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Cross-linking of a poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene):(polystyrene sulfonic acid) hole injection layer with a bis-azide salt and the effect of atmospheric processing conditions on device properties

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Applied Physics Letters

Abstract and Figures

We investigate the role of atmospheric conditions during processing when cross-linking a poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene):(polystyrene sulfonic acid) hole injection layer with a bis-azide salt. In particular, we investigate nitrogen atmosphere and air, since there is a competing reaction of the cross-linker with oxygen. We show enhanced work function when processing under inert conditions, with device properties otherwise unaffected. When processing is done in air, higher irradiation dosages are needed to cross-link and the resulting films show lower work functions. Surprisingly, the finished devices display an unexpected two-fold increase in efficiency which we attribute to increased electron trapping in these films. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3680606]
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Cross-linking of a poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene):(polystyrene sulfonic
acid) hole injection layer with a bis-azide salt and the effect of atmospheric
processing conditions on device properties
Oliver Fenwick, Kate Oliver, and Franco Cacialli
Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 053309 (2012); doi: 10.1063/1.3680606
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Cross-linking of a poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene):(polystyrene sulfonic
acid) hole injection layer with a bis-azide salt and the effect of atmospheric
processing conditions on device properties
Oliver Fenwick, Kate Oliver, and Franco Cacialli
Department of Physics and Astronomy and London Centre for Nanotechnology, University College London,
Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom
(Received 4 October 2011; accepted 9 January 2012; publish ed online 3 February 2012)
We investigate the role of atmospheric conditions during processing when cross-linking a
poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene):(polystyrene sulfonic acid) hole injection layer with a bis-azide
salt. In particular, we investigate nitrogen atmosphere and air, since there is a competing reaction
of the cross-linker with oxygen. We show enhanced work function when processing under inert
conditions, with device properties otherwise unaffected. When processing is done in air, higher
irradiation dosages are needed to cross-link and the resulting films show lower work functions.
Surprisingly, the finished devices display an unexpected two-fold increase in efficiency which we
attribute to increased electron trapping in these films.
2012 American Institute of Physics.
Organic materials have been making multiple inroads
into the electronics market over the past 20 years, finding
applications from light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in displays,
and night-vision readable displays
to photovol-
upconversion devices,
and radio frequency identifi-
cation tags (RFID). Their attractiveness is attributed to their
highly tunable optoelectronic properties combined with low
cost processing that is suitable for large area devices. One
persistent material in this story has been the conjugated poly-
mer poly(ethylene dioxythiophene), PEDOT, doped with
poly(styrene sulphonic acid), PSS. This blend (PEDOT:PSS)
exhibits conductivities in the region of 1–10
, tuna-
ble by the blend ratio and by additives,
and has found
application in plastic circuitry, conductive coatings, and as
both a hole injection layer in polymer LEDs and an anode its
own right. Its use as a hole injection layer (HIL) in LEDs,
which is the focus of this paper, is made possible both by its
high work function,
which aids hole injection from a lower
work function transparent conductive electrode such as in-
dium tin oxide (ITO) and by its transparency in the visible
region. Furthermore, PEDOT:PSS is processable from dis-
persion in water allowing it to be readily deposited as part of
multilayer structures with organic soluble light-emitting
polymers. Because of its importance to the plastic electronics
industry, developing methods of processing and patterning
PEDOT:PSS whilst preserving its electrical properties is
Despite the wide variety of deposition techniques for or-
ganic semiconductors such as spray-coating, roll-to-roll
printing, and inkjet printing, photolithography remains
highly important due to its high throughput and its ability to
combine large area patterning with (sub-)micron sized
feature widths. One way photolithography can be made
compatible with PEDOT:PSS by blending a water soluble
photo-activated cross-linking agent into the PEDOT:PSS
suspension before deposition. Direct patterning by cross-
linking of PEDOT:PSS has the added benefit that it opens up
routes to the development of multi-layer devices where
another water-soluble conjugated polymeric material, such
as a perylene
or a polyrotaxane,
is deposited on top of
Accordingly, there have been reports of methods for
cross-linking PEDOT:PSS and these concentrate on the use
of water soluble azides, including bis(fluorinated phenyl az-
ide) (AAATf),
and 4,4
-disulfonic acid benza-
lacetone disodium salt (DAB).
