
New and supplementary records of marine Isopoda for the Netherlands and the Southern North Sea since 1956, with a note on Peltogaster paguri (Crustacea, Cirripedia)

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INTRODUCTION Part XVI of the Fauna van Nederland, Isopoda & Tanaidacea (Holthuis, 1956), deals with 27 species of Isopoda occurring in salt and/or brackish water. According to Holthuis (1956) the occurrence in the Netherlands of two of these, Sphaeroma serratum (Fabricius, 1787) and Bopyrus squillarum Latreille, 1802, is very doubtful and will remain so, as the material on which the records were based is lost and no new records of these species have been published for the Netherlands. Since 1956 many new data were obtained for several of the remaining 25 species, while 12 species were found for the first time in Dutch waters or in the southern North Sea. The present paper deals with the more interesting finds. Part of the species mentioned here have been discussed earlier. A key for the Dutch species is given by Huwae (1977). Since the publication of the key, three species, Pseudione hyndmanni (Bate & Westwood, 1868), Ione thoracica (Montagu, 1808) and Astacilla longicornis (Sowerby, 1806), were added to the Dutch fauna list. Two species, Arcturella dilatata (G. O. Sars, 1882) and Liriopsis pygmaea (Rathke, 1843) have been included here, because so far they were not represented in the collection of the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, although, properly speaking, they were not collected in the "Dutch" part of the southern North Sea. Most of the records from the Dutch coast are based on material obtained by members of the "Strandwerkgemeenschap van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging, de Nederlandse Jeugdbond voor Natuurstudie en de Algemeen Christelijke Jeugdbond voor Natuurstudie en Natuurbescherming" (the Shore Study-group of the Royal Netherlands Natural History Society, the Netherlands and General Christian Junior Leagues for Nature Study);

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... Since then, a single specimen was found on 7 July 1978 on the beach between Ijmuiden and Bloemendaal (Noord-Holland) [RMNH, Leiden 1153] (Huijsman and Huwae, 1978). Another specimen was found on 11 August 1979 between clusters of hydroids on a beach between Katwijk and Noordwijk (Zuid-Holland) [RMNH, Leiden 5933] (Adema and Huwae, 1982). On 6 August 1993, a further specimen was discovered beached on large brown algae south of Gravenzande (Zuid-Holland) [<>, ...
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On 25 May 2014, a dead adult specimen of the marine Isopod Idotea metallica Bosc, 1802 was discovered inside a stranded plastic vented bait jar of North American origin on Lohar Beach, near Waterville, Co. Kerry, SouthWest Ireland. The status of I. metallica in Irish and NorthWest European waters is reviewed. Although the current paucity of records would suggest that the species is relatively rare, this may simply be due to a lack of recording effort.
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Nerocila orbignyi (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) is reported for the first time on Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758 (Pisces, Mugilidae) from Bandırma Bay (the Sea of Marmara, Turkey) during 2020. This paper aims to present the morphological characters of male of N. orbignyi from Turkey. Hosts infested with N. orbignyi are commented according to taxonomical status (order, families), ecological behaviours (habitat selections, feeding habits, school-solitary), morphological characters (scale types) according to current records. It may be said that N. orbignyi has been reported more frequently on fish belonging to the Perciformes order and Mugilidae and Sparidae families. It may also be said that this parasite selects also the fishes with carnivorous, demersal, schools, and migratory character.
This chapter compares two sexual systems: hermaphroditism (each individual can produce gametes of either sex) and gonochorism (each individual produces gametes of only one of the two distinct sexes) in crustaceans. These two main sexual systems contain a variety of alternative modes of reproduction, which are of great interest from applied and theoretical perspectives. The chapter focuses on the description, prevalence, analysis, and interpretation of these sexual systems, centering on their evolutionary transitions. The ecological correlates of each reproductive system are also explored. In particular, the prevalence of “unusual” (non-gonochoristic) re-productive strategies has been identified under low population densities and in unpredictable/ unstable environments, often linked to specific habitats or lifestyles (such as parasitism) and in colonizing species. Finally, population- level consequences of some sexual systems are considered, especially in terms of sex ratios. The chapter aims to provide a broad and extensive overview of the evolution, adaptation, ecological constraints, and implications of the various reproductive modes in this extraordinarily successful group of organisms.
Ghost and mud shrimps in Axiidea and Gebiidea are hosts to parasitic epicaridean isopods, including species in Bopyridae and Ionidae. These isopods can reach high prevalence levels on their mud shrimp hosts and may strongly influence host ecology and biology. Currently, 54 species of bopyrids and eight species of ionids are known to parasitize ghost and mud shrimps. We present new taxonomic data on three species of ionids and ten species of bopyrids (nine previously described and one new to science), as well as on an undescribed species of nematode from an axiidean host. New locality and host records are given for all species. Our analysis of new material and review of museum specimens includes the description of the new species Acrobelione halimedae n. sp. from Austinogebia spinfrons (Haswell, 1881). We also provide an improved definition for the genus Pseudione Kossmann, 1881, based on morphological characters found in both sexes, and resolution of the type species, P. callianassae Kossmann, 1881. In our revision of Pseudione we erect a new genus, Robinione, and placed two species therein: R. overstreeti (Adkison & Heard, 1995) and R. brattstroemi (Stuardo, Vega & Cespedes, 1986). In addition, two other species are removed from Pseudione: P. compressa (Shiino, 1964) is moved to Ionella Bonnier, 1900, and P. panopei Pearse, 1947 is considered a synonym of Progebiophilus upogebiae (Hay, 1917). Bopyrid isopods represent a large, diverse taxon and our findings help clarify the taxonomy of those species found on ghost and mud shrimps.
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The parasitic isopod family Bopyridae contains approximately 600 species that parasitize calanoid copepods as larvae and decapod crustaceans as adults. In total, 105 species of these parasites (similar to 18% of all bopyrids) are documented from Recent squat lobsters and porcelain crabs in the superfamilies Chirostyloidea and Galatheoidea. Aside from one endoparasite, all the bopyrids reported herein belong to the branchially infesting subfamily Pseudioninae. Approximately 29% (67 of 233 species) of pseudionine species parasitize squat lobsters and 16% (38 of 233 species) parasitize porcelain crabs. Bopyrids are found in five of six squat lobster families (lacking only in Kiwaidae) and the sole porcelain crab family Porcellanidae. Six pseudionine genera are shared between squat lobsters and porcelain crabs. The deepest bathymetric records of bopyrids on squat lobster hosts (5210 m), and records of swellings interpreted as indications of bopyrid presence in fossil host taxa are noted. Four nomenclatural issues are resolved and the proper form of citation for the French zoologist C. E. Hesse is provided. Biogeographic distributions for squat lobsters and porcelain crabs are discussed and compared to those of hermit crabs.
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Dit rapport is een verslag van het tot stand komen van een database met naamlijst en codering van Nederlandse aquatische organismen. De codering richt zich op de zoete en brakke (semi-)aquatische macrofauna. Ten behoeve van deze categorie van organismen zijn activiteiten beschreven die leiden tot de inhoudelijke invulling van de beoogde database. De naamlijst omvat zowel taxonomische namen als namen van macrofauna zoals die in de praktijk gebruikt worden door waterbeherende instanties. De lijst is, uitgezonderd een aantal taxonomische groepen, gecontroleerd door specialisten. Tevens bevat het rapport een verklaring van werkbladen en velden van de database.
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