The Grasslands of Inner Mongolia: A Special Feature
Xingguo Han,
Keith Owens,
X. Ben Wu,
Jianguo Wu,
and Jianhui Huang
Authors are
Professors, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, People’s Republic of China;
Professor and Head, Department
of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078, USA;
Professor, Department of Ecosystem Science
and Management, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA; and
Professor, School of Life Sciences and Global Institute of Sustainability,
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA.
Grasslands of northern China are of great ecological, economic,
and cultural importance (Kang et al. 2007). These immense
grasslands cover 400 million ha or 40% of the land area of China
and stretch 4 500 km northeast–southwest (lat 28uNtolat
51uN). They extend from the northeastern plains adjacent to
Mongolia to the southern Tibetan Plateau and consist of four
major types: meadow steppes, typical steppes, desert steppes, and
alpine steppes (Sun 2005; Kang et al. 2007). Inner Mongolia has
87 million ha of natural grassland, which is a significant
constituent of the Eurasian Steppe—the largest contiguous biome
in the world (Li 1962, 1979; Wu and Loucks 1992). From east to
west, meadow steppe, typical steppe, and desert steppe zones
occur in response to the decreasing moisture gradient (Fig. 1).
Substantial land use change and ecosystem degradation have
occurred within the Inner Mongolia grassland over the last half
century, which has resulted in significant ecological and
socioeconomic consequences at both local and regional scales
(National Research Council 1992; Tong et al. 2004; Jiang et al.
2006). The primary ecological problem is land degradation,
which is attributable mainly to overgrazing and land conver-
sion. Land degradation has led to the deterioration of
biodiversity and ecosystem function and services as well as a
myriad of environmental and economic problems such as sand
storms and poverty. Overgrazing, as the primary cause of land
degradation, is a result of improper land management practices
and the exceedingly large population density of domesticated
animals (Jiang et al. 2006).
Substantial research has been conducted on the ecology and
management of China’s grasslands (see a recent review by Kang et
al. 2007), including early vegetation surveys by Russian, Japanese,
and Western explorers (pre-1950s); systematic natural resource
inventory through surveys of vegetation, soils, and topography by
the Chinese Academy of Sciences and collaborating institutions
(1950–1975); long-term monitoring and studies of grassland
ecosystem structure and function through the establishment of
field research stations (1976–1995); and most recently (since
1996) the expansion of experimental studies of community
dynamics, ecosystem function, and global change that are
increasingly multiscale and multidisciplinary in nature (National
Research Council 1992; Kang et al. 2007). These studies should
be of great interest to the readers of Rangeland Ecology &
Management in other parts of the world. A large number of these
studies, however, have been published in Chinese and are not
readily accessible to non-Chinese readers, although the number of
papers published in English journals has increased rapidly in
recent years (e.g., Niu et al. 2003; Yamano et al. 2003; Zhang et
al. 2003; Bai et al. 2004; Chen at al. 2004; Kang et al. 2004; Wang
et al. 2006; Zhou et al. 2006). The expanse and diversity of these
grasslands make them significant ecologically and their manage-
ment has large regional and global implications. A great deal more
research is needed for better understanding the dynamics of the
social–ecological systems in these areas and for improving policy
and management measures to achieve grassland sustainability.
We present this special feature with a small sample of the
grassland research in China and hope that it will promote greater
awareness of these vast rangelands. This has grown out of the
efforts of a symposium at a Society for Range Management
(SRM) annual meeting on ‘‘Grasslands of Northern China:
Ecology and Contemporary Issues’’ cosponsored by the SRM
International Affairs Committee and the Institute of Botany of
the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), with partial support
from Dow AgroSciences. Through both the symposium and this
special feature, we want to encourage additional research
collaboration on the ecology and management of the grasslands
of China. The special feature includes six studies conducted in the
grassland regions of Inner Mongolia, China. Most of these
studies were conducted at field research stations operated by the
Institute of Botany of the CAS.
Four of the studies focused on the ecology of the typical
steppe grassland and the effects of rangeland management
practices. Ping Liu et al. (this issue) investigated decomposition
rates and nutrient dynamics of leaf, stem, and root litter of five
common plant species in the typical steppe and explored the
potential impact of grazing-induced changes in plant species
composition on ecosystem function at the Duolun Restoration
Ecology Research Station. Baoyin and Li (this issue) reported
the results of a long-term (24-yr) monitoring study, at the
Grassland Ecosystem Research Station of CAS, on the
effectiveness of rangeland management practices (shallow
plowing and harrowing) on the restoration of degraded Leymus
chinensis grassland. Huajie Liu et al. (this issue) evaluated the
effects of grazing intensity on the cover, species composition,
and nitrogen fixation of biological soil crusts in a 16-yr grazing
study also conducted at the Grassland Ecosystem Research
Station. The study of Liang et al. (this issue) focused on grazing
impacts on the vegetation dynamics along a grazing gradient
radiating from residential areas around the Keshiketeng
Banner, Chifeng Prefecture, in northeastern Inner Mongolia.
The other two studies were conducted at the Ordos Sandland
Ecological Research Station of CAS, focusing on fragile
grassland ecosystems and the desertification process. Zhu et
al. (this issue) investigated the responses of seed germination
and seedling growth to sand burial of two dominant perennial
Correspondence: Dr X. Ben Wu, Ecosystem Science and Management, Texas A&M
University, College Station, TX 77843, USA. Email:
Rangeland Ecol Manage 62:303–304
July 2009
grasses in Mu-Us sandland. Li et al. (this issue) explored the
environmental constraints on the productivity of the sandland
plant communities dominated by Artemisia ordosica on sand
dunes of different mobility. Both contributed to the knowledge
base essential for combating desertification and for ecological
restoration of the sandland ecosystems.
We hope that the papers in this special feature will be
followed by many quality publications in Rangeland Ecology
& Management addressing the grasslands of China. It is also
our hope to encourage greater international collaborations of
rangeland and social scientists leading to better understanding
and sustainability of these and other rangeland ecosystems
throughout the world.
BAI, Y., X. HAN,J.WU,AND L. LI. 2004. Ecosystem stability and compensatory
effects in the Inner Mongolia grassland. Nature 431:181–183.
CHEN, S., Y. BAI,L.ZHANG,AND X. HAN. 2004. Comparing physiological responses of
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Environmental and Experimental Botany 53:65–75.
JIANG, G., X. HAN,AND J. WU. 2006. Restoration and management of the Inner
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WANG, C., S. WAN,X.XING,L.ZHANG,AND X. HAN. 2006. Temperature and soil
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Figure 1. The types and spatial extents of grassland ecosystems and
other vegetation types in Inner Mongolia, China.
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