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Ice cream as a complex food consists of small air cells dispersed in a partially frozen, continuous aqueous phase. Its desired quality is achieved by both proper processing and formulation. Stabilizers are substances that, despite their low usage level in ice cream mix, have very important functions, such as increase in viscosity of ice cream mix, aeration improvement, cryoprotection, and control of meltdown. Various materials, including both commercial and local gums, have been used as stabilizers. In this review, types of stabilizers, their functions, and limitations on excessive use of stabilizers in ice cream are discussed.
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Application and Functions of Stabilizers
in Ice Cream
Maryam Bahramparvar a & Mostafa Mazaheri Tehrani a
a Department of Food Science and Technology, Ferdowsi University
of Mashhad (FUM), Khorasan Razavi, Mashhad, Iran
Available online: 29 Jun 2011
To cite this article: Maryam Bahramparvar & Mostafa Mazaheri Tehrani (2011): Application and
Functions of Stabilizers in Ice Cream, Food Reviews International, 27:4, 389-407
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Food Reviews International, 27:389–407, 2011
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 8755-9129 print / 1525-6103 online
DOI: 10.1080/87559129.2011.563399
Application and Functions of Stabilizers
in Ice Cream
Department of Food Science and Technology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
(FUM), Khorasan Razavi, Mashhad, Iran
Ice cream as a complex food consists of small air cells dispersed in a partially frozen,
continuous aqueous phase. Its desired quality is achieved by both proper processing
and formulation. Stabilizers are substances that, despite their low usage level in ice
cream mix, have very important functions, such as increase in viscosity of ice cream
mix, aeration improvement, cryoprotection, and control of meltdown. Various materials,
including both commercial and local gums, have been used as stabilizers. In this review,
types of stabilizers, their functions, and limitations on excessive use of stabilizers in ice
cream are discussed.
Keywords functional properties, hydrocolloids, rheology, wheying off, sensory
Ice cream is a frozen dairy product consumed in the frozen state where the freezing
and whipping processes are important unit operations for the development of the desired
structure, texture, and palatability.(1)
There are many formulation and processing factors that influence the texture and
acceptability of ice cream. Stabilizers are one such ingredient, which, in spite of the low
level in the formulation, impart specific and important functions to the finished product.
In 1915, the word stabilizer was assigned to a group of substances that, at that time, were
known as holders,colloids,binders, and fillers.(2) They were also referred to as improvers,
a term used to refer to enzymes or blends of enzymes and gums.(3) Colloids,hydrocol-
loids, and gums are other names of these substances, which indicate that these materials
are macromolecules, mostly polysaccharides, that are capable of interacting with water.
Interaction with water also allows some of these compounds to interact with proteins and
lipids in the mix.(4) Stabilizers normally contain l03monomer units and have molecular
weights of 105–106.(5)
The primary purposes for using stabilizers in ice cream are to produce smoothness in
body and texture; retard or reduce ice and lactose crystal growth during storage, especially
during periods of temperature fluctuation; provide uniformity to the product; and provide
some degree of shape retention during melting. They also contribute to mix viscosity, sta-
bilize the protein in the mix to avoid wheying off, help in suspension of flavoring particles,
Address correspondence to Maryam Bahramparvar, Department of Food Science and
Technology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM), Khorasan Razavi, P.O. Box 91775-1163,
Mashhad, Iran. E-mail:
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390 Bahramparvar and Tehrani
create a stable foam with easy cutoff and stiffness at the barrel freezer for packaging, slow
down moisture migration from the product to the package or the air, and assist in preventing
shrinkage of the product volume during storage.(1,2,6)
Stabilizers must also have a clean, neutral flavor, not bind to other ice cream flavors,
contribute to acceptable meltdown of the ice cream, and provide desirable texture upon
consumption.(1) Despite their natural sources, under European law they are considered food
additives and, therefore, they have associated E numbers.(5) A good stabilizer should be
nontoxic, readily disperse in the mix, not produce excessive viscosity or separation or
foam in the mix, not clog strainers and filters, provide ice cream with desirable meltdown,
be economical, and not impart off flavor to the mix.(4)
The amount and kind of stabilizer required in ice cream depend on its properties, mix
composition, and ingredients used; processing times, temperatures, and pressures; storage
temperature and time; and many other factors.(2,4) Usually 0.1–0.5% stabilizer is utilized in
the ice cream mix. Mixes high in fat or total solids (40%), chocolate mixes, or ultra-high-
temperature pasteurized mixes require less stabilizer than do mixes that are low in total
solids (37%), are high-temperature, short-time (HTST) pasteurized, or are to be stored for
extended periods of time.(2)
Many valuable studies have been published about ice cream stabilizers, with review
articles, books, and book chapters relating various aspects of ice cream. For example,
Hartel(7) reviewed ice crystallization during manufacturing of ice cream and stated the
effects of different factors in this phenomenon. Mechanisms and kinetics of recrystalliza-
tion in ice cream were also reviewed by this author.(8) Milk protein and food hydrocolloid
interactions and protein–polysaccharide incompatibility have been investigated by Sybre
et al.(9) and Doublier et al.,(10) respectively. In a review article, Adapa et al.(11) dis-
cussed the mechanisms of ice crystallization and recrystallization in ice cream and factors
influencing them, especially stabilizers. Goff(12) discussed the formation and stabilization
of structure in ice cream and related products with an emphasis on colloidal aspects.
Dickinson(13) reviewed hydrocolloids at interfaces and the roles of these materials on
properties of dispersed systems, emulsifying capacity of some hydrocolloids, and protein–
polysaccharide complexes at interfaces. Goff(14) discussed the roles of hydrocolloids in
frozen foods. The freezing process, structure formation, and physicochemical changes in
frozen foods and the influence of polysaccharide stabilizers on these phenomena were also
discussed in this book chapter.
However, there is no comprehensive review available in the literature concerning var-
ious aspects of stabilizers in ice cream. So, the aim of this review was to investigate the
different kinds of stabilizers and their specific characteristics and the varied functions of
these substances in ice cream, including the effects on rheological properties of ice cream
and ice cream mix, phase separation, overrun, crystallization and recrystallization, melting
behavior, and sensory characteristics. Finally, limitations on the excessive use of stabilizers
in ice cream are mentioned.
Types and Characteristics of Individual Stabilizers in Ice Cream
A variety of substances have been used as stabilizers. Gelatin, an animal protein derivative,
was one of the first materials used as an ice cream stabilizer, although it has largely been
replaced by polysaccharide hydrocolloids in modern ice cream manufacture.(15) Some of
the common stabilizers and their characteristics are listed below.
