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Site selection for wastewater treatment plant using integrated fuzzy logic and multicriteria decision model: A case study in Kahak district


Abstract and Figures

One of the environmental issues in urban planning is finding a suitable site for constructing infrastructures such as water and wastewater treatment plants. There are numerous factors to be considered for this purpose, which make decision-making a complex task. We used an integrated fuzzy logic and multicriteria decision model to select a suitable site for establishing wastewater treatment plant in Kahak, Iran. We used super decision software and a Geographic Information System (GIS) for scoring the parameters. The western part of Kahak was found to be a suitable place for constructing municipal wastewater treatment plant. Our findings indicated that decision makers and policy makers would be able to achieve better results concerning the most suitable location for wastewater treatment plant easily through combining these two models.
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1 J Adv Environ Health Res, Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer 2013
Site selection for wastewater treatment plant using integrated fuzzy logic
and multicriteria decision model: A case study in Kahak
Behzad Shahmoradi
, Ali Asghar Isalou
1 Kurdistan Environmental Health Research Center, Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Sanandaj, Iran
2 Department of Urban Planning, School of Technology, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran
One of the environmental issues in urban planning is finding a suitable site for constructing infrastructures such as
water and wastewater treatment plants. There are numerous factors to be considered for this purpose, which
make decision-making a complex task. We used an integrated fuzzy logic and multicriteria decision model to select
a suitable site for establishing wastewater treatment plant in Kahak, Iran. We used super decision software and a
Geographic Information System (GIS) for scoring the parameters. The western part of Kahak was found to be a
suitable place for constructing municipal wastewater treatment plant. Our findings indicated that decision makers
and policy makers would be able to achieve better results concerning the most suitable location for wastewater
treatment plant easily through combining these two models.
KEYWORDS: Fuzzy Logic, Multicriteria Decision Making, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Site Location
Date of submission: 16 Mar 2013, Date of acceptance: 17 May 2013
Citation: Shahmoradi B, Isalou AA. Site selection for wastewater treatment plant using integrated fuzzy
logic and multicriteria decision model: A case study in Kahak. J Adv Environ Health Res 2013; 1(1): ??-??.
Rapid growth of urban settlements together with
a change in their usage pattern during recent
half century has led not only to increase in urban
systems input rate but also it has had great
impact on their output rate. One of the important
outputs is municipal wastewater, which severely
threats natural ecosystems. Hence, it is necessary
to take effective steps toward achievement of
environmental goals of sustainability through
developing treatment plants in suitable sites, but
finding a suitable site for this purpose involves
considering wide range of criteria that makes
decision making complicated. These
complexities justify the necessity of a systematic
method for analyzing the decision in a
Corresponding Author:
Behzad Shahmoradi
framework that processes spatial data; a method
which could justify awareness, expert and
Anagnostopoulos and Vavatsikos
extended fuzzy-analytic hierarchy process
(FAHP) model for determining wastewater
treatment plant site. The factors used in this
investigation include slope, topography,
geology, land use, distance from road, railroad,
river, settlements, faults, coastline, etc. They
categorized suitable sites for constructing
wastewater treatment plant in Rodopi City and
identified fuzzy model and network analysis
process as a combined suitable model for
decision makers in determining a suitable site for
wastewater treatment plant. Anagnostopoulos et
in another study tried to find the most
suitable location for wastewater treatment plant
of a region using FAHP method. They found out
that the combination of multi-criteria decision
making model and geographic information
Case Report
J Adv Environ Health Res, Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer 2013 2
Site selection of wastewater treatment plant
Shahmoradi and Isalou
system (GIS) is a valuable tool for determining
the treatment plant site. In their study, they used
4 indices (12 criteria) to achieve their goal.
Deepa and Krishnaveni
using analytic
hierarchy process (AHP) method and GIS tried to
determine a suitable site for decentralized
wastewater treatment plant in Shollinganallur
region. In their study, they used 5 criteria:
Topography, slope, land use, population, and soil.
In these studies, we can find that multicriteria
decision making methods such as AHP and also
fuzzy model have been identified as common
applied models during recent years.
Furthermore, they insisted that GIS is the most
suitable spatial analysis tool and a combination
of different information layers. The most
significant point in these studies is that the role
of combined models in determining suitable sites
for wastewater treatment plant construction is
highly significant. Hence, in present study, we
used fuzzy and analytic network process (ANP)
combined model which has higher capability
compared to other decision making models in
order to obtain better results. On the other hand,
more criteria were considered in present study
than previous ones. Based on the criteria and
mentioned model, we tried to determine a
suitable place for constructing a wastewater
treatment plant in Kahak, Iran.
Materials and Methods
In order to facilitate computations and enhance
the accuracy in scoring, in present study we used
Super Decision Software. The mentioned
software is designed based on network analysis
process model and it is able to perform paired
comparison among elements and clusters,
bounded, harmonic and inharmonious matrices
and compute the weight of each criterion with
highest accuracy.
Due to its various capabilities in the field of
spatial analysis, GIS is the other software which
is used in these studies; such that Spatial Analyst
Extension provides the opportunity to define
fuzzy model and develop related maps. On the
other hand, this extension with the ability to
superimpose raster layers makes development of
final map possible. It must be mentioned that
some plans from related organizations were
prepared with Shp format; but other maps were
adopted from main maps. For example, we can
refer to topography layer which was obtained
from DEM raster layer.
Research process and criteria
The present study tries to find the most suitable
site for constructing wastewater treatment plant
in Kahak city using combined model of network
analysis and fuzzy process. Increasing the
accuracy in final results, matching two
mentioned model with data nature (discrete and
continuous) and commonality of combined
models are of important reasons for selecting
fuzzy-ANP combined model.
