
Global Maternal and Child Health Goals Will Not be Achieved Without Addressing HIV-Related Stigma

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... Women living with HIV often suffer from gender-based violence [1,2] depression [2,3], and experience both externalized/anticipated and internalized HIV-related stigma [1,[3][4][5]. Findings from community surveys across various geographic settings indicate that nearly 70% of HIV-infected women report depression, HIV-related internalized stigma, discrimination and/or intimate partner violence (IPV) [2]. The prevalence of these psychosocial factors is particularly elevated among pregnant women living with HIV [2,[6][7][8][9]. ...
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We explored the association between HIV-related stigma and experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV) and depression with viral load suppression, and medication and visit adherence in postpartum women receiving lifelong antiretroviral therapy (ART) (N = 200). We administered a cross-sectional survey to 200 women with HIV at 12 months postpartum who were enrolled in the MOTIVATE trial. The MOTIVATE study is a cluster-randomized trial evaluating the impact of community mentor mothers and text messaging on PMTCT outcomes in southwestern Kenya. Simple and multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed in STATA. Women who experienced stigma or IPV were more likely to miss clinic visits (internalized stigma aOR 1.30 95%CI 1.03–1.64; anticipated stigma aOR 1.20 95%CI 1.04–1.42; IPV aOR 15.71 95%CI 1.47–167.80), report difficulty taking ART drugs (internalized stigma aOR 1.32 95%CI 1.10–1.58; anticipated stigma aOR 1.14 95%CI 1.01–1.30) and not taking medication as prescribed (IPV aOR 2.00 95%CI 1.05–3.74). Depression was additionally associated with decreased odds of viral load suppression (aOR 0.16 95%CI 0.04–0.76). There is need to develop tailored psychosocial interventions within PMTCT programs that appropriately address mental health, stigma, and violence.
... Among pregnant women, stigma occurs at each level of the PMTCT cascade, negatively impacting on uptake of services and adherence (Prudden et al., 2017;Turan & Nyblade, 2013a). No doubt, addressing HIV-related stigma in sub-Saharan Africa will be essential to eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HIV (Turan & Nyblade, 2013b). Although there is dearth of evidence on a large scale strategy for stigma reduction (Stangl, Lloyd, Brady, Holland, & Baral, 2013), a mix of interventions including community and individual empowerment to respond to stigma, engaging healthcare workers eliminate discriminatory practices by healthcare workers and creating an enabling legal environment to access services have shown to be effective in reducing stigma and discrimination (UNAIDS, 2017b). ...
Antiretroviral (ARV) drugs are effective in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT), however many sub-Saharan African countries are yet to achieve universal ARV coverage among pregnant women living with HIV. This study examined factors associated with ARV coverage for PMTCT in 41 sub-Saharan Africa countries. Country-level aggregated data were obtained from the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, World Health Organization, and United Nations Children’s Fund. Using Spearman’s rho and point-biserial correlation, we conducted bivariate analyses between ARV coverage for PMTCT and the following variables: stigma, antenatal care (ANC) uptake, institutional delivery, community delivery of ARV drugs, number of HIV testing and counselling (HTC) facilities, and density of skilled health workers. We also performed a multivariate median regression with the significant correlates. P < .05 was considered statistically significant for all the tests. The median ARV coverage for PMTCT was 76% (IQR: 55–85%). ARV coverage for PMTCT was significantly associated with HTC facilities (r = 0.46, p = .004), institutional delivery (r = 0.48, p = .002), ANC uptake: at least one visit (r = 0.54, p = .001), and stigma (r=−0.52, p = .003). In the multivariate analysis, only stigma remained statistically significant (β = −0.6, 95% CI = −1.13, −0.07, p = .03). To eliminate perinatal transmission of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa, interventions that will address stigma-related barriers to uptake of PMTCT services are needed. More research on country-specific population-level correlates of ARV coverage for PMTCT is recommended.
... As PMTCT efforts are promoted more widely, parallel efforts to reduce HIV-related stigma should be scaled up as well. Tackling HIV-related stigma will help advance the twin goals of lowering maternal and child mortality and HIV prevalence [76][77][78]. ...
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HIV-related stigma compromises both HIV prevention and treatment and has recently been described as a barrier to utilization of skilled childbirth services in sub-Saharan Africa. This study uses the 2011 Uganda Demographic Health Survey to estimate the associations between HIV-related stigma, measured both at the individual and community level, and use of facility delivery among women. Consistent with theoretical predictions, higher levels of stigma are associated with reduced likelihood of facility delivery. The negative relationship between stigma and facility delivery is especially pronounced when stigma is measured at the community level, highlighting the importance of understanding the proximate context of HIV-related stigma and its potential effects on behavior. Reducing the stigma of HIV will be critical to achieving the twin goals of reducing overall maternal mortality and preventing mother-to-child HIV transmission.
... At the same time, because they are expected to deliver in a facility, HIV-infected women who have not disclosed their status to community members may be reluctant to deliver in facilities to avoid disclosure, stigma and discrimination which continue to be important deterrents to uptake of HIV services Zimbabwe. [33] Non-disclosure of HIV status has been linked to low facility-based delivery, [31] poor uptake of PMTCT [31,[34][35][36] and maternal and child health services [37] in developing country settings. Further, HIV-related stigma was associated with low uptake of facility-based delivery in Kenya. ...
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Background In developing countries, facility-based delivery is recommended for maternal and neonatal health, and for prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT). However, little is known about whether or not learning one’s HIV status affects one’s decision to deliver in a health facility. We examined this association in Zimbabwe. Methods We analyzed data from a 2012 cross-sectional community-based serosurvey conducted to evaluate Zimbabwe’s accelerated national PMTCT program. Eligible women (≥16 years old and mothers of infants born 9–18 months before the survey) were randomly sampled from the catchment areas of 157 health facilities in five of ten provinces. Participants were interviewed about where they delivered and provided blood samples for HIV testing. Results Overall 8796 (77 %) mothers reported facility-based delivery; uptake varied by community (30–100 %). The likelihood of facility-based delivery was not associated with maternal HIV status. Women who self-reported being HIV-positive before delivery were as likely to deliver in a health facility as women who were HIV-negative, irrespective of when they learned their status - before (adjusted prevalence ratio (PRa) = 1.04, 95 % confidence interval (CI) = 1.00–1.09) or during pregnancy (PRa = 1.05, 95 % CI = 1.01–1.09). Mothers who had not accessed antenatal care or tested for HIV were most likely to deliver outside a health facility (69 %). Overall, however 77 % of home deliveries occurred among women who had accessed antenatal care and were HIV-tested. Conclusions Uptake of facility-based delivery was similar among HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected mothers, which was somewhat unexpected given the substantial technical and financial investment aimed at retaining HIV-positive women in care in Zimbabwe.
We describe the implementation of a community "hub" network intervention to reduce HIV stigma in the Tlokwe Municipality, North West Province, South Africa. A holistic case study design was used, focusing on community members with no differentiation by HIV status. Participants were recruited through accessibility sampling. Data analyses used open coding and document analysis. Findings showed that the HIV stigma-reduction community hub network intervention successfully activated mobilizers to initiate change; lessened the stigma experience for people living with HIV; and addressed HIV stigma in a whole community using a combination of strategies including individual and interpersonal levels, social networks, and the public. Further research is recommended to replicate and enhance the intervention. In particular, the hub network system should be extended, the intervention period should be longer, there should be a stronger support system for mobilizers, and the multiple strategy approach should be continued on individual and social levels.
Objective: To understand the barriers delaying early prenatal care for women in South Africa. Methods: A mixed-methods study was conducted at a center in Pretoria. Results: Following interviews with 21 women at a prenatal clinic in Pretoria, a quantitative survey was completed by 204 postpartum women. During interviews, women described presenting late owing to contemplating induced abortion, fear of HIV testing, and fear of jealousy and bewitching. The survey results demonstrated that a majority of women (133 [65.2%]) reported knowledge of recommendations to present before 12weeks; however, the average gestational age at initial presentation was 19.1±7.7weeks. Women were more likely to present earlier if the pregnancy was planned (P=0.013) and were less likely to if they had at any point contemplated induced abortion (P=0.021). Fears of bewitching and harmful psychological stress owing to a positive HIV test result prevailed in both the interviews and the surveys. Conclusion: Significant efforts should be devoted to improving access to contraception and prepregnancy counseling in order to improve early prenatal care attendance. Similarly, addressing cultural concerns and fears regarding pregnancy is imperative in promoting early attendance.
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Childbirth with a skilled attendant is crucial for preventing maternal mortality and is an important opportunity for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. The Maternity in Migori and AIDS Stigma Study (MAMAS Study) is a prospective mixed-methods investigation conducted in a high HIV prevalence area in rural Kenya, in which we examined the role of women's perceptions of HIV-related stigma during pregnancy in their subsequent utilization of maternity services. From 2007-2009, 1,777 pregnant women with unknown HIV status completed an interviewer-administered questionnaire assessing their perceptions of HIV-related stigma before being offered HIV testing during their first antenatal care visit. After the visit, a sub-sample of women was selected for follow-up (all women who tested HIV-positive or were not tested for HIV, and a random sample of HIV-negative women, n = 598); 411 (69%) were located and completed another questionnaire postpartum. Additional qualitative in-depth interviews with community health workers, childbearing women, and family members (n = 48) aided our interpretation of the quantitative findings and highlighted ways in which HIV-related stigma may influence birth decisions. Qualitative data revealed that health facility birth is commonly viewed as most appropriate for women with pregnancy complications, such as HIV. Thus, women delivering at health facilities face the risk of being labeled as HIV-positive in the community. Our quantitative data revealed that women with higher perceptions of HIV-related stigma (specifically those who held negative attitudes about persons living with HIV) at baseline were subsequently less likely to deliver in a health facility with a skilled attendant, even after adjusting for other known predictors of health facility delivery (adjusted odds ratio = 0.44, 95% CI 0.22-0.88). Our findings point to the urgent need for interventions to reduce HIV-related stigma, not only for improving quality of life among persons living with HIV, but also for better health outcomes among all childbearing women and their families.
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Few studies have objectively evaluated the coverage of services to prevent transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from mother to child. To measure the coverage of services to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission in 4 African countries. Cross-sectional surveillance study of mother-infant pairs using umbilical cord blood samples collected between June 10, 2007, and October 30, 2008, from 43 randomly selected facilities (grouped as 25 service clusters) providing delivery services in Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, South Africa, and Zambia. All sites used at least single-dose nevirapine to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission and some sites used additional prophylaxis drugs. Population nevirapine coverage, defined as the proportion of HIV-exposed infants in the sample with both maternal nevirapine ingestion (confirmed by cord blood chromatography) and infant nevirapine ingestion (confirmed by direct observation). A total of 27,893 cord blood specimens were tested, of which 3324 were HIV seropositive (12%). Complete data for cord blood nevirapine results were available on 3196 HIV-seropositive mother-infant pairs. Nevirapine coverage varied significantly by site (range: 0%-82%). Adjusted for country, the overall coverage estimate was 51% (95% confidence interval [CI], 49%-53%). In multivariable analysis, failed coverage of nevirapine-based services was significantly associated with maternal age younger than 20 years (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 1.44; 95% CI, 1.18-1.76) and maternal age between 20 and 25 years (AOR, 1.28; 95% CI, 1.07-1.54) vs maternal age of older than 30 years; 1 or fewer antenatal care visits (AOR, 2.91; 95% CI, 2.40-3.54), 2 or 3 antenatal care visits (AOR, 1.93; 95% CI, 1.60-2.33), and 4 or 5 antenatal care visits (AOR, 1.56; 95% CI, 1.34-1.80) vs 6 or more antenatal care visits; vaginal delivery (AOR, 1.22; 95% CI, 1.03-1.44) vs cesarean delivery; and infant birth weight of less than 2500 g (AOR, 1.34; 95% CI, 1.11-1.62) vs birth weight of 3500 g or greater. In this random sampling of sites with services to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission, only 51% of HIV-exposed infants received the minimal regimen of single-dose nevirapine.
