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Definition Of Lepidocyrtus Lusitanicus Gama, 1964 Species-Complex (Collembola, Entomobryidae), With Description Of New Species And Color Forms From The Iberian Peninsula



Lepidocyrtus lusitanicus is one of the species with greater color pattern variability within the genus Lepidocyrtus. Four subspecies have been described in relation to its body color variation. The study of various populations of Lepidocyrtus from the Iberian Peninsula has allowed me to describe the new chromatic form L. lusitanicus form A, as well as the new species L. bilobatus, which is very closely related to L. lusitanicus, and also shows high color pattern variability. The high similarity among species L. lusitanicus, L. selvaticus and L. bilobatus sp. nov., the high color pattern variability of their populations, the overlapping geographical distribution of many studied populations, and the presence of three dorsal macrochaetae between trichobothria m2 and a5 of the second abdominal tergum, led me to define the roup Lepidocyrtus lusitanicus species-complex. This group included the three abovementioned species with all of their color forms.
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38 Accepted by W.M. Weiner: 23 Sept. 2008; published: 29 Oct. 2008
ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
1175-5334 (online edition)
Copyright © 2008 · Magnolia Press
Zootaxa 1917: 3854 (2008)
Definition of Lepidocyrtus lusitanicus Gama, 1964 species-complex (Collembola,
Entomobryidae), with description of new species and color forms from the
Iberian Peninsula
Departament de Biologia Animal, Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Avinguda Diagonal, 645, 08028 Barcelona (Spain).
Lepidocyrtus lusitanicus is one of the species with greater color pattern variability within the genus Lepidocyrtus. Four
subspecies have been described in relation to its body color variation. The study of various populations of Lepidocyrtus
from the Iberian Peninsula has allowed me to describe the new chromatic form L. lusitanicus form A, as well as the new
species L. bilobatus, which is very closely related to L. lusitanicus, and also shows high color pattern variability. The
high similarity among species L. lusitanicus, L. selvaticus and L. bilobatus sp. nov., the high color pattern variability of
their populations, the overlapping geographical distribution of many studied populations, and the presence of three dorsal
macrochaetae between trichobothria m2 and a5 of the second abdominal tergum, led me to define the group Lepidocyrtus
lusitanicus species-complex. This group included the three abovementioned species with all of their color forms.
Key words: Collembola, Lepidocyrtus lusitanicus species-complex, taxonomy, new species, color pattern variability
Lepidocyrtus lusitanicus es una de las especies con mayor variabilidad cromática dentro del género Lepidocyrtus. Cuatro
subespecies han sido descritas en función de su patrón pigmentario. El estudio de varias poblaciones de Lepidocyrtus de
la Península Ibérica me ha permitido describir la nueva forma cromática L. lusitanicus forma A, así como la nueva espe-
cie Lepidocyrtus bilobatus, muy próxima a L. lusitanicus, y también con variabilidad cromática acentuada. La gran simil-
itud entre las especies L. lusitanicus, L. selvaticus y L. bilobatus sp. nov., la gran variabilidad cromática de sus
poblaciones, la distribución geográfica solapada de muchas de las poblaciones estudiadas, y el hecho de tener tres
macrosedas dorsales entre los tricobotrios m2 y a5 del el segundo terguito abdominal, me han llevado a definir el com-
plejo de especies de Lepidocyrtus lusitanicus. Este grupo incluye las tres especies mencionadas con todas sus formas
Palabras clave: Collembola, Lepidocyrtus lusitanicus species-complex, taxonomía, nueva especie, variabilidad
The European Lepidocyrtus fauna consists of 25 described species (Mateos 2008), among which Lepidocyrtus
lusitanicus Gama, 1964 is one of those with greater color pattern variability. In the original description of this
species, Gama defined two subspecies based on color pattern, both from Portuguese localities: L. lusitanicus
lusitanicus and L. lusitanicus coloratus. Simón (2007) described two new subspecies from several Spanish
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Zootaxa 1917 © 2008 Magnolia Press · 39
localities based on different color patterns: L. lusitanicus nigrus and L. lusitanicus piezoensis. Since its
description, L. lusitanicus has been found in many localities of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) and
is currently regarded as a species with a wide Iberian distribution (see: Jordana et al. 1990, Simón 2007).
There are only two records outside the Iberian Peninsula, one in the Balearic Islands (Arbea & Jordana 1990)
and one in the French Pyrenees (Bonnet et al. 1979). Recently, Arbea and Ariza (2007) have described from
various localities of the Northeastern Spain the species L. selvaticus, which is closely related to L. lusitanicus.
For the present paper, I have studied specimens of Lepidocyrtus from different populations distributed across
the Iberian Peninsula including all known L. lusitanicus subspecies and the species L. selvaticus. One of the L.
lusitanicus populations studied shows a different color pattern from that described for the four known subspe-
cies, and it is herein described as a new color form. Another population studied shows significant chaetotaxic
differences with L. lusitanicus and L. selvaticus, allowing the definition of a new species. The high morpho-
logical and chaetotaxic similarity among these species and subspecies, the high color pattern variability of
their populations, and the overlapping geographical distribution of many studied populations, led me to define
the group Lepidocyrtus lusitanicus species-complex.
Material and methods
I examined specimens from different populations of the species and subspecies L. lusitanicus lusitanicus, L.
lusitanicus coloratus, L. lusitanicus nigrus, L. lusitanicus piezoensis and L. selvaticus, as well as several pop-
ulations of two new Lepidocyrtus taxa (see: Tab. 1 and Fig. 1). From each population, at least ten specimens
were studied under phase contrast microscope. For the dorsal macrochaetae and labial chaetotaxy notation I
followed Gisin (1963, 1964a, 1964b), except for head macrochaetae row A codified following Barra (1975),
and head macrochaetae R
codified following Wang and Christiansen (2003). For the dorsal chaetotaxy of
thoracic and abdominal segments I used the notation established by Szeptycki (1979), except for seta d2 (abd.
II) codified following Snider (1967), seta m7a (abd. III) according to Wang et al. (2003) and seta p8p (abd.
III) as in Mateos (2008). For a revision of the characters used in Lepidocyrtus species descriptions, see Mari
Mutt (1986), Soto-Adames (2000) and Mateos (2008).
Abbreviations used: The following abbreviations are used: ant.––antennal segment; th.––thoracic seg-
ment; abd.––abdominal segment; I–VI––segments.
Taxonomic section
Family Entomobryidae Schäffer, 1896
Genus Lepidocyrtus Bourlet, 1839
Lepidocyrtus bilobatus sp. nov.
