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Plasma corticosterone levels in two species of Zonotrichia Sparrows under captive and free-living conditions



We compared the daily plasma corticosterone (B) profiles in captive and free-living White-throated Sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) and White-crowned Sparrows (Z. leucophrys) during their non-breeding period. Neither sparrow species exhibited signif- icant die1 rhythms in the levels of corticosterone in captivity or under natural conditions, although the variations were suggestive of a rhythm. In each species, secretory profiles differed significantly between captive and free-living birds with mean B levels being 2-3 times higher in captive birds than in free-living individuals, despite the fact that captives had been "acclimated" for 35 days prior to sampling. Furthermore, mean B levels were two to four times higher in White-throated Sparrows under captive and free-living conditions than in White-crowned Sparrows under the same conditions. Our results indicate the need to use caution when (1) extrapolatin g such data obtained from captive individuals to those under natural conditions and (2) extrapolating data regarding B from one species to another. Received 28 July 1994, accepted I Dec. 1994. Environmental stimuli may affect the concentrations and secretory pat- terns of hormones, such as the "stress-related" corticosteroid hormones, which can dictate physiological changes in organisms. In birds, the prin- cipal corticosteroid hormone is corticosterone (hereafter "B") (Assen- macher 1973). Perception of stressful stimuli markedly enhances the rate of B secretion through the actions of adrenal cortical stimulating hormone (ACTH), resulting in increased levels of B in the blood (Siegel 1971, 1980). In birds, this cause-effect relationship has been shown to occur in
Bull., 107(2), 1995, pp. 296-305
compared the daily plasma corticosterone (B) profiles in captive and
free-living White-throated Sparrows
(Zonotrichia albicollis)
and White-crowned Sparrows
during their non-breeding period. Neither sparrow species exhibited signif-
icant die1 rhythms in the levels of corticosterone in captivity or under natural conditions,
although the variations were suggestive of a rhythm. In each species, secretory profiles
differed significantly between captive and free-living birds with mean B levels being 2-3
times higher in captive birds than in free-living individuals, despite the fact that captives
had been “acclimated” for 35 days prior to sampling. Furthermore, mean B levels were
two to four times higher in White-throated Sparrows under captive and free-living conditions
than in White-crowned Sparrows under the same conditions. Our results indicate the need
to use caution when (1) extrapolatin g such data obtained from captive individuals to those
under natural conditions and (2) extrapolating data regarding B from one species to another.
Received 28 July 1994, accepted I Dec. 1994.
Environmental stimuli may affect the concentrations and secretory pat-
terns of hormones, such as the stress-related” corticosteroid hormones,
which can dictate physiological changes in organisms. In birds, the prin-
cipal corticosteroid hormone is corticosterone (hereafter B) (Assen-
macher 1973). Perception of stressful stimuli markedly enhances the rate
of B secretion through the actions of adrenal cortical stimulating hormone
(ACTH), resulting in increased levels of B in the blood (Siegel 1971,
1980). In birds, this cause-effect relationship has been shown to occur in
response to a variety of stressors (for review see Harvey et al. 1984),
including thirst and starvation (Freeman et al. 1980, Scott et al. 1982),
pollution (Holmes and Gorsline 1980), weather and temperature (Brown
and Nestor 1973, Wingfield 1988), capture, handling and immobilization
(Edens and Siegel 1975; Wingfield et al. 1982; Wingfield et al. 1992) and
social stress (Gross and Siegel 1973, Satterlee et al. 1982).
Much of the current data on avian B profiles has been obtained from
studies involving domesticated species or from wild species maintained
in captivity (see references above). Data obtained from such studies are
presumed to be similar to those which would be obtained from birds in
Museum of Natural Science, 119 Foster Hall, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803.
Present address: Dept. of Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755.
2 Dept. of Zoology and Physiology, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803.
3 Present address: Smithkline Beecham, Swedeland Rd., King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406.
4 Present address: Depts. of Veterinary Physiology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of Veterinary
Medicine, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803.
nature. Since confinement itself or exposure to humans may be a stressor
which might elevate B concentrations (Suarez and Gallup 1982, Hem-
sworth and Barnett 1989), especially in wild birds, the validity of these
extrapolations needs to be tested. Determination of basal B levels is im-
portant in order to evaluate properly stress induced increases of B as well
as for interspecific comparisons. Our first objective was to determine the
basal B profiles of two species of sparrows (genus Zonotrichia) under
natural conditions and compare these levels to birds acclimatized to cap-
Seasonal variations in the recurring daily secretory profile of B have
been observed in at least two avian species, the White-throated Sparrow
(Z. albicollis) (Dusseau and Meier 1971) and the Garden Warbler (Sylvia
borin) (Schwab1 et al. 1991). Based on Dusseau and Meiers (1971) find-
ings, Meier and Fivizzani (1975) proposed that the daily variations in B
concentration occurring in different seasons reflects the dynamics of neu-
roendocrine mechanisms which directly control various aspects of sea-
sonality in migratory birds, including premigratory fattening, migratory
readiness, and breeding condition. Meiers hypothesis is supported pri-
marily by studies of White-throated Sparrows maintained under captive
conditions. In a similar study of the closely related White-crowned Spar-
row (Z. leucophrys), Vleck et al. (1980) did not detect a recurring daily
variation of B concentration. Thus, the second objective of our study was
to compare the daily secretory profiles of B of these two congeners.
White-throated Sparrows were mist-netted near Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on 24 and 25
January 1987 and placed in an outdoor aviary at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge.
