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COMMENTARY: The challenge to keep global warming below 2 degrees C



The latest carbon dioxide emissions continue to track the high end of emission scenarios, making it even less likely global warming will stay below 2 °C. A shift to a 2 °C pathway requires immediate significant and sustained global mitigation, with a probable reliance on net negative emissions in the longer term.
opinion & comment
exhibit unusually high density and
growth rates”. However, none of the works
actuallyprovide data on seagrass
Over the last 250,000years, the
maximum abrupt warming experienced by
the Mediterranean Sea was at 1–1.5°C per
, half that of the annual warming
projected by climate models for the current
century (2.8°C per century)
. No evidence
to suggest that P.oceanica was unaected
by these comparatively moderate warming
events in the past was presented by Altaba
We do not argue that vulnerability to
temperature renders conservation eorts
worthless. What we actually claimed
was that “actions to mitigate other local
impacts, although benecial, will have a
modest eect in the seagrass resistance to
warming events.
1. Altaba, C.R. Nature Clim. Change 3, 2–3 (2013).
2. Jordà, G., Marbà, N. & Duarte, C.M. Nature Clim. Change
2, 821–824 (2012).
3. Duarte, C.M., Borum, J., Short, F.T. & Walker, D.I. in Aquatic
Ecosystems (ed. Polunin, N.V.C.) 281–294 (Cambridge Univ.
Press, 2008).
4. Short, F.T. & Neckles, H.A. Aquat. Bot. 63, 169–196 (1998).
5. Reusch, T.B.H., Ehlers, A., Hammerli, A. & Worm, B.
Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 102, 2826–2831 (2005).
6. Díaz-Almela, E., Marbà, N., Martínez, R., Santiago, R. &
Duarte, C.M. Limnol. Oceanogr. 54, 2170–2182 (2009)
7. Díaz-Almela E. etal. Mar. Poll. Bull. 56, 1332–1342 (2008).
8. Marbà, N. etal. Ecosystems 10, 745–756 (2007).
9. Marbà, N. & Duarte, C.M. Glob. Change Biol.
16, 2366–2375 (2010).
10. Diaz-Almela, E. etal. Aquat. Bot. 89, 397–403 (2008).
The challenge to keep global
warming below 2°C
Glen P. Peters, Robbie M. Andrew, Tom Boden, Josep G. Canadell,
Philippe Ciais, Corinne Le Quéré, Gregg Marland, Michael R. Raupach and Charlie Wilson
The latest carbon dioxide emissions continue to track the high end of emission scenarios, making it even
less likely global warming will stay below 2°C. A shift to a 2°C pathway requires immediate significant
and sustained global mitigation, with a probable reliance on net negative emissions in the longer term.
n-going climate negotiations have
recognized a “signicant gap
between the current trajectory of
global greenhouse-gas emissions and the
“likely chance of holding the increase in
global average temperature below 2°C
or 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels
Here we compare recent trends in carbon
dioxide (CO
) emissions from fossil-fuel
combustion, cement production and gas
aring with the primary emission scenarios
used by the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC). Carbon dioxide
emissions are the largest contributor
to long-term climate change and thus
provide a good baseline to assess progress
and examine consequences. We nd
that current emission trends continue to
track scenarios that lead to the highest
temperature increases. Further delay in
global mitigation makes it increasingly
dicult to stay below2°C.
Long-term emissions scenarios are
designed to represent a range of plausible
emission trajectories as input for climate
change research
. e IPCC process
has resulted in four generations of
emissions scenarios
: Scientic Assessment
1990 (SA90)
, IPCC Scenarios 1992
, Special Report on Emissions
Scenarios (SRES)
, and the evolving
RepresentativeConcentration Pathways
to be used in the upcoming IPCC
Fih Assessment Report. e RCPs were
developed by the research community
as a new, parallel process of scenario
development, whereby climate models are
run using the RCPs while simultaneously
socioeconomic and emission scenarios are
developed that span the range of the RCPs
and beyond
It is important to regularly re-assess the
relevance of emissions scenarios in light
of changing global circumstances
. In
the past, decadal trends in CO
have responded slowly to changes in the
underlying emission drivers because of
inertia and path dependence in technical,
social and political systems
. Inertia and
path dependence are unlikely to be aected
by short-term uctuations
— such as
nancial crises
— and it is probable that
emissions will continue to rise for a period
even aer global mitigation has started
ermal inertia and vertical mixing in the
ocean, also delay the temperature response
to CO
. Because of inertia,
path dependence and changing global
circumstances, there is value in comparing
observed decadal emission trends with
emission scenarios to help inform the
prospect of dierent futures being realized,
explore the feasibility of desired changes
in the current emission trajectory and help
to identify whether new scenarios may
Global CO
emissions have increased
from 6.1±0.3PgC in 1990 to 9.5±0.5PgC
in 2011 (3% over 2010), with average
annual growth rates of 1.9% per year in
the 1980s, 1.0% per year in the 1990s, and
3.1% per year since 2000. We estimate that
emissions in 2012 will be 9.7±0.5PgC or
2.6% above 2011 (range of 1.9–3.5%) and
58% greater than 1990 (Supplementary
Information and ref. 13). e observed
growth rates are at the top end of all
four generations of emissions scenarios
11. Nykaer, L. Clim. Res. 39, 11–17 (2009).
12. Martrat, B. etal. Science 306, 1762–1765 (2004).
Gabriel Jordà
, Núria Marbà
* and
Carlos M. Duarte
Department of Ecology and Marine Resources,
IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB),Institut Mediterrani
d’Estudis Avançats, Miquel Marquès 21, 07190
Esporles, Illes Balears, Spain,
of Global Change Research, IMEDEA (CSIC-
UIB),Institut Mediterrani d’Estudis Avançats,
Miquel Marquès 21, 07190 Esporles, Illes
Balears, Spain,
The UWA Oceans Institute,
The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling
Highway, 6009 - Crawley, Western
Australia, Australia.
© 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
opinion & comment
1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
Global CO
emissions (PgCyr
2012 estimate
Historical uncertainty
SRES scenarios (40)
SRES illustrative scenarios (6)
IS92 scenarios (6)
Figure 1 | Estimated CO
emissions over the past three decades compared with the IS92, SRES and the
RCPs. The SA90 data are not shown, but the most relevant (SA90-A) is similar to IS92-A and IS92-F. The
uncertainty in historical emissions is ±5% (one standard deviation). Scenario data is generally reported at
decadal intervals and we use linear interpolation for intermediate years.
(Figs 1 and 2). Of the previous illustrative
IPCC scenarios, only IS92-E, IS92-F and
SRES A1B exceed the observed emissions
(Fig.1) or their rates of growth (Fig.2),
with RCP8.5 lower but within uncertainty
bounds of observed emissions.
Observed emission trends are in line
with SA90-A, IS92-E and IS92-F, SRES
A1FI, A1B and A2, and RCP8.5 (Fig.2).
e SRES scenarios A1FI and A2 and
RCP8.5 lead to the highest temperature
projections among the scenarios, with a
mean temperature increase of 4.2–5.0°C
in 2100 (range of 3.5–6.2°C)
, whereas
the SRES A1B scenario has decreasing
emissions aer 2050 leading to a lower
temperature increase of 3.5°C (range
. Earlier research has noted that
observed emissions have tracked the upper
SRES scenarios
and Fig.1 conrms
this for all four scenario generations.
is indicates that the space of possible
pathways could be extended above the
top-end scenarios to accommodate the
possibility of even higher emission rates in
the future.
e new RCPs are particularly relevant
because, in contrast to the earlier scenarios,
mitigation eorts consistent with long-
term policy objectives are included
among the pathways
. RCP3-PD (peak
and decline in concentration) leads to a
mean temperature increase of 1.5°C in
2100 (range of 1.3–1.9°C)
requires net negative emissions (for
example, bioenergy with carbon capture
and storage) from 2070, but some scenarios
suggest it is possible to stay below 2°C
without negative emissions
. RCP4.5
and RCP6 — which lie between RCP3–PD
and RCP8.5 in the longer term— lead
to a mean temperature increase of 2.4°C
(range of 1.0–3.0°C) and 3.0°C (range
of 2.6–3.7°C) in 2100, respectively
. For
RCP4.5, RCP6 and RCP8.5, temperatures
will continue to increase aer 2100 due
to on-going emissions
and inertia in the
Current emissions are tracking slightly
above RCP8.5, and given the growing
gap between the other RCPs (Fig.1),
signicant emission reductions are
needed by 2020 to keep 2°C as a feasible
. To follow an emission trend
that can keep the temperature increase
below 2°C (RCP3-PD) requires sustained
global CO
mitigation rates of around 3%
per year, if global emissions peak before
. A delay in starting mitigation
activities will lead to higher mitigation
, higher costs
, and the target
of remaining below 2°C may become
. If participation is low, then
higher rates of mitigation are needed in
individual countries, and this may even
increase mitigation costs for all countries
Many of these rates assume that negative
emissions will be possible and aordable
later this century
. Reliance on
negative emissions has high risks because
of potential delays or failure in the
development and large-scale deployment
of emerging technologies such as carbon
capture and storage, particularly those
connected tobioenergy
Although current emissions are tracking
the higher scenarios, it is still possible to
transition towards pathways consistent
with keeping temperatures below 2°C
(refs 17,19,20). e historical record shows
that some countries have reduced CO
emissions over 10-year periods, through
a combination of (non-climate) policy
intervention and economic adjustments
to changing resource availability. e
oil crisis of 1973 led to new policies
on energy supply and energy savings,
which produced a decrease in the share
of fossil fuels (oil shied to nuclear) in
the energy supply of Belgium, France
and Sweden, with emission reductions of
4–5% per year sustained over 10 or more
years (Supplementary Figs S17–19). A
continuous shi to natural gas — partially
substituting coal and oil — led to sustained
mitigation rates of 1–2% per year in the
UK in the 1970s and again in the 2000s, 2%
per year in Denmark in the 1990–2000s,
and 1.4% per year since 2005 in the USA
(Supplementary Figs S10–12). ese
examples highlight the practical feasibility
of emission reductions through fuel
substitution and eciency improvements,
but additional factors such as carbon
need to be considered. ese
types of emission reduction can help
initiate a transition towards trajectories
consistent with keeping temperatures
below 2°C, but further mitigation
measures are needed to complete and
sustain thereductions.
Similar energy transitions could be
encouraged and co-ordinated across
countries in the next 10years using
available technologies
, but well-targeted
technological innovations
are required
to sustain the mitigation rates for longer
. To move below the RCP8.5
scenario — avoiding the worst climate
impacts — requires early action
© 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
opinion & comment
sustained mitigation from the largest
such as China, the United States,
the European Union and India. ese four
regions together account for over half of
global CO
emissions, and have strong
and centralized governing bodies capable
of co-ordinating such actions. If similar
energy transitions are repeated over many
decades in a broader range of developed
and emerging economies, the current
emission trend could be pulled down to
make RCP3-PD, RCP4.5 and RCP6 all
A shi to a pathway with the highest
likelihood to remain below 2°C above
pre-industrial levels (for example, RCP3-
PD), requires high levels of technological,
social and political innovations, and an
increasing need to rely on net negative
emissions in the future
. e timing
of mitigation eorts needs to account for
delayed responses in both CO
(because of inertia in technical, social
and political systems) and also in global
(because of inertia in the
climate system). Unless large and concerted
global mitigation eorts are initiated soon,
the goal of remaining below 2°C will very
soon become unachievable.
Glen P.Peters
*, Robbie M.Andrew
Tom Boden
, Josep G. Canadell
, Philippe Ciais
Corinne Le Quéré
, Gregg Marland
Michael R.Raupach
and Charlie Wilson
are at the
Center for International Climate and Environmental
Research – Oslo (CICERO), PO Box 1128, Blindern
0550, Oslo, Norway,
Carbon Dioxide Information
Analysis Center (CDIAC), Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-4842,
Global Carbon Project, CSIRO Marine and
Atmospheric Research, GPO Box 3023, Canberra,
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat
et de l’Environnement, CAE – CNRS – UVSQ,
91191 Gif sur Yvette, France,
Tyndall Centre for
Climate Change Research, University of East Anglia,
Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK, and
Research Institute for
Environment, Energy, and Economics, Appalachian
State University, ASU Box 32067, Boone, North
Carolina 28608-2067, USA.
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7. Van Vuuren, D.P. etal. Climatic Change 109, 5–31 (2011).
8. Richels, R.G., Tol, R.S.J. & Yohe, G.W. Nature
453, 155–155 (2008).
9. Van Vuuren, D.P. & Riahi, K. Climatic Change
91, 237–248 (2008).
10. Peters, G.P. etal. Nature Clim. Change 2, 2–4 (2012).
11. Friedlingstein, P. etal. Nature Clim. Change 1, 457–461 (2011).
12. Schneider, S.H. & ompson, S.L. J.Geophys. Res.
86, 3135–3147 (1981).
13. Le Quéré, C. et al. Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss. http://dx.doi.
org/10.5194/essdd-5-1107-2012 (2012).
14. Rogelj, J., Meinshausen, M. & Knutti, R. Nature Clim. Change
2, 248–253 (2012).
15. Le Quéré, C. etal. Nature Geosci. 2, 831–836 (2009).
16. Raupach, M.R. etal. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci.
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17. GEA Global Energy Assessment — Toward a Sustainable Future
(Cambridge Univ. Press & IIASA, 2012).
18. Van Vliet, J. etal. Climatic Change 113, 551–561 (2012).
19. UNEP Bridging the Emissions Gap (UNEP, 2011).
20. Rogelj, J. etal. Nature Clim. Change 1, 413–418 (2011).
21. Jakob, M., Luderer, G., Steckel, J., Tavoni, M. & Monjon, S.
Climatic Change 114, 79–99 (2012).
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23. Peters, G.P., Minx, J.C., Weber, C.L. & Edenhofer, O. Proc. Natl
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24. Wilson, C., Grubler, A., Gallagher, K.S. & Nemet, G.F. Nature
Clim. Change 2, 780–788 (2012).
is work is a collaborative eort of the Global
Carbon Project, a joint project of the Earth System
Science Partnership, to provide regular analyses of
the main global carbon sources and sinks (http:// G.P.P. and R.M.A
were supported by the Norwegian Research Council
(project 221355/E10). T.B. and the Carbon Dioxide
Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) are supported
by the US Department of Energy, Oce of Science,
Biological and Environmental Research. C.L.Q. thanks
the UK NaturalEnvironment Research Council (project
NE/103002X/1) and the European Commission
(projectFP7-283080) for support. J.G.C. and M.R.R.
thank the Australian Climate Change Science Program
Author contributions
All authors contributed to the planning of the paper.
G.P.P. led the work. G.M. and T.B. contributed the
updated CO
emission data. R.M.A. prepared the gures
and associated analysis. G.P.P. did the 2012 emission
estimate and the analysis of the historical reduction rates.
All authors contributed to data interpretation and to the
writing of thepaper.
Additional information
Supplementary information is available in the online
version of the paper. Reprints and permissions
information is available online at
reprints. Correspondence and requests for material
should be addressed to G.P. All data presented in this
paper, including the full global CO
budget for 2011,
can be accessed at
Published online: 2 December 2012
1985–2012 1990–2012 2000–2012 2005–2012
Average growth rates of CO
emissions (% per year)
Figure 2 | Growth rates of historical and scenario CO
emissions. The average annual growth rates of
the historical emission estimates (black crosses) and the emission scenarios for the time periods of
overlaps (shown on the horizontal axis). The growth rates are more comparable for the longer time
intervals considered (in order: SA90, 27years; IS92, 22years; SRES, 12years; and RCPs, 7years).
The short-term growth rates of the scenarios do not necessarily reflect the long-term emission
pathway (for example, A1B has a high initial growth rate compared with its long-term behaviour and
RCP3PD has a higher growth rate until 2010 compared with RCP4.5 and RCP6). For the SRES, we
represent the illustrative scenario for each family (filled circles) and each of the contributing model
scenarios (open circles). The scenarios generally report emissions at intervals of 10years or more
and we interpolated linearly to 2012; a sensitivity analysis shows a linear interpolation is robust
(Supplementary Fig. S14).
© 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
... However, due to abiotic stresses such as heat, humidity, and sandy soils, in addition to biotic stresses (Quesenberry et al., 2022), the adoption of alfalfa in forage systems in the southeastern US is lesser than in temperate climates. With the current prediction of global warming (Peters et al., 2013), the tropical savanna climate type is likely to expand throughout Florida and other southern states (Hanberry & Fraser, 2019), further limiting alfalfa dry matter yield (DMY) and stand persistence. Several studies were conducted to develop alfalfa cultivars with improved adaptation to the southeastern US (Bouton, 2012a;Horner, 1970;Horner & Ruelke, 1981;Reyno et al., 2015). ...
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Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) production in the subtropics may increase forage yield and quality in livestock systems. This study evaluated the effects of seeding rate on dry matter yield (DMY), nutritive value (NV), and in situ degradability of non‐dormant alfalfa grown in Florida. The study was designed as a randomized complete block design with a two‐way‐factorial treatment arrangement with two seeding rates (20 and 27 kg ha⁻¹ of pure live seed) and five genotypes: two breeding lines (UF_AlfPers_2015 and UF_AlfPers_2017) and three cultivars (Florida 77, Florida 99, and Bulldog 805). DMY was assessed between April 2019 and April 2021, and NV and neutral detergent fiber (uNDF) degradability are reported from two harvests, while in situ ruminal dry matter (DM) disappearance was measured for UF_AlfPers_2015 and Bulldog 805 only. Data were analyzed using GLIMMIX in SAS, and mean separation was performed by a Tukey test. No interaction was observed between seeding rate and genotypes for DMY, persistence, and NV. UF_AlfPers_2017 had the highest mean DMY per harvest (1424.5 kg ha⁻¹) and stand persistence (76 plants m⁻²), and Bulldog 805 produced the lowest mean DMY per harvest (936.3 kg ha⁻¹). Bulldog 805 had the lowest lignin concentration, the greatest net energy of lactation, greatest milk per metric ton of forage, and highest NDF degradability. Both the rate and extent of DM degradation were greater for Bulldog 805 compared to UF_AlfPers_2015. The cultivar Bulldog 805 is recommended for planting as it showed greater NV; however, new cultivars and breeding lines are being developed to increase DMY and stand persistence in Florida.
... In recent decades, global climate change has become more and more obvious [1][2][3], causing some changes in atmospheric circulation, which has a profound impact on water vapor cycle and rainfall pattern, resulting in the frequent occurrence of extreme weather [4][5][6]. In addition, with the further acceleration of the urbanization process [7][8][9], the expansion of impervious areas in cities and the reduction in the area of lakes, woodlands, and grasslands have led to an increase in surface runoff. ...
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In recent years, global climate change has become more and more obvious, and extreme rainfall weather has occurred frequently, which has a serious impact on people’s life and property safety. In order to reduce the risk of urban flooding and contribute to the sustainable development of the urban economy, society, and environment, this study takes Zhengzhou City as the study area. The surface runoff during extreme rainfall events from 2005 to 2023 was simulated using the SCS-CN model, and the spatiotemporal patterns of surface runoff during extreme rainfall conditions and their influencing factors were investigated. The results showed that (1) the average annual extreme rainfall in the study area was 95.6 mm, and the average annual surface runoff was 76.5 mm, with cultivated land contributing the most to surface runoff, accounting for more than 50%. The annual average frequency of extreme rainfall in the study area ranged from 0 to 3 times. (2) During the extreme rainfall events in 2021 and 2023, the surface runoff of the main urban area was relatively great. Under the influence of impermeable surfaces, the surface runoff of the main urban area was greater than that of the surrounding area, even when the rainfall in the main urban area was less than that in the surrounding urban area. In addition, during these two extreme rainfall events, the surface runoff in the slight slope (<5°) area was the greatest; overall, the larger the slope was, the smaller the surface runoff. (3) Differences between rainfall and surface runoff (DRS) of the different administrative districts in the study area showed three trends from 2005 to 2020, with those of most areas showing a clear decreasing trend, which was affected mainly by the surface runoff potential of the land use type. Under the same rainfall conditions (110 mm), the surface runoff of urban land and construction land was 1.4–2.5 times that of various types of woodland and grassland. From 2005 to 2020, the area of urban land and other construction land increased by 104.13%, the coverage area of woodland and grassland decreased by 35.90%, and the surface runoff potential increased in most areas of the study area. To reduce the risk of urban waterlogging, most areas of Zhengzhou, especially the main urban area and slight slope areas, need to rationally regulate land use and increase the coverage ratio of woodland and grassland.
... The impacts will continue to do so for centuries (Auffhammer, 2018;Lynas et al., 2021). Even with the implementation of climate policy measures and ambitious actions to slow greenhouse gas emissions, global emissions continued to rise (Peters et al., 2013;IPCC, 2007). If emissions continue, economic and social consequences can be threatening and daunting (Bosello et al., 2012;Li et al., 2018). ...
... These two models were selected based on prior work showing CCSM and GFDL ranked first and third, respectively, among 21 CMIP5 GCMs in the simulation of the seasonal cycles of temperature, precipitation, and sea level pressure over Alaska [15]. RCP8.5 was selected as the highest forcing scenario with the greatest degree of warming in Alaska over lower scenarios such as RCP4.5 [74] and because observed carbon dioxide emissions have continued to best track RCP8.5 [75]. Both CCSM and GFDL were run for three time periods (2008-2017, 2038-2047, and 2068-2077), while ERA-Interim was run for 2001-2018, including the overlap period between the two GCMs. ...
Full-text available
There is a growing need for proactive planning for natural hazards in a changing climate. Computational modeling of climate hazards provides an opportunity to inform planning, particularly in areas approaching ecosystem state changes, such as Interior Alaska, where future hazards are expected to differ significantly from historical events in frequency and severity. This paper considers improved modeling approaches from a physical process perspective and contextualizes the results within the complexities and limitations of hazard planning efforts and management concerns. Therefore, the aim is not only to improve the understanding of potential climate impacts on streamflow within this region but also to further explore the steps needed to evaluate local-scale hazards from global drivers and the potential challenges that may be present. This study used dynamically downscaled climate forcing data from ERA-Interim reanalysis datasets and projected climate scenarios from two General Circulation Models under a single Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP 8.5) to simulate an observational gage-calibrated WRF-Hydro model to assess shifts in streamflow and flooding potential in three Interior Alaska rivers over a historical period (2008–2017) and two future periods (2038–2047 and 2068–2077). Outputs were assessed for seasonality, streamflow, extreme events, and the comparison between existing flood control infrastructure in the region. The results indicate that streamflow in this region is likely to experience increases in seasonal length and baseflow, while the potential for extreme events and variable short-term streamflow behavior is likely to see greater uncertainty, based on the divergence between the models.
The increasing demand for hydrogen as an energy carrier requires the development of efficient and sustainable production strategies. Methane reforming is a widely used method for hydrogen production, and catalysts play a crucial role in optimizing this process. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the catalytic aspects of methane reforming, highlighting significant progress and recent advancements. After reviewing various research works, it was seen that the conversion of methane and carbon dioxide is influenced by the specific surface area of catalysts. It is observed that the catalysts with larger surface areas exhibit higher methane conversion rates, although exceptions are observed in the case of perovskites, which demonstrate good conversion efficiency despite their smaller size. Cobalt (Co) and nickel (Ni) are commonly employed in catalysts for achieving higher conversion rates. Other than that, various rare-earth catalysts were also evaluated in the paper. To further optimize the production strategy, several crucial points are identified. These include a comprehensive understanding of the reaction mechanisms for catalyst design, the integration of in situ characterization techniques for studying catalyst changes and active species, collaboration between theoretical calculations and experimental studies, and the development of highly efficient and stable catalysts. Emphasis is placed on exploring cost-effective options, such as nickel and other non-noble metal catalysts, while assessing their performance at low temperatures and in advanced reforming systems. With the increasing importance of hydrogen and syngas production, upgraded reforming systems are expected to flourish soon.
This study underscores the critical need to integrate changing climatic conditions into corrosion models for civil engineering infrastructures, particularly highway bridges, given the potential reduction in structural performance post-seismic events. The paper introduces a novel framework for assessing the seismic resilience of deteriorated highway bridges in the context of changing climatic conditions. The framework is demonstrated on a non-seismically designed simply supported highway bridge situated near the sea in a seismically active region of Gujarat, India. An improved corrosion deterioration model is used that considers the impact of climate change and non-uniform pitting corrosion for evaluating the deterioration of RC bridge components. A detailed three-dimensional finite-element model of the case-study bridge is developed that can accurately simulate various failure modes of corroding bridge piers. Time-varying seismic fragility curves are developed using damage limit states and probabilistic seismic demand models while considering the influence of climate change. Bridge seismic resilience is estimated by aggregating the seismic vulnerability, losses, and recovery functions. Results show that incorporation of changing climatic factors will considerably reduce the seismic resilience of the 75-year corroded bridge up to 56 %. Finally, a comparison of seismic fragility and resilience is carried out using the proposed and conventional corrosion deterioration model to evaluate the significance of considering the effects of climate change in the seismic resilience assessment framework.
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The increasing risk of precipitation whiplash, characterized by rapid transitions between extreme drought and wet conditions, is largely related to atmospheric circulation changes due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. This study aims to examine the changing patterns of precipitation whiplash events for future projections (2021–2100) with regard to the current climate (1981–2020), and to unveil the relations between intensity, duration, and frequency of these events for various return periods across different regions of China. Multi-source observational datasets were also used to analyze the trend of precipitation whiplash indices for the current climate and to assess the ability of the CMIP6 ensemble model for reproducing the characteristics of precipitation whiplash events. The Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves were estimated by using the nonstationary Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) model combined with Bayesian inference. The results show an increasing trend in frequency, intensity, and severity of precipitation whiplash events, particularly for the long-term future, while the duration of these transitions shows a decreasing trend. The peak occurrence months during the long-term future period exhibit notable changes in most parts of China. Specifically, the dry-to-wet whiplash events occur approximately two months earlier than in the current period, while the wet-to-dry whiplash occurs approximately two months later. The results also indicated that IDF curves shifted upward, particularly in the long-term future projections, suggesting an increased likelihood of more severe events. The findings of this study will serve as an essential reference for local authorities to develop more effective water resource management and disaster mitigation policies to tackle the impact of future climate change.
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Plain Language Summary Tropical cyclone (TC) is one of the most destructive natural disasters worldwide. Many studies pointed to the intensification of Tropical cyclones (TCs) in the warming future and thus it is important to limit the amplitude of global warming and mitigate the potential risks of enhanced TCs. This study examines whether TC potential intensity may return to its initial state with the CO2 removal method based on the idealized CO2 forcing experiments, in which CO2 increases from the preindustrial to quadruple level (284.7–1,138.8 ppm) and decreases symmetrically. Our results suggest an asymmetric and irreversible response of TC potential intensity to CO2 removal, with an additional enhancement at the same CO2 level during the CO2 ramp‐down relative to the ramp‐up periods. Moreover, potential intensity does not fully recover to the initial state even when CO2 is restored on multi‐decadal to centennial timescale. The increased potential intensity during the CO2 ramp‐down relative to the ramp‐up periods is dominated by the increased thermodynamic disequilibrium. This is further linked with the uneven sea surface temperature response and the resultant weakened surface wind speed. This study helps understand the response of TC activity under future mitigation pathways and highlights the potential risks of the enhanced storm intensity.
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Climate change majorly impacts biodiversity in diverse regions across the world, including South Asia, a megadiverse area with heterogeneous climatic and vegetation regions. However, climate impacts on bats in this region are not well‐studied, and it is unclear whether climate effects will follow patterns predicted in other regions. We address this by assessing projected near‐future changes in climatically suitable areas for 110 bat species from South Asia. We used ensemble ecological niche modelling with four algorithms (random forests, artificial neural networks, multivariate adaptive regression splines and maximum entropy) to define climatically suitable areas under current conditions (1970–2000). We then extrapolated near future (2041–2060) suitable areas under four projected scenarios (combining two global climate models and two shared socioeconomic pathways, SSP2: middle‐of‐the‐road and SSP5: fossil‐fuelled development). Projected future changes in suitable areas varied across species, with most species predicted to retain most of the current area or lose small amounts. When shifts occurred due to projected climate change, new areas were generally northward of current suitable areas. Suitability hotspots, defined as regions suitable for >30% of species, were generally predicted to become smaller and more fragmented. Overall, climate change in the near future may not lead to dramatic shifts in the distribution of bat species in South Asia, but local hotspots of biodiversity may be lost. Our results offer insight into climate change effects in less studied areas and can inform conservation planning, motivating reappraisals of conservation priorities and strategies for bats in South Asia.
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Mitigating climate change requires directed innovation efforts to develop and deploy energy technologies. Innovation activities are directed towards the outcome of climate protection by public institutions, policies and resources that in turn shape market behaviour. We analyse diverse indicators of activity throughout the innovation system to assess these efforts. We find efficient end-use technologies contribute large potential emission reductions and provide higher social returns on investment than energy-supply technologies. Yet public institutions, policies and financial resources pervasively privilege energy-supply technologies. Directed innovation efforts are strikingly misaligned with the needs of an emissions-constrained world. Significantly greater effort is needed to develop the full potential of efficient end-use technologies.
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Climate projections for the fourth assessment report (AR4) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) were based on scenarios from the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) and simulations of the third phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP3). Since then, a new set of four scenarios (the representative concentration pathways or RCPs) was designed. Climate projections in the IPCC fifth assessment report (AR5) will be based on the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5), which incorporates the latest versions of climate models and focuses on RCPs. This implies that by AR5 both models and scenarios will have changed, making a comparison with earlier literature challenging. To facilitate this comparison, we provide probabilistic climate projections of both SRES scenarios and RCPs in a single consistent framework. These estimates are based on a model set-up that probabilistically takes into account the overall consensus understanding of climate sensitivity uncertainty, synthesizes the understanding of climate system and carbon-cycle behaviour, and is at the same time constrained by the observed historical warming.
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In recent years, international climate policy has increasingly focused on limiting temperature rise, as opposed to achieving greenhouse-gas-concentration- related objectives. The agreements reached at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change conference in Cancun in 2010 recognize that countries should take urgent action to limit the increase in global average temperature to less than 2C relative to pre-industrial levels. If this is to be achieved, policymakers need robust information about the amounts of future greenhouse-gas emissions that are consistent with such temperature limits. This, in turn, requires an understanding of both the technical and economic implications of reducing emissions and the processes that link emissions to temperature. Here we consider both of these aspects by reanalysing a large set of published emission scenarios from integrated assessment models in a risk-based climate modelling framework. We find that in the set of scenarios with a 'likely' (greater than 66%) chance of staying below 2C, emissions peak between 2010 and 2020 and fall to a median level of 44 Gt of CO 2 equivalent in 2020 (compared with estimated median emissions across the scenario set of 48 Gt of CO 2 equivalent in 2010). Our analysis confirms that if the mechanisms needed to enable an early peak in global emissions followed by steep reductions are not put in place, there is a significant risk that the 2C target will not be achieved.
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This paper summarizes the development process and main characteristics of the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs), a set of four new scenarios developed for the climate modeling community as a basis for long-term and near-term modeling experiments. The four RCPs together span the range of year 2100 radiative forcing values found in the open literature, i.e. from 2.6 to 8.5 W/m2. The RCPs are the product of an innovative collaboration between integrated assessment modelers, climate modelers, terrestrial ecosystem modelers and emission inventory experts. The resulting product forms a comprehensive data set with high spatial and sectoral resolutions for the period extending to 2100. Land use and emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases are reported mostly at a 0.5 x 0.5 degree spatial resolution, with air pollutants also provided per sector (for well-mixed gases, a coarser resolution is used). The underlying integrated assessment model outputs for land use, atmospheric emissions and concentration data were harmonized across models and scenarios to ensure consistency with historical observations while preserving individual scenario trends. For most variables, the RCPs cover a wide range of the existing literature. The RCPs are supplemented with extensions (Extended Concentration Pathways, ECPs), which allow climate modeling experiments through the year 2300. The RCPs are an important development in climate research and provide a potential foundation for further research and assessment, including emissions mitigation and impact analysis.
Preliminary studies suggest that the thermal inertia of the upper layers of the oceans, combined with vertical mixing of deeper oceanic waters, could delay the response of the globally averaged surface temperature to an increasing atmospheric COâ concentration by a decade or so relative to equilibrium calculations. This study extends the global analysis of the transient response to zonal averages, using a hierarchy of simple energy balance models and vertical mixing assumptions for water exchange between upper and deeper oceanic layers. It is found that because of the latitudinal dependence of both thermal inertia and radiative and dynamic energy exchange mechanisms, the approach toward equilibrium of the surface temperature of various regions of the earth will be significantly different from the global average approach. This suggests that the actual time evolution of the horizontal surface temperature gradients--and any associated regional climatic anomalies-may well be significantly different from that suggested by equilibrium climatic modeling simulations (or those computed with a highly unrealistic geographic distribution of ocean thermal capacity). Also, the transient response as a function of latitude is significantly different between globally equivalent COâ and solar constant focusing runs. It is suggested that the nature of the transient response is a major uncertainty in characterizing the COâ problem and that study of this topic should become a major priority for future research. An appendix puts this issue in the context of the overall COâ problem.
Global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil-fuel combustion and cement production grew 5.9% in 2010, surpassed 9 Pg of carbon (Pg C) for the first time, and more than offset the 1.4% decrease in 2009. The impact of the 2008 2009 global financial crisis (GFC) on emissions has been short-lived owing to strong emissions growth in emerging economies, a return to emissions growth in developed economies, and an increase in the fossil-fuel intensity of the world economy.
This study compares emission pathways aimed at limiting temperature increase to 2°C under varying constraints. In a first set of pathways, the timing of emission reductions is such that over the 2010–2100 period, assuming full participation from 2013 onwards, mitigation costs are minimized. In a second set of pathways, we set emissions in 2020 at a level based on the pledges of the Copenhagen Accord. In the ‘Copenhagen Potential’ scenario, climate talks result in satisfying conditions linked by countries to their ‘most ambitious’ proposals. Contrasting, in the ‘Copenhagen Current’ scenario, climate talks fall short of satisfying the conditions to move beyond current unilateral pledges. We include scenarios with and without the availability of bio-energy in combination with carbon capture and storage. We find that for a ‘Copenhagen Potential’ scenario, emissions by 2020 are higher (47 GtCO 2 eq/yr) than for a least-cost pathway for 2°C (43 GtCO 2 eq/yr with a 40–46 GtCO 2 eq/yr literature range). In the ‘Copenhagen Potential’ scenario the 2°C target can still be met with a likely chance, although discounted mitigation costs over 2010–2100 could be 10 to 15 % higher, and up to 60 % in the 2040–2050s, than for least-cost pathways. For the ‘Current Copenhagen’ scenario, maintaining an equally low probability of exceeding 2°C becomes infeasible in our model, implying higher costs due to higher climate risks. We conclude that there is some flexibility in terms of 2020 emissions compared to the optimal pathways but this is limited. The 2020 emission level represents a trade-off between short-term emission reductions and long-term dependence on rapid reductions through specific technologies (like negative emission reductions). Higher 2020 emissions lead to higher overall costs and reduced long-term flexibility, both leading to a higher risk of failing to hold warming below 2°C.
Long-term scenarios developed by integrated assessment models are used in climate research to provide an indication of plausible long-term emissions of greenhouse gases and other radiatively active substances based on developments in the global energy system, land-use and the emissions associated with these systems. The phenomena that determine these long-term developments (several decades or even centuries) are very different than those that operate on a shorter time-scales (a few years). Nevertheless, in the literature, we still often find direct comparisons between short-term observations and long-term developments that do not take into account the differing dynamics over these time scales. In this letter, we discuss some of the differences between the factors that operate in the short term and those that operate in the long term. We use long-term historical emissions trends to show that short-term observations are very poor indicators of long-term future emissions developments. Based on this, we conclude that the performance of long-term scenarios should be evaluated against the appropriate, corresponding long-term variables and trends. The research community may facilitate this by developing appropriate data sets and protocols that can be used to test the performance of long-term scenarios and the models that produce them.