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Smart disinfection solutions : examples of small-scale disinfection products for safe drinking water

  • Aqua for All
  • Hiemstra Water Consultancy

Abstract and Figures

This booklet aims to help achieve the drinking water targets as stated in Millennium Development Goals 7: halving the proportion of people who don't have sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. In 2009 some 884 million people still did not have access to an improved water facility. Experience shows that access to "improved" water supply facilities is no guarantee for safe and reliable water. Especially in developing countries tap water can be unsafe, because of inadequate treatment, recontamination during transport or storage or at home. "Point of use" and small-scale treatment is a promising strategy to improve access to safe drinking water, in particular for the poor. Recent studies show that PoU reduces diarrhea morbidity for children under 5 by 29 % and is more effective than source water treatment, piped water on premises and improved public water supply. All the more reason to provide those who advise on systems for home water treatment in rural areas with current information on simple methods to improve drinking water for households. This booklet, part of the Smart Water Solutions series, can help them decide which method is best for a specific situation and what effect can be expected with respect to reduction of harmful micro-organisms. It also gives some price indications and refers to specific websites for further information.
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