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The links between gender roles, gender-based violence and HIV/AIDS risk are complex and culturally specific. In this qualitative study we investigated how women and men in two black communities in the Western Cape, South Africa, constructed their gender identities and roles, how they understood gender-based violence, and what they believed about the links between gender relations and HIV risk. First we conducted 16 key informant interviews with members of relevant stakeholder organisations. Then we held eight focus group discussions with community members in single-sex groups. Key findings included the perception that although traditional gender roles were still very much in evidence, shifts in power between men and women were occurring. Also, gender-based violence was regarded as a major problem throughout communities, and was seen to be fuelled by unemployment, poverty and alcohol abuse. HIV/AIDS was regarded as particularly a problem of African communities, with strong themes of stigma, discrimination, and especially 'othering' evident. Developing effective HIV/AIDS interventions in these communities will require tackling the overlapping as well as divergent constructions of gender, gender violence and HIV which emerged in the study.
HAART for prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (MTCT) may impact long-term survival of women and children. Randomized clinical trial. HIV-infected pregnant women with CD4+ cell count at least 200 cells/µl were randomly assigned to abacavir, zidovudine, lamivudine (arm A) or lopinavir–ritonavir, zidovudine–lamivudine (arm B) from week 26 to 34 gestation through planned weaning by 6 months postpartum. Women with baseline CD4+ cell count less than 200 cells/µl received nevirapine–zidovudine–lamivudine indefinitely (Obs arm), as did randomized women later qualifying for treatment. Among 560 randomized and 170 observational women enrolled, there were 14 deaths (1.9%) – one antenatally (Obs), three from delivery to 6 months postpartum (1 arm A, 2 Obs), and 10 from 6 to 24 months postpartum (5 arm A, 3 arm B, 2 Obs). Time to death or CD4+ cell count below 200 cells/µl was shorter in arm A vs. B (P = 0.03). Of the 709 live-born children, 97% breastfed for a median of 5.8 months. Of 37 (5.2%) deaths by 24 months, nine were before breastfeeding initiated (3 arm A, 2 arm B, 4 Obs); six while breastfeeding (1 arm A, 2 arm B, 3 Obs); and 22 after weaning (9 arm A, 11 arm B, 2 Obs). Only eight children (1.1%) were HIV-infected at 24 months (6 arm A, 1 arm B, 1 Obs), all before 6 months. Low MTCT was maintained through extended follow-up in all arms. Disease progression appeared slower after discontinuing protease inhibitor-based HAART, but a concerning number of maternal deaths occurred after stopping either regimen. Strategies to improve maternal and child survival in the postintervention period are required.
The global community has set goals of virtual elimination of new child HIV infections and 50 percent reduction in HIV-related maternal mortality by the year 2015. Although much progress has been made in expanding prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) services, there are serious challenges to these global goals, given low rates of utilization of PMTCT services in many settings. We reviewed the literature from low-income settings to examine how HIV-related stigma affects utilization of the series of steps that women must complete for successful PMTCT. We found that stigma negatively impacts service uptake and adherence at each step of this "PMTCT cascade". Modeling exercises indicate that these effects are cumulative and therefore significantly affect rates of infant HIV infection. Alongside making clinical services more available, effective, and accessible for pregnant women, there is also a need to integrate stigma-reduction components into PMTCT, maternal, neonatal, and child health services.
