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Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this study is to develop a phenomenological model for prediction of the entire forming limit diagram from simple tensile material properties. The phenomenological model is based on the necking and ductile damage theories. In the proposed model, void nucleation is described as a function of the equivalent plastic strain, and void growth is a function of the stress triaxiality. The forming limit curves calculated from the proposed phenomenological model matched reasonably well in the region of uniaxial tension to balance biaxial tension with the experimental forming limit curves generated on C-Mn 440 steel, interstitial-free 340 steel, and interstitial-free steel sheets.
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The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering
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DOI: 10.1177/0309324713488886
2013 48: 386 originally published online 9 July 2013The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design
Surajit K Paul, G Manikandan and Rahul K Verma
Prediction of entire forming limit diagram from simple tensile material properties
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Original Article
J Strain Analysis
48(6) 386–394
Ó IMechE 2013
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DOI: 10.1177/0309324713488886
Prediction of entire forming limit
diagram from simple tensile material
Surajit K Paul, G Manikandan and Rahul K Verma
The purpose of this study is to develop a phenomenological model for prediction of the entire forming limit diagram
from simple tensile material properties. The phenomenological model is based on the necking and ductile damage the-
ories. In the proposed model, void nucleation is described as a function of the equivalent plastic strain, and void growth
is a function of the stress triaxiality. The forming limit curves calculated from the proposed phenomenological model
matched reasonably well in the region of uniaxial tension to balance biaxial tension with the experimental forming limit
curves generated on C-Mn 440 steel, interstitial-free 340 steel, and interstitial-free steel sheets.
Forming limit diagram, tensile test, sheet metal, ductile damage, stress-based forming limit diagram
Date received: 22 November 2012; accepted: 9 April 2013
In order to design the shape of products and process
parameters of thin sheet forming processes such as
stamping, it is essential to use a failure limit criterion
up to which material can be safely deformed without
necking or failure. The forming limit diagram (FLD) is
the most commonly used failure limit criterion in sheet
metal forming industries. FLD is a diagram of major
and minor strains at the onset of local necking, schema-
tically shown in Figure 1. Figure 2 schematically repre-
sents FLD as a deep drawn part and its individual
loading zones that are located in different positions of
the FLD. Two types of neck become visible during sim-
ple tensile test: diffuse and localize types of necks. The
diffuse neck appears during tensile test when the maxi-
mum force is reached; it is generally observed in the
width direction of the tensile specimen, whereas the
localized neck is formed in the thickness direction
(within the diffuse neck region) and it is very close to
the fracture point. The forming limit curve (FLC) gen-
erally represents localized necking at various strain
ratios. Localized neck is highly influenced by strain rate
sensitivity exponent (m) of the material. The strain rate
in the neck region increases once the neck is formed.
As flow stress of the metals and alloys increases with
the increasing strain rate, high strain rate sensitivity
exponent (m) of the material means more resistance for
deformation in the neck region and high postuniform
The concept of FLD was first introduced by Keeler
and Backofen
and Goodwin.
The FLC can be split
into two branches: ‘left branch’ and ‘right branch.’
Keeler and Backofen
first introduced the ‘right
branch’ of FLC, which is valid for positive major and
minor strains. Goodwin
completed the FLC by intro-
ducing the ‘left branch’ of FLC, which is applicable
for positive major and negative minor strains. After
that, many theoretical models were developed to calcu-
late FLD. Three different types of models are available
to compute FLD: (a) the bifurcation method: bifurca-
tion analysis was first introduced by Hill
to predict dif-
fuse necking on metal sheet, Sto
ren and Rice
introduced a pointed vertex on yield surface to
compute FLC, and Hutchinson et al.
carried out
localized-band bifurcation analysis to predict FLC; (b)
geometrical imperfection: Marciniak and Kuczynski
approach that predicts instability of sheet by
considering geometrical imperfection in terms of
R&D, Tata Steel Limited, Jamshedpur, India
Corresponding author:
Surajit K Paul, R&D, Tata Steel Limited, Jamshedpur 831001, Jharkhand,
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thickness deference; and (c) damage mechanics-based
approach: Chow et al.
conducted computer simula-
tion to analyze the effects of plastic damage on the
formability of very ductile interstitial-free (IF) steel
under both proportional and nonproportional loading
conditions. Paul
conducted a comparative study and
showed that the FLD prediction capabilities among
available various analytical and bifurcation models.
The M–K model considered geometrical inhomogene-
ity as a variation of the sheet thickness directed along
the minimum principal stress axis. It was assumed that
during the biaxial straining, the strain localization
occurs in the region of geometric inhomogeneity of the
sheet. The M–K model computes limit strain using von
Mises yield criteria and is underestimated in the
domain of plane strain and overestimated in the
domain of biaxial straining. Use of the yield criterion
in the M–K model has strong influence on the shape
and position of FLC. The shape and size of geometrical
imperfection (thickness ratio, width, and angel of
imperfect region) also have great influence on the shape
and position of FLC. As a result, for different thickness
ratios, different FLCs can be achieved. Rather a band
of FLC can be obtained from M–K model for a partic-
ular material. Ghazanfari and Assempour
FLC obtained from M–K model with an experimental
point to find a unique FLC. The analytical models
mentioned above are applied to construct FLC, which
is based on thickness reduction or necking. Recently,
few fracture-based models are published in the litera-
ture, which are used to predict fracture-forming limit
diagram (FFLD). The fracture-forming limit curve
(FFLC) lies above the classical FLC, as FFLC is based
on fracture and FLC is based on necking of sheet.
Takuda et al.
used ductile fracture criterion in a finite
element platform to compute forming limit. Lou
et al.
introduced void nucleation, growth, and shear
coalescence-based ductile damage criteria in uncoupled
manner to calculate FFLD of DP780 steel sheet. Lou
et al.
reported that the FFLD is also valid for low or
negative triaxiality (pure shear to uniaxial tension),
where negligible or no thickness reduction takes place.
However, to characterize material constants for these
fracture models, many advanced tests are required; for
example, in the Lou et al.
model, uniaxial tensile,
plane strain tensile, balanced biaxial tensile, and pure
shear tests are recommended in their original article to
characterize the material constants. In the present
work, a phenomenological model is formulated to pre-
dict FLC and the material constants for the proposed
model, which can be calculated solely from the simple
uniaxial tensile test.
Experimental procedure
Three different strength level steels such as carbon man-
ganese (C-Mn 440), high-strength IF 340, and IF steels
are selected for present investigation. Depending upon
the strength level of those steels, applications are also
different; IF 340 and IF steels are used for car outer
and inner panels, whereas C-Mn 440 steel is used as
internal structural member of car body. IF 340 and IF
steels are ultralow carbon steels, carbon level main-
tained up to 0.0035% (wet %). Microalloying elements
Mn (0.65%) and Nb (0.04%) are present in IF 340 steel
as strengthening elements. In C-Mn 440 steel, around
0.09% carbon and 1.53% manganese are present.
Tensile test of the steel sheets is carried out in a ser-
vomechanical (Instron made) tensile testing system.
The flat specimen of 50 mm gauge length is tested at a
fixed strain rate of 0.001/s (i.e. cross head velocity of 3
mm/min). The longitudinal and transverse strains are
measured simultaneously through a video extensometer
(Instron made) during tensile testing. Load is measured
by inbuilt load cell attached to servomechanical tensile
testing system. Engineering stress is calculated by divid-
ing the load with initial cross-sectional area. True stress
is calculated from engineering stress by assuming the
volume consistency condition.
FLDs are generated by following normal Nakazima
et al.
procedure. In this process, different states of
strains are generated by varying the width of the sam-
ple. All the samples have fixed length of 200 mm and
width varied between 25 and 200 mm in steps of 25
Figure 1. Schematic of forming limit diagram (FLD).
Figure 2. Schematic of individual loading zones of a deep
drawn part.
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mm. Specimens are prepared by shear cutting and side
edges are polished to remove extra edges. Here, the
length 200 mm represents the rolling direction. For
each blank width, at least three specimens are tested to
get maximum number of data points. Specimens of var-
ious sample width after testing are shown in Figure 3.
The experimental procedure to determine FLD involves
three stages: grid marking on the sheet specimens,
punch-stretching the grid-marked samples to failure or
onset of localized necking, and measurement of strains.
The circles on the sheet samples became ellipses after
deformation, falling into safe (forming is done and
without any difficulty), necked (near the crack region),
wrinkled (located on the left side of the diagram), and
failed (right side is related to initial fracture in punch
radius zone and the left side is related to final fracture
in flange zone) zones. Finally, FLD is drawn by plot-
ting the minor strain along the abscissa and the corre-
sponding major strain along the ordinate and by
drawing a curve that separates the safe region from the
unsafe region.
In all the samples, grid patterns
(small dots) are printed by screen printing method. The
distance from center to center of dots is 3.0 mm in both
the rolling and perpendicular to the rolling directions.
After experimentation, center-to-center distances of the
dots become altered in the rolling and perpendicular to
the rolling directions, one direction becoming higher in
comparison with the other. This center-to-center dis-
tance of the dots is used to calculate major and minor
strains. The experiments are carried out on a 1300-kN
capacity double-action servo hydraulic forming press.
The main ram (drive punch) capacity is 600 kN, and
the blank holder capacity is 700 kN. For the current
work, hemispherical punch with diameter 101.6 mm is
used. The speed of the punch 1.0 mm/s is maintained
for all the experiments. The test end criterion (onset of
necking) is automatically detected by initiation of load
drop and stops the punch drive. Teflon with rubber
pad is used to ensure the localize necking at the center
of the specimen. After forming, premarked circles
became ellipses. In this work, the major and minor
strains are measured using automatic strain analyzer
(ARGUS). Finally, the FLC is then drawn clearly
demarcating the safe limiting strains from the unsafe
zone containing the necked and fractured zones.
Empirical equations for FLC
FLC-zero or FLC
is the most important parameter in
the FLC. FLC
is the major principal strain at the onset
of necking at plane strain condition. The parameter
is often defined from empirical formula or makes
approximation from similar metals. An empirical for-
mula is used to determine FLC
in a wide range of steels
as proposed by Keeler and Brazier
=ln 1+
for n40:21
where t is the sheet thickness measured in millimeters
and n is the strain hardening exponent in power law
expression. In the above formula, FLC
is represented
in true strain. The full FLC can be calculated from
equation (2) by considering isotropic von Mises yield
0, e
= 0, FLC
0, e
= 1 + FLC
for n40:21
where e
and e
are the true minor strain and major
strain, respectively.
Plasticity relations
All describing mathematical formulations in this article
are derived from isotropic plasticity theory. The von
Mises yield function and associated flow rule are used
for all analysis.
The von Mises yield function can be defined as
f = s
+ s
where s
and s
are the major and minor principal true
stresses, respectively, and plane stress (s
= 0) condi-
tion is adopted. s
is the equivalent true stress.
Associated flow rule can be described as
= dl
where dl is the proportionality constant, ds is the stress
rate, and d
is the plastic strain rate.
The ratio of the minor true strain rate (de
major true strain rate (de
) is defined by the parameter
Figure 3. Specimens of various sample widths after
388 Journal of Strain Analysis 48(6)
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a =
Similarly, the ratio of the minor true stress (s
the major true stress (s
) is defined by the parameter
b =
This flow rule (equation (4)) leads to a relation
between a and b, which can be expressed as
a =
2b 1
2 b
b =
a +2
The rate of change of the yield function can be
defined as
dl =
The most commonly used representation of stress–
strain relation is the power law
= Ke
where K and n are material constants, and e
is the
total equivalent strain.
By rearranging equations (3) and (6), equivalent
stress (s
) can be written as
= s
1 b + b
Similarly, equivalent plastic strain increment (de
can be written as
1+a + a
Triaxiality (T
) is the ratio of mean stress (s
) and
equivalent stress (s
). s
+ s
)/3 for plane stress
condition, and combining equations (11) and (8) results
in equation (13)
1+a + a
where mean stress (s
+ s
+ s
ðÞ ð14Þ
Triaxiality can be written also in terms of stress ratio
1 b + b
All these relationships are used in the next section to
deduce the simulated FLC.
Phenomenological model
The FLD is very useful in finite element method (FEM)
analysis, die design optimization, die tryout, and qual-
ity control during production.
In recent years, many
techniques have been developed to evaluate FLD
Large numbers of experimentation
are required to determine FLD accurately. For that
reason, with the increase of computational techniques,
several researchers have proposed numerical models to
predict the FLDs. In the current work, a damage
mechanism–based FLD determination technique is pro-
posed. FLD is generated by plotting major and minor
strains at the necked area of specimens with different
widths. Causes of necking in the ductile material were
studied extensively in the last seven decades. Initiation
and growth of voids cause necking, and coalescence of
voids results in final fracture.
In the proposed
model, the parameters related to initiation and growth
of voids are selected as variables. Function of those
variables can be defined as necking of the material at
different strain ratios. The material constants of that
function are determined from uniaxial tensile test. The
final strategy is to verify the proposed model with
experimental FLD of steels with different strength
Under tensile loading, ductile material shows neck-
ing phenomenon before final fracture. Microscopic
analysis is evident that nucleation, growth, and coales-
cence of voids is the prime cause of the necking and
finally ductile failure.
A number of models have
been proposed to explain the ductile failure, for exam-
ple, the Gurson,
Tvergaard, and Needleman (GTN)
Bandstra et al.
reported that deformation
instability on HY-100 steel is triggered by the growth
of MnS inclusion-nucleated voids. Bonora et al.
experimentally studied the ductile damage evolution by
nucleation, growth, and coalescence of voids under
triaxial stress state and simulated the ductile damage
by continuum damage mechanics model. Steels usually
contain inclusions and secondary phase particles
because of their alloy concepts and production process.
Due to plastic deformation in ductile steels, primary
voids are normally formed from inclusions and second-
ary phase particles. The mechanism of void nucleation
has been explained by a number of stress- and strain-
based nucleation models. Gurson
proposed a strain-
based nucleation model that describes the rate of void
nucleation as a function of equivalent plastic strain.
Thus, in the proposed phenomenological model, void
nucleation can be expressed as a function of equivalent
plastic strain as below
= f e
The primary voids in material cause a local notch
effect, which also affects the local multiaxial stress
concentration (i.e. triaxiality). Mean stress is mainly
influenced by the void growth, observed by experimen-
studied the growth and
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coalescence of cylindrical holes under different stress
states. Li et al.
showed the effect of stress triaxiality
created by different sample size and geometry on void
growth. Triaxiality can be defined as mean stress nor-
malized by equivalent stress. High-tensile mean stress
accelerates void growth, while negative mean stress
suppresses void growth, and hence delaying failure was
shown by Hosford and Caddell.
Therefore, normally,
it can be said that void growth is a function of triaxial-
ity. In the current model, necking strain is considered
as a function of triaxiality as below
= fT
ðÞ ð17Þ
a et al.
and Narayanasamy and Sathiya
studied ductile damage (void initiation
and growth) on IF steels.
Weck and Wilkinson
reported two coalescence
mechanisms in their material model: the necking of the
ligaments between voids caused by the highest principal
stress and shear-linking up of voids along the direction
of the maximal shear stress. These two mechanisms
were also microscopically observed by Bao and
in different sets of tests, that is, upsetting
tests, shear tests, tensile tests of smooth, and notched
round bars. Li et al.
reported that the necking of the
ligaments between voids is referred as dimple-dominant
fracture, while the linking up of voids is named as shear
fracture. Ghosh
showed that the dimple-dominant
fracture is uncommon in the sheet metals and shear
fracture is common for sheet metals. Bressan and
and Li et al.
proposed models to describe
shear fracture. Bressan and Williams
proposed a
shear instability criterion to calculate local necking in
sheet metal forming under biaxial stretching. Li et al.
proposed a modified Mohr-Coulomb (MMC) fracture
criterion, which can predict ductile fracture including
shear fracture. Normally, void nucleation and growth
take place during necking and void coalescence leads
necked region to fracture. Therefore, void coalescence
effect (i.e. shear fracture) is not considered in the cur-
rent phenomenological model.
According to Tresca’s theory,
acting shear stresses
are (s
)/2, s
/2, and s
/2 for plane stress condition.
In the region of uniaxial tension to equi-biaxial tension,
maximum shear stress will be s
/2. In the region of uni-
axial tension to plane strain tension, second maximum
shear stress will be (s
)/2, while in the region of
plane strain tension to equi-biaxial tension, it will be
/2. It is assumed in the current work that the first
maximum and the second maximum shear stress have
an effect on material strain hardening behavior and
hence necking. As maximum shear stress is constant in
the region of uniaxial tension to plane strain tension, it
is assumed that the second maximum shear stress (t
has a role on necking. Therefore, the damage during
necking is modeled by the t
, which is normalized by
equivalent stress in a form of
D = f
For the region of uniaxial tension to plane strain ten-
sion, 2t
can be expressed by
1 b
1 b + b
for 04b40:5 ð19Þ
For the region of plane strain tension to equi-biaxial
tension, 2t
can be expressed by
1 b + b
for 0:54b41:0 ð20Þ
A phenomenological model is proposed in the cur-
rent work based on ductile damage criteria (initiation
and growth of voids) to predict necking at different
loading conditions. The proposed model can be
expressed as
C = e
where e
is the equivalent plastic strain at necking.
Only two material constants n and C are presented in
equation (21). They can be determined from simple ten-
sile test. n is the strain hardening exponent in the true
tensile stress–strain curve. For plane strain condition,
and T
. C can be determined
from equation (22)
C =
where e
is the uniform elongation o the material.
Therefore, to draw the complete FLD, only tensile
properties of the material, namely, uniform elongation
) and strain hardening exponent (n) are required.
From equations (21) and (22), for different values of
strain ratio (a), the equivalent plastic strain at necking
) can be calculated. From equations (12) and (5)
and from the equivalent plastic strain at necking (e
for different values of strain ratio (a), the major and
minor strains at the time of necking can be calculated.
Results and discussion
C-Mn 440 steel, IF 340 steel, and IF steel are consid-
ered in the current work for this model validation.
Engineering tensile stress–strain curves of these three
different steels is depicted in Figure 4(a). Tensile mate-
rial properties that are used as material constants in
and material constant C used in the proposed model
are tabulated in Table 1 for these three different steels.
Determination of strain hardening coefficient (K) and
exponent (n) is straightforward for isotropic hardening.
K and n are the only two unknowns, and they are
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determined by fitting the theoretical stress–strain curve
s = Ke
to the experimental true tensile stress–strain
curve. Power law–fitted true tensile stress–strain curves
of three different steels are shown in Figure 4(b). C can
be determined from equation (22) for these three differ-
ent steels.
Strain-based and stress-based FLDs are commonly
used to predict failure in industrial sheet metal forming
operations. Plane stress loading condition is normally
present in industrial sheet metal forming operations
except hydro forming, where through thickness stress
also exists. For three-dimensional loading conditions,
that is, nonplane stress condition, Simha et al.
duced extended stress-based FLD (plot of mean stress
vs equivalent stress) to describe necking. In this current
study, for plane stress forming operations, only strain-
based and stress-based FLDs are examined. All experi-
mental strain-based FLDs are generated by direct
experimental measurement, whereas experimental
stress-based FLDs are generated by mapping experi-
mental data points from strain space to stress space
with the help of basic plasticity theories, which are dis-
cussed in the section ‘Plasticity relations.’
In order to validate this proposed phenomenological
model, the FLDs of C-Mn 440 steel, IF 340 steel, and
IF steel sheets are calculated, and the predicted FLDs
are compared with experimental FLDs, which are
shown in Figure 5. For C-Mn 440 steel shown in
Figure 5(a), the right side of the FLC, that is, the
stretching zone of the proposed model matches well
with the experimental results, whereas the left side of
the FLC, that is, the drawing zone of the proposed
model is slightly underpredicted when compared with
the experimental results. Left-hand side dotted line in
FLD (Figure 5(a)–(c)) represents pure uniaxial tensile
loading (a = 20.5), whereas right-hand side dotted
line represents equi-biaxial stretching (a = 1), while
for IF 340 and IF steel shown in Figure 5(b) and 5 (c),
respectively, FLC predicted by the proposed model
matches reasonably well with the experimental results
on both sides of the FLC, that is, stretching and draw-
ing zones. Similarly, predicted stress-based FLD by
proposed model for C-Mn 440 steel, IF 340 steel, and
IF steel sheets is matched reasonably well with the
experimental results, which is shown in Figure 6. First
dotted line (left-hand side) in stress-based FLD (Figure
6(a)–(c)) represents plane strain loading (b = 0.5),
whereas second dotted line (right-hand side) represents
equi-biaxial stretching (b = 1).
A phenomenological model is proposed for the predic-
tion of FLD from simply tensile material properties.
Table 1. Material constants of different steels.
Materials e
CnK(MPa) Thickness (mm)
IF steel 0.3 0.29042 0.3 555 0.8
IF 340 steel 0.26 0.38611 0.26 675 0.7
C-Mn 440 steel 0.187 0.44871 0.147 695 1.2
IF: interstitial-free; C-Mn: carbon manganese.
Figure 4. Tensile stress–strain diagram of different steels: (a) engineering tensile stress–strain diagrams and (b) true tensile stress–
strain diagrams and the power law–fitted curves, power law coefficients, and exponents as tabulated in Table 1.
IF: interstitial-free; C-Mn: carbon manganese.
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Figure 5. Comparison of predicted FLD with experimental results for different steels (a) C-Mn 440 steel, (b) IF 340 steel, and (c)
IF steel.
IF: interstitial-free; C-Mn: carbon manganese.
Figure 6. Comparison of predicted stress-based FLD with experimental results for different steels (a) C-Mn 440 steel, (b) IF 340
steel, and (c) IF steel.
IF: interstitial-free; C-Mn: carbon manganese.
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The model is constructed with consideration of damage
accumulation induced by nucleation and growth of
voids. Coalescence of voids is not considered in the
model formulation because FLD is a necking criteria
and coalescence of voids will be minimum during neck-
ing. These two processes of nucleation and growth of
voids are described as functions of the equivalent plas-
tic strain and the stress triaxiality to be multiplied to
represent a phenomenological model. The all material
constants of the proposed model are determined from
solely uniaxial tensile experiment. To check the validity
of the proposed model, three steels are chosen with dif-
ferent strength levels; they are C-Mn 440 steel, IF 340
steel, and IF steel. Comparison with the experimental
data shows that the calculated FLD and the forming
limit stress diagram (FLSD) can predict the sheet metal
forming limits accurately, especially for the right-hand
side of FLD and FLSD.
Authors would like to thank Dr. Saurabh Kundu,
Head Product Research Group, R&D, Tata Steel
Limited, Jamshedpur, India, for his kind cooperation.
Declaration of conflicting interests
The authors declare that they have no conflict of
This research received no specific grant from any fund-
ing agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit
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... The specimens were taken from three different orientations in close agreement with the methodology used to determine the material flow curves in Section 3.3. As seen in Figure 7a, the strain loading paths retrieved from the tensile test specimens cut out from the as-built plates confirmed a high level of anisotropy with three distinctly different evolutions, which range from near pure shear ( / ≈ −1) to plane strain deformation ( / = 0) [25]. These results corroborate previous microstructure observations and flow curves, highlighting the critical role played by the building As seen in Figure 6a, the flow curves of the as-built plates obtained from test specimens and aligned with the vertically built direction revealed higher strength than that recorded in relation to other directions. ...
... The specimens were taken from three different orientations in close agreement with the methodology used to determine the material flow curves in Section 3.3. As seen in Figure 7a, the strain loading paths retrieved from the tensile test specimens cut out from the as-built plates confirmed a high level of anisotropy with three distinctly different evolutions, which range from near pure shear (dε 2 /dε 1 ≈ −1) to plane strain deformation (dε 2 /dε 1 = 0) [25]. These results corroborate previous microstructure observations and flow curves, highlighting the critical role played by the building direction on the stress vs. strain response of the deposited material. ...
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This paper is focused on improving material formability in hybrid wire-arc additive manufacturing comprising metal forming stages to produce small-to-medium batches of customized parts. The methodology involves fabricating wire arc additive manufactured AISI 316L stainless steel parts subjected to mechanical and thermal processing (MTP), followed by microhardness measurements, tensile testing with digital image correlation, as well as microstructure and microscopic observations. Results show that mechanical processing by pre-straining followed by thermal processing by annealing can reduce material hardness and strength, increase ductility, and eliminate anisotropy by recrystallizing the as-built dendritic-based columnar grain microstructure into an equiaxed grain microstructure.
... For example, failure occurs at the top of the dome in the frictionless case, and the failure point moves toward the sheet edge with the increase in friction. Fig. 1(c) shows every state from uniaxial tension state at the left side of a typical FLD to the in-plane plane strain state at the middle and eventually to equibiaxial state at the right side (Paul et al., 2013). The narrowest sample assigned to the uniaxial tension state at the most left-hand side in FLD, and the necking point moved to the righthand side with increasing sample width. ...
... On the basis of the criterion given by Martinez-Donaire et al. (Martínez-Donaire et al., 2014), the necking point occurs when the first derivative of the major strain at the safe region near the necking point reaches the maximum. Furthermore, Mohammed et al. (Mohammed, 2018) used a crystal plasticity finite element (CPFE) constitutive (Panich, 2013), (b) typical sample dimensions used in the Nakazima test (Panich, 2013), (c) states at a typical FLD with assigned sample geometries (Paul et al., 2013). Necking points from the left-hand side of FLD move to the right-hand side with increasing sample width and decreasing friction at the equibiaxial state. ...
... For the single-pass joint (sample 3), In experimentation, the load-bearing capability was found to be 43.5 KN, while in simulation, it was 45.3 KN (Fig. 9), the LDH values 20.4 mm experimental and 21.0 mm simulation (Table 4).This is caused by AA 2017 particles being present in SZ. The ductility of the AA 2017 is lesser than that of the AA6061 [20], Therefore, the joint experienced a decrease in punch load and LDH value [52]. According to the pin profile's guidance, material excavation from the AS to the RS will take place. ...
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This study delved into the significance of double-pass friction stir welding (DP-FSW) and blank arrangement on aluminum tailor-welded blanks (TWBs) formability. The five different positions of TWBs fabricated from solution-annealed and precipitation-hardened AA2017-T6 and AA6061-T6 were utilized in experimentation and finite element analyses that evaluated formability. This effect of welding parameters and blank positions on TWB formability characteristics was investigated thoroughly through an extensive analysis that included experimental tests and finite elemental analysis. The results showed that adopting double-pass FSW approaches, against single-pass methods, significantly improved formability. Furthermore, the investigation of different blank positions during the welding process exhibited distinctive effects on formability, and the best configurations were found. These insights provide valuable guidance for optimizing FSW processes in producing aluminum TWBs, thus contributing to advancements in lightweight material fabrication across diverse industrial applications. The experimental and simulated results have a standard deviation of ± 5%. The deviation was decreased by treating the blank as five different zones rather than there.
... Raghavan [25] described an equation to predict the FLC 0 with total elongation and sheet thickness. Paul [26,27] proposed a nonlinear regression equation to predict the FLC 0 with ultimate tensile strength, total elongation, strain hardening exponent and sheet thickness. Cayssials [28] developed a predictive method with the strain rate sensitivity, the strain hardening and the sheet thickness based on plastic instability and damage theories. ...
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A phenomenological model for the prediction of the forming limit curve (FLC) based on basic mechanical properties through a uniaxial tensile test can tremendously shorten the design time of the forming process and reduce the measuring costs. In this paper, a novel phenomenological model named the IMR-Baosteel model (abbreviated as the IB model) is proposed for efficient and accurate FLC prediction of hot-rolled steel sheets featuring distinct variations in thickness and mechanical properties. With a systematic test of the plane strain forming limit (FLC0), it was found that a higher regression correlation exists between the FLC0 and the total elongation under different sheet thicknesses. For accurate assessment of the FLC0 from tensile properties, compared using experiments, the error of FLC0 calculated with the proposed model is within 10%. In the IB model, the left side of FLC can be calculated using a line with a slope of −1 while the right side of the FLC is obtained via a modified Keeler model with the exponent (p) determined as 0.45 for hot-rolled steels. Complete experimental FLCs of hot-rolled steels from measurements and the literature were used to validate the reliability of the proposed model. Resultantly, the prediction of FLCs with the proposed IB model is greatly improved, and agrees much better with the experimental FLCs than the predictions of the well-known Keeler model, Arcelor model and Tata Steel model.
... Among these, aluminum alloys, especially the 7xxx series, stand out as potential replacements for conventional structural J Mater Sci stamping. Since both drawing processes and uniaxial compression reside in the left branch of the forming limit diagram, the data from uniaxial hot compression mirrors the formability of these processes [22]. Consequently, assessing texture changes after hot compression tests is vital for evaluating the formability of alloys across varied metalworking processes, from cupping to stamping. ...
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Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys exhibit the best mechanical properties among aluminum alloys, though they suffer from poor formability during metalworking processes. Thus, utilizing Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy for a broad spectrum of applications necessitates a deep understanding of their plastic deformation behaviors at elevated temperatures. Specifically, pinpointing microstructural evolutions in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys post high-temperature deformations is important. In this study, we investigated the high-temperature deformation behavior and mechanisms of an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy using a hot compression tester. Compression tests were carried out at strain rates ranging from 10-3 s −1 to 1.0 s −1 and temperatures between 300 °C and 500 °C. A processing map, constructed from flow curves, highlighted flow instabilities at higher strain rates and cooler temperatures. In flow instability regions, microstructure and texture analyses using EBSD demonstrated reduced recrystallization, diminished power dissipation efficiencies, and a notable α-fiber generation. Taylor factor maps revealed that (100) grains had elevated Taylor factors , suggesting strong deformation resistance in (100)-oriented grains.
... During sheet forming process, materials are subject to various stress states. The common stress states are uniaxial tension (UT), equi-biaxial tension (EBT), plane strain tension (PS), uniaxial compression (UC) and pure shear (SH) (Paul et al., 2013;Brosius et al., 2018;Mehrabi et al., 2020). Recently, the stress state-dependent initial yielding, strain hardening, and plastic flow ratio of the lightweight materials have attracted extensive attentions Lou et al., 2022;Shi et al., 2022;Vobejda et al., 2022;Choi et al., 2023;Bang et al., 2023). ...
... [71,72]. ...
A multiscale approach was proposed to predict the macroscopic forming limit of Q&P980 steel. The microstructure-based simulation was implemented in the microscopic simulation to obtain the macroscopic stress-strain curve. The representative volume element (RVE) was established using the data extracted from the characterised results of electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD). The microscopic constitutive model of each constituent phase was determined based on a new method. The acquired macroscopic stress-strain curve was extrapolated using the modified Power-Law (MPL) strain hardening model. In the macroscopic simulation, the Nakajima and Marciniak-Kuczynski (M-K) simulations were combined to obtain the macroscopic forming limit only based on the macroscopic stress-strain curve. The microscopic and macroscopic simulations show good agreement with the experiment results, verifying the multiscale approach's accuracy. This study provides a solution for the direct connection between the microstructure and macroscopic forming limit.
In this investigation, the previously proposed phenomenological model in the literature is generalized both in terms of the mathematical form of the model and the yield function used to describe the plasticity of the material. Al 1050 is chosen as the model material, where the sheets made from this material are first annealed and then subjected to a tensile test and Erichsen cupping test to obtain tensile properties as well as the FLC of the material. The constants of the generalized model are first obtained by curve fitting, whereby in this approach least overall error is expected as a single equation is used to predict the FLC of material. Further, it is shown that it would be possible to enhance the accuracy of the model at the cost of losing the applicability of a single mathematical expression for both branches of FLC. In this approach, the generalized model would be calibrated for the right branch based on Swift’s model and for the left branch based on Hill’s model. Finally, the effect of the yield criterion used to describe the plasticity of the material on the predictions of the generalized model is investigated, and it is shown that using the Hosford yield criterion yields better results compared to using the von Mises yield criterion.
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Experimentally determined forming limit curves (FLC) are often used to evaluate formability in sheet metal forming. These curves represent the limits of the formability of the material. The most widely used procedure for the experimental determination of the breaking point of sheet metal is formulated in EN ISO 12004-2. The FLC curve was measured for material DX56D + Z100-M-C-O using the Nakajima test on a BUP 600 universal test machine. The test setup and sample shape correspond to EN ISO 12004-2 except for the punching speed, which was increased from 2 mm/s to 10, 14, and 17 mm/s against the conditions defined in the standard. A non-contact optical system ARAMIS from GOM was used to measure the deformation. A stochastic pattern was applied to the samples to ensure the quality of the measurements, and the Erichsen adhesion test was performed. To determine other properties of the material, the microstructure of the material in the fracture area was observed in the metallographically prepared samples. During analysis, the microstructure was monitored with regard to the state of deformation (deep drawing, plane deformation, and more axial stress). Observations were made on samples with an etched structure using an optical microscope and an electron microscope, where, among other things, the distribution of particles, their size, and chemical composition were observed.
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Two special solutions are used to illustrate the errors involved in the analysis of sheet necking from invoking plane stress assumptions. The first is an exact solution for the growth-rate of a small amplitude, sinusoidal thickness variation in a sheet of material characterized by ˙\dot \in = ασn in simple tension. The plane stress assumptions become accurate when the ratio of variation wavelength to average thickness exceeds four and otherwise lead to overestimates of the actual growth-rate. When this same ratio is approximately unity the relative size of the thickness variation decays with increasing deformation—an effect not predicted by a plane stress analysis. The second special solution is obtained using a perturbation expansion with the nonlinear long-wavelength solution (i.e., the plane stress solution) as the lowest order contribution. In this way explicit corrections to the plane stress solution are obtained. Selected comparisons with fully nonlinear finite element calculations are made.
The effect of material strain-rate dependence on necking retardation is examined for biaxially-stretched sheets. Rate-dependent versions of both flow theory and deformation theory are employed in an analysis of the growth of long-wavelength nonuniformities. Material strain-rate sensitivity is seen to substantially increase the predicted limit strains beyond their corresponding values for time-independent material response. We also discuss the influence of strain-rate dependence on imperfection- sensitivity and forming limit curves.
Various factors affecting the prediction of limit strains in biaxially-stretched sheets are studied. Time-independent material behavior is assumed, and both the flow theory of plasticity as well as a finite-strain version of deformation theory are considered. A localization-band bifurcation analysis is first carried out. The influence of geometric imperfections is then analyzed using the long-wavelength approximation treated in Part I. We also discuss the predicted forming limit curves and comment on their relation to published experimental data. The main emphasis in this Part, however, is on comparisons between the corresponding predictions of flow theory and deformation theory.
Mechanical properties of steel sheets governing the press formability were determined and the lubricating effect in stretch forming was made clear. Forming limit determined in model experiment was shown to be useful as the criterion for evaluating the forming severity in practical forming and also for finding countermeasures in forming conditions in order to improve the forming severity and for selecting appropriate steel sheet.
Strain analysis of stampings is explained. The system is based on the strain distribution obtained from 0. 2 in. interlocking circle grid patterns etched on blanks. The strain distributions are related to a developed formability limit curve and the mechanical properties of the gridded blank. The evaluation of the graphic relation of the strains to the formability limit enables the press shop to determine what factors should be changed to produce stampings with less scrap and lower cost.
Sheet-metal fabricators are considering the use of new materials with higher strength-to-weight ratios than commonly-used low-carbon steel. The Keeler-Goodwin forming limit curve (FLC) developed primarily from production stampings of low-carbon steels cannot be used for these materials. A simple technique was developed to determine FLCs in the laboratory. Sheet specimens, securely clamped at the periphery, were stretched to failure over a 4in dia hemispherical steel punch. Failures were generated over a range of minor-to-major strain-ratios from minus one-half to 1 by increasing the lubrication on the positive minor strain side and by decreasing the specimen width on the negative minor strain side. To be consistent with press-shop use, the FLC was defined by the major and minor strains at the onset of visible, localized necking in a deformed circle of an original diameter of 0. 1in. The FLCs were drawn to fall below the strain in necked and fracture-affected zones and above the strains found just outside these zones.
This book helps the engineer understand the principles of metal forming and analyze forming problems - both the mechanics of forming processes and how the properties of metals interact with the processes. The first third of the book is devoted to fundamentals of mechanics and materials; the middle to the analyses of bulk forming processes like drawing, extrusion, and rolling; and the last third covers sheet forming processes. In this new third edition, an entire chapter has been devoted to forming limit diagrams, and various aspects of stamping, including the use of tailor welded blanks, and another on other sheet forming operations, including hydroforming of tubes. Coverage of sheet metal properties has been expanded to include new materials and more on aluminium alloys. Interesting end-of-chapter notes have been added throughout as well as references. More than 200 end-of-chapter problems are also included.
This book helps the engineer understand the principles of metal forming and analyze forming problem - both the mechanics of forming processes and how the properties of metals interact with the processes. In this third edition, an entire chapter has been devoted to forming limit diagrams and various aspects of stamping and another on other sheet forming operations. Sheet testing is covered in a separate chapter. Coverage of sheet metal properties has been expanded. Interesting end-of-chapter notes have been added throughout, as well as references. More than 200 end-of-chapter problems are also included.