A compact sodium-cooled Breed-and-Burn Fast Reactor (B&BR) has been investigated from neutronics perspective in order to improve the core performance and safety [1,2,3,4]. Similar to the CANDLE reactor configuration [5], the blanket fuels are located on the top of the initial core. In our study, the spent nuclear fuels (SNF) from light water reactors after being metallized are used as the blanket
... [Show full abstract] fuels. Meanwhile, metallic low-enriched uranium (LEU) is located in the initial core. Besides providing the core first criticality, the initial core will supply neutrons to the blanket fuels so the fertile fuels can be converted to fissile fuels. In this paper, the impact of using different nuclear
data libraries on the core characteristics of the B&BR was addressed. The performance of the B&BR depends on how many fissile fuels can be bred and utilized from the blanket fuels. On the other hand, the core inherent safety characteristic depends strongly on the TRU (transuranic) fuel composition generated in the fuel region. Three present major evaluated nuclear data libraries were considered in this study, i.e., ENDF/BVII.0 [6], ENDF/B-VII.1 [7] and JENDL-4.0 [8]. The neutronics analyses were all performed by using the continuous-energy Monte Carlo code Serpent [9].