Figs 2–20, Tab. 1
Type material. Spain, Salamanca (LOC139, see Tab. 1 and Fig. 1), on herbaceous vegetation along the
Alayón river, 2.viii.2007, E.Mateos coll. Holotype: female (CRBA1272) on 1 slide, paratypes: lot LP175
(unpigmented specimens) composed by 11 specimens prepared on slides and 80 specimens in alcohol, lot
LP176 (pigmented and unpigmented specimes) composed by 4 specimens mounted on slides and 16 speci-
mens in alcohol. Holotype and 7 paratypes mounted on slides deposited at the Centre de Recursos de Biodi-
versitat Animal, Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona ( Slide CRBA1341
with one pigmented specimen, slides CRBA1342 and CRBA1343 with one unpigmented specimen each, slide
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40 · Zootaxa 1917 © 2008 Magnolia Press
CRBA1344 with two pigmented and two unpigmented specimens. Other paratypes deposited in the E. Mateos
Etymology. The species name refers to the bilobed morphology of the ant. IV apical bulb, which is a diag-
nostic character for the new species within the European Lepidocyrtus fauna.
FIGURE 1. Localities (in letters, see: column “ref” in Table 1) and taxa (in numbers). 1––L. lusitanicus lusitanicus, 2–
L. lusitanicus coloratus, 3––L. lusitanicus nigrus, 4––L. lusitanicus piezoensis, 5––L. lusitanicus form A, 6––L. selvati-
cus, 7––L. bilobatus sp. nov.
Description. Holotype body length (without head nor furca) 1 mm, paratypes 0.7–1.0 mm. Holotype body
unpigmented; paratypes body color highly variable with yellow-white (form A) and purple (form B) speci-
mens present in the same population (Figs 2–3); all specimens with purple pigment on anterior region of the
head and ant. II–IV. Ocular areas densely black pigmented. Antenna, legs, and dorsal side of manubrium with-
out scales. Body dorsoventrally compressed; mesothorax not projecting over the head.
Ratio antenna:cephalic diagonal = 1.5 for holotype, for paratypes 1.4–1.7; ant. I:II:III:IV = 1:1.9:2.1:3.6.
Basis of ant. I dorsally with three microchaetae arranged in triangle. Ant. III organ as in Fig. 4. With bilobed
nonretractile ant. IV apical bulb (Fig. 5). 8+8 eyes of equal size.
Smooth prelabral and labral setae in typical number 4/554; prelabral setae ciliated; the four labral setae of
the third row are shorter, more curved, and with more developed insertion than setae of the other two rows;
inverted U-shaped labral apical intrusion; with four rounded labral papillae (Fig. 6). Subapical seta of outer
maxillary palp smooth and slightly longer than or subequal to apical seta, with three smooth setae on sublobu-
lar plate (Fig. 7). Outer differentiated seta of labial appendage curved, tip almost reaching the apex of the
papilla (Fig. 8).
Labium anterior row (a1–a5) formed by smooth setae; posterior row formed by ciliated setae
), with R half in length on seta M
(marked as R*) (Fig. 9). Ventral cephalic groove with 3+3 cili-
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Zootaxa 1917 © 2008 Magnolia Press · 41
ated macrochaetae and 2+2 scales.
The dorsal macrochaetae formula is R
STSo/10/0301+3, with a pair of supplementary macrochaetae
between R
and R
(Fig. 10). Maximum number of macrochaetae A on the head 9+9 (Fig. 11). Interocular
chaetotaxy with s, t, r, q, p ciliated setae, without scales (Fig. 12). The th. II dorsal macrochaeta correspond to
p3 (Fig. 13). Abd. II–III chaetotaxy as in Figs 14–15; abd. II setae a2, m3 and m3e ciliated macrochaetae, seta
a2p absent; abd. III seta m7a acuminate thin ciliated macrochaeta. Abd. IV chaetotaxy as in Fig. 16-A; tricho-
bothrium T2 without accessory seta s; seta D1p ciliated and double in length than other setae of the trichobo-
thrial complex (Fig. 17); seta Fe4 can be thin ciliated macrochaeta or smooth mesochaeta depending on the
specimens (Fig. 16-B). Bilateral asymmetries can be observed in some specimens in which Fe4 is thin ciliated
macrochaeta on one side and smooth mesochaeta on the other; without correlation between the morphology of
seta Fe4 and other characters like size, color pattern nor locality. Three posterior smooth mesochaetae on abd.
IV present. All setae associated with the trichobothria on abd. II–IV are acuminate and strongly ciliate, except
pi and pe on abd. IV which are fan-shaped.
TABLE 1. Material studied data (all material collected by the author); ref––locality reference (see: Fig. 1); code––local-
ity code; lat––latitude (all N latitudes); long––longitude (positive values means East, negative values means West); elev–
–elevation above sea level in m; date––collection date in dd-mm-yy format; method (capture methodology): v––beating
herbaceous vegetation, s––active searching in soil by hand with an aspirator (between litter-fall, under stones and under
logs); species: 1––L. lusitanicus lusitanicus, 2––L. lusitanicus coloratus, 3––L. lusitanicus nigrus, 4––L. lusitanicus
piezoensis, 5––L. lusitanicus form A, 6––L. selvaticus, 7––L. bilobatus sp. nov.
ref code locality province country lat long elev date method species
a LOC137 Bandeira Coimbra Portugal 40.2016 -8.8798 241 29-07-07 v 1, 5
b LOC126 Arrimal Leiria Portugal 39.4995 -8.8712 320 12-07-07 v 4
c LOC129 Pragais Leiria Portugal 39.5785 -8.8221 308 18-07-07 v 1
d LOC125 Mira Coimbra Portugal 40.4457 -8.7988 13 08-07-07 v 5
e LOC131 San Jacinto Aveiro Portugal 40.6706 -8.7252 9 21-07-07 v 1, 2
f LOC134 Arzila Coimbra Portugal 40.1830 -8.5462 120 26-07-07 v 1, 2
g LOC133 Taveiro Coimbra Portugal 40.2013 -8.5376 4 26-07-07 v 3
h LOC124 Curia Coimbra Portugal 40.4260 -8.4655 42 08-07-07 v 2
i LOC132 Coimbra Coimbra Portugal 40.2231 -8.4458 34 25-07-07 v 1, 5, 3
j LOC123 Buçaco Coimbra Portugal 40.3796 -8.3763 243 08-07-07 v 1, 2
k LOC135 Coimbra Coimbra Portugal 40.2227 -8.3349 9 28-07-07 v 1, 3
l LOC136 Casal de Santo Amaro Coimbra Portugal 40.2845 -8.3046 165 28-07-07 v 2
m LOC127 Gerês Braga Portugal 41.7371 -8.1579 465 14-07-07 v 1
n LOC128 Gerês Braga Portugal 41.7507 -8.1528 720 14-07-07 v 1
o LOC052 Pardieiros Coimbra Portugal 40.2168 -7.9096 600 22-07-07 v 1
p LOC138 El Casarito Salamanca Spain 40.5218 -6.1382 1065 02-08-07 v 1, 4
q LOC139 Sotoserrano Salamanca Spain 40.4110 -6.0535 364 02-08-07 v 7
r LOC120 Pina de Ebro Zaragoza Spain 41.4793 -0.2415 400 31-05-07 s 3
s LOC091 Vall d'Aran Lleida Spain 42.7755 0.7851 1450 17-07-06 v 1
t LOC097 Taull Lleida Spain 42.5102 0.8779 1800 20-07-06 s 1
u LOC108 Montsant Tarragona Spain 41.2370 0.8843 385 17-02-07 v 3
v LOC156 Vila-seca Lleida Spain 41.6850 0.9434 230 29-05-08 v 3
w LOC102 Prades Tarragona Spain 41.3594 1.0804 990 03-01-07 v 1
x LOC101 Viladecavalls Barcelona Spain 41.5469 1.9601 200 25-10-06 v 6
y LOC144 Blanes Girona Spain 41.6867 2.8165 2 28-02-08 v 6
z LOC143 Tossa de Mar Girona Spain 41.7190 2.9028 2 21-02-08 v 6
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42 · Zootaxa 1917 © 2008 Magnolia Press
FIGURES 2–10. Lepidocyrtus bilobatus sp. nov.: 2, L. bilobatus form A; 3, L. bilobatus form B; 4, ant. III sensillar cha-
etotaxy; 5, apical antennal bulb; 6, labrum; 7, maxillary palp; 8, outer labial appendage; 9, labium and ventral cephalic
groove; 10, dorsal macrochaetae (circles), trichobothria (lines) and pseudopora (#).
