications for financial institutions, offering a robust approach to risk assessment beyond the LendingClub dataset.
... The first source of questions and themes was based on three general factors affecting the successful implementation of DT projects in the UAE. These, in turn, were drawn from an assessment of the literature detailing the perspectives of numerous stakeholders in the UAE's public sector through a systematic literature review [64]. The second source of questions and themes was based on a validated questionnaire developed by Viswanath, based on the UTAUT model [59]. ...
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Digital transformation is a process in which the latest technologies are used in various business fields to keep pace with continuous changes. It involves the strategic and profound integration of digital technologies into an organization’s core business operations, processes, and models. In this study, a quantitative approach was used to study the impact of DT adoption on public sector transformational change projects in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The diffusion of innovation theory (DIT) and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model (UTAUT) were used in the factor analysis. This study highlights that digital transformation initiatives in the UAE have benefited from a strategic alignment with government initiatives, such as AI and blockchain strategies. However, public sector organizations face challenges, such as the high costs of technology adoption and cybersecurity risks during integration with legacy systems. The significance of social influence, including elements like use behavior and behavioral intention, was identified as essential for digital transformation, suggesting the importance of technology in job performance. Similarly, digital transformation projects improve IT competence and reduce resistance to change among leaders and individuals. The findings underscore the importance of investing in infrastructure and continuous IT training to sustain digital transformation. More studies are required across specific sectors to further explore the impact and scalability of DT initiatives in the UAE public sector.
This qualitative study was conducted to identify how being a sibling of a child with intellectual disabilities is defined for the child, its implications from the perspective of mothers. Data were collected through in-depth individual interviews using a “Semi-structured interview form” between November 2023 and January 2024 with 14 mothers of children aged 12-18 who were studying in seven special education and rehabilitation centres in Türkiye. The semi-structured interview form included questions such as “Can you tell us about the relationship between your child with intellectual disability and his/her sibling?” Main themes and sub-themes were developed using thematic analysis. Four main themes were identified from the data through thematic analysis: (1) A special relationship (2) The need to be perfect (3) Guilt and shame (4) Restriction. The findings revealed both positive and negative aspects of being a sibling of children with intellectual disabilities from the mothers’ perspective.