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Measurement of propulsion by the hand during competitive swimming


Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this study was to evaluate propelling technique quantitatively in the four swimming strokes and at different velocities and performance levels by estimating forces from direct pressure measurements at a swimmer's hand surface. Six college students (three novice swimmers and three competitive swimmers) volunteered for this study. On each subject's right hand, four micro pressure sensors were attached on a palmar and dorsal sides at the metacarpophalangeal joints II, III, IV and V. The pressures were sampled over a 15 s period at 100 Hz, and the data during five completed strokes for front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly were processed. Force components normal and across the palm plane were obtained. Differences in patterns of force output, were apparent across strokes, ability levels and velocities.
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Measurement of propulsion by the hand during
competitive swimming
Hideki Takagi
Institute of Health and Sports Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki,
Ross Sanders
Department of Physical Education Sport and Leisure Studies, The
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Adjunct Professor, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia.
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to evaluate propelling technique
quantitatively in the four swimming strokes and at different velocities and
performance levels by estimating forces from direct pressure measurements at a
swimmer's hand surface. Six college students (three novice swimmers and three
competitive swimmers) volunteered for this study. On each subject's right hand, four
micro pressure sensors were attached on a palmar and dorsal sides at the
metacarpophalangeal joints II, III, IV and V. The pressures were sampled over a 15 s
period at 100 Hz, and the data during five completed strokes for front crawl,
backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly were processed. Force components normal and
across the palm plane were obtained. Differences in patterns of force output, were
apparent across strokes, ability levels and velocities.
Except for the breaststroke, the majority of propulsive force during swimming is
produced by the hands and forearms. For improving the propulsive technique, it is
important to evaluate the stroking movement qualitatively and also to analyze the
hydrodynamic force generated by a swimmers hands quantitatively. In previous
studies, this hydrodynamic force has been measured in two ways. The first uses
3D-video analysis techniques (Schleihauf et al., 1983; Schleihauf et al., 1988; Berger
et al., 1995; Berger et al., 1999). This method is inconvenient for providing
feedback to swimmers and coaches because much time is required to digitize points
on the hand to determine the orientation of the hand with respect to the direction of
motion of the hand and with respect to the external reference frame. In addition, the
accuracy of this method has not been established yet (Pai and Hay, 1988; Toussaint,
2000). The second method uses differences in pressures between the palmar and
dorsal surfaces of the hand. Hence, the hydrodynamic force can be estimated if a
whole pressure distribution on the hand surface is measured precisely. Some
researchers have measured a particular point of pressure on the hand surface using a
pressure transducer and discussed about a pressure profile during stroking ( Boicev K.
and Tzvetkov A.,1975; Van Manen, J. D. and Rijken, H.,1975; Svec, O. J.,1982; Loetz
et al. 1988). However, these studies did not evaluate whether the location of pressure
transducers on the hand accurately reflected the overall pressure distribution. To
confirm a relationship between a particular point’s pressure and a whole
hydrodynamic force acting on the hand, Thayer (1990) attempted to measure both
pressure and force at the same instant using a hand model. Although Thayer found a
tendency to synchronize the pressure with the force, the locations that best reflected
force for the whole hand were not obtained. Takagi and Wilson (1999) measured the
pressure and position of 88 points on the hand model. An integration of all pressure
values over the surface was calculated and defined as a representative pressure value
of a whole hand model. They found a significant correlation (r=0.962) between the
overall pressure values and the pressure differentials of four particular points. These
were the metacarpophalangeal (MP) II, III, IV and V joints. In addition, Takagi and
Wilson suggested that the hydrodynamic force acting on the hand could be estimated
by using the four-point pressure differential values. However, this study was
conducted only for front crawl using a single subject.
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to modify Takagi and Wilson’s method
and to evaluate a propelling technique quantitatively in various kinds of strokes,
velocities and performance levels by measuring the pressure distribution over a
swimmer's hand surface.
