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The influence of in-store lighting on consumers' examination of merchandise in a wine store



Several studies examining the impact of illumination on behavior are reviewed in this article. Hypotheses are derived regarding the impact of in-store lighting on various aspects of shopping behavior. As part of a field experiment in a large US city, the lighting (soft versus bright) in a centrally located retail establishment was varied over a two month period. The results of an anova indicated that brighter lighting influenced shoppers to examine and handle more merchandise, though sales were not influenced. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for creating a functional store environment as well as an appropriate store image.
... Lighting is considered an important component of the restaurant atmosphere and is stated to visually affect everything in the restaurant, including the products purchased by customers (Summers and Hebert, 2001). There are limited studies on lighting in the literature (Gardner and Siomkos, 1986;Baker et al., 1992;Areni and Kim, 1994;Cuttle and Brandston, 1995;Boyce et al., 1996). ...
The concept of atmosphere, which refers to the design of the purchasing environment, aims to create certain emotions that increase the consumer's purchase intention. The atmosphere of any business in question can be effective in consumers' restaurant preferences. In order to gain an advantage in a competitive environment, businesses can provide customer satisfaction by conducting studies on the atmosphere. Therefore, controlling consumer behavior has become extremely important. At this point, the concept of behavioral intention formation, which is the output of consumers' purchasing process, emerges. Behavioral intention can be estimated by consumer behavior, consumers' attitudes towards behavior, subjective norms regarding behavior, and perceived control over performing the behavior. Examining the effect of restaurant atmosphere on behavioral intention after purchase is one of the factors of strategic importance for businesses. In this context, the purpose of the research is to reveal the effect of restaurant atmosphere on behavioral intention after purchasing the service. The survey form, which was created as a result of the literature review, was used as the data collection tool in the research. The research population consists of customers of Tourism Operation Certificated Restaurants operating in Ankara. Descriptive statistics CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) and SEM (Structural Equation Model) analyses were used in the evaluation of data and hypotheses. According to the findings obtained as a result of the analysis, all hypotheses created for the restaurant atmosphere dimensions (facility aesthetics, ambiance, lighting, layout and employees/personnel) were supported according to the research results. When the effect coefficients of the sub-dimensions of the restaurant atmosphere scale are examined, it is seen that the highest effect is in the "layout" dimension and the lowest effect is in the "facility aesthetics" dimension. It was determined that the restaurant atmosphere has a significant and positive effect on behavioral intention.
... Areni and Kim (1994), str. 117-125.17 ...
Faktori ambijenta u maloprodajnom objektu mogu imati značajan uticaj na ponašanje kupaca u maloprodaji. Stimulusi iz maloprodajnog okruženja mogu uticati na emocije kupaca što dalje dovodi do određenog obrasca ponašanja kupaca, koje se može manifestovati kao želja da se provede više vremena u maloprodajnom objektu, te da se izvrši evaluacija većeg broja proizvoda. Za maloprodavca je, u tom smislu, bitno da učini sve napore kako bi, uz kreiranje što kvalitetnijeg ambijenta, naveo kupca da ostvari što veću kupovinu. Predmet ovog rada predstavlja pregled relevantnih objavljenih radova koji prikazuju kako osvjetljenje, muzika i mirisi, kao faktori ambijenta maloprodajnog okruženja utiču na ponašanje kupaca. Cilj rada je da se naglasi značaj adekvatnog upravljanja faktorima ambijenta sa svrhom poboljšanja poslovnih rezultata maloprodavaca. Pregled literature u ovom radu može biti od koristi maloprodavcima koji u svoje strateške ciljeve implementiraju i upravljanje faktorima ambijenta maloprodajnog objekta.
... Nitekim birçok çalışmada hizmet ortamının iç ve dış tasarımlarının müşteri memnuniyeti üzerine olumlu ve olumsuz etki yaratabileceği yönünde bulgular elde etmiştir. Tantanatewin ve Inkarojrit (2016) ve Bellizzi, Crowley ve Hasty (1983) renklerin insan duyguları üzerindeki etkilerini bulgularken Areni ve Kim (1994) ...
Servicescape refers to the elements that make up the environment in which service is provided. The factors that are used to increase service performance and thus provide customer satisfaction and are called physical elements can be the temperature of the environment, the music playing in the space, furniture, accessories in the environment, symbols, etc. In this study, the concept of servicescape and its theoretical framework were first examined. Then, the extensions of the servicescape and the elements that make up these extensions were explained. Finally, a comprehensive literature review was conducted by referring to the findings obtained from domestic and foreign studies examining the effect of the servicescape on the customer's perception of service quality, customer expectations and customer satisfaction. Keywords: Service Marketing, Service Quality, Service Environment
... Entre esas variables investigadas destacan la exhibición (Applebaun, 1951); el espacio en los estantes (Curhan, 1972); la música (Smith y Curnow, 1966); y el diseño (Granbois, 1968). También se han ampliado los estudios a otras variables, como el color (Bellizzi et al., 1983) o la iluminación (Areni y Kim, 1994). ...
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This investigation raises the influence of the atmosphere of the point-of-sale in the creation of brand equity and loyalty to a retail store. A quantitative analysis was carried out using structural equations, using the technique of partial least squares. The case of the clients of a do-it-yourself project company in Cartagena, Colombia, was analyzed. A total of 239 surveys were applied between November 2019 and February 2020. The results show that the atmosphere is a key antecedent that drives brand equity. Brand equity exerts a mediating effect between atmosphere and loyalty. It is concluded that the effects of the atmosphere are intensified in the presence of brand equity, highlighting its determining role in explaining loyalty to the physical store.