Gelatin (E441)(16): This relatively expensive stabilizer is effective at concentrations
of 0.3–0.5%; however, it may not prevent the effects of heat shock.(4) It is also not
acceptable to certain religious and vegetarian populations. The use of gelatin as a
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Application and Functions of Stabilizers in Ice Cream 391
stabilizer produces thin mixes that require a long aging period. Gelatin disperses
easily and does not cause wheying off or foaming.(4)
Guar gum (E412)(5): Guar gum is extracted from the seeds of a tropical legume,
Cyamoposis tetragonolba, called guar. It has been grown in India and Pakistan for
centuries and, for a short time and to a limited extent, in the United States.(6) It
is the least expensive stabilizer and effectively decreases the undesirable effects of
heat shock in ice cream.(4) It readily disperses and does not cause excessive viscosity
in the mix. Generally, 0.1–0.2% is required in a mix and, therefore, this substance
is considered to be a strong stabilizer.(4)
Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) (E466)(5): This chemically modified natu-
ral gum is a linear, long-chain, water-soluble, and anionic polysaccharide. Purified
sodium carboxymethyl cellulose is a white-to-cream–colored, tasteless, odorless,
free-flowing powder.(17) CMC forms weak gels by itself but gels well in combina-
tion with carrageenan, locust bean gum, or guar gum.(2) It is a strong stabilizer and
only 0.1–0.2% is needed in a mix. It imparts body and chewiness to ice cream.(4)
Locust bean gum (carob bean gum) (LBG) (E410)(5): Locust bean gum is obtained
from the beans of the tree Ceratonia siliqua, grown mostly in the Mediterranean
area.(6) This strong stabilizer is used at 0.1–0.2% levels and causes phase separation
in ice cream mixes.(4) LBG is only partially soluble in cold water and it must be
heated above 85C to hydrate fully.(5) For the following reasons it was reported to
be an ideal gum in stabilization of ice cream(17,18):
It creates a uniform, medium, and reproducible viscosity that is not destroyed by
It cools uniformly and allows easy incorporation of air into the mix.
It provides superior heat-shock resistance.
It does not produce any taste or flavor-masking properties to the mix.
It forms a cryo-gel, which can be effective in cryo-protection.
Carrageenan (Irish moss) (E407)(5): This stabilizer was originally derived from
red algae called Chondus crispus.(6) The major sources of this gum are now the
two tropical red seaweeds, Eucheuma cottonii (now called Kappaphycus alarezii)
and E. spinosum (now E. denticulatum), which are commercially farmed in the
Philippines, Indonesia, and Tanzania. The extract of Kappaphycus alarezii is
almost pure kappa carrageenan (with less than 10% iota), whereas the extract
of E. denticulatum is a relatively pure iota carrageenan (less than 15% kappa).
The extracts of Gigartinacean algae (Chilean carrageenophytes), Gigartina skotts-
bergii,Sarcothalia crispate, and Mazzaella laminarioides, however, are gelling
carrageenans that are weaker and less interactive with kappa casein in milk than
C. crispus extracts. These gelling carrageenans have been found to be copolymers
of kappa and iota carrageenan, which the industry refers to as kappa-2 carrageenan,
kappa/iota hybrids,orweak-gelling kappas.(19) Carrageenan is used in many sta-
bilizer blends at levels of 0.01–0.02% to prevent phase separation (wheying off)
through its interaction with milk protein.(4)
Xanthan (E415)(5): This bacterial exopolysaccharide is obtained by the growth of
Xanthomonas campestris in culture.(6) Its blend with guar gum and/or locust bean
gum makes an effective stabilizer for ice cream, ice milk, sherbet, and water ices.
A combination of xanthan gum with sodium alginate is reported to serve as a milk
shake stabilizer.(20)
Alginates: Alginates, or algin, is a generic term for the salts and derivatives of
alginic acid. This acidic polysaccharide occurs as the insoluble mixed calcium,
sodium, potassium, and magnesium salt in the Phaeophyceae, brown seaweeds.(21)
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392 Bahramparvar and Tehrani
Alginates dissolve in cold water and gel in the presence of calcium and acid.
However, because of their price, they are not widely used.(2) Sodium alginate, a
member of this group, has an E number of 401.(5)
Microcrystalline cellulose (Cellulose gel) (MCC) (E460)(15): MCC has effective
application in foam stabilization and overrun control.(17) The addition of 0.4% and
higher levels of MCC to ice cream mix results in the formation of a gel, which pre-
serves the original texture of frozen dessert products during storage and distribution
by increasing their resistance to heat shock and by maintaining the three-phase sys-
tem of air–fat–water in these products.(17) MCC also allows for reduction of fat and
solids content by 2 to 4% with minimal loss of texture.(17) Like carrageenan, cellu-
lose gel has the capability to prevent whey separation in mixes, thereby countering
the destabilizing effects of some soluble gums.(17)
In addition to these above-mentioned common substances, other, more local, hydrocolloids
have been used as ice cream stabilizers.(22–34) Salep, for example, is obtained by milling
dried tubers of wild orchids(23) and is applied as an essential ingredient for the production
of traditional ice cream in Iran(29) and Turkey.(23) This kind of ice cream, which is called
kahramanmaras or maras in Turkey, differs from common ice cream in its high sugar
content, natural flavor, and sticky gummy body, especially due to salep addition.(30) Maras-
type ice cream is served hard and a knife should be used during consumption, due to its
unique textural properties.(31) Compared to other stabilizers, salep is used in higher content,
generally 0.78–1%, in ice cream formulation.(23,30) In addition to stabilizing properties,
salep has health benefits.(29) Salep contains approximately 11–44% high polysaccharides
(glucomannan). Glucomannan is classified as a hydrocolloid; it absorbs 200 mL of water
per gram.(34) According to Farshoosh and Riazi,(35) salep varieties grown in Iran come in
two forms, one with branched or palmate tubers and the other with rounded or unbranched
tubers. The palmate-tuber salep (PTS), at similar concentrations to rounded-tuber salep
(RTS), produces solutions with more pseudoplasticity and higher consistency. For this rea-
son, BahramParvar et al.(28) concluded that PTS is a better ice cream stabilizer compared
to RTS. These authors used this kind of salep and another Iranian local gum (Lallemantia
royleana seed gum) compared to CMC, which is a well-known commercial gum, in ice
cream formulation. Although products prepared using only salep (PTS) showed greater
differences compared to ice cream containing CMC, all variations were not significant.(28)
Lallemantia royleana, with the vernacular name of Balangu or Balangu Shirazi,isa
member of the Labiatae family and has an extensive distribution in different regions of
European and Middle East countries, especially Iran. Balangu seed is a good source of
polysaccharides, fiber, oil, and protein and has some medicinal, nutritional, and human
health properties.(36) It adsorbs water quickly when soaked in water and produces a sticky,
turbid, and tasteless liquid.(37) In comparison with CMC, Balangu seed gum (BSG) did
not have a significant effect (P >0.05) on most characteristics of ice cream and could
serve as a suitable stabilizer.(28) BahramParvar et al.(27) also studied the effects of different
levels of substitution of CMC and PTS by BSG. They found a synergistic effect between
CMC and BGS in elevation of ice cream mix viscosity. However, such a regular trend
was not observed in the case of BSG and PTS. Often, different levels of this replacement
(0–100%) improved sensory characteristics of ice cream, although most differences were
not significant.
Other local gums have also been studied. For instance, Uzomah and Ahiligwo(22)
investigated the effects of the water-soluble gums extracted from seeds of achi
(Brachystegea eurycoma) and Ogbono (Irvingia gabonesis; commonly found in Nigeria)
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Application and Functions of Stabilizers in Ice Cream 393
on quality characteristics of an ice cream mix and ice cream. These characteristics were
compared to those of similar products made with commercial food gums. Only values of
achi seed gum ice cream fell within the ranges of values obtained for the ice cream con-
taining commercial gums. Moreover, Rincon et al.(25) examined a mixture of gums from
Acacia glomerosa,Enterolobium cyclocarpum, and Hymenaea courbaril (species grown
in Venezuela) as stabilizers in the preparation of ice cream. Quality characteristics of the
product (viscosity, overrun, meltdown, shape factor, and sensory properties) were deter-
mined and compared to ice creams made with a mixture of commercial gums. The mixture
of Venezuelan hydrocolloids provided suitable viscosity for ice creams with the corre-
sponding overrun and texture. It gave better foaming properties and air incorporation than
the commercial gums tested and had the highest score of flavor, creaminess, overall accept-
ability, and lowest score of iciness. Based on these studies, local gums can be successfully
used in preparation of ice cream.
