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JAMARVol. 10 · No. 1· 2012
Research Note
The Research Design
Maze: Understanding
Paradigms, Cases,
Methods and
Dina Wahyuni*
The present paper introduces the logical
choices available in research
methodologies; which enable the drawing
of correct inferences to answer the various
research questions that are asked by
accounting researchers.
It starts with an overview of research
paradigms as fundamental beliefs that
affect the ways to conduct social research,
including the choice of a particular
research methodology. The paper then
details the elements of case study design,
including the justification to choose case
organisations. The sections that follow
present an overview of the required data
and collection methods and discuss the
methods used to analyse the collected
data. Considerations regarding research
quality are also presented.
This paper is a useful reference or a
starting point for researchers considering
qualitative multi-method case study
research designs.
Research Paradigms
Interpretive Accounting Research (IAR)
Case Study Research
Interview Techniques
Constant Comparative Method
*University of Jember, Indonesia and University of
South Australia
Research paradigms address the philosophical
dimensions of social sciences. A research
paradigm is a set of fundamental assumptions
and beliefs as to how the world is perceived
which then serves as a thinking framework that
guides the behaviour of the researcher (Jonker
and Pennink 2010).
Although the philosophical backgrounds
usually remain implicit in most research, they
affect the practice of research. Some writers
(e.g. Berry and Otley 2004; Creswell 2009;
Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill 2009; Neuman
2011) emphasise that it is important to initially
question the research paradigm to be applied in
conducting research because it substantially
influences how one undertake a social study
from the way of framing and understanding
social phenomena. Following this suggestion,
various research paradigms are discussed
below to enable a justification of the
theoretical assumptions and fundamental
beliefs underpinning a social research.
Philosophical Dimensions
The two main philosophical dimensions to
distinguish existing research paradigms are
ontology and epistemology (Laughlin 1995;
Kalof, Dan and Dietz 2008; Saunders, Lewis
and Thornhill 2009). They relate to the nature
of knowledge and the development of that
knowledge, respectively. Ontology is the view
of how one perceives a reality.
In terms of social research, ontologically one
can perceive that the existence of reality is
external and independent of social actors and
their interpretations of it, termed objectivist
(Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill 2009) or
realist (Neuman 2011). On the other hand,
subjectivist or nominalist adopter theory
believes that reality is dependent on social
actors and assumes that individuals contribute
to social phenomena.
The second paradigm, epistemology, is the
beliefs on the way to generate, understand and
use the knowledge that are deemed to be
acceptable and valid. In addition to these two
fundamental philosophies, two basic beliefs
that affect the way to investigate reality are
axiology and methodology. The former is
concerned with ethics, encompassing the roles
JAMARVol. 10 · No. 1· 2012
of values in the research and the researcher’s
stance in relation to the subject studied. The
latter refers to a model for undertaking a
research process in the context of particular
paradigm. These basic beliefs as they relate to
research paradigms are outlined in Table 1.
Table 1: Fundamental Beliefs of Research Paradigms in Social Sciences
Research Paradigms
(Naïve realism)
(Critical Realism)
Ontology: the
position on the
nature of reality
objective and
independent of
social actors
Objective. Exist
independently of
human thoughts and
beliefs or knowledge
of their existence, but
is interpreted through
social conditioning
(critical realist)
subjective, may
change, multiple
multiple, view
chosen to best
achieve an
answer to the
research question
the view on what
phenomena can
provide credible
data, facts.
Focus on
causality and
phenomena to
Only observable
phenomena can
provide credible
data, facts.
Focus on explaining
within a context or
meanings and
Focus upon the
details of
situation, the
reality behind
these details,
meanings and
Either or both
phenomena and
meanings can
dependent upon
the research
question. Focus
on practical
applied research,
perspectives to
help interpret the
Axiology: the
role of values in
research and the
Value-free and
Research is
undertaken in a
value-free way,
the researcher is
independent of
the data and
maintains an
objective stance
Value-laden and etic
Research is value
laden; the researcher
is biased by world
views, cultural
experiences and
Value-bond and
Research is
value bond, the
researcher is
part of what is
cannot be
separated and so
will be
Value-bond and
Values play a
large role in
interpreting the
results, the
adopting both
objective and
subjective points
of view
the model
behind the
Quantitative Quantitative or
Qualitative Quantitative and
(mixed or multi-
method design)
Based on Saunders et al.(2009, p.119),Guba and Lincoln (2005), and Hallebone and Priest (2009)
JAMARVol. 10 · No. 1· 2012
Research Paradigms
The first two paradigms, both positivism and
postpositivism, apply the lens of natural
science to social science. Ontologically, they
share a common view that social reality is
external and objective. Therefore, axiologically
they maintain the separation of the researcher
from the researched by taking the stance of the
etic approach or the outsider perspective.