Three competitive swimmers and three novice swimmers volunteered for this study,
with one male and two females in each group. The three competitive swimmers were
in the regional collegiate levels, and the other three swimmers were physical
education students who have no competitive careers. The participants were
characterized (M ± SD) by an age of 21.5 ± 1.9 years and height of 1.66 ± 0.07 m, and
weight of 61.8 ± 17.8 kg. Their physical characteristics and competitive career are
shown in Table 1. The participants were informed of the purpose of the study, and
their consents obtained.
A total of 8 water-proofed micro pressure sensors, 6 mm diameter and 1 mm thick,
(KYOWA PS-2KA) were attached to the MP joint of the hand and covered by a
surgical nylon glove (See Figure 1). The definitions of angle and direction of pressure
are shown in Figure 2. A line through the MP II and V joints was defined as the
standard axis. At each pressure sensor, an angle between the surface of sensor and the
standard axis was scaled and defined as
. Surface area of the hand including both
sides of the hand (A) was also measured.
Table 1 The subjects' physical characteristics and competitive career.
Subject Sex Age (yrs) Height (m) Weight (kg)
*Total hand
and surface
area (m
Career (yrs)
A Male 22 1.72 76.0 1.56 x10
B Male 24 1.71 95.0 1.60 x10
C Female 19 1.72 52.0 1.25 x10
D Female 19 1.58 47.0 1.13 x10
E Female 23 1.69 54.0 1.20 x10
F Female 22 1.54 47.0 1.10 x10
Average 21.5 1.66 61.8 1.31 x10
SD 1.9 0.07 17.8 1.99 x10
*Total hand surface area=(Front +back)
Fig. 1 Pressure sensors attached on the MP joints.
The pressure sensor measures only pressure acting normal to the surface. By
multiplying by surface area to obtain a force normal to the surface the mean force
components normal to the palm plane (F
) and across the palm (F
) over the surface:
= P
, (1)
= P
. (2)
where P
is the real pressure value measured at the sensor n.
The measurement of the pressure during stroking was conducted in the
circulating water channel (CWC) in NKK Corporation. This CWC is 3m width,
7m length and 1.5m depth and was controlled by a microcomputer for solving peculiar
problems such as an unbalanced flow distribution, an incline in the water surface, and
an occurrence of regular wave. The subjects were asked to swim by four kinds of
strokes, front crawl, breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly in the CWC. The water
temperature was set at 28 degrees and the water flow velocity (U) was set at three
relative levels for each subject, approximately 70%, 80% and 90% of the best record in
a standard 50 m pool for each stroke event. The pressures were sampled over a 15 s
period at 100 Hz, and input to the PC, then the data during five completed strokes were
processed. Each stroke movement and duration of stroke for the five strokes were
unsteady, especially in novice swimmers. Therefore, to obtain the mean pressure and
error value during the five strokes, a duration from entry to exit for each stroke was
normalized as 100 percentage, then mean and standard deviation were calculated.
Fig.2 Position of sensors, definitions of angles and force components
Typical examples of the F
and F
in four kinds of strokes for a skilled swimmer
(Sub. A) at U=80% are shown in Figure 3. Except for the backstroke, F
is greatest
towards the end of the stroke when the swimmer sweeps the arm down and in
towards the body. F
did not change dynamically as much as F
. Although the
magnitude of F
directly corresponded to propulsion, F
reflected the direction of
motion of the hand. Except for the backstroke, a positive F
value implied that the
hand was moving toward the little finger. Conversely a negative F
implied that the
hand was moving toward the thumb. In the cinematographic method, a contribution
of lift and drag to the propulsion has been discussed. The current pressure
measuring method cannot identify the lift and drag, but does provide valuable insights
into the temporal pattern of forces produced by the stroking pattern of a hand. The
force-time curve profiles were similar to the results of Sevec (1982) and Loetz et al.
(1988). The results were also similar to those obtained by 3D-video methods
(Schleihauf et al., 1988; Berger et al., 1999), except for the backstroke.
An example of differences between a competitive swimmer and a novice
swimmer and in front crawl are shown in Figure 4. The novice swimmer produced
peak force in the middle of a stroke whereas the competitive swimmer produced peak
force late in the stroke. The variability of the novice swimmer’s force, indicated by
the standard deviations, was greater than that of the competitive swimmer.
