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Every 4 years, approximately 10,000 athletes participate in the Olympic Games. These athletes have dedicated several years of physical training to achieve the best possible performance on a given day. Their preparation has been supported by expert coaches and an army of sport scientists, whose overall responsibility is to ensure that the athletes are in peak condition for their event. Although every athlete prepares specifically for the unique physiological challenges of their event, all athletes have one common characteristic: they are Homo sapiens. They share a unique genome, which is the result of evolutionary forces beyond their individual control. Although studies on the influence of different genetic polymorphisms on selected athletic events have been proven to be of limited utility, a body of evidence-from molecular biology to whole-body measures-suggests that training adaptations are enhanced when the stimulus closely resembles the activity pattern of human ancestors. Because genetic evolutionary changes occur slowly in Homo sapiens, and the traditional physical activity and dietary patterns of Homo sapiens have undergone rapid and dramatic changes in previous centuries, we propose that modern humans are physiologically better adapted to training modes and nutritional strategies similar to the ones that their hominid ancestors evolved on, rather than those supported by modern societies. Such an ancestral pattern was mainly characterized by the prevalence of daily bouts of prolonged, low-intensity, aerobic-based activities interspersed with periodic, short-duration, high-intensity bursts of activity. On some occasions, such activity patterns were undertaken with low carbohydrate availability. Specific activities that enhanced strength and power were typically performed after aerobic activities. We present scientific evidence to support the appropriateness of this model, and we propose that future studies should address this hypothesis in a multitude of different sporting activities, by assessing the genetic responses to and performance-based outcomes of different training stimuli. Such information would provide data on which sport scientists and coaches could better prepare athletes and manage their training process.
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Sports Medicine
ISSN 0112-1642
Volume 43
Number 10
Sports Med (2013) 43:909-917
DOI 10.1007/s40279-013-0086-1
Do Olympic Athletes Train as in the
Paleolithic Era?
Daniel A.Boullosa, Laurinda Abreu,
Adrián Varela-Sanz & Iñigo Mujika
1 23
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Do Olympic Athletes Train as in the Paleolithic Era?
Daniel A. Boullosa
Laurinda Abreu
n Varela-Sanz
igo Mujika
Published online: 20 August 2013
Ó Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2013
Abstract Every 4 years, approximately 10,000 athletes
participate in the Olympic Games. These athletes have
dedicated several years of physical training to achieve the
best possible performance on a given day. Their prepara-
tion has been supported by expert coaches and an army of
sport scientists, whose overall responsibility is to ensure
that the athletes are in peak condition for their event.
Although every athlete prepares specifically for the unique
physiological challenges of their event, all athletes have
one common characteristic: they are Homo sapiens. They
share a unique genome, which is the result of evolutionary
forces beyond their individual control. Although studies on
the influence of different genetic polymorphisms on
selected athletic events have been proven to be of limited
utility, a body of evidence—from molecular biology to
whole-body measures—suggests that training adaptations
are enhanced when the stimulus closely resembles the
activity pattern of human ancestors. Because genetic evo-
lutionary changes occur slowly in Homo sapiens, and the
traditional physical activity and dietary patterns of Homo
sapiens have undergone rapid and dramatic changes in
previous centuries, we propose that modern humans are
physiologically better adapted to training modes and
nutritional strategies similar to the ones that their hominid
ancestors evolved on, rather than those supported by
modern societies. Such an ancestral pattern was mainly
characterized by the prevalence of daily bouts of pro-
longed, low-intensity, aerobic-based activities interspersed
with periodic, short-duration, high-intensity bursts of
activity. On some occasions, such activity patterns were
undertaken with low carbohydrate availability. Specific
activities that enhanced strength and power were typically
performed after aerobic activities. We present scientific
evidence to support the appropriateness of this model, and
we propose that future studies should address this
hypothesis in a multitude of different sporting activities, by
assessing the genetic responses to and performance-based
outcomes of different training stimuli. Such information
would provide data on which sport scientists and coaches
could better prepare athletes and manage their training
1 Introduction
The evolution of biological complexity beyond single-
celled organisms was linked temporally with the develop-
ment of an oxygen-rich atmosphere, combined with the
capacity of selectable replicating organisms to transfer free
energy, which is obligatory for transformation [1]. Subse-
quently, the impact of natural selection modelled the role
of oxidative metabolism for survival in our Homo
D. A. Boullosa (&)
Post-Graduate Program in Physical Education, Catholic
University of Brasilia, QS 07, LT1 S/N-Sala 111-Bloco G,
71966-700 A
guas Claras, DF, Brazil
L. Abreu
Independent Researcher Lavadores, Vigo, Spain
A. Varela-Sanz
Department of Physical Education and Sport,
University of La Corun
a, Bastiagueiro, Oleiros, Spain
I. Mujika
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine and Odontology,
University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Spain
I. Mujika
School of Kinesiology and Health Research Centre, Faculty
of Medicine, Finis Terrae University, Santiago, Chile
Sports Med (2013) 43:909–917
DOI 10.1007/s40279-013-0086-1
Author's personal copy
predecessors, who perpetuated their genes under selective
environmental pressure [2]. Furthermore, it has been sug-
gested that the hunter–gatherer lifestyle adopted by our
human ancestors required a large increase in aerobic
activity, which could also have influenced human neuro-
biology [3]. Thus, the hereditary characteristics of our
species are theoretically those that fit better with environ-
mental demands for survival, as they are the product of
millions of years of gene–environment interaction.
A robust body of evidence suggests that modern car-
diovascular and metabolic diseases are linked to the change
in human lifestyle that occurred in recent centuries, as a
consequence of the Industrial Revolution [48]. This in
turn promoted a sedentary lifestyle, which is opposite to
the physically active way of life of our ancestors. There is
some consensus about the greater impact of physical
inactivity and its role in the prevalence of modern pan-
demics and life expectancy [9]. The new lifestyle could
have disrupted the genetic pool and environmental
requirements for survival, as our genetic endowment has
not been significantly altered since the Paleolithic Era,
when Homo sapiens were still hunter–gatherers [10]. In
fact, our ancestors lived as hunter–gatherers for approxi-
mately 84,000 generations [4, 5]. The adaptations selected
for survival during that wide timeframe may have become
maladaptations under the current environmental change of
physical inactivity [11]. This dissonance between Stone
Age conditions and modern environments is the basis of
the so-called mismatch hypothesis [8, 12, 13], which has
been used by evolutionary medicine to explain most cur-
rent diseases. The mismatch hypothesis has also been uti-
lized in discussion of the controversy surrounding barefoot
running [14].
While the relationship between genetic endowment,
lifestyle and health seems clear, researchers have paid less
attention to the possible influence of our genetic pool on
the physiological adaptations to athletic training and sub-
sequent sport performance. Sport genetics is a growing
field, which has provided some gene candidates for greater
responsiveness to various training modalities [15, 16].