In this publication, we
focus on the latter of these two cross-linking agents for the
fact that it can be photo-activated at longer wavelengths than
the fo rmer (400 nm for DAB, Fig. 1, compared to 250 nm
for AAATf), avoiding the use of high energy radiation that
has the potential to damage other active components in
multilayer devices, and also because the slightly longer
wavelengths are readily compatible with unconventional
photolithography techniques such as scanning near-field op-
tical lithography
that commonly use tapered optical
fibers. A previous investigation
of PEDOT:PSS cross-
linked with DAB has demonstrated a photolithography pro-
cess with minimum line width of 3.5 lm and line spacing of
1 lm applied to the patterning of electrodes for the fabrica-
tion of transistors in all-polymer integrated circuits. We aim
to build on this work by considering its application as a hole
injection layer in polymer LEDs which depend critically on
the wo rk function of the PEDOT:PSS layer.
PEDOT:PSS-DAB films were prepared from a dispersion
in water of 1.3 wt. % PEDOT:PSS (Sigma Aldrich, conductive
grade 483095) with 0.5 wt. % DAB (Toyo Gosei Kogyo Co.
Ltd.). ITO-coated glass substrates were oxygen-plasma treated
no more than 5 min prior to spin-coating the PEDOT:PSS on
top to ensure freezing-in of the work function increase.
Resulting PEDOT:PSS films were 100 nm thick. Cross-
linking was achieved by illuminating the film through the
glass/ITO substrate from a UV bromograph with emission (3.9
) overlapping the broad absorption peak of DAB at
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail:
2012 American Institute of Physics100, 053309-1
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 100, 053309 (2012)
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around 400 nm (Fig. 1) until the minimum dose required for
insolubilisation was achieved—E
¼ 195 mJ=cm
in nitrogen
atmosphere or E
¼ 780 mJ=cm
in air. This dose is larger
than previously reported, probably due to both absorption by
the ITO/glass substrate and the broad spectrum of the bromo-
graph which extends beyond the absorption band of the DAB.
Nevertheless, the larger dose required for insolubilisation in air
compared to nitrogen atmosphere (E
¼ 4) is consistent
with reported values and is due to competition between the
intended reaction of the triplet nitrenes with C-H bonds that is
responsible for cross-linking and unintended reaction of the
same triplet nitrenes with oxygen.
The broad absorption peak
of DAB around 400 nm (Fig. 1) was observed to diminish
upon UV irradiation indicating reaction of the azide group and
yielding a resulting film that is transparent in the visible part of
the spectrum. The irradiated films were then rinsed in de-
ionized water to remove non-cross-linked PEDOT:PSS and
unreacted DAB. Retention of the PEDOT:PSS during rinsing
was clear by eye, and thickness measurements made with a
Dektak surface profilometer confirmed complete retention of
the layer for films irradiated above the minimum dose. It is
worth noting that UV-irradiation may also improve bonding
between the PEDOT:PSS layer and the substrate, although we
do not currently have any direct evidence for such a process.
Devices were then constructed by spin-coating a 100 nm
thick layer of the prototypical conjugated polymer poly(9,9
dioctylfluorene-alt-benzothiadiazol) (F8BT) from 1.3 wt. % in
xylene on top of the PEDOT:PSS layer. The choice of an or-
ganic soluble active layer ensures that we can compare our
cross-linked devices with analogues incorporating a HIL of
untreated PEDOT:PSS without introducing solven t compatibil-
ity issues. The device was finished with a top electrode of cal-
cium (50 nm) capped with aluminium (150 nm).