Epistemologically, they advocate the use of a
scientific approach by developing numeric
measures to generate acceptable knowledge.
They commence with the test of theory in the
form of hypotheses and involve statistical tests
in their research process. However, they use
different philosophical assumptions.
Positivist researchers seek to obtain law-like
generalisations, termed nomothetic (Neuman
2011), by conducting value-free research to
measure social phenomena. Positivists believe
that different researchers observing the same
factual problem will generate a similar result
by carefully using statistical tests and applying
a similar research process in investigating a
large sample (Creswell 2009). Their common
belief is the existence of a universal
generalisation that can be applied across
contexts, which is now called naïve realism.
Postpositivists challenge the belief of this
absolute truth, especially in relation to
studying human behaviour in social science.
The postpositivist approach also believes in
generalisation, but admits that knowledge is a
result of social conditioning. This is called the
critical realist stance, which means that
understanding social reality needs to be framed
in a certain context of relevant law or dynamic
social structures which have created the
observable phenomena within social world.
Interpretivism, at the far extreme of
postpositivism, subscribes to what is called
constructivism. Interpretivists believe that
reality is constructed by social actors and
people’s perceptions of it. They recognise that
individuals with their own varied backgrounds,
assumptions and experiences contribute to the
on-going construction of reality existing in
their broader social context through social
interaction. Because these human perspectives
and experiences are subjective, social reality
may change and can have multiple
perspectives (Hennink, Hutter and Bailey
2011). Therefore, interpretivists reject
objectivism and a single truth as proposed in
postpositivsm. To understand the social world
from the experiences and subjective meanings
that people attach to it, interpetivist researchers
favour to interact and to have a dialogue with
the studied participants. They also prefer to
work with qualitative data which provides rich
descriptions of social constructs. As opposed
to generalisation or the nomonethic approach
adopted by postpositivist researchers,
interpretivists use a narrative form of analysis
to describe specifics and highly detailed
accounts of a particular social reality being
studied, which is termed the idiographic
approach (Neuman 2011). Consequently, the
parameter to test knowledge in the positivist
and interpretivist paradigm-camp is distinct.
Positivist scholars believe in the power of
replication research. Interpretivist researchers
vote a study that uncovers inside perspectives
or real meanings of social phenomena from its
study participants as a good social knowledge.
In terms of axiology, intrepretivist researchers
take the stance of the emic or insider
perspective, which means to study the social
reality from the perspective of the people
themselves. Here, the experiences and values
of both research participants and researchers
substantially influence the collection of data
and its analysis.
Pragmatism is another branch of research
paradigm that refuses to join the ‘paradigm
war’ between the positivist and interpretivist
research philosophies (Tashakkori and Teddlie
1998). Instead of questioning ontology and
epistemology as the first step, pragmatist
supporters start off with the research question
to determine their research framework. They
emphasise that one should view research
philosophy as a continuum, rather than an
option that stands in opposite positions.
Pragmatism believes that objectivist and
subjectivist perspectives are not mutually
exclusive. Hence, a mixture of ontology,
epistemology and axiology is acceptable to
approach and understand social phenomena.
Here, the emphasis is on what works best to
address the research problem at hand.
Pragmatist researchers favour working with
both quantitative and qualitative data because
it enables them to better understand social
JAMARVol. 10 · No. 1· 2012
The importance of and the debate over
research paradigms has been recorded in the
accounting literature (see, for instance,
Laughlin 1995; Ahrens 2008; Kakkuri-
Knuuttila, Lukka and Kuorikoski 2008;
Kaidonis, Moerman and Rudkin 2009; Lukka
2010). Accounting issues, which typically deal
with number crunching, are predominantly
studied within the positivist paradigm. This
strand of strongly numerical studies forms the
basis of the so-called mainstream research in
accounting. Using an objective viewpoint and
the hypothetico-deductive method, such
research analyses large archival data sets in
order to provide explanations for social
The shift from positivist to subjective thinking
in accounting research (Laughlin 1995),
including from quantitative to qualitative
research (Parker 2012), became apparent in
1970s. In particular, the application of
qualitative research has gained popularity in
the management accounting arena (Parker
2012). By investigating the subjective
meanings of social phenomena and the
resultant behaviour, interpretive accounting
researchers have sought to provide a better
understanding of functioning accounting
practices. This category is called non-
mainstream or alternative research.