V-shaped trochanteral organ formed by 6–8 smooth straight setae (Fig. 18). Unguis with basal pair teeth at
46 % of the inner edge, and with two inner teeth at 66 % (the bigger) and 83 % of the inner edge respectively;
unguiculus lanceolate with finely serrated outer margin; spatulate tibiotarsal tenent hair (Fig. 19).
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Zootaxa 1917 © 2008 Magnolia Press · 43
FIGURES 11–13. Lepidocyrtus bilobatus sp. nov.: 11, dorsal head chaetotaxy, broad circles––long ciliated macrochae-
tae, small circles––short ciliated macrochaetae; 12, interocular chaetotaxy (right ocular area); 13, th. II dorsal chaetotaxy,
large circles––ciliated macrochaetae, pse––pseudopore.
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44 · Zootaxa 1917 © 2008 Magnolia Press
FIGURES 14–15. Lepidocyrtus bilobatus sp. nov.: 14, abd. II complete chaetotaxy, large circles––blunt broad ciliated
macrochaetae, pse––pseudopore; 15, abd. III complete chaetotaxy, large circles––blunt broad ciliated macrochaetae,
small circles––acuminate thin ciliated macrochaetae, pse––pseudopore.
Ratio manubrium : dens : mucro = 23:21:1. Manubrial plate with 2 inner setae and 4–5 external setae (Fig.
Ecology and distribution. All the individuals were obtained beating the herbaceous vegetation along the
Alayón river.
Discussion. The bilobed antennal apical bulb is a diagnostic character that separates L. bilobatus sp. nov.
from all other European species. The new species is very close to L. lusitanicus and L. selvaticus, from which
it can be differentiated by abd. IV chaetotaxy: In L. bilobatus sp. nov. setae E1, De1 and E4p are ciliated mac-
rochaetae (Fig. 16), whereas in the other two species are smooth mesochaetae (Fig. 27). The new species also
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Zootaxa 1917 © 2008 Magnolia Press · 45
differs from L. selvaticus by the presence of labial seta R (absent in L. selvaticus) and by having 3+3 ciliated
setae along ventral cephalic groove (2+2 ciliated and 1+1 smooth in L. selvaticus, see: Fig. 29). As L. lusitan-
icus, the new species has high color pattern variability, with white (L. bilobatus form A) and purple pigmented
specimens (L. bilobatus form B) living in the same population. The fact that specimens with different color
pattern live together in the same population, suggests that body pigment distribution cannot be considered a
good subspecific character in L. bilobatus sp. nov.; for this reason L. bilobatus form A and form B have been
described as color forms and not as subspecies.
FIGURE 16. Lepidocyrtus bilobatus sp. nov.: 16-A, abd. IV complete chaetotaxy, large black circles––blunt broad cili-
ated macrochaetae, small black circles––acuminate thin ciliated macrochaetae, white circles––smooth mesochaetae, oval
(Fe4 seta)––thin ciliated macrochaetae or smooth mesochaetae, triangles––fan-shaped setae, lines––microchaetae, x––
trichobothria, #––pseudopore; 16-B, bcm––blunt broad ciliated macrochaeta, tcm––acuminate thin ciliated macrochaeta,
Fe4––two different morphologies of seta Fe4.
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46 · Zootaxa 1917 © 2008 Magnolia Press
FIGURES 17–20. Lepidocyrtus bilobatus sp. nov.: 17, abd. IV trichobothrial complex; 18, trochanteral organ (other
setae than trochanteral organ omitted); 19, p-III unguis and unguiculus; 20, manubrial plates, black circles––pseudopora.
Lepidocyrtus lusitanicus Gama, 1964
Figs 21–27 Tab. 1
Material examined. Specimens from 22 localities in the Iberian Peninsula of the four subspecies described so
far, as well as the new color form mentioned in this paper: L. lusitanicus lusitanicus, L. lusitanicus coloratus,
L. lusitanicus nigrus and L. lusitanicus piezoensis (see: Tab. 1 and Fig. 1). I found the new color form (A) in
three localities: Portugal (see Tab. 1 and Fig. 1): Mira pine litoral forest (LOC125), 54 specimens, 8.vii.2007,
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E. Mateos coll.; Mata de Choupal (LOC132), 35 specimens, 25.vii.2007, E. Mateos coll.; Mata Nacional
Prazo de Sta. Marinha (LOC137), 80 specimens, 29.vii.2007, E. Mateos coll.
FIGURES 21–25. Lepidocyrtus lusitanicus-complex: 21, L. lusitanicus lusitanicus; 22, L.lusitanicus coloratus; 23, L.
lusitanicus nigrus; 24, L. lusitanicus piezoensis; 25, L. lusitanicus form A.
Diagnosis. Small Lepidocyrtus (1 mm of maximum body length) with mesothorax not projecting over the
head and body color very variable, from white to purple and with various color patterns taxonomically consid-
ered subspecies (Figs 21–25). The new form (A) possess characteristic color pattern (Fig. 25): diffuse purple
pigment in ant. II–IV, head, th. II–abd. II and coxae, and with the th. II anterior margin conspicuously darker
pigmented. Antennae, legs and dorsal side of manubrium not scaled. Ant. IV with simple nonretractile apical
bulb (Fig. 26). Labium chaetotaxy [M
] M
may be present or absent, R half in length than other
setae). Labrum 4/554; prelabral setae ciliated, labral setae smooth; inverted U-shaped labral apical intrusion.
Ventral cephalic groove with 3+3 ciliated setae. Head with a maximum of 7+7 macrochaetae in row A.
Intraocular chaetotaxy with ciliated setae s, t, r, q, p, without scales. Dorsal macrochaetae formula
STSo/10/0301+3, with supplementary macrochaetae R
between R
and R
. Abd. II setae a2, m3 and
m3e ciliated macrochaetae; seta a2p absent. Abd. IV trichobothrium T2 without accesory seta s; seta D1p cil-
iated and double in length than other setae of the trichobotrial complex; setae E1, De1 and E4p smooth
mesochaetae; setae Fe4 ciliated macrochaeta or smooth mesochaeta depending on the specimens (Fig. 27). All
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48 · Zootaxa 1917 © 2008 Magnolia Press
setae associated with the trichobothria on abd. II–IV are acuminate and strongly ciliate. V-shaped trochanteral
organ formed by 5–8 smooth setae. Inner edge of the unguis with basal pair teeth and one or two odd teeth;
unguiculus with outer edge serrate or smooth. Manubrial plate with 2 internal setae and 2–4 external setae.
