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Abstract and Figures

Although research on financial management behavior is common, few financial management behavior scales exist that are simultaneously multi-dimensional, psychometrically validated, and validated using nationally representative data. Using data from a nationally representative sample of adults, this study developed and examined the psychometric properties of a new scale of financial management behaviors. The Financial Management Behavior Scale (FMBS) displayed adequate reliability (alpha = .81). The FMBS was highly associated with other measures of financial management behaviors and was predictive of participants’ actual levels of savings and consumer debt. These findings suggest that the full FMBS is a reliable and valid measure of financial management behaviors, though the subscales need refinement.
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Individuals in the U.S. engage in nancial behaviors near-
ly every day and these behaviors inuence their nancial
well-being. For example, the more consumer credit house-
holds assume, the more likely they are to default on their
loans and the less likely they are to have established an
individual retirement account (IRA) (Bernstein, 2004; Sul-
livan, 1987). Thus, of necessity, personal nance research-
ers and nancial planners and counselors measure nancial
management behaviors.
Unfortunately, few validated nancial management behav-
ior scales exist. Researchers typically use proxies of nan-
cial management behavior such as actual levels of con-
sumer debt (e.g., Bernstein, 2004; Sullivan, 1987) rather
than assessing the behaviors themselves. Although some
scales do exist, most lack one (or more) of the following
three characteristics: assessment of multiple domains of
nancial management behavior (Xiao, 2008), psychomet-
ric validation, and validation using a nationally representa-
tive sample of adults. In other words, many scales meas-
ure only one or two dimensions of nancial management
behavior; few have been subjected to tests of validity that
examine whether they measure what they purport to meas-
ure, and those that have been validated have used non-rep-
resentative samples.
The Financial Management Behavior Scale:
Development and Validation
Jeffery Dew and Jing Jian Xiao
Although research on nancial management behavior is common, few nancial management behavior scales ex-
ist that are simultaneously multi-dimensional, psychometrically validated, and validated using nationally repre-
sentative data. Using data from a nationally representative sample of adults, this study developed and examined
the psychometric properties of a new scale of nancial management behaviors. The Financial Management Be-
havior Scale (FMBS) displayed adequate reliability (alpha = .81). The FMBS was highly associated with other
measures of nancial management behaviors and was predictive of participants’ actual levels of savings and
consumer debt. These ndings suggest that the full FMBS is a reliable and valid measure of nancial manage-
ment behaviors, though the subscales need renement.
Key Words: nancial behavior, measurement, psychometrics
Jeffrey Dew, Ph.D., Family, Consumer, and Human Development, Utah State University, 670 E. 500 N., Logan, UT 84321,,
(435) 797-9184, (435) 797-7220
Jing Jian Xiao, Ph.D., Human Development and Family Studies, The University of Rhode Island, Transition Center 2 Lower College Rd., Kingston,
RI 02881,, (401) 874-2547, (401) 874-4020
A comprehensive and psychometrically strong measure of
nancial management behaviors could assist researchers
and practitioners in many elds. For example, in addition
to the obvious nancial benets, sound nancial man-
agement behaviors have both personal and interpersonal
consequences. Consumer debt levels are positively related
to anxiety (Drentea, 2000). Further, assets and consumer
debts are associated with relationship quality among
married couples (Dew, 2007). Finally, positive nan-
cial management behaviors are associated with physical
health, mental health, academic success, and life satisfac-
tion among college students (Xiao, Tang, & Shim, 2009).
To address these gaps, we designed the Financial Man-
agement Behavior Scale (FMBS). The FMBS was then
psychometrically validated using the Familial Response
to Financial Instability Study, a nationally representative
sample of adults.
Measuring Financial Management Behaviors:
Existing Scales
One of the problems with existing measures of nancial
management behavior is that many are not comprehensive.
To construct the FMBS, we initially examined the nan-
cial measures in seven studies (Fitzsimmons, Hira, Bauer,
& Hafstrom, 1993; Hilgert, Hogarth, & Beverly, 2003;
Jorgensen, 2007; Kim, Garman, & Sorhaindo, 2003; Perry
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning Volume 22, Issue 1 2011
& Morris, 2005; Servon & Kaestner, 2008; Xiao, Shim,
Barber, & Lyons, 2008). A deeper review of the literature
resulted in eight more studies that used nancial manage-
ment behavior scales (Davis, 1992; Davis & Weber, 1990;
Godwin & Koonce, 1992; Grable, Park, & Joo, 2009; Mu-
genda, Hira, & Fanslow, 1990; Prochaska-Cue, 1993; Rosen
& Granbois, 1983; Scannell, 1990). Of these 15 studies,
10 used instruments that measured only one or two nan-
cial domains. Thus, only one third of the instruments found
measured three or more domains of nancial management
behavior. Among those that measured more than two dimen-
sions, two used single indicators to measure the dimensions.
Measuring many different domains of nancial manage-
ment behaviors is important because each domain can
have a serious impact on family life. For example, only
one measure asked questions about insurance (Jorgensen,
2007). However, families with inadequate health insur-
ance face an increased risk of unmet health needs (Aya-
nian, Weissman, Schneider, Ginsburg, & Zaslavsky, 2000),
shoulder the nancial burden of expensive medical bills
(Short & Graefe, 2003), and may be more likely to declare
bankruptcy (Domowitz & Sartain, 1999). However, a lack
of health insurance is not the only predictor of nancial
insolvency; consumer debt levels are also associated with
bankruptcy (Sullivan, 1987). Thus, though each of these
domains is important in and of itself, when families use
sound nancial management behaviors in all of these do-
mains, their nancial position becomes strong (Joo, 2008).
Another problem with current nancial management be-
havior instruments is that few have been psychometrically
validated. Psychometric validation is the process of testing
the properties of the scale, usually reliability and validity.
If a scale is psychometrically valid, it measures what it
purports to measure and gets the same results over multi-
ple uses (Cohen & Swerklik, 1999; Silva, 1993). Instru-
ments that have not been psychometrically validated may
produce questionable inferences (Silva, 1993).
Despite many studies of nancial management behaviors,
researchers have validated only two scales; the Frequency
of Financial Management Scale (Fitzsimmons et al., 1993)
and the Personal Financial Management Style (Prochaska-
Cue, 1993). Unfortunately, these scales were either not
comprehensive, or they were validated using nongeneraliz-
able samples.
Using nationally representative samples to validate -
nancial management behavior instruments enhances the
external validity of the instrument. That is, it shows that
the psychometric properties of the scale generalize to
a wide population. The studies that were validated had
participants that were drawn largely from the Midwest in
rural (Fitzsimmons et al., 1993) or metropolitan (Prochas-
ka-Cue, 1993) areas. Indeed, the majority of all nancial
behavior instruments reviewed were developed and used in
Midwestern contexts. This leaves questions as to the gen-
eralizability of the results.
Framework of the FMBS
The FMBS incorporates the idea that individuals will
serially adopt good nancial management behaviors. For
example, a national study of consumers revealed a hierar-
chical pattern of nancial management behaviors (Hilgert
et al., 2003). About two thirds (66%) of the participants
practiced cash ow management and 45% managed credit.
However, only 33% used savings management and only
19% of the participants invested. This suggests a gradual
uptake in nancial management behavior with cash man-
agement developed rst, then credit, savings, and nally
investment management.
This behavioral hierarchy may arise because of the nan-
cial resource differences across individuals. For exam-
ple, when families’ incomes are insufcient to meet their
nancial obligations, they may not have the capacity to
save (Garasky, Nielsen, & Fletcher, 2008). Further, certain
nancial management behaviors, such as paying off con-
sumer credit, may take precedence over other types such as
contributing to a retirement fund (Bernstein, 2004). Some
individuals may not have insurance policies because they
do not own property or may not have access to employer-
provided health insurance plans (DeNavas-Walt, Proctor,
& Lee, 2006).
In addition to measuring cash management, savings and
investments, credit use, and insurance, the FMBS meas-
ured nancial management behavior that might precede
cash management – consumption management. Because
virtually all individuals are consumers, if nothing else,
they could engage in behaviors that would maximize their
consumption benets. Called “Shopping and Purchases” in
the actual scale, we hypothesize that even more individuals
will use strategies to manage their purchases than will use
cash-ow management behaviors.