However, the link between those genes, the training pro-
cess and, more importantly, sport performance could be
limited [17]. Alternatively, it may be interesting to analyze
the evidence linking training stimuli and physiological
responses with the pattern of physical activity that mod-
elled the human genome via selection pressure. In other
words, an appealing hypothesis could be that activities that
favoured survival before and during the Paleolithic Era
may evoke greater physiological adaptations and sub-
sequent performance than other training stimuli [18]. If this
assumption is correct, a more robust genetic response to
training modalities more similar to the Paleolithic pattern
of physical activity could be expected. Thus, the training
load and the specific physiological responses to such
training stimuli should be defined. This approach would
contribute to more precise characterization of this activity
pattern and the subsequent limits of human training adap-
tation and performance.
The aim of this review was to analyse the available
evidence for the hypothesis that humans respond better to
training stimuli that are similar to the exercise patterns of
our ancestors than they respond to other training
2 Exercising in the Paleolithic?
2.1 Energy Intake
The most important characteristic of human physical
activity is its intimate link to the energy requirements for
survival [12]. That is, caloric expenditure is intended to
guarantee caloric availability [19]. However, the niche of
early hominins—and thus the nutritional composition of
the early human diet—are still heavily debated. Integration
of data from various disciplines suggests that for a long
time period in evolution, hominins derived large amounts
of energy from (terrestrial and aquatic) animal fat and
protein [20]. The majority of carbohydrates were obtained
from fresh fruits and vegetables, together with roots and
tubers, and very little intake came from cereal grains or
refined carbohydrates [21]. This was reversed by the onset
of the Neolithic agricultural revolution—a remarkable
economic transformation that could have been preceded by
expanding diet breadth in the later Paleolithic, according to
the ‘Broad Spectrum Revolution‘ hypothesis [22]. Little is
known about what our Paleolithic ancestors ate each day or
in each season in any specific habitat, but it is suggested
that anatomically modern Homo sapiens relied on a variety
of food sources in varying environments. This nutritional
flexibility may have been central to human evolution across
seasonal variations, during climatic fluctuations and
through famine times. Hominins moved to eat, whereas
modern athletes eat to move.
Technological advances favoured a great increase in
hard food—including proteins, which have been linked to
the important increase in brain mass of our species. More
importantly, Cordain et al. [23] reported that the diets of
studied hunter–gatherer populations were higher in protein
(19–35 %), lower in carbohydrates (22–40 %) and equiv-
alent or even higher in dietary fat (28–58 %) than current
diets. The lesser presence of carbohydrates in the prehis-
toric diet than in the Western diet could be one of its most
relevant characteristics. From an exercise perspective,
maintenance of prolonged, intense exercise (i.e. above the
lactate threshold) could not be expected in those ancient
910 D. A. Boullosa et al.
Author's personal copy
times, as glycogen availability would have been limited,
resulting in greater reliance on fat metabolism [19]. Thus,
lipolytic and phosphagen metabolic pathways would have
been less limited by food availability than glycolysis [24].
2.2 Physical Activity for Survival
The main activities for survival could have involved low-
intensity tasks performed on a regular basis. These daily
activities could have included social interactions; mainte-
nance of shelter and clothing; and gathering of wild plants,
grains, and fruits, among other vegetables, for eating or for
making tools [5, 11, 19]. As these raw materials were more
abundant in the forest, our ancestors probably walked med-
ium-to-long distances to look for them, as well as for hunting.
This issue is important, since the prevalence of open envi-
ronments in the proximity of hominin fossil sites has been
documented recently, suggesting that woods covered less
than *40 % of hominin habitats [25]. There is anecdotal
evidence of daily game pursuits of 10–15 km, with estimated
and measured energy expenditures of *3,000–5,000 kcal/
day in modern hunter–gatherers [5, 10, 19, 26].
It appears that multiple hominoid lineages evolved in
African highlands at altitudes of 1,000–2,000 m. Thus,
evolution of human locomotor physiology may have
occurred under conditions of mild hypobaric hypoxia [27],
with hominid locomotion probably involving intermittent
activities [28]. The greater reliance on aerobic pathways
and the coupling efficiency between energy production and
energy demand observed in high-altitude natives and
endurance-trained athletes could partly account for the
functional advantages of the so-called lactate paradox
phenomenon (i.e. the attenuation of lactate accumulation
despite maintained hypoxia) [29]. This controversial aspect
of the metabolism of lactate could be interpreted as the
result of directional selection for the early emerging
hypoxia tolerance/endurance performance phenotype in
human phylogeny [30].
An interesting hypothesis is that endurance running is a
particular adaptive characteristic of the Homo genus [31].
The evidence supporting this unique adaptation may
include various anatomical and functional characteristics
[3234], suggesting that the Homo genus is both an
excellent endurance runner and a bad sprinter when com-
pared with other species. Some authors have suggested that
running could be important for scavenging and/or predator
pursuit [31, 35]. Moreover, unlike other species, humans
exhibit a constant energy cost of locomotion at different
velocities [36], which allows good locomotor economy,
independent of the frequent changes in velocity that are
necessary for the aforementioned activity pattern. A key
component is the probable link between human locomotion
and access to a protein-rich diet, which could allow the
important brain growth of our species. In this respect,
endurance running could have increased the chance to
encounter new environments, thus favouring the need for
superior cognitive abilities for adaptation [36]. This
assertion supports the role of physical activity as a medi-
ator of neuronal plastic adaptations that could have had an
important evolutionary role [3], with cognitive and motor
skills considered as complementary within a general con-
cept of ‘activity’ [37].
As hunting was the best source of energy intake and
nutrients of quality, most of the habitual activities of our
ancestors were probably related to hunting. More specifi-
cally, hunting could be broken down into various activities
such as searching for and pursuing animals, throwing,
sprinting, and carrying the game after taking the prey [5,
19]. Overall, such a pattern could be interpreted in terms of
a polarized intensity distribution, with the predominance of
prolonged low-intensity activities interspersed with some
energy bursts of explosiveness in a predictable sequence in
most cases (see Fig. 1). This polarized profile of physical
activity could also be mediated by the aforementioned
metabolic limitations associated with food availability in
those ancient times.
It should be pointed out that the physiological differ-
ences between men and women could be related to dif-
ferences in daily physical activity, with women being
excluded from hunting large game animals [5, 38]. It is
important to note that the division of labour has been linked
to the origin of humankind [5, 8, 38, 39], and this salient
characteristic of the human condition may have involved
specific environment–gene interactions resulting in differ-
ent age- and sex-dependent adaptations during millions of
years of evolution. However, further comparative evidence
supporting this hypothesis is needed.
3 ‘Paleolithic Training’ for Athletic Success
The physiological demands of any sport are not necessarily
similar to the physical activity demands of the prehistoric
niche. More importantly, the principle of allocation pre-
dicts that excellence in one task can be attained only at the
expense of average performance in all other tasks, which
has been previously confirmed by Van Damme et al. [40]in
an analysis of the records of top-level decathletes. Our
main hypothesis suggests that the physical demands of our
ancestors modelled our genome and therefore our capacity
to respond better to training stimuli, independently of the
physiological demands of competition. This means that
although our ancestors’ activities would be more similar to
the current training activities of endurance athletes, other
competitive athletes (e.g. team sport players, sprinters)
would also benefit from this phylogenetic profile
Paleolithic Training for Athletic Success 911
Author's personal copy
considering the specific demands of their competitive
events in accordance with the principle of allocation. For
instance, it is well known that various physiological
adaptations related to higher aerobic capacity would also
enhance repeated sprint ability [41].