FIGURES 26–27. Lepidocyrtus lusitanicus: 26, apical antennal bulb; 27, abd. IV chaetotaxy, broad circles––broad cili-
ated macrochaetae, small circles––thin ciliated macrochaetae, white circle––pseudopore.
Discussion. All studied specimens showed the morphological and chaetotaxic characters described for
this species by Gama (1964), Simón (2007) and Mateos (2008). These characters match the description of the
new species L. bilobatus (Figs 2–20), except for the apical antennal bulb (simple in L. lusitanicus) and abd. IV
setae E1, De1 and E4p (smooth mesochaetae in L. lusitanicus).
Different subspecies are distinguishable only by the color pattern. According to Simón (2007), subspecies
L. lusitanicus piezoensis have diffuse pigment in th. II–abd. II, with the th. II anterior margin more densely
pigmented, and two dorsal dark spots on abd. III and abd. IV. Specimens of this subspecies examined by me,
only have the abd. III and abd. IV dark spots (Fig. 24).
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Lepidocyrtus selvaticus Arbea & Ariza, 2007
Figs 28–29, Tab. 1
Material examined. I have examined specimens from three localities in Northeastern Spain (LOC101,
LOC143, LOC144, Tab. 1 and Fig. 1).
Diagnosis. Small Lepidocyrtus (maximum body length: 0.97 mm) with mesothorax not projecting over
the head. Body yellowish (Fig. 28). Antennae, legs and dorsal side of manubrium not scaled. Ant. IV with
simple nonretractile apical bulb. Labium chaetotaxy M
; ventral cephalic groove with 2+2 ciliated setae
and 1+1 (posterior) smooth setae (Fig. 29). Labrum 4/554; prelabral setae ciliated; labral setae smooth;
inverted U-shaped labral apical intrusion. Head with 5+5 macrochaetae A. Interocular chaetotaxy with cili-
ated setae s, t, r, q, p, without scales. Dorsal macrochaetae formula R
STSo/10/0301+3, with supplemen-
tary macrochaetae R
between R
and R
. Abd. II with ciliated macrochaetae a2, m3 and m3e; seta a2p absent.
Abd. IV trichobothrium T2 without accesory seta s; seta D1p ciliated and double in length than other setae of
the trichobotrial complex; setae E1, De1 and E4p smooth mesochaetae. All setae associated with the trichobo-
thria on abd. II–IV are acuminate and strongly ciliate. V-shaped trochanteral organ formed by 5 smooth setae.
Inner edge of the unguis with basal pair teeth and one odd teeth; unguiculus with serrate outer edge. Manu-
brial plate with 2 internal and 2 external setae.
FIGURES 28–29. Lepidocyrtus selvaticus: 28, habitus; 29, labium and ventral cephalic groove.
Ecology and distribution. The examined specimens came from two localities on the beach (few meters
away from the sea), which were already described in the species original description (LOC144 and LOC143),
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50 · Zootaxa 1917 © 2008 Magnolia Press
and one non-coastal locality (LOC101) located 27 km inland. In the beach localities, specimens were col-
lected over the low herbaceous vegetation growing in the sand. In the inland locality, specimens were col-
lected also on herbaceous vegetation.
Discussion. All examined specimens have the morphological and chaetotaxic characters described by
Arbea and Ariza (2007), but with some differences in the abdominal chaetotaxy (see: Arbea & Ariza 2007,
Fig. 4). In abd. II terga, the original description indicates the presence of a smooth mesochaeta between setae
ll and a6, which is absent in the specimens examined by me; in abd. III terga, the presence of two microchae-
tae between setae d3 and p5 is indicated, whereas in my specimens there is only one (microchaeta d2); seta
m7a is drawn as a smooth mesochaeta, while in my specimens it is an acuminate thin ciliated macrochaeta.
Therefore, the abd. II–III chaetotaxy of my L. selvaticus specimens is the same as described for L. bilobatus
and L. lusitanicus (Figs 14–15). With this diagnosis the description of L. selvaticus is extended for the follow-
ing characters: interocular chaetotaxy, trocanteral organ, manubrial plate, and abd. IV total chaetotaxy. The
abd. IV chaetotaxy of L. selvaticus is the same as described for L. lusitanicus (Fig. 27), with the difference
that seta Fe4 is smooth mesochaeta in all examined specimens.
L. selvaticus is a closely related species with L. lusitanicus and L. bilobatus sp. nov., from which it can be
differentiated by the absence of labial seta R and by having smooth 1+1 posterior setae instead of ciliated of
the cephalic groove (Fig. 29). It can be also distinguished from L. bilobatus sp. nov. by having simple apical
antennal bulb and abd. IV setae E1, De1 and E4p smooth mesochaetae.
Lepidocyrtus lusitanicus species-complex
Figs 30–35, Tab. 1
Diagnosis. Small Lepidocyrtus (1 mm of maximum body length) with mesothorax not projecting over the
head and body color very variable, from white to purple and with variable color pattern (Figs 30–34; see: Figs
2–3, Figs 21–25 and Fig. 28). Antennae, legs and dorsal side of manubrium not scaled. Ant. IV with simple or
bilobed nonretractile apical bulb. Labium with all setae of posterior row ciliated, with one or two M setae,
with or without seta R. Labrum 4/554; prelabral setae ciliated, labral setae smooth; inverted U-shaped labral
apical intrusion. Ventral cephalic groove with 3+3 setae, all ciliated or 2+2 ciliated and 1+1 (posterior)
smooth. Head with 5–9 macrochaetae A. Interocular chaetotaxy with ciliated setae s, t, r, q, p, without scales.
Dorsal macrochaetae formula: R
STSo/10/0301+3, with a pair of supplementary macrochaetae R
between R
and R
. Abd. II setae a2, m3 and m3e ciliated macrochaetae; seta a2p absent. Abd. IV without seta
s, seta D1p ciliated and twice as long as other setae in the trichobotrial complex. Trochanteral organ V-shaped,
formed by 5–8 smooth setae. Inner edge of the unguis with basal pair teeth and one or two unpaired teeth.
Manubrial plate with 2 internal setae and 2–5 external setae.
The species-complex included the following taxa : L. lusitanicus lusitanicus, L. lusitanicus coloratus, L.
lusitanicus nigrus, L. lusitanicus piezoensis, L. lusitanicus form A, L. selvaticus and L. bilobatus sp. nov
(form A and form B).