... Due to the complex and diverse structure of consumer groups and the variety of their needs, individuals' consumption behavior can be influenced by their moods at different stages with different results [88][89][90]. This influence is reflected in various ways [91], including the timing of purchases, consumption expenditure, and the frequency of one-off purchases. ...
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Previous studies have acknowledged the impact of weather changes on retail uncertainty. They primarily focus on understanding how weather conditions affect offline consumer behavior and aim to develop effective marketing strategies. However, there is little research on the complex impact of weather on online shopping behavior. To bridge this gap, we conduct a study with a sample of 261 consumers from China with shopping experience in community retail shops (CRSs). We utilize the S-O-R model and theories, including meteorological emotional effect theory, emotional coherence, and meteorological psychology, to model and elucidate the relationship between weather and consumers’ online shopping behavior in CRS. Our findings reveal that weather conditions affect consumers’ spending patterns and purchase diversity, mediated by consumers’ emotions and risk aversion when they comfortably shop online at home. Furthermore, employing the fsQCA model, we identify the critical path through which weather conditions and consumer types influence risk-aversion awareness. The results provide management implications for retailers to develop online marketing strategies for different consumer types.
... particularly with respect to marketing (Erenkol, 2015). When a consumer enters a venue, the strategic use of, for instance, colors (Aboubaker Ettis, 2017;Labrecque, 2020) and lighting effects (Areni & Kim, 1994) creates a desire for consumers to stay a little longer, while the distinctive colors and shapes of each product invite them to touch (Krishna et al., 2017). The sense of sight is associated with elements such as colors, brightness, arrangements, and design (Erenkol, 2015). ...
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Sensory encounters are an essential component of the customer experience. However, most of the research conducted thus far has used self‐reported measuring techniques to address sensory experiences, which have limitations in holistically capturing the sensory encounters. Text analysis coupled with online reviews provides valuable customer experience information and at the same time, the data contains many suggestions regarding consumers’ sensory experiences. Consequently, online review data can be used to gain insights into how consumers’ sensory experiences—visual, olfactory, auditory, gustatory, and tactile—are represented in the dynamics of online reviews. Using a data set of 13,575 online reviews from Trustpilot and expanding upon the vocabulary of senses, we investigate how customers’ sensory experiences during grocery shopping relate to online review ratings. We discover that the interaction is more complex than one might think because the review star rating rises in the presence of visual and gustatory cues, while the effects of auditory, olfactory, and tactile cues are not demonstrated. We recommend marketers to monitor eWOM related to their own brand, as it can provide indications of what kind of sensory experiences customers have encountered.
... • Research on context dependability explores the multisensory framing effect, where various senses (visual, auditory, and olfactory) are stimulated to affect users' perception (Krishna, 2012). Previous studies mainly focused on visual cues, manipulating factors like light conditions (Areni and Kim, 1994), colour (Bellizzi and Hite, 1992), or both (Nefs, 2008). Liu et al. (2019) examine the processing of contextual information streams during consumer studies using immersive technologies. ...
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Previous studies have acknowledged the impact of weather changes on retail uncertainty. They primarily focus on understanding how weather conditions affect offline consumer behavior and aiming to develop effective marketing strategies. However, there is little research on the complex impact of weather on online shopping behavior. To bridge this gap, we conduct a study with a sample of 261 consumers from China with shopping experience in Community Retail Shops (CRSs). We utilize the S-O-R model and theories including meteorological emotional effect theory, emotional coherence and meteorological psychology to propose and validate models elucidating the relationship between weather and consumers' online shopping behavior in CRS. Our findings reveal that weather conditions affect consumers' spending patterns and purchase diversity, mediating by consumers' emotion and risk aversion, when they comfortably shop online at home. Furthermore, employing the fsQCA model, we identify the critical path through which weather conditions and consumer types influence risk aversion awareness. The results provide management implications for retailers to develop online marketing strategies for different consumer types.
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That music affects human beings in various ways has probably been presumed as long as people have played music. Many marketing practitioners already accept this notion, given that music is increasingly used as a stimulus in the retail environment as well as in radio and television advertising. Yet, fewer than 20 published empirical studies in marketing have music as their focus. The author reviews the small body of marketing literature, surveys relevant literature outside marketing, and provides research propositions to guide future studies.
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Both the lighting level of a setting and the social situation can affect arousal. If individuals attempt to maintain an optimal arousal level, then preferred lighting levels for a particular setting should vary with social variables. The purpose of this study was to examine this hypothesis. Male and female subjects (N = 105) were presented with 48 hypothetical situations and were asked to indicate their lighting level preferences for each. Some of the situations involved activities requiring a high degree of visual attention, while the other situations involved activities of a nonvisual nature. Activities were crossed with a social variable: a platonic friend present, a romantic partner present, or a group of platonic friends present. Across all activities, brightness preferences for the romantic partner situations were significantly lower than preferences for either the platonic friend situations or the group of friends situations. The effect of the social situation was very strong for nonvisual activities, but it was considerably weakened for visual activities. Also, brightness preferences were lower for situations with a group of friends than with one friend, but only for complex tasks. The results are consistent with arousal optimization theory.
By use of path analysis on data from 600 shoppers, the authors explore the sequential relationships among several variables pertinent to retail crowding. Results furnish evidence that perceived crowding systematically affects shopping behavior and consumers' feelings about retail outlets and shopping trips.
This paper critically reviews the literature available and presents an empirical study that examines the effects of background music on in-store shopping behavior. It finds that music tempo variations can significantly affect the pace of in-store traffic flow and dollar sales volume.