Research Methodologies and
At this point it should be noted that research
methodology and research method are
distinctive concepts. Analogically, a
methodology is a domain or a map, while a
method refers to a set of steps to travel
between two places on the map (Jonker and
Pennink 2010). A methodology refers to a
model to conduct a research within the context
of a particular paradigm. It comprises the
underlying sets of beliefs that guide a
researcher to choose one set of research
methods over another. Because methodologies
are closer to research practice than the
philosophical concepts found in paradigms,
many researchers commonly state that they are
conducting ‘qualitative’ instead of
‘interpretivist’ research (Sarantakos 2005).
A research method consists of a set of specific
procedures, tools and techniques to gather and
analyse data. However, a research method is
a-theoretical (Sarantakos 2005), that is, it is
independent from methodologies and
paradigms. Therefore, a research method, e.g.
an interview, can be used in different research
methodologies. In other words, a method is a
practical application of doing research whereas
a methodology is the theoretical and
ideological foundation of a method. A research
design then becomes important to connect a
methodology and an appropriate set of research
methods in order to address research questions
and or hypotheses that are established to
examine social phenomena.
Research Designs
Research purpose and research questions are
the suggested starting points to develop a
research design because they provide
important clues about the substance that a
researcher is aiming to assess (Berry and Otley
2004; Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill 2009;
Yin 2012).
A research method that facilitates a deep
investigation of a real-life contemporary
phenomenon in its natural context is a case
study (Woodside 2010; Yin 2012). There are
three ideal conditions for conducting a case
study advocated by Yin (2009) in comparison
to the other research methods in social
sciences: experiment, survey, archival analysis
and history. First, the form of asking a research
question is in the form of why or how. The
remaining two conditions are that no control is
required over behavioural events being studied
and the study focus on contemporary events.
Thus, a case study should be of a
contemporary event as opposed to a historical
Ideally case study research should use a
multiple case study design involving
multi-sites to be studied and using multiple
methods to analyse the collected data. The
rationale behind the choice of a multiple case
study over a single case study is to enable
comparisons between the observed practices
by subjects studied in order to obtain a more
comprehensive understanding of these
JAMARVol. 10 · No. 1· 2012
qualitative research refers to
using more than one data collection techniques
and applying multiple methods to analyse these
data using non-numerical (qualitative)
procedures to answer the research question.
Here, the investigation should result in both a
descriptive model as to how the world is, and
prescriptive suggestions as to how the world
should be. Thus, case study research should
ideally be performed through a two-stage case
study with the use of both qualitative and
quantitative data collected from multiple
sources, and predominantly qualitative analysis
procedures applied in a sequential design.
Selection of Case Organisations
It is very important to be mindful about the
trap of selecting a representative case solely to
provide a basis for generalisation (Scapens
2004). Unlike positivist research that uses
frequencies and statistical generalisation to
relate its findings to a larger population, an
interpretive case study focuses on analytical
generalisation to develop and extend theory.
Therefore, the selection process should be
driven by the research question as it provides
the characteristics of the cases to be studied.
Following the suggestion by Scapens (2004), a
critical case or an extreme case should be
sought for a representative case. The former is
a case in which the social phenomena being
observed are some critical events that cause the
research questions asked to become important
in the organisation. The latter is mainly chosen
to test a theory or to broaden the application
into a wider range of circumstances. For
instance, a case study that tests if a theory
works on a very small sized firm is an example
of an extreme case. This method of choosing a
case according to pre-determined reasons is
known as non-probability sampling. Here, a
purposive sampling is exercised to specifically
pick information-rich cases on the basis of
their matched criteria to the ones required to
answer the research questions being asked
(Bloor and Wood 2006).
Multi-method approach is different from mixed-
method research, which uses both quantitative and
qualitative data collection and analysis procedures
that are applied either in a concurrent or in a
sequential design (Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill
Gaining approval from the targeted firms to
join as participants in a case study research
appeared to be one of the most challenging
tasks in this research. Often, an email
containing an official letter from the supervisor
requesting access turns out to be unsuccessful.