80%@Front crawl
0 20406080100
80%@Breast stroke
0 20406080100
0 20406080100
80%@Back stroke
0 20406080100
Fig. 3 Mean vertical and horizontal components of force over five complete strokes
in four kinds of strokes for Sub. A (U=80%@best record).
Combining qualitative analysis with the force data yields an effective diagnostic
system for improving a swimmers stroke. For example, the qualitative analysis
shows that, in general, novice freestyle swimmers are inclined to push their hand
downward immediately after entry. This means that the force produced would be
upward rather than in the desired forward direction. Thus, even if the swimmer
tried to push the water more strongly there would not be a substantial increase in
propulsion unless a change the direction of pull to the so-called ‘straight pull’ is
Competitive swimmer
80%@Front crawl
0 20406080100
Novice swimmer
80%@Front crawl
0 20 40 60 80 100
Fig. 4 Force profiles of a competitive swimmer (Sub. A) and a novice swimmer
(Sub. B) in front crawl.
0 20406080100
Force (N)
0 20406080100
Force (N)
Fig. 5 Force component profiles of Sub. A at velocities of 0.9, 1.0, and 1.1
m/s in breaststroke.
The change of hydrodynamic force production in breaststroke of competitive
swimmer due to an increase of velocity is shown in Figure 5. As velocity increased,
forces increased, and the time from entry to the peak value decreased.
While this study has shown that the pressure transducer method combined with
qualitative analysis of video is a useful tool for showing differences in force
generation across ability levels and across swimming velocities, we also need to
consider the direction of the forces produced.
This ‘pressure difference’ method is increasing our knowledge of forces acting
across the palmar to dorsal surfaces of the hand. However, we are not yet able to
quantify forces along the long or transverse axes of the hand. Further, determining the
extent to which the palmar to dorsal forces were in the desired direction of travel
requires quantification of the orientation of the hand with respect to an external
reference frame. Therefore, the method requires further refinement so that directions
of the forces produced by a swimmer’s hand during swimming can be obtained.
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forces on human hand / arm models. Journal of Biomechanics, 28, 123-133.
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Sciences, 17, 97-105.
Boicev, K. & Tzvetkov, A. (1975). Instrumentation and methods for the complex
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pp.80-89. University Park Press, Baltimore.
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... In all four competitive swimming strokes, the segmental actions by the limbs, namely the arm stroke of the upper limbs and leg kicking of the lower limbs, generate hands and feet forces that, summed up with the lift forces generated by hand sculling, result in propelling the body forward, i.e., producing a thrust (Dickinson, 1996;Toussaint, 2000). Each swim stroke presents unique underwater upper-and lower-limbs phases and motor paths (Schleihauf et al., 1988), that added up to the changes in the hands and feet speed (Bilinauskaite et al., 2013b;Gourgoulis et al., 2015), orientation (Bilinauskaite et al., 2013a) and geometry (Bilinauskaite et al., 2013b;Marinho et al., 2009Marinho et al., , 2010 throughout the cycle will lead to different force-time profiles (Takagi and Sanders, 2002). However, the characteristics of human swimming produce flows that are very difficult to study due to their nonlinear and turbulent nature (Arellano, 1999;Toussaint and Truijens, 2005), both numerically and experimentally. ...
... Under the leg kicking conditions, sensors were placed between the 2 nd and 3 rd toes of both feet. Although a few different pressure sensors have been used to assess the hand force (Koga et al., 2022;Lopes et al., 2023;Takagi and Sanders, 2002), those sensors may present some disadvantages: the use of more than one sensor on each hand/foot may change the geometry and volume of the hand, impacting the ecological validity of the propulsion data. Also, additional sensors would mean additional cabling surrounding the limbs which could present a constraint to a free technique. ...
... There is no record for backstroke using the same apparatus. With a different set of sensors, the results reported were somewhat lower than those found in the present study (Kudo et al., 2013;Takagi and Sanders, 2002). However, authors have analyzed swimmers at 80% of their personal best. ...
