
Streaming video is challenging the game consoles

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Westera, W. (2012). Streaming video is challenging the game consoles. Column at the Games and Learning Alliance website at April 14th.

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... There are many forms of creating multimedia educational content such as: lecture and lab sessions recordings, screencasts and video explanations, educational animations, etc. Multimedia content has the advantage of providing a rich display of information and can be used to further enforce the understanding of the concepts being taught. More recently, as video streaming was shown to be as well a viable alternative solution for games delivery across different platforms, educators have started to see its potential for delivering educational games and reach an increased number of learners [27]. ...
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As mobile devices are becoming more powerful and affordable they are increasingly used for mobile learning activities. By enabling learners' access to educational content anywhere and anytime, mobile learning has both the potential to provide online learners with new opportunities, and to reach less privileged categories of learners that lack access to traditional e-learning services. Among the many challenges with mobile learning, the battery-powered nature of mobile devices and in particular their limited battery life, stands out as one issue that can significantly limit learners' access to educational content while on the move. Adaptation and personalisation solutions have widely been considered for overcoming the differences between learners and between the characteristics of their mobile devices. However, while various energy saving solutions have been proposed in order to provide mobile users with extended device usage time, the areas of adaptive mobile learning and energy conservation in wireless communications failed to meet under the same umbrella. This paper bridges the two areas by presenting an overview of adaptive mobile learning systems as well as how these can be extended to make them energy-aware. Furthermore, the paper surveys various approaches for energy measurement, modelling and adaptation, three major aspects that have to be considered in order to deploy energy-aware mobile learning systems. Discussions on the applicability and limitations of these approaches for mobile learning are also provided.
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