Sensitivity of the information to be studied
seemed to be the factor that makes these firms
hesitant to talk to the researcher. Informal links
should instead be chosen. Often such links are
more favourable and may in fact yield referrals
to more firms to be studied.
This practice of obtaining a studied subject via
a referral system is known as snowball or
networking method. As noted by Bryman
(2012), qualitative research has practically
applied more than one method of sampling, for
instance by selecting a sample purposively
which is followed by using the snowball
technique to obtain studied subjects.
Data Collection
Data is collected in form of primary and
secondary data. The primary data is usually
collected using semi-structured interviews with
the experts in the observed topic from the case
organisations. As suggested by Parker (2003),
qualitative researchers should get involved in a
communication with the practitioners in the
organisational coal-face in order to better
understand the current state of
real-world practices. The secondary data
constitute internal publications provided by
participants to the researchers and publicly
available data which are relevant to the topic
being observed. This method of collecting data
from multiple sources, termed data
triangulation (Patton 2002), assists the
researcher not only to collect more
comprehensive relevant information but also to
cross-check their consistency in order to
enhance the robustness of findings.
Semi-Structured Interviews
The main feature of an interview is to facilitate
the interviewees to share their perspectives,
stories and experience regarding a particular
social phenomena being observed by the
interviewer. The participants, who are the
practitioners in their field, will pass on their
knowledge to the researcher through the
conversations held during the interview
process (Boeije 2010). The interview method
is most often selected as the main method for
JAMARVol. 10 · No. 1· 2012
collecting empirical data of the relevant
practices. The interview procedures,
encompassing all procedures from 1) designing
the interview questions and developing the
interview guides, to 2) the process of
interviewing itself, are discussed below.
Design and development of interview
questions: A semi-structured interview, also
known as the non-standardised or qualitative
interview (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill
2009), is a hybrid type of interview which lies
in between a structured interviews and an in-
depth interviews. Therefore, it offers the merit
of using a list of predetermined themes and
questions as in a structured interview, while
keeping enough flexibility to enable the
interviewee to talk freely about any topic
raised during the interview. The use of an
in-depth qualitative interview is considered as
the appropriate format for case study research
because in-depth questions cannot be answered
briefly. It is anticipated that the researcher
would need to ask for examples or more
explanation on the answer given in order to
gain a deep understanding of the issues.
Rubin and Rubin (2005) provide a guidance to
develop the interview questions and
procedures. They have created a model of an
in-depth qualitative interviewing, termed
‘responsive interviewing’ (Rubin and Rubin
2005, p.20), which is heavily underpinned by
the interpretive research philosophy. This
approach emphasises the importance of
keeping the research design and questioning
flexible and adaptive in order to facilitate new
information to emerge or to adapt to an
unexpected direction.
Responsive interviewing concentrates on
obtaining a deep understanding, rather than
breadth, about the investigated topic (Rubin
and Rubin 2005). The interview questions are
structured to include open-ended main
questions, follow-up questions and probes. The
main questions should be carefully developed
based on the research problem and the research
questions in such a way that there are separate
interview questions for each part. Relevant
articles, webpage publications, and industrial
research should be explored to gather ideas
about relevant practices to be included in the
interview questions.
Follow-up questions should be developed to
explore the particular themes, concepts, ideas
and unexpected thoughts provided by the
interviewees. The probes should be used
(prepared ideally in advance) not only to keep
the discussion flowing, but also to clarify some
discussion points by asking for more details or
examples of what had been said. Once the
questions had been determined, a peer who has
considerable experience in conducting
interviews should be asked to check them to
ensure that there are no wording questions that
might could lead to predetermined answers.
Prior to conducting the formal interview, the
researcher should hold mock interviews with
colleagues to fine-tune the research instrument.
As a result, some expressions and words could
be changed to make the questions clearer.
Often the structure of the main questions is
reordered to improve the flow of the discussion
during the planned interviews. This instrument
should now be submitted for ethics clearance
from the researcher’s organisation.
The Interviews: After obtaining the ethics
clearance from the Human Research Ethics
Committee at the researcher’s organisation, the
interviews can be conducted. As suggested by
Kvale and Brinkmann (Kvale and Brinkmann
2009), the interview should be framed by a
briefing before the interview commenced, and
a debriefing afterwards. Ideally, a research
information package should be provided in the
introductory meeting or sent beforehand in an
email. The researcher starts off the interview
by briefly explaining the aim of the interview
and emphasizing the confidentiality,
anonymity and the voluntary nature of the
study. The interviewee is then given a consent
form which should be signed off by both this
person and the researcher. With the
participant’s permission, each interview should
be recorded.
Besides recording the interview, the researcher
should also take notes during and soon after
each interview to record additional information
in the form of research memos. There are three
types of memos or notes that can be recorded
for an interview: observational,
methodological and theoretical (Schatzman
and Strauss 1973). Observational memos, also
known as field notes, are used to describe the
situation during the interview. Methodological
memos are the records of any issues and
concerns regarding the methods used.
JAMARVol. 10 · No. 1· 2012
Theoretical memos focus on what themes and
findings emerged from the interview process.
Each interview should last no more than one
and a half hours. After each interview, a
debriefing should be performed during which
the practitioners are given the opportunity to
ask questions, make comments or add any
information that was not discussed during the
interview. During this visit, the researcher
should ask for relevant documents by the
practitioners, such as company magazines and
sustainability reports. Such secondary data is
obtained to triangulate findings in order to
answer the research questions. Relevant data
will usually be both qualitative and
quantitative in nature that includes a wide
range of relevant data for the case
Data Analysis
Data analysis involves the drawing of
inferences from raw data. Data analysis can
involve multi-methods that are applied
sequentially. Multi-method application in
conducting research is called methodological
triangulation (Patton 2002). Each of these steps
is discussed below.
Data Preparation
Raw data, which is the format as they are
generated, need to be managed so that they are
ready to be analysed (Boeije 2010). Different
from data generated from quantitative research
which is mainly numerical; data collected in
qualitative research are primarily text-based.
Data management in such qualitative research
involves three important aspects: data storage,
transcribing audio sources, and cleaning the
Data Storage: A researcher who uses multiple
sources of data essentially requires a neat
archive to store these data. A good storage
enables easy retrieval for various formats of
collected data (Boeije 2010). Considering the
ethics requirements for conducting field
research, the hard copies of collected data
should be stored in a locked filing cabinet and
electronically on the researcher’s
password-protected computer. Here, the
collected data are further categorised based on
their relevant use in the analysis steps.
Transcribing Recorded Interviews: The
transcribing task is often outsourced to a
professional transcriber. Once transcribed,
each one and a half hour interview is usually
transformed into around 35 pages of text.
After receiving the transcription output, it
should be checked against the voice recording
for accuracy. The researcher will be interested
in the content of the interview, so checking the
accuracy of the transcript’s content is
considered to be crucial. The parts of
transcripts containing linguistic details, such as
laughter, should be deleted. This approach
which concentrates more on content and less
on actual expressions is termed denaturalised
transcription (Oliver, Serovich and Mason
2005). Because the researcher needs to decide
what is to be included and excluded in
transcription and becomes familiar with the
content of the interview, transcribing can be
seen as the initial step in data analysis (Miles
and Huberman 1994; Kvale and Brinkmann
Cleaning Data: Considering the ethics
concerns about anonymity and confidentiality,
all information that can identify both the
practitioners and the case organisations that
they represent should be omitted. The data will
be identified by a specific coding, e.g. Firm 1
(F1), to the information provided by Firm 1.
This identifiable information is intended to be
used for data analysis only, to enable a
comparison of the findings between firms
using the constant comparative analysis
method. In most case research, replacing the
identity of case organisations with unique
codes is particularly important because the
interview texts would be read by a peer in a
later stage of data analysis to check the
consistency of coding.
Qualitative Data Analysis
Qualitative data analysis is normally used in
the first phase of the study as the aim is mainly
to record the current state of play in the case
organisation. Performing data analysis on
qualitative data basically involves dismantling,
segmenting and reassembling data to form
meaningful findings in order to draw
inferences (Boeije 2010). The research
questions and research aim should be used to
guide the process of cutting the collected texts
into pieces and logically recombining them.