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Human locomotion on water depends on the force produced by the swimmer to propel the body forward. Performance of highly complex motor tasks like swimming can yield minor variations that only nonlinear analysis can be sensitive enough to detect. The purpose of the present study was to examine the nonlinear properties of the hand/feet forces and describe their variations across the four competitive swimming strokes performing segmental and full-body swimming. Swimmers performed all-out bouts of 25 m in the four swimming strokes, swimming the full-body stroke, with the arm-pull only and with the leg kicking only. Hand/foot force and swimming velocity were measured. The Higuchi’s fractal dimension (HFD) and sample entropy (SampEn) were used for the nonlinear analysis of force and velocity. Both the arm-pull and leg kicking alone were found to produce similar peak and mean hand/foot forces as swimming the full-body stroke. Hand force was more complex in breaststroke and butterfly stroke; conversely, kicking conditions were more complex in front crawl and backstroke. Moreover, the arm-pull and kicking alone tended to be more complex (higher HFD) but more predictable (lower SampEn) than while swimming the full-body stroke. There was no loss of force production from segmental swimming to the full-body counterpart. In conclusion, the number of segments in action influences the nonlinear behavior of the force produced and, when combining the four limbs, the complexity of the hand/foot force tends to decrease.
... Over the years, other experimental methods were used to study the hydrodynamics of hand and arm movements on an actual swimmer, such as pressure measurements around the arm (e.g., Takagi and Sanders, 2002;Toussaint et al., 2002a) and particle image velocimetry (e.g., Matsuuchi et al., 2009;Takagi et al., 2014b). Particle image velocimetry, or PIV, is a technique in which particles are tracked with cameras to determine the degree of vorticity of the flow. ...
... For an adequate interpretation of the propulsion force, these unsteady properties should be taken into account. Takagi and Sanders (2002) were among the first to quantitatively evaluate the propelling characteristics of a full stroke. They measured the pressure at the hand's surface in 4 swimming strokes to estimate the force output and found that the peak force generation was dependent on the swimmer's skill level. ...
... Particle image velocimetry (PIV) was applied to study the flow field generated around the swimmer's hand as the main source of the propulsive force in the front crawl by Matsuuchi et al. (2009) and Takagi et al. (2014). Takagi and Sanders (2002) measured the pressure applied to the swimmer's hands at different performance levels and velocities. The pressure sensors were used to store the pressure distribution on the hand surface in various strokes, such as front crawl. ...
Injuries are inevitable during swimming. The main goal of athletes especially competitive ones and coaches is to do the most mechanically effective movement patterns. In this case, biomechanical assessments could be beneficial in the management and prevention of injuries and pain in swimmers’ vulnerable joints. As the upper limb in swimming causes the highest propulsive force, the arm is exposed to more injuries. A skeletal model with 5 degrees of freedom is developed to simulate the swimmer’s arm during front crawl swimming. This model includes shoulder and elbow joints with all of their degrees of freedom. An adaptive integral sliding mode (AITSM) controller is employed to track the desired joint trajectories during swimming. This controller can converge the tracking errors to zero in finite time. For tuning the controller gains regardless of the upper bounds of the system uncertainties, an adaptive controller is applied. The results demonstrate the performance of the AITSM strategy in tracking the desired trajectory of an underwater arm model during swimming. During the down sweep to catch phase, arm movements cause more stress in the shoulder than the elbow. The applied moment at the shoulder is almost triple of the elbow’s moment. Therefore, the most vulnerable joint is the shoulder. By considering shoulder strength, the injury risk is predicted about 10% for the considered swimmer. • Highlights • The human upper limb during front crawl swimming is simulated. • A 5-DOF skeletal model is considered to simulate the arm. • An adaptive integral sliding mode (AITSM) controller is employed to track the desired trajectory. • The results show that the controller has the proper performance to track the desired motion. • The most vulnerable joint is the shoulder and higher moments are induced at this joint.
