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Heritage visitor attractions in Europe: a visitor profile

Heritage Visitor Attractions in Europe: a Visitor Profile
Greg Richards
Richards, G. (1999) Heritage Visitor Attractions in Europe: a Visitor Profile. Interpretation,
4(3), 9-13.
Culture and heritage are increasingly important raw materials for the visitor industry. In a
highly competitive European market, operators are also realising that the ‘natural’ assets
provided by the built heritage or the legacy of museums is insufficient in itself to guarantee
success. The ‘build it and they will come’ formula that worked quite well during the heritage
‘boom’ of the 1980s is being replaced by a realisation that the needs of visitors are paramount
in any heritage attraction that wants to keep on attracting visitors. As Leiper (1990) has
pointed out, attractions do not in themselves exert a magnetic ‘pull’ on the visitor. Attractions,
like any other business, have to appeal to the motivations and needs of their customers. Pure
unadulterated heritage or culture is therefore no longer sufficient – heritage needs to be
interpreted effectively to the visitor in order to provide the vital link between local heritage
and visitor needs.
It is therefore important for heritage attractions to understand the nature of the visitor market.
Although attractions often conduct visitor research, it is often ad hoc and difficult to relate to
wider social, economic and cultural trends that influence visitation. This is true not only of the
UK, but the same problem can be found across Europe. The lack of any co-ordinated research
on cultural and heritage attractions was the catalyst for the European Cultural Tourism
Research Project, which started in 1991. The project is run by the European Association for
Tourism and Leisure Education (ATLAS), which has 170 member universities across the
world. The research was initially funded by DGXXIII of the European Commission. The
research has so far included two series of visitors surveys, the first in 1992 (Richards, 1996)
and the second in 1997. A third survey round is planned for 1999/2000. The surveys have so
far covered some 75 sites in 15 European countries, mainly in the European Union. More
specific research on the activities and motivations of heritage visitors has also recently been
conducted in the context of the EUROTEX crafts tourism project, funded by DGXVI of the
European Commission (Richards, 1999). This presentation provides a summary of the
research conducted under these different programmes to date, and provides some pointers to
the role of interpretation for the European heritage visitor.
Heritage Visitors in Europe
One of the first findings to emerge from the ATLAS research was that there are significant
differences between ‘heritage tourism’ and ‘arts tourism’, both of which are usually lumped
together under the label of ‘cultural tourism’. In general, heritage attractions tend to be more
easily accessible and attract a broader audience than arts attractions. This reflects the higher
level of ‘cultural capital’ required for visitors to understand or appreciate certain art forms.
Museums and monuments are therefore the among the most popular forms of cultural
Comparing heritage attractions, such as museums, monuments and heritage centres with other
cultural attractions, clear differences in the visitor profile emerge.
Heritage attractions also tend to have a much broader appeal as far as tourists are concerned.
Over a third of tourists visiting heritage sites surveyed in Europe came from outside Europe,
compared with 15% of tourists visiting other cultural attractions. Local residents accounted
for only 16% of visitors to heritage sites.
Visitors to heritage sites tended to be older than visitors to other sites. Over 40% of heritage
visitors were aged 50 or over, compared with 25% of visitors to other cultural sites. This tends
to support the argument that the growth of nostalgia is a particularly important factor in the
expansion of demand for heritage tourism. Arts attractions in particular tend to appeal to a
younger audience, with a particularly high proportion of student visitors.
The older age profile for heritage visitors explains why heritage sites have more visitors with
a secondary or further education than other cultural sites. The expansion of higher education
in recent decades means that younger visitors generally have higher educational
qualifications. This also accounts to some extent for their higher level of cultural capital and
their subsequent ability to consume arts attractions. In spite of these differences, the
proportion of heritage visitors with a higher education qualification is still almost double the
European Union average, and the proportion of visitors with a postgraduate education is just
as high as for other sites. This underlines the fact that heritage visitors are better educated than
the population as a whole.
High education levels mean that heritage visitors also tend to have high status occupations,
with almost 60% having managerial or professional jobs. Heritage visitors are almost
exclusively ‘white collar’ workers, with less than 20% in manual or unskilled jobs. The
indications are that the heritage audience is dominated by what Urry (1995) refers to as the
‘new middle class’, for whom cultural and heritage consumption is an important element in
their identity formation. Previous research by ATLAS has also indicated that cultural
attractions tend to be visited by a relatively high proportion of people with cultural
occupations, many of whom are using their trips as a way of increasing their cultural capital
relative to their area of work. This effect is less evident in the case of heritage attractions,
probably because of the broader nature of the audience.
The predominantly white collar profile of heritage visitors combined with the older age
profile means that the average incomes are also high. Over a third of heritage visitors have a
household income of over 40,000 Euro per year, which is significantly higher than the
European average.
Holiday Characteristics
Visitors to heritage attractions are not by any means all cultural tourists. Only 18% of tourists
interviewed at heritage sites classified their holiday as being ‘cultural’. A large proportion of
tourists interviewed were on a touring holiday (30%) or a city break (10%). Many visitors
were therefore just ‘pssing through’, with over 50% of respondents staying in the area of the
interview for 3 nights or less. The heritage market tends to be more of a ‘short break’ market
than other forms of cultural holidays.
The role of the travel trade in selling heritage products is still relatively weak. As with
European tourism in general, the vast majority of visitors are travelling independently, and
less than 40% of heritage visitors had booked some element of their journey through travel
intermediaries before departure. This also means that the proportion of tour group partcipants
is relatively low. Heritage tourists tend to be travelling with their partner or with their
family.The fact that heritage tourists tend to be relatively wealthy also means that they stay in
hotels more often than other cultural tourists.
The motivations of heritage visitors vary relatively little from those of other cultural visitors.
The overwhelming majority of heritage visitors indicate that they are interested in gathering
new experiences and learning new things. Although this fits the traditional picture of the
cultural tourist fairly well, heritage visitors are even more intent on relaxing during their visits
to heritage attractions. The EUROTEX research has also indicated that the combination of
relaxation, fun and learning new things is important to cultural tourists.
The same point is underlined by research conducted for ATLAS by van ’t Riet (1994) in the
UK, Spain and the Netherlands. She found that education is seen as the single most important
motive by almost all visitors. The desire for new knowledge is most often combined with a
thirst for novelty, and with the ability to imagine how things were in the past.
There are indications that heritage visitation is also becoming an habitual element in the
tourism and leisure consumption of cultural visitors. Just under 40% of heritage visitors
agreed with the statement ‘I always visit a museum when I go on holiday’, and almost 60%
had visited at least one other heritage site during their visit to the interview area. Over 60% of
heritage visitors also indicated that they had visited a museum during their leisure time over
the past 12 months, and almost the same proportion had visited an historic monument.
The heritage attraction was not always the primary motive for travel among visitors. Just over
40% of heritage site visitors indicated that the attraction was important in their decision to
travel, but this means that the majority of visitors are not directly stimulated to travel by a
specific heritage site.
Our analysis of heritage visitors and other cultural tourists in Europe indicates that there is
relatively little variation in the heritage audience from one country to another. In spite of the
efforts of museums and heritage attractions to reach a braoder audience, the average heritage
visitor remains relatively wealthy and well educated – a solidly middle class public.
The fact that the heritage audience has not expanded to other social groups creates a growing
problem for attraction managers, because the supply of heritage and cultural attractions in
Europe is rising faster than the growth in visits. Many attractions are therefore suffering a
decline in visitor numbers, in spite of the supposed growth in the popularity of heritage.
This places an even greater emphasis on identifying and meeting the needs of the visitor. Our
research indicates that heritage visitors are looking for the mix of education and entertainment
or ‘edutainment’ usually associated with Disney attractions. The major difference for heritage
attractions is that the ‘culture’ provided is still seen as being relatively ‘serious’, and an
appropriate way of learning while having fun or relaxation. The implication is not, therefore,
that museums and other heritage attractions need to become Disney-type attractions, but
rather that they can learn from Disney, particularly in terms of market orientation and
innovative modes of interpretation.
Leiper, N. (1990) Tourist Attraction Systems. Annals of Tourism Research, 17, 367-384.
Richards, G. (1996) Cultural Tourism in Europe. CAB International, Wallingford.
Richards, G. (1999) Developing and Marketing Crafts Tourism. ATLAS, Tilburg.
Urry, J. (1995) Consuming Places. Routledge, London.
Van ‘t Riet, S. (1995) Back to basics: an analysis of motivations for visiting cultural
attractions. MA Thesis, Programme in European Leisure Studies, KUB Tilburg.
Details of the author
Greg Richards lectures in tourism management at Tilburg University in the Netherlands and is
coordinator of the European Association for Tourism and Leisure Education (ATLAS).
... To offer a more striking and significant experience, heritage attractions need to provide information to assist the interpretation of the site and its history (Richards, 1999). It is important to bear in mind that historical resources must be prepared to assist visitors' interpretations, thus offering opportunities for experiential and hedonic consumption in a satisfactory and memorable way for the visitor (McIntosh, 1999;Calver and Page, 2013). ...
Purpose The purpose of this study is to explore the hedonic experience and its formation at heritage attractions. Design/methodology/approach A qualitative and exploratory approach was applied, using data from 21 semi-structured interviews and three in-situ focus groups. Findings Findings highlight that senses, imagery and emotions are stimulated by the physical landscape and by triggers of memorable experiences. Research limitations/implications To further explore this topic, a broader range of heritage attractions and perspectives from the diverse stakeholders involved in the management and consumption of these sites is needed. Originality/value Given the scarcity of research dedicated to the hedonic experience at heritage sites, this study provides a contribution by exploring the visitor’s perspective and points out relevant insights. As the hedonic feelings of pleasure, comfort and related affective responses impact the quality of memorable experiences, relevant implications for theory and practice are discussed.
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Esta é uma pesquisa acadêmico científica e artística, pois engloba dimensões estéticas, poéticas e subjetivas, indissociáveis das identidades que me formam como a/r/tógrafo viajante – artista visual, pesquisador, professor –, lentes que se desdobram, multiplicam e se atravessam no contexto de um rizoma, ramificando novos horizontes investigativos, como o aqui conduzido, que objetivou (re)significar visualidades em sítios históricos das Missões Jesuíticas Guaranis por meio da fotografia artística. O estudo foi guiado por uma abordagem transdisciplinar, com metodologia qualitativa da Pesquisa Educacional Baseada em Arte – PEBA, conhecida como a/r/tografia. Contou também com traços do método (auto)biográfico proposto por Abrahão (2004) e teve como base a pesquisa documental e bibliográfica. Os instrumentos de pesquisa utilizados foram as fotografias de cunho artístico, geradas a partir de expedições fotográficas em 12 sítios históricos das missões, sendo sete deles Patrimônios Mundiais da UNESCO e cinco patrimônios nacionais. As imagens criadas conceberam um ensaio visual inédito sobre o conjunto dos remanescentes explorados, que estão situados na região transfronteiriça do Brasil, Argentina e Paraguai, resguardando a memória dos antigos 30 povos indígenas que pertenceram à Província Jesuítica do Paraguai. Essa condução investigativa trouxe significativos impactos por meio da socialização do conhecimento obtido, a partir de produtos e tecnologias sociais que foram desenvolvidas ao longo do processo doutoral, especialmente com alunos e professores de uma escola pública no Rio Grande do Sul. Dentre as produções concebidas, destaca-se o Diário Audiovisual de Tese, que apresenta as ações de educação e sensibilização patrimonial, histórica, artística, cultural, ambiental e turística realizadas. As obras artísticas geradas possibilitaram leituras estéticas com a utilização de recursos linguísticos como adjetivos, ritmo, musicalidade e figuras de linguagem para codificar significados figurativos e simbólicos do itinerário vivencial obtido in loco. Assim, por meio de narrativas a/r/tográficas e (auto)biográficas, o processo criativo resultou em criações visuais e poéticas respaldadas pelos renderings da a/r/tografia concebidos por Irwin (2013): pesquisa viva, contiguidade, aberturas, metáfora/metonímia, reverberações e excesso. Essas diretrizes possibilitaram a utilização da fotografia como instrumento de aprendizagem, que permite a percepção do que já se conhece, do que está em processo de construção e do que poderá ser conhecido, alicerçado primordialmente em uma educação estética. A pesquisa ampliou o arcabouço teórico acerca da educação dos saberes sensíveis, especialmente no âmbito dos estudos em turismo, ao abrir outras possibilidades metodológicas, proporcionar o despertar de novos entendimentos e a valorização do conhecimento visto pelo ato da mediação artística. | O documentário "A/r/tógrafo Viajante e a Fotografia Artística nas Missões Jesuíticas Guaranis" está disponível no YouTube. Este é o registro da banca de defesa do doutorado e pode ser assistido gratuitamente pelo link: // This is an academic‑scientific and artistic research study, as it encompasses aesthetic, poetic, and subjective dimensions that are inseparable from the identities that shape me as a traveling a/r/tographer – visual artist, researcher, teacher – lenses that unfold, multiply, and intersect in the context of a rhizome, branching out to new investigative horizons, such as the one conducted here, which aimed to (re)signify visualities in the historical sites of the Jesuit Guaraní Missions through artistic photography. The study was guided by a transdisciplinary approach, with a qualitative methodology of Educational Research Based on Art – ABER, known as a/r/tography. It also incorporated traces of the (auto)biographical method proposed by Abrahão (2004) and was based on documentary and bibliographic research. The research instruments used were artistic photographs, generated from photographic expeditions to twelve historical sites of the missions, seven of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites and five of which are National Heritage Sites. The images created, conceived an unprecedented visual essay on the ensemble of explored remnants located in border region where Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay meet, safeguarding the memory of the ancient thirty indigenous peoples who belonged to the Jesuit Province of Paraguay. This investigative approach brought significant impacts through the dissemination of the knowledge obtained, through products and social technologies developed throughout the doctoral process, especially with students and teachers from a public school in Rio Grande do Sul. Among the conceived productions, the Audiovisual Thesis Diary stands out, presenting the actions of education and awareness of heritage, history, art, culture, environment, and tourism carried out. The artistic works generated allowed aesthetic readings using linguistic resources such as adjectives, rhythm, musicality, and figures of speech to encode figurative and symbolic meanings of the experiential itinerary obtained in loco. Thus, through a/r/tographic and (auto)biographical narratives, the creative process resulted in visual and poetic creations supported by the renderings of a/r/tography conceived by Irwin (2013): living inquiry, contiguity, openings, metaphor/metonymy, reverberations, and excess. These guidelines allowed the use of photography as a learning tool, enabling the perception of what is already known, what is in the process of construction, and what can be known, based primarily on aesthetic education. The research expanded the theoretical framework in the education of sensitive knowledge, especially in the field of tourism studies, by opening up other methodological possibilities, promoting the awakening of new understandings, and valuing knowledge seen through the act of artistic mediation. | The documentary "Traveling A/r/tographer and Artistic Photography in the Jesuit Guaraní Missions" is available on YouTube. This is the recording of the doctoral defense committee and can be watched for free at the following link:
Tourism is an activity that provides experience for the tourist. The experience is of high importance, and is accompanied by satisfying and pleasurable emotions. The experience allows the tourists to be actively involved in heritage consumption. The purpose of the study is to explore the hedonic experience of tourists at a UNESCO heritage site in India. The study adopts a netnographic approach to explore tourists' hedonic experiences. The results identified the three categories leading to exploring the hedonic dimension of experience while visiting a heritage site multisensory, imaginative, and emotional. The study provides appropriate understanding to the management and authorities by which they can improve the hedonic dimensions for the tourist, and improve the overall experience at the tourist destination. Further findings state that recognizing the relevant sensory clues will help the tourists to connect with the heritage monument better.
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This book presents the findings of field research undertaken in 1997 under the European Cultural Tourism Research Project managed by the European Association for Tourism and Leisure Education. It looks at the relationship between tourists and specific cultural attractions in the Netherlands. In part I, the development of cultural tourism and cultural attractions is discussed. In part II, case studies of European cultural attractions are presented. The book contains 13 chapters and a subject index.
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This bibliography is a work in progress rather than a comprehensive listing of cultural tourism research sources. All suggestions for additional references gratefully received. In line with the multilingual nature of ATLAS, we are happy to receive suggested references in languages other than English, preferably with an English language translation of the title. The latest revision includes references from the volume Rethinking Cultural Tourism (Edward Elgar, 2021).
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ZET Bir bölgede kültürel miras turizm sürdürülebilirliğinin kültürel mirasın gerçek sahipleri olan halkın kültürel miras turizminde yer almasına bağlı tutulması ve bu çalışmalarda fikirlerine başvurulmasının önemi çalışma kapsamında Mersin'in Erdemli ilçesinde değerlendirilmiştir. Bu değerlendirmeler için Erdemli Halk Eğitim Merkezi'nde eğitim alan 65 kadına anket uygulanmış, 59 anket sonucu değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Anket 3 bölüm ve toplam 15 açık/ kapalı uçlu sorudan oluşmaktadır. Ankete katılım sağlayan kadınların demografik özellikleri ve ankette yöneltilen sorulara verdikleri cevaplar sayı/yüzde şeklinde tablolarda belirtilmiş olup bunların analiz ve değerlendirilmeleri yapılmıştır. Anket analizleri sonucunda katılımcıların genel anlamda turistik olarak öne çıkan Kızkalesi ve Cennet Cehennem gibi somut kültürel mirasların farkındayken birçok somut ve somut olmayan kültürel mirasın farkında olmadıklarının tespiti yapılmıştır. Ayrıca kadınların kültürel miras turizminde aktif bir rol oynamadığı, kadınlar özelinde halkın turizmin ekonomik, sosyal ve çevresel avantajlarının yeterince farkında olmadığı görülmektedir. Bunların yanı sıra Halk Eğitim Merkezi ve yerel yönetimlerin bu konuda halkı yeterince bilinçlendirmediği tespit edilmiştir. ABSTRACT Within the scope of the study, the importance of keeping cultural heritage tourism sustainability in a region adhering to the people who are the real owners of cultural heritage in cultural heritage tourism and using ideas in these studies were evaluated in the Erdemli district of Mersin. For these evaluations, 65 women who were trained at Erdemli Public Education Center were surveyed and 59 results were evaluated. The survey consists of 3 sections and a total of 15 open / closed-ended questions. The demographic characteristics of the women participating in the questionnaire and their answers to the questions posed in the questionnaire are stated in the tables as numbers / percentages and their analyzes and evaluations were made. As a result of the survey analysis, it was determined that the participants were aware of the concrete cultural heritages such as Kızkalesi and Cennet Cehennem, which were generally touristic, and were not aware of many concrete and intangible cultural heritages. In addition, it is seen that women do not play an active role in cultural heritage tourism and that the public is not aware of the economic, social and environmental advantages of tourism in particular. In addition, it was determined that the Public Education Center and local administrations did not raise the awareness of the public sufficiently in this regard.
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Preface from the Editor (Prof. Dr. Cenk Demirkıran) We are all living under various domes of cultural heritage on earth. They are like the atmosphere’s stratums. Every land where we live has its own collected heritage in time. What we produce builds the dome which is hanging above us. This book is giving examples from bazaar culture to shadow play, from tourism to television series and commercials, from global cities to the national state which all circulate under the dome of cultural heritage. In this book, you can find sections from many authors conducting researches in various fields.
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This is the 2019 update of the ATLAS Cultural Tourism bibliography, which is a work in progress rather than a comprehensive listing of cultural tourism research sources. All suggestions for additional references gratefully received. In line with the multilingual nature of ATLAS, we are happy to receive suggested references in languages other than English, preferably with an English language translation of the title. The latest revision includes references from the UNWTO report Tourism and Culture Synergies (2018).
