... The negative impact of power outages is well-documented for both firms (Pasha et al., 1989, Beenstock, 1991, Tishler, 1993, Beenstock et al., 1997, Serra and Fierro, 1997, Steinbuks and Foster, 2010, Alby et al., 2013, Allcott et al., 2016, Cole et al., 2018, Elliott et al., 2021, Chen et al., 2022 and households (Carlsson and Martinsson, 2007, Carlsson et al., 2011, Amador et al., 2013, Chakravorty et al., 2014, Ozbafli and Jenkins, 2016, Poczter, 2017, Kennedy et al., 2019, Meles, 2020, Bajo-Buenestado, 2021, Carlsson et al., 2021, Deutschmann et al., 2021, Meles et al., 2021, Motz, 2021, Sedai et al., 2021b, Alberini et al., 2022, Aweke and Navrud, 2022, Lawson, 2022, Toto, 2022, as well as for the economy as a whole (Sanghvi, 1982, de Nooij et al., 2007, 2009, Andersen and Dalgaard, 2013, Reichl et al., 2013, Carranza and Meeks, 2021, Woo et al., 2021. The evidence is for all parts of the world, and all levels of development. ...