... In order to acquire knowledge to enhance performance in competitive swimming, many researches to clarify the mechanism of the propulsive forces acting on a swimmer during swimming have been conducted. A dynamometer [1] or pressure sensors [2,3] were attached to swimmers in some researches. Alternatively, physical models of swimmers were used in other several studies [4][5][6]. ...
... Different underwater limbs' phases and angles, inherent to each swimming stroke, are constraints affecting coordination [2] and muscle activation [9]. This will have an impact on the magnitude of the hands/feet forces produced [3] which will lead to different force-time time-series [10] and therefore, different velocities. To measure the force produced more ecologically (i.e., during actual free swimming) would bring further insight on interlimb asymmetry and its effect on velocity. ...
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The different characteristics of the four swimming strokes affect the interplay between the four limbs, acting as a constraint to the force produced by each hand and foot. The purpose of this study was to analyze the symmetry of force production with a varying number of limbs in action and see its effect on velocity. Fifteen male swimmers performed four all-out bouts of 25-m swims in the four strokes in full-body stroke and segmental actions. A differential pressure system was used to measure the hands/feet propulsive force and a mechanical velocity meter was used to measure swimming velocity. Symmetry index was calculated based on the force values. All strokes and conditions presented contralateral limb asymmetries (ranging from 6.73% to 28% for the peak force and from 9.3% to 35.7% for the mean force). Backstroke was the most asymmetric stroke, followed-up by butterfly, front crawl, and breaststroke. Kicking conditions elicited the higher asymmetries compared with arm-pull conditions. No significant associations were found between asymmetries and velocity. The absence of such association suggests that, to a certain and unknown extent, swimming may benefit from contralateral limb asymmetry.
... Wearable sensors for measuring pressure helps to estimate propulsive force when swimming [33,34,31]. Wearable pressure sensors can be attached to the back of the swimmer's hand, and measure the force produced by the water during swimming. ...
Conference Paper
Water flow is strongly related to swimming speed; thus, technologies for measuring the three-dimensional movement of water are highly desired in the water sports industry. However, existing fluid measurement methods are not suitable for use with humans because they introduce tiny plastic particles (known as tracer particles) that contain fluorescent ink, which is used to visualize water flow. A laser then irradiates the environment to make the particles brighter than the surroundings to track their movement with cameras. This method has potential adverse effects to humans, such as accidental swallowing of the particles and laser burns to the skin and eyes. In this research, we propose a human-friendly water flow measuring technology using tracer particles made of food-grade materials and a harmless light source. To visualize tracer particles, we give the particles an optical property, which makes them sufficiently brighter than the surroundings when placed between circularly polarized plates. We tested the proposed setup for water flow measurement in an actual swimming environment with swimmers. We observed that tracer particles moved in accordance with the water flow caused by a swimming stroke.
... Multiplying the pressure by the area, the thrust is then calculated 49 . The kinetic variables analysed included the peak thrust (i.e., the maximal value, in N), mean thrust (in N) and thrust-time integral (in N.s) (Fig. 2). ...
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The aim of this study was to analyse the front-crawl arm-pull kinetics and kinematics, comparing it before and after post-activation potentiation (PAP), and the associations between variables describing of the arm-pull kinetics. Twelve male competitive swimmers were randomly assigned to perform two different warm-ups in a crossover manner: (i) non-PAP (control condition); and (ii) PAP (experimental condition). PAP consisted of 2 × 5 arm-pulls with resistance bands by both upper-limbs. Eight minutes later, participants underwent a 25 m all-out trial in front-crawl arm-pull. Kinetics (i.e., peak thrust, mean thrust and thrust-time integral) and kinematics (i.e., speed and speed fluctuation) were collected by an in-house customised system composed of differential pressure sensors, speedo-meter and underwater camera. There was a significant and large improvement of the arm-pull kinetics after completing the warm-up with PAP sets (0.010 < P < 0.054, 0.50 < d < 0.74). There were non-significant and small effects of PAP on speed (P = 0.307, d = 0.18) and speed fluctuation (P = 0.498, d = 0.04). Correlation coefficients among kinetic variables were significant with large associations (0.51 < R < 0.90, 0.001 < P < 0.088). In conclusion, warm-ups including PAP conditioning sets elicit a large improvement in the thrust, but with small improvement in performance. Variables used to characterise thrust are strongly correlated and hence can be used interchangeably.
... The method enables estimation of forces generated in a fluid under variable conditions, such as those produced during sculling. Momentum vectors and acceleration constantly change during sculling (Kudo, Yanai, Wilson, Takagi, & Vennell, 2008;Takagi & Sanders, 2002;Takagi & Wilson, 1999). Since the experimental procedure involves only equipping the hand with a sensor for making periodic measurements, the method can be easily used during training. ...
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The purpose of this study was to clarify how elite artistic (synchronised) swimmers generate fluid forces with their hands during two kinds of sculling motions: flat sculling in the back-layout position and support sculling in the vertical position. We used the pressure-distribution measuring method to estimate unsteady fluid forces acting on the hand during sculling motions performed by seven elite artistic swimmers. In addition, we simultaneously analysed sculling motions using three dimensional-direct linear transformation methods. We found that sculling motions continuously generated fluid forces that are large during the stroke phase and small during the transition phase. Lift force was efficiently generated, and a large upward propulsive force was obtained during the stroke phase in both flat and support sculling. During the outside transition from out- to in-sculling, the net vertical load (= gravitational force—buoyant force) was supported by the drag force. In both flat and support sculling, artistic swimmers generated an even fluid force in the upward direction during the in-sculling and out-sculling phases to maintain a stable position.
The contribution to total race distances of underwater undulatory swimming (UUS) is increasing at the elite level. However, little is known about the technical modifications during underwater swimming. In the present research, the aim was to compare the kinematic characteristics of competitive swimmers between the first and last kick of UUS. Fifty-four national level swimmers (26 males and 28 females) performed 25 m maximal efforts from a push start, and two sequential video cameras captured the underwater segment. Kicking parameters and segmental kinematics were calculated by means of two-dimensional direct linear transformation algorithms. Dolphin kick performance showed a clear impairment in velocity (η2 : 0.65), but changes on kicking parameters depended on the swimmer's gender, with males decreasing kicking amplitude (η2 : 0.25) and females decreasing kicking frequency (η2 : 0.18) in the last kick. Decline in kicking performance seemed to be more related to the swimmers' body configuration when approaching the water surface (greater trunk inclination and maximal body amplitude in sagittal plane) than to technical modifications in the dolphin kick movement (no changes in the joints range of movement except the hip). Swimmers should control their vertical body amplitude at the end of underwater sections to minimise the decrease in kicking performance.
Conference Paper
Journal of the International Society of Swimming Coaching 2(1) Fast swimming, either in the pool, in open water swimming, or in water polo, requires maximizing the efficiencies with which the human body can move through a liquid medium. A multitude of factors such as power and strength can affect the ability to swim fast as well as the final outcome. Strength and conditioning are tools used by sports scientists and coaches to enhance strength, power and, subsequently, to improve performance.
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The main purpose of this study was to develop a model for calculating forces produced by a swimmer's hand, with the thumb adducted, accelerating in the direction of flow. The model included coefficients to account for the velocity and acceleration of the hand. These coefficients were designed to calculate forces in the direction opposite the motion (drag) and two components of lift orthogonal to the direction of motion. To determine the coefficients, three-dimensional forces acting on a resin cast of a swimmer's hand were recorded while accelerating the hand from rest to 0.45 m · s-1 and 0.6 m · s-1 in a towing tank. The hand orientation was varied throughout the entire range at 5°increments. Three-dimensional surfaces describing the magnitude of the coefficients as functions of pitch and sweepback angle were produced. It was found that acceleration coefficients as well as velocity coefficients are required for accurate modeling of the forces produced by the hand in swimming. The forces generated by the hand are greatest when pitch angles approach 90°due to the large contribution by the drag component. However, at pitch angles near 45°and sweepback angles near 45°and 135°, lift forces contribute substantially.