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning Volume 22, Issue 1 2011 45
Scale Construction
The rst step in constructing the FMBS was to examine
seven articles and reports that used or developed nancial
management behaviors scales. We identied the domains
of nancial management behaviors that these scales meas-
ured and also noted the domains that were not included in
the scales. For example, cash ow management behaviors
and savings behaviors were frequently measured, whereas
credit management was less frequently measured.
Following the review of previous measures, ve domains
were selected that were important areas of sound nancial
management behaviors: consumption, cash ow, credit,
savings and investment, and insurance. Measures related to
each of these domains were then written. Every domain in
the FMBS had at least three behavioral measures.
The next step was to send a draft to nine nancial plan-
ning and counseling professionals and nancial manage-
ment scholars. These individuals reviewed the FMBS to
ensure that it covered the important domains of nancial
management behavior (i.e., content validity) and that the
FMBS appeared “on its face” to measure nancial man-
agement behavior (i.e., face validity).The panelists felt that
the FMBS covered the main domains of good nancial
management behavior. Further, the panelists felt that the
measures were important aspects of each domain.
The last step was to utilize panelist suggestions to
strengthen and clarify the FMBS. As a result of the input,
some items were added and others were dropped. For
example, an item that more directly measured investment
behaviors was added. Some of the items and the scale
instructions were also reworded to make them clearer. The
nal FMBS appears in Appendix A.
A few of the suggestions were not included. For example,
some panelists noted that estate planning and taxes were
missing. In spite of this suggestion, estate planning was
not included because we were concerned that many young
adults do not use estate planning even if they otherwise
use sound nancial management behavior. This would
drag down the scores of some participants in spite of the
fact that they were otherwise managing their nances well.
Tax behavior was also not put into the measure because
we faced a limit on the number of questions we could ask
and we were not sure that enough individuals utilized tax
minimization strategies to be a useful domain. One panelist
also suggested adding attitudinal measures. We declined to
do this. We wanted to restrict the FMBS to measuring be-
haviors because behaviors are most proximal (i.e., directly
related) to nancial outcomes than are nancial attitudes
(Xiao, 2008) and because well-established nancial attitude
scales already exist (e.g., Furnham, 1984; Tang, 1995).
Sample and Data
The sample was drawn from the Familial Response to
Financial Instability Study. Initiated by the National
Center for Marriage and Family Research, this project
was designed to test how families were coping with the
2007 – 2009 Recession. Projects designed to create new
measures of family nance and examine new areas in fam-
ily nance research were solicited. The current study was
one of the projects that the National Center for Marriage
and Family Research accepted. The survey was conducted
in August 2009 using a stratied random sample design
(Dennis & McCready, 2009). Participants were initially
contacted through both random-digit dialing and address-
based sampling. Using these methods, the study recruited
households with landlines as well as cell-phone only and
households that had no phone service.
Individuals who agreed to be part of the study participated
via the Internet. If participants did not have access to the
Internet, they received the technology necessary to con-
nect to it (e.g., a laptop computer and Internet access at
their residence). Out of the 1,517 individuals contacted,
1,014 participated – a 67% response rate. When combined
with the post-stratication weight, the sample is nation-
ally representative of adults (Dennis & McCready, 2009).
The post-stratication weights were used to generate the
descriptive statistics, the factor analysis, and the regres-
sion analysis. To ensure that the ndings were robust, the
weighted factor analysis and regressions were compared to
unweighted analyses (not shown). The weighted and un-
weighted analyses produced similar ndings with only two
exceptions. First, in the unweighted regressions the mag-
nitudes of the coefcients were occasionally larger. This
suggests that the weighted estimates were slightly more
conservative. Second, the unweighted factor analysis was
the same except that paying bills on time loaded more on
the credit management factor than the positive cash man-
agement factor. This study presents the ndings that used
the post-stratication weights. The sample was composed
of 1,011 participants. Three participants who failed to
answer any of the study questions except the demographic
items were dropped.
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning Volume 22, Issue 1 2011
FMBS Scale Items. The FMBS included 17 items (see
Appendix A). The instruction for the rst 14 items was,
“Please indicate how often you have engaged in the fol-
lowing activities in the past six months.” The response set
for these questions ranged from 1 (Never) to 5 (Always).
Participants could also report that the item was not ap-
plicable. These 14 items measured participants’ nancial
management behaviors in four domains: consumption,
cash management, savings and investment, and credit
management. Examples of items from each of these do-
mains include, “comparison shopped when purchasing a
product or service,” “kept a written or electronic record of
your monthly expenses,” “bought bonds, stocks, or mutual
funds,” and “maxed out the limit on one or more credit
cards.” Items that represented poor nancial management
behaviors were reverse coded prior to the analysis. The in-
struction for the three insurance items stated, “Please rate
your behavior regarding insurance within the past year on
a scale of 1 – 5.” These items asked about the past year be-
cause sometimes insurance behaviors occur on an annual
basis. The response set was the same as the other items.
The insurance items queried participants about health in-
surance, property insurance, and life insurance.
Validation Measures. The survey also collected measures
that would facilitate validating the FMBS. First, ve items
of nancial management behavior were included to make
sure that the FMBS demonstrated convergent validity.
These items came from a study that measured “responsi-
ble nancial behaviors” (Perry & Morris, 2005, p. 304).
The instruction for these items stated, “How do you grade
yourself in the following areas?” The items included
controlling spending, paying bills on time, planning for
the nancial future, providing for oneself and family, and
saving money. Participants could respond from 1 (Poor) to
5 (Excellent). We chose this particular scale because Perry
and Morris (2005) had a nationally representative sample.
The survey also measured participants’ actual levels of
savings and consumer debt. Although the survey had ini-
tially measured the exact level of these variables, the study
IRB panel requested the use of scales. For the savings item
and the consumer debt item there were nine categories
(see Appendix B). Participants could respond that they had
between 1 (None) and 9 ($100,000 or more) in savings and
consumer debt. The scales had smaller increments at lower
amounts so that we could distinguish among groups with
fewer assets and consumer debt more easily. This decision
seemed justied given that nearly 75% of the sample had
under $10,000 of consumer debt.
Demographic Characteristics. The survey contained
demographic characteristics to use as control covariates.
Total household income was among these variables, and it
was measured on a scale from 1 – 19, or from “Less than
$5,000” to “$175,000 or more” (see Appendix B). Although
the mean was 10.76 (suggesting an average of $35,000 to
$39,999), the median was 11 suggesting a median income
range of ($40,000 to $49,999). The median household
income in 2009 in the U.S. was $50,112 (DeNavas-Walt,
Proctor, & Smith, 2010). Thus, the scaled income measure
may closely align with the actual U.S. median household
income, or it may be nearly $10,000 off. This unfortunate
lack of precision was a result of an IRB request and not
a decision made by the researchers. For the purposes of
examining how the scale performed among low-income
individuals, we also created a sample of individuals of the
lowest income quintile (n = 210). These individuals had
to have an income score of 7 or less (i.e., $24,999 or less).
The income quintile cut off for the lowest U.S. quintile in
2009 was $20,453 (U.S. Census, 2010). A score of 7 on the
scale contains this amount, but also contains some indi-
viduals who were above this amount. In the present sample,
21% of individuals had an income score of 7 or less.
Additional control covariates included two dichotomous
variables that assessed marital and cohabiting status (sin-
gle, not cohabiting was the omitted category), age and
gender (male is the omitted category). Two dichotomous
variables measured race and ethnicity (White, Non His-
panic is the omitted category), and three dichotomous vari-
ables measured obtained education (less than high school
degree is the omitted category). Finally, two dichotomous
variables measured employment status (not employed is
the omitted category), and a continuous variable assessed
the number of children in the home. Descriptive statistics
for the demographic measures are found in Table 1.