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zet Mimari miras varlıkları, kültürel mirasın önemli bir parçasını oluşturmaktadır. Bir mimari miras varlığının turizme açılmasının ya da turistik bir alanda işlevsel hale getirilmesinin, o yapıyı olumsuz etkileyeceği düşüncesi yaygındır. Turizm endüstrisi açısından önemli bir çekicilik vasfı taşıyan mimari miras varlıklarının turistik bir figür olarak değerlendirilmesinin bu eserlerin korunabilmesinde nasıl bir etki yarattığı bu çalışmanın çıkış noktasıdır. Verilerin anket tekniği kullanılarak toplandığı bu araştırmada evreni Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesinde eğitim gören sanat tarihi ve turizm bölümü öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Yapılan regresyon analizi sonucunda sanat tarihi ve turizm öğrencileri açısından mimari miras varlıklarının turizme açılmasının mimari miras varlıklarının korunması üzerinde pozitif doğrusal bir etkisi olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Abstract Architectural heritage is an important part of cultural heritage components. The idea that using an architectural heritage in tourism or making it functional in a touristic area will affect it adversely is widespread. One of the most important aspects of transferring architectural heritage assets to future generations is to protect them. What kind of effect does the using of architectural heritage assets as a touristic figure, which is an important attraction in terms of the tourism industry on preservation of these pieces is the starting point of this study. In this research which the data were collected using survey technique, the students of art history and tourism departments who are educated in Yuzuncu Yil University are constitues the research universe. As a result of the regression analysis made, it turned out that using of architectural heritage assets in tourism, in terms of art history and tourism departments students has a positive linear effect on preservation of architectural heritage assets. Giriş Kültürel miras şu anda dünya çapında popüler ve bilimsel ilginin arttığı bir konudur ve kavramsal kapsamı sürekli genişlemektedir. Kültürel mirasın önemli bir parçasını da geçmişten günümüze kadar gelen, insanlar tarafından inşa edilen taşınmaz yapıları ifade eden mimari miras varlıkları oluşturmaktadır. Herhangi bir kültürel veya mimari miras varlığının bozulması ya da yok olması tüm dünya uluslarının mirası için bir yoksullaşma anlamına gelmektedir. Bu nedenle kültürel miras ve onun bir parçası olan mimari miras, ayrıcalıklı bir öneme sahiptir. Kültürel ve mimari miras dünya mirasının bir parçasıdır ve korunması tüm insanlığın ortak görevidir (İsmep, 2014:15). Kuşaklar boyunca biriken kültürel içeriğin işlevselleştirilmesiyle oluşan yapısal mimari eserler, toplumların kültürel tarihinin önemli bir parçasını oluşturmaktadır. Söz konusu mimari eserler geçmişle hissedilebilir bir bağlantı kurarak modern kent alanları için birer "kültürel kimlik aktarıcısı" rolünü üstlenirler (Matthews ve Grant-Smit, 2017:152). Türkiye gelecek nesillere aktarımının sağlanması gereken ve bu amaçla korunmasının ve doğru yönetilmesinin öneminin ortaya çıktığı çok zengin bir kültür mirasına sahiptir. Sahip olunan kültürel miras varlıklarının turizmde kullanılması en az turizm kavramı kadar eskidir. Zira kültürel miras turizmi tüm dünya turizmi içinde en büyük paya sahip olan ve uzun zamandır işlenen bir konudur. Dolayısıyla turizm sektörü ile kültürel miras sektörü arasında bu bağlamda kimi zaman 1 Dr. Öğr. Üyesi, Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Turizm ve Otel İşletmeciliği Yüksekokulu, Van, Türkiye.
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This bibliography is a work in progress rather than a comprehensive listing of cultural tourism research sources. All suggestions for additional references gratefully received. In line with the multilingual nature of ATLAS, we are happy to receive suggested references in languages other than English, preferably with an English language translation of the title. The latest revision includes references from the UNWTO report Tourism and Culture Synergies (2018).
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any references for this publication.