
Empower: A Daphne III project our mission, structure and results

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This contribution presents the main results of Empower which is a research-intervention project in the real world that focuses on the problem of gender-based violence, particularly domestic violence and the mother-daughter relationship. The contribution develops the idea of Morenian sociatry where psychodrama can be considered an elective intervention to help those who are prisoners of victim-perpetrator relationships, since psychodrama proves valuable for troubleshooting identity. The University of Padua leads in every aspect of this project, and heads a partnership, composed of groups belonging to the FEPTO,that collaborate with anti-violence centers in Easter Europe (Albania, Bulgaria, and Romania) and Western Europe (Austria, Italy and Portugal).

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... The results of the analysis carried out for each country confirm the hypothesis that high levels of spontaneity are associated with psychological well-being and that in a clinical sample, levels of spontaneity and psychological well-being increase after the intervention. For a detailed view of the results relative to the validation of the theoretical model in the six different countries that took part in the Empower Daphne project, please refer to the earlier work ofTestoni et al. (2012aTestoni et al. ( , 2013aTestoni et al. ( , 2013b). Also with regard to the findings relative to the efficacy of the Empower project intervention, please refer to the earlier work ofTestoni et al. (2012bTestoni et al. ( , 2013c). ...
... In the present article, we outlined that the main objectives of project Empower was to first of all check the validity of the theoretical model on which the project hinges, through the administration of the SAI-R and CORE-OM, that measure indices of spontaneity and psychological well-being; secondly, another objective was to test the efficacy of various intervention models ( ecological and psychodramatic) In the previous studies byTestoni et al. (2012aTestoni et al. ( , 2013aTestoni et al. ( , 2013bTestoni et al. ( , 2012bTestoni et al. ( , 2013c) it's possible to observe how the results confirm the hypothesis (in all the countries examined), that high levels of spontaneity are associated with psychological well-being and confirms that the two interventions used in our project, appear both to be effective support techniques that are appropriate in addressing the needs of women that are victims of domestic violence. In fact, the findings recorded by the test instruments seem to indicate that these interventions promote an increase in spontaneity and therefore psychological wellbeing. ...
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In this paper we present the results of the last stage of the research project Empower Daphne that involved the participation of six countries belonging to the EU in two phases: I) validation of the theoretical model on which basis rests the construct of well-being and spontaneity; II) analysis of Morenian psychodrama intervention efficacy. 407 university students were part of the non-clinical sample in the first phase and 136 women victims of domestic violence made up the clinical sample for the second phase. During the six month the women took part in psychodramatic sessions, together with individual interviews. At the beginning and the end of the six month, a questionnaire was administered consisting of a well-being and a spontaneity scales. In the article we present the results that compare well-being and spontaneity between clinical and non-clinical samples, and between the clinical cut-off scores highlighted in the literature and the scores of clinical sample. The findings demonstrate interesting differences between two sample: observed lower levels of spontaneity and well-being in women victims of domestic violence, both before and after the psychodramatic intervention.
... The social atom was therefore selected for the collection of data about family relationships in women victims of domestic violence as part of the European project Empower, which is a European project carried out within the parameters of the Daphne III Program and aimed at supporting women that have been victims of violence. Since these same victims also have a sociatry problem, the victims of domestic violence need psychological help, not because they are mentally ill, but because they have to find new coping strategies to change the course of their lives (Testoni et al., 2012). The design of the research-intervention planned in the assessment used the "family atom" to capture a map even just indicative of the most meaningful relationships of the victims. ...
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The present contribution presents the discussion about the analysis carried out on family atoms that were completed in the first psychodrama group meetings carried out in all the Empower Daphne III program partner countries. The issue of the relationship with the mother is central to the aim of the project, in that we hypothesise that the mothers of victims are incapable of educating their daughters about personal autonomy in relation to men, due to the traditional culture in which they grew up in. The article presents information about the use and processing of the survey tool “Family atom” created by Jacob Moreno and the analysis of the data that emerged in parallel to the reports sent periodically by the psychodramatists to the monitoring and analysis team. From the results three types of maternal relationships emerge (positive, negative and incongruent) that enable us to confirm the initial hypothesis of this action research.
Spontaneity has been defined as an adaptive response to varying situational conditions. In this regard, it may be considered as a major contributor to well-being and mental health which could play an essential role within the context of psychotherapy. Despite its potential importance empirical research on spontaneity has been lacking until recently. As a remedy, the present paper introduces the German translation of the Revised Spontaneity Assessment Inventory (SAI-R; Kipper and Shemer, Group Psychother Psychodrama Sociom, 59(3):127–136, 2006) as a qualified self-report measure of spontaneity. The German version of the 18-items SAI-R has been applied both in a non-clinical (n = 467 students) and in a clinical sample (n = 40 female survivors of domestic violence) and has been psychometrically analysed. The total score of the questionnaire, which shows to be well accepted and feasible, reveals high reliability. Evidence of its validity and sensitivity to change are demonstrated. Thus, this study provides preliminary evidence indicating that the German version of the SAI-R may be a reliable and valid measure for the assessment of spontaneity.
Spontaneity has been defined as an adaptive response to varying situational conditions. In this regard, it may be considered as a major contributor to well-being and mental health which could play an essential role within the context of psychotherapy. Despite its potential importance empirical research on spontaneity has been lacking until recently. As a remedy, the present paper introduces the German translation of the Revised Spontaneity Assessment Inventory (SAI-R; Kipper and Shemer, Group Psychother Psychodrama Sociom, 59(3):127–136, 2006) as a qualified self-report measure of spontaneity. The German version of the 18-items SAI-R has been applied both in a non-clinical (n = 467 students) and in a clinical sample (n = 40 female survivors of domestic violence) and has been psychometrically analysed. The total score of the questionnaire, which shows to be well accepted and feasible, reveals high reliability. Evidence of its validity and sensitivity to change are demonstrated. Thus, this study provides preliminary evidence indicating that the German version of the SAI-R may be a reliable and valid measure for the assessment of spontaneity.
Book How to deal with gender, women, gender roles, feminism and gender equality in teaching practices? The ATHENA thematic network and ATGENDER bring together specialists in women's and gender studies, feminist research, women's rights, gender equality and diver- sity. In the book series 'Teaching with Gender' the partners in this network have collected articles on a wide range of teaching practices in the field of gender. The books in this series address challenges and possibilities of teaching about women and gender in a wide range of educational contexts. The authors discuss pedagogical, theoretical and political dimensions of learning and teaching on women and gender. Notwithstanding the considerable efforts by European policies to reduce this gap, nothing seems to be able to decrease the persistent humiliation of women and their submission to traditional logic that keeps them strongly subordinate to men, thus making incompatible the dimensions dejureand defacto, in some areas of the Mediterranean and Southern Europe. This volume, which is the result of an important European Daphne project (Empower) involving many European Countries, is edited by Ines Testoni, Michael Wieser, Angelika Groterath and Maria Silvia Guglielmin who believe that this situation of injustice is the result of a substantial lack of education about gender equality. The volume presents some active techniques that were adopted during the interventions to promote women's empowerment, and in particular we discuss the results obtained to test their effectiveness. The mission of this volume was to collect the contributions of academics and researchers who face this issue from various perspectives, present the state of the art research in multiple fields of study and suggest some educational best practices that can be used where this problem is particularly severe.
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