Handling “Not Applicable” Responses
One problem was that participants were allowed to re-
spond “not applicable” on the nancial management
behavior items. This was a reasonable response for some
nancial management behaviors. For example, it would
be difcult for participants to “max out” a credit card if
they did not have one. Unfortunately, some participants
responded at seemingly inappropriate times. For example,
35 respondents (3.4%) reported that the item “paying bills
on time” was not applicable and 45 respondents (4.4%) re-
ported that “staying within their budget or spending plan”
was not applicable. It may be that younger individuals, or
individuals in a married couple with high specialization
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning Volume 22, Issue 1 2011 47
might lead to these responses (e.g., if the respondent were
not in charge of these tasks). Given that over 75% of those
who answered not applicable for these two variables were
over the age of 23 and over two thirds were single, this
seems unlikely. The average level of answering not appli-
cable was 11%, with a range of 3% – 18%.
Participants who answered not applicable could not be
included in the factor analyses or the regressions. We tried
three possible solutions. First, participants with missing
data were listwise deleted. A second solution was to set the
“not applicable” responses to the lowest response based on
the assumption if participants were choosing not applica-
ble then they were not engaging in that behavior. Third,
multiple imputation was used to generate a plausible
value for the missing response. Multiple imputation uses
maximum likelihood methods to generate ve plausible
responses for the missing response. Any statistical analy-
ses that are run are actually run ve times (once for each
imputed response) and then the results are synthesized
(Rubin, 1987).
The results were the same no matter how we dealt with the
missing responses. That is, listwise deleting participants,
setting their missing responses to the lowest level, or
using multiple imputation yielded the same factor solu-
tion. Although the factor loadings were slightly differ-
ent, they were not different enough to inuence the factor
extraction. This study presents the results generated using
multiple imputation because we also used multiple impu-
tation for the participants who declined to answer ques-
tions about their demographic characteristics such as their
income or age. The average level of missing data for the
demographic variables was 2%, with a range of 1% – 5%.
All of the results presented in this study were created using
multiple imputation.
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics (N = 1,011)
M SD % Range
Responsible nancial behaviors scale 3.38 .95 1 – 5
Actual amount of savingsa4.23 2.67 1 – 9
Actual amount of consumer debta3.41 2.35 1 – 9
Other race/ethnic minorityd20
High school degreee31
Some collegee28
College degree or highere28
Employed full timef43
Employed part timef12
Age 46.51 16.68 18 – 90
Incomea10.76 4.14 1 – 19
Number of children in the home .54 1.05 0 – 8
Note. a See Appendix 3 for a more detailed table on these nancial variables. b Omitted category is single not cohabiting; 45%
of the sample was in the omitted category. c Omitted category is male; 48% of the sample was in the omitted category. d Omit-
ted category is White, Non-Hispanic; 69% of the sample was in the omitted category. e Omitted category is less than high
school; 13% of the sample was in the omitted category. f Omitted category is not employed; 45% of the sample was in the
omitted category.
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning Volume 22, Issue 1 2011
Factor Analysis
The rst analysis was an exploratory factor analysis to
extract the factors among the nancial management be-
haviors. This exploratory method accounts for as much of
the total variance among the variables as possible by using
latent factors. These latent factors identify commonali-
ties among the variables. Exploratory factor analysis is a
common data reduction analysis that is appropriate at the
beginning of scale construction (Comrey & Lee, 1992).
Following the initial factor extraction we utilized a promax
rotation to simplify the factor solution. Promax is a type
of oblique rotation which allowed the latent factors to
correlate with each other. Because of the hypothesis that
individuals would adopt nancial management behaviors
serially, we thought it would be most appropriate to use an
oblique rotation.
Although ve factors were hypothesized, we used the re-
sidual correlations and the scree test (Cattell, 1966) to de-
cide the proper number of factors. Because the idea behind
factor analysis is to account for as much of the variance
between the items as possible using latent factors (Com-
rey & Lee, 1992), the best models will produce the fewest
residual correlations.
A four-factor solution produced the same number of resid-
ual correlations under .10 as a ve-factor solution (residual
correlations available on request). Thus, the residual cor-
relation test suggested retaining four or ve factors. The
scree plots (available on request) also suggested the same
course. Using a scree plot test, we wanted to retain the
number of factors corresponding to the factor that departs
from the main line of the lower factors (Comrey & Lee,
1992). This suggested a 4- or 5-factor solution because the
eigenvalue for the fourth factor was clearly above the line,
whereas the eigenvalue for the fth factor was slightly
above the line. We decided to use a four-factor solution
for the sake of parsimony. After this decision, the promax
rotation was conducted. In order for an item to “load” on a
factor it had to have a loading of .6 or better.
Two problematic items surfaced during the rotation. One
of the items, impulsive buying, did not load well on the
factors; it never had a factor loading above .49. Further,
impulsive buying was the only variable that loaded on
a fth factor when ve factors were extracted. These
ndings suggested that impulsive buying was tapping a
different construct than the other items. A second item,
searching for information prior to a large purchase, was
also problematic. It loaded on multiple factors equally
but never at the .6 level. Further, when it was in the factor
analysis, other items loaded on multiple factors equally.
When information search was eliminated, all of the other
items clearly loaded on one factor. Because impulsive
buying and searching for information proved problematic,
these items were dropped from the scale.
We evaluated whether dropping these two items altered
the number of factors to extract. The residual correlation
analysis did not change. A four-factor solution performed
as well as a ve-factor solution. The scree plot was modi-
ed somewhat and clearly showed that a four-factor solu-
tion was most appropriate. The fth eigenvalue was part of
the main line of lower factors. This was expected because
the impulse buying item was the only item that loaded well
on a fth factor. Thus, after dropping these two variables
we retained a four-factor solution.
The factor structure after dropping the two variables is
found in Table 2a. Five savings and investment items
loaded on Factor 1 with loadings of .69 to .78. Hence, we
call Factor 1, “Savings and Investment Behaviors.” Factor
1 explained 30% of the variance. The three insurance items
loaded on Factor 2 (loadings between .74 and .85) or the
“Insurance Behavior” factor. This second factor explained
12% of the variance. Items that indicated cash manage-
ment, such as keeping a nancial record and paying bills
on time, loaded on Factor 3 with loadings between .64 and
.73. We called this factor the “Cash Management” factor,
and it explained 9% of the variance. Finally, three items
indicating positive credit management loaded on Factor 4.
The loadings ranged from .66 to .77. We called this factor
“Credit Management.” It explained 8% of the variance.
Overall, the four factors explained 59% of the variance.
Because of the hypothesis that these different factors
would all be related to the same construct – overall nan-
cial management behaviors –mean scales were created
from each factor and they were then factor analyzed. The
subscales loaded on only one factor (results available upon
request). This supports the idea of a larger super-factor of
nancial management behavior. It also supports the use of
the overall FMBS score as a measure of nancial manage-
ment behaviors. A revised version of the FMBS is found in
Appendix A.
Financial Management Behavior Hierarchy
Following the nalization of the subscales, they were ex-
amined to check whether they displayed the same hierar-
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning Volume 22, Issue 1 2011 49
chical behavior as previous studies have shown (see Table
2b). Like other studies, savings and investment behaviors
were the least frequent nancial management behaviors.
Unlike other studies, however, cash management and
credit management behaviors were at about the same level.
Insurance behaviors were the most common behavior type.
Reliability Analysis
Reliability was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha. Cron-
bach’s alpha is equivalent to the average of all possible
split-half reliabilities for a scale. The full FMBS had a
Cronbach’s alpha of .81. Cronbach alpha scores were also
calculated for the four subscales. The savings and invest-
ments subscale and the insurance subscale had satisfac-
tory Cronbach alpha scores (.78 and .73, respectively).
Cronbach’s alpha for the cash management subscale and
the credit management subscale were lower (.63 and .57,
respectively) indicating that the items that made up these
scales did not hang together as well as the items that made
up the savings subscale and the insurance subscale. These
Table 2a. Rotated Factor Structure (N = 1,011)
Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4
Comparison shop .73
Pay bills on time .64
Keep a nancial record .69
Stay within budget .66
Pay off credit card .66 b
Max out credit card a .77
Make minimum payment on loans a .72
Maintain or create an emergency fund .73
Save from every paycheck .75
Save for a long term goal other than retirement .78
Save for retirement .69
Invest money .70
Obtain or maintain adequate health insurance .85
Obtain or maintain adequate property insurance .74
Obtain or maintain adequate life insurance .80
Eigenvalues 4.43 1.84 1.31 1.25
% of Variance Explained by Factor
(Total Variance Explained = 59%) 30 12 9 8
Note. a Reverse coded. b This item loaded on the savings and investment factor (Factor 1) best among the low-income subsam-
ple of this study.