The concept of dose response establishes the necessity
to elaborate on what factors determine the better training
load for a better performance. In this respect, Kiely [42]
has recently pointed out the absence of strong evidence
supporting the validity of widely used periodization models
to plan and organize athletic training. We suggest that
training programmes should take into consideration our
ancestors’ activity pattern, in which they probably self-
regulated their daily physical activity, depending on their
caloric requirements [19]. It may be expected that our
predecessors naturally decided to rest or perform light
activities after hard days to be better prepared for the next
hard day(s) [5, 19]. This approach is in agreement with
recent studies that have described a better training outcome
in subjects who regulated their training load, depending on
the state of their autonomic nervous system [43, 44]. Fur-
thermore, previous exercise training studies have reported
that low-stress participants experienced a significantly
greater increase in performance [45, 46]. Therefore, pres-
ervation of homeostasis in the face of different sources of
stress plays a pivotal role in chronic training adaptations.
This could also explain why periodization models often fail
to be effective, as they are not adapted to individual
responses to training, which mainly depend on homeostatic
control for subsequent adaptations.
Elite athletes may represent an artificial selection, with
endurance athletes having a more adapted genotype for
survival that is suitable for health and longevity [4749].
However, the hypothesis of a lower risk of disease has not
been confirmed [50]. On the other hand, O’Keefe et al. [5]
have pointed out that the current training loads undertaken
by athletes are far beyond those required by our ancestors
for survival. While there is no doubt that greater cardio-
respiratory fitness is related to better health and maybe
longevity [51], it appears there is an optimum level of
physical activity that might not be very different from that
performed by our ancestors. In contrast, modern elite
runners train for more than *20 km a day, with daily
energy expenditures of *6,000–8,000 kcal. Furthermore,
the limits of human endurance are far beyond these exer-
cise levels, with extreme caloric expenditures estimated at
*1 million kcal over a 159-day Antarctic expedition [52].
Therefore, the physical activity levels of hunter–gatherers
were presumably far below those currently performed in
elite sport. However, this is not necessarily a contradiction,
as Olympic athletes could be considered very specialized
Homos’, who waste minimal resources in other stressful
activities different from that of their training and
The training volumes performed by elite endurance
athletes could well be related to the intensity distribution of
their training loads. Observational studies on various
endurance sports [5357] have systematically reported that
polarized intensity is the most frequent training intensity
distribution and the optimal way to attain sporting
Fig. 1 Hypothetical
distribution of Homo sapiens
physical activities during the
Paleolithic Era
912 D. A. Boullosa et al.
Author's personal copy
excellence in world-class elite athletes, as well as perfor-
mance improvements in well-trained athletes [58, 59]. This
model implies that *80 % of the training sessions are
dedicated to exercise below the lactate threshold, with the
remaining *20 % targeting high-intensity training (HIT).
In this sense, various studies [56, 60] with endurance
runners have demonstrated that the volume of training
performed below or very close to the first ventilatory
threshold is directly related to sport performance. This is
apparently a paradoxical finding, given that the vast
majority of competitive endurance events are performed at
intensities between the lactate threshold and maximal
oxygen uptake (VO
). However, these observations fit
perfectly well with our hypothesis, with an intensity dis-
tribution similar to that undertaken by our Homo ancestors
(see Fig. 1). Interestingly, endurance athletes frequently
avoid training too often at the lactate threshold, with HIT
often performed at maximal [61], and supramaximal
intensities [62]. Within this picture, we speculate that the
intensities that correspond with the severe domain of
exercise may be poorly tolerated by athletes in comparison
with other training intensities. This could be a consequence
of the induced homeostatic crisis at these exercise intensity
levels, as inferred from previously reported metabolic,
autonomic, neuromuscular and psychological disturbances
[6366]. This outcome would be interpreted in terms of a
genetic limitation for these metabolic demands [18], which
agrees with the previously suggested lesser importance of
the glycolytic pathway for survival of our ancestors [19,
24]. In this respect, the trainability of lactate dehydroge-
nase activity is lower than that of citrate synthase activity
The impact of daily low-intensity activities has also
been confirmed by Hautala et al. [68], who observed that
the amount of daily light physical activity correlated with
gains in VO
in a group of physically active men who
performed a specific endurance training programme. This
outcome is in agreement with a previous study by Ross and
McGuire [69], who found a significant relationship
between incidental physical activity and cardiorespiratory
fitness. It is interesting to note that a polarized intensity
pattern of physical activity fits perfectly well with obser-
vational data on the spontaneous physical activity of chil-
dren [70, 71] and also team sport match activities [72, 73],
with low-intensity activities being predominant but fre-
quently interspersed with brief bursts of explosive actions.
Collectively, these observations reinforce the necessity to
take into account incidental physical activity, programmed
exercise and competitive efforts when comparing the out-
comes of different training regimes in athletes.
From a molecular point of view, the greater effective-
ness of both light and very intense exercise on aerobic
phenotypic adaptations [61] could be linked to activation of
intracellular signalling cascades, which are well-charac-
terized upstream modulators of peroxisome proliferator-
activated receptor-c coactivator-1a (PGC-1a) expression in
skeletal muscle. In this respect, HIT can induce skeletal
muscle metabolic and functional performance adaptations
comparable to traditional low-intensity training [74, 75],
confirming the key role of PGC-1a in aerobic phenotypic
adaptations after both low- and high-intensity training
stimuli [61].
3.1 Concurrent Activity Patterns
The ancestral physical activity pattern included a mixture
of different activities, which is in contrast to the high
specialization level required for elite sport. This issue has
been pointed out by Cordain and Friel [19] who suggested
that our ancestors were the historical equivalent of cross-
training athletes. In this respect, we have suggested [18]a
possible explanation, based on an interference phenomenon
during concurrent strength and endurance training [76].
This model suggests that there is an adaptive conflict
during concurrent training performed at intensities in the
severe and heavy domains for aerobic exercise, and heavy
submaximal loads for resistance exercise, thereby exhibit-
ing a greater level of interference and a weaker dose–
response relationship. Conversely, aerobic exercise below
the lactate threshold performed concurrently with strength
training at maximum intensities would exhibit a lower level
of interference and thus a stronger dose–response rela-
tionship. Additionally, this interference phenomenon could
be associated with training modes that produce low levels
of blood lactate as a consequence of lesser activation of the
glycolytic pathway.
Endurance athletes improve their performance signifi-
cantly when they perform high-intensity strength training
based on heavy resistance and plyometric exercises, or a
combination of both. Such improvements have also been
observed in spite of an important reduction (*30 %) of the
sport-specific training volume [77, 78]. It seems that during
concurrent training, the intra-session sequence of aerobic
exercise ? resistance exercise is better for aerobic perfor-
mance than resistance exercise ? aerobic exercise [79].
The same could be concluded when comparing both
between-session training sequences, as running perfor-
mance was better maintained following an endurance
strength sequence training day [80]. It is interesting to note
that high-intensity strength training favours greater muscle
power mainly via neural adaptations with no or very little
hypertrophic response. From an evolutionary point of view,
this could be a key phenotypic adaptation, as greater
skeletal muscle mass is more energy demanding and
therefore less suited for survival. Moreover, an improve-
ment in power performance immediately after different
Paleolithic Training for Athletic Success 913
Author's personal copy
endurance exercises has been described [81, 82], maybe
suggesting that acute muscular potentiation after endurance
running may be also an adaptive characteristic.
These observations are reinforced by recent studies on
molecular responses to exercise. For instance, the complex
protein mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is thought
to be another key factor that integrates signals of the
energetic status of the cell and environmental stimuli to
control cell growth. Although it has been proposed that
activation of PGC-1a and mTOR signalling pathways is
responsible for the specific adaptive responses that have
been shown after aerobic exercise and resistance exercise,
various recent studies have demonstrated that there is no
clear distinction in exercise-specific signalling pathways
[8385]. Furthermore, Lundberg et al. [86] have recently
reported that the skeletal muscle anabolic environment was
reinforced under concurrent training conditions, as aerobic
exercise 6 hours prior to resistance exercise did not impair
signalling of mTOR-related proteins. Moreover, and in
contrast with the traditional notion, PGC-1a expression
was also increased 3 hours after resistance exercise. These
results suggest that the widespread idea that aerobic exer-
cise and resistance exercise responses could be incompat-
ible from a molecular point of view may be too simplistic
and could be better understood by considering the order in
which they are performed.
3.2 Train Low, Compete High
Chakravarthy and Booth [87] have suggested that the
oscillations of muscle glycogen and triglyceride levels with
physical activity–rest cycles during feast–famine cycles
throughout evolution selected some genes for oscillating
enzymatic regulation of fuel storage and efficiency during
fuel usage. In this sense, various studies have shown that
low levels of pre-exercise glycogen [88], as well as training
twice every second day, may be more efficient in
enhancing muscle glycogen stores and enzymatic activity
and in improving exercise performance than training daily
[89, 90]. Moreover, the current evidence suggests that there
is enhancement of intracellular signalling pathways (e.g.
adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase) and
reduced reliance on carbohydrate utilization when exer-
cising with low glycogen stores [91]. However this nutri-
tional strategy has not been effective in improving
performance and could compromise the health status of
athletes and their training and competitive performances in
high-intensity sports [92, 93]. Therefore, while the impact
of these adaptations on performance enhancement is yet to
be determined—especially when competing under normal
or supercompensated glycogen levels—it seems that low
pre-exercise glycogen levels favour better training
4 Conclusion and Future Perspectives
From the scientific evidence presented here, we suggest
that the genetic heritage of our species could strongly
influence the capacity of Olympic athletes to adapt to
diverse training. This could explain the difficulties in
achieving a consensus on the role of different polymor-
phisms in athletes’ performance. The existence of an
‘ideal’ physical activity pattern inherited from our ances-
tors does not exclude the need for training individualiza-
tion, with consideration of both athletes’ characteristics and
the specific demands of individual athletic events. However
it appears that the more similar a training regime is to our
ancestors’ activity profile, the greater the adaptations and
subsequent performance are. Further studies should address
this hypothesis, paying special attention to the link between
molecular responses and performance outcomes that take
place when long-lasting training regimes respect this phy-
logenetic template. Athletes’ dietary intake should be
prescribed to support the energy needs and adaptation to
training programmes that often mimic the activity pattern
of our ancestors. Additionally, studies on epigenetics [94]
could also help us to determine the extent to which the
mismatch between the early developmental environment
and that experienced during growth and mature life
accounts for interindividual variability in training-induced
Acknowledgments We would like to thank Professor John A.
Hawley (School of Medical Sciences, RMIT University, Melbourne,
VIC, Australia) for his valuable editorial comments and suggestions,
and Dr. Fa
bio Yuzo Nakamura (Department of Physical Education,
Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Londrina, Parana
, Brazil) for his
nice contributions to an earlier version of the manuscript. No funding
was used in the preparation of this article. The authors have no
conflicts of interest that are directly relevant to the content of the
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... In team sports, athletes do not need to develop their maximal but optimal physiological attributes (e.g., VO 2 max, muscle power) due to the multifactorial nature of performance determinants (e.g., technical skills, physical qualities, tactical behavior) that are ultimately decisive for success (Boullosa and Abreu, 2014). This differentiation is in agreement with the biological principle of allocation (Van Damme et al., 2002;Boullosa et al., 2013b) which, in turn, explains the important differences among sports that are evident when examining normative values of several physiological parameters (e.g., VO 2 max in endurance athletes vs. soccer players) (Tønnessen et al., 2013;Sandbakk and Holmberg, 2017). Indeed, the need of maximizing specific physiological attributes in individual sports reveals a direct link between physiological characteristics and performance. ...
... That is, contrary to the static and fixed application of traditional periodization models, modern periodization approaches (Kiely, 2012(Kiely, , 2018 are more based on the adaptation of training loads to the readiness and the levels of fatigue and fitness exhibited by the individual athlete. This type of periodization strategy affords different sources of data from the individual (e.g., heart rate, session rating of perceived exertion) and is adapted on a daily basis following biological principles (Kiely, 2012;Boullosa and Nakamura, 2013;Boullosa et al., 2013b). This is important to consider given that this level of individualization is mandatory in individual sports for success. ...
... When gathering all these "objective" data, head coaches' expertise, and knowledge should not be ignored for decision making. However, head coaches must be prepared and well-supported by different staff divisions as the amount of data to be managed is continuously increasing, including the monitoring of daily living activities (Boullosa et al., 2013b;Düking et al., 2018;Izzicupo et al., 2019). ...
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In this paper we illustrate the main differences regarding workload management between individual and team sports, and how a true individualization of all the periodization factors in team sports could result in a better managed fitness-fatigue equilibrium and, thus, in a reduced injury risk and enhanced performance. Future studies should illustrate how this paradigm may induce better performances and health outcomes in team sport athletes.
... Based on the observation that humans have evolved relatively little in terms of activity and dietary patterns it is suggested (Boullosa et al., 2013) that athletes should train mainly in two zones: prolonged, low-intensity, aerobic-based activities interspersed with periodic, shortduration, high-intensity bursts of activity. ...
... • Endurance training earlier in the day then strength training with at least 8 hours of recovery. This is inline with the observation on human evolution by Boullosa (Boullosa et al., 2013) which recommends that enhanced strength and power were typically performed after aerobic activities. • At least twice a week strength training with focus on sets of only 4 repetitions at 80% 1RM. ...
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Amateur marathon runners desire to excel at their chosen sport and to use the correct and latest research on how to optimise training and competition outcomes. Yet they do not have access to professional team of sport scientists, nutritionists, psychologists, and a well-equipped sports lab. This paper intends to review from the perspective of a self-coached 50year old sub-3 marathon runner for the marathon world championships in Sydney what is the latest research, what tools and technologies are available and how can they be integrated into the training of such amateur athletes. We will construct an Annual Training Plan; our starting point is the current level within a multi-year plan, the race ambitions for current year, and overall longer-term athletic goals. With an amateur runner, five years of experience, and a desire to diversify into middle-distance triathlon for current athletic year we will use a traditional training plan with a single peak for Sydney. We now need to assess the athletes fitness, based on VO2max , LT, and RE. Based on this, the desired race outcomes, and the training phase we construct the weekly running workouts. Generally speaking VO 2max is best supported by HIIT, LT by long-runs, and RE by running volume and strength workouts. The initial stages focus on volume which is gradually replaced by intensity. To help recovery within the week we need to vary training intensity and include lower-intensity weeks. To reduce injury risk from high running mileage we will focus only on four high quality run workouts and enhance the overall aerobic system with cross-training (cycling and swimming) and strength training. Training intensity needs to be distributed in a polarised way with 80% of volume in moderate aerobic zones and upto 20% in severe zones. Strength training is 3 session in the general stages, becoming 2 in competitive stage and completely removed in final pre-race weeks. To “Dose & Response” running intensity we will use critical power as measured by Stryd and benchmark against gold-standard laboratory tests. Other measures we will track with TrainingPeaks and WKO5 are key internal and external load for stress management (CTL, RHR, HRV), recovery management (sleep duration, time awake, and sleep quality), injury prevention (weekly running mileage and perceived injury for injury prevention), body composition (caloric expenditure, BMR, BM, and skinfold measurement), and polarised weekly running volume (hours of run training by intensity domain). Nutrition needs to be aligned to daily workloads mostly by varying levels of CHO, while guaranteeing a steady and well-distributed level of protein, mostly in the form of EAA. Nutritional needs are aligned with phases in the training plan, most notably in later precompetition stages where glycogen stores need to be topped-up while keeping body mass as low as possible. This is also supported by 1-2 LSD in fasted state to help use fat as substrate. In addition to physiologic adaptations, training also needs to hone psychological skills. Mental fatigue can be detrimental to competition as central and peripheral muscle fatigue. We will train the psychology by focusing on setting goals, dissociation from fatigue, association with the flow of the exercise, attentional focus which we will also train through yoga, visualisation of the event, positive self-talk, and flow & prayer. With 12 time zone difference and 24-hour long flight we must minimise travel fatigue and jet lag with melatonin, nutrition, recovery, easy workouts, and pre-taper psychology. Moreover we need gut training to assume 90 g/CHO/hour with 40mg caffeine. If all this is executed well we anticipate a sub-3, fastest Hungarian running outcome for Sydney 2024 world championships.
... It is also noteworthy to mention that although our study included several important variables for endurance performance, the success in endurance activities also depends on other aspects that were not assessed. For instance, Seiler et al. [114] and Boullosa et al. [115,116] argue that the characteristics of POL favor a reduction in fatigue, and therefore that when training volumes are substantially high, POL may be a superior strategy for reducing the risk of overtraining. Consequently, although our study identified only marginal benefits of POL in improving variables related to endurance performance, future studies should further investigate other determinants of endurance performance success in a more ecological context, namely those related to recovery [117][118][119][120]. ...
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Background Polarized training intensity distribution (POL) was recently suggested to be superior to other training intensity distribution (TID) regimens for endurance performance improvement. Objective We aimed to systematically review and meta-analyze evidence comparing POL to other TIDs on endurance performance. Methods PRISMA guidelines were followed. The protocol was registered at PROSPERO (CRD42022365117). PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science were searched up to 20 October 2022 for studies in adults and young adults for ≥ 4 weeks comparing POL with other TID interventions regarding VO2peak, time-trial (TT), time to exhaustion (TTE) or speed or power at the second ventilatory or lactate threshold (V/P at VT2/LT2). Risk of bias was assessed with RoB-2 and ROBINS-I. Certainty of evidence was assessed with GRADE. Results were analyzed by random effects meta-analysis using standardized mean differences. Results Seventeen studies met the inclusion criteria (n = 437 subjects). Pooled effect estimates suggest POL superiority for improving VO2peak (SMD = 0.24 [95% CI 0.01, 0.48]; z = 2.02 (p = 0.040); 11 studies, n = 284; I² = 0%; high certainty of evidence). Superiority, however, only occurred in shorter interventions (< 12 weeks) (SMD = 0.40 [95% CI 0.08, 0.71; z = 2.49 (p = 0.01); n = 163; I² = 0%) and for highly trained athletes (SMD = 0.46 [95% CI 0.10, 0.82]; z = 2.51 (p = 0.01); n = 125; I² = 0%). The remaining endurance performance surrogates were similarly affected by POL and other TIDs: TT (SMD = – 0.01 [95% CI -0.28, 0.25]; z = − 0.10 (p = 0.92); n = 221; I² = 0%), TTE (SMD = 0.30 [95% CI – 0.20, 0.79]; z = 1.18 (p = 0.24); n = 66; I² = 0%) and V/P VT2/LT2 (SMD = 0.04 [95% CI -0.21, 0.29]; z = 0.32 (p = 0.75); n = 253; I² = 0%). Risk of bias for randomized controlled trials was rated as of some concern and for non-randomized controlled trials as low risk of bias (two studies) and some concerns (one study). Conclusions POL is superior to other TIDs for improving VO2peak, particularly in shorter duration interventions and highly trained athletes. However, the effect of POL was similar to that of other TIDs on the remaining surrogates of endurance performance. The results suggest that POL more effectively improves aerobic power but is similar to other TIDs for improving aerobic capacity.
... While endurance athletes traditionally are usually able to produce lower muscle power than resistance athletes while performing the same exercise (Grassi et al. 1991), it is not clear where in the enduranceresistance exercise spectrum, would HIFT athletes be located. Furthermore, it has not been investigated if the alleged tradeoff, or Principle of Allocation (Boullosa et al. 2013;van Wessel et al. 2010), between endurance and resistance athletes, that suggests that endurance athletes are unlikely to be successful in power events and vice versa, applies also to HIFT athletes. The seminal work conducted by Hickson in particular (Hickson 1980), suggested that at the upper limits in the development of strength, endurance training has the capacity to inhibit or interfere with strength increase. ...
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IntroductionHigh intensity functional trainings (HIFT), a recent development of high intensity trainings, includes in the same training session components of endurance exercises, elements of Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting, gymnastics, plyometrics and calisthenics exercises. Therefore, subjects practicing this type of activity are supposed to show physiological features that represent a combination of both endurance and power athletes. The aim of this study was to compare the physiological profile of three groups of age-matched endurance, HIFT and power athletes.MethodsA total of 30 participants, 18 to 38-year-old men were enrolled in the study. Participants were divided in three groups: HIFT (n = 10), endurance (END, n = 10), and power (POW, weightlifters, n = 10) athletes. All were evaluated for anthropometric characteristics, VO2peak, handgrip, lower limb maximal isometric and isokinetic strength, countermovement vertical jump and anaerobic power through a shuttle run test on the field.ResultsVO2peak/kg was higher in END and HIFT than POW athletes (p = 0.001 and p = 0.007, respectively), but there were no significant differences between the first two. POW and HIFT athletes showed significant greater strength at the handgrip, countermovement jump and leg extension/flexion tests than END athletes. HIFT athletes showed highest results at the dynamic isokinetic test, while there were no significant differences at the shuttle run test among groups.Conclusions As HIFT reach aerobic levels similar to END athletes and power and strength output similar to POW athletes, it appears that HIFT programs are effective to improve both endurance-related and power-related physical fitness components.