This report evaluates the extent of perceived and enacted HIV/AIDS-related stigma in a rural setting in Zambia. Stigmatisation is abundant, ranging from subtle actions to the most extreme degradation, rejection and abandonment. Women with HIV and pregnant women assumed to be HIV positive are repeatedly subjected to extensive forms of stigma, particularly once they become sick or if their child dies. Despite increasing access to prevention of mother to child transmission initiatives, including anti-retroviral drugs, the perceived disincentives of HIV testing, particularly for women, largely outweigh the potential gains from available treatments. HIV/AIDS related stigma drives the epidemic underground and is one of the main reasons that people do not wish to know their HIV status. Unless efforts to reduce stigma are, as one peer educator put it, “written in large letters in any HIV/AIDS campaign rather than small”, stigma will remain a major barrier to curbing the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
This article focuses on prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV particularly in Malawi and discusses how the country is preparing to revise its policies for PMTCT of HIV and for antiretroviral therapy (ART) in response to WHOs 2010 guidelines. The authors propose offering all HIV-infected pregnant women lifelong ART which they see as a more feasible alternative to WHOs guidelines in addition to being more ethical. The article also describes the various benefits of their proposed plan and estimates the results and costs associated.
Breastfeeding is essential for child health and development in low-resource settings but carries a significant risk of transmission of HIV-1, especially in late stages of maternal disease. We aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of triple antiretroviral compared with zidovudine and single-dose nevirapine prophylaxis in pregnant women infected with HIV. Pregnant women with WHO stage 1, 2, or 3 HIV-1 infection who had CD4 cell counts of 200-500 cells per μL were enrolled at five study sites in Burkina Faso, Kenya, and South Africa to start study treatment at 28-36 weeks' gestation. Women were randomly assigned (1:1) by a computer generated random sequence to either triple antiretroviral prophylaxis (a combination of 300 mg zidovudine, 150 mg lamivudine, and 400 mg lopinavir plus 100 mg ritonavir twice daily until cessation of breastfeeding to a maximum of 6·5 months post partum) or zidovudine and single-dose nevirapine (300 mg zidovudine twice daily until delivery and a dose of 600 mg zidovudine plus 200 mg nevirapine at the onset of labour and, after a protocol amendment in December, 2006, 1 week post-partum zidovudine 300 mg twice daily and lamivudine 150 mg twice daily). All infants received a 0·6 mL dose of nevirapine at birth and, from December, 2006, 4 mg/kg twice daily of zidovudine for 1 week after birth. Patients and investigators were not masked to treatment. The primary endpoints were HIV-free infant survival at 6 weeks and 12 months; HIV-free survival at 12 months in infants who were ever breastfed; AIDS-free survival in mothers at 18 months; and serious adverse events in mothers and babies. Analysis was by intention to treat. This trial is registered with Current Controlled Trials, ISRCTN71468401. From June, 2005, to August, 2008, 882 women were enrolled, 824 of whom were randomised and gave birth to 805 singleton or first, liveborn infants. The cumulative rate of HIV transmission at 6 weeks was 3·3% (95% CI 1·9-5·6%) in the triple antiretroviral group compared with 5·0% (3·3-7·7%) in the zidovudine and single-dose nevirapine group, and at 12 months was 5·4% (3·6-8·1%) in the triple antiretroviral group compared with 9·5% (7·0-12·9%) in the zidovudine and single-dose nevirapine group (p=0·029). The cumulative rate of HIV transmission or death at 12 months was 10·2% (95% CI 7·6-13·6%) in the triple antiretroviral group compared with 16·0% (12·7-20·0%) in the zidovudine and single-dose nevirapine group (p=0·017). In infants whose mothers declared they intended to breastfeed, the cumulative rate of HIV transmission at 12 months was 5·6% (95% CI 3·4-8·9%) in the triple antiretroviral group compared with 10·7% (7·6-14·8%) in the zidovudine and single-dose nevirapine group (p=0·02). AIDS-free survival in mothers at 18 months will be reported in a different publication. The incidence of laboratory and clinical serious adverse events in both mothers and their babies was similar between groups. Triple antiretroviral prophylaxis during pregnancy and breastfeeding is safe and reduces the risk of HIV transmission to infants. Revised WHO guidelines now recommend antiretroviral prophylaxis (either to the mother or to the baby) during breastfeeding if the mother is not already receiving antiretroviral treatment for her own health. Agence nationale de recherches sur le sida et les hépatites virales, Department for International Development, European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership, Thrasher Research Fund, Belgian Directorate General for International Cooperation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and UNDP/UNFPA/World Bank/WHO Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction.