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Stig O. Johnsen*
, Christian Waale Hansen/
, Maria Bartnes
, Yngve Nordby/
, Eliot Rich/
University of Albany, SUNY
and Ying Qian
Agder University College, Norway
Abstract: Remote IT-based support and operations of offshore oil and gas installations are
increasing. The motivation for remote operation is the potential for increased income, cost
reductions and improved safety. The technology used to support operations is changing from
proprietary closed process control systems to standardize IT systems built on PCs and MS
Windows, connected to internal networks and the Internet. In addition, a network of companies is
increasingly performing operations and management. PCs and MS Windows have more
vulnerability than the proprietary systems used earlier, and the increased connections and
participants in the networks increase the vulnerability. The new organisations and the increased
number of vulnerabilities create the need for improved information security and improved safety.
Our hypothesis is that an important contribution to improved information security and safety is an
improved safety and security culture and improved information sharing during operations and
incident handling. Such a safety and security culture should be explicitly directed towards actions
that support learning.
We have developed a method called CheckIT, consisting of a questionnaire and a process to
improve information security and safety culture based on group discussions of key issues. The
process includes a group workshop where the firm’s security culture is discussed and areas of
improvement are identified.
The user community has been satisfied with the tool, and CheckIT is being used in
international companies cross borders. CheckIT has been made available (at The approach has also been used in cross-border railway operations, to
improve safety and safety culture at interfaces. Future work in this area includes refinement of the
questionnaire, as well as the use of system simulation to develop a holistic perspective on the causes
and outcomes of their security policies.
Key Words:
Information Security, Safety and Security Culture, SCADA systems, e-Operations,
Systems Thinking
*Corresponding author's email:
The amount of e-Operations, i.e. remote operations and remote control of offshore oil
and gas installations, is increasing in the North Sea [1]. The main motivations for remote
operations are the potential for operational cost reduction and increased income or yield
from the fields, together with increased safety. However, initial projects that envisioned
quick implementations of remote operations and remote support have not been carried
through as easily as expected. Many of the projects have been changed, stopped or
delayed significantly because the projects have been more complex and difficult than
One of the complexities related to the effect of e-Operations on security
and safety
of e-Operations. The technology used in process control systems (PCS) and supervisory
control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems is changing from proprietary closed
systems to standardized IT systems integrated in networks that may be connected to
internal networks and to the Internet. Such changes must be reviewed quite carefully for
their effects. For example, one important safety barrier in the PCS systems are the
emergency shutdown systems (ESD), ensuring that the operations are closed down in a
safe manner. If the connection between the ESD and PCS is not safe and secure, an
incident could impact the operation of the ESD system and platform safety.
E-Operations are also critical for the planned development of a virtual organization
of suppliers, providing flexibility and economy to the industry. Several tasks in
operations and maintenance tasks are already performed outside of the operator’s
organization. Increased use of suppliers and the required inter-connectivity leads to a
network of actors, which by accident, negligence or purpose can inflict unwanted
incidents or accident on an operator, causing large economic loss. The reliance on COTS
(commercial off-the-shelf operating systems) such as MS Windows increased networking
between the process control systems and the general ICT infrastructure. The use of
Internet connections also increases the overall vulnerability of the network infrastructure.
Exploitation of vulnerabilities may lead to a production stop on an oil platform, with a
financial loss in the order 3-5 Million-5 USD per day.
There has been an increase in incidents related to PCS and SCADA systems that could
impact operations. These types of incidents and attacks is seldom reported and shared
systematically. Traditionally, there has been the impression that PCS and SCADA systems
were sheltered from the vulnerabilities related to the Internet, and this perception still
seems to be widespread within the automation profession. The British Columbia Institute
of Technology has established an Industrial Security Incident Database (ISID),
documenting an increase in attacks on SCADA systems (Figure 1).
By the term security, we mean information security (IS) throughout the paper.
Figure 1: Incident trends in SCADA systems 1992 – 2005 [2]
The personnel involved in e-Operations projects have a tendency to focus on
technology, often at the expense of organisational and cultural issues. The reliance on
virtual organisations and the increased number of vulnerabilities create the need for
common risk perceptions and a common security and safety culture to reduce the risk
associated with remote operations. A discussion of these issues can be found in [3].
Based on studies and interviews conducted with major operators within the oil and
gas industry on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, this paper identifies major challenges
and proposes solutions related to measurement and improvement of security and safety
culture, and subsequently improvement of security and safety through the use of CheckIT,
a method to identify and focus attention on vulnerabilities and their effects.
1.1 Definitions
The following definitions apply to this document:
Risk communication: An intentional transfer of information designed to inform
individuals about the existence, nature, form, severity or acceptability of risks. In this
context we want to target individual groups in order to raise the awareness of risks related
to remote operations.
Remote control: Part of the operation is managed and operated from other places.
This can cover a wide spectrum of possibilities, from control of parts of the process in a
normal situation to total control of the installation in an emergency situation. Central
control room operators are present at the installation.
Remote operations: The entire process is managed and operated from other places.
This is the situation for the unmanned installations and is the most radical solution for
installations, where all the control room functions and other operation functions are
executed from a remote location. Today, this is the case for sub-sea installations.
Safety and security culture: The safety and security culture of an organisation is the
product of individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions, competencies and patterns
of behaviour that determine commitment to, and the style and proficiency of, an
organisation’s health, safety and security management [4].
Virtual organisation: A virtual organisation is a group of people from different
organisations located at different geographical locations working together in shared
interdependent processes to achieve shared objectives within a defined timeframe. The
authority and roles/responsibility of the participants are clearly defined. The collaboration
is supported by technology that gives the participants a common understanding of the
objectives to be achieved and enables good co-operation among the participants, ref [5].
2. Key challenges
Our studies and interviews have identified several key challenges related to e-
Operations in the oil and gas industry. These challenges have also recently been identified
in [6]. One challenge is that proprietary and closed control systems are replaced by
standardized ICT systems based on PCs and COTS such as MS Windows connected to
internal networks and Internet. CERT/CC publishes quarterly statistics at, reporting vulnerabilities in the IT systems. It was reported
22,716 vulnerabilities in the period 1995-2005, many caused by MS Windows. The SANS
Institute documents an expert consensus that MS Windows is listed as a key vulnerability
to information security. (The SANS Institute, “The Top 20 Critical Internet Security
Vulnerabilities”, retrieved July 17, 2006, from, Based on the
increasing reliance of Windows-based technology for control systems, we assert that their
vulnerabilities have also increased as proprietary operating systems are replaced.
The awareness of these security vulnerabilities has not equally increased among the
different professionals involved in oil extraction. There is a gap in experience and
knowledge between the control automation profession and the ICT profession related to
the new ICT vulnerabilities. Outsourcing and the use of multiple suppliers for platforms
have increased. The need for communication and problem solving between different
groups in different organisations are increasing. A focus on culture among these different
groups can ensure that different professions and organisations share a common
understanding of the new risks and can cooperate to improve communication, risk
mitigation and resolving of incidents.
We have seen that there is a relationship between safety and safety culture. In [7], it
was demonstrated a positive correlation between good safety culture and high safety.
Based on the preceding points, we suggest that improvement of culture could be an
important step to reduce the risk of e-Operations and increase safety and security. Thus,
developing a tool for the improvement of safety and security culture should be explored
further. CheckIT is a result of this work – trying to work with a broad concept such as
culture to establish common understanding among different professionals and different
organisations. At the same time it is a challenge to work with culture in a technology
driven environment such as the oil and gas industry. The industry has a strong focus on
technology and issues related to human factors and organisation is often prioritised after
the technological issues.
3. Organisational Culture
American pragmatists and consultants primarily used the notion of “culture” in an
organisational context in the early 1980s. The cultural metaphor was borrowed from
anthropology; as it became obvious that organisations, just as nations and tribes, develop
unique language, behaviour, rituals and perceptions of the world [8], [9]. Safety and
security culture is a hot topic in safety work, but also one, which creates confusion, see
[10]. There is a lack of agreement between theoreticians and practitioners within the field
on how to define measures and approach the concept.
We view culture as a property of collectives – e.g. groups, organisations or
communities. Moreover, we emphasize action and interaction rather than theoretical
constructs such as attitudes and values. This focus approaches Argyris and Schön’s notion
of theories-in-use – i.e. the values and principles that are reflected in actual actions, as
opposed to the values and principles that are claimed (espoused theory) [11].
Two main approaches to organisational culture are evident in the literature and
among practitioners: the functionalist approach and the symbolic/interpretive approach.
Within the functionalist approach, there is a focus on improvement and the links between
financial performance and culture. Within the symbolic approach, the focus is on
description, and the notion of culture is used to describe and understand organisational
The questions of whether culture can be measured, managed and manipulated are
fundamental within the functionalist approach to organisational culture. Our assumption
in this paper is that culture indeed can be measured, managed and manipulated. But at the
same time we have been influenced by the symbolic tradition, in that culture is difficult to
change and that actors within the culture itself must participate in the change process.
Thus triangulation has been our approach in that we have combined the best from the
functionalistic tradition with the best from the symbolic tradition.
In 1986, Shell International Exploration and Production started sponsoring a research
program to better understand why accidents occur and what can be done to avoid them.
This resulted in Hearts and Minds [12], a tool for analyzing and improving safety culture.
The philosophy of the Hearts and Minds toolset is that improvement of safety culture is
characterized by involvement and broad based participation from management and the
workforce. The Hearts and Minds program is influenced by previous work of Westrum
[13], who has defined an evolutionary model comprising different levels of safety
The Hearts and Minds project of Shell has been an inspiration for us when
developing CheckIT. The aim of CheckIT is to assist oil and gas companies and other
actors in identifying and solving security and safety problems that arise in a network of
cooperating companies performing e-Operations. Our experience suggests that the method
can also help actors to exploit the opportunity to share best practices and thus improve
operations. Increased information security can have a positive effect on safety, and
increased safety can have a positive effect on information security.
4.1 The development of CheckIT
Our approach in the development of CheckIT has been iterative. Feedback from
participating organisations and workforce has been stressed. The development has been
structured as follows:
Initially, a literature review of safety culture, high reliability organisations, organisational
learning and other relevant topics was performed. The aim was to identify important
issues related to safety and security culture, in order to specify relevant questions and
processes to assess and improve the safety and security culture. Important aspects from
[10], [12], [14] and [15] have served as a foundation for the succeeding work. Based on
the work of [7] and [16] we identified issues that shows a clear correlation between good
safety and security culture and operational safety and security.
Based on the theoretical foundation, a tentative version was developed and
distributed to participating organisations for review and comments. The method was
subsequently discussed and adjusted with relevant industry experts in a two-day
workshop in February 2005. At the same time we agreed on indicators that characterize IT
safety and security. These indicators can be used as a baseline to discuss changes or
improvement. The industry experts involved were from the oil and gas industry, the
telecom industry, the research/consultancy fields and authorities (the Norwegian National
Security Authority).
The proposed adjustments from the workshop were implemented in the tool, and a
first version of CheckIT was developed and approved by all the participating parties
during the spring of 2005. The first version of CheckIT has been used in the oil and gas
industry and among other industry participants.
We plan to improve the tool based on the experience gathered during its use, and
follow-up with participants to determine its effectiveness. Does the use of CheckIT aid in
reducing the actual amount of unwanted ICT incidents? Does the use of CheckIT aid in
strengthening the barriers related to IT safety and security? Does the use of CheckIT
reduce the consequences of an unwanted incident?
We plan to explore the effect of using CheckIT periodically over a period of 2-3
years. Shell has experienced improvements in safety culture and safety in the years since
their research started in 1986, see [12], the goal with CheckIT is to achieve effects
corresponding to these results.
4.2 The foundation of CheckIT
CheckIT has been based on organisational culture [8] as mentioned earlier. The
framework for cultural assessment draws on Westrum’s taxonomy of organisational
cultures [13]. A possible development of safety and security culture from “bad” to “good”
(i.e. from the pathological/denial culture to the generative culture/learning) is described
and we have described three alternative examples of responses for each question. The
alternatives correspond to the cultural levels in Westrum’s work. This has been done to
improve understanding, discussion and commitment to the use of culture. We also have
tried to suggest that the “best” culture is the learning culture (the generative culture).
The levels of safety culture from Westrum are:
• The pathological/denial culture – organisations that fit this characteristic are self
organized on a basic level and strive to maintain status quo. They will deny warning
signals, punish those who bring them up and try to keep reporting at a minimum. Their
focus is on doing business and maintaining the impression of everything being as normal.
• The calculative/rule based culture – These organisations are strongly rule
oriented, and driven by management systems. They put great effort into forming and
imposing rules, which are intended to cover both unwanted situations and external
requirements. They have a limited repertoire of measures when an event occurs, and focus
is mainly on simple deviation handling.
• The generative/ learning culture – organisations that are generative put great
effort into active participation on all levels, and align organisational goals with safety
oriented goals. They perceive safety and security as an opportunity and an inherent part of
the business, rather than an imposition of costs. The company’s own and other companies’
experiences are actively used to continuously improve the safety performance. Attainment
of this level is suggested as the goal in CheckIT.
A key foundation of CheckIT is the ability to exploit and try to influence (and
change) fundamental values or root causes by establishing meeting arenas where double
loop learning and organisational development can be performed as described in [11].
Through group discussions, root causes should be identified and the participants should
be able to suggest changes and improvements in a meeting arena where the important
actors are present.
CheckIT focuses on the values and routines on the organisational level. In this
context, we apply the three-level model from [8] to describe the different levels within the
organisation, i.e. artefacts, espoused values and underlying assumptions. CheckIT has an
explicit focus on the top two levels of this model, but the group process is important in
that the process can influence the basic assumptions of the organisation, if double-loop
learning is achieved and if the methodology is used over several years. Double loop
learning is achieved when we manage to change underlying values, governing valuables
or common perceptions in the firm, as described in [11].
To establish discussion of underlying values it may be important to involve external
participants in the process. External observers could more easily identify underlying
values in a group discussion. To further aid in this discussion, scenario analyses of safety
critical operations could be performed. A scenario analysis has been used in [17]. In
handling and discussing a scenario, the underlying values could be revealed. To analyze
the different scenarios, it is suggested to use different accident investigation tools to aid in
creating common mental models in the group. The STEP method, see [18] or AcciMap
method, see [19], could be useful in this context.
We also assume that the underlying assumptions, and the culture as a whole, may be
influenced by sustained changes to routines and behaviour. This corresponds to the views
on cultural change presented in [9], where cultural change is an effect of altered patterns
of interaction and behaviour.
