... As noted in the introduction, however, only recently have scholars begun to frame the two as related to one another, and there is not yet consensus on the expected direction or magnitude of the relationship (Anyon, Zhang, & Hazel, 2016;Hirschi, 1969;Hoffmann, Erickson, & Spence, 2013). Some research suggests that larger discipline gaps would be associated with larger achievement gaps (e.g., Anyon et al., 2016;Goodman, 2014;Hinze-Pifer & Sartain, 2018;McNeely, Nonnemaker, & Blum, 2002), whereas other research suggests that larger discipline gaps could be associated with smaller achievement gaps (e.g., Anderson et al., 2017;Carrell, Hoekstra, & Kuka, 2016;Imberman, Kugler, & Sacerdote, 2012;Kinsler, 2013;Losen et al., 2015;Morris & Perry, 2016;Reid, 2012;Zhang, Musu-Gillette, & Oudekerk, 2016). (See online Supplemental Appendix A for a full summary of this literature.) ...