Ecology and distribution. L. lusitanicus species-complex has a wide distribution in the Iberian Peninsula
(see: Jordana et al. 1990, Arbea & Ariza 2007, Simón 2007). L. lusitanicus s. str. has been cited in one occa-
sion from the Balearic Islands (Menorca Island: Monte Toro, Arbea & Jordana 1990) and in one occasion
from the French Pyrenees (Haute Vallée de l’Aude: Usson, 850 m altitude, Bonnet et al. 1979). L. lusitanicus
species-complex can be thought of as endemic to the Iberian region, including Balearic Island and French
Pyrenees (Fig. 35). The specimens live on herbaceous vegetation or in soil; they can inhabit various types of
forest or on beach herbaceous vegetation, and a very wide altitudinal range (from sea level up to 1800 meters
above sea level). The intestinal contents of all the examined specimens consists of fungal hyphae and spores.
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Zootaxa 1917 © 2008 Magnolia Press · 51
FIGURES 30–34. Lepidocyrtus lusitanicus species-complex color patterns: 30, L. lusitanicus lusitanicus, L. selvaticus
and L. bilobatus sp. nov. form A; 31, L. lusitanicus coloratus; 32: L. lusitanicus nigrus and L. bilobatus sp. nov. form B;
33: L. lusitanicus piezoensis; 34, L. lusitanicus form A.
Discussion. The definition of L. lusitanicus species-complex is justified because, in all included taxa, abd.
II setae a2, m3 and m3e are ciliated macrochaetae; in all other European Lepidocyrtus species seta a2 is
smooth or ciliate mesochaeta, and seta m3e is smooth mesochaeta, so their presence as ciliated macrochaetae
is a diagnostic character of L. lusitanicus species-complex within European Lepidocyrtus fauna. Globally, the
L. lusitanicus species-complex shows five different color patterns (Figs 30–35); both L. lusitanicus and L.
bilobatus sp. nov. show body color variability, especially the former, while L. selvaticus only includes unpig-
mented individuals.
Lepidocyrtus lusitanicus species-complex identification key
1 Apical antennal bulb bilobed; abd. IV setae E1, De1 and E4p ciliated macrochaetae.L. bilobatus sp. nov.
- Apical antennal bulb simple; abd. IV setae E1, De1 and E4p smooth mesochaetae ................................. 2
2 Labial seta R absent; ventral cephalic groove with 2+2 ciliated setae and 1+1 smooth setae L. selvaticus
- Labial seta R present; ventral cephalic groove with 3+3 ciliated setae (L. lusitanicus) ............................ 3
3 Body unpigmented.................................................................................................L. lusitanicus lusitanicus
- Dark pigment on th. III–abd. II................................................................................L. lusitanicus coloratus
- Dark pigment on head, thorax, and abd. I–V................................................................L. lusitanicus nigrus
- Patches of dark pigment on abd. III–IV..................................................................L. lusitanicus piezoensis
- Difuse pigment on head and th. II–abd. III with a conspicuous pigmented th. II anterior margin................
.................................................................................................................................... L. lusitanicus form A
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52 · Zootaxa 1917 © 2008 Magnolia Press
FIGURE 35. Distribution of Lepidocyrtus lusitanicus species-complex: 1––L. lusitanicus lusitanicus, 2––L. lusitanicus
coloratus, 3––L. lusitanicus nigrus, 4––L. lusitanicus piezoensis, 5–L. lusitanicus form A, 6–L. selvaticus, 7––L. bilo-
batus sp. nov. Data from Bonnet et al. (1979), Arbea & Ariza (2007), Arbea & Jordana (1990), Jordana et al. (1990),
Simón (2007) and present paper.
General discussion
The genus Lepidocyrtus is represented in Europe (including L. bilobatus sp. nov.) by 26 species (Mateos
2008). Fifteen species inhabit the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal), of which five are endemic to the
area: L. montseniensis Mateos, 1985, L. pseudosinelloides Gisin, 1967, L. tellecheae Arbea & Jordana, 1989,
L. selvaticus Arbea & Ariza, 2007 and L. bilobatus sp. nov. The species L. lusitanicus has been found outside
the Iberian Peninsula only twice and in localities related to the Iberic area: French Pyrenees (Bonnet et al.
1979) and the island of Menorca (Arbea & Jordana 1990). The species L. selvaticus and L. bilobatus sp. nov.
are only known from Spanish localities. Based on these data, L. lusitanicus species-complex can be consid-
ered an endemic group from southern Europe (Pyrenean region, Balearic Islands, and Iberian Peninsula, see:
Fig. 35), where it has undergone extensive evolution in color pattern and some speciation.
Differentiation between species that make up L. lusitanicus species-complex can be accomplished only if
adult specimens are available. Immature Lepidocyrtus specimens, and Entomobryidae in general (see: Barra
1975, Szeptycki 1979), have an undifferentiated chaetotaxy so the species identification is often impossible.
The two diagnostic characters of L. selvaticus (smooth 1+1 posterior setae of cephalic groove and the absence
of labial seta R) are presented in immature L. lusitanicus, so the separation of these two species is only possi-
ble if adult specimens are available. The abd. IV total chaetotaxy clearly separates L. bilobatus sp. nov. from
L. lusitanicus and L. selvaticus. As Mateos (2008) suggested, abd. IV total chaetotaxy seems to be very infor-
mative in separating European Lepidocyrtus species.
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Zootaxa 1917 © 2008 Magnolia Press · 53
Within Lepidocyrtus European fauna, L. lusitanicus species-complex can be clearly distinguished because
abd. II setae a2 and m3e are ciliated macrochaetae, whereas in other species these are smooth or ciliate
mesochaetae, but never macrochaetae. Another feature of L. lusitanicus species-complex is the high color pat-
tern variability presented by species L. lustianicus and L. bilobatus sp. nov. As a group, five different color
patterns can be distinguished, ranging from head and body yellowish-white to dark purple (Figs 30–35). The
most widespread color pattern is the unpigmented one (with pigment only in antenna and frontal cephalic
spot), which corresponds to L. lusitanicus lusitanicus, L. selvaticus and L. bilobatus sp. nov. form A. In
Europe there are two more species with variable color pattern: L. lignorum (Fabricius, 1793) and L. ruber
Schött, 1902. L. lignorum is basically an unpigmented species, but Gama (1973) described the variety L.
lignorum var. (without naming it) with pigment on the ventral region of the head and abd. II–III terga, and
Ellis (1976) described the variety as L. lignorum forma? with pigmented spots on abd. III–IV. The L. ruber
color pattern has been described as very variable, from yellow to dark violet (Szeptycki 1967), which is the
same variation found in L. bilobatus sp. nov.
The fact that the color patterns of L. lusitanicus and L. bilobatus are mixed in several populations studied
in this paper, rises doubt of whether they should be given the taxonomic range of subspecies or simply chro-
matic forms. The populations of L. lusitanicus with the new color pattern reported here have been considered
as a color form (A). The two color patterns of L. bilobatus sp. nov. have been described as forms (form A and
form B). Soto-Adames (2002) using molecular data (COI sequences) suggested that several Puerto Rican pop-
ulations of L. biphasis Mari-Mutt, 1986 and L. dispar Mari-Mutt, 1986, differing only in color pattern, are dis-
tinct species. Perhaps the application of molecular analysis as those used by Soto-Adames may help decide
the taxonomic status of the different color forms of the L. lusitanicus species-complex taxa.
I thank Graça Vale, Paulo Sousa and Maria Manuela da Gama who have welcomed me into the Department of
Zoology at the University of Coimbra (Portugal). Wanda Maria Weiner, Felipe N. Soto-Adames and György
Traser provided helpful comments that improved the manuscript . I also thank Jordi García the linguistic revi-
sion of the manuscript. The author obtained a fellowship from AGAUR (Generalitat de Catalunya) for a one-
month visit to the University of Coimbra.
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54 · Zootaxa 1917 © 2008 Magnolia Press
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... L. lignorum and L. fimetarius appears to be the 21 st and 22 nd species of this genus except L. curvicollis. Taxonomic features of the genus Lepidocyrtus have been discussed by several authors (Mari Mutt, 1988; SotoAdames, 2008; Mateos, 2008; Mateos and Petersen, 2012). Mateos and Petersen (2012) reviewed the conventional and introduced several new diagnostic characters. ...
... Body size up to 1.88 mm (Fig. 3A). Pale yellow to gray with dark blue eyepatches. Eyes 8 + 8. Unpigmented apart from eye-spots, or large individuals with a faint violet blue colour over head and most of body including base of legs (Fig. 3A). Mateos (2008) described absence of scales from antennae and legs, collophore, and dorsum of furcula. Tip of antennae with a retractile apical bulb (Fig. 3B). Ant III organ with setae. Mesonotum hood like (Fig. 3C. i ). Violet pigments present on Head without dorsal macrochaetae behind the antennal group, R, S and T microsetae present (Fig. 3F). Chaet ...
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The genus Lepidocyrtus of collembola (Arthropleona - Entomobryidae) has been described. The species Lepidocyrtus lignorum and L. curvicollis are reported for the first time from India. The specimens were collected from soil litter. L. curvicollis and L. lignorum has characterized by the presence of scales on the Ist and IInd segments of antennae, legs beyond coxae and dorsal side of manubrium. The species L. lignorum is characterized by normal mesonotum. Presence of R marcochaetae on head but S and T setae absent. On abd. 4 lateral macrochaeta E1 set between L2 and L3. L. curvicollis is characterized by mesonotum hood-like projecting, blunt at tip. Head without macrosetae. R S and T microsetae present. On abd. 4 lateral macrochaeta E1 set behind L2. Unguiculus of L. curvicollis shows serrated structure.
... These procedures were slightly adapted in UK and IT due to an excess of soil moisture and stones, respectively (Petersen, 2011). Springtails were identified to species level based on general and group-specific keys (Baquero & Jordana, 2008;Bretfeld, 1999;Carapelli et al., 2001;Fjellberg, 1998Fjellberg, , 2007Gisin, 1960;Jordana et al., 1997;Mateos, 2008;Potapov, 2001;Rusek, 2002). Additionally, some dubious specimens were revised by Drs. ...
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1. The capacity to forecast the effects of climate change on biodiversity largely rely on identifying traits capturing mechanistic relationships with the environment through standardized field experiments distributed across relevant spatial scales. The effects of short-term experimental manipulations on local communities, may overlap with regional climate gradients that have been operating during longer time periods. However, to the best of our knowledge, there are no studies simultaneously assessing such long-term macroecological drivers with local climate manipulations. 2. We analyzed this issue with springtails (Class Collembola), one of the dominant soil fauna groups, in a standardized climate manipulation experiment conducted across six European countries encompassing broad climate gradients. We combined community data (near 20K specimens classified into 102 species) with 22 eco-morphological traits and reconstructed their phylogenetic relationships to track the evolution of adaptations to live at different soil depths, which is key to cope with desiccation. We then applied joint species distribution models to investigate the combined effect of the regional aridity gradient with the local experimental treatment (drought and warming) over the assembly of springtail communities and tested for significant trait-environment relationships mediating their community-level responses. 3. Our results show: (1) a convergent evolution in all three major collembolan lineages of species adapted to inhabit at different soil strata; (2) a clear signature of aridity selecting traits of more epigeic species at a biogeographic scale, and (3) the association of short-term experimental drought with traits related to more euedaphic life-forms. 4. The hemiedaphic condition would be the plesiomorphic state for Collembola while the adaptations for an epigeic life would have been secondarily gained. Epigeic springtails are more resistant to drought but also have a higher dispersal capacity that allows them to seek more favourable micro-habitats after experiencing drier conditions. The observed relative edaphization of the springtail communities after short-term experimental drought may thus be a transient community response. 5. The disparity between macroecological trends and fast community-level responses after climate manipulations highlights the need of simultaneously assessing long-term and short-term drivers at broad spatial scales to adequately interpret trait-environment relationships and better forecast biodiversity responses to climate change.
... The species identification was done consulting the published original descriptions and type material when available. Each species was assigned to a Lepidocyrtus group (Table 2) using the diagnostic characters of the European species-groups proposed by Mateos (2008bMateos ( , 2011Mateos ( , 2012, Mateos and Petersen (2012), and Winkler and Traser (2012). The species Lepidocyrtus sp. is still under study (it could be a new species), but its morphological characters are well established and perfectly comply with the definition of the L. lignorum-group. ...
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European Lepidocyrtus species are usually grouped into five species-groups within two subgenera, Lepidocyrtus s.s. and Lanocyrtus, defined by the distribution of scale covering and dorsal head and body macrochaetotaxy. The discovery of several Lepidocyrtus populations with morphological characters intermediate between two species-groups suggested the need for the present study to test whether molecular data provide support to these groups. The morphology and gene sequences of 110 specimens belonging to 19 species of European Lepidocyrtus have been studied. Our molecular results are congruent with the distribution of the European species into the five groups established in the literature on the basis of morphological characters, but also indicated that subgenus Lanocyrtus is paraphyletic while subgenus Lepidocyrtus s.s. is monophyletic. A new species, Lepidocyrtus intermedius, is described, and a redefinition of European species-groups is proposed based on chaetotaxy.
... Apart from the presence/absence of scales on the antennae and legs, the dorsal body marcochaetae formula counts as crucial character at defining subgroups of the European Lepidocyrtus (Mateos 2008b, Mateos 2011, Mateos 2012, Mateos & Petersen 2012. The L. pallidus-serbicus group, as defined by Winkler & Traser (2012), is characterized by a not uniform dorsal head macrochaetae formula regarding the presence/absence of macrochaetae S and T (both present, only T present, both absent). ...
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Systematic soil fauna survey of riverine and swamp woodland habitats in West Hungary provided the opportunity to describe the new species L. isabelleae sp. nov. belonging to the the Lepidocyrtus pallidus-serbicus group. The new species is characterized by the dorsal macrochaetae formula R0R1sR1R2STSo/00/0101+2, the absence of scales on the antennae and legs beyond coxae and an additional dorsolateral macrochaeta (a7) on Abd. III. On this occasion, the L. pallidus-serbicus group has been revised and reinterpreted, and a differentiation key for the derived L. serbicus group has been developed.
... The genus Lepidocyrtus Bourlet, 1839 has been fairly well studied recently (e.g.Soto-Adames 2000, Mateos 2008a, Cicconardi et al. 2010, Mateos & Greenslade 2015). While the number of European species of this genus has increased to 32 (Mateos 2008a, 2008b, 2011, 2012, Mateos & Petersen 2012), in Hungary it is represented by 17 species, including four species with locus typicus in this country (Traser & Christian 1992, Traser 2000, Winkler & Traser 2012). Despite of the relatively small land area (93028 square km), Hungary is characterized by diverse geomorphology resulting in a wide range of habitats, which is also reflected in its rich Collembola fauna (). ...
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The genus Lepidocyrtus was previously represented by 17 species in Hungary, including four species with locus typicus in this country. Opportunistic sampling in mid-mountain grassland and forest habitats resulted in records of several species from the L. lignorum group and allowed to describe the new species L. traseri sp. nov. The L. lignorum group, established and named after the eponymic species, is composed by a total of 11 species. The main characteristics shared by every species in this group are the dorsal body macrochaetotaxy R0R1R2/00/0101+3 and the presence of scales on the antennae and legs. The new species is close to L. lignorum (Fabricius, 1793) and L. violaceus (Geoffroy, 1762) but differs from them by the color pattern, number of interocular scales, type of labral papillae and the number of inner setae on the manubrial plate. An identification key is given for differentiating all species of this group.
... The AMS notation system allows us to investigate this possibility. In all described European species of subgenera Lanocyrtus and Lepidocyrtus s. str., the cephalic chaeta A 3 can be a meso-or macrochaeta (see Mateos 2008a, 2008b, 2011, 2012, Mateos & Petersen 2012, Traser 2000, Traser & Dányi 2008), while A 4 is always a mesochaeta. In Setogaster species described here, cephalic chaeta A 3 is always a mesochaeta, while chaeta A 4 can be a meso or macrochaeta. ...
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The taxonomic status of the subgenera of Lepidocyrtus Bourlet is confused. Currently ten subgenera are recognised but their separation, using the existing set of diagnostic characters, is not clear. Collections over the last forty years have shown that species of Setogaster Salmon, originally described as a genus (Trichogaster Handschin) and currently considered a subgenus of Lepidocyrtus, are common and widespread in Australia. The diagnostic characters of Setogaster, as given by Handschin, are: 1) the basal mucronal spine with spinelet; 2) lack of scales on antennae, legs, ventral tube and dorsal region of manubrium; and, for some species, 3) tufts of long filaments laterally on abdomen III. These three diagnostic characters for Setogaster are shared with some other subgenera, making their delimitation unclear. We provide here an array of new characters that are associated with Handschin's characters which separate Setogaster from all European species of the subgenera Lanocyrtus and Lepidocyrtus s. str. On this basis we define subgenus Setogaster more in detail, redescribe some species in the subgenus, corroborate the presence of the subgenus in many Australian localities, and confirm three records of exotic, introduced species in Australia. Lepidocyrtus nigrofasciatus Womersley, Lepidocyrtus praecisus Schött, and the Hawaiian Lepidocyrtus kuakea Christiansen & Bellinger, are placed in Setogaster subgenus; Lepidocyrtus (Trichogaster) pallida Salmon from Singapore is placed in the subgenus Acrocyrtus; Merapicyrtus Yoshii & Suhardjono is considered a synonym of Setogaster.
... Colour pattern as a visual character for species diagnosis, is always widely used for taxonomy in Entomobryomorpha (Bonet 1934; Gisin 1960; Yosii 1961; Yoshii 1989; Carapelli et al. 1995a, b; Frati et al. 2000; Soto-Adames 2002, 2010 Mateos 2008 Mateos , 2012). In the present study, the two closely related species of Homidia are distinctly discriminated by the colour pattern, supported by DNA barcodes and morphological characters. ...
Two closely related Homidia species, H. fascia Wang & Chen, 2001 and H. pseudofascia sp. nov., are recognized by both morphological and molecular approaches. Both species have minor morphological differences except distinct colour patterns on thorax. Genetic distances (18%) of COI barcodes between them greatly exceed commonly employed threshold (3%), also indicating two independent species. The use of colour pattern in taxonomy of Homidia is also discussed.
... The number of the European Lepidocyrtus species has increased up to 30 during the last decade (Mateos 2008a, 2008b, 2011, Mateos & Petersen 2012, Traser & Dányi 2008). L. tomosvaryi sp. ...
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The Lepidocyrtus pallidus-serbicus group has been created for the two eponymic species only, but at the present time the group is composed by a total of 6 species: L. pallidus Reuter, 1890; L. serbicus Denis, 1933; L. pseudosinelloides Gisin, 1967; L. weidneri Hüther, 1971; L. arrabonicus Traser 2000 and L. tomosvaryi sp. nov. The main characteristic shared by every species in this group is the dorsal body macrochaetotaxy: 00/0101+2 and the presence of M1M2 on the labial triangle. The new species is close to L. serbicus but clearly differs from it in the presence of a small dental tubercle at the basal part of the dens on the dorsal surface. An identification key is given for differentiating all species of this group.
Three new species of soil Collembola from both agricultural lands (vineyards and olive orchards) and a natural habitat (beech forest) located in Sicily (Italy) are described: Superodontella eleonorae sp. nov., first record of this genus for Italy; Lepidocyrtus rapitalai sp. nov. and Pseudosinella francae sp. nov..
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Accurate species identification and assessment of species diversity are essential for studies on phylogeny and phylogeography, adaptation and ecological function. The development of molecular methods triggered the discovery of cryptic species, i.e., genetically distinct lineages in morphologically undifferentiated species. Collembola (Arthropoda, Hexapoda) are one of the most numerous soil-living animals occurring in virtually all terrestrial ecosystems and habitats. Species delimitation is particularly difficult in Collembola due to considerable morphological conservatism, and many Collembola species comprise high genetic divergence and high cryptic species diversity. DNA-based methods provide useful tools for species delimitation, phylogenetic reconstruction, and lineage divergence time estimation. By analyzing two mitochondrial and two nuclear genes from three morphospecies of the European Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus species group (Collembola: Entomobryidae) from different geographic regions of Europe, this thesis focuses on exploring cryptic species / lineages diversity, their phylogeny, and the effects of historical geographic and climatic changes on the divergence and distribution of this species group in Europe. In chapter II, I investigated phylogenetic relationships and genetic distances between populations of the morphospecies L. lanuginosus (Gmelin, 1788) from three different habitats in Central Europe, i.e. arable fields, grasslands, and forests replicated at six locations. Geographic distances between sampling locations were considerably larger than between habitat types. All four genes clearly separated the morphospecies L. lanuginosus into three major genetic lineages, with one of these lineages being close to Lepidocyrtus cyaneus Tullberg, 1871. The three lineages were genetically as distant to each other as well separated species. Selective colonization of the three habitats by these lineages indicate that they are sorted by habitats: one lineage was common and occurred in each of the three habitat types but preferentially in arable land; the second was restricted to forest; the third, although rare, preferentially occurred in grassland. The results indicate that genetic markers are a reliable and fast method to detect cryptic species, which may facilitate taxonomic research on Collembola species and the identification of possible species-specific morphological characters. In Chapter III, I delimited species boundaries of the L. lanuginosus species group sampled across Central and Southern Europe (north and south of the Alps) by utilizing three DNA-based methods, ABGD, PTP, and BPP. Species diversity delimited by morphology was compared with that delimited by genes. Three methods based on mitochondrial COI and COII congruently identified ten and nine distinct genetic lineages in the morphospecies L. cyaneus and L. lanuginosus, respectively. ABGD delimitated species barcoding gaps with K2P distances of 0.055–0.095 and 0.06–0.115 for COI and COII, respectively, within the species group. EF1-α separated 89% of these lineages, showing a higher resolution than 28S rDNA D1–2 in distinguishing closely related genetic lineages of the species group. The phylogenetic analysis based on the four genes showed that both morphospecies L. cyaneus and L. lanuginosus are polyphyletic, suggesting that body color is insufficient for delimiting morphospecies and lineages in this Collembola species group. This study challenges the current morphology-based species delimitation in the L. lanuginosus species group and suggests that molecular approaches are needed for accurate determination of Collembola species in both taxonomic and ecological studies. Overall, the results suggest that wide geographic sampling combined with molecular phylogenetic approaches is necessary to delimit species, understand the full range of cryptic diversity, and analyze phylogenetic relationships in Collembola. In Chapter IV, I studied the phylogeography of 18 lineages of the L. lanuginosus species group using a multi-locus molecular approach. The genetic diversity and population structure of all lineages were analyzed using COII, while all four above-mentioned genes were concatenated to infer the phylogeographic origin of these lineages. Results showed that the 18 lineages did not overlap in their distribution ranges in Central, Southern, and Southeastern Europe, suggesting high genetic structure and limited gene flow between these three regions. The major lineages diverged in the Late Miocene and Pliocene (17–2.59 million years ago, Mya), i.e. before Quaternary ice ages, indicating that distinct lineages survived in multiple refugia in each sampling region during Quaternary glacial periods. The genetic structure of the 18 lineages of the group supported a model of sequential allopatric diversification within each sampling region. Further, three distinct lineages which diverged during the Pleistocene and Holocene were widely distributed across Central Europe, suggesting that glacial cycles in the Quaternary affected the spread of these lineages. Identical haplotypes of both of these lineages, occurring in localities hundreds of kilometers apart, suggest recent human-mediated dispersal across Central Europe. These results indicate that distribution patterns of Collembola in Europe are more complex than previously assumed. By utilizing DNA-based analyses, my thesis highlights a novel view of the diversity, ecology, phylogeny, and phylogeography of the three morphospecies of the European L. lanuginosus species group. DNA-based analyses rejected the three-species hypothesis based on the morphological species concept and the monophyly of each species based on the phylogenetic species concept. This suggests that historical geographic and climatic changes dating to the late Miocene as well as recent human-mediated dispersal caused the lineage divergence and shaped the present-day distribution of this species group. Environmental factors other than geographic distances likely impede gene flow among lineages. Overall, the results of this thesis suggest that soil animals likely experienced different and more complex evolutionary forces than aboveground animals and plants in shaping their genetic diversification and biogeographic distribution. Future studies need to explore the physiological characters responsible for habitat sorting of cryptic species / lineages of the L. lanuginosus species group, and global scale phylogeographic studies on a number of Collembola species are needed for a deeper understanding of the dispersal, speciation, and evolution of Collembola and of soil animals in general.
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A new species of Lepidocyrtus from the sandy beaches of Gerona (north-east of the Iberian Peninsula) is described: L. selvaticus n. sp. It has the same dorsal chaetotaxy as the Iberian species L. lusitanicus Gama, 1964, but can be readily distinguished by the labial chaetotaxy. The non-adaptive characters of the new species are compared with those of the closest species.
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Genus Lepidocyrtus is represented by 25 species in Europe and the correct identification of some of them is difficult to achieve due to lack of diagnostic characters and some published errors description. In this paper I have studied specimens of Lepidocyrtus flexicollis, L. curvicollis, L. monseniensis and L. nigrescens and I have found several diagnostic characters very useful for their differentiation. The total chaetotaxy of fourth abdominal tergum is very informative for these four species and could be for the whole European species. I have consulted the literature that describes the European species and I made a diagnosis of all of them using the best diagnostic characters possible, with which I have elaborated an identification species key. The high chromatic variability of some European species makes the use of color pattern for taxonomy on this region problematic.
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SummaryA phylogenetic analysis of the Neotropical members of genus Lepidocyrtus was conducted to assess the pattern of speciation in Puerto Rico while testing the phylogenetic information content of two characters used to diagnose subgenera. The analysis included twenty-two species of Lepidocyrtus from the Neotropical Region for which information on the tergal chaetotaxy of the trunk was available, two species of Holarctic Lepidocyrtus, three species of Pseudosinella, two species of Metasinella used in outgroup analysis and ninety-two informative characters. The results do not support a monophyletic origin for the Puerto Rican Lepidocyrtus, suggesting the current fauna originated through repeated invasions from abroad. Three instances of endemic speciation can be inferred from the cladograms. The geographical distribution and diversity of colour forms suggest that L. caprilesi and L. paracaprilesi speciated sympatrically, whereas vicariance can explain speciation for L. lepargus and L. maldonadoi. The mode of speciation for L. dispar and L. biphasis remains unclear because the proportion of morphological variation between these species does not fit the proportions expected under the sympatric model suggested by their geographical distribution. The results support an early conclusion regarding appendicular scale distribution as a poor indicator of phylogenetic relationships. Taxa defined using this character are likely to be polyphyletic. The results disagree with a previous study in documenting low levels of homoplasy for the dental tubercle, implying that this character contains phylogenetic information useful in defining subgenera. However, the presence or absence of a dental tubercle is not diagnostic and should be used in combination with other characters. Comparisons of levels of homoplasy in Neotropical and Hawaiian Lepidocyrtus suggest that the relative position of two setae on the second abdominal tergum may be a better subgeneric character than other characters currently in use.
Twelve species of Lepidocyrtus and 2 species of Pseudosinella are described. -from Author
We examined and keyed out the subgenera of the genus Lepidocyrtus mostly created by Yoshii. Although many of these subgenera of the genus Lepidocyrtus are difficult to apply in Europe, America, and Africa, they are easily applicable in East and Southeast Asia. The species of Southeast Asia are placed in these subgenera and a key to the subgenera is provided. A new species, Lepidocyrtus (Lanocyrtus) felpei from Xinjiang, People's Republic of China, is described and the species Lepidocyrtus (Lanocyrtus) fimetarius Gisin is redescribed. Although the Lepidocyrtus fauna of the whole of East Asia differs from the Holarctic fauna, the Central and Northeast Asian fauna are similar in subgeneric make up to the North American fauna, slightly less similar to the European fauna, and totally unlike the Southeast Asian fauna.