5. Overview of CheckIT
The basic package of CheckIT comprises of 31 questions, which can be used to
measure, monitor and improve IS culture. These questions are recommended, and
constitute a minimum in the method. Additionally, 34 questions are provided in a
supplementary package, which allows the user to configure the survey and/or
improvement program according to the specific needs of the organisation.
Each question is presented in a short and precise manner, and three alternative main
answers are presented in a table next to the question. The aim is to develop a rating of the
organisation on a numerical scale from 1 to 5, where alternatives one, three and five are
textually described. In addition the rating can use two, indicating a value between the
alternatives described in “one” and “three”, or the rating can use four, indicating a value
between “three” and “five”. The alternatives that are described correspond to the cultural
taxonomy described by Westrum [13]. The utilization of a five-point scale provides a
basis for a normalized score throughout the organisation and makes it possible to compare
results and also benchmark against other organisations.
SINTEF has developed a similar tool to improve safety culture at interfaces,, a project done for UIC (Union International de Chemin
de Fer) the international railway association [20], [17]. This tool, SafeCulture, has been
recommended by the UIC to their members and can be found at web page of Railway
Safety and Standards Board in UK [21].
The first part of CheckIT is considered to cover the core key aspects of security and
safety culture, and should fulfil the requirements of small or medium-sized organisations.
Larger corporations may define topics of special interest, and thus choose to include
questions further exploring these fields of interest from the supplementary package.
5.1 The questions in CheckIT
Generally, the topics covered by CheckIT have been based on the following sources:
• Topics uncovered during the literature review with theoretical basis
• Root causes identified in accident analysis of relevant incidents and
• Areas of special interest or focus from participating organisations
Industry experts from the workshop have participated in an iterative development of
the tool, with revisions and comment prior to, during and after the workshop.
Many of the questions are based on work within the field of safety culture and high
reliability organisations (HRO); [12], [14] and [15] have all had influence. Central topics
include management involvement, commitment and communication, such as leading by
example, identifying all involved parties, establishing clear responsibilities, and
establishing a common risk perception, common manners of communication, and trying
to build a common understanding. A focus on error free communication may have a
positive influence on these aspects [15].
The reporting of incidents and learning from these are also integral parts in building a
good information security and safety culture. Within the firm this implies that there is an
open reporting culture, facilitating an open discussion between the staff and management.
If this is not the case, incidents will seldom be reported and used for learning. The
learning aspect also comprises general training and focus on system insight. There also
should be a reporting system in place among the industry partners, to enable common
learning of incidents. A reporting culture, open learning from incidents also is a
fundamental basis to be able to perform double-loop learning both within the organisation
and among the industry.
The examples and descriptions in each question have been developed, tested and
verified trough interviews and workshops. The work conducted so far has verified the
relevance of the questions and also identified what has been considered best practice in
the alternatives.
5.2 Using CheckIT
The use of CheckIT in an existing organisation or in a network of organisation could
be seen as implementing a fundamental change of the way things are done. To ensure that
such a difficult change can take place, we suggest following the best practices related to
leading change as described by Kotter in [22], e.g.:
• Establish a sense of urgency among the participants in the organisation and in
cooperating organisations.
• Creating a Coalition, involving management and key stakeholders
• Developing a motivating vision that is relevant to the actual business and
Communicating the change vision,
• Empowering broad-based actions
• Generating short-term wins, document the benefits, consolidating the gains and
producing more change and anchoring new approach in the culture
The influence and change of a difficult concept such as culture could be a challenge.
We have developed the tool to be subject of discussions, learning and understanding
among as many participants as possible. To improve understanding and identify possible
improvements of security and safety culture, we have exemplified denial based culture,
rule based culture and generative / learning culture (suggested as best practice) for each
question. We propose to use CheckIT to improve the security and safety culture towards
the learning culture/the generative culture. The suggested approach includes the following
steps (Figure 2):
• 1. Identify key indicators. Identify common goals and the key indicators to be
improved by the use of CheckIT. A key indicator could be the number of security
incidents that penetrates the security barriers or the quantifiable consequences of each
incident in terms of costs, health and environmental impacts .It is important to get
management commitment of scope and effort of use of CheckIT. It is important to
establish a learning arena among important stakeholders to support organisational
learning. Prior to the use of the method the approach and questions should be
discussed and adjusted to the vocabulary and terms used in the specific industry.
• 2. Perform assessment of safety and security culture via the questionnaire to identify
challenges. The questionnaire should be filled out individually and then discussed in
a group setting. This implies that we view culture as a property of collectives – e.g.
groups, organisations or communities – rather than as an attribute of a single
individual. Moreover, we emphasise action and interaction as symptoms of the
underlying attitudes and values.
• 3. Reflection in groups: Discuss and reflect on the answers in a group setting, to
identify areas to be improved. During this discussion it is important to try to identify
the root causes or fundamental changes to be implemented to improve the key
indicators. Management should be a part of the group and key stakeholders outside
the organisation that can influence the safety and security in a major way should be
• 4. Identify and agree on actions based on good co-opting processes. (The term co-
opting process is used to describe a decision process involving both management and
work force where the issues are discussed freely prior to a decision.) Implement the
suggested actions in a good co-opting process. The actions should be related to the
key indicators.
Figure 2: Suggested approach to foster organisational learning
The assessment of security and safety culture should be carried out by using the
questionnaire. For each question there are three described alternatives to be used
representing differences in culture. The three described cultural levels are:
• Denial culture (Level 1)
• Rule based culture (Level 3)
• Learning/generative culture, seen as “Best practice” (Level 5)
This assessment should be done in two steps. First, the individual participants are to
complete the questionnaire on their own. Then the result should be discussed in the
workgroup with participants from the employees, management and other relevant
stakeholders. If key safety and security operations are outsourced to a service firm, actors
from the service firm should participate in the workgroup. The idea is to evaluate the
organisation at each question, and then place it within one of the security and safety
culture levels in the range from 1 to 5.
The participants should identify areas where the security and safety culture could be
improved. Reasons to improve the culture are a result that shows that the cultural level is
too far from “best practice” or differences in the cultural levels among the actors in the
network are significant and may lead to misunderstandings or even an incident or
The aim of the questionnaire is to help the organisations to identify and improve
safety culture. The structure and layout of the questionnaire is illustrated in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Layout of the CheckIT questionnaire
The questions to be elaborated are documented in the appendix. An example of a
question and the related response alternatives of the three major cultural levels follow
below: Example “How is experience feedback used in the organisation?” and
description of alternatives:
• Denial culture (level 1): Many incidents are not reported. A database of serious
incidents reports exists, but it is incomplete and not considered as being useful. The
system does not have open access. Management is not informed about serious
• Rule based culture (level 3): There is a database with detailed descriptions of near
incidents and incidents, which is used internally. Efforts are made to use it actively,
but it is not yet fully established as a useful tool.
• Proactive/generative culture (seen as “best practice” – level 5): The Company’s own
and other companies’ experiences are actively used to continuously improve our own
security and safety performance as well as the industry as a whole. Interfaces are seen
as an important learning arena. Simulators are used as a training tool to gain
experiences cross interfaces and create understanding.
The main activities in a CheckIT analysis are listed in Table 1 below.
Table 1: Activities and effort in a CheckIT analysis
Effort Activities
½ day
Preparation and organisation – identify relevant key indicators and
identify people to attend the workshop, go trough and adjust the questionnaire
to the relevant industry, establish a sponsor from management, motivate and
prioritize the work with safety and security, culture.
½ day
Assessment and reflection of security and safety culture, performed by an
experienced team, use CheckIT. Identify actions – as agreed in teamwork.
½ day
Follow-up of agreed actions to ensure that the proper responsible person
performs them. Document improvements in security and safety culture and
Information Safety in general. Document the development of key indicators,
discuss the result with the relevant stakeholders,
The use of the method does not require many resources but requires management
commitment. A CheckIT analysis requires normally 1½ days effort from the involved
organisation, but that could be increased to 3 days effort if the issues are more elaborated.
Improvement of security and safety culture is not an activity that can be done only
once; it is a continuous process. We propose that a CheckIT survey should be performed
each year. The development of key indicators should be assessed each period, and the
effect of using CheckIT should be assessed.
6. Key performance indicators
When using CheckIT in an organisation, one should be able to measure the result – to
what degree has the security and safety culture actually been improved? If the effect
cannot be measured, it may be difficult to get support from management to continue using
this method. The result from CheckIT itself is a numeric value between 1 and 5, where 5
is the best possible result. The result can be compared from time to time, and will itself
show a change, hopefully in the right direction. We would like to change the actions of
the organisation and the employees, not only the perceptions. The perceptions could be
different from the actual safety and security related actions, as has been seen prior to
some accidents and incidents. Therefore, it is necessary to identify other indicators for
measuring as well.
CheckIT does not come with a suggested set of indicators; they must be identified by
the organisation itself. The indicators chosen should represent the most important issues
regarding IT security and safety in the organisation.. All the chosen indicators must be
measurable. During our work on using CheckIT in organisations within the oil and gas
industry, we have developed a set of indicators that can serve as a suggestion or a starting
point. In our case we had a special focus on incident response. These are some of the key
indicators we have identified:
• Consequences of each incident in terms of costs - health and environmental impacts
(Should decrease if CheckIT is successful)
• Number of security incidents that penetrates the security barriers (Should decrease if
CheckIT is successful)
• Security incidents caused by insiders (Should decrease if CheckIT is successful)
• Time to detection of security incidents (Should be earlier if CheckIT is successful)
• Violations of security procedures/regulations. (Should decrease if CheckIT is
• Costs related to security incident handling. (Should be controlled better if CheckIT is
7. Experiences from using CheckIT
Our experiences show that thorough preparations are recommended. One should
strive to develop a common understanding among the participants of what CheckIT tries
to accomplish and what the results can yield. The discussion and results of CheckIT could
help to establish such a common understanding. Experience from both public and private
sector show that while some participants immediately recognize the importance of such
surveys and the continuous focus on security and safety culture, most participants not
currently working directly with security issues do not. It is important to use time on
preparation and to build common understanding.
Important activities are:
• Establishing goals, scope, key indicators and target audiences of the assessment.
• Identify relevant modifications to the tool, e.g. elaborations or reformulations to
match the vocabulary used in the organisation. There are differences between the
industries such as Telecom, oil and gas and government agencies. Some
modifications and reformulations must be performed to tailor each industry.
• Using a pilot group to test the selected approach, to discuss the approach and identify
key issues
• Making sure leaders have a visible commitment to the survey, being committed to the
results and stating the importance of good security and safety culture.
The participants having used CheckIT so far have given a positive assessment of the tool
and also identified some challenges and suggestions for improvement. The positive points
have been:
• There has been an increase in awareness related to Information security organisations
having used CheckIT
• Some actual results for improvement in the organisations have been identified.
• The participants have evaluated the questionnaire as useful especially since they had
to focus on the subject and discuss several items
• CheckIT has not been too resource demanding.
• CheckIT has identified and highlighted known weaknesses in the organisation, but
making the weaknesses more explicit
• Our experiences indicate that the general coverage of the tool is good. We have not
received any input regarding relevant areas lacking in the current version of the tool.
Challenges and suggestions for improvement have been:
• It has so far not been documented that the tool has really improved safety and
security related to key indicators. However, at one organisation there has been an
improvement in the CheckIT score and few unwanted incidents have been published.
• Simplify and make the questions more relevant to personnel involved in the actual
industry (such as oil and gas production in the North Sea). This is one of the key
activities planned during 2006.
We have used CheckIT at several different industries. Some relevant issues identified by
industry partners when using CheckIT has been:
• Suppliers and actors outside the operators are not sufficiently involved in the
discussion on information security.
• Some rules have been broken to improve profitability. Safety and security has some
times not been prioritized.
• Poor handling of information security in large scale projects. Information security is
discussed too late in the project phase leading to non-optimal solutions.
• There has not been performed a risk analysis of the ICT systems or the process
control systems supporting production. There is not sufficient awareness of the
importance of the different systems related to safety critical operations.
• The responsibility of information security is not always clearly assigned.
• The people in operations have not always been informed about unwanted ICT
incidents and their consequences. (There is little knowledge about ad-ware, spy ware,
viruses and other typical problems, and their consequences for safety and security
related to the industry.)
• There has been almost no sharing of incident information and best practices. The
relevant industries should learn from best practices, such as co-operation within the
electrical power supply industry. (See
Experiences from using the tool as an only web based assessment tool without group
discussions are positive, both from the telecom and public sectors. Using CheckIT this
way does not yield the same benefits regarding double loop learning as when using the
recommended approach, but has proven a quick and easy way to identify areas of interest.
In the National Risk Assessment performed in 2006 by the Norwegian National
Security Authority, CheckIT (presented in [23]) was recommended used by organisations
for improving security culture. This might serve as a basis to further extend the use of the
tool both within current sectors and to new sectors.
CheckIT has also been used in the Telecom industry and in Government and the involved
users have been satisfied with the results of using the tool so far. They want to use the
tool further in their own organisation. The Telecom provider has used CheckIT in the
international organisation, across borders. The results have been useful and during the
second half of 2006 there will be performed a statistical evaluation of the result and the
impact of CheckIT, the question to be resolved is “Has the use of CheckIT improved the
safety and security culture, and has the actual safety and security been improved?”
Our experiences are going to be explored in our future work in 2006 and 2007. The initial
version of CheckIT has been documented in [24] and [25], and we are trying to raise
awareness of the existence of the tool to get an evaluation of the methodology. We are
trying to verify and validate the effect of the tool and this will be done in 2006. Ideally
there should be an increase in awareness and a decrease of incidents or a reduction of
consequences when CheckIT is being used.
8. Areas To Be Explored In The Future And Possible Improvements
The main issue to be explored in the future is the relationship between the use of
CheckIT and improvement in safety and security as measured by changes in the selected
key indicators.
Some sort of a scenario analysis could be implemented to ensure better understanding
and exploration of the challenges related to cooperation across organisational boundaries.
In [17] it was documented that the scenario analysis improved understanding and
commitment in a cross-cultural team discussing safety issues. The scenarios should be
illustrated by a STEP-diagram, see [18].
To ensure a committed discussion and a result of interest, the scenarios should
represent significant areas of concern for the stakeholders. The scenarios should be based
on challenges identified during use of CheckIT, “Near misses or known incidents” that
could develop into accidents, a generic list of scenarios that could be developed by the
project in cooperation with the industry or known relevant accidents or a brain storming
process at the start of the meeting. Experience from a Norwegian study, see [26], indicates
that scenarios derived from near misses can give a good generic coverage. It is, however,
important to update the scenarios to cover new technology, changing regulations and new
operational experience.
Based on the relevant issues identified by industry partners when using CheckIT,
scenarios could be:
• An unwanted incident involving suppliers and actors outside the operator, having
different knowledge, procedures and routines leading to misunderstandings that could
escalate into an incident.
• Ignoring of several safety oriented rules to improve profitability, e.g. no prioritizing
of safety and security.
• Due to a missing risk analysis of the systems there is poor situational awareness of
what can go wrong among the different actors. Due to poor situational awareness, an
incident is developing into a full-blown incident.
• The responsibility of information security is not clearly assigned, and this could be
the basis of an unwanted incident.
• Due to poor knowledge of unwanted ICT incidents and their consequences, a
weakness is exploited at several sites, leading to an unwanted incident.
Implementation of the CHECK-IT survey is more than a spot audit of corporate
policies and individual behaviours. It also provides an opportunity to identify why
security vulnerabilities persist even when they are known. Recognizing the factors that
determine the state of an organization’s security culture may pave the way towards
achievable solutions.
One way to stimulate this examination is through the use of systems thinking. The
systems thinking framework examines organizational behaviours as an outcome of
interconnected structures that communicate through information or material feedback
loops. These structures work in deliberate or unintentional ways that may achieve the
desired objectives, provide limited benefit, or may produce results opposite the original
intention [27]
Figure 4 presents a sample causal map that illustrates a common problem in
implementing changes to security culture. The state of an organization’s security culture
at any time may be considered a dynamic balance between the pressure for security
compliance and all other functions of the firm (the same could be said for any other
component of the firm’s activities – marketing, production, logistics, etc.). If pressed by
events to strengthen its security culture, the gap between the current and desired security
culture increases emphasis on compliance, which is expected to improve the security
culture, balancing the pressure to change and reducing the gap (Loop B1).
A second and less desirable effect of an attempt to improve the security culture is its
effect on productivity. The use of security short cuts (such as sharing of passwords) is a
widely practiced activity that operations staff uses to improve there indicated (i.e., locally
known) productivity at little immediate risk [14]. Security experts recognize that the risk
Loss from
Training for
Security Culture
Efforts on Security
Culture Gap
Desired Security
B1 -
B2 -
R2 -
short cuts
Recovery of
hidden losses
R1 -
Figure 4 Feedback model of resistance to security culture
In systems thinking, a loop that reduces the effects of imposed pressure is termed balancing; a loop that
increases its effects in response to a change is termed reinforcing. Reinforcing loops may act in vicious or
virtuous ways. See [28], chapter 4, for a discussion of these principles.
of this behaviour remains largely hidden or ignored until a loss occurs; the effects of the
loss on productivity occur when the loss is exposed.
Increased security compliance discourages the sharing of passwords. In the
minds of the staff, though, enforcement of a stronger password regimen would be
anticipated to reduce indicated productivity. This in turn would create another gap, one
between perceived productivity and its historical levels. Production pressure might well
be expected to reduce security compliance in another area, thus reducing the effect of the
drive to improve security practices (Loop B2) as well as stimulating the search for
additional security shortcuts, which increase hidden losses and widen the security gap
(Loop R1).
This hypothetical causal model, though quite simple and incomplete, does illustrate
the value of a systems perspective on security compliance. The effects of Loops B1 and
R1 that work against the desired increase in compliance are an unintentional consequence
[29] of a system that focuses on perceptions of productivity without consideration of
longer-term risks. A solution in this case might be security training exposing the effect
and risk of hidden losses to the organization from insecure actions that – either now or in
the future – could have a dramatic effect on the firm’s productivity and financial status.
Recovery of those losses might be sufficient to counter concerns about short-term
productivity losses, and reinforce the security efforts, leaving the firm in a stronger
position over time (Loop R2).
A causal model provides one framework for analyzing the results of a CHECK-IT
program and creating an action plan for cultural change. Our example provides some
basis for organizing thinking about what truly influences security behaviours in
organizations. This first model provides only limited value, in that it is not possible to tell
which effect dominates the system: For example, we still do not know if the result of
increased security will end up as a loss in productivity, or in fact as a net financial gain by
avoiding a large loss. Our next step in this section of the analysis is the development of a
formal simulation model, which will attempt to address these and other questions.
The increased amount of e-Operations may cause increased vulnerability within the
oil and gas industry. . This is also supported by recent work done in USA by the Dept. of
Homeland Security and the I3P consortium, documented in [6] and [30]. The new
technology and the new work processes introduced create the need for building and
continuously improving a culture for security and safety.
Our studies have shown that a focus on improving the security and safety culture may
have a positive effect on safety and security performances. We have developed a method,
CheckIT, which may be used for the assessment and improvement of security and safety
Further work includes applying CheckIT to selected companies interested in
measuring the effect of working with safety and security culture. We would like to focus
on the oil and gas industry involved in integrated operations. We would ideally try to
establish common terminology, common risk perceptions and identify key indicators for
improvement of safety and security. We would like to explore the theory in [31] to
improve CheckIT.
Over a period of 2-3 years we would like to measure if the security and safety culture
has been improved and if the actual safety and security has been improved based on the
defined key indicators. We are also developing system simulation tools to examine the
effects and barriers to change that may emerge over time.
CheckIT has freely been made available at
The Norwegian Research Council and the Norwegian Oil Industry Association have
funded this work.
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Norwegian), Tapir, Trondheim, 2005, ISBN 82-7706-222-2
[24] Johnsen S.O., Hansen C.W., Nordby Y., Line M.B: “Measurement and improvement
of information security culture”2005 at HKARMS ISBN 962-442-279-6.
[25] Johnsen S.O., C.W.Hansen, Y.Nordby, M.B.Line: “Check-It - Measurement and
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Available at
[31] Weick, K.E., & Sutcliffe, K.M.: “Managing the unexpected: Assuring High
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Stig O. Johnsen is a senior researcher at SINTEF in Trondheim/Norway, department of
Science and Technology/Safety and Reliability - closely cooperating with NTNU
(Norwegian University of Science and Technology).
Appendix A: Questionnaire – some of the questions having been developed
Question: 1)Denial culture (Level 1)
Level 2
3)Rule based culture (Level 3)
Level 4
5)Proactive /Generative culture
(Seen as “Best practice” – Level 5)
To what extent is senior
management involved and
committed to information
1-The management does not
focus on information security and
employees are given little information
regarding this.
3-The management focus on
information security, when there is an
occurrence of an incident. They inform the
employees, but there is one-way
5-The management continuously
focus on information security. There is a
two-way communication with employees
and partners regarding information
To what extent are
employees and suppliers involved
in developing information
The management and those
responsible for the information
security develop and decide the
requirements and routines for
information security without involving
the employees or suppliers.
The management when developing the
routines for information security uses report
and suggestions from the employees and
Employees and suppliers are directly
involved in the process of developing
procedures for information security and
they are considered an important resource
in this work. Some employees have been
given responsibility regarding
information security.
To what extent are rules and
procedures continuously adjusted
to reduce the risks related to
information technology?
The companies make safety
procedures when required by
authorities. Rules are used by
management to keep a retreat open,
and in that way disclaim responsibility
when accidents occur. Rules are not
always used to increase safety, but
also used politically.
There are many procedures, serving as
‘barriers’ to prevent incidents. The
stringency of the rules is at the minimum
required by authorities. Procedures are
adjusted or “bent” to enable quick fixes or
do the job faster.
Procedures are seen as an opportunity
to improve the safety and security, and
they are continuously refined in order to
make them more practical. Common
procedures are used cross interfaces, and
are developed in cooperation with other
To what extent are unwanted
incidents analyzed and used as a
learning experience?
Unwanted incidents are rarely
Only serious incidents with large
potential loss are investigated.
The incident is analyzed to establish
new routines in order to avoid such
incidents in the future.
Little are being done to investigate the root
cause of the incident.
The incident is used as a learning
The organisation as a whole is trying
to learn from the incident.
Management and employees are
discussing the incident in a meeting arena
where ideas and experience can be
To what extent are reporting
of unwanted incidents
There is no feedback, and I don’t
know if anything has been done to
improve what I reported. I usually
prefer to solve the problem by myself.
I never get feedback if I report an
unwanted incident.
I only report incidents if they are
serious and may have direct consequences
for my work.
I report to my superior and he/she report
back to me that my report has been received
and that someone will take care of the
I know to whom I shall report and
that all reports of unwanted incidents are
taken seriously. I will be informed if
action is taken to solve what I reported.
I always report unwanted incidents
regarding information security.
To what extent are
individuals blamed if an accident
or unwanted incidents occurs?
Individuals or partners are blamed
in the case of unwanted incidents
regarding information security.
A combination of technical and
personal factors is seen as the reason for the
occurrence of unwanted incidents. The
system as a whole is often blamed.
Who to blame is rarely an issue in
such incidents. Individuals or partners are
therefore rarely blamed.
To what extent are
experience transferred between
your company and other
Few experiences are shared with
other companies. Information security
is regarded as an internal affair in the
There is little focus on measuring
information security for comparison with
other companies.
The company a part of a network for
information security in order to learn
from other companies’ practice regarding
information security.
How is experience feedback
used in the organisation?
Many incidents are not reported.
A database of serious incidents reports
exists but it is incomplete and not
considered being useful. The system
does not have open access.
Management is not informed about
serious incidents.
There is a database with detailed
descriptions of near incidents and incidents,
which is used internally. Efforts are made to
use it actively, but it is not yet fully
established as a useful tool.
The company’s own and other
companies’ experiences are actively used
to continuously improve our own safety
and security performance as well as the
industry as a whole. Interfaces are seen as
an important learning arena. Simulators
are used as a training tool to gain
experiences cross interfaces and create
What is your opinion of this
Time consuming, unnecessary
and not relevant.
OK. Not very interesting, but I did
learn something from it.
Interesting. It made me see a new
perspective and I gained knowledge.