Table 2b. FMBS Scale and Subscale Descriptive Statistics (N = 1,011)
M SD Range % Often or more frequently
FMBS 3.48 .71 1.58 – 5.00 26.5
Savings and investment subscale 2.66 1.09 1.00 – 5.00 11.0
Cash management subscale 3.73 .83 1.00 – 5.00 48.1
Credit management subscale 3.73 .95 1.00 – 5.00 47.2
Insurance subscale 3.81 1.24 1.00 – 5.00 53.7
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning Volume 22, Issue 1 2011
reliability analyses suggested that the overall FMBS scale
was reliable, at least for the nationally representative sam-
ple. It also suggested that the savings and investment sub-
scales had sufcient reliability. When using the cash ow
management and positive credit behavior subscales, some
caution is warranted. Though they had reasonable levels
of reliability at this stage of the scale development, future
work will need to improve them.
Face and Content Validity. We addressed face validity and
content validity through the use of an expert panel. The
nancial planners and nancial counselors agreed that the
FMBS items appeared to measure what it purported to
measure (face validity). Further, they also agreed that the
FMBS measured important nancial management behav-
iors (content validity).
Construct Validity. Addressing construct validity neces-
sitated demonstrating that the FMBS measured what it
claimed to measure (Cohen & Swerklik, 1999; Silva,
1993). An alternative way of thinking of construct valid-
ity is that the inferences drawn from the use of the scale
are sound (Silva, 1993). Construct validity was assessed
by examining convergent validity. A measure demon-
strates convergent validity when it is associated with other
items or scales that measure the same construct (Cohen &
Swerklik, 1999; Silva, 1993).
To assess convergent validity, we used weighted least
squares regression to regress a scale that measured -
nancial management behaviors (Perry & Morris, 2005)
onto the FMBS, the subscales, and the control covariates.
In all of the regression analyses, we obtained the FMBS
score by taking the mean of the 15 items. This was also
the case for the subscales. An analysis of the scale using
summed scores (not shown) indicated that the regression
ndings were exactly the same except that the magnitude
of the non-standardized FMBS and subscale coefcients
and standard errors were different (though the t-tests of
signicance were exactly the same). This is to be expected
because taking a mean is a simple linear transformation
that does not change the distribution of the variables.
The FMBS was positively associated with the responsible
nancial behaviors scale (b = .94, p < .001; see Table 3,
Model 1). Given that the standard deviation of the respon-
sible nancial behaviors scale was .96, this coefcient
represented an effect size of nearly 1.0. Very few of the
control covariates were signicant and the overall model
explained more than half of the variance in the responsible
nancial behaviors scale. The subscales were also posi-
tively associated with the responsible nancial behaviors
scale (see Table 3, Model 2). Thus, the FMBS displayed
remarkable convergent validity. Discriminant validity was
also tested using a time-use scale. The FMBS and sub-
scale demonstrated discriminant validity (results available
upon request).
Criterion Validity. Measures that possess criterion validity
predict variables that they would be expected to predict if
they truly measured what they claimed to measure (Kaplan
& Saccuzzo, 2009; Silva, 1993). Because the data were
cross-sectional, the concurrent form of criterion validity
was used rather than the predictive form. That is, the data
could only show that the FMBS predicted criterion that
were contemporary with its measure, rather than showing
that the FMBS predicted the levels of a future criterion.
Criterion validity was measured by using weighted least
squares regression to assess the association between ac-
tual levels of savings and consumer debt on the FMBS
and subscales. If the FMBS truly measured sound nan-
cial management behaviors it should be associated with
these nancial measures. Table 4a shows the associa-
tion between the FMBS, the subscales, and savings. For
every one unit increase in the FMBS, savings increased
by 1.65 (b = 1.65, p < .001, Table 4a). The FMBS coef-
cient represents .6 of a standard deviation for actual level
of savings and the model explained 50% of the variance
in savings. When the subscales were used instead of the
full scale, they performed as expected. Savings behaviors
and positive credit behavior were strongly associated with
actual savings (b = .70 and .63, respectively, p < .001 for
both). Insurance behaviors were also positively associated
with savings.
We also regressed participants’ reports of their consumer
debt level onto the FMBS, the subscales, and the control
covariates. The FMBS was negatively associated with con-
sumer debt levels (b = -.90, p < .001; Table 4b, Model 1).
This coefcient represents a .38 standard deviation effect
size for consumer debt but had an R2 of only .16.
The analysis of the subscales (Table 4b, Model 2) had both
expected and unexpected results. As expected, the sav-
ings and investment subscale and the credit management
subscale were negatively associated with participants’ con-
sumer debt (b = -.31 and -1.04, respectively, p < .001 for
both). Further, the subscale model explained nearly twice
the variance as the FMBS model (R2 = .31).
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning Volume 22, Issue 1 2011 51
Unexpectedly, cash management was not signicantly
associated with consumer debt and insurance behaviors
positively predicted consumer debt (b = .33, p < .001). In a
regression with just cash management and the control cov-
ariates, the cash management subscale negatively predict-
ed consumer debt (b = -.42, p < .001). This indicated that
the cash management subscale shared so much variance
with the other subscales that it did not explain independent
variance in consumer debt when the others were included.
In a regression with just the insurance subscale and the
control covariates, insurance behaviors were still positive-
ly associated with consumer debt, however. This unexpect-
ed nding will be addressed in the discussion section.
Finally, given the distribution of the actual savings and
actual consumer debt variable, some may question whether
weighted least squares regression was the most appropri-
ate analytic tool. To address this issue we dichotomized
these variables at the top 20% – 25% mark (a score of 8 or
above for savings, and a score of 6 or above for consumer
debt). If participants were in the top 20% – 25%, they were
scored as a 1 on the dummy variables and a 0 otherwise.
We then reran the criterion analyses using logistic regres-
sion to examine whether the FMBS and the subscales were
associated with being in the top 20% – 25% for savings
and consumer debt. The results that we got from the logis-
tic regression were comparable to the results that we got
Table 3. WLS Regression Models of the Responsible Financial Behaviors Scale (N = 1,011)
Model 1 Model 2
b SE b SE
Intercept .21 .15 -.03 .16
FMBS .94*** .03
Savings and investment subscale .29*** .03
Cash management subscale .37*** .04
Credit management subscale .25*** .03
Insurance subscale .06* .02
Marrieda-.02 .05 .03 .05
Cohabitinga.03 .09 .08 .07
Age .01 .01 .01 .01
Income .01 .01 .01 .01
Femaleb-.05 .04 -.03 .04
Blackc-.09 .07 -.06 .07
Other race/ethnic minorityc.02 .06 -.04 .05
High school degreed-.18* .07 -.15* .07
Some colleged-.12 .08 -.10 .07
College degree or higherd-.07 .08 -.09 .07
Employed full timee.03 .05 .07 .05
Employed part timee-.03 .08 .01 .07
Number of children in the home -.05* .02 -.03 .02
R2.54 .59
Note. a Omitted category is single not cohabiting. b Omitted category is male. c Omitted category is White, Non-Hispanic.
d Omitted category is less than high school. e Omitted category is not employed.
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning Volume 22, Issue 1 2011
Table 4a. WLS Regression Models of Actual Amount of Savings (N = 1,011)
Model 1 Model 2
b SE b SE
Intercept -5.74*** .48 -5.17*** .50
FMBS 1.65*** .11
Savings and investment subscale .70*** .08
Cash management subscale -.05 .09
Credit management subscale .68*** .08
Insurance subscale .24*** .06
Marrieda.06 .16 .21 .16
Cohabitinga.14 .23 .22 .23
Age .04*** .01 .04*** .005
Income .17*** .02 .16*** .02
Femaleb-.18 .13 -.12 .13
Blackc -.93*** .21 -.93*** .21
Other race/ethnic minorityc.09 .18 .01 .18
High school degreed.32 .23 .35 .23
Some colleged.02 .25 .16 .23
College degree or higherd .66** .25 .76** .25
Employed full timee .38* .16 .36* .16
Employed part timee.43 .22 .35 .22
Number of children in the home -.10 .07 -.07 .07
R2.50 .52
Note. a Omitted category is single not cohabiting. b Omitted category is male. c Omitted category is White, Non-Hispanic.
d Omitted category is less than high school. e Omitted category is not employed.
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.
from the weighted least squares regression (analysis not
shown, results available upon request). That is, the higher
a participant’s FMBS score, the more likely they were
to be in the top savings group and the less likely they
were to be in the top consumer debt group. The subscale
analyses also yielded similar results. The only difference
was that the insurance subscale was not associated with
the likelihood of being in the high savings group in the
logistic models.
Together these ndings presented evidence for criterion
validity. The FMBS purports to measure sound nan-
cial management behaviors. Both the full scale and the
subscales predicted nancial outcomes that are associated
with sound nancial management behaviors.
External Validity. Although the nationally representative
sample offered a solid context in which to test the FMBS,
it also raises questions as to whether the FMBS is general-
izeable to different subpopulations. For example, some of
these behaviors may be difcult to implement, especially
for individuals with lower levels of income. As a nal test
of the FMBS, we reran all of the above tests (analysis not
shown) for participants whose income was in the bottom
quintile of the sample (an income score of 7 or less, n =
212). The ndings for this subsample were mostly similar
to the ndings from the nationally representative sample
with only a few caveats. A four-factor solution was found
to t the data best for these participants. Further, the fac-
tor structure remained the same except that the item for
paying off credit card debt loaded better on the savings
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning Volume 22, Issue 1 2011 53
and investment factor than the credit management factor.
The tests of reliability and validity were also similar to the
full sample. Overall these ndings suggested that for low
income individuals the FMBS and the associated subscales
functioned similarly to a general population sample.
This study represents a rst attempt to develop the Finan-
cial Management Behavior Scale (FMBS). It also explored
the scale’s psychometric properties using a nationally rep-
resentative sample. The full scale had adequate reliability
(Cronbach’s alpha = .81). Further, our analyses suggested
that the FMBS does measure what it purports to meas-
ure. It was strongly associated with another measure of
nancial management behaviors. Further, it demonstrated
concurrent criterion validity with respect to actual levels of
savings and consumer debt. Specically, as scores on the
FMBS increased, participants’ reported levels of savings
increased and their reports of consumer debt decreased.
Using an exploratory factor analysis indicated that a four-
factor structure within the FMBS was the best solution.
The subscales – cash management, credit management,
savings and investments, and insurance – demonstrated
less reliability and validity than the full scale, though for a
rst attempt they performed reasonably well. The sub-
scales require further rening.
Despite these overall ndings, there were some unexpect-
ed results. First, the FMBS was designed to measure ve
dimensions but the factor analysis suggested that a four
Table 4b. WLS Regression Models of Actual Consumer Debt (N = 1,011)
Model 1 Model 2
b SE b SE
Intercept 3.76*** .50 4.49*** .49
FMBS -.90*** .12
Savings and investment subscale -.31*** .07
Cash management subscale .01 .09
Credit management subscale -1.04*** .08
Insurance subscale .33*** .06
Marrieda .80*** .17 .48** .16
Cohabitinga.44 .25 .31 .23
Age .01 .01 .01* .005
Income .06** .02 .05* .02
Femaleb.18 .14 .02 .13
Blackc-.31 .23 -.40 .21
Other race/ethnic minorityc-.34 .19 -.19 .17
High school degreed .67** .24 .59** .22
Some colleged 1.34*** .25 1.12*** .22
College degree or higherd 1.02*** .27 1.01*** .24
Employed full timee .70*** .17 .55*** .16
Employed part timee .58* .23 .59** .22
Number of children in the home .20** .08 .13 .07
R2.16 .31
Note. a Omitted category is single not cohabiting. b Omitted category is male. c Omitted category is White, Non-Hispanic.
d Omitted category is less than high school. e Omitted category is not employed.
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning Volume 22, Issue 1 2011
-factor solution was the best tting and most parsimoni-
ous solution. Consumption management was to be the
fth dimension of the scale, but two of the consumption
items were problematic and were ultimately dropped to
increase the strength of the FMBS. The nal consump-
tion measure (comparison shopping) loaded on the cash
management factor.
Two competing possibilities explain the consumption nd-
ings. The rst is that we may simply have not written very
good consumption management questions. Impulse buy-
ing was clearly not related to any of the other items in the
FMBS and searching for information prior to a large pur-
chase was also problematic. Perhaps other questions might
have more suitably measured consumption management.
An alternative possibility is that consumption behaviors
might simply not load well with the other nancial man-
agement behaviors that we measured. Individuals may
mentally treat consumption and money management as
two different domains. Financial management behaviors
may be relevant to only money management related activi-
ties that do not include spending behavior. Future research
would need to test these speculations.
Another nding that failed to materialize was a distinct
hierarchy of nancial management behaviors. Although
savings and investments had the lowest mean and were
practiced often by the lowest number of people, the other
behaviors – insurance, cash management, and credit man-
agement – were practiced at about the same level. This
conicts with ndings from other studies (e.g., Hilgert et
al., 2003). Part of the reason for the discrepancy might be
that the data were collected during the 2007 – 2009 Reces-
sion. The recession simply may have forced more individ-
uals to engage in cash and credit management behaviors.
Finally, the cash management and insurance subscales
demonstrated some unanticipated analytic properties. The
cash management subscale seemed particularly sensitive
to the presence of the other subscales. For example, in two
of the analyses cash management was not signicant. Yet
when it was run without the subscales in the model it was
signicant. This suggests that cash management sometimes
shares so much variance with the other subscales that
it does not independently predict participants’ nances.
Given that the reliability for cash management was lower
than savings it is not surprising that it was not as strong in
the multivariate models.
Another unexpected nding from the subscale analysis
concerned the insurance behavior subscale. Although the
insurance behaviors positively predicted savings, it also
positively predicted consumer debt. Even in the bivariate
analyses, insurance behaviors were positively correlated
with consumer debt. This may suggest that some partici-
pants had maintained their insurance policies through
the use of consumer credit. Many consumers purchase
and maintain insurance policies using credit cards. This
is particularly the case with the growth of insurance
websites. Consequently, even though insurance behaviors
are positively associated with actual savings, they may
also encourage accumulating consumer debt. These ideas
are speculative though, and need to be directly tested in
future research.
One of the main limitations of this study was that the data
were not longitudinal. This limited our analysis to con-
current validity rather than predictive validity. That is, a
stronger test would have been to show that measures of
the FMBS predicted future levels of savings and consumer
debt, or even changes in levels of savings and consumer
debt. Further, not having longitudinal data limits what can
be said about the direction of the relationship between
nancial management behaviors and actual levels of nan-
cial well-being.
Another limitation was that the study relied on self-report-
ed data. Some individuals may have given socially desir-
able responses. For example, some participants may have
overstated the frequency at which they save. To the extent
that socially desirable answers were not random, this may
further inuence how this scale functions for different sub-
groups. For example, if individuals in a particular socio-
economic status were more likely to give socially desirable
answers, this may skew the psychometric properties of the
scale for that subgroup. The convergent and concurrent
validity tests did indicate that the scale worked as it should
– with higher FMBS scores being positively associated
with another nancial management behaviors measure
and with actual amounts of savings and consumer debt.
Individuals may have given socially desirable answers
throughout the survey, however. Thus, the possibility for
the analysis to be inuenced by socially desirable answers
remains. Although this study could not mitigate this issue,
it exists for every study that uses self-reported data.
In addition to these study limitations, the FMBS needs ad-
ditional renement. First, the scale needs to reect various
realities of the life course. Following retirement, for ex-
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning Volume 22, Issue 1 2011 55
ample, many individuals and families will not be “saving
money from every paycheck” or “saving for a long-term
goal.” Although we tried to anticipate life course possibili-
ties by including a “not applicable” response, and by not
including estate planning in the scale, this solution did not
fully solve the problem. Rather, our solution introduced
additional problems of individuals selecting “not applica-
ble” to applicable items.
This problem has implications for the use of this scale.
That is, practitioners and researchers using this scale need
to use it judiciously. For example, items 5 – 7 (the credit
management subscale) might not be applicable to lower
SES individuals, individuals with low credit scores, and
those who do not have any lines of credit/loans. These par-
ticipants may face restricted access to credit or may simply
not choose to use it. Items 9 – 12, and perhaps 15, likely
do not apply to the majority of retirees. If some questions
are not asked of some clients or research participants, the
FMBS score might need to be standardized rst so that
all participants are on the same scale. Further, reliabil-
ity analyses particular to new samples would need to be
undertaken. Future studies might be able to utilize compu-
ter technology to only give participants questions that are
relevant to them based on their age or life circumstances.
An alternative possibility might be to develop different
versions of the FMBS that reect “sound nancial man-
agement behaviors” at different periods in the life course.
A second renement would recognize the fact that the
FMBS measures behaviors that are considered “sound” by
middle and upper-middle class individuals. For exam-
ple, although the share of individuals with money in the
stock market has greatly increased over the past three
decades, lower SES individuals are still more reluctant to
put their money into assets that carry market risk (Gar-
asky et al., 2008). Further, some of the behaviors that the
FMBS measures may be difcult for working class and
lower SES individuals to implement, even if they desire
to do so. For example, it may be much easier for mid-
dle and upper-middle class individuals to maintain health
and life insurance policies because they have more access
to employer sponsored plans. Although the FMBS does
seem to work for low-income participants in this sample,
additional work with a new sample could replicate this
nding. Further, this study was unable to test the psycho-
metric properties of race/ethnic minority individuals due
to sample size limitations.
This issue also has implications for the use of the scale.
Researchers should remember the structural difculties
that some groups face with regard to economic opportunity
when studying race or class differences using the FMBS.
We do not intend to offer the FMBS as some sort of
checklist to which all individuals should aspire. Rather,
FMBS is intended as a brief scale that may help researchers
easily measure nancial management behaviors and practi-
tioners to quickly assess their clients’ nancial habits. This
may also have implications for the psychometric properties
of the scale. Although the scale demonstrates reliability and
validity in a national sample, this might not be the case for
certain subgroups. In future work we plan to examine the
FMBS more closely with respect to race/ethnicity.
These needed renements speak to more fundamental is-
sues in the consumer nance and nancial planning elds.
These elds have a strong stance on what “sound” nan-
cial management entails. The reasoning behind promot-
ing these behaviors is that they facilitate clients reaching
their goals. Research has also shown that these behaviors
promote better physical, emotional, and relationship health
(Dew & Xiao, 2010, Drentea, 2000). Thus, the nancial
counseling and planning elds have good reason to label
these behaviors as “sound.”
In spite of this, however, group differences related to -
nancial behavior do exist. For example, even after account-
ing for various demographic characteristics and nancial
behaviors, African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans
have a harder time obtaining credit which may suggest
continued race/ethnic discrimination (Hanna & Linda-
mood, 2007). Other studies have demonstrated cultural
differences in nancial attitudes and beliefs based on race/
ethnic, class, and even religious lines (Marks, Dollahite, &
Dew, 2009; Grable et al., 2009). Thus, nancial counseling
and planning as well as consumer nance and economics
elds may benet as they continue the nascent dialogue
on cultural competence. Understanding why individuals
and groups may not always adopt “sound” nancial man-
agement behaviors may help practitioners working with
diverse groups.
Although this study has limitations and the FMBS needs
more renement, it makes a contribution to the nancial
planning and counseling literature – a multi-dimensional
scale of nancial management behavior validated using
nationally representative data. The FMBS covers many
dimensions of nancial management behaviors and pos-
sesses desirable psychometric properties. The full scale
offers researchers and practitioners a reliable and valid tool
to measure nancial management behavior, though some
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning Volume 22, Issue 1 2011
work needs to be done to ensure that it is reliable and valid
among different subgroups. The subscales – though some
needing more work – measure different dimensions of
nancial management behaviors in more detail. Depend-
ing on the needs of researchers and practitioners, either
the whole scale or subscales can be used in research and
counseling projects. Researchers and practitioners may
freely use the revised FMBS as long as this study is cited
when it is used.
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Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning Volume 22, Issue 1 2011
Initial FMBS
Please indicate how often you have engaged in the follow-
ing activities in the past six months:
1 = never, 2 = seldom, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often,
5 = always (Also could say “Not Applicable (N/A)”)
1. Comparison shopped when purchasing a product
or service
2. Bought something on impulse
3. Searched for information about a big-ticket item before
purchasing it
4. Paid all your bills on time
5. Kept a written or electronic record of your monthly
6. Stayed within your budget or spending plan
7. Paid off credit card balance in full each month
8. Maxed out the limit on one or more credit cards
9. Made only minimum payments on a loan
10. Began or maintained an emergency savings fund
11. Saved money from every paycheck
12. Saved for a long term goal such as a car, education,
home, etc.
13. Contributed money to a retirement account
14. Bought bonds, stocks, or mutual funds
Please rate your behavior regarding insurance within the
past year on a scale of 1 – 5.
1 = Never, 2 = seldom, 3 = sometimes 4 = often, 5 = always
15. Maintained or purchased an adequate health insurance
16. Maintained or purchased adequate property insurance
like auto or homeowners insurance
17. Maintained or purchased adequate life insurance
Revised FMBS
Please indicate how often you have engaged in the follow-
ing activities in the past six months:
1 = never, 2 = seldom, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often, 5 = always
1. Comparison shopped when purchasing a product or
2. Paid all your bills on time
3. Kept a written or electronic record of your monthly
4. Stayed within your budget or spending plan
5. Paid off credit card balance in full each month
6. Maxed out the limit on one or more credit cards
7. Made only minimum payments on a loan
8. Began or maintained an emergency savings fund
9. Saved money from every paycheck
10. Saved for a long term goal such as a car, education,
home, etc.
11. Contributed money to a retirement account
12. Bought bonds, stocks, or mutual funds
Please rate your behavior regarding insurance within the
past year on a scale of 1 – 5:
1 = Never, 2 = seldom, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often, 5 = always.
13. Maintained or purchased an adequate health insurance
14. Maintained or purchased adequate property insurance
like auto or homeowners insurance
15. Maintained or purchased adequate life insurance
Appendix A. FMBS as used in the Family Response to Financial Instability Study
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning Volume 22, Issue 1 2011 59
Appendix B. Detailed Income, Asset, and Debt Tables
Scale values %
Income 1 Less than $5,000
2 – $5,000 to $7,499
3 – $7,500 to $9,999
4 – $10,000 to $12,499
5 – $12,500 to $14,999
6 – $15,000 to $19,999
7 – $20,000 to $24,999
8 – $25,000 to $29,999
9 – $30,000 to $34,999
10 – $35,000 to $39,999
11 – $40,000 to $49,999
12 – $50,000 to $59,999
13 – $60,000 to $74,999
14 – $75,000 to $84,999
15 – $85,000 to $99,999
16 – $100,000 to $124,999
17 – $125,000 to $149,999
18 – $150,000 to $174,999
19 – $175,000 or more
Actual amount of savings 1 – None
2 – $1 to under $1,500
3 – $1,500 to under $3000
4 – $3,000 to under $5,000
5 – $5,000 to under $10,000
6 – $10,000 to under $20,000
7 – $20,000 to under $50,000
8 – $50,000 to under $100,000
9 – $100,000 or more.
Actual amount of consumer debt 1 – None
2 – $1 to under $1,500
3 – $1,500 to under $3000
4 – $3,000 to under $5,000
5 – $5,000 to under $10,000
6 – $10,000 to under $20,000
7 – $20,000 to under $50,000
8 – $50,000 to under $100,000
9 – $100,000 or more.
Note. Not all values sum to 100% due to rounding.
... Таблица Таким образом, все респонденты были разделены на две группы: «финансово состоятельные» (те, кто доволен своим финансовым положением и вовремя оплачивает свои кредиты, либо не имеет кредитов) и «финансово несостоятельные» -к этой группе были отнесены те, кто имеет сложности с оплатой кредитов и/или не доволен своим финансовым положением. Валидность опросника проверялась, в частности, при помощи русскоязычной адаптации Мельбурнского опросника принятия решений (Корнилова, 2013) и шкалы управления финансовым поведением (Dew, Xiao, 2011 Мельбурнский опросник принятия решений состоит из 22 вопросов, на которые можно дать один из трех вариантов ответов: «неверно для меня», «иногда верно», «верно для меня». В опроснике представлено 4 шкалы: «Бдительность» (готовность к принятию решения в любой момент), «Сверхбдительность» (неоправданное «метание» между разными альтернативами), «Прокрастинация» (откладывание принятия решений), «Избегание» (принятия решений). ...
The article examines the problem of case diagnosis in financial-related psychotherapeutic requests, including the shame experienced by both clients and therapists when discussing a client’s financial condition. Author suggests alternative diagnostic methods, considers the methods of economic assessment of the client’s condition, and shows their relevance based on the methods practiced in the “financial therapy” approach. It is shown how economic diagnostics can help to see the game “Gee, you’re wonderful, Professor!” and deal with it. Recommendations for the content of the therapeutic plan are proposed, depending on the results of financial diagnostics.
... Financial management behavior is a person's action in streamlining and optimizing their income by organizing, managing, planning, and saving their daily finances (Kholilah & Iramani, 2013). The indicators used to measure financial management behavior variables are consumption patterns, cash flow management, savings & investment, and loan management by (Dew & Xiao, 2011). ...
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This study aims to examine the effect of income and locus of control on financial management behavior of K-Popers community members in Pekanbaru city with hedonism lifestyle as a moderating variable. The population in this study included K-Pop fans in Pekanbaru city who fit certain criteria with a sample of 330 respondents. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. Data analysis using structural equating modeling on partial least square. The results showed that income has a positive and significant effect on the financial management behavior of K-Popers community members in Pekanbaru city. Locus of control has a positive and significant effect on the financial management behavior of K-Popers community members in Pekanbaru city. Hedonism lifestyle has a significant negative effect on the financial management behavior of K-Popers community members in Pekanbaru city. Hedonism lifestyle as a moderating variable weakens the positive relationship between income and financial management behavior of K-Popers community members in Pekanbaru city and is significant. While hedonism lifestyle as a moderating variable weakens the positive relationship between locus of control and financial management behavior of K-Popers community members in Pekanbaru city but is not significant
... Financial management behaviors were evaluated with the Financial Management Behavior Scale (FMSBS; Dew & Xiao, 2011). Back-translation methods were employed to produce the Spanish version of the scale. ...
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Latine couples, particularly those who are low‐income and immigrant, often face significant challenges in relationship and financial functioning, areas in which they are frequently underserved by existing programs. This article aimed to test Juntos en Pareja (JEP) , a linguistic and cultural adaptation of the TOGETHER program for Latine couples. JEP is a 20‐h, evidence‐based psychoeducational curriculum integrating relationship and financial education. This study assessed its acceptability, appropriateness, feasibility, and preliminary effectiveness. Self‐report data from 23 Latine low‐income, immigrant, heterosexual, Spanish‐speaking couples in the Washington, D.C., area were collected in 2019–2020 before (T1) and after program participation (T2) and at 3‐month follow‐up (T3). Repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVAs) were used to analyze changes across time in relationship and financial functioning using self‐report instruments and observable data from three 8‐min discussions. Results indicate that the JEP program is successful in reducing Latine partners’ financial stress and emotional dysregulation and improving their financial management abilities, relationship satisfaction, and dyadic coping, but with some important gender differences. JEP is a beneficial program for Latine couples, improving relationship and financial functioning and ultimately fostering greater equity and stability in areas where this population is often underserved.
... In contrast, single individuals may have fewer financial obligations. Thus, financial freedom depends more on an individual's financial behavior and access to resources than on marital status (Dew & Xiao, 2019). ...
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of gender, age, marital status and education on financial freedom in Gen Millenials. The type of research in this study is quantitative. The population is all Millenials born between 1981 - 1996. Sampling in this study used purposive sampling with the criteria of the millennial generation who have property rental businesses such as houses and apartments or the millennial generation who have income from stock investments, bonds or mutual funds. The data collection technique in this study was carried out through an online questionnaire. The data analysis technique used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis, using the Smart PLS Version 4.0. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, it can be concluded that gender affects financial freedom, age does not affect financial freedom, marital status does not affect financial freedom and education affects financial freedom.
... In six-point rating scale of SQ, 1 meant "never or rarely", and 6 meant "many times throughout the day". To assess PFP a structured questionnaire based on prior studies (Dew & Xiao, 2011;Danes, Huddleston-Casas, & Boyce, 1999) was used after modification and customization as per the need of the study. After collecting the data, reliability was checked by Cronbach alpha with the help of software R. Descriptive statistics and Spearman correlation were used to establish the relationship between the variables. ...
Purpose The current study explores the relation between students' spiritual quotient (SQ) and personal financial planning (PFP). The students with entrepreneurial intentions were considered for the present study. Design/methodology/approach The students from higher educational institutes with an intention to be entrepreneurs were considered for data collection. Using a well-designed, closed-ended questionnaire, primary data from college and university students was collected. Using quota sampling, a total of 189 responses were gathered, however the responses of students with entrepreneurial intentions ( n = 100) were considered for analysis. To investigate the relationship between PFP and SQ, descriptive analysis, Spearman's rank correlation and forecasted trend line were employed. Findings The study revealed a significant positive relationship between PFP and SQ. Thus, SQ also has potential to determine individuals' investment behavior. The study suggests that students' spiritual development can determine their PFP and entrepreneurial actions. Practical implications The outcome of the study can be practically used to explore the investment pattern and behavior of youth. The study would further benefit the stakeholders including issuers, developers and consultants involved in the creation and distribution of financial products. The study guides researchers to undertake further research in this domain. Originality/value The existing literature on personal financial behavior has lacked in establishing a relationship between spirituality and investment decisions. The present study is novel in substantiating this void. We contribute to the advancement of literature in behavioral finance. This study identifies multifaceted factors that shape investors' behaviors and preferences in finance and proposes the avenues for future research.
... Financial behavior encompasses various money management techniques employed by consumers to optimize their resources (Hilgert, Hogarth, and Beverly 2003;Xiao 2008). Responsible financial behavior is defined as the ability of consumers to make efficient financial decisions that lead to overall well-being (Dew and Xiao 2011), including behaviors like establishing emergency funds, adhering to a budget, and planning (Barbić, Lučić, and Chen 2019;Lučić, Barbić, and Uzelac 2023). Conversely, irresponsible financial behavior involves actions that deviate from prudent financial management and can lead to negative outcomes such as overspending, excessive borrowing, lack of financial planning, and failure to save for the future. ...
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Understanding how young people learn to manage their finances responsibly can guide interventions to improve their financial health and stability in the short and long term, yet merely increasing financial knowledge and skills is ineffective. Psychological and environmental factors appear to be important determinants of financial behavior, yet such factors have long been neglected in the literature. The present study appears to be the first to assess empirically the contribution of intuitive and rational mental capacity as well as opportunities and motivation to financial behavior formation. We surveyed 2299 young adults at 229 high schools and universities in Croatia. Through structural equation modeling, we found that intuitive and rational thinking as well as motivation and opportunity substantially influenced the formation of financial behavior, whereas financial knowledge played a negligible role. Rational thinking was a stronger determinant than intuitive thinking in the case of healthy financial behavior, while the opposite was true in the case of impulsive consumption. These insights may help develop effective interventions for promoting positive financial habits among young adults.
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This study investigates the influence of financial inclusion and financial technology (fintech) on the intention to use online loans, with financial behavior acting as an intervening variable. In light of the increasing popularity of online loans and the concerns around consumer financial behavior, the research explores how enhanced access to financial services and fintech platforms impacts users' financial decisions. Using a quantitative design, the study collected data from 150 teachers in Malang Regency through questionnaires and applied path analysis using SPSS 23 to examine the relationships between variables. The results indicate that financial inclusion and fintech significantly improve financial behavior, which, in turn, positively affects the intention to use online loans. The study’s novelty lies in its identification of financial behavior as a key mediator, offering a new model to explain how financial inclusion and fintech shape online loan usage. The findings are particularly valuable for policymakers aiming to improve fintech regulation, platform providers looking to enhance consumer engagement, and educators focusing on financial literacy programs.
This research investigates the intricate relationship between financial literacy (FL), financial behavior (FB), and financial resilience (FR) across various socio-economic dimensions such as age, gender, income, and education. Building on previous studies, this paper focuses on how these factors may moderate the connection between FL and FR, with FB's role as a mediator. Conducted in Kerala, a region renowned for its high literacy rate, data from 270 participants was collected through an online survey using convenience sampling. The data was then analysed using IBM SPSS AMOS for Structural Equation Modelling, a widely accepted statistical tool. The analysis reveals robust evidence supporting positive relationships between FL-FB, FB-FR, and FL-FR. Additionally, FB partially mediates the FL-FR relationship. Multigroup analysis highlights distinct impacts across subgroups, emphasizing the nuanced interplay between these socioeconomic factors and financial outcomes. The study's conclusions, which highlight the urgent need for focused initiatives to improve financial literacy and promote responsible financial behaviour across a range of demographic groups, provide important new insights into financial dynamics. Such initiatives are essential for bolstering financial resilience and ensuring economic stability amidst varying socio-economic contexts and should be a priority for policymakers and practitioners.
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Generasi Z merupakan populasi terbesar di Indonesia. Namun, generasi Z memiliki kualitas perilaku keuangan yang terus menurun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh financial literacy, financial attitude, financial technology, self-control, dan hedonic lifestyle terhadap financial behvaior pada generasi Z di Jawa Timur. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data kuantitatif yang bersumber dari data primer. Populasi penelitian ini adalah generasi Z di Jawa Timur. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dan diperoleh 297 responden sebagai sampel dalam penelitian ini. Adapun karakteristik responden merupakan generasi Z yang berusia 17-26 tahun serta memiliki atau pernah menggunakan layanan finansial teknologi. Data dianalisis menggunakan regresi linier berganda dan dihitung dengan IBM SPSS 26. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa financial literacy dan self-control berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap financial behavior. Sedangkan financial attitude, financial technology, dan hedonis lifestyle tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap financial behavior. Financial literacy berpengaruh terhadap financial behavior karena dipengaruhi oleh tingkat pendidikan serta responden termasuk memiliki pemahaman literasi keuangan yang tinggi. Self-control berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap financial behavior karena responden memiliki tingkat self-control yang tinggi, sehingga mampu mengendalikan diri terhadap perilaku impulsive.
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Are low-income newlywed couples different from their middle-and upper-income counterparts in terms of the way they feel about cash flow management and the patterns of their cash flow management behavior? That question was the focus of this study which utilized data from 106 newlywed couples. Using MANCOVA analyses that controlled for differences in the couples' ages and education, it was found that low-income couples differed from moderate-income couples on three dimensions--projecting a budget, attitudes toward planning and success, and feelings about the role of skills in success. Low-income couples differed from their high-income counterparts on seven dimensions--record-keeping, monitoring their income and spending, projecting a budget, balancing their budget, attitudes about planning for success, feelings about the need for planning, and attitudes about the role of skills in success. In each case, low-income couples reported more "effective" attitudes and behavior that dispel the stereotypes about low-income individuals. KEY WORDS: cash flow management, low-income newlyweds Do low-income newlywed couples differ in their cash flow management from higher income couples? While the study of some aspects of family financial management has a long history, detailed examination of families' cash flow management is of recent origin. The cash flow management behavior of low-income families has rarely been studied at all. The definitional characteristic of low-income families is that they have less money and, thus, greater difficulty in maintaining an adequate level of living. It is important to understand how they manage the fewer dollars they have in today's complex, constantly changing financial environment. The potential problems of low-income families with cash flow management and their need for help in managing their more meager resources are reasons they should be singled out for study.
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Some highly religious individuals contribute a relatively high percent of their income (e.g., 10-15% or more) to their faith communities. This study used a racially and religiously diverse sample and employed qualitative methods to investigate why these individuals give. Five themes emerged from the grounded-theory analysis. Four themes concerned why families gave: a) out of a sense of obedience/duty, b) to express thanksgiving and feel joy, c) because they feel that it is a wise investment, and d) to promote social justice and charity. The final theme that emerged was that they give despite their financial challenges. Based on these findings, this study offers suggestions for how financial counselors and planners might provide culturally competent services to highly religious individuals.
Trends in loan delinquencies and losses over time and among credit types contain important information for credit managers and market analysts. The results of this study provide information about the relationship between trends in delinquency rates of portfolios of consumer credit contracts and variables related to lenders' market share, credit market growth, household financial condition and general business conditions. The results of the analysis of monthly delinquency rates for open and closed-end loan portfolios held by commercial banks between 1975 and 1986 indicated that the debt burden measure was significantly and positively associated with delinquency rates, for all types of consumer loans analyzed. Banks' market share of consumer credit outstanding was positively associated with the delinquency rate for the average portfolio of closed-end consumer loans, suggesting that banks increased credit risk to win market share during the analysis period. However, the rate of growth of credit outstanding during the period was negatively associated with delinquency rates for closed-end loans. The rapid growth of revolving credit outstanding in the last 10 years has been statistically associated with a decline in delinquency rates for the average portfolio of revolving credit held by commercial banks. The average delinquency rate for portfolios of revolving credit accounts was significantly positively associated with the household debt burden and with the unemployment rate.
This study analyzes the relationship between household debt and the incidence of Individual Retirement Account (IRA) ownership using data from the Survey of Consumer Finances. In general, households who depend on credit card debt or consumer loans are less likely to establish an IRA than households who borrow in order to purchase real estate. For many households, establishing IRA savings appears to be a lower financial priority than other financial objectives such as credit card debt reduction or mortgage refinancing. Tradeoffs between IRA ownership and other financial objectives can reduce the effectiveness of the tax advantage of IRAs in stimulating retirement savings.
This article explores: (a) the initial exploratory development of a model of personal financial management style drawing from the work of McKenney and Keen (1974); Deacon and Firebaugh (1988); Gross, Crandall, and Knoll (1980); and Rettig (1987), and (b) the initial development of an instrument to be used in measuring the proposed model of personal financial management style. Responses of 128 adults were used to test the scales for the hypothesized instrument for validity and reliability using factor analysis. Results included the identification of 14 possible items for the Analyzing Scale, and eight possible items for the Holistic Scale. Future research is needed for further development of both the hypothesized model of personal financial management style and of the scales for the hypothesized instrument to measure personal financial management style.
This study analyzed the household financial management practices and well-being of 154 dairy farm families. The debt-to-asset ratio was negatively related to age, and positively related to presence of a child under 18 and to education of the spouse. Older respondents were pessimistic about their present and near future financial well-being but they expected satisfaction in five years. Farmers who use recommended financial management practices are satisfied with their financial situation and have a safe debt-to-asset ratio. These results may have implications for other small businesses.
This study investigated households' use of four recommended financial management practices and possible obstacles to using those practices. These four practices included budgeting, keeping records of expenditures, comparing the records to the budget, and estimating net worth. Data were collected from a sample of non-metropolitan households living in Kansas. Results indicated that keeping records of expenditures was the most common of the four practices, followed by budgeting, comparing records to the budget, and estimating net worth. All four practices were used by 37% of the sample. Respondents who did not use a practice were asked why they did not. Irregularity in income and expenses was the most frequently reported obstacle to budgeting. Respondents persistently reported that they "didn't need to" use the other three management practices. Implications for financial education are discussed.