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How and when do lambs recognize the bleats of their mothers ?


Abstract and Figures

In domestic sheep Ovis aries, the mother and the young display a preferential bond for each other that relies on multimodal inter-individual recognition. Lambs show a preference for their own dam shortly after birth, and this is important for their survival. The role of acoustic cues in this early preference for the mother is not clear. The aim of the present work was to analyze the timing of acoustic recognition of the mother and to identify the physical parameters used in the recognition of maternal bleats by the lamb.In a first study, we investigated the ability of lambs to discriminate between the bleats of their own mother and an alien equivalent mother in a two-choice test. Both ewes were hidden behind a canvas sheet and lambs were not allowed to approach the dams closer than 1 m, thus preventing visual as well as olfactory perception. Tests were conducted 12 hr, 24 hr or 48 hr after birth (n=19 or 20/group). An indication of vocal discrimination was already present at 24 hr and at 48 hr lambs spent significantly more time near their mother than near the alien dam.In a second step, we investigated which physical parameters of the bleats were important for recognition. For this, we conducted playback experiments with modified bleats at two weeks postpartum. Ours results show that lambs pay attention to a combination of various time, energy and frequency parameters: timbre (distribution of energy within the spectrum), amplitude and frequency modulations appear to be the most important parameters encoding the individual signature.We conclude that vocal recognition between the ewe and her lamb plays an important role in the display of preferential mother-young bond from very early on. Our studies also demonstrate that the encoding of the individual signature is not limited to the frequency domain but rather involves a multiparametric encoding process.
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The International Journal of Animal Sound and its Recording, 2011, Vol. 20, pp. 341–356
© 2011 AB Academic Publishers
Equipe Comportements, Neurobiologie et Adaptation, UMR 6175 INRA/CNRS/
Université de Tours/Haras Nationaux, 37380 Nouzilly, France.
Equipe Communications Acoustiques, NAMC CNRS UMR 8620, Université Paris-
Sud, Bât. 446, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France
Geophysical Institute, Universtät Karlsruhe (TH), Hertzstrasse 16, D-76187
Karlsruhe, Germany now at CEA¬DASE-LDG,BP12, 91680 Bruyères-le-Châtel,
In domestic sheep Ovis aries, the mother and the young display a preferential bond
for each other that relies on multimodal inter-individual recognition. Lambs show
a preference for their own dam shortly after birth, and this is important for their
survival. The role of acoustic cues in this early preference for the mother is not clear.
The aim of the present work was to analyze the timing of acoustic recognition of the
mother and to identify the physical parameters used in the recognition of maternal
bleats by the lamb.
In a rst study, we investigated the ability of lambs to discriminate between
the bleats of their own mother and an alien equivalent mother in a two-choice
test. Both ewes were hidden behind a canvas sheet and lambs were not allowed
to approach the dams closer than 1 m, thus preventing visual as well as olfactory
perception. Tests were conducted 12 hr, 24 hr or 48 hr after birth (n=19 or 20/group).
An indication of vocal discrimination was already present at 24 hr and at 48 hr lambs
spent signicantly more time near their mother than near the alien dam.
In a second step, we investigated which physical parameters of the bleats were
important for recognition. For this, we conducted playback experiments with modied
bleats at two weeks postpartum. Ours results show that lambs pay attention to a
combination of various time, energy and frequency parameters: timbre (distribution of
energy within the spectrum), amplitude and frequency modulations appear to be the
most important parameters encoding the individual signature.
We conclude that vocal recognition between the ewe and her lamb plays an
important role in the display of preferential mother-young bond from very early on.
Our studies also demonstrate that the encoding of the individual signature is not
limited to the frequency domain but rather involves a multiparametric encoding
Key words: vocal recognition, sheep, bleats, playback, maternal behaviour
In mammals, maternal investment is a key determinant of reproductive
tness, as young are unable to survive without milk and adequate
maternal care (Walser 1978; Clutton Brock 1991). This is particularly
true in gregarious species, in which mother-young recognition ensures
exclusive care of their own progeny (Lynch et al. 1992; Poindron et al.
2007). The sheep is a good experimental animal model for the study
of maternal behaviour and selective bonding because the maternal
behaviour of ewes is characterized by the development of an exclusive
bond with the newborn (González-Mariscal & Poindron 2002; Poindron
et al. 2007). Sheep are mostly synchronized, seasonal breeders and
therefore, many young may be born within a very short period of time.
Also, ewes give birth to precocial young that are relatively mature
and mobile at birth. Therefore, mothers must be able to recognize
their offspring selectively to avoid separation which may be fatal to
their young (Lent 1974) and to avoid allosuckling. After becoming
selective, the ewe begins to show aggressive responses to alien young
that attempt to suck her (Poindron et al. 1993). As a consequence
maternal selectivity demands that the lambs recognize their mother
very quickly after birth for access to milk (Vince 1993).
