... Research of neurofeedback applications for movement disorders revealed improvements in motor functioning of patients with cerebral palsy (Ayers, 2004;Bachers, 2004), Parkinson's disease (Erickson-Davis et al., 2012;Subramanian et al., 2011;Thompson & Thompson, 2002), and stroke Putman, 2002;Rozelle & Budzynski, 1995). Patients with a history of traumatic brain injury showed improvements in memory (Ayers, 1987;Thornton, 2000;Walker et al., 2002), cognition (Ayers, 1987;Bounias et al., 2002;Byers, 1995;Keller, 2001;Walker et al., 2002), and mood (Ayers, 1987;Bounias et al., 2002;Byers, 1995) following neurofeedback therapy. Contingent neurofeedback protocols have been found to produce greater clinical improvements than medication (Kayiran et al., 2010), computer attention training (Keller, 2001), treatment as usual and wait-list controls conditions (Caro & Winter, 2011;Siniatchkin et al, 2000), sham feedback (Erickson-Davis et al., 2012, deCharms et al., 2005, psychotherapy (Ayers, 1991), and imagery (Subramanian et al., 2011). ...