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To evaluate the propulsive forces in front crawl arm swimming, derived from a three-dimensional kinematic analysis, these values were compared with mean drag forces. The propulsive forces during front crawl swimming using the arms only were calculated using three-dimensional kinematic analysis combined with lift and drag coefficients obtained in fluid laboratories. Since, for any constant swimming speed, the mean propulsive force should be equal to the mean drag force acting on the body of the swimmer, mean values of the calculated propulsive forces were compared with the mean drag forces obtained from measurements on a Measuring Active Drag (MAD) system. The two methods yielded comparable results, the mean difference between them being only 5% (2 N). We conclude that propulsive forces obtained from three-dimensional kinematic analysis provide realistic values. The calculation of the propulsive force appears to be rather sensitive to the point on the hand at which the velocity is estimated and less sensitive to the orientation of the hand.
The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of the quasi-static assumption—that fluid forces exerted under unsteady flow conditions are equal to those exerted under similar steady flow conditions—in the case of a cylindrical model oscillating in a vertical plane about a transverse axis normal to the flow. The findings indicated that the quasi-static approach is applicable only to cyclic motions with low frequencies and small accelerations. For swimming motions that involve high frequencies and high accelerations, like those that occur in competitive swimming, the vortex shedding effect and the added mass effect must be taken into account if accurate values are to be obtained for hydrodynamic forces.
Forces acting on the forearm and hand during swimming can be decomposed into drag forces and lift forces. In this study drag and lift forces were measured on two models of a human hand and forearm when towed in a towing tank. To compare the results of models with different size at different velocities force data were normalized to drag and lift coefficients (Cd and Ct). Influence of the orientation of the model with respect to the flow, velocity, size of the model and the relative contribution of the hand and forearm on Cd and Ct were studied. The orientation of the model with respect to the line of motion was varied by rotating the models around three axes, and quantified using the angle of pitch (AP: the angle between the hand plane and flow) and the sweep-back angle (SB: the orientation of the flow vector when projected on the hand plane). Cd was maximal when the palm of the hand is almost perpendicular to the flow (AP = 65 degrees, SB = 342 degrees). Ct shows maximal values at two different orientations: with the hand in a thumb-leading position, AP = 31 degrees, SB = 358 degrees, and with the hand in a little finger-leading position, AP = 48 degrees, SB = 193 degrees. The orientation of the hand was very critical in generating lift forces. By contrast, the influence of velocity and size of the model on the values of Cd and Ct was limited.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Propulsive techniques: front crawl stoke, butterfly, backstroke, and breaststroke
  • R E Schleihauf
  • J R Higgins
  • R Hinrichs
  • D Luedtke
  • C Maglischo
  • E W Maglischo
  • A Thayer
Schleihauf, R.E., Higgins, J.R., Hinrichs, R., Luedtke, D., Maglischo, C., Maglischo, E.W. & Thayer, A. (1988). Propulsive techniques: front crawl stoke, butterfly, backstroke, and breaststroke. In: Swimming Science V, (Ed. By B.E. Ungerechts, K. Reischle & K. Wilke), pp. 53-59. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL.
Three-dimensional analysis of hand propulsion in the sprint front crawl stroke
  • R E Schleihauf
  • L Gray
  • J De Rose
Schleihauf, R.E., Gray, L. & De Rose, J. (1983). Three-dimensional analysis of hand propulsion in the sprint front crawl stroke. In: Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming, (Ed. By A.P. Hollander, P.A. Huijing & G. de Groot), pp.173-184. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL.
Hand pressures as predictors of resultant and propulsive hand forces in swimming
  • A M Thayer
Thayer, A.M. (1990). Hand pressures as predictors of resultant and propulsive hand forces in swimming. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, The University of Iowa, Iowa city, IA.
The evaluation of highly skilled swimmers via quantitative and qualitative analysis
  • C Loetz
  • K Reischle
  • G Schmitt
Loetz, C., Reischle, K. & Schmitt, G. (1988). The evaluation of highly skilled swimmers via quantitative and qualitative analysis. In: Swimming Science V, (Ed. by B.E. Ungerechts, K. Reischle & K. Wilke), pp.361-367. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL.