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Oleksandr Krasilshchikov (PhD, ACE
Exercise & Sports Science Programme
School of Health Sciences
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Since various sports differ in number of competitions athletes participate in,
difference would come in the periodization patterns as well. For instance,
endurance sports
such as marathon and long distance running, limit participation
of the athletes to few competitions within a year/season. This results in planning
long macrocycles of training often equaling a year in duration. This happens when
major competitions of the year are grouped together (i.e. October-November) and
athlete can successfully participate in them within one peaking attempt. In case
major competitions are scattered over the year or the gap between them is too long
(i.e. April-May and October-November), we need to follow double periodization.
Power sports
, like sprints, jumps, weightlifting etc., can have their representatives
participating in larger number of competitions a year and their planning pattern could
be pretty different. It can well fit into double periodization pattern, but when three to
five major competitions are there to participate within the year (i.e. March, July and
November), triple or multiple periodization patterns might be of use.
Team games
like football, basketball, hockey and others, with traditionally long competitive
periods when they play league matches for four to five months or even longer, plan
their macrocycle in completely different manner. They still follow single periodization
pattern but they change the ratio of periods within the macrocycle.
Individual/group games
like tennis and badminton follow more or less the multi-
peaking patterns with very brief and precisely planned training periods (rather
blocks). The reason being, besides participation in the four Grand Slam tournaments
and year finale in the form of ATP/WTA world championships (top eight only),
players need to play at least four warming up tournaments at various surfaces. Atop
of it they need to play good number of ranking tournaments to ensure high ranking
and good chances for better seeding in the major tournaments.
Periodisation is increasingly often used these days as a powerful tool to increase
sports performance. Importance of periodisation can hardly be overestimated. It’s
general objective and definite advantage is in the possibility to split training process
into manageable smaller blocks. This split is not just about time management. Each
of those blocks is actually targeting specific training objectives, so they can be
addressed in a better, more precise manner.
The possibility to tackle emerging training goals sequentially is itself a huge
advantage, since training has so many components and related objectives.
Periodisation in fact has two distinct applications. Those are:
(a) Periodisation of training
(b) Periodisation of motor qualities
Historically, the routes of periodised training belong to Greece. It is said that by a
Greek philosopher Flavius Philostratus (AD 170-245), a simple form of periodisation
has been used since the ancient Olympic Games (“Primer on periodisation”
( kpub.nsf/)).
First attempts to make periodisation scientific belonged to Russia, although collected
information was more of empiric, rather than scientific in nature. Russians have
enjoyed one huge advantage over other countries: they have practically tested
various periodisation models at huge numbers of their international athletes and
accumulated an extensive amount of practical information on periodised training
The earliest periodisation training schemes utilised by the Soviets were logical but
very basic: exercise scientists theorised that training should be divided into general,
preparatory, and specific phases. The general stage of training, often lasting for
about two months or so, was supposed to develop the heart and lungs, the
preparatory training, also two months in duration, sought to boost muscle strength
and endurance, and the specific period of about eight months prepared an athlete
for an individual sporting event by emphasising extensive practice of the precise
movements involved in the sport (Siff & Verkhoshanky, 2000, Graham, 2002).
Russian physical educationist Lev Matveyev and then Romanian sport scientist Tudor
Bompa expanded and further organised the periodisation model. Matveyev and
Bompa have been regarded as the fathers of modern periodisation. Since the 1960s,
other coaches and exercise physiologists have added to the original models, creating
“modified” periodisation models. However, despite the differing terminology amongst
scientist and practitioners, the scientific basis for periodisation remains a common
Matveyev summarised the modern concept of periodisation on the basis of these
earlier ideas as well as his own preliminary work. He divided the training year into
distinct phases, each with different characteristics and special application to training
strength and power athletes. Despite some modifications made by sports scientist on
the basis of the physiological characteristics of different sports, the length of the
sports season, and the individual characteristics of various athletes, the fundamental
concepts presented by Matveyev remain valid and widely used today (Graham,
Periodisation of biomotor qualities appeared on the later stages of Periodisation
development. Getting into more details, the basic periodisation principles got into the
periodised planning of major motor qualities.
Bompa (1994) suggested that every biomotor quality in order to be developed upto
the maximum of athletes’ potential should go through periodised development.
Periodisation of training
The fundamental objectives of training periodisation are to maximise the training
effects, adjust the effects of fatigue, and prevent possible overtraining.
This cycle, we keep emphasising on as:
load fatigue recovery
in fact
involves the cyclical manipulation of volume and intensity of training.
Volume has been traditionally defined as the total amount of work performed in a
training session or in larger training unit. Intensity measures vary in different sports,
and where time and distance are factors, intensity measures in % of either maximal
speed or absolute achievement (a discuss throw or a long jump for instance). In
resistance training however, intensity is expressed in percentage of individual’s
maximum effort. Plisk & Stone (2003), state that nature of training moves from
extensive (high volume /low intensity) to intensive (high intensity/low volume)
workloads and from general to specific tasks over a given period of time. The
emphasis fluctuates between intensity and volume to achieve specific goal related
adaptations Plisk (2004).
According to Siff (2000), classical periodisation involves the division of training into
basic structural units such as the training session, training day, microcycle (one
week), mesocycle (one month) and macrocycle (e.g., one year).
In practice, those divisions are much more flexible and in fact depend a lot on sport,
objectives of training and type of annual planning. These features along with detailed
descriptions of micro- meso- and macro-structure we are going to discuss further in
the topic.
Another angle of periodisation is further division into phases namely
competition, transition
. Basic periodisation commonly operates with macrocycle
as the longest periodisation unit. It can vary in duration from as short as 12 weeks in
professional sports up to one year and is usually divided into three distinctive periods
such as:
(a) Preparatory
(b) Competitive and
(c) Transitional
Preparatory period is usually the longest and is meant for the development of
performance contributing factors and improvement of fitness and performance. It is
in turn sub-divided into General Preparatory Period (GPP) and Specific Preparatory
Period (SPP).
Notably, GPP emphasises general motor qualities development and addresses the
needs of fitness enhancement, whereas SPP is dedicated to specific sport needs and
emphasises specific fitness along with sports specific skills.
Main goal of Competitive period is the realisation of athlete’s potential built in
Preparatory period. This realisation has to occur during participation in major
competitions but for this to happen athlete needs to participate in the competitions
of less importance. For this reason Competitive Period is traditionally divided into the
‘early competitions’ (or pre-competitive) and ‘main competitions’ sub-phases.
By some definitions this period is meant for maintenance of performance. Practically
though, the performance has to improve during this period and coincide with the
main competition of a macrocycle, usually towards its end.
Transitional period provides an athlete with active rest, recovery and is meant for
rehabilitation and treatment, if required. In other words transitional period is meant
for controlled detraining which you know as one of the major training principles.
Macrocycle as such (Figure 1) is planned with an ultimate aim of successfully
performing in the major competition or number of competitions which are grouped
together, within reasonably short period of time, which is good to maintain top
performance within it.
Figure 1: Macrocycle divided into periods and sub-periods of training
In case major competitions of the season are scheduled with considerable gap in-
between, coaches might need to plan two or even more macrocycles in a year, so
that each macrocycle is dedicated to successful preparation to one major competition
(Roy, 2008).
Terminology, related to the division of training into traditionally known periods of
preparatory, competition and transition is not the only one frequently used by
exercise and sport training professionals.
In fact, Eastern Block trained coaches traditionally use the preparatory-competition-
transition scheme, whereas coaches, involved in amateur and professional sports in
America have their annual schedules consisting of off-season, preseason, in-season,
and postseason mesocycles. Although these seasons typically relate to the periods of
periodisation, let us check how it works so you have no problem discussing
periodisation with representatives of any of the hemispheres.
The off-season is defined by Baechle & Earle (2000) as the period between the last
contest and about 6 weeks prior to the first contest of the next year's season. This
season typically includes most of the preparatory period. The preseason period
follows and leads up an athlete to the first contest, and commonly contains the late
stages of the preparatory period and the first transition period (the passage from
preparatory to competition period).
In-season is basically American equivalent of the competition period and it contains
all the contests (competitions) scheduled for that year. After the final competition of
the cycle, the postseason or second transition period follows to provide active rest or
rehabilitation if needed for the athlete before starting the next year's off-season or
preparatory period.
Some alternative approaches were suggested by exercise and sports scientists.
Verkhoshansky (1977) arguing that Matveyev’s model is bit simplistic proposed the
‘conjugate’ or ‘coupled successive system’ as a better option for elite athletes in
power sports (i.e. jumps, throws), in which a concentrate block of unidirectional
training was suggested as an alternative. Issurin (2007, 2008) further developed this
idea and suggested the term of ‘block periodisation’, where concentrated workloads
are applied to a minimal number of specifically targeted physical abilities in a
particular block.
Despite the theoretical popularity of the classical Matveyev model, number of
variations was developed in order to suit multiplicity of sports and possible planning
patterns available with them.
Application of Periodisation in various sports
Since various sports differ in number of competitions athletes participate in,
difference would come in the periodization patterns as well (Roy, Krasilshchikov &
Nor Azhar, 2008).
For instance,
endurance sports
such as marathon and long distance running, limit
participation of the athletes to few competitions within a year/season. This results in
planning long macrocycles of training often equaling a year in duration. This happens
when major competitions of the year are grouped together (i.e. October-November)
and athlete can successfully participate in them within one peaking attempt. In such
case we need to follow single periodization pattern of an annual cycle. Example is
shown in Fig. 2.
Figure 2. Single periodization planning pattern
In case major competitions are scattered over the year or the gap between them is
too long (i.e. April-May and October-November), we need to follow double
periodization pattern. That is when one year comprises of two about 6-months
macrocycles each, with one macrocycle dedicated to participation in one major
competition (or group of competitions) and the other macrocycle – for another major
competition as in Fig. 3.
Figure 3. Double periodization planning pattern
As you can see, Preparatory period (PP) can last for months together, allowing to
address and improve all motor qualities and functions, competitive period (CP) can
be of couple of month duration with a lot of skills and tactics perfection involved and
transitional period (TP) can be of 3 to 4 weeks duration.
Power sports
, like sprints, jumps, weightlifting etc., can have their representatives
participating in larger number of competitions a year and their planning pattern could
be pretty different. Although it can still fit into double periodization pattern, but when
three to five major competitions are there to participate within the year (i.e. March,
July and November), triple or multiple periodization patterns might be of use. It
literally means that calendar year can be divided into three to five macrocycles of
only 12 to 15 weeks duration each. Example of triple periodization pattern is given in
Figure 4.
Figure 4 Triple periodization planning pattern
Such periodization patterns unlike in the endurance sports would have short but very
intensive preparatory periods (PP) (at times as short as 8 to 10 weeks), competitive
periods (CP) of 2 to 3 weeks and rather brief transitional periods (TP) usually not
exceeding 2 weeks each.
Team games
like football, basketball, hockey and others, with traditionally long
competitive periods when they play league matches for four to five months or even
longer, plan their macrocycle in completely different manner. They still follow single
periodization pattern but they change the ratio of periods within a macrocycle.
Preparatory period (PP) would be quite short – three to four months. This is where
they predominantly care of general and specific physical fitness and improve their
It is followed by six to eight months of competitive period (CP) with plenty of
individual, group and team tactics and skills involved and with all the commitments
to the National leagues and Continental Cups.
Finally, it is up to two - three months of transition period (TP), meant for the
rehabilitation, treatment of injuries etc. as shown at Figure 5.
Figure 5. Single periodization planning pattern for team sports with a long league season
Individual/group games
like tennis and badminton follow more or less the multi-
peaking patterns with very brief and precisely planned training periods (rather
blocks). The reason being, besides participation in the four Grand Slam tournaments
and year finale in the form of ATP/WTA world championships (top eight only),
players need to play at least four warming up tournaments at various surfaces. Atop
of it they need to play good number of ranking tournaments to ensure high ranking
and good chances for better seeding in the major tournaments. This can only be
achieved through multiple peaking patterns fragment of which is presented in Fig. 6.
Figure 6 Fragment of multiple periodization planning pattern applicable to individual games
Traditional periodization with preparatory, competition and transition periods still
works here. But the possibility of separating fitness from skills or general workouts
from specific would be rather distant. Apparently no such thing as general
preparatory of specific preparatory division in preparatory period is feasible.
In such situations professional training requires merger of general and specific
fitness with skills in specifically designed drills. Weeks 1 to 4 in our example will be
the correct time to use those.
The fusion of skills and tactics will be required bit later, like during weeks 5 and 6
(before the ranking tournament).
The rest is accomplished through the game practice which is plenty during weeks 7
to 13 in our imaginary plan with early competitions at weeks 7 to 10 and a major
tournament at weeks 12 and 13.
Recovery is surely there during weeks 4, 11 and 14. The load during week 8 has to
be of a stabilizing nature.
To be effective and fruitful, the choice of periodization pattern should be based on
two major factors: the specificity of the sport (especially the number of competitions
athletes usually compete per year) and competitions schedule approved for a
particular training year.
Described options of annual planning were utilised as part of the Scientific Support
provided by author to Indian National teams and were successfully used by Indian
National Teams’ coaches during preparation for Asian and Commonwealth Games
1998 and 2002, Olympic Games 1996 and 2000 in boxing, wrestling, judo, hockey,
kabaddi, rowing, canoeing & kayaking, track and field athletics, volleyball, swimming
and weightlifting.
Anderson, O. Periodisation training provides athletes with varied and progressive
training to ensure constant improvement
.(2000, October). Retrieved March 21,
2010, from
Baechle, T.R. & Earle, R.W.
Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning
National strength and conditioning association. Human Kinetics.
Bompa, T.O.
Theory and Methodology of Training
ed.). Iowa:
Bompa, T.O. “Primer on periodisation”.
(2004, January) Retrieved 19.01.2008
Graham, J.
(2002, December) Periodisation Research and an Example Application
Strength and Conditioning Journal
, Vol. 24, No 6, pages 62–70.
Issurin, V.
(2007). A modern approach to high-performance training: The Block
Composition concept. In B. Blumenstein, R. Lidor, & G. Tenenbaum (Eds.),
Perspectives on Sport and Exercise Psychology, Vol. 2 Psychology of Sport Training
(pp. 216-233). Oxford, UK: Meyer & Meyer Sport.
Issurin, V.
(2008). Block periodisation versus traditional training theory: a review.
Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 48(1), 65-75.
Krasilshchikov, O.
Periodisation of training - concepts & misconceptions. Retrieved
Platonov, V.N.
Teoria General del Entrenamiento Deportivo Olimpico
Paidotribo Editorial.
Plisk, S.S., & Stone, M.H.
(2003). Periodisation strategies. Strength and Conditioning
Journal, 25(6), 19-37.
Plisk, S.S.
(2004). Periodisation: Fancy name for a basic concept. Olympic Coach, 16
(2), 14-17.
Roy, J., Krasilshchikov, O., Nor Azhar
(2008). Psychological Loading within
Periodization Perspective: Practical Tips for Professional Practice” National Institute
of Sport Malaysia Bulletin Vol. 1, No 2, pp. 33-39
Siff, M.C.
(2000). Supertraining. (5th ed.). Supertraining Institute, Denver. USA.
Siff, M.C., & Verkhoshanky,
(2000). Programming and organization of training. In:
(5th ed.). Denver, CO: Supertraining International. pp. 311–318.
Verkhoshansky, Y.V.
(1977). Fundamentals of special strength training in sport.
Sportivny Press, Michigan. USA.