This translation process from raw data to
JAMARVol. 10 · No. 1· 2012
findings requires interpretation of empirical
A common approach to the interpretation of
meanings from textual data is using content
analysis. This technique has been used by both
quantitative and qualitative researchers in the
social sciences, including accounting (Milne
and Adler 1999; Sarantakos 2005). However,
they apply different focuses. Quantitative
researchers transform qualitative information
into numerical numbers. They establish a set of
categories and then count the number of
instances that utterances fall into each
category. The characteristics of categories need
to be defined clearly in order to allow other
researcher to draw similar results from the
texts, e.g. annual reports (Guthrie and Parker
1990). Conversely, qualitative contents
analysis concentrates on portraying reality by
discovering meanings from the textual data
(Silverman 2011). Consistent with the
paradigm used, qualitative content analysis is
applied in this study from the perspective of
case organisations (Sarantakos 2005), which
means using the emic or an insider’s approach
to view the practices of the case organisation.
Qualitative content analysis which is done
through identifying patterns and themes within
data is termed thematic analysis (Given 2008).
The constant comparative method follows
similar principles to thematic analysis in
extracting themes from within texts. However,
the constant comparative method focuses more
on describing variation in different
circumstances of social phenomena (Boeije
2010). It provides a more systematic way to
identify any difference that emerges in
empirical data (see Boeije 2002). Therefore,
the constant comparative method is preferred if
the objective is to reveal important concepts,
processes, and the overarching professional
experiences between the case organisations.
In practice, qualitative content analysis uses a
coding method. Coding simply means
labelling. It refers to the assignment of a code
representing the core topic of each category of
data. As applied in the grounded research
approach, coding in usually undertaken on
three levels: open coding, axial coding and
selective coding (Boeije 2010). Open coding is
conducted by dismantling texts and
distinguishing different themes and concepts
found in the data. These pieces of data are then
regrouped based on their relevant content into
categories. This categorising step is termed
axial coding. Finally, selective coding was
conducted by making logical connections
between the core categories to make sense of
understanding what has been really happening
in the observed practices.
Ideally, coding is also performed iteratively.
Coding is initially conducted right after
removing case organisations’ identity from
text. Then, the textual data is re-examined for
developing further interview questions for each
subsequent meeting with case organisations.
All findings from each coding process should
be recorded in a codebook as a part of interim
summaries. As suggested by Saunders et al.
(2009), interim summaries are used to record
the progress to achieve conclusions, including
what had been found so far and what needed
to be done to improve the quality of findings
or to find alternative explanations. The use of a
draft codebook is inspired by Boyatzis (1998)
and Neuendorf (2002). Here, each code is
given a label, a definition or description to
guide how to apply the code, and an example
of the texts. Hierarchical numbering should be
assigned to codes to show the relationships
between codes. Applying coding analysis
technique more than one times to the similar
texts results in the refinement of codes.
In addition, peer debriefing (Long and Johnson
2000) could be performed to test code
reliability. The researcher should then discuss
emerging findings and how the coding
assigned in the text with a colleague who has
experience in using the constant comparative
method. All the concerns and
recommendations from peer debriefing are
then used as a basis to further refine the
codebook. This method of using more than one
evaluator in examining one particular topic is
termed investigator triangulation (Patton
2002). Keeping the progress records of interim
summaries and of a codebook is often found
very useful in drawing conclusions in case
study research.
Research Quality
The rigour of qualitative research has been
subject to continuous discussion in the
literature (see, for example Denzin and Lincoln
2005; Boeije 2010). Qualitative research has
been criticised as lacking generalisibility by its
JAMARVol. 10 · No. 1· 2012
counterpart, the quantitative mainstream. The
quantitative tradition believes that research
should rely heavily on reliability and validity
to ensure its replicability and generalisability.
Reliability refers to the consistency of
measures whereas validity concerns with the
extent to which it reflects the social
phenomena being observed. Measurement
consistency facilitates the replication or the
repeatability of a study. The degree to which
the results can be generalised to a larger
population, which is called generalisability
(which is the main content of external
validity), has been the major point of criticism
of qualitative research.
However, these traditional concepts of
reliability and validity do not fit perfectly into
the qualitative research landscape. Following
Parker (2012)’s stance, qualitative research
operates in a completely different domain with
different missions and agendas. Qualitative
research seeks to produce credible knowledge
of interpretations on organisation and
management accounting processes and
understandings, with an emphasise more on
uniqueness and contexts.
In a similar vein, some social scientists (Kalof,
Dan and Dietz 2008; Bryman 2012) explain
that reliability and validity per se cannot be
practically used as criteria to assess qualitative
research. Some alternative terms have been
used to sensitise reliability and validity to the
specific nature of qualitative research. There
are four criteria of research trustworthiness
developed by Lincoln and Guba (1985) and
Guba and Lincoln (1989) which have been
widely cited in the social science research
method literature (e.g. Kalof, Dan and Dietz
2008; Bryman 2012) to evaluate the quality of
qualitative research: credibility which parallels
internal validity, transferability which
resembles external validity, dependability
which parallels reliability, and confirmability
which resembles objectivity.
Credibility deals with the accuracy of data to
reflect the observed social phenomena. In
simple terms, credibility is concerned with
whether the study actually measures or tests
what is intended. The carefully selection of a
case organisations is considered as the first
practical step toward credibility in case study
research. In subsequent meetings with the
practitioners, the interim results from the
previous interview can be discussed as a
method of respondent validation (Bryman
2012). The triangulation approaches discussed
above: data triangulation, method
triangulation and evaluator triangulation;
enhance the credibility of research findings.
Evaluator triangulation, which is also known
as peer debriefing, is not only useful at the data
analysis stage to check the consistency of data
coding but also in identifying other
perspectives on projects which may have been
overlooked by the researcher.
Transferrability refers to the level of
applicability into other settings or situations.
As suggested by Lincoln and Guba (1985), a
rich and thick explanation of research sites and
characteristics of case organisations should be
provided to enhance transferrability. While it is
certain that the data from a qualitative study is
not reproducible, it is not impossible to apply a
qualitative study in a different setting. With
some careful adjustments in the setting, such
research findings that are drawn from rich
descriptions on the current state of play of
observed practices have the possibility of being
transferred into a different study of other
industries within or across jurisdictions.
Dependability corresponds to the notion of
reliability which promotes replicability or
repeatability. Dependability concerns taking
into account all the changes that occur in a
setting and how these affect the way research
is being conducted. Dependability can be
achieved by a detailed explanation of the
research design and process to enable future
researchers to follow a similar research
framework. It should be noted that the
application of the research model by a future
researcher is not necessarily targeted at getting
a similar result. Enhancing dependability can
be achieved by presenting detailed and step-
by-step explanation of the research processes
undertaken, as well as providing the main
instruments used to gather empirical data, e.g.
the list of interview questions.
Confirmability refers to the extent to which
others can confirm the findings in order to
ensure that the results reflect the
understandings and experiences from observed
participants, rather than the researcher’s own
preferences. In addition to triangulation
methods, Lincoln and Guba (1985, p.317)
suggest using an ‘inquiry audit’ to enhance
JAMARVol. 10 · No. 1· 2012
confirmability. Documentation on data and
progress of research therefore should be
carefully kept in the form of research memos
and interim summaries as parts of the research
working book. This research record serves to
provide an audit trail which enables an
examination of both the research process and
research outputs by tracing out the
step-by-step the course of the research. Peer
assistance to cross check the coding
development and application can also be aimed
at confirmability.
This paper has entangled the often confusing
concepts of research paradigms, research
methodologies, and research methods; and is
provided as a useful aid for researchers,
especially those undertaking case research.
Conducting a research study should be started
off by considering how the researcher views
the observed social phenomena, which leads to
the dominant research paradigm to be applied.
The choice of a research paradigm leads to a
relevant research methodology. The research
design then needs to be developed to link
research methodology and a set of research
methods in order to enable the drawing of
logical and valid inferences. It is worth noting
that the research purpose and research
questions are the fundamental basis on which
to craft a research design.
Interpretivist research, which has been
recorded as the more dominant research genre
in management accounting rather than
financial accounting, facilitates a better
understanding of the functioning accounting
practices. A case study design is suggested for
accounting research which seeks to provide
deep understanding of a real life contemporary
accounting phenomenon in its natural context.
To obtain a more comprehensive
understanding of the current state of observed
accounting practices and phenomena, it is
suggested to involve more than one case as the
studied subjects; to collect a wide range of
relevant data and to perform multiple methods
to analyse them.
This paper has also highlighted the importance
of considering the quality of qualitative
research in a similar way to assessing
quantitative research. Some techniques
presented to improve research soundness, for
instance iterative analysis and triangulation
techniques, play essential part in enhancing the
trustworthiness of research findings.
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