To investigate the suitability of cross-linked
PEDOT:PSS hole injection layers for LEDs, we first meas-
ured the work functions of cross-linked PEDOT:PSS layers
on ITO by the macroscopic Kelvin probe technique. The
measured work function of pristine PEDOT:PSS was
4.93 6 0.03 eV, but was 0.1 eV lower than this when
cross-linked in air (4.85 6 0.04 eV) or 0.1 eV higher
(5.01 6 0.03 eV) than for pristine PEDOT:PSS when cross-
linked in nitrogen (Table I). These values were calculated
against a reference of freshly cleaved highly oriented pyro-
lytic graphite (work function 4.475 eV (Ref. 17)). We note
that this formulation of PEDOT:PSS has a slightly lower
work function than some reported in the literature, but our
results are consistent with our previous report on the same
Even the modest increase in work function for
nitrogen cross-linked films is important for polymer devices
since their highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) typi-
cally sits below the Fermi level of the anode (5.9 eV for
F8BT (Ref. 18)). The reason for the opposite effect when
cross-linking in air may be caused (a) by reduced cross-
linking in the PSS-rich surface layer where oxygen could be
expected to be more abundant, thereby favoring the compet-
ing nitrene-oxygen reaction and resulting in a certain amount
of re-solubilisation of the PSS that will tend to reduce the
dipole-effect that this surface-layer has on the work function
of the film or (b) by introduction of electronegative oxygen
species into the positively charged PSS-rich surface layer by
nitrene-oxygen reaction that will also tend to reduce the
We also observed a modest two-fold increase in conduc-
tivity of PEDOT:PSS after cross-linking by four-point probe
measurement. This could be in part due to the chemical dop-
ing caused by the introduction of DAB into PEDOT chains
but could equally be due to direct photochemical doping of
the PEDOT:PSS under UV illumination. Indeed previous
studies of azide cross-linking showed a 70-fold
or 100-
increase in conductivity. It may be that the higher
energy photons (from a 250 nm LED (Ref. 12) or a mercury
) that we aim to avoid in this study are responsible for
the large increase. In our case, we illuminate through the
ITO-coated glass substrate and, as a result, high energy
photons from the 253 nm line of the bromograph may be
absorbed before reaching the PEDOT:PSS.
Representative current-light-voltage (JVL) characteris-
tics measured under vacuum of finished LEDs incorporating
the cross-linked and analogue PEDOT:PSS layers are plotted
in Fig. 2. As expected from our work-function measurements
on the pristine films, the light turns on at higher voltages for
the air-cross-linked device (2.78 V) than both the non-cross-
linked devices (2.41 V) and the N
-cross-linked ones
(2.30 V). Indeed this can also be seen in the current
FIG. 1. (a) The chemical structures of PEDOT, PSS, and DAB. (b) The
absorption spectra of both a neat PEDOT:PSS film and a PEDOT:PSS film
incorporating DAB (film thicknesses 100 nm), plotted alongside the emis-
sion spectrum of the UV bromograph used to activate the cross-linking. (c)
Atomic force micrographs of PEDOT:PSS films on ITO for both a neat
PEDOT:PSS films and a film that has been cross-linked with DAB (50 s in
) and rinsed to remove residual non-cross-linked material.
053309-2 Fenwick, Oliver, and Cacialli Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 053309 (2012)
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characteristics where there is a sharp transition from unipolar
charge injection at low voltages to bipolar characteristics
above the light turn-on voltage. Perhaps surprisingly and de-
spite the unfavorable hole injection properties of the
PEDOT:PSS, we observe much higher quantum efficiencies
in the air cross-linked devices—0.43% when cross-linked in
air compared to 0.17% and 0.14%, respectively, for those
cross-linked in N
and those not cross-linked at all. These
higher quantum efficiencies for air cross-linked devices are
at the expense of slightly higher operating voltages, but lu-
minous efficacy in terms of the electrical driving power is
nonetheless trebled to 0.13 lm/W when compared to devices
incorporating non-cross-linked PEDOT:PSS.