The dynamics and mechanisms involved in recognition vary
depending on whether we consider the mother or the young. Keller
et al. (2003) showed that most ewes showed selectivity at suckling
as early as 30 min after parturition and that they can discriminate
between own and alien lambs from a distance after 6 hr of contact.
Lambs, on the other hand, are lower than their dams; they can
readily identify their mother between 12 and 24 hr of age but only
at close quarters (less than 50 cm: Nowak 1990; Nowak & Lindsay
1990). By 3 days old they can recognize their dam at a distance of
several meters (Nowak 1990; Nowak 1990). .Mutual recognition also
relies on various sensory cues (olfaction, vision or hearing) and on
whether recognition occurs at long or short distances. For example,
for both ewe and lamb, recognition from a distance mainly depends
on visual and acoustic cues (Lindsay & Fletcher 1968; Alexander &
Shillito 1977). At very close range, recognition is mainly based on
olfactory cues even though visual and acoustic cues may also be
used (Alexander 1977; Alexander & Shillito 1977; Lynch et al. 1992).
Recognition of the mother by her lamb is important for its survival,
and this depends mainly on visual and acoustic cues (Nowak 1991;
Terrazas et al. 2002).
Visual recognition has been shown (Shillito 1975; Alexander &
Shillito 1977; Kendrick et al. 1996) but acoustic cues appear to be
more fundamental in longer range recognition, since the efciency of
visual cues can be reduced by distance, particularly when lambs and
ewes congregate into large groups. For example, Searby and Jouventin
(2003) showed, in playback experiments, that lambs recognise their
own mother from three days to two weeks after birth. Moreover, lambs
that were the most vocal at birth also had the best performances in a
test of the lamb’s ability to discriminate the mother at the age of 12
hr postpartum (Nowak 1990; Nowak & Lindsay 1990). This suggests
that vocal communication is more important than rst thought and
that lambs must establish acoustic discrimination early on after
Very few studies have focused on the acoustic parameters that
provide information about the mother’s identity. Using playback
experiments, Searby & Jouventin (2003) have shown that the mother’s
call constitutes a vocal signature recognized by the lambs. These
authors pointed out in sheep a simple signature system that relies
only on the frequency domain. This contrast with results obtained
on other animals breeding in large colonies or in extremely confusing
context (many individuals using vocal communication in the same
time attempting to recognize), showing that young rely on several
acoustic parameters, belonging not only to the frequency but also
to the amplitude domain (Lengagne et al. 1997; Aubin & Jouventin
2002). Thus, even though the importance of the mean fundamental
frequency is well established for individual acoustic recognition in
ewes and lambs, the role of other acoustic parameters still needs to
be considered.
The aim of the present work was to specify when and how lambs
recognize the bleats of their mother. In a rst study, we determined
the timing of development of the early acoustic discrimination, by
comparing the behaviour of lambs in a two-choice test at 12 hr, 24
hr and 48 hr after birth. Lambs were individually exposed to bleats
from their own and an alien mother hidden behind a canvas sheet. In
a second study, the objective was to identify the acoustic parameters
of mother’s bleats that are relevant for recognition by her lamb. By
playing back maternal bleats that were acoustically modied we
wanted to clarify whether vocal identication depends on single or
multiparametric encoding.
Animals and Management Conditions
The Ile-de-France ewes and their lambs used in the two studies
presented in this article were kept indoors under the same general
conditions. All the lambs were born at the INRA Research Centre
located in Nouzilly, France, where the experiments were conducted.
When a ewe was about to give birth, she was penned individually and
kept there with her lambs for 6 hr to allow adequate development
of the mother-young relationship. At 6 hr postpartum, mothers and
their offspring were transferred into another communal pen with
others ewes and lambs. This allowed interactions with other animals
and thus presumably stimulated the establishment of discrimination
between individuals (Val-Laillet & Nowak 2006).
Study 1: Vocal Discrimination by Lambs during the First
Two Postpartum Days
Discrimination of ewes by their lambs: experimental groups and
testing procedure
The full details of the experimental materials and methods have been
reported elsewhere (Sèbe et al. 2007) and are only briey described
here. Three independent groups of lambs were tested at 12 hr (n =
20), 24 hr (n = 19), or 48 hr (n = 19) after birth, using as stimuli
their mother (hereafter called “own” ewe) and another ewe that had
lambed at about the same time (hereafter called “alien” ewe). Lambs
were not tested before 12 hr of age, as there is no evidence that they
can display a preference for their mother earlier in a two choice test
procedure (Nowak et al. 1987; Nowak 1991; Terrazas et al. 2002).
The testing procedure was similar to the one used in previous
studies by Ferreira et al. (2000) and Terrazas et al. (1999). Lambs
were tested in a 7 m x 5 m x 5 m triangular testing enclosure (see
Figure 2 in Sèbe et al. 2007). Each of the two stimulus mothers (the
‘own’ and the alien mother) was placed in one of the two holding
pens that were located at the two corners of the testing enclosure
(Terrazas et al. 1999; Ferreira et al. 2000; Sèbe et al. 2007). Mothers
were hidden by an opaque canvas, and two sets of hurdles spaced 1
m apart prevented the lambs from approaching the ewes at less than
1 m, a distance too big to allow olfactory identication of the mothers
(Alexander & Shillito 1977; Alexander 1978; see also Poindron et al.