It could be concluded that each stabilizer has own characteristics, and to gain syner-
gism in function and improve their overall effectiveness, individual stabilizers are usually
mixed.(4) For example, because of the higher solubility of guar compared to locust bean
gum at cold temperatures, guar gum is used more in HTST pasteurization systems.
Carrageenan is a secondary hydrocolloid used to prevent phase separation of a mix and
also generally improves protein stability in the presence of such negative influences as
shear, low pH, change in salt balance, among others.(9,21,38) Hence, it is included in most
blended stabilizer formulations. Multiple stabilizer ingredients are also used to reduce the
overall cost of the stabilizer system.(2) For example, Guven et al.(30) produced ice creams
containing four different combinations of LBG, CMC, guar gum, and sodium alginate and
a control sample using only salep extract. They concluded that the use of combinations of
suitable stabilizers instead of only one led to better results.
Functions of Stabilizers in Ice Cream
Effects of Stabilizers on Rheological Properties of Ice Cream Mix
Rheology is a branch of physics concerned with the composition and structure of flowing
and deformable materials.(2) Knowledge of the rheological characteristics of foodstuffs
is important for quality control, texture, processing, and the selection of the proper
equipment.(24) Smooth texture and cooling sensation, which are the most commonly
desired attributes of ice cream during consumption, could be provided by an ice cream
mix with optimum rheological properties.(26)
Ice cream mixes exhibit non-Newtonian pseudoplastic behavior, meaning that there
is a nonlinear relationship between shear stress and shear rate, with the apparent viscos-
ity decreasing with increasing shear rate. The pseudoplasticity or shear thinning behavior
has been related to the increased alignment of constituent molecules of the system.(35)
Generally, the power law model is used to fit the rheological properties of the ice
cream mix(23):
where τis the shear stress (Pa), Kis the consistency index (, ˙γis the shear rate (s1),
and nis flow behavior index (dimensionless). The values nand Kare important rheological
properties of fluid foods, because the flow of these foods is characterized in terms of these
quantities.(25) The smaller the nvalue, the greater the departure from Newtonian behavior
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394 Bahramparvar and Tehrani
and, hence, the greater the pseudoplasticity. The consistency index, which is considered to
be a measure of the viscous nature of the food, increases with stabilizer concentration.(39) It
has been reported that neutral gums exhibited a greater increase in non-Newtonian behavior
with concentration than anionic gums.(23)
Viscosity, which is one of the most important rheological properties of ice cream mix
and the unfrozen portion of ice cream, is influenced by mix composition (mainly stabilizer
and protein), type and quality of the ingredients, processing and handling of the mix, con-
centration (total solid content), and temperature.(2) The viscosity of ice cream mix is set
through mix composition, particularly stabilizer content and level.(24) Although it is gener-
ally understood that mix viscosity is important to impart desirable qualities of ice cream,
the specific rheological parameters required are not well understood. Generally, as the vis-
cosity increases, the resistance to melting and the smoothness of texture increases, but the
rate of whipping decreases.(2)
Numerous studies have investigated the rheological properties of ice cream and
ice cream mix and factors influencing these characteristics.(22–24,26,39,40) Goff
and Davidson(41) reported that the flow behavior index (n) of ice cream mixes is around 0.7,
although other investigators have found values from 0.37 to 0.98. Values of flow behavior
index and consistency index of some ice cream mixes containing stabilizers are pre-
sented in Table 1. Previous studies have shown that an increase in concentration and
decrease in temperature increases pseudoplasticity (decreases nvalues).(35,39) Kaya and
Tekin(23) showed that salep concentration had a greater effect on viscosity than tempera-
ture. In another study,(42) shear thinning behavior of ice cream mix, along with instrumental
hardness of the ice cream, was indicative of the creaminess and wateriness of samples.
Wateriness is a sensory property that has been applied when the sample melts unusu-
ally quickly into an uncharacteristically thin, water-like fluid. The use of hydrocolloids
improved creaminess and reduced wateriness.(42)
The time-dependent flow behavior (thixotropy) of ice cream mix has been studied by
Kus et al.(24) Their samples showed slightly thixotropic behavior, which increased as salep
content increased. In this case, thixotropy appeared as time-dependent thinning behavior
that reflected the destruction of the product structure during flow and the subsequent recov-
ery of the viscosity when flow was stopped. The power law model was used to model the
forward and backward measurements of the flow curves of ice cream mixes. The ice cream
mixes showed pseudoplastic flow behavior after destruction of the thixotropic structure.
A first-order stress decay model, as the second-order structural kinetic, was found to fit
the experimental data well. Such information is useful to analyze the flow of ice cream
mix in pipelines during startup and steady conditions and for proper design of pipes and
pumps in ice cream processing plants. The characterization of the time-dependent rheo-
logical properties of ice cream is also important for correlating physical parameters with
sensory evaluation.
The effects of stabilizers on mechanical and stress relaxation properties of ice
cream mix and sugar solutions containing hydrocolloids have also been investigated.