We can investigate more deeply by looking in detail at
the current voltage characteristics. It is known that the
energy levels of F8BT (HOMO 5.9 eV, LUMO 3.5 to
3.3 eV (Refs. 18 and 19)) result in energy level line-up
between the LUMO and the cathode (Ca work function
2.8 eV (Ref. 20)), and thus that currents below light turn-
on are electron-dominated and that the onset of bipolar char-
acteristics is therefore expected to be controlled by the work
function of the ITO/PEDOT:PSS anode. Both the low and
high voltage current characteristics of Fig. 2 can be fitted by
a power law (J / V
). The switch between unipolar and
bipolar transport is seen in all devices by a sharp change in
the exponent, x. The bipolar current turn-on voltages, as the
light turn-on voltages, mirror the work functions measured
by Kelvin probe as we would expect. However, a closer look
at the sub-threshold currents shows some unexpected differ-
ences between the devices. The sub-threshold current in
nitrogen cross-linked devices is about twice that in a non-
cross-linked device (Table I), whereas it is reduced by a fac-
tor of three for the air cross-linked devices. In the sub-
threshold region, charge injection is unaffected by the anode
work function so we can infer that there must be either (a) a
change in either the bulk electron transport, (b) a change in
pinhole density in the PEDOT:PSS layer, or (c) modification
in electron trapping properties of the F8BT-PEDOT inter-
face. Atomic force microscope images of the cross-linked
PEDOT:PSS films showed no difference in morphology
compared to the non-cross-linked films (1.80 nm and
1.71 nm RMS roughness, respectively, Fig. 1) and no evi-
dence of pinholes in either case, ruling out explanation (b).
We find explanation (c) more likely than (a) since accumula-
tion of electrons at the F8BT-PEDOT interface has been
documented previously
and is also consistent with the
observed increase in electroluminescence quantum efficiency
for the air-cross-linked devices, which under this hypothesis
show the greatest degree of electron accumulation by means
of their lower sub-threshold currents. Indeed if we look at
the sub-threshold power law exponent, x , at 1 V below light
turn-on in the three cases, we see much lower values (1.3)
for the non- and N
-cross-linked cases than for the air-cross-
linked case (1.7). This indicates current characteristics
closer to space charge limited (x ¼ 2) than ohmi c (x ¼ 1) for
the air cross-linked case. In fact, it is likely that the F8BT-
PEDOT:PSS interface is altered in cross-linked devices for
two reasons: (a) introduction of Na
ions from the DAB salt
and (b) the use of a post-deposition rinsing step that is made
possible by cross-linking and may remove low molecular
weight impurities otherwise present in PEDOT:PSS (such as
sulphuric acid or other PSS hydrolysis products).
In conclusion, we have cross-linked PEDOT:PSS hole
injection layers with a bis-azide salt, DAB, for use in light-
emitting diodes. We investigated the effect of the atmos-
pheric conditions during activation of the cross-linker which
TABLE I. Properties of the treated PEDOT:PSS films and operational characteristics of their devices (errors determined from the standard deviation of meas-
urements from many devices/samples).
Device properties Film properties
function (eV)
PEDOT:PSS 2.41 6 0.17 0.14 6 0.06 0.05 6 0.01 0.4 6 0.2 0.08 4.93 6 0.03
50 s) 2.30 6 0.08 0.17 6 0.03 0.05 6 0.02 0.8 6 0.2 0.19 4.85 6 0.04
PEDOT:PSS-DAB (air, 200 s) 2.78 6 0.05 0.43 6 0.06 0.13 6 0.02 0.13 6 0.04 0.18 5.01 6 0.03
Defined for light emission above 0.2 cd/m
Defined as the ratio of luminous flux to electrical power at 100 cd/m
Defined at a bias of 1 V.
FIG. 2. Current-voltage-light characteristics of LEDs fabricated with a
PEDOT:PSS hole injection layer compared with devices where the hole
injection layer has been cross-linked using DAB. (Inset) External quantum
efficiency of the same devices plotted against current density.
053309-3 Fenwick, Oliver, and Cacialli Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 053309 (2012)
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is by UV exposure, finding that films cross-linked in air
show unfavorable wo k functions (4.85 eV) compared to
those cross-linked in N
atmosphere (5.01 eV) or non-cross-
linked (4.93 eV). This is reflected in the light turn-on voltage
in the respective devices. However, rather surprisingly, we
find more than a two-fold increase in efficiency for the air
cross-linked devices over the others. Lower sub-threshold
electron currents with more space charge limited character in
these devices suggest that this is due to a greater degree of
electron trapping at the F8BT-PEDOT:PSS interface.
We thank the EC (contracts: MRTN-CT-2006-036040
and grant agreement no. 212311 FP7/2007-2013 (ONE-P))
and the EPSRC.
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... As another alternative method, using orthogonal solvents and corresponding photoresists enables creating submicrometer-scale PEDOT:PSS patterns [22,23]; however, they can potentially be damaged by aggressive organic solvents. In addition, PEDOT:PSS can be directly crosslinked by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation with an appropriate photoinitiator [24][25][26], but the resolution is limited to several micrometers. From the above-mentioned techniques, we choose traditional photolithography together with the lift-off process. ...
... 2010年, Meyer研究小组 [14] 也在器件机理 方面做了比较深入细致的工作 [20] , 对于n型掺杂, 掺杂层的客体一般为活泼金属原 子(如金属Li和Cs)或活泼金属化合物(如LiF)等, 这些 物质均有较长的离子扩散长度, 极易扩散到发光层, 导致发光激子淬灭, 使器件的效率大大降低 [1] ; 另外, 在器件制备过程中, 由于蒸镀掺杂工艺不容易精确控 制, 这增加了器件制备的复杂性 [21] . . (1) 薄膜能级约为5.22 eV [22,23] , 高于ITO的功函数 Organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs) have been the intensive investigation subject in recent years due to their applications in lighting and displays. The typical OLED structure usually consists of a transparent indium-tin-oxide bottom anode, a top metal cathode, and some organic layers sandwiched between electrodes. ...
... Conductive polymers are good candidates due to the self-regulating nature of the molecular structure and the flexibility of electro-mechanical properties [22]. The PEDOT:PSS solution ( Fig. 1) is one of major conducting polymers that is already commercially applied to stretchable electronics and organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) [23]. PEDOT:PSS solution has good film forming properties, high transparency, excellent conductance controllability and thermal stability [24]. ...
Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) are typical conductive polymers and transparent elastomers, respectively, which are widely used in the field of stretchable electronics. This paper described a simple, cost-effective route for the preparation of PEDOT:PSS-PDMS conductive polymer films through direct manufacturing after miscibility. The surfactant, P-t octylophenol (Triton X-100), significantly improved the miscibility of PEDOT:PSS and PDMS. The tensile modulus, elongation at break, sheet resistance, normalized resistance and surface morphology, internal PEDOT:PSS conformation and long-term stability of the films (nine samples total) prepared by polymer blends were studied by varying the concentration groups of ethylene glycol (EG) and Triton X-100 in the mixture. By adjustment, the conductive polymer films exhibit a sheet resistance of 20 Ω sq⁻¹ and an elongation at break of about 82%, and have excellent piezoresistive effects and long-term stability. Moreover, we also demonstrated the feasibility of stretchable conductors by fabrication of stretchable LED circuits. On account of the excellent stretchability and conductivity, together with the facile fabrication process, we believe that our novel strategy could be directly integrated to high performance stretchable electronics.
... et al. demonstrated this approach and used patterned PEDOT:PSS in OLED and transistors[27][28][29][30]. ...
Full-text available
Along with the development of organic electronics, conductive polymer of PEDOT:PSS has been attracting more and more attention because they possess various novel electrical, optical, and mechanical properties, which render them useful in modern organic optoelectronic devices. Due to its organic nature, it is lightweight and can be fabricated into flexible devices. For better device processing and integrating, it is essential to tune their surface morphologies, and photolithography is the best choice at present. In this paper, current PEDOT:PSS patterning approaches using photolithography are reviewed, and some of our works are also briefly introduced. Appropriate photolithographic patterning process for PEDOT:PSS will enable its application in future organic electronics.
The potential of the electrical double layer (EDL) formed at the interface between cross-linked poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) doped with poly(styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) and phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) was measured with respect to a reference Ag/AgCl electrode, yielding a value of ca. 300 mV, which corresponds to a work function of 4.9 eV. More importantly, we report that the application of a voltage along the PEDOT:PSS substrate induces a modification of the EDL, which mirrors the potential applied to the PEDOT:PSS underneath. This is translated into an ionic electric field, tangential to the interface that images the electric field applied to the PEDOT:PSS. We propose that this modification of the EDL, via application of the electrical field away from the cell culture medium, is at origin of the neural stem cell response to that field, when cultured on top of PEDOT:PSS. Despite the comparatively low value of the Debye length (estimated around 1nm) with respect to the much larger cell to PEDOT:PSS surface distance, we believe that the perturbation of the EDL is the likely source of the increase of neuronal differentiation of the neural stem cells. We discuss other possible implications of that EDL modulation.
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Poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) is known for its potential to replace indium–tin oxide in various devices. Herein, when fabricating finger-type PEDOT:PSS electrodes using conventional photolithography, the cross-sectional profiles of the patterns are U-shaped instead of rectangular. The films initially suffer from non-uniformity and fragility as well as defects owing to undesirable patterns. Adding a small amount of hydrolyzed silane crosslinker to PEDOT:PSS suspensions increases the mechanical durability of PEDOT:PSS patterns while lifting off the photoresist. To further improve their microfabrication, we observe the effects of two additional oxygen (O2) plasma treatments on conventional photolithography processes for patterning PEDOT:PSS, expecting to observe how O2 plasma increases the uniformity of the patterns and changes the thickness and U-shaped cross-sectional profiles of the patterns. Appropriately exposing the patterned photoresist to O2 plasma before spin-coating PEDOT:PSS improves the wettability of its surface, including its sidewalls, and a similar treatment before lifting off the photoresist helps partially remove the spin-coated PEDOT:PSS that impedes the lift-off process. These two additional processes enable fabricating more uniform, defect-free PEDOT:PSS patterns. Both increasing the wettability of the photoresist patters before spin-coating PEDOT:PSS and reducing its conformal coverage are key to improving the photolithographic microfabrication of PEDOT:PSS.
Naturally immiscible PEDOT:PSS and PDMS, which are a typical conducting polymer and an transparent elastomer, respectively, were blended by the support of PDMS-b-PEO. A block copolymer, PDMS-b-PEO, consisting of hydrophobic PDMS backbones and hydrophilic PEO side chains, significantly improved the miscibility of PEDOT:PSS and PDMS. At an optimal PDMS-b-PEO concentration of 30%, a cured PEDOT:PSS:PDMS film was found to be comprised of three-dimensional PDMS networks and a PEDOT:PSS phase filling in between the networks. The optimal blend film exhibited a conductivity comparable to a pure PEDOT:PSS film and a maximum strain to rupture of about 75%. It was also demonstrated that interconnects made of this blend film functioned well irrespective of the substrate and the pattern size, and could reproducibly operate under strains up to 50%. These results indicate that the PEDOT:PSS:PDMS blends could be a practical choice for organic interconnects for future stretchable electronics.
Hematite (α-Fe2O3) nanoparticles were diffused of two different shapes (spherical and cubical) in PEDOT:PSS matrices below the percolation threshold. Increases in conductivity within a distinct range in concentration were observed in the dark and under simulated solar illumination. The effect was ascribed to a generalized Poole-Frenkel effect in conjunction with basic properties of heterojunctions and electrostatic dipoles, and verified through data fitting. A difference in behaviour between sphere- and cube-based nanocomposites was also observed.
Hematite (α-Fe2O3) nanoparticles of two different shapes but of same size (ca. 40 nm) were dispersed in PEDOT:PSS matrices in various concentration ranges (0-7 wt%) to study the consequent changes in conductivity in the dark and under solar illumination conditions. Within a distinct range of concentration, a distinct increase in the conductivity was observed for both spherical and cubical particle population. We ascribed this effect to the generalized Poole-Frenkel theory of conduction in conjunction with the basic depletion width properties of heterojunctions and electrostatic dipole moments, and verified our assumptions through data fitting. A difference in conductivity between sphere- and cube-based α-Fe2O3-PEDOT:PSS nanocomposites was also observed and ascribed to the electrostatic edge effect on the nanoparticles. The dispersion of α-Fe2O3 nanocrystals was confirmed by high-resolution electron microscopy, whereas the electrical properties and modulations thereof were followed by recording current-voltage characteristics.
