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Defensive participation and efficacy of the libero in volleyball



The inclusion of the figure of the "libero" was done to try to increase the teams’ defensive potential. The objective of the present study was to analyze the association between the player that intervened in defense (libero or other player), the defensive efficacy and the counter-attack performance. A total of 960 defensive actions were analyzed in 33 sets of the classificatory and final phases of the World League in 2004. The variables studied were: player that intervened in defense (libero or other player); zone of defense intervention; zone where counter-attack was made; tempo of the spike; defensive efficacy; distribution efficacy; and counter-attack efficacy. The likelihood that the spikers used the second tempo in the counter-attack phase was greater when the libero defended. Likewise, the likelihood of an excellent defense occurring, which allows the team all its attack options, increased when the libero executed the defense. There is no association between the player that intervened in defense (libero or other player) and zone of attack, number of blockers that the hitters oppose in counter-attack, and counter-attack efficacy. In summary, the intervention of the libero is associated with better efficacy in defense and with quick attacks (second tempo). However, the intervention of the libero is not associated with an improvement of the counter-attack performance of its team.
... In modern volleyball, attack efficiency is the most important predictor of team success, which can be implemented by various methods, such as spike (Challoumas & Artemiou, 2018). In other words, due to the comparative evaluation of the professional team's performance, the attack is the main factor of the victory (Monteiro et al., 2009) and would lead to higher scores achievement Mesquita et al., 2007). Generally, two types of attacks are performed in volleyball. ...
... Usually, the best attack occurs in the first type and causes better and faster effectiveness, while in the second type, the execution of the attack will be with a slower rhythm and with an increasing defensive performance (Castro & Mesquita, 2008;Palao et al., 2007). In this way, in volleyball, the attack seems to be related to the type of perception that has been made before (Mesquita et al., 2007). Besides attack importance and attack quality, service reception has a special effect on the performance of the set, in terms of quality and the strategy of the setter and the effectiveness of the attack (Silva et al., 2013). ...
... Proper execution of this skill requires high-quality reception and sending the appropriate set by the team setter. As a result, the explanation of this article shows the importance of considering the quality of reception and set, both of which also affect the quality of the attack (Afonso et al., 2010;Costa et al., 2011;Mesquita et al., 2007). ...
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The game analysis is known as a useful tool for understanding the level of technical-tactical performance of volleyball. As one of the main characteristics of volleyball is defined as the intense relationship between its skills and concluded performance, the present study aimed to perform a comprehensive analysis of the serve reception zone, set zone and attack quality of the top-level volleyball players. The analysis process included reviewing the videos of the games by an experienced scout man who was an expert analyst and specialist in the knowledge of volleyball skills. Initially, during each game video checking, data were collected, and irrelevant/invalid outputs were deleted. Data were exported to the Data Volley special volleyball analysis software. Bivariate associations were assessed for pairs of variables with Pearson's chi-squared tests. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05. Moreover, the effect size was calculated in terms of Crammer's V, with values of <0.1, 0.1-0.3 and > 0.5 for small, medium, and large effects respectively. The results showed that there were significant relationships between reception zone with setting zone, setting zone with attack quality as well as reception zone with attack quality. Coaches may consider the relationship between critical skills of volleyball to promote their team performance.
... When libero plays in KI, reception efficiency improves, and attacks' effectiveness increases [27]. Also, as the libero performs phases of protection (KII or KIII), dig efficacy increases without influencing counterattack performance [28]. ...
... matching status) or game process variables. Besides, several of these studies examine male tournaments [27] [28]. Some studies also show that the quality of action depends on the setting zone, both between the reception efficacy and attack zone and between the attack and the number of blockers' time and effect. ...
... matching status) or game process variables. Besides, several of these studies examine male tournaments [27] [28]. The research issue is, therefore, whether contextual variables affect female libero's efficiency. ...
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The research in nowadays performance sport implies modern ways of training and analysis, more and more clubs are using software programs for statistical analysis in discovering their and opponents' strengths and weaknesses. This investigation analyzes two libero players' efficiency at the reception parameter in Romania's national championship, for ten months and 22 stages, in the season 2018-2019, at the team CSM Sibiu, Romania. The research method included using the Click & Scout program to monitor the evolution of the two libero players at the efficiency parameter of reception and statistical tests to discover the data's statistical significance. The research results show improved reception efficiency during the national championship evolution with high performances in some stage presented in the results part and a statistically significant difference in the second part of the championship. The conclusions of the investigation highlight the idea that by using software programs and statistical interpretation of their results, coaches and the entire staff can improve the parameters of volleyball players knowing their players' strengths and weaknesses. Keywords: software in volleyball; statistical analysis of sports performance; the efficiency of reception at libero players.
... La recepción es una acción intermedia (Palao & Martínez, 2013;Mesquita, Manso & Palao, 2007), cuyo rendimiento está relacionado con características antropométricas, psicológicas, aspectos técnico-tácticos y coordinación entre jugadores (García-Alcaraz, Palao & Ortega, 2013;Selinger & Ackermann-Blount, 1985;Shondell, 2002;Stamm, Stamm & Thomson, 2005). A pesar de que con esta acción no se consiga punto directamente, no debemos olvidar que la recepción tiene una gran importancia en la construcción del ataque y en el consecuente rendimiento en el juego (Eom & Schutz, 1992a;Palao, et al., 2006, Rocha & Barbanti, 2004. ...
... El nivel de recepción de los jugadores de etapas de formación , unido a los limitados recursos técnicos de los colocadores (Selinger & Ackermann-Blount, 1991), puede ser uno de los motivos que justifiquen nuestros resultados. Cuando el balón llega desde la zona uno, zona buscada por los rivales con el objetivo de evitar al jugador líbero e intentar crear interferencia con la acción de colocación (Mesquita, et al., 2007), el balón llegan por detrás del colocador facilitando esto, el envío de la colocación hacia la zona dos. Por el contrario, cuando la recepción se realiza en zona seis, el balón llega delante del colocador, siendo más fácil enviar la colocación hacia zona cuatro. ...
El objetivo del presente estudio fue conocer la asociación existente entre diferentes variables de recepción y la zona donde se envía la colocación, en etapas de formación en voleibol. La muestra del estudio estuvo compuesta por 1658 acciones de juego (862 acciones de recepción y 796 acciones de colocación), realizadas por los 16 equipos masculinos participantes en el campeonato de España de selecciones autonómicas de categoría cadete masculina. El análisis inferencial puso de manifiesto que, tanto la zona de recepción, como la eficacia de la recepción, muestran asociación significativa con la zona hacia donde se envía la colocación (X2=17.754ª; VCramer=.106; p=.007 y X2=210.110ª; VCramer=.363; p<.001, respectivamente). Por tanto, ciertas características de la recepción (zona y eficacia) pueden favorecer la anticipación de la zona hacia donde se enviará la colocación y, consecuentemente, por donde se realizará el ataque posterior. Esta información podría ser tenida en cuenta por los entrenadores de etapas de formación en el entrenamiento y competición deportiva. Abstract. The main objective of this study is know the association between different reception´s variables and the set´s area in volleyball in formative stage in volleyball. The study sample are comprise of a total of 1658 game actions (862 reception actions and 796 setting actions), carried out by the 16 teams to the male category participating in the Under-16 Spanish Championship. The inferential analysis shows that, both the reception zone, and the reception efficacy, show association significant with the set´s area (X2=17.754ª; VCramer=.106; p=.007 y X2=210.110ª; VCramer=.363; p<.001, respectively). Therefore, some characteristics of the reception (zone and efficacy) could improve the anticipation of the set´s area and, as a result the following attack zone. This information could be taken into account, by coaches in the formative stages in training and competition.
... Además, no solo como jugadoras sino como técnicos y entrenadoras de dicho deporte, tanto a nivel formativo como profesional. Sin embargo, todavía es escasa su presencia en estudios realizados con entrenadores y entrenadoras deportivas, donde las mujeres apenas representaban el 10% (Cunha et al., 2010;Martínez et al., 2020;Mesquita et al., 2007). Como técnicos, para poder entrenar, deben obtener el mismo título que los hombres y acreditar que poseen las competencias formativas y prácticas con el objetivo de desempeñarse profesionalmente como entrenadoras. ...
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Cada vez es mayor el número de mujeres entrenadoras de fútbol, aunque siguen siendo pocos los estudios que analizan la influencia que el sexo del entrenador puede tener sobre sus competencias profesionales y desempeño en cuanto a rendimientos y logros obtenidos. El objetivo de esta investigación consistió en determinar y analizar las relaciones existentes entre las entrenadoras de fútbol con las competencias profesionales, las orientaciones de logro y contrastarlo mediante un modelo explicativo de relaciones causales. Además, se analizó el efecto del sexo de los entrenadores sobre el rendimiento profesional. Se utilizó una muestra de 442 técnicos formados en la Federación de Fútbol de la Comunidad Valencia (FFCV) durante el curso 2022-23. El 90.3% fueron hombres y el 9.7% mujeres. Los análisis estadísticos mostraron el ajuste correcto del modelo en relación con el sexo y la influencia en el desempeño profesional. El modelo fue capaz de explicar el 21% (R2=.21) de los resultados obtenidos en cuanto al Desempeño Profesional. En relación con la submuestra perteneciente al sexo femenino el modelo fue capaz de explicar el 59% (R2=.59) del desempeño profesional. El modelo demostró que el sexo es una variable que afecta directamente sobre muchas de las competencias profesionales de los entrenadores deportivos, así como sobre la orientación de meta y el desempeño profesional enfocado a la enseñanza y el rendimiento deportivo. Palabras clave: Competencia profesional, orientación de meta, desempeño profesional, entrenadoras deportivas, sexo. Abstract. The number of female soccer coaches is increasing, although there are still few studies that analyze the influence that the sex of the coach may have on his or her professional competencies and performance in terms of yields and achievements. The objective of this research was to determine and analyze the existing relationships between female soccer coaches with professional competencies and achievement orientations and to contrast it by means of an explanatory model of causal relationships. In addition, the effect of coaches' gender on professional performance was analyzed. A sample of 442 coaches trained in the Football Federation of the Community of Valencia (FFCV) during the 2022-23 academic year was used. A total of 90.3% were men and 9.7% were women. Statistical analyses showed the correct fit of the model in relation to sex and influence on professional performance. The model was able to explain 21% (R2=.21) of the results obtained regarding Professional Performance. In relation to the female subsample, the model was able to explain 59% (R2=.59) of the professional performance. The model showed that gender is a variable that directly affects many of the professional competencies of sport coaches, as well as goal orientation and professional performance focused on teaching and sport performance. Keywords: Professional competence, goal orientation, professional performance, female sports coaches, gender-sex.
... One example was the introduction of libero players in 1998. This defensive specialist position was originally conceived to generate longer points, but over time the libero's participation in the game has had a stronger impact on reception quality than on defence quality, and thus boosted the receiving team's chances of ending the point more than it boosted the defensive team's chances of keeping the ball in play (João et al., 2006;Mesquita et al., 2007). ...
In volleyball, attack coverage is one of the play actions most neglected in coaching and research. The purpose of this study was to find out which attack coverage systems are used by high-level men's teams in different game situations and the characteristics of the most effective systems. We analysed 15 matches from the 2010 Men's Pan-American Volleyball Cup, with a total of 1,415 coverage actions. Chi-square tests for independence, adjusted residuals analysis and calculations of standardised mean difference were performed. The results show that high-level men's volleyball uses many coverage systems other than the traditional 3-2-0 and 2-3-0. At this level of play, the most frequent systems were 1-3-1 and 1-2-2, which occurred significantly often at the culmination of a third-tempo attack at the wing. The most effective systems consisted of three coverage lines, with fewer than five players covering the spiker and at least one player in the first coverage line, in both the attack and counterattack phases. Given the large number of coverage systems identified in different game situations, we recommend flexible, loosely structured training in these systems, based on a set of guiding principles that all players on a team must internalise for the specific position they are playing. Regarding the systems' efficacy, the main watchword is that on each coverage line there should always be at least one player, but the first line should not be exposed.
... Oppositely, intermediate actions are those through which it is not usual to obtain a direct point. This group of actions consists of reception, setting, defence and dig (Mesquita, Manso, & Palao, 2007). Most research has focused on finalist actions because of their relation to obtaining points (Costa et al., 2017;García-de-Alcaraz, Ortega, & Palao, 2016). ...
The present study aims to analyse the associations between setting variables and gender (male and female). The study sample consisted of 711 setting actions made by the setters/starters of the champion teams from the Brazilian states of Minas Gerais (MG) and São Paulo (SP); 313 setting actions were observed for the male category and 398 for the female category. Statistical analysis showed that there were gender differences in the following variables: conditions of the setting , number of attackers available for the attack , set tempo , conditions after setting and the set’s area . This information is likely to be relevant for the training process of setting, for both males and females.
... La figura del líbero era un jugador con una función principal en las acciones defensivas, que participaba únicamente en la zona zaguera del campo, y con el que se pretendía incrementar la continuidad del juego. Con la incorporación de este jugador ha aumentado el rendimiento de la defensa y consecuentemente la posibilidad de contraataque (Mesquita, Manso & Palao, 2007;Palao et al., 2006). Actualmente, el líbero es el jugador que más interviene en la acción defensiva (Maia & Mesquita, 2006), estando su actuación asociada a una mejor eficacia en defensa Rentero, Joao & Moreno, 2015). ...
El objetivo principal de la presente investigación fue conocer las variables, relativas a la recepción, que actúan como predictoras de la eficacia de la recepción. Se analizaron 1325 acciones de recepción, extraídas de un total de 21 equipos participantes en el Campeonato de España Masculino de Categoría Juvenil de 2012. La variable dependiente considerada en la investigación fue la eficacia de la recepción. Las variables independientes fueron: movimiento del receptor, función del receptor, tipo de recepción, zona de recepción-profundidad, zona de recepción-lateralidad. La regresión logística multinomial realizada mostró que las variables movimiento del receptor, tipo de recepción y zona de recepción-lateralidad, actuaron como predictoras de la eficacia de la recepción. Concretamente, la eficacia de la recepción aumentaba si el receptor realizaba un desplazamiento previo y conseguía contactar en posición estática, y si recibía en el pasillo de zona 6, y a través de una técnica de antebrazos o de dedos. Los resultados obtenidos pueden orientar el proceso de entrenamiento de la recepción del saque en voleibol de categoría juvenil. Abstract. The main objective of this research was to determine the variables, relatives of the reception that act as predictors of the reception efficacy. 1325 serve reception were analyzed, extracted from a total of 21 games played in the championship of Spain in U-19 male volleyball, in 2012. The variable dependent on the study was the reception efficacy. The variables independent from the study were: receiver movement, in-game role of the receiver, type of reception, depth reception zone, laterality reception zone. The multinomial logistic regression performed showed that the variables, receiver movement, type of reception and laterality reception zone predicted the reception efficacy. Specifically the reception efficacy could increase if the receiver takes a previous displacement and contact in static position also the realization of service reception in corridor zone 6 and a through of the forearm pass or overhand pass. These results can serve to guide the training process both in training and in the category of high-level.
... El objetivo principal del KI es neutralizar el saque del equipo rival, para conseguir el punto y la posesión del saque (Monteiro, Mesquita y Marcelino, 2009). Dentro del KI se incluyen acciones finalistas (ataque), con las que se puede conseguir punto directo (Mesquita, Manso y Palao, 2007), y acciones intermedias (recepción y colocación), con las que no se consigue punto directo (Palao y Martínez, 2013). Estas últimas, por su carácter no finalista, son acciones de juego que han sido menos estudiadas. ...
... El objetivo principal del KI es neutralizar el saque del equipo rival, para conseguir el punto y la posesión del saque (Monteiro, Mesquita y Marcelino, 2009). Dentro del KI se incluyen acciones finalistas (ataque), con las que se puede conseguir punto directo (Mesquita, Manso y Palao, 2007), y acciones intermedias (recepción y colocación), con las que no se consigue punto directo (Palao y Martínez, 2013). Estas últimas, por su carácter no finalista, son acciones de juego que han sido menos estudiadas. ...
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The positions athletes play on the court have different requirements for the optimal performance of the players. However, no studies have yet examined volleyball to determine whether there are differences in athletes’ self-efficacy depending on the position they play. Therefore, the study aimed to analyze the differences in self-efficacy according to the volleyball players’ positions, specifically, whether a defensive (libero) position is associated with self-efficacy to a greater degree than offensive positions (e.g., attack players [hitters]). The sample was 300 high-performance volleyball athletes (Mage = 24.88 years, SD = 5.51; 55% male) with a mean practice time of 11.07 years (SD = 5.24). The Volleyball Self-Efficacy Scale was administered, and a one-way analysis of variance and a Tukey post hoc test was conducted to observe differences in levels of self-efficacy. The results showed that, in general, the self-efficacy dimensions and global self-efficacy in volleyball discriminated the athletes according to their positions. Differences in three dimensions were highlighted: Dimension 1, Self-Efficacy in the Game; Dimension 2, Defensive Self-Efficacy in Volleyball; and Dimension 3, Offensive Self-Efficacy in Volleyball. In D1, higher self-efficacy values were observed in the setters; in D2, higher self-efficacy values were observed in the liberos; and in D3, higher self-efficacy values were observed in the attackers, mainly opposite hitters. Overall, the results revealed differences in athletes’ responses to the self-efficacy dimensions of the scale, which differentiated the players according to the particularities of their positions and demonstrated that, in certain positions, more than one type of efficacy is needed to achieve high performance. Keywords: self-efficacy, athletes, volleyball, play, performance
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In Volleyball, the setter’s position affects the number of front-row spikers in volleyball. The present paper studies the effect of the setter’s position on spike performance and the way the spike is executed (type of spike, zone and direction). A total of 4968 actions of 33 male matches and 2450 actions of 23 female matches of the 2000 Olympic Games were analyzed. The results show that spike performance in relation to the setter’s position is balanced in men, but not in women’s volleyball (who have better performance when the setter is in the back). With respect to the way that spike is executed, there are variations in relation to the setter’s position and to gender.