Thermomechanical analysis indicated that these materials decrease the rate of thermal
deformation, increase apparent viscosity, and decrease compliance at 26C in frozen 20%
sucrose solutions (proposed as model ice cream mixes).(1) Stabilizers also decreased the
molecular relaxation properties(1,43) and increased storage (elastic component) and loss
moduli (viscous component) in ice cream mixes compared to unstabilized mixes of the
same composition.(1)
Dogan and Kayacier(26) investigated the effects of ageing on the rheological param-
eters of kahramanmaras-type ice cream mix. By evaluating n,K, and apparent viscosity
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Application and Functions of Stabilizers in Ice Cream 395
Table 1
Power law model parameters, Kand n, for different ice cream mixes containing different
hydrocolloid stabilizers
nK( Explanation Reference
0.68–0.98 Ice cream mix containing 0.05–0.40%
guar gum
0.48–0.88 Ice cream mix containing 0.05–0.40%
locust bean gum
0.48–0.55 4.8–6.7 Ice cream mix containing 0.3% stabilizer
(a blend of carrageenan, CMC, and
locust bean gum)
0.37–0.66 0.07–1.26 Regular, light, low-fat, and fat-free ice
cream mix containing 0.3% commercial
stabilizer–emulsifier blend (Party Pride®)
0.77–0.95 0.03–2.42 Mixture of milk–sugar–salep (0.4–1%) (23)
0.58–0.91 0.72–2.87 Ice cream mix including 0, 0.3, and
0.5% commercial stabilizer blend,
C-196, which contained
12% carrageenan, 33% guar gum, and
55% carboxymethyl cellulose
0.73–0.93 0.36–1.19aIce cream mix with buffalo milk using
optimum levelsbof various stabilizers
(gelatin, 0.45%; sodium alginate, 0.40%;
acacia, 0.75%; karaya, 0.25%; guar gum,
0.075%; or ghatti gum, 0.25%)
0.48–0.53 14.5 ±0.13–
21.1 ±0.51
Ice cream mix including 0.15%
commercial stabilizer blend, C-196,
which contained 12% carrageenan,
33% guar gum, and 55% carboxymethyl
0.37–0.76 0.20–21.17 Non-fat ice cream mix containing
0.5–1.5% salep at 5C
0.55–0.69 0.58–2.16 Commercial ice cream mix containing 10%
fat and mixture of locust bean gum, guar
gum, and carrageenan as stabilizerc
0.47–0.75 0.80–7.45 Maras-type ice creamdmix (containing
mixture of guar, carboxymethylcellulose,
and salep as stabilizer)c
0.34–0.36 3.72–4.33 Ice cream mix containing 4 g salep and 1 g
gelatin per one liter of milk
0.47 ±0.02 6.47 ±0.86 Regular ice cream mix (containing
10% milk fat) with 0.65%
stabilizer–emulsifier mixture of
Cremodan SE 30
0.36–0.50 2.6–12.0 Ice cream mix containing different levels
of fat and 1% stabilizer blends (different
ratios of salep, guar gum, and gelatin)
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396 Bahramparvar and Tehrani
Table 1
nK( Explanation Reference
0.45–0.95 0.07–1.95 Ice cream mix containing 0.1 and
0.2% stabilizer (xanthan, CMC, sodium
alginate, or guar as primary stabilizer and
κ-carrageenan as secondary stabilizer,
blended with primary stabilizers at a
ratio of 1:9)
0.79 ±0.04 0.16 ±0.04 Ice cream mix with 0.2% stabilizer (guar
gum and microcrystalline cellulose at
1:1 ratio)
0.45–1.15 0.05–6.82 Ice cream containing 0.3, 0.4, and
0.5% Balangu seed gum, palmate tuber
salep, and carboxymethylcellulose
aKfor ice cream mix without stabilizer was 0.29.
bOptimum level of each gum determined based on the preliminary trials.
cAmount of ingredients in formulation were not mentioned in the article.
dTraditional Turkish ice cream that contains salep as stabilizer (see more in text).
values, they suggested that 24 hours of aging at 0C would be a proper ageing time for
the ice cream mix. After 24 hours, Kand apparent viscosity reached the highest values,
whereas the nreached the lowest value. However, it has been indicated for ice cream mixes
containing commercial stabilizers that about 4 hours of aging is sufficient.(2)
Effects of Stabilizers on Phase Separation
Because most polysaccharides of commercial interest are incompatible with milk proteins
in solution, phase separation occurs.(9,44–50) resulting in a change of functional behavior of
the proteins and polysaccharides, a visual separation of a clear serum, and a loss of pleasing
quality in the product.(50) This problem, which can be attributed to a depletion flocculation
mechanism, is especially apparent and problematic in soft-serve ice cream mixes during
quiescent storage of up to 3 weeks at 5C.(45,46,49) Different gums have different effects
on phase separation. For example, Thaiudom and Goff(50) found that among the stabilizers
studied, xanthan gum was the most incompatible with milk proteins, followed by guar gum
and LBG.
Other ingredients in ice cream could differently affect wheying off as well. Schorsch
et al.(48) showed that addition of sucrose led to a concentration effect on the protein phase
and dilution of the locust bean gum phase. The effect of molecular conformation on phase
separation was explained by Bourriot et al.(45,46) A lower intrinsic viscosity or hydrody-
namic molecular volume of the polysaccharide (for example, LBG or hydrolyzed guar gum
compared to guar gum) led to smaller occupied volumes, which contribute to less exclu-
sion of the polysaccharide in mixtures. Thus, the aggregation of milk proteins decreases
and, consequently, phase separation is reduced.(46,51)
κ-Carrageenan is added in ice cream as a secondary stabilizing agent at levels lower
than 0.05% to control phase separation.(38,49,50,52) This control occurs according to the fol-
lowing mechanisms: (a) absorption of κ-carrageenan on the casein micelles and formation
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Application and Functions of Stabilizers in Ice Cream 397
of a gel network, which leads to the sedimentation of caseins when κ-carrageenan is in the
helix conformation(53); and (b) phase separation between polysaccharides and casein at
temperatures above coil–helix transition and rapid inhibition of phase separation because
of the capability of helical κ-carrageenan to form linkages with caseins.(38,54,55) However,
κ-carrageenan only inhibits macroscopic phase separation, and such stable systems remain
microscopically phase separated.(49,50)
Doublier et al.,(10) in a review on polysaccharide–protein interactions, concluded that
future efforts in this area should be focused on the study of the relationships between the
structure and the molecular interactions. The influence of these molecular interactions on
the molecular structure and on phase ordering kinetics in biopolymer mixtures was also
suggested for further study.
Effects of Stabilizers on Volume Increase (Overrun)
Ice cream and related products are generally aerated and characterized as frozen foams.(11)
Increasing ice cream volume is one role of stabilizers, brought about through increasing
viscosity and maintaining the air bubbles. The amount of air in ice cream is important
because it influences quality and profits but also because of legal standards that must be
met.(2) Further, the air cell structure has proven to be one of the main factors influencing
melting rate, shape retention during meltdown, and the rheological properties in the molten
state, which are correlated to creaminess. Smaller air cells improve the product quality
regarding these three indicators.(56)
Chang and Hartel(57) studied the effects of operating conditions (freezing, not freezing,
and partial freezing) and formulation (fat, emulsifier, and stabilizer content) on devel-
opment of air cells. Change in stabilizer level (0, 0.3, and 0.5% C-196 stabilizer, which
contained 12% carageenan, 33% guar gum, and 55% CMC) had no effect on drawing tem-
perature and overrun. Addition of stabilizer, however, reduced air cell size compared to a
similar ice cream mix made without stabilizer. Changes in air cell size could be directly
attributed to changes in rheological properties of the ice cream during freezing. As freezing
commenced, the apparent viscosity increased, which caused a reduction in maximum air
cell size due to the increased shear stress applied to disrupt the air cells.
Changes in air cells during storage of ice cream occur due to three primary mech-
anisms: disproportionation (Ostwald ripening), coalescence, and drainage. The rates of
change in air cells based on these mechanisms were found to depend on both process
conditions (storage temperature) and formulation (emulsifier and stabilizer). A decrease
in storage temperature led to a decrease in rate of air cell coarsening, primarily because
the drainage mechanism was inhibited but also because the rates of disproportionation and
coalescence were reduced. Addition of stabilizer inhibited air cell coarsening due to the
increased viscosity of the fluid phase.(58)
Disproportionation, which develops due to differences in Laplace pressure between
air cells, may also be controlled by increasing viscosity of the serum phase and form-
ing a thick film on the surface of the air cells.(59) According to Chang and Hartel,(58)
disproportionation of air cells was inhibited by addition of stabilizers.