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We report the preparation of films of poly(3-hexylthiophene) nanofibers suitable for fabrication of efficient multilayer solar cells by successive deposition of donor and acceptor layers from the same solvent. The nanofibers are obtained by addition of di-tert-butyl peroxide (DTBP) to a solution of P3HT in chlorobenzene. Interestingly, by varying the concentration of DTBP we are able to control both crystallinity and film retention of the spin-cast films. We also investigate the influence of the DTBPinduced crystallization on charge transport by thin-film transistor measurements, and find a more than five-fold increase in the hole mobility of nanofiber films compared to pure P3HT. We attribute this effect to the synergistic effects of increased crystallinity of the fibers and the formation of micrometersized fiber networks. We further demonstrate how it is possible to make use of the high film retention to fabricate photovoltaic devices by subsequent deposition of [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) from a chlorobenzene solution on top of the nanofiber film. The presence of a relatively large crystalline phase strongly affects the diffusion behavior of PCBM into the P3HT film, resulting in a morphology which is different from that of common bulk heterojunction solar cells and resembles a bilayer structure, as can be inferred from comparison of the external quantum efficiency spectra. However, a high power conversion efficiency of 2.3% suggests that there is still a significant intermixing of the two materials taking place.
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Industrialization of polymer electronics requires the use of safe solvents. To that end an I-line lithography process for conducting thin poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) films has been developed. The fully waterborne process is based on photocrosslinking using bisazide- and polyazide-type photoinitiators. The minimum feature size realized comprises 2.5 μm wide lines separated by 1 μm spacings. The sheet resistance is 1 kΩ/square. The process has been applied to fabricate all-polymer integrated circuits. The technology is demonstrated with functional 15-bit code generators. © 2002 American Institute of Physics.
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We report electroabsorption measurements of polymer light-emitting diodes, (LEDs), fabricated with poly(4-4′-diphenylene diphenylvinylene), PDPV, as the emissive layer, Ca–Al cathodes, and indium tin oxide (ITO) anodes, with and without a doped conducting polymer hole injection/transport layer, namely poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene), PEDOT, doped with poly(styrene sulfonate), PSS−. In these structures, the bias at which the electroabsorption signal is null corresponds to the difference between the electrodes’ work functions. We find that such a built-in voltage increases by 0.5 V when a PEDOT:PSS film is incorporated between the ITO electrode and the emissive layer. This leads to a marked reduction of the anode barrier height at the hole-injecting interface, and accounts for a variety of improvements brought about by the PEDOT insertion, namely: (a) the increase of luminescence efficiency, (b) the reduction of the turn-on voltage, and (c) the increase of the device lifetime. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.
Indium tin oxide (ITO), Au and Pt are materials of interest as high work function contacts for organic semiconductor devices. In this paper the relative energy level line-up of these materials is investigated both as bare surfaces or part of a polymer/conductor interface. Kelvin probe (KP) measurements show that the estimated work function for Au and Pt surfaces, evaporated under normal high vacuum (HV) fabrication conditions and measured in air, can be significantly lower (by ∼0.2 to 0.9eV) than those of clean surfaces evaporated and measured in the more demanding and clean ultra high vacuum (UHV), that are often used as reference values. The work function of all surfaces increases significantly (from ∼0.4 to >1eV) after an oxygen plasma, but then decreases upon air exposure, with different rates for different materials. The effect of the plasma wears off most rapidly for Au whilst it is more resilient for ITO. Most interestingly, via KP and electroabsorption measurements of the built-in potential on polymer/conductor and conductor/polymer/conductor structures, we demonstrate that a plasma-induced enhancement of the work function is “frozen in” by the application of a polymer semiconductor layer over the plasma-treated surfaces and can be made to last for years by proper device encapsulation. These results have strong implications on the understanding, fabrication, design and stability of organic semiconductor devices.
We have studied the performance of single-layer polymer light-emitting diodes based on a polyfluorene derivative. Hole-only devices show low currents; however, double-carrier devices show high currents and high efficiencies, implying that the presence of electrons in the device enhances hole injection. By numerical modeling, we show that this behavior is consistent with the presence of a barrier to electron extraction at the anode which causes an increased field for hole injection due to the buildup of electrons at the barrier. © 2001 American Institute of Physics.
The influence of anode buffer layers on the performance of polymer photovoltaic devices based on blends of poly(3-hexylthiophene) and [6,6]-phenyl-C-61-buytyric acid methyl ester has been investigated. The buffer layers consist of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT-PSS) doped with different concentrations of mannitol. Improved power conversion efficiency, up to 5.2%, has been observed by reducing the resistance of PEDOT:PSS after doping. One extrapolation method has been developed to exclude the resistance from the connection of the electrodes from the total device resistance. The results confirm that the device improvement is due to the reduction of series resistance of the PEDOT:PSS after the mannitol doping.
We have studied the interface formation of a vinylene phenylene oligomer with a Ca substrate using photoemission spectroscopy. The evolution of core and valence spectra during the deposition of the oligomer on Ca has indicated the molecular energy level bending. The total energy level bending was 0.5 eV and the thickness of the level bending region was about 100 Å. We propose an energy level diagram of the oligomer‐Ca interface based on the information obtained from the photoemission spectra. © 1996 American Institute of Physics.
Blending is a technique known in polymer technology that takes advantage of the processibility of polymers to produce new solid materials or composites with specific structural and physical properties, distinct from the ones of their components. In thin films of polymer blends interesting morphologies are formed because of phase separation. For conjugated polymers, i.e. solution-processible semiconductors, blending also opens a way to optimize the performance of opto-electronic devices, bringing about technological benefits. It is therefore crucial to achieve understanding of the effect film morphology has on the device performance, and, ultimately, to achieve control over the phase separation in a blend, so that structures can be designed that yield the desired device performance. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) made of polymer blends have shown strongly enhanced electroluminescence (EL) efficiencies, as compared to pure homopolymers. Colour conversion, white light emission, polarized light emission, emission line narrowing, and voltage-tunable colours are other effects that have been observed in blends containing light-emitting polymers. Although the enhanced EL efficiency is attributed to Förster-type energy transfer in numerous reports, the exciton dynamics behind this effect is not well understood. Here we review the formation and morphology of thin films of conjugated polymer blends, as well as modern microscopic and spectroscopic techniques to study them. Furthermore, we attempt to link the film morphology to the electronic performance of electroluminescent and photovoltaic devices and discuss energy and charge transfer phenomena at the interfaces. We also report some new results, specifically for polyfluorene blends in LEDs. This article was originally intended for publication in Issue 42 of this volume, which was a special issue on Conjugated Polymers: Issue 42
The fabrication of high-resolution nanostructures in both poly(p-phenylene vinylene), PPV, and a crosslinkable derivative of poly(9,9′-dioctylfluorene), F8, using scanning near-field optical lithography, is reported. The ability to draw complex, reproducible structures with 65000 pixels and lateral resolution below 60 nm (< λ/5) is demonstrated over areas up to 20 μm × 20 μm. Patterning on length-scales of this order is desirable for realizing applications both in organic nanoelectronics and nanophotonics. The technique is based on the site-selective insolubilization of a precursor polymer under exposure to the confined optical field present at the tip of an apertured near-field optical fiber probe. In the case of PPV, a leaving-group reaction is utilized to achieve insolubilization, whereas the polyfluorene is insolubilized using a photoacid initiator to create a crosslinked network in situ. For PPV, resolubilization of the features is observed at high exposure energies. This is not seen for the crosslinked F8 derivative, r-F8Ox, allowing us to pattern structures up to 200 nm in height.
Determining work functions (WFs) using a Kelvin probe requires a known standard. In air there was no reliable standard until use of electrochemical half-cells was proposed and developed. Here the use of highly oriented graphite, HOPG, is shown to work well as an additional standard, useable in air or vacuum. The values of the WFs of these standards are given, and the precision and accuracy of measurements using them are discussed. Actual examples and some detailed procedures are included.
a b s t r a c t Polyfluorene copolymers are functionalised with oxetane side groups which make them cross-linkable upon exposure to an acid. Upon addition of a photoacid they become photo-cross-linkable if exposed to UV light. Optical and electrochemical properties of these copolymers, both in the soluble and cross-linked forms are compared. We further show that the use of this type of copolymer allows the fabrication of multilayer structures without restriction of the organic solvent used to deposit an upper layer. In particular, we fabricate multilayer LEDs with enhanced luminous efficiency using one of the copolymers. The possibility to photo-cross-link these materials is also used to prepare micrometer size patterns, using a transmission electron microscope grid as a shadow mask. Furthermore, the use of a scanning near-field optical microscope allows submicron patterns to be prepared. We propose that this approach, which can be extended to a wide range of conjugated polymers, can be useful for the fabrication of optical, electronic and optoelectronic structures.