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Filtering Short Term Fluctuations in Inflation Analysis



Many economic time series, specifically inflation, are inherently subject to seasonal fluctuations which obscure the real changes of the series. In this respect, seasonal adjustment is a powerful tool when removing such fluctuations. On the other hand, seasonal adjustment may provide highly volatile series, making it still difficult to interpret the movements of the series. The reason is that seasonal adjustment deals with certain type of movements that are completed on specific seasonal frequencies. However, it is possible that there may be other short term fluctuations occurring at non seasonal frequencies. From this observation and in the context of inflation, an improved methodology aiming to deal with all short term fluctuations that are completed within a year is proposed in this study. The two-step approach combines wavelet filters and band pass filters. This method yields much smoother time series than seasonal adjustment does. Moreover, the filtered series capture the dynamics of the inflation in sub groups well. Hence, this two-step procedure provides a useful tool for improved short term inflation analysis.
... An analysis of the efficiency of the internal audit system at a Nigerian bank was conducted by Atuk [18]. From the twenty-four (24) banks already in operation in Nigeria, five (5) were selected. ...
The recent collapse of major commercial banks in Kenya, including Imperial and Chase bank, which are currently under receivership, has raised concerns about the effectiveness of their audit practices in ensuring stability and improved financial performance. These failures have put pressure on commercial banks to reconsider how they align their internal audit processes to ensure stability and financial improvement. Consequently, this study aimed to assess the impact of internal audit on the financial performance of commercial banks listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE). The study was guided by reliability theory. Using a descriptive survey design, the target population consisted of 10 commercial banks listed on the NSE. The unit of observation included 86 respondents from various roles within these banks, such as senior finance managers, credit managers, operations managers, risk managers, and internal auditors. Both primary and secondary data were utilized in the study. Primary data on internal audit practices were collected through a semi-structured questionnaire employing a Likert-type scale, while secondary data on the financial performance of the commercial banks were obtained from their audited financial reports. The gathered questionnaire data were quantitatively analyzed using SPSS software, incorporating descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) as well as inferential statistics, specifically regression coefficients and bivariate correlation, to examine the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The study's findings revealed a significant relationship between internal audit, asset safeguarding, risk management, compliance with laws, and the dependent variables, which included return on assets, net income, and liquidity. These relationships were evident from the regression analysis conducted. Consequently, the study concluded that internal audit systems have an impact on the financial performance of commercial banks. The study recommends that commercial banks listed on the NSE reassess their internal audit systems and strengthen any identified weaknesses to enhance their financial performance. Furthermore, the study suggests that future research could explore the effects of new banking regulations, such as Basel Accord III, on the financial performance of commercial banks.
... The discussion of the frequency domain and the introduction of wavelet filters mainly draw fromAkkoyun et al. (2011). 17 SeeHodrick and Prescott (1997),Baxter and King (1999),Christiano and Fitzgerald (2003).18 ...
In this paper, we produce short term forecasts for the inflation in Turkey, using a large number of econometric models. In particular, we employ univariate models, decomposition based approaches (both in frequency and time domain), a Phillips curve motivated time varying parameter model, a suite of VAR and Bayesian VAR models and dynamic factor models. Our findings suggest that the models which incorporate more economic information outperform the benchmark random walk, and the relative performance of forecasts are on average 30 percent better for the first two quarters ahead. We further combine our forecasts by means of several weighting schemes. Results reveal that, the forecast combination leads to a reduction in forecast error compared to most of the models, although some of the individual models perform alike in certain horizons.
Using wavelet methodology, we make a detailed spectral analysis of the business cycle synchronization of the Turkish economy with the eurozone and the United States. We take into account the dramatic change in the main economic indicators in the Turkish economy after the 2001 financial crisis. We find that the correlation of Turkish cycles with the cycles of the eurozone and the United States increased substantially after 2001. Moreover, the correlation of the Turkish cycles with the U.S. cycles is not lower than that with the euro cycles after 2001. Accordingly, analyzing the effect of international developments should not be confined to the trade channel. We submit that capital flows offer a reasonable explanation for the high correlation with the United States.
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This study documents the stylized facts about the business cycles in Turkey using quarterly data between 1987 and 2009. In particular, we document the business cycle turning points and average duration of cycles for Turkey, as well as the optimal smoothing parameter for Hodrick-Prescott (HP) filter estimated in line with our estimate of average business cycle duration for 1987-2009 period, 20 quarters, which is shorter compared to developed countries, and comparable to other developing countries. For filtering procedure, we use this estimated parameter, in addition to 1600, in HP filter and compare our findings. We find that business cycle relationships between macroeconomic variables in Turkey are mostly in accordance with the patterns observed for developing countries, which significantly differ from developed countries’ business cycle facts. In particular, the real side of the economy is characterized by high volatility of consumption and a countercyclical pattern for net exports. Other important findings are that financial variables such as credit or sovereign spreads are very volatile and strongly correlated with output. In addition, the results show that the properties of the relationship between economic activity, prices and the interest rates differs between pre-2001 and post-2001 period, whereas the relationship among the real variables shows a smaller change between these periods.
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In this study, by using a panel data of Turkish banks, we empirically analyze whether monetary policies that are able to manipulate liquidity positions of banks can affect bank lending. Our results suggest that bank specific liquidity is important in credit supply. Moreover, in determining their lending, banks consider not only their individual liquidity position but also the systemic liquidity. Hence, any monetary policy which can alter liquidity is potentially effective on credit supply.
This paper analyzes the dynamics of risk premia, real exchange rates and portfolio movements in a two-country, two-good, two-bond model. We use an asymmetric set-up in the model, where one of the countries is emerging and the other one is developed and both countries issue bonds in domestic currency. The emerging country di¤ers from the developed country in that it is subject to trend shocks and it is more risk averse. We find that the trend shocks produce strong wealth e¤ects for the emerging country, and as a result, the terms of trade and the real exchange rate appreciate. Appreciation of the terms of trade breaks the hedging opportunities coming from international trade in goods. In contrast, the appreciation of the real exchange rate generates new hedging opportunities in international financial markets for both countries. Therefore, our model can endogenously generate large portfolio holdings. And di¤erences in the risk aversion across countries lead to net positive foreign asset positions and signi?cant risk premia in the emerging country. Moreover, the relative volatilities and cyclicalities of risk premia and real exchange rates improve significantly and move closer to the observed values in the data and our model can account for the lack of international risk sharing.
We analyze the global imbalances and the required adjustments for rebalancing in current accounts and real exchange rates. We set up a two-country two-sector model for the US- China with two asymmetries. First, we assume that the size of China initially is one third of the US but its size becomes half of the US in the next ten years consistent with the fast growth expectations in China. Secondly, we assume that China initially runs a net export surplus against the US. Then we quantitatively study two adjustment scenarios. First scenario,called Slow Adjustment, assumes that in the process of growth, Chinese demand composition moves more towards domestic non-tradable sector. In this case, Chinese real exchange rate appreciates gradually and net export surplus also decreases slowly. Second scenario, called Quick Adjustment, assumes that in addition to the higher non-tradable share in output, net export surplus against US goes to zero quickly in fi ve years. In this case, net export adjustment happens quickly and real exchange rates in China also appreciate faster and at a higher rate than Slow Adjustment case. Even though, global imbalances are eliminated faste in the Quick Adjustment case, high real appreciation in China hurts importers in the US. A comparison in terms of output shows that Slow Adjustments is preferred for both countries.
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We estimate average quality growth and upward inflation bias for a set of fifty-one goods in Turkey by using seven waves of the annual Household Budget Survey and TURKSTAT prices from 2003 to 2009. We employ the instrumental variables approach introduced by Bils and Klenow (2001). We find that average quality growth in Turkey is 3.93 percent. Of this 3.93 percent, 2.28 percent is not netted out by TURKSTAT. Consequently, for the set of goods that we study, the estimated inflation bias is 2.28 percentage points.
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This paper analyses the Household Budget Surveys prepared by the Turkish Statistical Institute to reveal the empirical importance of precautionary saving in Turkey. The most difficult aspect of the empirical analysis is the approximation of labour income risk as a proxy variable for future labour income uncertainty. Individual disposable income is interacted alternately with the probability of being unemployed and with the probability of job loss in the next period to generate the labour income risk variables. The econometric results support the precautionary saving hypothesis and labour income risk emerges as one of the main determinants of household saving decisions. Moreover, households implement alternative strategies to smooth out their income streams such as holding a second job and increasing the number of income earners in the family. However, it is evident that they are still vulnerable against labour income risk, which underlines the need for an effective and efficient social security system.
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This paper assesses the effectiveness of monetary policy communication of the Central Bank of Turkey (CBT) by quantifying the information content of the policy statements released right after the monthly Monetary Policy Committee meetings. First, we quantify the signal regarding the next interest rate decision and ask whether communication improves predictability. Our findings suggest that the role of statements in predicting the next policy move have strengthened following the adoption of full-fledged inflation targeting (IT) regime. Second, we identify the surprise component of policy communication directly from market commentaries and assess its impact on the term structure of interest rates. We find that the response of the yield curve to policy statements have become highly significant for the unanticipated changes in the monetary policy communication, especially after the implementation of the IT. We also compare the yield curve impact of the surprise component of policy decisions (actions) with the surprises in policy communication (words). Our results suggest that the relative importance of communication in driving market yields have increased through time.
This study analyzes core inflation concept for Turkey from the perspective of design and evaluation. To our best knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate the performance of the core inflation measures for Turkey. We first define and calculate new core inflation indicators using the disaggregated price data for the time period of January 1994 to June 2007. The core inflation measures developed in this paper include weighted median, trimmed mean and volatility-based measures along with the permanent exclusion-based methods. Later, we evaluate the performance of the core inflation measures with regards to pre-defined criteria including unbiasedness, reduced volatility, trend tracking ability and predictive ability. Considering the significant shift in the inflation process in Turkey, we split the sample into two as pre- and post-2003 when evaluating the performance of the core inflation measures. Overall, no single core inflation indicator stands out alone as “the core” and therefore different core measures should be followed simultaneously to get a better understanding of the real trend of inflation and to identify various shocks hitting the inflation. However, limited influence estimators and volatility-based core measures perform relatively better compared to permanent exclusion-based methods. The study also provides an extensive analysis of the distribution of price changes at various aggregation levels.
In this study we investigate the duration of consumer price spells and the price change patterns for Turkey. The study employs the most comprehensive unofficial micro price data so far for Turkey covering around 6000 items over four years which comprises a major part of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). In detail, we analyze how long a typical price spell lasts, the average size of price changes, the relationship between price change size and spell duration, distribution of price changes and synchronization of prices. Compared to advanced economies, we estimate a high frequency of consumer price changes in Turkey. Findings suggest substantial heterogeneity among sub-groups and underline the time-varying nature of frequency and synchronization indicators. The study confirms that the empirical regularity of mixed evidence of both state and time-dependent pricing generally cited for developed economies also holds for an emerging market economy, Turkey.
Turkiye’de islenmemis gida fiyatlarinin olculen oynakligi diger ulkelere kiyasla oldukca yüusektir. Yapisal unsurlarin yani sira, mevsimsel urunlerin fiyatlarinin endekse dahil edilme bicimi gibi teknik hususlarin da oynakligin bu yuksek seyrinde etkili olabilecegi dusunulmektedir. Bu calisma, diger ulke orneklerini de inceleyerek, tuketici fiyatlarinin hesaplanmasinda islenmemis mevsimsel gida urunleri (taze meyve ve sebze) fiyatlarinin ele alinisinda yaygin olarak kullanilan degisken ve sabit agirlik yaklasimlarini karsilastirmali olarak analiz etmektedir. Endeksin sabit agirlik yontemiyle hesaplanmasi durumunda taze meyve ve sebze enflasyonlarinin daha dusuk bir oynaklik gosterebilecegi saptanmaktadir.
[TR] Bu calismada, Turkiye’de kullanilan cekirdek enflasyon gostergelerinin bir ozeti sunulmus ve bu gostergelerin ekonomik ve istatistiksel ozellikleri kisaca analiz edilmistir. Ayrica bu cekirdek enflasyon gostergelerinin performanslari, serilerin bilgilendirme ve tuketici enflasyonunu tahmin etme gucunu olcmek icin yaygin olarak kullanilan uc kritere gore degerlendirilmistir. Ele alinan butun cekirdek gostergelerin belirli kriterleri karsiladigi bulgulanmakla birlikte, istatistiksel yontemlere dayanarak olusturulan SATRIM endeksinin onculeyici gucunun diger gostergelere kiyasla daha yuksek oldugu bulunmustur. Dinamik faktor modellerine dayali olarak turetilen Fcore gostergesinin ise diger gostergelere kiyasla ortalama enflasyona daha yakin seyrettigi gozlenmektedir. H ve I gostergelerinin avantaji ise kamuoyu tarafindan kolayca takip edilebilmeleri ve kolayca hesaplanabilmeleridir. Her gostergenin farkli avantajlari oldugundan ve farkli tipte soklara tepki verdiginden, alternatif gostergelerin kullanilmasinin faydali olacagi, dolayisiyla herhangi bir gostergenin yegane cekirdek enflasyon olarak nitelendirilmemesinin gerekliligi vurgulanmaktadir. [EN] This study provides a summary of core inflation indicators for Turkey and a brief discussion on their economic and statistical properties. Moreover, the performance of these core indicators are evaluated with respect to three popular criteria designed to assess the informativeness and the predictive power of these series for the analysis of headline inflation. While all indicators satisfy these criteria; the performance of SATRIM (which is an indicator constructed by using statistical methods) is worth mentioning with its predictive power of future inflation. Moreover, in terms of historical average, Fcore indicator (factor model based core inflation), seems to be closer to headline CPI inflation than the other indicators. H and I indicators, on the other hand, are more tractable and easily replicable. Overall, since each indicator has its own advantage and the response of each indicator to various types of shocks differs depending on the type of the shock, no single measure should be regarded solely as the unique core inflation indicator.
After summarizing the properties of wavelets that are most likely to be useful in economic and financial analysis, the literatur on the application of wavelet techniques in these fields is reviewed. Special attention is given to the potential for insight into the development of economic theory or the enhancement of our understanding of economic phenomena. The paper is conclude with a section containing speculations about the relevance of wavelet analysis to economic and financial time–series give the experience to date. This discussion includes some suggestions about improving our understanding and evaluation of forecast using a wavelet approach.