Drainage involves the rise of air cells and subsequent downward flow of the serum
phase due to gravity. The larger the air cell, the faster it rises. Drainage by itself does
not change the air cell distribution but rather changes the film thickness between the air
cells and promotes coalescence. Increasing the viscosity of the serum phase, which may
be achieved by addition of stabilizer or by decreasing storage temperature, is one way to
retard drainage.(60)
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398 Bahramparvar and Tehrani
Shrinkage and expansion, two important defects in ice cream, may also be related
to addition of stabilizers. Shrinkage has been defined as the loss of volume in ice cream
before any part of the product has been removed from the container and is a special type of
weak-body and texture defect.(61) Expansion of product shows up in the hardening room
or after shipping ice cream, by expanded or popped lids. Both problems are related to the
use of differing protein sources, low-fat products, increase in the practice of producing
ice cream at a very high level of overrun, and wide geographic distribution of product
involving altitude changes or via air transport.(2,61)
Small air cells, heat shock, excessive overrun, small ice crystals, improper blending
of ingredients, insufficient stability in the lamella, weak body, excess fat agglomeration,
too much emulsifier, or not enough stabilizer are some of the causes of shrinkage in
ice cream.(61,62) Conflicting results have been reported by previous researchers regard-
ing the use of stabilizers and emulsifiers to reduce or eliminate shrinkage and expansion of
ice cream.(61)
In spite of the importance of the air phase in ice cream, its effects are often overlooked,
and further investigations into the composition and competition amongst constituents of the
air interface seem necessary.
Effects of Stabilizers on Thermodynamic Properties
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is an advantageous technique applied to deter-
mine glass transition temperatures and to measure the heat involved in thermal transitions.
Through the total enthalpy change, it is possible to determine the quantity of ice formed in
a certain process.(43) DSC indicated that thermodynamic properties such as glass transition,
heat capacity, and ice content determined by the melting endotherm are similar in systems
with and without the presence of a stabilizer.(1,15,63,64) However, these materials provided
resistance to thermal deformation(63) and significantly affected the thermal conductivity
values. It has been shown that ice cream mixes having the highest locust bean gum–to-guar
ratio had the highest thermal conductivity. Ice cream mixes with more locust bean gum also
froze faster, because the relatively lower amounts of bound water made them less viscous
compared to ice creams containing guar gum.(11) Herrera et al.,(43) in investigating the ther-
mal properties of fructose or sucrose frozen solutions containing hydrocolloids, found that
melting onset was not affected by the addition of hydrocolloids. However, another study
has shown that increasing the concentration of a hydrocolloid decreased the heat of fusion
of water in hydrocolloid–water solutions, implying that less water was able to freeze as the
concentration of hydrocolloid was increased. It was concluded that the decrease in the heat
of fusion was due to the water binding ability of hydrocolloids.(65)
Cryoprotective Role of Stabilizers
The mechanisms by which stabilizers affect the freezing properties or limit recrystal-
lization have been extensively studied but are still not fully understood. Stabilizers have
little(66–68) or no(69,70) impact on the initial ice crystal size distribution in ice cream at the
time of draw from the scraped surface heat exchanger or on the initial ice growth during
quiescent freezing and hardening.(71–73) However, they do limit the rate of growth of ice
crystals during recrystallization.(64,66,69–71,74,75)
The cryoprotective effect of hydrocolloids on ice cream can be explained by three
potential mechanisms, as follows.(1,2,6,8,42,64)
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Application and Functions of Stabilizers in Ice Cream 399
Viscosity and Molecular Mobility. According to the first mechanism, the increase in
viscosity due to the addition of stabilizers is correlated to the control of ice crystal
growth.(64,76–79) However, despite many studies, no definitive correlation between mix vis-
cosity and recrystallization has been found. Budiaman and Fennema(77,78) assessed the
linear rate of water crystallization in various hydrocolloid suspensions at temperatures
ranging from 3to5C. For any given hydrocolloid suspension, the linear rate of water
crystallization decreased as viscosity was increased, but it differed among hydrocolloid
suspensions adjusted to the same viscosity. Thus, viscosity, over the range investigated,
is not a good predictor of the capacity of a hydrocolloid to inhibit crystallization. It was
suggested that the beneficial effects of hydrocolloids on the texture of frozen desserts may
originate from some attributes other than control of crystal size. According to Harper and
Shoemaker,(72) mix viscosity does not correlate well with stabilizer action, and locust bean
gum was not an effective inhibitor of recrystallization under their test conditions. They
also reported that migratory recrystallization was the predominant mechanism and that
the effect of temperature fluctuations was quantitatively greater than recrystallization at
constant storage temperature. The functionality of a stabilizer may be enhanced as the
polymer concentration is increased, but different stabilizers are not equally effective for
retarding ice crystal growth at the same level of viscosity.(80) Bolliger et al.(81) found a lin-
ear relationship between a normalized “breakpoint” apparent viscosity (i.e., the viscosity at
which a significant change in slope of concentration-viscosity occurred) and recrystalliza-
tion rate. They proposed that at least some aspects of stabilizer functionality with respect
to recrystallization protection come from the increased viscoelasticity that results from
freeze-concentration of the polysaccharide in the unfrozen phase of ice cream, perhaps due
to hyper-entanglements and solution structure formation. This concept was related to the
rate at which water can diffuse to the surface of a growing crystal during temperature fluc-
tuation or the rate at which solutes and macromolecules can diffuse away from the surface
of a growing ice crystal.
Martin et al.,(82) by time domain proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), showed
that addition of locust bean gum did not affect the diffusion rate or mobility of either the
sugar or water molecules over distances up to 10 μm in unfrozen solutions. However,
this technique measures the water diffusion or translational displacement of water (or
sugar) molecules at intermolecular distances, usually less than 10 nm, whereas the
water migration from one crystal to another involved in melt–regrow recrystallization
mechanisms implies that distances between ice crystals usually longer than 10 μm.
Contrary to this result, Herrera et al.(43) reported that hydrocolloids decreased molecular
mobility for both frozen sucrose and fructose solutions, especially for the addition of
xanthan/LBG blend. It has been suggested that studying the relation between water mobil-
ity in freeze-concentrated matrix and recrystallization rate may be helpful in understanding
the mechanism of stabilizer action and also controlling the ice recrystallization.(83,84)
Cryo-Gel Formation. The second mechanism of hydrocolloid action correlates the cry-
oprotectivity of hydrocolloids with their capacity to form cryogels as a result of heat shock
during storage.(73,85,86) These structures limit or restrict the diffusion characteristics of
water and solutes within their networks. They also hold free water as water of hydration
around the polysaccharide structure.(1) It has been found that recrystallization rates increase
with increasing self-diffusion coefficients of water in the freeze-concentrated matrix of
sugar solutions.(83,84) Gel firmness has been connected to inhibition of ice crystal growth
and a change in ice crystal morphology.(73) However, a firm gel has not always been effec-
tive at retarding ice crystal growth, probably because a firm gel would be more fragile and
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400 Bahramparvar and Tehrani
more easily ruptured by the ice front, whereas a more flexible gel would exert a stronger
opposing force for ice front propagation. It has also been reported that stabilizers that do
not form a gel yet have an effect in retarding ice crystal growth.(12,69,87) In Regand and
Goff,(87) the fact that some nongelling stabilizers (xanthan, CMC, alginate) were more
effective in retarding recrystallization than gelling stabilizers (gelatin, carrageenan, LBG)
suggests that steric blocking of the interface or inhibition of solute transport to and from
the ice interface caused by gelation of the polymer is not the only mechanism of stabilizer
action. Water holding by the stabilizer and proteins, and in some cases steric hindrance
induced by a stabilizer gel-like network, probably caused a reduction in water mobility of
the system, promoting ice recrystallization mechanisms of melt–regrow instead of melt–
diffuse grow. These mechanisms result in the preservation of ice crystal size and in a small
span of ice crystal size distribution.