White-crowned Sparrows were mist-netted near Charlotte, Texas, between 31 January and
2 February 1987, transported to Baton Rouge on 2 February, and placed in separate sections
of the aviary housing the White-throated Sparrows. Both species were residing on their
wintering grounds when captured. The outdoor aviaries in which the captive sparrows were
maintained measured 6 X 4 X 4 m and were exposed to the natural local climate and
photoperiod. At no time were birds exposed to any direct artificial lighting. Each enclosure
held approximately 15 birds and contained numerous perches and abundant cover. A total
of approximately 60 birds of each species were held in captivity for these experiments.
During the acclimation period the aviary was entered only briefly once every three days to
replenish food and water supplies. Water and a commercial bird seed (millet, sunflower
seeds, corn mash) were provided ad libitum on the floor of the cage.
All birds were maintained under these conditions for approximately 35 days prior to
having blood drawn for B assay (30-35 days is often used as an acclimation period prior
to sampling captive wild birds). Blood samples were collected from captive White-throated
Sparrows between 4 and 6 March and captive White-crowned Sparrows between 10 and 16
March. On each day, blood samples were collected from birds during six l-h time periods
(02:0&03:00, 06:00-07:00, 10:00-l l:OO, 14:00-15:00, 18:00-19:00, and 22:00-23:OO). In-
dividual birds were selected for blood collection by allowing a few individuals from a larger
107, No. 2, June 1995
group of birds to disperse passively to unoccupied sections of the aviary where they were
netted. Generally, only two birds were sampled during each of the one-hour time periods
per day, and sampling was done in more than one of the periods per day. This procedure
permitted us to cause only minimal disturbance to the main group of birds and to the target
bird prior to sampling blood. No bird was sampled more than once, and only those blood
samples which were obtained within 60 set of our initial effort to net a bird were assayed
for B. Using only samples withdrawn during the initial 60 set ensures that blood B levels
do not reflect the stress of capture and handling associated with the blood sampling pro-
cedure (Wingfield et al. 1982, Schwab1 et al. 1991). Blood was drawn by heart puncture,
placed in heparinized tubes and kept on ice until plasma isolation.
For both species, blood samples were obtained from free-living birds at the same location
where captive birds had been previously captured. Samples were collected during four one-
hour time periods, beginning at first light and ending at dark (06:00-07:00, 10:00-l l:OO,
18:00-l 9:OO). Free-living White-throated Sparrows were collected between 25
February and 4 March and free-living White-crowned Sparrows between 7 and 9 March
1987. Individuals were collected from wintering flocks using .410 or .22 gauge bird shot.
All possible efforts were taken to minimize disturbing birds while approaching flocks prior
to collection and only one bird was collected in a particular flock per day to insure no
residual stress from our prior disturbance. Blood samples were obtained by heart puncture
within 60 set of downing a bird, placed in heparinized tubes, and kept on ice until isolating
and freezing plasma (within 2 h of collection). Birds were sexed by inspection of gonads
and were deposited as specimens in the Louisiana State Univ. Museum of Natural Science.
Plasma was isolated from whole blood by centrifugation (10,000 X g for 60 set), decanted
and frozen at -20°C until assayed for B. The B concentration of each sample was deter-
mined by a single batch radioimmunoassay (Satterlee et al. 1980). For assay protocol, sen-
sitivity, extraction efficiency, and specific-binding properties see Satterlee et al. (1980).
Statistical comparisons were made by ANOVA or Students t-test,
The concentration of B ranged from 4.2 k 1.3 ng/ml (mean t SE)
(06:OO h, N = 6) to 9.5 k 2.4 ng/ml (18:OO h, N = 7) in free-living
White-throated Sparrows and from 13.8 k 5.3 ng/ml (06:OO h, N = 6)
to 3 1.3 + 8.4 ng/ml (02:OO h, N = 6) in captive White-throated Sparrows
(Fig. 1). In White-crowned Sparrows the plasma B concentrations ranged
from 0.6 k 0.2 ng/ml (14:00 h, N = 6) to 1.6 + 1 .O ng/ml (06:OO h, N
= 7) in free-living birds and 3.1 2 1 .l ng/ml (18:00 h, N = 6) to 6.3
+- 2.5 ng/ml (06:OO h, N = 6) in captives (Fig. 1 b). Despite variations,
there were no significant differences in B levels among time periods for
either captive (F5,30 =
P <
0.50) or free (F3,** = 1.1044,
P >
FIG. 1. Corticosterone (B) concentration (means and SE) by time of day for free-living
and captive White-throated Sparrows and White-crowned Sparrows. Each point represents
a sample of six individuals (except 10:00 and 18:OO in captive White-throated Sparrows, N
= 7; and 06:OO and IO:00 in captive White-crowned Sparrows, N = 7). Note different scales
on the y-axis.
Marra et al.
0 !
0600 1000
1400 1800 2200
10 ,
0600 1000 1400
2200 0200
107, No. 2, June 199.5
White-throated Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
mean k
SE mean t SE
6.68 t 1.0 16.45 2 2.9
N = 26 N = 24
1.16 -+ 0.3 4.93 f 1.0
N = 26 N = 24
“Species dlffered significantly
under both treatments
both between and withm specie\,
P < 0.001, t-test.
White-throated Sparrows, or captive (F5,29 = 0.336,
P >
0.75) or free
= 0.5275,
P <
0.75) White-crowned Sparrows when tested by
ANOVA. Furthermore there were no significant differences between B
concentrations of males and females of either species.
Mean plasma B concentrations differed significantly between captive
and free-living birds of the same species at most sampling times (Fig. 1)
P <
0.05). Corresponding values differed between captive and
free-living birds, on average, by 260% for White-throated Sparrows and
by 460% for White-crowned Sparrows (Fig. I). A single daily-mean plas-
ma B concentration was calculated for each experimental group by taking
the mean of all values obtained between 06:OO and 18:O0. B values from
the 22:00-23:00 and 02:00-03:OO sample periods were not included in
the daily-mean B concentration for captive birds since these comparable
values were not available for free-living birds. The daily-mean B con-
centration was 250% and 430% greater in captive White-throated and
White-crowned Sparrows than in their respective free-living counterparts
(Table 1) (White-throated Sparrows, T = 3.20,
P <
0.003; White-crowned
Sparrows, T = 3.75,
P <
Interspecific differences in daily-mean B concentration between these
closely related congeners were also significant (Table 1). The daily-mean
B concentration in free-living White-throated Sparrows was 580% greater
than in free-living White-crowned Sparrows (T = 3.64,
P <
0.0009), and
330% greater in captive White-throated Sparrows than in captive White-
crowned Sparrows (T = 5.37,
P <
Recurring daily variations in plasma B concentration have been de-
tected in four domesticated species: Turkey (Meleagris
and Siopes 1988), Japanese Quail (Coturnix
Boissin and Assen-
macher 1970, Assenmacher and Boissin 1972), Rock Dove
et al.
Joseph and Meier 1973), and Domestic Fowl
(Gallus domesticus;
Webb and Mashaly 1985, Lauber et al. 1987). Similar variation was de-
tected in two wild species maintained in captivity, White-throated Spar-
row (Dusseau and Meier 1971, Meier and Fivizzani 1975) and Garden
Warbler (Schwab1 et al. 1991), but was not present in another wild spe-
cies, the White-crowned Sparrow (Vleck et al. 1980). The occurrence of
daily variations in plasma B levels in some species poses a problem for
investigators if the levels of B are not consistently assessed at the same
phase of the daily secretory profile. Furthermore, the fact that a daily
variation of B concentration occurs in some species and is absent in others
raises questions regarding the physiological significance of such hormone
cycles. The period of the annual cycle also needs to be considered. We
examined B levels at only one stage of the annual cycle which could very
well explain our lack of significance.
Total plasma B concentration, as measured in the present study, in-
cludes B which is protein-bound and the bioactive fraction which is not
protein-bound. It is possible that the plasma concentration of bioactive B
could vary somewhat independently of the total plasma B concentration.
However, Meier et al. (1978) examined this possibility in captive White-
throated Sparrows and found that both total and bound plasma B varied
similarly during the day. A close correlation between changes in plasma
B level and relative concentration of protein-bound B has been observed
in other species as well (Siegel et al. 1976, Kovacs and PCczely 1983).
Significant daily variations of plasma B concentrations were not de-
tected in captive sparrows of either species in this study. This observation
is in accord with the findings of Vleck et al. (1980) for captive White-
crowned Sparrows. However, our data are suggestive of a daily variation
in B for both species.
At present, the cause of the differences of B concentration between
captive and free-living birds of both species is unknown. To minimize
external factors that might contribute to differences in B levels, we ex-
amined B concentrations in each experimental group of birds at the same
times of day, and at the same time of year. Furthermore, free-living and
captive birds of each species were sampled from the same locations.
Despite these precautions, we found highly significant differences in
plasma B concentrations between captive and free-living birds for both
species. This overall difference between captive and free-living birds is
most likely due to increased ACTH release, possible due to a decreased
level of B-feedback on corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) or increased
adrenal sensitivity to ACTH, perhaps due to captive stress. Sustained
differences in adrenal sensitivity to ACTH have been demonstrated in
populations of chickens (Edens and Siegel 1975, Siegel 1973).
107, No. 2, June IY95
The differences in daily-mean B concentration between captive and
free-living birds of the same species were especially surprising, given the
length of the acclimation period. Wingfield et al.
demonstrated a
decrease in B levels after an acclimation period of two to three weeks for
White-crowned Sparrows kept in small cages with one, two, or three
individuals per cage. Our data suggest that our captive birds never fully
acclimated.” In addition to the artificial stress imposed, there may have
been additional social stressors of being in a confined space with other
individuals. It is also possible that there was a residual stress effect from
prior disturbances in the aviary, although we tried to minimize these as
much as possible. Also, despite efforts to cause minimal disturbance, we
may have induced some stress response during the sampling periods. One
other possible explanation for the high B concentrations in acclimated”
birds may be change in diet. However, we dont believe that this was the
case since seeds are the primary food for these sparrows in winter. There
is no evidence to suggest that B concentrations are altered after subtle
changes in diet. Furthermore, we did not observe any overt behavioral or
physiological adversity in either species during the study period.
Although B concentrations were significantly different between captive
and free-living birds, it is difficult to assess the biological significance of
these differences in magnitude. Studies investigating the response of B to
natural stressors in the wild and the potential impact that these resulting
elevated B levels have on general fitness are long overdue.
The significant difference in B levels between these two congeners was
unexpected. Both species are comparable in size, occupy similar habitats,
and seem to exhibit similar behaviors while on the wintering grounds (I?
P Marra, pers. obs.). Furthermore, all birds were sampled at the same
time of year at similar latitudes, and sample populations in both cases
consisted of nearly equal numbers of male and female birds. Also, al-
though we detected a species difference in the magnitude of increase in
B levels owing to captivity, it seems unlikely that the difference found
between free-living White-throated and White-crowned sparrows is
stress-related,” unless these two species are continually subject to dif-
ferent degrees of stress in the wild. It is possible that the interspecific
differences in B concentration reflect differences between the metabolic
states of these species, perhaps caused by differences in habitat use, food
availability, or reproductive readiness.
Given the dissimilarities among the daily profiles of B in the four
experimental groups of birds examined, it seems unlikely that a particular
secretory profile of plasma B serves a central role in determining the
seasonal condition of these birds, at least at this phase of the annual cycle.
This does not mean that a die1 rhythm of B and other neurotransmitters
is not involved in establishing seasonality in birds. It is possible that a
die1 rhythm of plasma B is prominent at other phases of the annual cycle.
Seasonal variations in plasma B levels have indeed been observed in
several species (Meier and Fivizzani 1975, Wingfield et al. 1982, Hissa
et al. 1983, Meier and Russo 1984, Wingfield 1985, Rehder et al. 1986).
To our knowledge, this is the first study in which daily profiles of
plasma B have been compared between congeners, directly between birds
in the wild and those maintained in captivity. Our results indicate signif-
icant differences not only between captive and free-living individuals
within a species but also between congeners. Therefore, we suggest that
extrapolations concerning B data be made with extreme caution. Further-
more, despite the lack of a significant daily variation of concentration,
plasma B concentrations should be assessed, either at the same time or
during predetermined times of day.
The Frank M. Chapman Fund of the American Museum of Natural History funded this
research. We thank Charles Schweppe for use of his property in Texas to conduct this study.
A. H. Meier, J. V. Remsen, and D. Satterlee provided advice and use of their labs. Thanks
to S. Cardiff and D. Dittman for help in collecting blood samples in Texas. This manuscript
was improved by comments from S. Baird, R. Holberton, R. T. Holmes, J. I. Lovette, R. C.
McClung, A. M. Perrault, C. M. Vleck, J. C. Wingfield, and one anonymous reviewer.
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... Also, there are studies on animals with distinct active and non-active periods which did not find a peak in corticosterone level just prior to or at the onset of the active period (e.g. Marra et al., 1995;Jones and Bell, 2004). ...
... In birds, under various settings a peak in circulating baseline corticosterone levels has been observed in the hours preceding or during the transition into a more energy demanding period of the day. Such a peak occurs in captive birds not in a migratory state (Breuner et al., 1999;Carere et al., 2003, but see Marra et al., 1995), captive birds in a migratory state (Ramenofsky et al., 1999;Landys et al., 2004), and wild non-migratory (tropical) birds Schwabl et al., 2016). In the current field study, we now solidify these observations with data collected from wild migrating birds; we show that corticosterone levels peaked in the few hours before sunset in wheatears departing from stopover that night, and, importantly, that this peak was absent in conspecifics not departing that night (Figs. 1, 2). ...
Animals usually show distinct periods of diel activity and non-activity. Circulating baseline levels of glucocorticoid hormones (corticosterone and cortisol) often peak just before or at the transition from the non-active to the active period of the day. This upregulation of glucocorticoids may function to mobilize stored energy and prepare an animal for increased activity. Usually, the alternation of active and non-active periods is highly predictable; however, there is one group of animals for which this is not always the case. Many otherwise diurnal birds show nocturnal activity during the migration seasons. Nocturnal migratory flights are alternated with stopover periods during which the birds refuel and rest. Stopovers vary in length, meaning that nocturnal migrants are inactive in some nights (when they continue their stopover) but extremely active in other nights (when they depart and fly throughout the night). This provides an ideal natural situation for testing whether glucocorticoids are upregulated in preparation for an increase in activity, which we used in this study. We found that in northern wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe), corticosterone levels peaked in the few hours before sunset in birds departing from stopover that night, and, importantly, that this peak was absent in birds continuing stopover. This indicates that corticosterone is upregulated in the face of an increase in energy demands, underlining corticosterone's preparative metabolic function (energy mobilization). The timing of upregulation of corticosterone also gives a first insight in when during the day nocturnally migrating birds decide whether or not to resume migration.
... Still, sexes may experience different selection on anti-predator phenotypes even in such monomorphic species. Moreover, most studies aiming at shedding new light on sex-specific plasticity have gathered data either in the field or laboratory environment, which is unfortunate as changes from a natural to a captive environment can alter behavior and stress physiology, including baseline and stress-induced plasma glucocorticoid levels (Marra et al., 1995). Alternatively, populations maintained in the artificial laboratory environment over multiple generations may have lost plasticity (Morgan et al., 2022). ...
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Inducible defences allow prey to increase survival chances when predators are present while avoiding unnecessary costs in their absence. Many studies report considerable inter-individual variation in inducible defence expression, yet what underlies this variation is poorly understood. A classic vertebrate example of a predator-induced morphological defence is the increased body depth in crucian carp (Carassius carassius), which reduces the risk of predation from gape-size limited predators. Here, we report that among-individual variation in morphological defence expression can be linked to sex. We documented sexual dimorphism in lakes in which crucian carp coexisted with predators, where females showed shallower relative body depths than males, but not in a predator-free lake. When exposing crucian carp from a population without predators to perceived predation risk in a laboratory environment (presence/absence of pike, Esox lucius), we found that males expressed significantly greater morphological defence than females, causing sexual dimorphism only in the presence of predators. We uncovered a correlative link between the sex-specific inducible phenotypic response and gene expression patterns in major stress-related genes (POMC, MC3R, and MC4R). Together, our results highlight that sex-specific responses may be an important, yet underappreciated, component underlying inter-individual differences in the expression of inducible defences, even in species without pronounced sexual dimorphism.