... In shorter endurance events and during accelerations, establishing breakaways and sprints, anaerobic capacity and maximal speed may also contribute to endurance performance and competition outcomes (Mujika, Rønnestad, & Martin, 2016). This combination implies that both low-to-moderate and high-intensity training are important for the endurance athlete to optimise adaptation to training (Boullosa, Abreu, Varela-Sanz, & Mujika, 2013;Seiler, 2010;Stöggl & Sperlich, 2014). Training load methods should cover the entire range of training intensities, in addition to other training variables such as volume and frequency, and a range of training modalities used by endurance athletes (Table 10.1). ...
... In shorter endurance events and during accelerations, establishing breakaways, and sprint situations, anaerobic capacity and maximal speed may also contribute to endurance performance and competition outcomes. 10 This implies that both low-to moderate-and high-intensity training are important for endurance athletes to optimize adaptive signaling and technical mastery at an acceptable level of stress, [11][12][13] and thus training-load-quantification methods should cover the entire range of training intensities, in addition to other training variables, such as volume and frequency, and a range of training modalities used by endurance athletes (Table 1). 14 Data relating to training loads and to athletes' responses and adaptations can be of interest to athletes, coaches and sport scientists. ...
... Previous research has identified pyramidal training as the primary TID employed by well-trained and elite endurance athletes, noting that certain world-class athletes adopt a polarized training distribution in specific phases of the season. 7,13,14 There seems to be a pattern across the training season, from a focus on high-volume, low-intensity training during the preparation period, to a pyramidal TID during the pre-competition period, and ending with a polarized TID during the competition phase 15 in both well-trained and elite runners. ...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of four different training periodizations, based on two different training intensity distributions during a 16-week training block in well-trained endurance runners. Sixty well-trained male runners were divided into four groups. Each runner completed one of the following 16-week training interventions: a pyramidal periodization (PYR); a polarized periodization (POL); a pyramidal periodization followed by a polarized periodization (PYR→POL); and a polarized periodization followed by a pyramidal periodization (POL→PYR). The PYR and POL groups trained with a pyramidal or polarized distribution for 16 weeks. To allow for the change in periodization for the PYR→POL and POL→PYR groups, the 16-week intervention was split into two 8-week phases, starting with pyramidal or polarized distribution and then switching to the other. The periodization patterns were isolated manipulations of training intensity distribution, while training load was kept constant. Participants were tested pre-, mid- and post-intervention for body mass, velocity at 2 and 4 mmol·L-1 of blood lactate concentration (vBLa2, vBLa4), absolute and relative peak oxygen consumption (⩒O2peak) and 5-km running time trial performance. There were significant group x time interactions for relative ⩒O2peak (P < 0.0001), vBLa2 (P < 0.0001) and vBLa4 (P < 0.0001) and 5-km running time trial performance (P = 0.0001). Specifically, participants in the PYR→POL group showed the largest improvement in all these variables (~3.0% for relative ⩒O2peak, ~1.7% for vBLa2, ~1.5% for vBLa4, ~1.5% for 5-km running time trial performance). No significant interactions were observed for body mass, absolute ⩒O2peak, peak heart rate, lactate peak and rating of perceived exertion. Each intervention effectively improved endurance surrogates and performance in well-trained endurance runners. However, the change from pyramidal to polarized distribution maximized performance improvements, with relative ⩒O2peak representing the only physiological correlate.
... e. ≥ 70 % of overall training volume) combined with low-volume training at threshold and high-intensity (i. e. ≤ 30 % of overall training volume) produces the optimal running performance [1,6,15,19,23,[25][26][27][28][29][30]33], possibly due to the similarities between these training characteristics and the physical activity pattern of our ancestors [63]. ...
Training-intensity distribution (TID) is considered the key factor to optimize performance in endurance sports. This systematic review aimed to: I) characterize the TID typically used by middle-and long-distance runners; II) compare the effect of different types of TID on endurance performance and its physiological determinants; III) determine the extent to which different TID quantification methods can calculate same TID outcomes from a given training program. The keywords and search strategy identified 20 articles in the research databases. These articles demonstrated differences in the quantification of the different training-intensity zones among quantification methods (i. e. session-rating of perceived exertion, heart rate, blood lactate, race pace, and running speed). The studies that used greater volumes of low-intensity training such as those characterized by pyramidal and polarized TID approaches, reported greater improvements in endurance performance than those which used a threshold TID. Thus, it seems that the combination of high-volume at low-intensity (≥ 70% of overall training volume) and low-volume at threshold and high-intensity interval training (≤ 30%) is necessary to optimize endurance training adaptations in middle-and long-distance runners. Moreover, monitoring training via multiple mechanisms that systematically encompasses objective and subjective TID quantification methods can help coaches/researches to make better decisions.
Scientific interest in pacing goes back >100 years. Contemporary interest, both as a feature of athletic competition and as a window into understanding fatigue, goes back >30 years. Pacing represents the pattern of energy use designed to produce a competitive result while managing fatigue of different origins. Pacing has been studied both against the clock and during head-to-head competition. Several models have been used to explain pacing, including the teleoanticipation model, the central governor model, the anticipatory-feedback-rating of perceived exertion model, the concept of a learned template, the affordance concept, the integrative governor theory, and as an explanation for "falling behind." Early studies, mostly using time-trial exercise, focused on the need to manage homeostatic disturbance. More recent studies, based on head-to-head competition, have focused on an improved understanding of how psychophysiology, beyond the gestalt concept of rating of perceived exertion, can be understood as a mediator of pacing and as an explanation for falling behind. More recent approaches to pacing have focused on the elements of decision making during sport and have expanded the role of psychophysiological responses including sensory-discriminatory, affective-motivational, and cognitive-evaluative dimensions. These approaches have expanded the understanding of variations in pacing, particularly during head-to-head competition.
Der Mensch wird immer älter, und in den nächsten Jahrzehnten ist ein weiterer Anstieg der Lebenserwartung abzusehen. Dieser demografische Wandel stellt neue Anforderungen an die Trainingswissenschaft. Dabei gilt es, den Einfluss unterschiedlicher Trainings- und Bewegungsprogramme sowie verschiedener Sportarten auf Gesundheit und Leistung sowie den Alterungsprozess im mittleren und höheren Lebensalter differenziert zu erforschen. Im vorliegenden Kapitel werden zunächst die molekularen Mechanismen und Theorien des Alterns (u. a. Telomertheorie, DNA-Schadenstheorie, Inflammaging-Theorie) und deren theoretische Beeinflussbarkeit durch Training vorgestellt. Epidemiologische Befunde belegen, dass ein positiver Zusammenhang zwischen erhöhter körperlicher Leistungsfähigkeit bzw. einem zumindest mittleren freizeitkalorischem Energieumsatz und einer verringerten Inzidenz der koronaren Herzkrankheit und anderen Erkrankungen besteht. Die Trainingsintensität sollte dabei mindestens eine moderate Reizschwelle überschreiten. Körperliche Aktivität in Verbindung mit einer hypokalorischen Diät ist ein besserer Weg, dem weltweiten gesellschaftlichen Problem des Übergewichts entgegenzuwirken, als einzig durch Ernährungsmodifikation. Trotz aller Potenziale von körperlicher Aktivität und zunehmend imposanten Beispielen von hochleistungsfähigen „Masterathleten“, nehmen Leistung, Trainierbarkeit und Regenerationsvermögen im Altersgang ab. Dieser Abfall kann jedoch durch geeignete Trainingsinterventionen deutlich reduziert werden. Die Potentiale und Anforderungskriterien typischer Freizeitsportarten werden vorgestellt.
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Endurance running may be a derived capability of the genus Homo and may have been instrumental in the evolution of the human body form. Two hypotheses have been presented to explain why early Homo would have needed to run long distances: scavenging and persistence hunting. Persistence hunting takes place during the hottest time of the day and involves chasing an animal until it is run to exhaustion. A critical factor is the fact that humans can keep their bodies cool by sweating while running. Another critical factor is the ability to track down an animal. Endurance running may have had adaptive value not only in scavenging but also in persistence hunting. Before the domestication of dogs, persistence hunting may have been one of the most efficient forms of hunting and may therefore have been crucial in the evolution of humans.
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The human gluteus maximus is a distinctive muscle in terms of size, anatomy and function compared to apes and other non-human primates. Here we employ electromyographic and kinematic analyses of human subjects to test the hypothesis that the human gluteus maximus plays a more important role in running than walking. The results indicate that the gluteus maximus is mostly quiescent with low levels of activity during level and uphill walking, but increases substantially in activity and alters its timing with respect to speed during running. The major functions of the gluteus maximus during running are to control flexion of the trunk on the stance-side and to decelerate the swing leg; contractions of the stance-side gluteus maximus may also help to control flexion of the hip and to extend the thigh. Evidence for when the gluteus maximus became enlarged in human evolution is equivocal, but the muscle's minimal functional role during walking supports the hypothesis that enlargement of the gluteus maximus was likely important in the evolution of hominid running capabilities.
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For decades, glycogen has been recognized as a storage form of glucose within the liver and muscles. Only recently has a greater role for glycogen as a regulator of metabolic signalling been suggested. Glycogen either directly or indirectly regulates a number of signalling proteins, including the adenosine-5′-phosphate- (AMP-) activated protein kinase (AMPK) and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). AMPK and p38 MAPK play a significant role in controlling the expression and activity of the peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ coactivators (PGCs), respectively. The PGCs can directly increase muscle mitochondrial mass and endurance exercise performance. As low muscle glycogen is generally associated with greater activation of these pathways, the concept of training with low glycogen to maximize the physiological adaptations to endurance exercise is gaining acceptance in the scientific community. In this review, we evaluate the scientific basis for this philosophy and propose some practical applications of this philosophy for the general population as well as elite endurance athletes.
In this review, we develop a blueprint for exercise biology research in the new millennium. The first part of our plan provides statistics to support the contention that there has been an epidemic emergence of modern chronic diseases in the latter part of the 20th century. The health care costs of these conditions were almost two-thirds of a trillion dollars and affected 90 million Americans in 1990. We estimate that these costs are now approaching $1 trillion and stand to further dramatically increase as the baby boom generation ages. We discuss the reaction of the biomedical establishment to this epidemic, which has primarily been to apply modern technologies to stabilize overt clinical problems (e.g., secondary and tertiary prevention). Because this approach has been largely unsuccessful in reversing the epidemic, we argue that more emphasis must be placed on novel approaches such as primary prevention, which requires attacking the environmental roots of these conditions. In this respect, a strong association exists between the increase in physical inactivity and the emergence of modern chronic diseases in 20th century industrialized societies. Approximately 250,000 deaths per year in the United States are premature due to physical inactivity. Epidemiological data have established that physical inactivity increases the incidence of at least 17 unhealthy conditions, almost all of which are chronic diseases or considered risk factors for chronic diseases. Therefore, as part of this review, we present the concept that the human genome evolved within an environment of high physical activity. Accordingly, we propose that exercise biologists do not study “the effect of physical activity” but in reality study the effect of reintroducing exercise into an unhealthy sedentary population that is genetically programmed to expect physical activity. On the basis of healthy gene function, exercise research should thus be viewed from a nontraditional perspective in that the “control” group should actually be taken from a physically active population and not from a sedentary population with its predisposition to modern chronic diseases. We provide exciting examples of exercise biology research that is elucidating the underlying mechanisms by which physical inactivity may predispose individuals to chronic disease conditions, such as mechanisms contributing to insulin resistance and decreased skeletal muscle lipoprotein lipase activity. Some findings have been surprising and remarkable in that novel signaling mechanisms have been discovered that vary with the type and level of physical activity/inactivity at multiple levels of gene expression. Because this area of research is underfunded despite its high impact, the final part of our blueprint for the next millennium calls for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to establish a major initiative devoted to the study of the biology of the primary prevention of modern chronic diseases. We justify this in several ways, including the following estimate: if the percentage of all US morbidity and mortality statistics attributed to the combination of physical inactivity and inappropriate diet were applied as a percentage of the NIH's total operating budget, the resulting funds would equal the budgets of two full institutes at the NIH! Furthermore, the fiscal support of studies elucidating the scientific foundation(s) targeted by primary prevention strategies in other public health efforts has resulted in an increased efficacy of the overall prevention effort. We estimate that physical inactivity impacts 80–90% of the 24 integrated review group (IRG) topics proposed by the NIH's Panel on Scientific Boundaries for Review, which is currently directing a major restructuring of the NIH's scientific funding system. Unfortunately, the primary prevention of chronic disease and the investigation of physical activity/inactivity and/or exercise are not mentioned in the almost 200 total subtopics comprising the IRGs in the Panel's proposal. We believe this to be a glaring omission by the Panel and contend that the current reorganization of NIH's scientific review and funding system is a golden opportunity to invest in fields that study the biological mechanisms of primary prevention of chronic diseases (such as exercise biology). This would be an investment to avoid US health care system bankruptcy as well as to reduce the extreme human suffering caused by chronic diseases. In short, it would be an investment in the future of health care in the new millennium.
To investigate the effects of simultaneous explosive-strength and endurance training on physical performance characteristics, 10 experimental (E) and 8 control (C) endurance athletes trained for 9 wk. The total training volume was kept the same in both groups, but 32% of training in E and 3% in C was replaced by explosive-type strength training. A 5-km time trial (5K), running economy (RE), maximal 20-m speed ( V 20 m ), and 5-jump (5J) tests were measured on a track. Maximal anaerobic (MART) and aerobic treadmill running tests were used to determine maximal velocity in the MART ( V MART ) and maximal oxygen uptake (V˙o 2 max ). The 5K time, RE, and V MART improved ( P < 0.05) in E, but no changes were observed in C. V 20 m and 5J increased in E ( P < 0.01) and decreased in C ( P < 0.05).V˙o 2 max increased in C ( P < 0.05), but no changes were observed in E. In the pooled data, the changes in the 5K velocity during 9 wk of training correlated ( P< 0.05) with the changes in RE [O 2 uptake ( r = −0.54)] and V MART ( r = 0.55). In conclusion, the present simultaneous explosive-strength and endurance training improved the 5K time in well-trained endurance athletes without changes in theirV˙o 2 max . This improvement was due to improved neuromuscular characteristics that were transferred into improved V MART and running economy.
In this review, we develop a blueprint for exercise biology research in the new millennium. The first part of our plan provides statistics to support the contention that there has been an epidemic emergence of modern chronic diseases in the latter part of the 20th century. The health care costs of these conditions were almost two-thirds of a trillion dollars and affected 90 million Americans in 1990. We estimate that these costs are now approaching $1 trillion and stand to further dramatically increase as the baby boom generation ages. We discuss the reaction of the biomedical establishment to this epidemic, which has primarily been to apply modern technologies to stabilize overt clinical problems (e.g., secondary and tertiary prevention). Because this approach has been largely unsuccessful in reversing the epidemic, we argue that more emphasis must be placed on novel approaches such as primary prevention, which requires attacking the environmental roots of these conditions. In this respect, a strong association exists between the increase in physical inactivity and the emergence of modern chronic diseases in 20th century industrialized societies. Approximately 250,000 deaths per year in the United States are premature due to physical inactivity. Epidemiological data have established that physical inactivity increases the incidence of at least 17 unhealthy conditions, almost all of which are chronic diseases or considered risk factors for chronic diseases. Therefore, as part of this review, we present the concept that the human genome evolved within an environment of high physical activity. Accordingly, we propose that exercise biologists do not study "the effect of physical activity" but in reality study the effect of reintroducing exercise into an unhealthy sedentary population that is genetically programmed to expect physical activity. On the basis of healthy gene function, exercise research should thus be viewed from a nontraditional perspective in that the "control" group should actually be taken from a physically active population and not from a sedentary population with its predisposition to modern chronic diseases. We provide exciting examples of exercise biology research that is elucidating the underlying mechanisms by which physical inactivity may predispose individuals to chronic disease conditions, such as mechanisms contributing to insulin resistance and decreased skeletal muscle lipoprotein lipase activity. Some findings have been surprising and remarkable in that novel signaling mechanisms have been discovered that vary with the type and level of physical activity/inactivity at multiple levels of gene expression. Because this area of research is underfunded despite its high impact, the final part of our blueprint for the next millennium calls for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to establish a major initiative devoted to the study of the biology of the primary prevention of modern chronic diseases. We justify this in several ways, including the following estimate: if the percentage of all US morbidity and mortality statistics attributed to the combination of physical inactivity and inappropriate diet were applied as a percentage of the NIH's total operating budget, the resulting funds would equal the budgets of two full institutes at the NIH! Furthermore, the fiscal support of studies elucidating the scientific foundation(s) targeted by primary prevention strategies in other public health efforts has resulted in an increased efficacy of the overall prevention effort. We estimate that physical inactivity impacts 80-90% of the 24 integrated review group (IRG) topics proposed by the NIH's Panel on Scientific Boundaries for Review, which is currently directing a major restructuring of the NIH's scientific funding system. Unfortunately, the primary prevention of chronic disease and the investigation of physical activity/inactivity and/or exercise are not mentioned in the almost 200 total subtopics comprising t
During the last nearly 50 years, the blood lactate curve and lactate thresholds (LTs) have become important in the diagnosis of endurance performance. An intense and ongoing debate emerged, which was mainly based on terminology and/or the physiological background of LT concepts. The present review aims at evaluating LTs with regard to their validity in assessing endurance capacity. Additionally, LT concepts shall be integrated within the ‘aerobic-anaerobic transition’ — a framework which has often been used for performance diagnosis and intensity prescriptions in endurance sports. Usually, graded incremental exercise tests, eliciting an exponential rise in blood lactate concentrations (bLa), are used to arrive at lactate curves. A shift of such lactate curves indicates changes in endurance capacity. This very global approach, however, is hindered by several factors that may influence overall lactate levels. In addition, the exclusive use of the entire curve leads to some uncertainty as to the magnitude of endurance gains, which cannot be precisely estimated. This deficiency might be eliminated by the use of LTs. The aerobic-anaerobic transition may serve as a basis for individually assessing endurance performance as well as for prescribing intensities in endurance training. Additionally, several LT approaches may be integrated in this framework. This model consists of two typical breakpoints that are passed during incremental exercise: the intensity at which bLa begin to rise above baseline levels and the highest intensity at which lactate production and elimination are in equilibrium (maximal lactate steady state [MLSS]). Within this review, LTs are considered valid performance indicators when there are strong linear correlations with (simulated) endurance performance. In addition, a close relationship between LT and MLSS indicates validity regarding the prescription of training intensities. A total of 25 different LT concepts were located. All concepts were divided into three categories. Several authors use fixed bLa during incremental exercise to assess endurance performance (category 1). Other LT concepts aim at detecting the first rise in bLa above baseline levels (category 2). The third category consists of threshold concepts that aim at detecting either the MLSS or a rapid/distinct change in the inclination of the blood lactate curve (category 3). Thirty-two studies evaluated the relationship of LTs with performance in (partly simulated) endurance events. The overwhelming majority of those studies reported strong linear correlations, particularly for running events, suggesting a high percentage of common variance between LT and endurance performance. In addition, there is evidence that some LTs can estimate the MLSS. However, from a practical and statistical point of view it would be of interest to know the variability of individual differences between the respective threshold and the MLSS, which is rarely reported. Although there has been frequent and controversial debate on the LT phenomenon during the last three decades, many scientific studies have dealt with LT concepts, their value in assessing endurance performance or in prescribing exercise intensities in endurance training. The presented framework may help to clarify some aspects of the controversy and may give a rationale for performance diagnosis and training prescription in future research as well as in sports practice.
Striding bipedalism is a key derived behaviour of hominids that possibly originated soon after the divergence of the chimpanzee and human lineages. Although bipedal gaits include walking and running, running is generally considered to have played no major role in human evolution because humans, like apes, are poor sprinters compared to most quadrupeds. Here we assess how well humans perform at sustained long-distance running, and review the physiological and anatomical bases of endurance running capabilities in humans and other mammals. Judged by several criteria, humans perform remarkably well at endurance running, thanks to a diverse array of features, many of which leave traces in the skeleton. The fossil evidence of these features suggests that endurance running is a derived capability of the genus Homo, originating about 2 million years ago, and may have been instrumental in the evolution of the human body form.
Abstract Barefoot running, which was how people ran for millions of years, provides an opportunity to study how natural selection adapted the human body to run. Because humans evolved to run barefoot , a barefoot running style that minimizes impact peaks and ...