Hydrocolloid Phase Separation. Finally, the incompatibility of hydrocolloids with pro-
teins provoking phase separation may contribute to retarding recrystallization.(80,87) Goff
et al.(18) found that the formation of an LBG network, combined with the presence of
phase-separated protein, was most effective at controlling ice recrystallization.
It is obvious that different stabilizers have different cryoprotective functionality. For
example, Hagiwara and Hartel,(64) Miller-Livney and Hartel,(79) and Marshall et al.(2)
reported that polysaccharide stabilizers that are used commonly to control ice crystal
growth in ice cream include locust bean gum, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, alginate,
carrageenan, and xanthan gum. Adapa et al.,(11) in a review of ice crystallization in ice
cream, mentioned galactomannans (guar and locust bean gum) as the most widely used
stabilizers to inhibit ice crystal growth. LBG has been shown to reduce recrystallization
rates better than guar gum,(18,38,65,86) probably because of differences in structure.(85,88)
Moreover, it has now been clearly accepted that LBG, in contrast to guar gum, does gel
at high concentrations under specific conditions upon ageing(18) or following freeze–thaw
cycles.(88,89) Tanaka et al.(89) have also established that the gel strength increases with the
number of freeze–thaw cycles. However, an increase in the ratio of guar to locust bean gum
(25:75 to 75:25) caused an increase in the structure of the ice cream mixes, because guar
gum binds four times as much water as locust bean gum.(11) Therefore, ice cream mixes
containing larger amounts of guar gum compared to locust bean gum require more energy
to freeze.(90)
In general, from the results of these various studies, stabilizers modify the kinetic
properties of the unfrozen phase, rather than any thermodynamic properties associated
with water (e.g., ice equilibrium). Also, it has been proposed that the desirable effects of
stabilizers on the sensory properties of ice cream result from their abilities to alter surface
properties of ice crystals or to alter the perception of ice crystals in the mouth.(1,2,15,91)
Moreover, it has been indicated that the effects of hydrocolloid addition in frozen desserts
cannot be attributed to one particular factor but to several interaction effects.(43)
Effects of Stabilizers on Melting Rate
When ice cream is in the form of a cone or stick novelty, melting rate is of greatest impor-
tance to the consumer. The slow meltdown, slow serum drainage, good shape retention, and
slower foam collapse are some of the desired important quality parameters of ice cream.(92)
If the product melts too fast, a messy situation can occur. A fast-melting product is unde-
sirable also because it tends to become heat shocked readily. However, a very slow rate of
melting can also be indicative of defective ice cream.(2)
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Application and Functions of Stabilizers in Ice Cream 401
As the ice cream melts, heat transfers from the warm air surrounding the product into
the ice cream to melt the ice crystals. Initially the ice melts at the exterior of the ice cream
and there is a local cooling effect. The water from the melting ice must diffuse into the
viscous unfrozen serum phase, and this diluted solution then flows downwards (due to
gravity) through the structural elements (destabilized fat globules, air cells, and remaining
ice crystals) to drip.(93) Fat destabilization, ice crystal size, and consistency coefficient
of ice cream mix were found to affect the melting rate of ice cream.(93) Emulsifiers that
promote destabilization and partial coalescence of fat globules greatly decrease the melting
rate of ice cream and promote shape retention.(2,93)
One function of stabilizers in ice cream is to increase the melting resistance, as
reported in numerous studies.(22,28,30,93) Hydrocolloids, due to their water-holding and
microviscosity enhancement ability, significantly affect melting quality of ice cream.(2)
Moreover, it seems that the influence of stabilizers on thermal properties of ice cream
such as thermal conductivity, melting onset, and heat of fusion(11,43,65) could affect the
melting rate.
Effects of Stabilizers on Sensory Characteristics
In addition to other functions, hydrocolloids influence the sensory properties of ice
cream.(25,42,94) Although there are many reports dealing with the effect of hydrocolloids
on texture perception and flavor release of dairy emulsions,(95–98) there are insufficient
experimental data on the particular action of hydrocolloids on specific sensory components
of ice cream texture and flavor.(42)
Viscosity of the serum phase affects the mouthfeel (i.e., body and texture) of the ice
cream; better body and texture further improve the overall acceptability of the product.(40)
Numerous studies have attempted to correlate viscosity and sensory properties.(39, 40, 42,99)
Minhas et al.(40) investigated the relationship between concentration of stabilizers, viscos-
ity, body and texture, and overall acceptability of ice cream. The stabilizer concentration
was highly correlated with the viscosity of ice cream mixes and, in most cases, with body
and texture. Viscosity of ice cream mix was highly correlated with body and texture of
ice creams containing guar, gelatin, and acacia but not with karaya and sodium alginate.
Viscosity of an ice cream mix was also highly correlated with the overall acceptability
of ice creams containing guar, gelatin, acacia and sodium alginate. A negative correla-
tion between viscosity, body and texture, and overall acceptability was noted using ghatti.
Best-fit regression equations were created to predict sensory attributes of ice cream from
the mix viscosity and concentration of stabilizers. Successful models for overall accept-
ability were generated for guar, gelatin, acacia, and sodium alginate, although it was not
possible to form meaningful predictive equations from the experimental data available for
overall acceptability scores associated with karaya and ghatti. This was likely a func-
tion of the poor correlation of concentration and viscosity with overall acceptability for
these stabilizers.
Soukoulis et al.(42) furnished important information for the correlation of objective
and sensory properties and discrimination of stabilizing systems based on quality crite-
ria, using principal components and cluster analysis of instrumental and sensory data. In
this research, hydrocolloid type and content significantly influenced vanilla flavor release,
with higher hydrocolloid content leading to better vanilla flavor perception. Samples
with xanthan and sodium alginate, which exhibited greater shear thinning behavior, had
higher vanilla flavor scores. An increase in hydrocolloid content improved creaminess
and reduced wateriness. Samples containing 0.2% sodium alginate or xanthan gum, which
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402 Bahramparvar and Tehrani
had the highest viscosity and the most pronounced shear thinning behavior, provided the
best texture.
Stabilizers also decrease the icy sensation via their influence on recrystallization and
sensory perception of ice crystals.(100 ,101)
Ice Cream Defects Caused by Stabilizers
Although stabilizers have very beneficial functions in ice cream, their excessive use may
create problems. These limitations include undesirable melting characteristics, excessive
mix viscosity, and contribution to a heavy, soggy body.(1) Stabilizer/emulsifier components
may also impart off-flavors, because they are prone to oxidation if not kept in a dry and
cool environment.(2) Baer et al.(102) and Schaller-Povolny and Smith(103 ) distinguished ice
cream containing hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose and inulin gums as being more gummy
and chewy than other samples, respectively.
Because ice cream is a complex colloidal system, many factors should be taken into
account in producing high-quality ice cream. Stabilizers, despite being used in very small
amounts in ice cream, have been claimed to have one or more of the following functions:
increase viscosity of ice cream mix, improve aeration and body, control meltdown, and
restrict growth of crystals of ice during storage. In addition, stabilizers improve the sensory
characteristics of ice cream by retarding iciness, enhancing creaminess, and decreasing
wateriness. However, many polysaccharides of commercial interest are incompatible with
milk proteins in solution, and phase separation often occurs, resulting in a change of func-
tional behavior of the proteins and polysaccharides, a visual separation of a clear serum,
and a loss of pleasing quality in the product.
Despite numerous studies, the exact mechanism of stabilizer action in ice cream is
not clear. However, it seems that the effects of hydrocolloids in frozen desserts cannot
be attributed to one particular factor but to several interaction effects. Because individual
stabilizers have specific roles and seldom perform all of the desired functions, synergistic
mixtures are often used. Often, trial and error is required to determine the right combination
and concentrations of the available hydrocolloids to perform the functions desired for a
given formula and market niche.
The authors are especially indebted to Professor Bruce Tharp, who read and commented on a draft
of manuscript. We also thank Professor Douglas Goff, Professor Richard Hartel, Professor David
Smith, and Professor Alan Muhr for sending some of their valuable articles.
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... Ice cream stabilized with Bambara starch annealed at 45 • C showed comparable overrun values to the control. Overrun is reported to be influenced by fat content, solids, sweeteners, and the presence of stabilizing materials [31]. In an earlier study, we investigated the impact of different annealing temperatures (45, 50, 55, and 60 • C) on the physicochemical properties of Bambara starch and found that starch annealed at 45 • C displayed higher viscosity and better freeze-thaw stability than starches annealed at higher temperatures [12]. ...
... Ice cream stabilized with Bambara starch annealed at 45 °C showed comparable overrun values to the control. Overrun is reported to be influenced by fat content, solids, sweeteners, and the presence of stabilizing materials [31]. In an earlier study, we investigated the impact of different annealing temperatures (45,50,55, and 60 °C) on the physicochemical properties of Bambara starch and found that starch annealed at 45 °C displayed higher viscosity and better freeze-thaw stability than starches annealed at higher temperatures [12]. ...
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This study investigated the potential of annealed Bambara starch as a locally sourced stabilizer for ice cream, aimed at addressing the high cost of imported stabilizers. Annealed Bambara starch, modified at various temperatures (45, 50, 55, and 60 °C), was incorporated into ice cream formulations and compared with ice cream stabilized using xanthan gum and guar gum. The ice creams exhibited variations in percentage overrun (77.03–124.61%), foam stability (90.88–96.61%), viscosity (24.87–33.26%), and melting resistance. Conventionally stabilized ice cream outperformed in overrun, foam stability, viscosity, and melting rate properties. Descriptive sensory tests showed high intensity scores for color, aroma, taste, mouthfeel, and body attributes across all samples, with no weak intensity scores. Considering the performance of conventionally stabilized ice cream, those stabilized with Bambara starch annealed at 45 and 50 °C were recommended as potential alternatives, highlighting the potential of annealed Bambara starch as a cost-effective and locally sourced stabilizer for ice cream. Further studies should investigate the impact of annealing at different temperatures on the structural changes of Bambara starch to gain more insights into its effects on ice cream structure, facilitating its use in other food systems.
... This fundamental property of good ice cream can be achieved by a mixture of gelatin and sodium alginate, among other compounds [56]. Furthermore, using alginate in ice cream considerably improves the taste of vanilla in ice [57]. If crystallization needs to be delayed, sodium isothiocyanate could be considered a suitable option. ...
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Due to global development and increased public awareness of food's effects on health, demands for innovative and healthy products have risen. Biodegradable and environmentally friendly polymer usage in modern food products is a promising approach to reduce the negative health and environmental effects of synthetic chemicals. Also, desirable features such as flavor, texture, shelf-life, storage condition, water holding capacity, a decrease in water activity, and an oil absorption of fried food have been improved by many polysaccharides. One of the important polymers, which is applied in the food industry, is alginate. Alginates are a safe and widely used compound in various industries, especially the food industry, which has led to innovative methods for the improvement of this industry. Currently, different applications of alginate in stable emulsions and nano-capsules in food applications are due to the crosslinking properties of alginate with divalent cations, such as calcium ions, which have been studied recently. The main aim of this review is to take a closer look at alginate properties and applications in the food industry.
... Therefore, stabilizers have the following functions: to smoothen the texture, provide body to the product, enhance viscosity, prevent texture coarsening, and provide resistance during melting with affecting the freezing point. However, the use of stabilizers may also involve certain negative effects on products like a heavy and soggy structure, restricted whipping ability or undesirable melting properties [122,123]. ...
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Recently, there has been worldwide growth in consumer nutrition awareness, which has resulted in a market-driven increase in the demand for “functional food”, which, in addition to traditional nutrients, also contains ingredients with specific properties that have a beneficial effect on human health. One of the types of functional food is so-called “probiotic food”, which includes, for example, frozen desserts. These products appear attractive to the consumer because of their sensory, nutritional and refreshing qualities. Due to progress in science, genetics, the acquisition of new sources of probiotic microorganisms and new plant varieties, the beneficial effects of the characteristic metabolites of the microbiome—so-called postbiotics—and also aspects of NGPs (Next Generation Probiotics), work is under way to optimize the technology used during the production of such products. At the same time, there is an observed market-based increase in the supply of new formulations based only on plant-origin materials with different technological modifications, including prebiotic enrichment, which allows for the production of a synbiotic product. Therefore, the objective of this study is a narrative review, in combination with the authors’ own experiments, concerning the impact of various factors on functional, plant-origin frozen desserts, from the point of view of maintaining their quality.
... Many stabilizers are used in ice cream formulations; nevertheless, studies to discover new sources of hydrocolloids for higher-quality ice cream with cost reduction are still necessary [7,10]. The quality of ice cream is largely determined by various qualitative attributes. ...
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The aim of this study was to create a structured scale for assessing the visual quality of ice cream, develop a stabilizer-emulsifier mixture for industrial production, and evaluate the characteristics of the final product, including the visual (descriptive) index, physicochemical, rheological, sensory attributes, and associated production costs. The development of emulsifiers and stabilizers involved a fractional factorial design 2⁶⁻², with 0 to 0.66% of monoglycerides of fatty acids (X1); 0 to 0.33% guar gum (X2); 0 to 0.33% carrageenan gum (X3); 0 to 0.33% carboxymethyl cellulose-CMC (X4); 0 to 0.66% tapioca fiber (X5); and 0 to 0.66% corn starch (X6), totaling 19 formulations. Parameters assessed included visual quality index (1 – “Excellent” and 5 – “Poor”), apparent density, overrun, first drop time, melt rate, and water activity. The formulation composed of monoglycerides of fatty acids (0.33%), guar gum (0.16%), carrageenan (0.16%), carboxymethyl cellulose (0.16%), tapioca fiber (0.33%), and corn starch (0.33%) obtained an excellent visual quality index in all aspects, without significant sensory differences in relation to the control recipe. Furthermore, these formulations reduced industrial costs, allowing for the replacement of commercial stabilizers and emulsifiers. Graphical Abstract
... To achieve this target, there has been a strategic shift towards incorporating stabilizing agents that augment the kinetic stability of food emulsions [4]. Blends of stabilizers such as xanthan gum, galactomannans, carrageenan, guar gum, and locust bean gum have proven to be highly effective in enhancing the quality of a variety of dairy products like ice cream, milkshakes, and ice milk [5]. XG is very important for improving sliceability, firm body, and flavor release of cream cheese. ...
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The objective of this study was to determine the effect of XG addition on low-fat yogurt (LFY) properties. Pasteurized skimmed buffalo milk (SBM) was heated to 95 ± 2 °C for 16 s, cooled to 40 ± 1 °C, and then divided into six treatment lots. The treatments included the following: T1 (control), T2 (0.2% XG), T3 (0.4% XG), T4 (0.6% XG), T5 (0.8% XG), and T6 (1% XG). A proportion of 2% of a mixed starter culture from Streptococcus thermophilus (ST), Lactobacillus bulgaricus (LB), and Bifidobacterium bifidum (BB) in the ratio 1:1:1 was added. Yogurt was manufactured following the standard manufacturing protocol. Chemical composition and texture were determined at fresh time, while water-holding capacity (WHC), viscosity, and syneresis % were determined at 0, 7, 14, and 21 days of storage. Total bacterial counts (TBC), lactobacilli, streptococci, and bifidobacteria counts were determined at 0, 7, 14, and 21 days of storage. Sensory analysis was performed immediately upon the cooling stage (time zero) and then after 14 and 21 days of storage. The experiment was performed in trice. The results obtained showed that the addition of XG in LFY significantly (p < 0.05) decreases the pH, total protein (TP), and ash, and significantly (p < 0.05) increased the total solids (TS). Additionally, the addition of XG led to a significant (p < 0.05) increase in hardness, WHC, and viscosity; however, syneresis significantly (p < 0.05) decreased. The addition of higher amounts of XG led to a significant (p < 0.05) decrease in the TBC and led to a significant (p < 0.05) increase in counts of ST, LB, and BB during the first two weeks of the storage period. Sensory evaluation revealed that increasing the XG concentration up to 0.8% increased the product’s acceptability among panelists; however, further increasing the concentration to 1% had a detrimental impact on its acceptability. To conclude, this study showed that XG can be used as a stabilizer in the manufacturing of LFY as well as a prebiotic for starter culture and improve the quality of LFY.
With characteristics, such as white color, tasteless, odorless, neutral, non-reactive, non-toxic, stable, biocompatible, and biodegradable, along with excellent compaction properties, high mechanical strength, and low density, microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) stands out as a top excipient for direct compression tablets. As the demand for renewable, eco-friendly, and non-fossil materials becomes increasingly imperative, this most abundant biopolymer on Earth is sought not only in the pharmaceutical industry, but also in the cosmetics, food, construction, and wastewater treatment sectors. This review paper highlights the importance of this substance by describing its various applications across the mentioned industrial sectors, with a focus on direct compression tablets as the most commonly used oral dosage form. Results from numerous experiments have demonstrated the benefits of MCC as a component in a variety of products, including direct compression tablets, coated spheres, topical preparations, ice cream, cocoa, fried beef patties, sausages, cement, foamed concrete, and adsorbents for heavy metals in wastewater treatment.
Conference Paper
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Orchids, one of the largest families of flowering plants, are cultivated for various purposes, including ornamental use, medicinal products, and food. In Turkey, the tubers of naturally occurring orchid species such as Ophrys, Orchis, Himantoglossum, Serapias, Anacamptis, Compreria, Barlia, Dactylorhiza, Aceras, and Neotinea are utilized in the production of salep. The harvested orchid tubers are boiled in water, milk, or yogurt to inactivate the enzymes they contain, then dried and ground into powder. This powdered product is used either in the preparation of the beverage known as salep or as a stabilizer and emulsifier in various food products. It functions as a thickening agent in ice cream, cakes, cookies, and various beverages. Although the composition varies depending on the harvest season and orchid species, salep typically contains approximately 48% mucilage, 1% sugar, 3% starch, and 5% nitrogenous substances. Due to its high glucomannan content, salep is used in traditional medicine. The tubers and glucomannan in salep are known for their antidiarrheal, wound-healing, antipyretic, cholesterol-lowering, blood sugar-reducing, liver-protective, antitussive, expectorant, respiratory-relieving, and tuberculosis-preventive effects. Additionally, it is known to possess aphrodisiac properties. The large quantity of orchid tubers required for salep production complicates the standardization of wild-collected salep. Due to its geographical and geological characteristics, Turkey provides a favorable environment for salep production, with various orchid species growing in different regions of the country. The health benefits of salep and its applications in the food industry further highlight the significance of this traditional Turkish beverage. This review discusses the production of salep, its health effects, and its applications in the food sector. Keywords: Salep, Glucomannan, Orchid, Health
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Ice cream is a frozen mixture comprising milk, cream, sugar, milk solids-not-fat, stabilizers, and emulsifiers. This study explores the production of ice cream using a Scraped Surface Freezer (SSF) combined with a liquid nitrogen (LN2) freezing technique. The innovative approach involves utilizing liquid nitrogen as a refrigerant and employing gaseous nitrogen released during heat transfer to control the overrun in the final ice cream product. The experimental investigation of SSF involved examining the draw temperature of ice cream and determining its overall heat transfer coefficient. The drawing temperature of −6 °C and overall heat transfer coefficient close to 300 W/(m²°C) was obtained after the process optimization. To better understand what occurs inside SSF, numerical simulation using ANSYS Fluent was used to acquire the flow parameters such as temperature, pressure, and velocity. The flow profile was obtained under the reference operating conditions: feed flow rate = 240 lit/hr, LN2 temperature = −95 °C, and scraper speed =125 rpm. The computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) results reveal confined flow between blades and the inner heat transfer tube surface, causing a directional velocity change. Due to this recirculation, a faster decrease in temperature was observed in this area. The results of the experimental investigation of the SSF were rigorously compared with the CFD results. Based on numerical simulations, the initial freezing point in SSF occurred at an axial distance of 0.2 m.
Ice cream as we recognize it today has been in existence for at least 300 years, though its origins probably go much further back in time. Though no one knows who invented ice cream. The first ice cream making machine was invented by Nancy Johnson, of Philadelphia, in the 1840s. The Science of Ice Cream begins with an introductory chapter on the history of ice cream. Subsequent chapters outline the physical chemistry underlying its manufacture, describe the ingredients and industrial production of ice cream and ice cream products respectively, detail the wide range of different physical and sensory techniques used to measure and assess ice cream, describe its microstructure (i.e. ice crystals, air bubbles, fat droplets and sugar solution), and how this relates to the physical properties and ultimately the texture that you experience when you eat it. Finally, some suggestions are provided for experiments relating to ice cream and ways to make ice cream at home or in a school laboratory. The Science of Ice Cream is ideal for undergraduate food science students as well as for people working in the ice cream industry. It is also accessible to the general reader who has studied science to A level and provides teachers with ideas for using ice cream to illustrate scientific principles.
It is not possible to provide a complete coverage of all aspects of ice cream and frozen desserts in one chapter. However, various aspects are covered in numerous books (1,2), book chapters (3-8), and review papers (9-11).
Recrystallization of ice crystals in ice cream during storage causes a significant problem for ice cream manufacturers. Abusive-storage conditions, particularly high and fluctuating temperatures, cause rapid recrystallization as evidenced by an increase in mean size and width of the crystal size distribution. The recrystallization process primarily involves small crystals melting, large crystals growing and many crystals fusing together, resulting in fewer and larger crystals for a given ice phase volume. A rounding process is also observed, where crystals with rougher surfaces become rounder through a thermodynamic ripening process. While these processes occur at constant temperature, rates of recrystallization are especially enhanced when temperature fluctuates.