... Although house sparrows in this study did not gain weight in captivity, previous work in house sparrows has shown that captivity causes major shifts in body composition, increasing fat volume and decreasing muscle density ( Lattin et al. 2017 ). Captivity can also cause increased baseline corticosterone concentrations in wild songbirds that can persist for weeks ( Marra et al. 1995, Lattin et al. 2012, Love et al. 2017, and increases in corticosterone have been shown to alter the gut microbiome in wild birds ( Noguera et al. 2018 ). ...
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Synopsis Behavioral traits such as anxiety and depression have been linked to diversity of the gut microbiome in humans, domesticated animals, and lab-bred model species, but the extent to which this link exists in wild animals, and thus its ecological relevance, is poorly understood. We examined the relationship between a behavioral trait (neophobia) and the cloacal microbiome in wild house sparrows (Passer domesticus,n = 22) to determine whether gut microbial diversity is related to personality in a wild animal. We swabbed the cloaca immediately upon capture, assessed neophobia phenotypes in the lab, and then swabbed the cloaca again after several weeks in captivity to additionally test whether the microbiome of different personality types is affected disparately by captivity, and characterized gut microbiomes using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. We did not detect differences in cloacal alpha or beta microbial diversity between neophobic and non-neophobic house sparrows, and diversity for both phenotypes was negatively impacted by captivity. Although our results suggest that the adult cloacal microbiome and neophobia are not strongly linked in wild sparrows, we did detect specific OTUs that appeared more frequently and at higher abundances in neophobic sparrows, suggesting that links between the gut microbiome and behavior may occur at the level of specific taxa. Further investigations of personality and the gut microbiome are needed in more wild species to reveal how the microbiome-gut-brain axis and behavior interact in an ecological context.
... In our system, the differences in behaviour could be associated with morphs showing different levels of stress tolerance. Maintaining animals in captivity increases their stress levels, which affects their behavioural responses (Marra, Lampe, & Tedford, 1995;Morgan & Tromborg, 2007). White morphs lost more weight and seemed to be more affected by captivity (i.e. ...
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Behavioural polymorphisms associated with morphs with a known genetic basis are interesting to study since they provide a model system to investigate the molecular basis of complex behaviours. White-throated sparrows are one of such rare models, presenting two morphologies and behavioural types, tan and white, caused by a chromosomal rearrangement. The behavioural differences have been mainly studied during reproduction, defining two morph-specific breeding strategies and different levels of aggression between morphs. Outside of the breeding season, the morphological differences are less apparent, morphs are more difficult to distinguish and the behavioural polymorphism is poorly understood. In this study, we caught wild individuals during the winter, determined their morph by genetic analysis, and analysed the differences in behaviour between morphs when encountering a novel object under standardized conditions in captivity. White morphs are more aggressive during reproduction; therefore, we expected them to be less affected by the presence of the novel object than tan morphs; animal personality research shows that more aggressive individuals are less affected by the presence of novel objects (i.e. neophilic). Contrary to our expectations, white morphs were more neophobic than tan morphs, and within morphs, males were more neophobic than females. Furthermore, white morph individuals and males of both morphs suffered greater weight loss during captivity compared to tan morphs and females, respectively, suggesting that the response to captivity-induced stress differs between morphs and between sexes. Finding behavioural differences between morphs not related to reproduction implies a broader impact of the effects of the chromosomal rearrangement on the behavioural polymorphism in this species.
... Acclimatisation appears to be an important aspect of stress in captivity. Unacclimated wild-caught sparrows also presented higher corticosterone values in comparison to their wild, free-living counterparts (Marra et al., 1995). For Gray wolves (Canis lupus), corticosteroid-induced alkaline phosphatase activity, an isoenzyme commonly used to quantify stress in canids (Ochi et al., 2013), was detected in some of the free-ranging wolves but not in long-term captive animals (Constable et al., 1998). ...
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Lay summary Captivity has traditionally been considered a stressful habitat for wildlife. In this study, urofaecal glucocorticoid metabolites of wild and captive Blue-fronted amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva) subjected to different husbandry systems were determined. Results reveal lower corticoid levels in individuals maintained in captivity than in the free-ranging ones.
... Other results leading to the same conclusions were described in two congeners (Z. albicollis and Z. leucophrys), in which corticosterone levels were 2-3 times higher in captive birds than in free-living ones, despite the fact that captive individuals had been acclimated for a month prior to sampling (Marra et al. 1995). ...
A number of wild bird species have fortuitously incorporated themselves into urban life. One of these, the Rufous-collared Sparrow (Zonotrichia capensis), dwells with seemingly similar success in urban and rural areas. Nevertheless, we found that urban Rufous-collared Sparrows have lower body weight, higher blood glucose concentration, higher proportion of heterophils (H), lower proportion of lymphocytes (L), and consequently, a larger H:L stress index, than rural ones. After two weeks of captivity rural birds developed blood characteristics that resembled those of urban birds. These indices reveal typical primary (acute), and secondary (chronic) stress characteristics in the urban birds. Parámetros Hematológicos e Indice de Estrés en Zonotrichia capensis de Ambientes Urbanos Resumen. Varias especies de aves han sido incorporadas a la vida urbana. Una de ellas, Zonotrichia capensis, habita con similar éxito tanto en ambientes urbanos como rurales. Sin embargo, hemos notado que individuos urbanos de Z. capensis tienen un peso corporal menor, mayores niveles de glucosa circulante, mayor proporción de heterófilos (H), menor proporción de linfocitos (L), y consecuentemente un mayor índice de estrés H:L que individuos rurales. Aves rurales mantenidos en cautiverio por dos semanas presentaron cambios hematológicos que concuerdan con las características de las aves urbanas. Estos índices revelan características de estrés primarias (agudas) y secundarias (crónicas) que son típicas en aves urbanas.
... Seasonal and life-history stage (e.g., molt) differences in basal corticosterone levels and responsiveness to stress-inducing procedures (e.g., capture stress protocol) have been documented for numerous birds, including captive and freeranging White-crowned Sparrows (Astheimer et al. 1994, Romero et al. 1997, Romero and Wingfield 1999, captive European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris; Romero and Remage-Healey 2000), free-ranging Common Redpolls (Carduelis flammea; Wingfield et al. 1994, Romero et al. 1998a, and free-living and captive Lapland Longspurs (Calcarius lapponicus; Romero et al. 1998b). Wild birds placed in captivity typically have intermediate corticosterone levels compared to free-ranging individuals of the same species (Wingfield et al. 1982, Marra et al. 1995, Romero and Wingfield 1999. However, as the length of captivity increases, basal corticosterone levels decrease as the birds acclimate to captivity (Wingfield et al. 1982). ...
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Fecal glucocorticoid assays provide a potentially useful, noninvasive means to study physiological responses of wildlife to various stressors. The objective of our study was to validate a method for measuring glucocorticoid metabolites in Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura) feces. We validated the assay using standard procedures (e.g., parallelism, recovery of exogenous corticosterone) to demonstrate that the assay accurately and precisely measured glucocorticoid metabolites in Mourning Dove fecal extracts. We conducted adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) challenge experiments to validate the assay's ability to determine biologically important changes in fecal glucocorticoids. Fecal glucocorticoid levels increased significantly approximately 2–3 hr after administration of ACTH at 50 IU per kg body mass to wild Mourning Doves held in captivity. In contrast, fecal glucocorticoid metabolites did not increase in control birds, birds that received saline injections, or a lower dose of ACTH (1 IU per kg body mass). Variation in overall fecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels may have been influenced by season and the length of time birds were held in captivity. Noninvasive fecal glucocorticoid metabolite analyses, in combination with demographic information, may have considerable utility for monitoring the effects of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on Mourning Dove populations. Uso de Glucocorticoides Fecales Para Evaluar el Estrés en Zenaida macroura Resumen. Las evaluaciones de glucocorticoides fecales representan un medio no invasor potencialmente útil para estudiar las respuestas fisiológicas de los animales silvestres ante agentes causantes de estrés. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue validar un método para medir metabolitos glucocorticoides en heces de palomas Zenaida macroura. Validamos el método mediante procedimientos estándar (e.g., paralelismo, recuperación de corticosterona exógena) para demostrar que éste mide con exactitud y precisión los metabolitos glucocorticoides en extractos fecales de Z. macroura. Realizamos experimentos de desafío con adrenocorticotropina (ACTH) para validar la habilidad que tenía el método para determinar cambios biológicamente importantes en los glucocorticoides fecales. Los niveles de glucocorticoides fecales aumentaron de forma significativa aproximadamente 2–3 hr después de la administración de ACTH a 50 IU por kg de peso corporal a palomas silvestres mantenidas en cautiverio. En contraste, los metabolitos glucocorticoides fecales no aumentaron en aves control, ni en aves que recibieron inyecciones salinas o una menor dosis de ACTH (1 IU por kg de peso corporal). La variación en los niveles generales de metabolitos glucocorticoides fecales podría haber sido influenciada por la estación y la longitud del período de tiempo en que las aves fueron mantenidas en cautiverio. Los análisis no invasores de metabolitos glucocorticoides, en combinación con información demográfica, podrían ser de considerable utilidad para monitorear los efectos de los disturbios naturales y antropogénicos sobre las poblaciones de Z. macroura.
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As a stress biomarker, glucocorticoids (GCs) concentration in wild animals shows how well a species copes with confinement. In captivity, the animal may suffer from many health problems such as weight loss, irreversible glucocorticoid changes, immune system abnormalities, and reproductive suppression. The review mainly focuses on the effect of transferring wild-caught animals to captivity on stress-related physiological systems such as weight changes, glucocorticoid modulation, adrenomedullary control, and effects on immune and reproductive systems. The GCs concentration pattern on species-wise variation is recorded, and the detection technique and alleviation process is also discussed.
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Lay summary: A review that compares changes in body mass, glucocorticoid and sympathetic responses, and reproductive and immune function, in wild animals recently introduced into captivity to their wild counterparts. Conclusion is that captivity can be a powerful chronic stressor that may be possible to mitigate, but the impact is highly species-specific.
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Using a commercially available corticosterone I125 double-antibody radioimmunoassay, we developed and validated an assay procedure for determining corticosterone levels in small-volume (≤30 μL) avian plasma samples. We evaluated this procedure's utility by measuring plasma corticosterone levels in Indigo Buntings (Passerina cyanea), American Goldfinches (Carduelis tristis), Red-eyed Vireos (Vireo olivaceus), and Mourning Doves (Zenaida macroura). Standard biochemical validations (e.g., parallelism, recovery of exogenous corticosterone) demonstrated that the assay accurately and precisely measured corticosterone in avian plasma. We used a stress capture protocol to physiologically validate the assay's ability to determine biologically important changes in corticosterone levels. Males and females from four bird species exhibited a significant increase in plasma corticosterone in response to capture, handling, and restraint. Baseline and stress-induced corticosterone levels in our study were similar to reported values for other passerine species using other radioimmunoassay procedures. Our results suggest that this radioimmunoassay procedure is very effective for determining corticosterone levels in small-volume avian plasma samples and is sensitive enough to detect biologically important changes in the adrenocortical activity of birds. Thus, this assay has considerable utility for measuring stress levels and stress responses in small birds (<15 g), from which only small volumes of plasma (≤30 μL) can be collected. Utilización de un Radioinmunoensayo Disponible Comercialmente para la Cuantificación de Corticosterona en el Plasma de Aves Resumen. Desarrollamos y validamos un proceso de ensayo para determinar los niveles de corticosterona en muestras de pequeño volúmen (≤30 μL) de plasma de aves utilizando un radioinmunoensayo para corticosterona I125 de doble anticuerpo disponible comercialmente. Evaluamos este procedimiento midiendo los niveles de corticosterona en Passerina cyanea, Carduelis tristis, Vireo olivaceus y Zenaida macroura. Validaciones bioquímicas estándares (e.g., paralelismo, recuperación de corticoesteroide exógeno) demostraron que el ensayo midió de modo exacto y preciso la corticosterona en el plasma de las aves. Utilizamos un protocolo de captura que producía estrés para validar fisiológicamente la habilidad del ensayo de detectar cambios biológicamente importantes en los niveles de corticosterona. Hembras y machos de las cuatro especies de aves mostraron un incremento significativo en los niveles de corticosterona en el plasma en respuesta a la captura, manipulación y retención. Los niveles basales e inducidos por el estrés de nuestro estudio fueron similares a valores reportados para otras especies paserinas que utilizaron otros procedimientos de inmunoensayo. Nuestros resultados sugieren que este procedimiento de radioinmunoensayo es muy efectivo para determinar los niveles de corticosterona en muestras de pequeño volúmen de plasma de aves y que es suficientemente sensible como para detectar cambios biológicamente importantes en la actividad adenocortical de las aves. De esta manera, este ensayo presenta considerable utilidad para medir los niveles y respuesta al estrés en aves pequeñas (<15 g) de las cuales sólo es posible colectar pequeños volúmenes de plasma (≤30 μL).
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Based on a model which holds that open-field behavior is a by-product of attempts to evade predation and reinstate contact with conspecifics, 4 experiments were conducted with 163 Production Red chickens to examine the role of the experimenter (E) in open-field testing. When E was in proximity, Ss froze longer than when E was positioned farther away. Ss tested with E facing the open field waited longer to begin moving than those exposed to E facing away. Parallel with previous research on the reaction of chickens to hawks, it was found that the effect of a human on open-field behavior could be eliminated by simply obscuring E's face. Finally, according to predictions derived from a model that stipulates changes in defensive behavior as a function of the distance separating predator from prey, it was shown that reaching for the S caused an abrupt transition between freezing and flight. Data support the notion that humans are reacted to by laboratory animals in much the same way as the animals react to predators under natural conditions. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Plasma levels of the metabolically and behaviorally active corticosteroid hormone, corticosterone, were studied in garden warblers in the laboratory and in the field during the autumnal migratory phase. Garden warblers showing nocturnal migratory activity in the laboratory had elevated levels of corticosterone at the end of the dark phase and low levels during daytime. When nocturnal migratory activity was experimentally disrupted by food deprivation and subsequent refeeding or after spontaneous termination of migratory activity this rhythm was absent. Garden warblers stopping over in the Sahara desert during autumnal migration had low levels of corticosterone. Levels were negatively correlated with fat stores and body mass in birds sampled throughout the day. These levels were generally lower than those associated with stress in response to repeated handling and blood sampling. The results suggest (1) the existence of diel changes in adrenocortical hormonal activity that could be involved in regulation of migration, and (2) that garden warblers carrying large fat depots are not stressed by prolonged flight or lack of appropiate feeding areas during migration over the desert.
The objective was to develop and validate a rapid, precise plasma corticosterone radioimmunoassay using a commercially available antiserum, for use in Gallus domesticus. Sample preparation consisted of sequential 2,2,4-trimethylpentane and dichloromethane extraction to partition progestins and glucocorticoids, respectively. Progesterone, 11 β-Hydroxyprogesterone, and deoxycorticosterone significantly cross reacted with the antiserum used. However, progesterone was effectively removed prior to assay by the 2.2,4-trimethylpentane plasrna washings while 11 β-Hydroxyprogesterone and deoxycorticosterone interference is doubtful for reasons discussed. Standard curve data showed a linear range from 0 to 150 pg by log-logit transformation with a 5 pg assay sensitivity. Mean percent unlabeled corticosterone recovery was 96% with intraassay and interassay coefficients of variation being 3.75 and 5.62%, respectively. The assay was utilized to characterize corticosterone fluctuations during day one post hatch in broiler chicks. Method of blood collection, rapid decapitation vs. heart stab, resulted in no difference in mean plasma corticosterone levels. Corticosterone levels differed over a 24 hr sampling period, such that highest levels were found upon receipt of the chicks at the hatchery (~ 20 ng/ml) and 20 hr later (~ 11 ng/ml). Lowest plasma corticosterone concentrations occurred from 10 to 14 hr (~ 6 ng/ml) after receipt of the chicks.
Circadian rhythms in plasma (P.C.) and adrenal corticosterone (A.C.) content, together with general locomotor activity (L.A.) and body temperature (B.T.) have been evidenced, and mathematically analysed, in a predominantly diurnal laboratory animal, the male quail, under various photoperiods: 12L(7.00 hr)/12D (19.00 hr) (130 lux); 18L(7.00 hr)/6D1.00 nr) (130 lux); 6L(7.00 hr)/18D( 13.00 hr) (130 lux); 6L( 19.00 hr)/18D(1.00 hr) (130 lux); 12L(7.00hr)/12D(19.00hr)(3–5 1ux).The circadian amplitude (C) and the level (Co) of the corticosterone rhythms are depressed as the light span or light pituitary increases. A possible testo‐adrenal cortical interaction might in part account for this feature.The C and Co of the BC. and A.C. rhythms also varies if a same light span (6L) is given at various clock hours on the 24 hr scale, suggesting that cyclic fluctuations of the sensitivity of some structure involved in the light‐darkness synchronized adrenal cortical rhythmicity may occur.Whatever the photoperiod may be, the steep increase, and generally the peak in P.C. and A.P., occur during the second half of the dark span of the photoperiod, which is also the resting time of the animals — a situation similar to that of predominantly diurnal mammals. The possible rôle of some triggering structures in the Central Nervous System, activated during the late sleep hours is discussed.Shifting the onset of light by 12 hr in a 6L‐18D photoperiod, leads to a grossly similar shift in the four rhythms investigated. On the other hand, whereas chronic 6 hr lengthening of the light‐span has no repercussion on the circadian parameters of the investigated physiological functions, a 6 hr shortening of the light‐span leads to a marked phase advance of these rhythms.Under all photoperiods investigated, the phase‐relationships between the circadian P.C., A.P., L.A. and B.T. rhythms remain nearly constant. The possibility of an internal synchronization between these rhythms is discussed.
1.1. The effects of withdrawing food for 24 hr on plasma corticosterone, glucose and FFA were determined.2.2. The concentration of corticosterone was increased after 4hr (P < 0.001) and remained so for the rest of the experiment.3.3. A hypoglycaemia developed at 2 hr and was still evident after 24 hr despite the onset of gluconeogenesis.4.4. A hyperlipacidaemia was evident after 1 hr and was maintained for the remaining 23 hr.5.5. It is concluded that the withdrawal of food is a potent Stressor in the young fowl.
Lines of chickens, selected for seven generations according to their high and low responsiveness to ACTH, were acclimatized to 24°C and 45% relative humidity (RH) and then subjected to acute heat stress (45°C and 45% RH). No differences in plasma corticosterone were found between high- and low-response lines when the chickens were in a nonheated environment. During the heat stress episode there were significant elevations of plasma corticosterone in both lines, but the response of high lines was significantly greater. This response was shorter lived in the high line than in the low line.Plasma norepinephrine concentrations were greater in the low-response line maintained at moderate temperature; but during acute heat stress, the elevation of this amine was greater and more rapid in the high-response line. Plasma epinephrine levels were not significantly different in the two lines when maintained at moderate temperature; however, levels were elevated more rapidly in the high-response line than in the low-response line during heat stress.No differences between lines for adrenal norepinephrine and epinephrine were observed in chickens maintained at moderate temperature, and heat stress had no significant effect on adrenal norepinephrine level. There were, however, significant reductions in adrenal epinephrine levels during acute heat stress, but rates of decline were essentially the same for both the high- and the low-response lines.The data indicated that in the domestic fowl, the adrenal cortical response may precede the adrenal medullary response in chickens that are subjected to acute heat stress. The inherent differences between response lines may have been due to differences in their abilities to maintain an extended responsiveness to the imposed stress.
There is a bimodal daily rhythm of plasma corticosterone binding activity (CBA) in the white-throated sparrow, , in the spring migratory condition. Low levels occurred at the beginning (0500) and at the end (2100) of a 16-hour daily photoperiod. Peak CBA occurred at 0900 and 0100, as did peak locomotor activity in this nocturnal migrant. Comparisons of CBA with total plasma corticosteroid concentrations from a previous study of the same group of birds indicate a positive correlation during most of the day but not during the early hours of darkness. The daily rhythm of locomotor activity may account for the rhythm of CBA which, in turn, may be partially responsible for the daily rhythm of plasma corticosteroid concentration.
Circadian variations in concentrations of plasma corticosterone were investigated in the white-throated sparrow maintained on short (10-hr) or long (16-hr) daily photoperiods. In addition, the plasma concentrations of corticosterone were determined throughout a day in birds that were in the reproductively photosensitive spring migratory condition, the reproductively photorefractory post nuptial molt condition, and the fall migratory condition. Distinct unimodal rhythms were found in photosensitive birds. The daily rise occurred 12 hr after the offset of light in birds kept on both the short and the long photoperiodic regimens. There was no discernible daily variation in photorefractory birds kept on a 16 hr daily photoperiod and there was a bimodal rhythm in the birds that were in the fall migratory condition. The results are consistent with an hypothesis that assigns an important role to the circadian rhythm of corticosteroid concentration in the photoperiodic mechanism controlling seasonal reproductive and migratory conditions in the white-throated sparrow.
1. The productivity and behavioural responses of laying hens to humans were examined in relation to the effects of tier, row and position of the cage along the row over three consecutive 4-week periods. 2. Birds from the top tier had lower hen-day production, lower egg mass output and poorer efficiency of food utilisation than birds from the bottom tier in the third period. 3. Birds from the top tier showed greater avoidance of an approaching experimenter when in their cage or when on a table. 4. The production variables were significantly correlated with a number of behavioural responses to humans and a novel object, and with the corticosteroid response to handling/blood sampling. 5. The data suggest that birds from the top tier were more fearful of humans and that this higher level of fear may have been responsible for their lower productivity.