Hence, firstly we
introduced and collected the criteria and then we
identified the methods of network analysis
process separately. Then, using Super Decision
software, we performed related computations
for the structure of ANP model. In the next step,
we determined the thresholds (minimum and
maximum) of optimal site for wastewater
treatment plant through reviewing the
literatures and then we implemented all final
data of network analysis process model in
database of basic maps related to discrete data
(in GIS environment) and with reliance on fuzzy
formula we prepared fuzzy maps. Finally, by
superimposing all layers, we determined the
final area for constructing the wastewater
treatment plant (Figure 1).
By reviewing the literatures, we found that
each of researchers has used a certain set of
criteria for determining suitable site for
wastewater treatment plant referred in
introduction of present study. Based on these
studies, 12 criteria were categorized in the form
of two general groups of discrete and continuous
indices, such that discrete indices included 6
criteria (soil, slope, topography, geology, land
use, and wind) and continuous indices included
3 J Adv Environ Health Res, Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer 2013
Site selection of wastewater treatment plant
Shahmoradi and Isalou
Figure 1. Procedure framework
WWTP: wastewater treatment plant ANP: Analytic network process GIS: Geographical Information System
6 criteria (distance from main city, underground
water, surface water, roads, and settlements).
Analytic network process (ANP)
ANP is one of multi-criteria decision making
techniques and is a set-up model. This model is
designed based on AHP and "Network" to
replace "hierarchy".
Some of the fundamental ideas in support of
ANP are : (1) ANP is built on the widely used
AHP; (2) by allowing for dependence, the ANP
goes beyond the AHP by including
independence and hence also the AHP as a
special case; (3) the ANP deals with dependence
within a set of elements (inner dependence), and
among different sets of elements (outer
dependence); (4) the looser network structure of
the ANP makes possible the representation of
any decision problem without concern for what
comes first and what comes next as in a
hierarchy; (5) ANP is a non-linear structure that
deals with sources, cycles, and sinks having a
hierarchy of linear form with goals in the top
level and the alternatives in the bottom level; (6)
ANP portrays a real-world representation of the
problem under consideration by prioritizing not
only just the elements but also groups or clusters
of elements as is often necessary; and (7) the ANP
utilizes the idea of a control hierarchy or a control
network to deal with different criteria, eventually
leading to the analysis of benefits, opportunities,
costs, and risks. By relying on the control’s
elements, the ANP parallels what the human
brain does in combining different sense data as
for example does the thalamus.
The main stages
of the model can be classified in four categories:
Step I (model construction and problem
structuring): The problem should be clearly
stated and decomposed into a rational system
such as a network. The framework can be
determined based on decision-maker opinion via
brainstorming or other appropriate methods.
Step II (pairwise comparisons and local
priority vectors): The elements are compared
pairwisely with respect to their impacts on other
elements. The way of conducting pairwise
comparisons and obtaining priority vectors is the
same as in the AHP. The relative importance
values are determined on a scale of 1-9, where a
score of 1 indicates equal importance between
the two elements and 9 represents the extreme
importance of one element compared with the
Editing discrete criteria
Calculation ANP
Building model structure
Editing continuous criteria
Determining final score
Determining thresholds
Proper WWTP Site selection
Preparing base maps
Weight implementation in
base map database
Overlaying final layers
J Adv Environ Health Res, Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer 2013 4
Site selection of wastewater treatment plant
Shahmoradi and Isalou
other one. A reciprocal value is assigned to the
inverse comparison; that is, a
where a
denotes the importance of the i
compared with the j
element. Also, a
=1 is
preserved in the pairwise comparison matrix.
Then, the eigenvector method is employed to
obtain the local priority vectors for each pairwise
comparison matrix. To test consistency of a
pairwise comparison, a consistency ratio (CR)
can be introduced with consistency index (CI)
and random index (RI). Table 1 shows the
average RI for corresponding matrix size. If the
CR is less than 0.1, the pairwise comparison is
considered acceptable.
By formulas 1 and 2 it
can be calculated from the index weights
consistency rate:
(1) CI=
(2) CR = CI/RI Eq.
Step III (supermatrix formation): A
supermatrix, known as partition matrix, is
formed by setting the local priority vectors on
suitable columns. Local priority vectors are
classified and occupied in suitable places based
on effect flow from one component to another.
Supermatrix may consist of zero value. In
general, there exists interdependence between
clusters, the sum of one column in the
supermatrix is mostly bigger than 1. In case the
supermatrix is not stochastic, the cluster is
weighted and column is normalized to transform
into a stochastic matrix where the sum of
columns are 1. This matrix can be called as a
weighted supermatrix.
Step IV (calculation of global priority vectors
and weights): In the final step, the weighted
supermatrix is raised to limiting power to get the
global priority vectors as in Eq. (3):
(3) lim
If the supermatrix has the effect of cyclicity,
there may be two or more N limiting
supermatrices. In this case, the Cesaro sum is
calculated as in Eq. (4) to get the average priority
weights as follows:
(4) lim
Where W is the weighted supermatrix, N
indicates the sequence, and k is the exponent
determined by iteration.
Fuzzy construction of continuous data
introduced the fuzzy set theory to deal
with the uncertainty due to imprecision and
vagueness. A major contribution of fuzzy set
theory is its capability of representing vague
data. The theory also allows mathematical
operators and programming apply to the fuzzy
domain. A fuzzy set is a class of objects with a
continuum of grades of membership.
The fuzzy set theory is a logic that the degree
of the membership of each element can be
calculated based on it, such that the membership
degree of each element in the fuzzy set is defined
spectrally among the data between [0,1]. In
addition, in this logic in order to make fuzzy
data, there are various functions of fuzzy logic.
Among the most important functions,
triangular functions, linear function, trapezoidal
function, linear function J, etc. could be
mentioned. Here, it was tried to determine
membership degree of each pixels in the fuzzy
logic set by triangular fuzzy logic. This set is
defined by three values a b c for any number
of which a membership function is defined. This
membership function has the following formula
and diagram (Figure 2).
Case study
Kahak is located 30 km from Qom, at longitude
of 50° 30- 51° 00 and latitude of 34°-34° 30
(Figure 3). This town is the center of Kahak
district having a population of 2789 based on
2006 census.
In recent decades, rapid growth of the city has
caused environmental issues that are increasingly
Table 1. Average ratio of inconsistency for corresponding matrix size10
(n) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
(RI) 0 0 0.58 0.90 1.12 1.24 1.32 1.41 1.45 1.49 1.51 1.48 1.56 1.57 1.59
5 J Adv Environ Health Res, Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer 2013
Site selection of wastewater treatment plant
Shahmoradi and Isalou
Figure 2. Left and right representation of a TFN, p adopted from Kahraman et al.
In this kind of fuzzy numbers, µ
(x) is fuzzy function, (b) is the central value with the highest
probability, (a) and (c) represent the fuzziness.
Figure 3. Position of the Kahak Town
important. Unfortunately, the lack of wastewater
treatment is one of the most important
environmental problems in the region (Kahak) so
that the release of domestic, industrial,
commercial, and other types of wastewater in
open spaces or disposed of by absorption wells
has caused both of these methods present a
serious threat to ecosystem region. On the other
hand, locating infrastructures in the region
requires supplying water and construction of
municipal wastewater treatment plant that is
essential to supply water for irrigation.
J Adv Environ Health Res, Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer 2013 6
Site selection of wastewater treatment plant
Shahmoradi and Isalou
Results and Discussion
Making continuous criteria fuzzy
In this part of study, 6 criteria (distance from
main city, distance from settlements, distance
from faults, distance from roads, distance from
main rivers, and penetrating waters) were
selected as continuous criteria (Figure 4). The
main reason for selecting these criteria and
including them in continuous macro-criteria
group was that based on long or small distance
of wastewater treatment plant site from 6
mentioned criteria, it could have negative or
positive consequences from social, economic and
environmental aspects for Kahak Town. Hence,
the spectral feature of each of these criteria
induces the authors to put them in continuous
criteria group. But it is necessary to determine
maximum and minimum thresholds of each
criterion based on performed studies and or
available rules in order to achieve better results.
Distance from roads
Anagnostopoulos and Vavatsikos
in their study
identified 300 meters distance from the main
roads for constructing wastewater refinery. We
similarly supposed at least 300 meters distance
as suitable distance and for which we considered
3000 meters maximum threshold.
Distance from settlements and main city
believes that constructing
wastewater treatment plant in 1500 meters
distance from main settlements is a suitable
distance. In present study, we supposed 550-
5000 meters as suitable distance because we
believe that small distance of these installations
from main settlements would lead to
transmission of odor and pollution to city. On
the other hand, long distance involves huge costs
for constructing infrastructures. For other mall
settlements which have more density around the
cities, 150-1500 meters seems suitable.
Figure 4. Collection of fuzzy maps
7 J Adv Environ Health Res, Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer 2013
Site selection of wastewater treatment plant
Shahmoradi and Isalou
Distance from rivers and faults
In order to protect natural resources,
Anagnostopoulos and Vavatsikos
minimum 500 meters and maximum 3
kilometers from main rivers as a suitable area for
constructing wastewater refinery. They also
considered minimum 300 meters and maximum
5 kilometers distance from faults for the purpose
of their study.
Distance from penetrating waters (well and
Protecting the resources and preventing them
from being polluted are of important points
emphasized in many studies in terms of finding
a suitable site for refinery. Therefore, we
considered minimum 500 meters and maximum
3500 meters distance from wells and springs as a
suitable area for preventing them from being
polluted (Table 2).
Table 2. Minimum and maximum distance for wastewater
treatment plant site for defining fuzzy membership functions
A Roads 500 3000
B Settlements 150 1500
C Kahak 500 5000
D Main rivers 500 3000
E Faults 300 5000
F Groundwater 500 3500
When all minimum and maximum values for
each criterion is determined, we can make all
data layers relating to continuous data fuzzy
through following steps in GIS environment:
In first step, we computed and determined
direct distances from regarded terrains through
Spatial Analyst-Distance instruction (ΔX).
In the second step, we used Spatial Analyst-
Raster calculation instruction:
ANP calculations for discrete criteria
According to conducted studies concerning
locating urban wastewater refinery, the authors
selected 6 criteria for this part of research and then
based on their similarities they grouped them into
two clusters: Physical and ground conditions. Each
of these clusters is consisted of 3 criteria: For
physical cluster, topography, slope and wind
direction’ for ground condition cluster, geology,
soil and land use were considered. Then, using
Super Decision software, we designed and
developed ANP model. In this model, each arrow
represents the influence of a cluster on other
clusters. For example, physical cluster impacts
natural cluster and it mutually takes effect. Of
course, there is interdependence among internal
elements of each cluster that is indicated by an
arrow on top of them (in the form of a returning
ring to the cluster itself) (Figure 5). From the
arrows we can find that 4 main matrices should be
formed for ANP calculations because in network
analysis process each arrow represents a matrix.
After developing the matrices, paired
comparisons among clusters and each element
(criteria) must be conducted. In this regard, we
asked 5 experts to present their ideas concerning
the relative importance of each element relating
the location of municipal wastewater refinery.
After integrating the ideas of professionals, the
related data were entered in Super Decision
software through which paired comparisons were
conducted. After completing the paired
comparisons among the clusters and their
elements, we obtained compatibility rate equal to
zero and this rate was accepted. By incorporating
the results of each matrix into one matrix, we
obtained primary super-matrix in which the sum
of each line is more than one. Therefore, Super
Decision software forms harmonious super-
matrix in line with normalizing the primary
super-matrix (Figure 6). The final results of
superiority of priorities are indicated in 6
subgroups in numerical and graphical forms in
figure 7. As one can see, the criterion of region’s
slope with normalized score of 0.76 is more
important than others and then we have land use
of region with 0.68 score in determining the place
of municipal wastewater treatment plant of
Kahak city compared to other parameters.
J Adv Environ Health Res, Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer 2013 8
Site selection of wastewater treatment plant
Shahmoradi and Isalou
Figure 5. Model construction
Figure 6. Weighted supermatrix
Figure 7. Priority of criteria
9 J Adv Environ Health Res, Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer 2013
Site selection of wastewater treatment plant
Shahmoradi and Isalou
All normalized scores were reevaluated by
1-9 time scale in order to determine the relative
importance of each sub-criterion (variables).
Using GIS, all scores of each of sub-criteria were
incorporated in related 6 layers. In last step,
using Spatial Analyst Extension, all 6 layers were
converted to raster format with Sell Size 5 to be
prepared for final computations (Figure 8).
Combination of Fuzzy-ANP models
In order to implement the model through Kahak
region, all layers were prepared in Shp format.
Based on triangular fuzzy function, data layers
of continuous criteria were converted to fuzzy
form. All layers were fuzzified in GIS
environment through Spatial Analyst extension.
On the other hand, for weighting the discrete
layers, a new column was developed in database
of basic maps and obtained final scores were
assigned to corresponding layers using Super
Decision software. Then, all discrete layers
which were in vector form were converted to
raster layers with Sell Size 5 using Extension
(Spatial Analyst).
In the final step, it was required to combine
data layers. There are different methods for
combining data layers but in present study we
used Raster layers superimposition with sell size
5 using Extension (Spatial Analyst- Raster
Calculator). After integrating the layers, the
value of each pixel was determined and it was
found that based on figure 9, western part of
Kahak city is the most suitable location for
constructing wastewater treatment plant.
In present study, application of two decision
making tools, i.e. fuzzy multi criteria and ANP
models in combined manner for determination
of a suitable location for constructing wastewater
treatment plant was identified. Precisely, by the
help of studies performed up to now concerning
determination of a suitable location for
constructing wastewater treatment plant, we
could determine main indices and criteria and
moreover we divided the criteria to two groups
called discrete and continuous ones so that they
Figure 8. The raster maps calculated by ANP model
J Adv Environ Health Res, Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer 2013 10
Site selection of wastewater treatment plant
Shahmoradi and Isalou
Figure 9. Final fuzzy logic and analytic network process map indicating the most suitable
site for wastewater treatment plant
matched the combined model. After conducting
the computations, incorporating and combining
the data in GIS software environment, the
western part of Kahak was found to be a suitable
place for constructing municipal wastewater
refinery. These findings indicated that through
combining these two models, decision makers
and policy makers would be able to achieve
better results concerning the most suitable
location for wastewater treatment plant easily.
In previous studies, the authors had used this
model for finding a suitable location for landfill,
but the difference is that in the present study,
computational software such as Super Decision
for decision making was used and the results
indicated that this software makes the
computations easier and it reduces the
possibility of error. Application of newer models
and more criteria is another difference in this
study compared to previous studies.
Conflict of Interests
Authors have no conflict of interests.
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... These decision-making aids rely on specific parameters and consider the data's availability. (12,13,14,15) However, only a limited number of research have focused on identifying the key factors that determine the appropriate location for WWTPs. (12,14,16,17) Therefore, this paper attempt to study the factors affecting on decision-making for selecting and evaluating the optimal location for wastewater treatment plants by using the RII technique. ...
... Prior studies have found several variables that impact the selection of the most suitable site for WWTPs (table 1). Distance from the population settlements (m) F1 (12,13,14,15,17,18,19,20,21,22,24,25,26,27,28,31) Distance from wells or groundwater (m) F2 (13,16,17,20,23,25) Distance from protected areas (m) F3 (16,19,20) Slope of site area % F4 (12,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,24,26,28,29) Distance from main and secondary roads (m) F5 (12,13,15,16,17,18,19,20,22,23,24,26,27,28,30,31) Distance from power transmission line (m) F6 (20) Distance from surface water bodies(m) F7 (12,13,14,15,16,17,18,20,23,25,27,28,29,30,31) Distance from faults (m) F8 (24,25,27,28,30,31) Distance from industrial sites (m) F9 (20) Distance from water transmission line (m) F10 (20) Distance from oil transmission line (m) F11 (20) Distance from Natural gas transmission line (m) F12 (20) Distance from agricultural land F13 (12,17,18,22) Distance from sewage network F14 (12,15,24,26) Distance from historical and religion areas F15 (12,14,16,20) Customizing of land use F16 (12,14,15,16,17,19,21,22,23,24,26,28,29,30) Distance from educational places F17 (15) Geological (Soil & Lithology) nature of the site F18 (16,17,19,21,11,12,15,19) Topography F19 (7,11,12,13,19) Distance from Railway network (m) F20 (17,19) Temperature F21 (17) Cost of owned the site ($) F22 (21) Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología -Serie de Conferencias. 2024; 3:839 2 ...
... Prior studies have found several variables that impact the selection of the most suitable site for WWTPs (table 1). Distance from the population settlements (m) F1 (12,13,14,15,17,18,19,20,21,22,24,25,26,27,28,31) Distance from wells or groundwater (m) F2 (13,16,17,20,23,25) Distance from protected areas (m) F3 (16,19,20) Slope of site area % F4 (12,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,24,26,28,29) Distance from main and secondary roads (m) F5 (12,13,15,16,17,18,19,20,22,23,24,26,27,28,30,31) Distance from power transmission line (m) F6 (20) Distance from surface water bodies(m) F7 (12,13,14,15,16,17,18,20,23,25,27,28,29,30,31) Distance from faults (m) F8 (24,25,27,28,30,31) Distance from industrial sites (m) F9 (20) Distance from water transmission line (m) F10 (20) Distance from oil transmission line (m) F11 (20) Distance from Natural gas transmission line (m) F12 (20) Distance from agricultural land F13 (12,17,18,22) Distance from sewage network F14 (12,15,24,26) Distance from historical and religion areas F15 (12,14,16,20) Customizing of land use F16 (12,14,15,16,17,19,21,22,23,24,26,28,29,30) Distance from educational places F17 (15) Geological (Soil & Lithology) nature of the site F18 (16,17,19,21,11,12,15,19) Topography F19 (7,11,12,13,19) Distance from Railway network (m) F20 (17,19) Temperature F21 (17) Cost of owned the site ($) F22 (21) Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología -Serie de Conferencias. 2024; 3:839 2 ...
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The aim of this research was to examine the factors associated in decision-making processes for the selection and evaluation of optimal sites for wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The data for this study was collected by an established questionnaire, which received responses from a total of 62 engineers with various specialties These engineers are employed in both the public and private sectors. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire were investigated with the use of Cronbach's Alpha, which showed that the results were consistent with acceptable standards. The Relative Importance Index (RII) technique was employed to evaluate the responses for the 31 factors. The study's findings indicate that the distance from population settlements had the highest level of importance according to the RII scale. This was followed by the distance from wells or groundwater, and then the distance from historical and religious areas. The temperature factor had the lowest RII score in this research.
... The impact of sanitation reverberates across mental well-being; sanitation can reduce stress levels and depression rates by 35% and 37%, respectively (O'Gorman, 2021). Moreover, poorly managed wastewater could pose a significant threat to the surrounding environmental ecosystem (Shahmoradi and Isalou, 2013). In urban areas, the challenges of providing access to safely managed sanitation are further complicated by rapid population growth, changes in land use, and increased water demand. ...
... Regarding the distance from the road parameter, the argument is that the priority of WWTP is to be built closer to the road to provide easy access. Concerning the distance from the river parameter, the further the distance from the river, the better the pollution prevention , as well as the distance from the water resource parameter, where the WWTP location must be distanced from water sources to protect against water pollution (Shahmoradi and Isalou, 2013). In the context of pollution prevention and environmental protection, research studies by Abdalla and Sami (2017) emphasize that locating the WWTP at a considerable distance from the river is essential. ...
... In the context of pollution prevention and environmental protection, research studies by Abdalla and Sami (2017) emphasize that locating the WWTP at a considerable distance from the river is essential. Similarly, investigations conducted by Shahmoradi and Isalou (2013) highlight the significance of distancing the WWTP from water sources to protect against water pollution. By developing the WWTP far from the river, the potential for pollution reaching the water body is minimized, safeguarding the river's water quality and surrounding ecosystem. ...
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Access to proper sanitation is a basic human right and a crucial component of public health. Wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) play a critical role in ensuring sanitation access by preventing water pollution. However, in Bandung, one of Indonesia’s strategic cities, only 63% of the population has access to proper sanitation. Therefore, this study aims to identify priority areas for developing a centralized WWTP system using models that consider wastewater production and the availability of sanitation access on a building scale. The novelty of this study lies in integrating wastewater production models and sanitation access availability to prioritize developing WWTP systems at the building level and developing a pipeline model to connect WWTP candidate points with priority building targets. We also analyzed the suitability of optimal WWTP locations to support the development of wastewater treatment systems and determine wastewater pipeline routes using the optimal path method in priority areas. To model wastewater production, we used the number of residents per building and building area as the basis. The availability of sanitation access was modeled by considering the percentage of access per district, identifying urban slums, and analyzing proximity to existing wastewater pipes and rivers. After the modeling process, we classified nine development priority classes. Our results revealed that there is approximately 7.38 km2 of priority area for developing a wastewater treatment system in Bandung which comprises 67,135 priority buildings and 178 potential sites for WWTP. These priority areas are mostly located in the districts of Bojongloa Kaler, Astanaanyar, Batununggal, Kiaracondong, Cibeunying Kidul, Coblong, and Sukajadi. This study’s findings provide valuable insights for policymakers and urban planners to prioritize developing WWTP systems in areas that need them most. It also highlights the importance of considering sanitation access availability and wastewater production models when planning and developing WWTP systems.
... As an example, the wind speeds at a potential wind farm site could be classified as 'high speed' to a degree of 0.8, 'average speed' to a degree of 0. [129], and in a range of applications across renewable energy systems [61]. ...
... Fuzzy logic has also been employed in site selection of water and transportation infrastructure, albeit to a lesser extent. Integrated fuzzy logic and multicriteria decision models are used to select the locations for a wastewater treatment plant in Kahak, Iran [129], and a solar desalination plant on the Caspian sea coast [202], with both cases considering a spectrum of criteria ranging from land use and geology to distance from roads, rivers, and settlements. This approach is also employed to identify potential sites for car parking infrastructure [203] [204] and for electric vehicle charging stations [205]. ...
... Combining remote sensing, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), and machine learning offers a powerful approach to studying wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) (Loken 2007;and Kumar et al. 2023). Remote sensing enables the collection of large-scale environmental data, providing insights into land use, vegetation health, and water quality from satellite or aerial imagery (Shahmoradi and Isalou 2013). This data can be integrated into GIS, allowing spatial analysis to identify patterns, assess environmental impacts, and map areas around WWTPs (Lin and Kao 1999). ...
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Wastewater treatment plants in Coimbatore South are under pressure from rapid urbanization, inadequate infrastructure, and industrial pollution, leading to environmental and public health concerns. This study aimed to identify suitable locations for wastewater treatment plants using a combination of machine learning, remote sensing, and GIS-based multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA). Several datasets were analysed, with the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) assigning weights to factors such as slope (18.51) and elevation (31.39), which were found to be crucial in site selection. The study classified the suitability of sites into five categories, with the western region being the most favourable due to its low elevation (147 to 200 m), gentle slopes (0–3%), and substantial land availability (approximately 309.00 sq. km). Overall, the site suitability analysis revealed that 14.48% (110.2 sq. km) of the area falls within "Very High Favourable Zones," while 11.21% (85.3 sq. km) is categorized as "High Favourable Zones." Moderate and low favourable zones account for 9.63% (73.3 sq. km) and 24.04% (182.9 sq. km), respectively. The remaining 40.57% (308.7 sq. km) is considered "Very Low Favourable Zones." These results can guide urban planning decisions, highlighting the importance of factors such as land availability, population growth, wastewater volume, and flood vulnerability. Integrating GIS technology with decision-making processes enhances the strategic placement of urban utilities, ensuring long-term sustainability for Coimbatore South's wastewater management.
... The selection of a site for the installation of waste-water-treatment plants (WWTPs) in rural areas is an important concern, which includes the screening of potential sites, the assessment of their relative focal points and drawbacks and distinguishing the foremost ideal area for a WWTP that will encourage the reuse of the treated waste water (TWW) (Fallah et al., 2013). To select optimal sites from among the prioritised sites that are obtained using robust tools such as integrated fuzzy logic and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) (Shahmoradi and Isalou, 2013), the technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution and geographic information system (GIS) technique (Fallah et al., 2013) and the GIS and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method (Dekan Abbasl and Jassima, 2019; Mansouri et al., 2013;Munasinghe et al., 2015). The GIS/MCDA integrated approach facilitates the classification, analysis and organisation of spatial planning data (Alzouby et al., 2019). ...
Optimal site selection for the establishment of a municipal waste-water-treatment plant (WWTP) is an amazingly complex task that involves several factors such as regulations, as well as environmental, economic and social considerations. This paper presents the criteria and applied methods (geographic information system (GIS)/fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (AHP)) used in the screening of potential sites for the WWTP of the Bent Saidane rural locality (northern Tunisia). For this reason, nine factors accompanied by three sets of site selection criteria were used. GIS-based multi-criteria analysis techniques based on the standardised fuzzy logic concept and weighted overlay were applied for generation of all maps in the Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system. Multiscale evaluations based on the weighted linear combination method were also assessed. The study indicated that 0.14 and 0.11% of the total area of the Bent Saidane locality were found to be highly suitable and very highly suitable, respectively. According to these results, the GIS followed by the fuzzy AHP method could pinpoint the optimal sites selected as the most suitable, due to their minimum impact on the environment, as well as on public health, for the construction of a future WWTP in the Bent Saidane rural area.
... The selection of a site for the installation of waste-water-treatment plants (WWTPs) in rural areas is an important concern, which includes the screening of potential sites, the assessment of their relative focal points and drawbacks and distinguishing the foremost ideal area for a WWTP that will encourage the reuse of the treated waste water (TWW) (Fallah et al., 2013). To select optimal sites from among the prioritised sites that are obtained using robust tools such as integrated fuzzy logic and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) (Shahmoradi and Isalou, 2013), the technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution and geographic information system (GIS) technique (Fallah et al., 2013) and the GIS and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method (Dekan Abbasl and Jassima, 2019; Mansouri et al., 2013;Munasinghe et al., 2015). The GIS/MCDA integrated approach facilitates the classification, analysis and organisation of spatial planning data (Alzouby et al., 2019). ...
Optimal site selection for the establishment of a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is an amazingly complex task that involves several factors such as regulations, as well as environmental, economic, and social considerations. This paper presents the criteria and applied methods (Geographic Information System (GIS)/ Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)) in the screening of potential sites for the WWTP of Bent Saidane rural locality (Northern Tunisia). For this reason, the nine factors accompanied by three sets of site selection criteria were used. GIS based multi-criteria analysis (MCA) techniques based on standardized fuzzy logic concept and weighted overlay were applied for generation of all maps in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates system. Multi-scale evaluations based on the weighted linear combination (WLC) method were also assessed. The study indicated that, respectively 0.14% and 0.11% of the Bent Saidane locality’s total area were found to be highly suitable and very highly suitable. According to these results, the GIS followed by Fuzzy AHP method could pinpoint the optimal sites selected as the most suitable, due to their minimum environmental impact, as well as on public health, for the construction of a future WWTP in Bent Saidane rural area.
... Distance from residential areas WWTP requires being outside cities and villages and far from populated areas because of unfavorable [38]. Related to Iraqi regulation standards, the minimum distance is 2,000 m [36] ( Figure 4i). ...
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In environmental infrastructure projects, decision-making can be complex and challenging because of the inherent trade-offs between environmental, economic, and social considerations. During urban development, wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) site selection is one of the most critical parts of environmental infrastructure. Choosing suitable sites for constructing a WWTP is based on various variables and limits. In the modeling phase of this study, ten criteria were developed from three main criteria to evaluate sites suitable for WWTPs. These criteria were slope, soil type, and proximity from rivers, roads, agricultural lands, railways, oil fields, groundwater, outfall, and residential areas. These parameters and their respective weights were determined based on a literature review, expert knowledge, field observation, and geophysical investigation. The fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method, which integrates AHP and fuzzy logic, was used as a multicriteria decision-making, and fuzzy membership functions were performed to determine the criteria weights used with geographical information systems to select all available sites for the WWTP for the center of the Basrah province. The study concludes that the old Hamdan WWTP was located in an unsuitable area. In light of the rapid population growth in Basrah center in recent years, it may be proposed that a new WWTP be built in a new location that meets environmental, economic, and social criteria. This study reveals that 138.52 km² (or 9.98% of the total land area) is appropriate for constructing the new WWTP.
... Ali et al. [30] developed a technique to find the most feasible WWTPs. In [31][32][33][34][35], they were the different researchers who worked on site selection or _ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 WWTP selection under different criteria. In this article, we are going to apply our proposed algorithm in the selection of WWTPs. ...
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Pythagorean fuzzy hypersoft sets (PFHSSs) are a novel model that is projected to address the limitations of Pythagorean fuzzy soft sets (PFSSs) regarding the entitlement of a multi-argument domain for the approximation of parameters under consideration. It is more flexible and reliable as it considers the further classification of parameters into their relevant parametric valued sets. This article aims to be multi-faced. Firstly, several axiomatic properties, operational results, and aggregation operations on PFHSSs will be developed. Secondly, matrices are developed for PFHSSs, called Pythagorean fuzzy hypersoft matrices (PFHSMs). The essential basic properties and aggregation operations of PFHSMs are then characterized with the support of numerical examples. Thirdly, the matrix theory of PFHSSs is implemented in real-world decision-making scenarios for Mobile selection using the proposed choice matrix theory. At the end of the article, we go on a real-life problem for wastewater treatment. Wastewater treatment is crucial for preserving the environment and public health. It comprises purifying wastewater of contaminants and pollutants so that it may be utilized for other things or discharged safely into the environment. It is essential to protect the environment and the public health by removing toxins from domestic, industrial, and commercial sewages. We finally apply our proposed algorithm in the selection of wastewater treatment plants by employing the proposed algorithm based on PFHSMs. In fact, PFHSMs are flexible enough to be used in a wide range of fields, including image processing, expert systems, pattern recognition, and medical diagnosis. The future directions are discussed with these PFHSMs to develop MCDM techniques such as TOPSIS, VIKOR, and SAW so that they can be applied in a wider range of fields.
... Furthermore, the distance of a WWTP impacts the landscape, climate, and public health. Studies have indicated that the distance to main roads should fall within the range of 500-1000 m (Shahmoradi & Isalou, 2013). This is all aimed at reducing the costs of supplies and facilitating access and transportation to theWWTP. ...
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Purpose Cesspits are the means for each house to dispose of wastewater in the Bani Kinanah District (BKD) of Jordan, which creates severe environmental complications. This research aimed to find a suitable site for a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in BKD. Design/methodology/approach Geographic Information System (GIS)-based multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) was used for an optimal site selection for a sewage treatment plant. Several datasets were obtained to prepare the maps of the criteria influencing the choice of the most suitable site for the WWTP. The analytic hierarchy process was used to apply the weights for each factor. Findings Five classes of suitability were generated: 0.23% very high suitability, 8.49% high suitability, 47.12% moderate suitability, 37.67% low suitability and 6.49% very low suitability. According to Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) results, the elevations, slope and groundwater depth have high importance; where their weights 21%, 19% and 17%, respectively. The most suitable site for establishing a WWTP was found in the northern part of the study area, where it is characterized by relatively low elevations (−90 to −93 m), low slope (0–2.5 %), distance from groundwater level (47–82 m) and the space is sufficient for building the plant (25328 m ² , 8861 m ² and 8586 m ² ). Research limitations/implications This research is limited by the availability of data. Practical implications The research is invaluable for decision makers involved in urban planning. Social implications Wastewater treatment plants are essential for communities with limited resources such as Jordan. It has also profound impacts on the surrounding environment. Originality/value From the present study, it can be concluded that GIS is essential in urban utility establishment, like urban domestic wastewater treatment site selection. Although the study area has adequate potential areas for establishing WWTP, further assessment of flood vulnerability, wastewater amount quantification, population growth and urban expansion must be seriously considered before implementation.
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Metropolitan cities like Chennai facing rapid urbanisation. This results in informal extension of cities in peri-urban and rural areas. Once the city expands the problem arising is the water supply and sewage treatment system. In the present work an attempt is made in site suitable selection of Decentralised treatment plants (DCTP) with appropriate waste wa-ter treatment technologies using GIS techniques. Multicriteria analysis were performed by the combination of Analyti-cal Hierarchy Process (AHP). Six thematic maps were considered such as population density map, landuse map, slope map, soil map, cost map and technology. Different classes were identified for each thematic maps. Using Analytical Hierarchy Principle (AHP) [1] (Saaty, 2000), a paired comparison matrix was prepared for criteria classes and individ-ual class weights and map scores were worked out. These weights were applied in linear summation equation to obtain a unified weight map containing due weights of all input variables. Finally all the weighted maps were reclassified to arrive the best suitable site location of decentralised treatment plants.
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Locating a suitable place to dispose the muni-cipal solid wastes hygienically (sanitary landfill) is one of the fundamental subjects relating the environmental sta-bility of cities and, in general, the human settlements. This final stage of solid waste management requires observance of a series of principles and criteria mainly including environmental, social, economical, and general acceptance criteria. The set of these criteria along with their sub-cri-teria causes some complexities in decision making for landfill site selection. Considering effective parameters and criteria, we developed an integrated fuzzy logic and ana-lytic network process (i.e. F-ANP) to locate a suitable location for landfilling municipal solid wastes generated in Kahak Town, Qom, Iran. Our findings revealed that inte-gration of fuzzy logic and ANP can give better idea com-pared with other models like AHP, fuzzy logic, and ANP (individually). Therefore, this model can be applied in site selection for landfill of other similar places.
We perform a GIS-based land-use suitability analysis aiming to identify appropriate locations for implementing natural systems for the wastewater treatment in the Rodopi Prefecture-Northeast Greece. The analysis, implemented in a Spatial Decision Support System that combines GIS and the fuzzy extension of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP), is carried out in three steps. First, threshold values for the criterion maps are decided and the mask of the candidate locations for the final analysis is constructed. Second, the decision criteria are selected and FAHP is used in order to derive weights of preference among them. Finally, the criterion maps are weighted and standardized in order to calculate the overall suitability index for the final classification.
Various controlling factors such as lithology, slope angle, slope aspect, landuse, channel proximity etc. are generally considered for the landslide hazard assessment. Although outer dependence of these parameters to a landslide is inevitably taken into account, inter-dependence among the factors is seldom addressed. Analytic Network Process (ANP) is the multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) tool which takes into account such a complex relationship among parameters. In this research, an ANP model for landslide susceptibility is proposed, priority weights for each parameter controlling the landslide were determined, and a hazard map was prepared of an area in a fragile mountainous terrain in the eastern part of Nepal. The data used in the example were derived from published sources, aerial photographs and a topographic map. However, the procedures developed can readily incorporate additional information from more detailed investigations.
Over the previous decade, sustainable forest management (SFM) has become a highly relevant topic both in forest and environmental policy. Criteria and indicators (C&I) are primarily used in implementing the principles of SFM at national, regional, and at forest management unit levels. In turning SFM from a conceptual framework into applicable guidelines at the operational scale, several limitations have to be acknowledged: (i) partial lack of knowledge, (ii) deficits about dependencies and feedbacks among system components represented by C&I, and (iii) knowledge gaps regarding impacts and related uncertainties. Several methodologies have been proposed to implement C&I-based SFM. Multi-criteria analysis is often used to analyze and evaluate multiple C&I approaches. This study compares two different multi-criteria analysis approaches: the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) with a hierarchical structure and the analytic network process (ANP) with a network structure. Comparisons are made for evaluating sustainable management strategies at forest management-unit level by using a C&I approach based on the Pan-European guidelines for SFM. AHP and ANP are used to compare four different strategic management options with a set of six criteria and 43 indicators. Differences in evaluation results between AHP and ANP are discussed, as well as strengths and weaknesses of both approaches for SFM. Needs and demands are derived for successful future applications in forestry decision-making.
Recent information and communication developments caused that global organizations spread out their markets throughout the world. In this environment, local exclusive markets have been replaced with global competitive ones. Therefore, organizations must concentrate on their main operations to survive in such an environment. To do so, managers have intended to cooperate with some financial partners in long-term relations. In this paper, the aim is to develop a fuzzy analytic network process (ANP) model to evaluate the potential suppliers and select the best one(s) with respect to the vendor important factors. Additionally, ANP is developed by fuzzy sets theory to cover the indeterminacy of decisions made in this field. The authors have augmented the model with a non-linear programming model to elicit eigenvectors from fuzzy comparison matrices. Hybridization of these two concepts can model supplier selection problem in all circumstances and reaches the optimal choice. Finally, a numerical sample is used to validate the proposed model.
Selecting the appropriate acquisition mode for a required technology, is one of the critical strategic decisions in formulating a technology strategy. Although a number of factors were found to be influential in the choice of technology acquisition mode, it still remains a void in the literature how to make a strategic decision, based on a huge set of those factors with the help of a systematic approach. This study deals with the selection of technology acquisition mode as a multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problem. The proposed solution to the problem in this study, is the analytic network process (ANP) approach. Since the ANP is a MCDM method that can accommodate interdependency among decision attributes, it is capable of providing priorities of alternatives with consideration of interrelationships among strategic factors. The 21 influential factors identified from the empirical studies are included as sub-criteria in the ANP model, and they are grouped into five criteria: capability, strategy, technology, market, and environment. The final decision can be made based on the resulting priorities of the alternative acquisition modes. The proposed approach is expected to effectively aid decision making on which mode is adopted for acquisition of required technologies. A case of a software company is presented for the illustration of the proposed approach.
The purpose of this study is to measure the sectoral competition level (SCL) of an organization within the framework of Porter’s five forces analysis by using fuzzy analytic network process (ANP) technique. The framework of the study was based on two main thoughts: First is the necessity to approach to the problem on fuzzy logic basis because of complexity and vagueness, which are inherent in the nature of the competition concept. Second is the necessity to take into consideration the mutual interactions between factors as five forces analysis of Porter suggests so in order to determine SCL. In the scope of the study, firstly the factors and sub-factors which have an impact on the competition level were determined and then inner dependencies between models and factors were examined. The weights of sub-factors were determined on the basis of these examined dependencies and these weights were used for a case study to determine SCL.