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Growth, morphometrics and size structure of the Diadematidae sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii in northern New Zealand


Abstract and Figures

The sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii has increased its range in Eastern Australia resulting in important ecological changes. C. rodgersii may also have expanded its distribution range to northern New Zealand in the last five to six decades, although little is known about this process and of the biology of the species in New Zealand. We investigated morphometrics as well as growth using two techniques (growth line count in genital plates and tag–recapture using the fluorescent marker tetracycline). These methods allowed modelling of size at age of C. rodgersii in New Zealand, which we compared with populations recently established in Tasmania. The modelled growth rate was only slightly higher in the New Zealand population, and no differences in morphometrics were observed. The New Zealand population structure suggests that annual recruitment occurs regularly, with the population including a range of ages (3 to 10+ years).
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Growth, morphometrics and size structure of the
Diadematidae sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii
in northern New Zealand
Danilo Pecorino
,Miles D. Lamare
and Mike F. Barker
Department of Marine Science, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Corresponding author. Email:
Abstract. The sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii has increased its range in Eastern Australia resulting in important
ecological changes. C. rodgersii may also have expanded its distribution range to northern New Zealand in the last five to
six decades, although little is known about this process and of the biology of the species in New Zealand. We investigated
morphometrics as well as growth using two techniques (growth line count in genital plates and tag–recapture using the
fluorescent marker tetracycline). These methods allowed modelling of size at age of C. rodgersii in New Zealand, which
we compared with populations recently established in Tasmania. The modelled growth rate was only slightly higher in the
New Zealand population, and no differences in morphometrics were observed. The New Zealand population structure
suggests that annual recruitment occurs regularly, with the population including a range of ages (3 to 10þyears).
Additional keywords: climate change, competition, growth lines, range expansion, tag–recapture.
Received 7 February 2012, accepted 30 April 2012, published online 2 July 2012
Centrostephanus rodgersii (Agassiz, 1863) is a large Diade-
matidae sea urchin that occurs intertidally and subtidally (0 to
30 m depth) along the eastern coast of mainland Australia,
Tasmania, Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands, and northern New
Zealand (Andrew 1993; Andrew 1994; Andrew and Byrne
2007). It is associated with hard corals in the north of its dis-
tribution and kelp communities in the south, where it is capable
of forming and maintaining extensive patches of barrens habitat
(Andrew and Underwood 1989, 1993; Andrew 1991, 1993; Hill
et al. 2003; Andrew and Byrne 2007; Connell and Irving 2008;
Ling et al. 2009a).
In the last 5–6 decades, C. rodgersii has expanded its range
from south-eastern mainland Australia to Tasmania, where it
was first recorded in 1978 (Johnson et al. 2005). In the subse-
quent years the southern range expansion continued, and by
2005 the species had reached the south-western tip of Tasmania
(Ling et al. 2008). There is anecdotal evidence that suggests
C. rodgersii increased in range into New Zealand at about the
same time. It was noted to be present in New Zealand at the Poor
Knights Islands in 1967 (Barker pers. obs.) and later on nearby
off-shore islands immediately south, namely the Mokohinau and
Great Barrier Islands (Choat and Schiel 1982).
The southward range expansion of C. rodgersii has been
attributed to a strengthening of the Eastern Australian Current
(EAC) and its increased southerly extension (Ridgway 2007;
Ling et al. 2009b). This has, in turn, increased winter sea surface
temperatures above 128C, a temperature that allows larvae of
C. rodgersii to develop (Ling et al. 2008). For this reason, the
establishment of a population around the Tasmanian coastline
is closely linked to increases in winter sea surface temperatures
above the 128C winter threshold (Ling et al. 2009b). The
potential for changes in population size and ranges of
C. rodgersii in New Zealand as a result of changes in the EAC
and increases in sea surface temperatures is unknown.
To gain a better understanding of the processes that may
affect C. rodgersii populations in New Zealand, information on
the biology of this species, including growth, morphometrics
and population structure is required. In the present paper we
examine growth in a New Zealand population and compare
estimates of size-at-age of C. rodgersii with those in Tasmania.
C. rodgersii is a moderately fast growing sea urchin, reaching
50 mm test diameter (TD) at an age of 4–5 years, and approach-
ing a maximum size of ,114 mm after ,25 to 35 years, after
which, growth slows considerably (Ling et al. 2009b). The
species shows a degree of spatial variation in growth between
environments, with higher growth rates in macroalgal bound-
aries compared with barren grounds (Ling and Johnson 2009).
Rates of growth of the New Zealand population are unknown,
although they may differ from the Tasmanian population, given
the plasticity of growth rates that are known in sea urchin species
based on differences in temperature and food availability (Ebert
et al. 1999).
Quantifying growth in sea urchins requires changes in size at
age to be established and that an appropriate model of growth is
utilised. Growth in sea urchins has been examined using several
methods including annual growth ring counts (Gage 1992; Brey
et al. 1995), tag–recapture (Ebert and Russell 1992; Lamare and
Marine and Freshwater Research
Journal compilation ÓCSIRO 2012
Mladenov 2000; Kirby et al. 2006; Ling et al. 2009b), laboratory
rearing (Lamare and Mladenov 2000), and cohort analysis
(Swan 1958; Ebert 1968; Raymond and Scheibling 1987).
Similarly, a range of growth models have been applied to sea
urchins including those that assume asymptotic growth such
as the Brody–Bertalanffy (von Bertalanffy 1938; Brody 1945)
and Richards functions (Richards 1959) to more complex
models that allow for continued growth through the life of
the animal, such as the Tanaka function (Tanaka 1982).
The advantages of the different approaches and details of the
methods have already been widely discussed (Dix 1970; Pearse
and Pearse 1975; Nelson and Vance 1979; Olson and Newton
1979; Ebert 1988; Gage 1992; Ebert and Russell 1993; Bureau
1996; Robinson and MacIntyre 1997; Ebert et al. 1999; Lamare
and Mladenov 2000; Russell and Meredith 2000; Duggan and
Miller 2001; Rogers-Bennett et al. 2003; Kirby et al. 2006;
Pederson and Johnson 2008; Ellers and Johnson 2009; Ling and
Johnson 2009; Ling et al. 2009b).
We use both tag–recapture and growth line counts to estimate
growth in C. rodgersii in a population in northern New Zealand,
and apply three growth models to our data. At the same time we
examine morphometrics and size at age distributions in the
same population. These data allow for the first estimates of
growth of the species in New Zealand, and increase our
understanding of its population biology at this location. Given
the significant changes in the Tasmanian coastal ecosystems that
have been attributed to the expansion of C. rodgersii, the
implications of our findings for the species in terms of its
establishment in New Zealand and future ecological interactions
are discussed.
Materials and methods
Study site and collection
Populations of C. rodgersii were examined at two sites located
in the Mokohinau Islands, a cluster of small islands situated
north-east of the northern part of the North Island, New Zealand
(Fig. 1). Site 1 is at North-East Bay of Fanal Island (35856.1460S,
175808.9220E), and site 2 is on the eastern side of Burgess Island
(35854.1170S, 17587.1430E). The habitat at both sites is char-
acterised by large rock boulders (1 to 2 m) and dense macroalgal
coverage, dominated by the canopy forming brown seaweed
Ecklonia radiata. The sea urchin C. rodgersii is patchily dis-
tributed and occurs sympatrically with the more numerous New
Zealand endemic echinoid Evechinus chloroticus (Echinome-
tridae). Sea urchins were chemically tagged in situ by SCUBA
divers on 24 January 2010 and were sampled one year later, on
31 January 2011 for the tag–recapture study (see ‘Tetracycline
tagging and recapture’ for details). Between January 2010 and
November 2010, sea urchins were sampled on 7 occasions to
provide age estimates obtained from growth lines (see ‘Growth
lines’ paragraph for details). Samples were collected from a
depth of 5 to 15 m, with between 10 and 20 sea urchins collected
on each sampling date. The sea urchins that were collected
included both tagged and untagged individuals because tags
were not visible externally.
The TD of each individual collected between January 2010 and
November 2010 (n¼84) was measured (to the nearest 0.1 mm)
with digital callipers, then they were drained of water and
coelomic fluid, weighed (0.01 g precision) and dissected. Major
body components (Aristotle’s lantern and test) were weighed
and the genital plates and Aristotle’s lantern were bleached in
10% NaClO overnight to remove organic matter. Following this,
the lantern was disassembled and the average length of each
demi-pyramid (referred to hereafter as ‘jaws’) measured from
the oral tip to the epiphysis. Jaw length was plotted against TD to
check for its size relatively to the diameter. An average lantern
index (LI) for the population, defined as the ratio between jaw
length and test diameter and expressed as a percentage, was then
calculated as the average of the LI of each individual.
Growth estimates
Growth lines
Age lines were counted on the same individuals used for
morphometric measurements. Bleached genital plates were
dried at 608C for 1 day and subsequently placed into a muffle
furnace at 5008C for 15 min to make growth lines more visible.
At that point, each genital plate had the external surface gently
sanded with fine sandpaper (P240 grade), rinsed in 96% ethanol
and air-dried, before being submerged in xylene. To estimate
age, the number of lines was counted under a dissecting
microscope, with one translucent and one opaque growth line
assumed to represent a 1-year time period.
Marginal increment analysis was used to validate annual
growth lines deposition in the genital plates (Schuhbauer et al.
2010). For this, one randomly selected genital plate from each
aged individual was examined under a dissecting microscope,
and whether the outermost growth region was translucent or
opaque was noted. Periodicity of opaque and translucent line
deposition was determined from the proportion of individuals
that exhibited a translucent line at the margin of the genital
plates on each sampling time. Periodicity of deposition of
growth lines was also validated by using the genital plates of
tagged individuals recollected one year after tagging (n¼24
individuals that exhibited a fluorescent mark on the genital
1 km
Mokohinau Islands
North New
Burgess Island
Fanal Island
Fig. 1. Location of the Mokohinau Islands in New Zealand. The position of
Centrostephanus rodgersii sampling and tagging sites at Fanal Island and
Burgess Island is indicated by the circles.
BMarine and Freshwater Research D. Pecorino et al.
plates, see ‘Tetracycline tagging and recapture’ for the marking
and reading method) by counting the number of lines visible
after the tag and assuming that no more than two growth lines,
one opaque and one translucent, can be deposited each year,
assuming line deposition follows an annual pattern.
Tetracycline tagging and recapture
On 24 January 2010, 80 C. rodgersii were chemically tagged
with an injection of 2–4 mL of a 1% tetracycline solution
through the peristomial membrane into the coelomic cavity.
SCUBA divers performed the task using a syringe that
automatically refills, with the gauge set to deliver 2 mL. One
or two injections were administered to each animal according
to its estimated size (approximately 2 mL of tetracycline if
TD ,70 mm, and approximately 4 mL of tetracycline if TD .
70 mm). On 31 January 2011, the tagging site was revisited and
91 sea urchins were collected, returned to the mainland and their
TD measured. Each urchin was dissected and Aristotle’s lantern
and test weighed. The lanterns were cleaned in 10% NaClO
overnight and the jaws separated and inspected for fluorescent
tags under a dissecting microscope equipped with an external
UV light source. Tetracycline that has been incorporated into the
skeleton is fluorescent under UV light. The location of the
fluorescent tag in the jaw represents the length of the jaw at the
time of tagging J
. If a tag was found, the total length of the jaw
and increment DJat the aboral end (i.e. the length of
the portion of jaw that was deposited at the aboral end during the
1-year time interval before tagging and recapture) were mea-
sured and the length of the jaw at the time of tagging J
obtained (Fig. 2). No measurable growth was present at the oral
end of the jaws. Twenty-four tagged specimens (and jaws) were
The relationship between jaw length (J) and test diameter
(TD) was assessed using the following equation:
TD ¼61:821 ln J101:61;
with jaw length converted to TD at the time of tagging (TD
) and
at the time of recapture one year later (TD
Growth model
Three growth equations were used to model growth of
C. rodgersii. The equations used for size (TD
) at age (t) were:
Brody–Bertalanffy (von Bertalanffy 1938; Brody 1945)
Richards (Richards 1959)
and Jolicoeur (Jolicoeur 1985)
where TD
is size at time t,TD
is the asymptotic size, bis the
scaling parameter to adjust for size t0 at time 0, Kis the
growth constant and nis the shape parameter for the Richards
The three growth models were applied to both tetracycline
tagged animals and animals aged from growth lines. To apply
the models to growth-line aged animals, the size versus age
(i.e. the number of growth lines) for each individual was plotted
and the parameters of each growth curve estimated by perform-
ing a non-linear regression using the Newton method.
To estimate growth rates from the tetracycline tagged
animals, the relationship between test diameter at time of
tagging (TD
) and test diameter at time of recapture, one year
after marking (TD
), was plotted using a Walford plot
(Walford 1946) and either a linear or non-linear regression of
the difference equation for each model used to estimate para-
meters for each growth equation (Ebert and Russell 1992;
Lamare and Mladenov 2000). The difference equations for each
growth model are as follows:
and Jolicoeur
Details on parameter fitting can be found in Ebert and Russell
(1992) and Lamare and Mladenov (2000).
Instantaneous growth rates
After fitting curves to the data, the derivative of each growth
equation with respect to time, together with the fitted
parameters, were used to plot the instantaneous growth rate
Tetracycline tag
10 mm 2.5 mm
Fig. 2. From left to right (a) a demi-pyramid with measurements for growth
modelling indicated and (b) a genital plate of a 5 year old individual with
growth lines visible. Tetracycline tags appear much brighter to the naked eye
than we could obtain by photography.
Growth of Centrostephanus rodgersii in New Zealand Marine and Freshwater Research C
(IGR, mm year
) and the age of maximum growth and maxi-
mum growth rate (MGR, mm year
) for each curve.
Model comparisons
Growth model fits obtained from growth lines and tag–recapture
data were assessed considering residuals standard sum of
squares error (SSE), distribution of residuals and second order
Akaike Information Criterion (AICc) paired with the D
to compensate for differences in the number of parameters in
each model (Akaike 1974; Burnham and Anderson 1998).
Sea surface temperatures
Changes in sea surface temperature (SST) at the Mokohinau
Islands over the study period were obtained from the SST probe
of the satellite Terra MODIS (,
data can be accessed through the ‘Level 3 browser’ by selecting
the appropriate time frame). The SST for the Mokohinau Islands
at each time were calculated from the average SST for a 9 pixels
reticulum (16 km
each) centred on the coordinates of the
sampling site.
Statistical analyses
All statistical analyses and non-linear modelling were per-
formed using JMP7 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC).
A significant relationship existed between demi-pyramid length
and test diameter (R
¼0.882, d.f. ¼90, P,0.001, Fig. 3a) and
between test wet weight and test diameter (R
¼0.898, d.f. ¼90,
P,0.001, Fig. 3b). Using jaw length and test diameter for
each individual, we calculated a mean s.e. lantern index for
C. rodgersii of LI% ¼26.2 2.2 mm, with the lantern index
found to be independent of test diameter (Fig. 3c).
Marginal increment analysis
An example of a genital plate with alternating opaque and
translucent annular lines can be seen in Fig. 2b. A plot of the
proportion of genital plates with a translucent margin in each
sampling month (Fig. 4a) indicated a peak in the occurrence of
individuals with a translucent margin in September (91.7%). By
November no individuals had translucent marginal bands. The
maximum proportion of individuals with translucent margins
corresponded with the minimum sea surface temperature
(14.8 0.18C, mean s.d.) during the year (Fig. 4b).
Growth parameters estimates from growth lines
The estimated parameters of the three growth models obtained
from fits to the annular lines are summarised in Table 1.
Maximum test diameter estimates were similar among the three
models, ranging from 119.1 mm for the Richards model to
126.4 mm for the Jolicoeur function (Table 1a). The rate of
change in growth was slightly higher for the Jolicoeur curve
(k¼1.698) and similar for the Brody–Bertalanffy and the
Richards curve (k¼0.235 and k¼0.305 respectively, Table 1).
In terms of model goodness-of-fit, all three models have a
similar residual SSE when fitted to the annular data (Table 1),
the lowest being the Jolicoeur curve (SSE ¼6162.6). The D
indicated that the Jolicoeur model had the highest support
¼0), followed by the Brody–Bertalanffy function (D
and Richards function (D
¼3), which were also well supported.
Using the Jolicoeur model, instantaneous growth in C. rodgersii
J (mm)Test wet weight (g)Lantern index (%)
50 60 70 80 90 100 110
y 0.245x 1.391
y 4.488x 214.279
y 0.018x 27.862
120 130
0 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
TD (mm)
110 120 130
Fig. 3. Relationship between (a) jaw length (J) and test diameter (TD),
and (b) test wet weight and test diameter and (c) Lantern index (%) and
test diameter for Centrostephanus rodgersii from the Mokohinau Islands,
DMarine and Freshwater Research D. Pecorino et al.
was found to reach a maximum rate of 23.8 mm year
at an age
of 1.4 years, with growth decreasing to ,10 mm year
by age 5
(Fig. 5). Animals reach a size of ,85 mm TD by age 5 (Fig. 6a),
and approach an asymptotic size of 126 mm TD between 15 and
20 years (Fig. 6a).
Growth parameters estimates from tag–recaptures
The estimated parameters of the three growth models obtained
from tag–recapture data are summarised in Table 1. Maximum
growth rate ranged from 14.3 mm year
for the Richards
function to 20.3 mm year
for the Brody–Bertalanffy model.
Age of maximum growth rate ranged from 2.8 years in the
Jolicoeur model to 2.5 years in the Richards model and at
settlement (age 0) for the Brody–Bertalanffy model, with the
rate of change in growth rate greatest for the Jolicoeur model
(k¼2.322) and least for the Brody–Bertalanffy model
(k¼0.189) (Table 1). Maximum test diameter was estimated at
¼108.0 mm for Brody–Bertalanffy, TD
¼106.6 mm for
Richards and TD
¼106.2 mm for Jolicoeur (Table 1).
In terms of model goodness-of-fit, the residual SSE for
curves fitted to the tagged individuals was lowest for the
Jolicoeur model (SEE ¼10.574) and highest for the Richards
model (SEE ¼30.387) (Table 1). The AICc gave similar
results, with the lowest D
found in the Jolicoeur model (D
and the highest value in the Richards model (D
¼25). All the
models, aside from Jolicoeur, receive essentially no support
from the data when comparing AIC (i.e. D
.10; Burnham and
Anderson 1998). Using the Jolicoeur model of growth of the
tagged sea urchins, instantaneous growth in C. rodgersii
was found to reach a maximum rate of 17.7 mm year
at an
age of 2.8 years (Table 1, Fig. 5), with growth decreasing
to ,13 mm year
by age 5 (Fig. 5). Animals reach a size of
,63 mm TD by age 5, and approach an asymptotic size
of 106 mm TD between 10 and 15 years (Fig. 6b).
For the Jolicoeur model, the residuals move from negative to
positive with increasing size, indicating that growth continues
even after the asymptotic size has been reached. This was also
apparent for the Brody–Bertalanffy and Richards models,
suggesting that growth is continuous in the largest animals.
During the past 50 years, the sea urchin C. rodgersii has greatly
expanded its southern distributional range along the south-
eastern Australian and Tasmanian coastlines. This has been
attributed to an increase in the southward and eastward flow of
the East Australian Current and a corresponding increase in sea
surface temperatures along the SE Australian and Tasmanian
coasts (Ridgway 2007; Ling et al. 2009b) that has enhanced
C. rodgersii larval survival and recruitment (Ling et al. 2008).
Anecdotal evidence suggests that the changes in the East
Australian Current may also have allowed for the establishment
of this species in northern New Zealand. Determining if its
occurrence in New Zealand is recent is difficult because very
little is known on the biology of the species in New Zealand,
including aspects of its population biology such as growth,
morphometrics and recruitment. So as to gather information on
the population biology of the species in a new environment,
growth in a New Zealand population of Centrostephanus
rodgersii from the Mokohinau Islands was studied.
Growth was estimated using two methods, the first by
estimating the age of individuals by counting annular lines in
the genital plate and assuming that they are related to differences
in the deposition of the stereom over an annual cycle (Pearse and
Pearse 1975). Aging by this method has been applied to several
echinoderm species (Pearse and Pearse 1975; Gage and Tyler
1985; Nichols et al. 1985; Brey et al. 1985; Gebauer and Moreno
1995; Robinson and MacIntyre 1997; Schuhbauer et al. 2010).
The validity of such a method, however, requires knowing at
what periodicity the growth lines are added because it has been
shown that patterns of calcium deposition rates are not always
correlated with seasonality, but merely to periods of different
abundance of food regardless of season (Ebert 1988). Indeed, in
the case of sea urchins, growth lines have been shown to be
unreliable for some species (Ebert 1988; Russell and Meredith
2000) and therefore validation is essential.
We validated our aging data by marginal increment analysis
(Schuhbauer et al. 2010) to quantify the proportion of indivi-
duals in each sample of genital plates with opaque lines at their
margin. Most of the marginal transluscent bands occurred in
September samples (91.3%), which decreased to 0% in Novem-
ber. This indicates that the deposition of the translucent band is
rapid, probably lasting only 1–2 months, and is followed by the
slow deposition of the opaque band that occurs over the
remainder of the year. This is consistent with a pattern of one
SST (C) Proportion
Fig. 4. (a) Proportion of translucent margins at the edges of the genital
plates and (b) mean sea surface temperature at the Mokohinau Islands during
Growth of Centrostephanus rodgersii in New Zealand Marine and Freshwater Research E
translucent and one opaque line deposited annually in
C. rodgersii, and with growth occurring during or after mini-
mum temperatures, which has also been demonstrated for the
sea urchin Loxechinus albus (Schuhbauer et al. 2010).
We also validated the annual nature of growth lines by
examining the number of opaque and translucent lines in genital
plates deposited in the year following tetracycline tagging. In all
urchins examined, we observed that no more than one pair of
lines (an opaque and a translucent one) was deposited beyond
the fluorescent tag, although in two very large individuals (113.1
and 111.1 mm) there were no lines apparent. This clear
deposition pattern was most evident in the skeletal elements of
smaller specimens in which growth is faster compared with
larger individuals. It also implies that age estimates conducted
using this method are more reliable for young individuals in
which lines are clear and well spaced, than for older individuals,
in which the lines corresponding to the latest deposition of
calcium carbonate tend to overlap. In this case, the age of older
animals will be underestimated.
The second method of estimating growth was through tag–
recapture of tetracycline marked individuals, which, together
with the use of other fluorescent tags, has become widely used to
measure growth in sea urchins (Ebert 1988; Gage 1992; Ebert
and Russell 1993; Bureau 1996; Ebert et al. 1999; Lamare and
Mladenov 2000; Rogers-Bennett et al. 2003; Kirby et al. 2006;
Pederson and Johnson 2008; Ellers and Johnson 2009; Ling and
Johnson 2009; Ling et al. 2009b). The advantage of tagging
individuals is that growth is measured directly without making
assumptions on the growth pattern of the population as a whole
(as done using modal progressions for example).
For both methods of estimating growth, selecting the
appropriate growth model to describe size at age is equally
important. Our conclusion, on the basis of the analysis of the
residuals of the models and the values of D
, is that the Jolicoeur
function fitted using growth line data may provide the best
current model of growth for C. rodgersii in New Zealand. The
Jolicoeur model assumes an asymptotic size, which may under-
estimate growth in older individuals, but has been applied to
Table 1. Estimates of Centrostephanus rodgersii growth parameters for the Brody]Bertalanffy, Richards and Jolicoeur
curve by both growth lines and tag]recapture methods
Brody–Bertalanffy Richards Jolicoeur
Growth lines
(mm) 122.9 TD
(mm) 119.1 TD
(mm) 126.4
(mm) 1.4 TD
(mm) 0 TD
(mm) 0
k0.235 k0.305 k1.698
b1.011 b1.012 b7.431
Age of MGR 0 Age of MGR 1.1 Age of MGR 1.4
MGR (mm year
) 29.1 MGR (mm year
) 21.8 MGR (mm year
) 23.8
SSE 6212.062 SSE 6210.701 SSE 6162.653
AICc 368 AICc 370 AICc 367
m0.827 m0.757
c18.69 c2.029
(mm) 108.0 TD
(mm) 106.6 TD
(mm) 106.2
(mm) 0.5 TD
(mm) 0.5 TD
(mm) 0
k0.189 k0.278 k2.322
b0.996 b0.921 b28.134
Age of MGR 0 Age of MGR 2.5 Age of MGR 2.8
MGR (mm year
) 20.3 MGR (mm year
) 14.3 MGR (mm year
) 17.7
SSE 22.122 SSE 30.387 SSE 10.574
AICc 3 AICc 13 AICc 12
15 D
25 D
IGR (mm year
Growth lines
e (years)
10 15
Fig. 5. Estimated change in instantaneous growth rate (IGR) with age for
Centrostephanus rodgersii for growth line counts and tag–recapture
FMarine and Freshwater Research D. Pecorino et al.
several temperate sea urchin species (Ebert and Russell 1993;
Lamare and Mladenov 2000; Lau et al. 2011). Using this model,
growth of C. rodgersii in northern New Zealand shows an initial
lag phase over the first year of growth, with a maximum
instantaneous growth of 23.8 mm year
at 1.4 years, when
the animals have reached a size of 26.7 mm. Growth rate
decreases beyond this size with an asymptotic size approached
at ,10–15 years. The initial lag in growth likely reflects dietary
constraints to growth on smaller cryptic individuals when they
may not have access to macroalgae in their first year. Initial lags
in growth followed by accelerated growth have been described
for juvenile sea urchins and have been attribute to dietary shifts
and movement from cryptic to open habitats (Raymond and
Scheibling 1987; Rowley 1990; Lamare and Mladenov 2000).
The subsequent decrease in growth after ,3 years is likely
related to the onset of gametogenesis, which causes nutrients to
be shifted from somatic to gonadic growth. Indeed, gonad
production is only evident in New Zealand C. rodgersii
individuals at a size of 40–50 mm TD (3–4 year old) (Pecorino
et al. in press), which coincides with the size and age of
decreasing somatic growth rates.
Modelled growth of C. rodgersii in this New Zealand
population was faster than that estimated for Tasmanian popula-
tions. Comparing growth of C. rodgersii in this New Zealand
population with the Tasmania population (Fig. 7) suggests that,
for individuals older than 1 year, the species has a higher growth
rate in New Zealand. Even when the same inverse logistic model
used by Ling et al. (2009b) is applied to both New Zealand and
Tasmanian populations, a higher growth rate in New Zealand
was observed (Table 2). Estimated growth to 1 year was
equivalent in both populations (Table 2). The divergence in
growth rates after 1 year would be at an age when fast growth
and a shift in diet to macroalgae probably occur, so it is possible
that the faster growth in New Zealand is related to higher food
availability in this environment. A larger jaw size (i.e. lantern
index) is often used as a proxy for poorer nutritional status in sea
urchins (Ebert 1980; Black et al. 1982, 1984; Levitan 1991;
Hagen 2008; Lau et al. 2009) and we might, therefore, expect to
see differences between the two populations if food is limiting
growth. A comparison of lantern indices between the New
Zealand populations with those recorded by Ling et al.
(2009b) for the macroalgal habitat in Tasmania shows only a
small difference, with the latter populations having smaller
jaws, relative to test diameter (i.e. jaw height of ,22 mm in
New Zealand and ,20 mm in Tasmania at a test diameter of
80 mm). There was no difference between the populations in
other morphometric measurements such as the wet weight of the
test, therefore nutritional differences between the two popula-
tions are only partially supported.
Growth rate may be related to differences in ambient water
temperatures. Indeed, the faster growth rate of New Zealand
populations coincides with a 38C warmer winter sea surface
temperature (158C versus 128C) and a ,48C warmer summer
temperature (218C versus 16–188C), which would be consistent
with a positive effect of temperature on growth rate. Ebert et al.
(1999) suggest that temperature does not influence growth rates
within a species across a range of latitudes, whereas there are
several laboratory studies that have shown a direct relationship
between growth rate and optimal temperatures when other
variables such as food are kept constant (Spirlet et al. 2000;
Pearce et al. 2005; Watts et al. 2011). Similarly, a field study by
Duineveld and Jenness (1984) on the echinoid Echinocardium
TD (mm)
e (
Fig. 6. Growth curves of Centrostephanus rodgersii using data from
(a) growth lines counts (n¼84) and (b) tag–recapture jaw growth estimates
TD (mm)
New Zealand – Jolicoeur (growth lines)
New Zealand – Jolicoeur (tag–recapture)
Tasmania – Inverse logistic (tag–recapture)
New Zealand – Inverse logistic (tag–recapture)
15 20
e (years)
25 30 35
Fig. 7. Comparison of size-at-age plotted using the parameters obtained
from the tag–recapture and growth lines in New Zealand Centrostephanus
rodgersii, and from a tag–recapture study of Centrostephanus rodgersii in
Tasmania (Ling et al. 2009b).
Growth of Centrostephanus rodgersii in New Zealand Marine and Freshwater Research G
cordatum suggested higher growth rates for individuals at higher
temperatures. Given that C. rodgersii is a warmer water species,
and the Tasmanian populations are at the colder end of the
species range, it is possible that these newly established
populations are living in suboptimal temperatures in terms of
Unlike Tasmanian populations that have colonised regions
lacking large heterospecific sea urchin populations, C. rodgersii
in New Zealand lives sympatrically with the dominant native
echinoid E. chloroticus, whose strong grazing activity has been
shown through removal experiments (Villouta et al. 2001). The
degree to which the two species interact in terms of competition
is unknown, although, given the abundance of E. chloroticus
(densities of up to 40 individuals per m
in northern New
Zealand; Choat and Schiel 1982) and the ability of this species
to form barrens, it could potentially limit C. rodgersii in New
Zealand. Indeed, the slightly larger lantern indices observed in
the New Zealand populations of C. rodgersii may reflect some
food limitation exerted by a strong competitor. A similar case of
interspecific competition has already been reported for Para-
centrotus lividus and Arbacia lixula in the Mediterranean
(Privitera et al. 2008), with such competition resulting in food
limitation and a shift in the trophic niche of P. lividus (from
generalist to grazer of non-encrusting macrophytes) when
A. lixula is present at high population densities.
An important component of the interaction between
E. chloroticus and C. rodgersii in New Zealand will be differ-
ences in the growth between the two species, which could, in
turn, affect their survival rates through size-specific predation
and their ability to dominate resources. Growth of E. chloroticus
has been well described (McShane and Anderson 1997; Lamare
and Mladenov 2000) and when compared with C. rodgersii,
exhibits a lower maximum growth rate (15.1–16.8 mm year
for E. chloroticus and 23.8 mm year
for C. rodgersii) attained
at an older age (4.0–4.8 years and 1.4 years respectively). This
difference in size and growth rate may influence the suscepti-
bility of the two species to predation by, for instance, the rock
lobster Jasus edwardsii. Andrew and MacDiarmid (1991)
showed that this species can predate all sizes of E. chloroticus,
but that preference is given to smaller sea urchins (,50 mm).
The same species of rock lobster also predates C. rodgersii,
although they tend to target larger individuals. Ling et al.
(2009b) found that only very large rock lobsters (carapace
length .140 mm) are able to predate C. rodgersii in the field,
and smaller sea urchins (,60 mm TD) are not targeted due to
their cryptic nature.
Crucial to the understanding of future population dynamics
of C. rodgersii is information on recruitment processes in New
Zealand populations. Our data on size distributions (Fig. 8a,b)
show a poly-modal distribution of sizes of C. rodgersii at the
Mokohinau Islands characteristic of a population with ongoing
Table 2. Average estimates of size at age for Centrostephanus rodgersii in New Zealand and Tasmania using similar techniques
*¼present study; y¼Ling et al. 2009b;method by Ling et al. 2009bapplied to the data of this study
Method Average test diameter (mm)
Age (years) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Growth lines (New Zealand) 15.00 38.45 58.82 74.15 85.28 93.38
Jolicoeur *
Tag–recapture (New Zealand)
Jolicoeur * 3.65 16.03 33.25 49.98 63.60 73.83
Inverse logistic y15.15 25.67 36.15 46.54 56.71 66.35
Tag–recapture (Tasmania)
Inverse logistic y15.58 26.16 36.60 46.72 56.26 64.79
55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125
e (
TD (mm)
Fig. 8. (a) Size-frequency and (b) age-frequency distributions for Cen-
trostephanus rodgersii collected from the Mokohinau Islands between
January 2010 and December 2011 (n¼155).
HMarine and Freshwater Research D. Pecorino et al.
recruitment and supply of settling larvae. Ling et al. (2008)
showed that the larvae of C. rodgersii have a thermal threshold
of 128C, below which advanced two-arm plutei will not develop.
The continuous recruitment events at the Mokohinau Islands,
therefore, suggest that larval development is not prevented or
hindered at sea temperatures presently experienced in the area,
which are 158C, and above the thermal threshold for their larvae.
Whether the long-lived larvae (4 months; Huggett et al. 2005)
are originating from local populations or are being transported
from Australia is unknown. It is clear that the populations in
New Zealand are undergoing a characteristic annual reproduc-
tive cycle and are producing viable gametes (Pecorino et al.
in press) meaning that local recruitment is possible. Equally,
genetic evidence indicates that the Australian and New Zealand
populations are not genetically separate (Banks et al. 2007) so
ongoing trans-Tasman transport of larvae can also not be
C. rodgersii may be a new arrival to New Zealand, and its
ability to compete with and displace the existing species is of
interest. Quantifying growth rates of this species in New
Zealand is an important element of understanding how it will
interact with close competitors such as E. chloroticus, and its
wider affect on its habitat. Further research is needed to under-
stand the population biology of the species in New Zealand,
especially in relation to reproduction and recruitment under
New Zealand oceanic conditions.
The authors thank the staff of Portobello Marine Laboratory (Otago, New
Zealand) and of Leigh Marine Laboratory (Northland, New Zealand), Jake
Lamare for helping with the dissections of the sea urchins and collection of
biometric data, and Miles Hayward for his hospitality during field work.
They also wish to acknowledge the University of Otago for the Postgraduate
Scholarship to Danilo Pecorino, and the staff of Goat Island Dive Centre in
Leigh (Northland, New Zealand) for helping with collection of the sea
urchins. Thanks also to Dr. Bob Scheibling for assisting with tagging.
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Growth of Centrostephanus rodgersii in New Zealand Marine and Freshwater Research K
... In order to make inferences about growth in sea urchins, information on changes in body size with age is required, followed by growth modelling (Pecorino et al., 2012). The methods used to examine growth in sea urchins are varied and include cohort analysis using size structure data, analysis of growth lines, as well as tagging and recapture and cage culture experiments (Ebert, 2020;Tourón et al., 2023). ...
... To evaluate the growth rates of the calcein-marked individuals, Walford plots (Walford, 1946) were utilized, wherein the test diameter at the time of marking (D t ) was plotted against the diameter at the time of recapture 1 year later (D t+1 ). Subsequently, a regression analysis, employing either linear or non-linear regression models (see below), was performed to estimate the parameters of the Brody-Bertalanffy and Richards growth models (Ebert and Russell, 1993;Pecorino et al., 2012). The linear relationship observed between D t+1 and D t indicated the suitability of both the Brody-Bertalanffy and Richards growth models (Pederson and Johnson, 2008). ...
Pseudechinus magellanicus is an ecologically important and small sea urchin in coastal and nearshore habitats off southern South America. We provide the first growth assessment for the species using tag (calcein) and recapture procedures in central Patagonia (Argentina). The individual growth rate of P. magellanicus ranged 0.05–1.3 mm year−1. The Brody–Bertalanffy and Richards growth models provided asymptotic maximum diameters of 29.89 and 26.01 mm, respectively. Both models yielded low values for the growth constant (k), with 0.046 (Brody–Bertalanffy) and 0.062 (Richards). Maximum instantaneous growth rate was estimated at 1.36 mm year−1 for the Brody–Bertalanffy model, and 2.69 mm year−1 for the Richards model. Model selection (corrected Akaike information criterion) showed a slight better fit for the Brody–Bertalanffy growth model compared to the Richards model. A significant variability in growth was observed within the studied population, which can be attributed to genetic factors and micro-environmental effects. P. magellanicus displays a combination of slow growth and small body size, with the lowest recorded growth performance index (θ = 3.72) recorded so far in sea urchins. The species has a long lifespan, with the most common adult sizes estimated to range from 15 to 21 years according to the Brody–Bertalanffy model. Due to the broad geographic distribution and occupation of contrasting habitats, further studies are necessary to explore growth of P. magellanicus under different environmental conditions and/or along a bathymetric gradient.
... Long-spined sea urchins live to around ten years of age (Pecorino et al. 2012) and have an extended spawning period from May -October (Byrne et al. 1999). The long-spined sea urchin is prolific in eastern Victoria and has been responsible for denudation of reef habitats in waters deeper than about 10 m, which has negatively impacted the Eastern Zone abalone fishery through reduction in available habitat. ...
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This report endeavours to: • Review the status of key Victorian fish stocks to determine their exploitation status; • Provide fisheries managers and policy makers with the information and advice to guide their decisions, work prioritisation and policy development; • Identify the information requirements to improve future assessments; • Streamline reporting requirements such as those for obtaining and maintaining export approval under the Federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, the Victorian Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability Act 2003, and Victorian fisheries cost recovery policy in accordance with the Fisheries Act 1995 and the Fisheries (Fees, Royalties and Levies) Regulations 2008; and • Align stock assessments with Victoria’s stock reporting and the Commonwealth Status of Key Australian Fish Stocks (SAFS), as well as Victoria’s State of Marine Environment reporting. This review updates previous assessments of stock status for non-quota managed species in terms of their biological performance. Importantly it does not consider the expected success/failure or otherwise of current or alternative management approaches, or foreseeable changes in management of fishing effort. Consideration of future or previously implemented management responses to stock status issues would be expected to occur as part of follow up discussions/integrated risk assessments. Relative importance of each species/stock was based primarily on consideration of relative catch, gross value of production (GVP) and or assumed relative catch or social value (i.e. recreational dominated species). Recent Status of Australian Fish Stocks classifications are also included together with key points about each species’ performance. Thirty-five species each comprising one or more of the main stocks were assessed as follows: • Relative importance of the stocks in accordance with an internal VFA index was 13 high, 9 moderate and 19 low, and the remaining three (1 × octopus and 2 × sea urchin species) classed as developing or recently developed; • Twenty-three of the 44 stocks (52%) have been classed as ‘sustainable in accordance with the SAFS classification system and six of the stocks (5 species) in this report were not assessed for SAFS 2022; • None of species was classed as ‘depleted’ or ‘depleting’ and five, Murray Cod, Southern Sand Flathead, Golden Perch, Black Bream (Gippsland Lakes stock), and Yelloweye Mullet have been assigned a ‘recovering’ classification for the 2022 SAFS assessment, noting that this is an external process where SAFS classifications in a limited number of instances may be at variance with VFA classifications, especially where a stock is shared among interstate or Commonwealth jurisdictions. The outcomes of this review of the status of Victorian fish stocks will be used to meet the requirements of State and Commonwealth stock status reporting and to inform Victorian and interstate fisheries managers and scientists of the status of key cross-jurisdictional stocks.
... However, there is currently no information on the long-term population trends of C. rodgersii in this region and how it may respond to warming, overfishing of predators, or marine protection. While C. rodgersii has previously been described as having extended its range to northeastern New Zealand (Pecorino et al., 2012;Byrne and Andrew, 2020), it was first recorded in New Zealand in 1897 and is considered to be a native species (Fell, 1949). It is most common in areas that are strongly influenced by the warm East Auckland current, specifically the northern-most part of the country and at offshore islands along the northeast coast (Ayling, 1974;Riddell, 1980;Choat and Schiel, 1982;Cole et al., 1992;Pecorino et al., 2013a;Byrne and Andrew, 2020;Thomas et al., 2021). ...
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Marine protected areas have long been proposed as a key tool to restore lost food web interactions and increase the resilience of ecosystems to climate change impacts. However, a changing climate can result in the arrival of new species or differentially affect native species, which can alter ecosystem dynamics and make it difficult to predict how ecosystems will respond to protection. The long-spined sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii is a well-known range extender with large impacts on kelp forest ecosystems, yet its response to warming and long-term marine protection has not been examined within its native range. We examine long-term trends in C. rodgersii and the endemic sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus following no-take protection within the Poor Knights Islands Marine Reserve, in northeastern Aotearoa New Zealand, from 1999-2022, and compare with population trends at an unprotected island group. Within the marine reserve, E. chloroticus decreased in density, became more cryptic, and urchin barrens associated with this species largely disappeared, whereas in fished areas, populations and extent of barrens remained stable. This differing response between the reserve and fished location is consistent with a top-down effect and greater abundance of predatory fish in the reserve. In contrast, the subtropical sea urchin C. rodgersii increased in abundance by 9.3 times in the Poor Knights Island Marine Reserve and 4.3 times at the fished location, with areas of urchin barrens associated with this species developing at both locations. This increase coincides with substantial warming over the monitoring period (0.25°C decade⁻¹) and low numbers of key predators (rock lobster) at both reserve and fished locations. This highlights the emerging threat of C. rodgersii to rocky reefs in the region and how marine protection alone may not increase resilience to this threat. This suggests multifaceted management approaches are needed to mitigate the impacts of emerging pest species and increase the resilience of temperate reef ecosystems in a warming climate.
... As demonstrated by the Israeli Mediterranean population, size distribution is multimodal and spans from juveniles to markedly large individuals (Figure 4; Table S2), characteristic of a population with ongoing recruitment and supply of settling larvae (Pecorino et al., 2012). While size-age correlations are highly debated in echinoderm research (Bluhm et al., 1998), it may very well support a qualitative estimation of age. ...
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The Eastern Mediterranean Sea is an exceptional habitat. Its relative isolation and distinct characteristics create a unique ecosystem recognized as a marine biodiversity hot spot, where one-fifth of the species are endemic. Yet, native Mediterranean biodiversity is under increasing threat, mainly due to massive alien species invasions of Indo-Pacific origin. To date, more than 800 non-indigenous species have been reported in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, justifying its reputation as one of the most severely affected habitats in the world in terms of marine biological invasions. Here we summarized the Mediterranean invasion dynamics of the long-spined echinoid Diadema setosum (Leske, 1778), one of the most ubiquitous Indo-Pacific sea urchin species. We show an alarming exponential population growth of D. setosum throughout the Eastern Mediterranean since 2018, following more than a decade of ‘invasion lag’ since its first detection in 2006. Molecular analyses illustrate the presence of a single genetic D. setosum clade in the Mediterranean Sea – corresponding to the Arabian Peninsula clade of this species, reinforcing the notion of a Red Sea origin. Our data support the current working hypothesis that the initial introduction of D. setosum occurred in the Northern Levantine Basin from which it gradually expanded in both north-west and south-east trajectories – in contrast to a stepping-stone hypothesis of gradual advancement from the opening of the Suez Canal. Demographic data of D. setosum along the Israeli Mediterranean coastline reveals a well-established population of broad size distributions, from juveniles to adult individuals of remarkably large size. Additionally, we provide evidence of the reproductive capacity of D. setosum in its new environment. Due to the magnitude of Diadema’s ecological footprint, it poses a severe threat to the entire Eastern Mediterranean Sea, including the Levantine Basin and South Aegean Sea, calling for rapid and coordinated action at both national and regional scales.
... C. rodgersii creates widespread barren habitat across ~50% of the shallow reefs in south-eastern Australia, which amounts to several thousand hectares 80 . This species has been largely restricted to the coast of New South Wales, including Sydney, but from ~50 years ago the range of this species has extended southwards to northern Tasmania 9 and northern New Zealand 81 . ...
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Poleward range extensions by warm-adapted sea urchins are switching temperate marine ecosystems from kelp-dominated to barren-dominated systems that favour the establishment of range-extending tropical fishes. Yet, such tropicalization may be buffered by ocean acidification, which reduces urchin grazing performance and the urchin barrens that tropical range-extending fishes prefer. Using ecosystems experiencing natural warming and acidification, we show that ocean acidification could buffer warming-facilitated tropicalization by reducing urchin populations (by 87%) and inhibiting the formation of barrens. This buffering effect of CO2 enrichment was observed at natural CO2 vents that are associated with a shift from a barren-dominated to a turf-dominated state, which we found is less favourable to tropical fishes. Together, these observations suggest that ocean acidification may buffer the tropicalization effect of ocean warming against urchin barren formation via multiple processes (fewer urchins and barrens) and consequently slow the increasing rate of tropicalization of temperate fish communities.
... Long-spined sea urchins live to around ten years of age (Pecorino et al. 2012) and have an extended spawning period from May -October (Byrne et al. 1999). The long-spined sea urchin is prolific in eastern Victoria and has been responsible for denudation of reef habitats in waters deeper than about 10 m, which has negatively impacted the Eastern Zone abalone fishery through reduction in available habitat. ...
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The Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA) is the State agency responsible for managing the more than 90 wild fish stocks that are fished by recreational and/or commercial fishers in Victorian waters. The VFA does this using a risk-based approach to prioritise the allocation of resources for monitoring, assessing and managing the impacts of fishing. This report endeavours to: Review the status of key Victorian fish stocks to determine their exploitation status; provide fisheries managers and policy makers with the information and advice they need to guide their decisions, work prioritisation and policy development; identify the information requirements to improve future assessments; streamline reporting requirements such as those for obtaining and maintaining export approval under the Federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, the Victorian Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability Act 2003, and Victorian fisheries cost recovery policy in accordance with the Fisheries Act 1995 and the Fisheries (Fees, Royalties and Levies) Regulations 2008; and align stock assessments with Victoria’s stock reporting and the Commonwealth Status of Key Australian Fish Stocks (SAFS). This review updates previous assessments of stock status during 2017–19 for non-quota managed species in terms of their biological performance. Importantly it does not consider the expected success/failure or otherwise of current or alternative management approaches, or foreseeable changes in management of fishing effort. Consideration of future or previously implemented management responses to stock status issues would be expected to occur as part of follow up discussions/integrated risk assessments. Relative importance of each species/stock based primarily on consideration of relative catch, gross value of production (GVP) and or assumed relative catch or social value (i.e. recreational dominated species). Where available the most recent Status of Australian Fish Stocks classifications ( are also included together with key points about each species’ performance. Abalone (blacklip and greenlip), giant crab and southern rock lobster fisheries, for which assessments have been outsourced externally and are reported separately, are not covered by this report.
... A positive correlation between the size of a sea urchins Aristotle's lantern, especially the demipyramids, and test size has been well established (Kirby et al., 2006;Ebert, 2007;Pecorino et al., 2012;Escarcega et al., 2019). However, food availability and water temperatures are also a significant variable regarding the relative size of each sea urchin species (Levitan, 1991;Ebert et al., 1999;Hagen, 2008). ...
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Archaeological excavations of prehistoric sites in proximity to the coast often recover the remains of various marine resources such as fish, shell, barnacle, crab, and sea urchin. Among these resources, sea urchin is one of the least studied. The absence of sea urchin remains in coastal sites may not only be the results of paucity of sea urchin species in the coastal waters or taphonomic factors destroying the remains in the sites, but also due to archaeologists using large sized sieves or a lack of knowledge concerning sea urchin body parts. Lately, sea urchins have been recovered with increasing regularity in various archaeological excavations, especially throughout the Indo-Pacific region. An in-depth analysis involving sea urchin quantification methods, taxonomical identification, taxa and size distribution over-time, and palaeoenvironmental impacts, will be of great benefit for future research of coastal sites. Makpan is a cave on Alor Island which preserves an occupation record reaching back to ca. 40.3 ka cal BP. It is one of the various archaeological Wallacean sites to recover massive amounts of marine faunal remains. In particular, the Makpan excavation recovered ~14.8 kg of sea urchin from 68 spits excavated over four main phases of occupation from a 1 x 1 m excavation area. This research project analysed a sub-sample of nine spits selected from all phases of occupation. The purpose of this analysis was to determine the role of sea urchins in the prehistoric diet, taxonomical distribution, and detect any changes in exploitation patterns over time. This study found that sea urchins played a significant dietary role at Makpan, especially during the early stage of occupation. Together with barnacles, sea urchins were the most abundant marine resource exploited at Makpan between ca. 40.3 to 21.4 ka cal BP. In the Terminal Pleistocene to Early Holocene (13.3 – 11.1 ka cal BP) there is a rapid increase in occupation intensity at the site, coinciding with the build-up of a dense shell midden layer where most faunal remains, including sea urchins, appear in high numbers. Various different taxa are present, including Echinothrix spp., Colobocentrotus atratus, Heterocentrotus spp., Tripneustes gratilla, and Mespilia globulus, with Echinometra spp. the most heavily exploited taxa in the Makpan sea urchin assemblage. Statistical analysis suggests that sea urchin exploitation is correlated to some degree with other marine resources. The strongest positive correlation occurred between sea urchin and barnacle, followed by shell, with fish exploitation the least related. A negative correlation was recorded between sea urchin and crab. Generally, sea urchin abundance is higher in the Pleistocene and crab is higher in the Holocene layers. A similar trend was also documented from Here Sorot Entapa, Kisar. This may not only reflect a change in subsistence strategies related to dietary preference and technologies, but may also reflect changes to urchin habitat caused by environmental or ecological change.
Population parameters of Diadema mexicanum have not yet been studied; therefore, the objective of this work was to describe, for the first time, the growth and mortality by age of this sea urchin. The growth curve was determined by applying a modal progression analysis of the length-frequency distribution sample to determine the number of cohorts present through multinomial statistics based on a probability function. The cohort that was best represented over time was then used to fit von Bertalanffy's stationary growth model. Empirical methods were used to estimate the natural mortality and natural mortality-at-age rates. Results indicate that this species presents a negative allometric curve with the following parameters: a = 1.57 ± 0.18, b = 2.23 ± 0.07. The growth parameters were L∞ = 9.47 cm, k = 0.46 year-1, t0 = -0.1 years, C = 1.00, and ts = 0.26. The average natural mortality observed in juveniles was Mtjuv = 2.52 year-1 (8% survival per year) and in adults, Mtadu = 1.92 year-1 (15% survival per year). These results represent a contribution to understanding the life history traits of Diadema mexicanum in Mexico's Pacific region.
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This study examined how the purple sea urchin, Anthocidaris crassispina, responded to food limitation and hyposalinity, two common stressors it may experience in the field. Young adults were reared under a combination of two food (adlibitum feeding vs. fed once biweekly) and two salinity (31.5‰ to 33.5‰ natural seawater versus 25‰ diluted seawater) levels in a laboratory for 24 wk. Within the ranges examined, both stressors had a significant negative effect on test diameter, total weight, test weight, gonad weight, and gonad index. Food limitation led to marked urchin mortality (20.9% to 37.5%), but had no significant affect on lantern weight, demipyramid length, or lantern index. Hyposalinity alone did not alter urchin survival, lantern weight, or demipyramid length, but it had a significant negative effect on total weight, test weight, gonad weight, and gonad index, whereas it had a significant positive effect on lantern index. Our results indicate that this sea urchin has substantial adaptability to food limitation and hyposalinity, and such adaptation can have important consequences in resource allocation and body allometry. In response to food limitation, this sea urchin appears to allocate energy to body maintenance, rather than to increasing the relative size of the lantern (a strategy different from many other sea urchins). In response to hyposalinity, it reduces test weight, thereby increasing the relative weight of the lantern.
The growth of red sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus) was modeled by using tag-recapture data from northern California. Red sea urchins (n=211) ranging in test diameter from 7 to 131 mm were examined for changes in size over one year. We used the function Jt+1 =Jt + f(Jt) to model growth, in which Jt is the jaw size (mm) at tagging, and Jj+1 is the jaw size one year later. The function f(Jt), represents one of six deterministic models: logistic dose response, Gaussian, Tanaka, Ricker, Richards, and von Bertalanffy with 3,3,3,2,3, and 2 minimization parameters, respectively. We found that three measures of goodness of fit ranked the models similarly, in the order given. The results from these six models indicate that red sea urchins are slow growing animals (mean of 7.2 ± 1.3 years to enter the fishery). We .show that poor model selection or data from a limited range of urchin sizes (or both) produces erroneous growthparameter estimates and years-to-fishery estimates. Individual variation in growth dominated spatial variation at shallow and deep sites (F=0.246, n=199, P=0.62). We summarize the six models using a composite growth curve of jaw size, J, as a function of time, t: J =A(B-e-Ct) + Dt, in which each model is distinguished by the constants A, B, C, and D. We suggest that this composite model has the flexibility of the other six models and could be broadly applied. Given the robustness of our results regarding the number of years to enter the fishery, this information could be incorporated into future fishery management plans for red sea urchins in northern California.
The sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii is important in determining biogenic habitat structure on rocky reefs in New South Wales. Individual C. rodgersii, in common with other diadematids, are found in shelters during the day, from which they emerge to forage at night and maintain patches of barrens habitat. The effect of availability of shelter on the foraging behavior of C rodgersii, and on the abundance of benthic invertebrates and algae, was investigated by a field experiment. Physical heterogeneity in the form of large boulders were translocated between the barrens and Ecklonia forest habitats and arranged so as to either maximize or minimize shelter. The fauna and flora on translocated boulders became progressively similar to that found in the surrounding habitat. Most obvious of these changes were reductions in the density of foliose algae on boulders moved from Ecklonia forest to barrens and reductions in the density of limpets in the reverse translocation. C rodgersii recruited to all treatments irrespective of where the boulders came from, where they were moved to, and the amount of shelter provided. The availability of shelter was clearly a sufficient condition for the creation of areas of barrens habitat. The reliance on shelter by these sea urchins makes their local distribution and, therefore, that of the barrens habitat, more predictable than in other temperate regions.