2003 in goats).
The position of the own mother alternated for each test. In
all the tests, each stimulus mother vocalized at least ten times and
the lambs reached at least one of the two proximity zones. In all
instances, the alien stimulus mothers were from the same communal
rearing pen as the tested lamb, so that they were not totally
unknown to it. The total time spent (s) in the proximity zone near
each stimulus animal (1-2 m to hidden ewes) was recorded during the
3-minute test by two trained observers. Neither of the observers who
recorded the behaviour in the test knew the identity and side of each
stimulus animal. At the end of the test, the ewes and their lambs
were immediately reunited and returned to their home pen.
Study 2: Playback experiments with modied calls
Bleat recordings
The study was performed on 15 day-old lambs 1 day). At this age,
lambs are still suckling and dependant on their mothers. Each lamb
was caught and placed in a small pen inside the barn while its mother
was kept 1 m away, so that visual contact was always maintained.
Vocalisations exchanged between mothers and lambs were recorded
1 day before the playback tests, using a Marantz PMD 670 digital
recorder (sampling frequency: 32,000 Hz) connected to a Beyer dynamic
microphone M88 TG (frequency response: ± 2.5 dB within the range
20-20,000 Hz). The distance between the microphone and the head of
the recorded animal was 1 m. Only high-pitched bleats were recorded,
i.e. loud calls emitted with the mouth open (Dwyer et al. 1997; Dwyer
et al. 1998), since it is the main type of vocalisations emitted by ewes
and lambs at this stage of the mother-young relationship (Sèbe et
al. 2007) and also because they represented the great majority of
bleats emitted during this type of separation or during a two-choice
preference test as in study 1. Sound les were then transferred into
a computer, and the mothers’ bleats were selected for subsequent
manipulation and broadcast.
Playback procedure
Ewe calls were played back to 134 lambs in their living pen inside the
barn, without mother-young separation and in the presence of ewes
and lambs of the same group. Eight independent groups of lambs
were tested (≈18 dyad/pen in 60 m²). Animals were studied using focal
watches (i.e. one dyad or mother-lamb couple at a time). We played-
back three types of series made of control (unmodied mother bleats),
modied mother or alien bleats. One experimental series played back
consisted of three different bleats of the same mother separated by
2.5 s of silence. To avoid habituation (McGregor 1992), each lamb was
not tested more than twice, with the control in each test and with a
minimum of two hours between two playback sessions. The order of
presentation of the series was randomised for each lamb. The series
were played at an intensity level similar to that of the natural voices
of ewes as controlled by a sound level meter. A computer connected
to a unidirectional loudspeaker (TANNOY coaxial 80 W/6 Ohms) was
used for the playback. The loudspeaker was placed in a corner of the
pen, one metre outside and the playback was carried out when subjects
were at 3-6 m from the loudspeaker and away from the mother. In
addition, we performed the playback 30 min after suckling, a stage
when lambs are motivated to respond to their mother’s call. The
interval of 30 min was chosen because we had found in a previous
study that, at two weeks of lactation, ewes nurse their lamb between
once and twice per hour (Sèbe et al. 2008), consistent with other
observations (Ewbank 1964; Fletcher 1971; Schirar et al. 1989).
Playback experiments
Control experiment: do lambs respond selectively to their own
mother’s voice? To conrm the ability of lambs to discriminate their
mother among others, we played back to lambs a series of three
‘control calls’ (non-modied) from their own mother and a series
of three calls from an alien mother. The presentation of the two
series was randomized for each lamb (n = 19).
Experimental signals
We created experimental signals by modifying the frequency and
temporal domains of the mothers’ control calls (Figure 1A). We
were interested in the process of recognition of the mother’s voice
by their lambs, so each lamb was tested with experimental signals
prepared from its mother’s calls. Modications of the control calls
were performed using Syntana (Aubin 1994), Avisoft (Avisoft-
Figure 1. Spectrograms of mother bleats and bleats modied in temporal and
frequency domains and used in playback experiments to lambs. (A) Non-mod-
ied mother’s bleat (control); (B) Low-pass Q50%; (C) Low-pass Q75%; (D)
high-pass Q50%; (E) Linear frequency shifts +50 Hz; (F) Linear frequency
shifts +100 Hz; (G) Linear frequency shifts +200 Hz; (H) without amplitude
modulation (AM).
SASLab Pro 2006), Matlab and Goldwave packages (Craig 1996).
For each experimental signal, we compared the lambs’ response
obtained with alien or own mother’s control calls.
Experiment 1: is the whole spectrum necessary?
The mother’s bleats were ltered by high-pass or low- pass digital
lters. The cut-off frequencies of these lters were chosen to remove
a certain percent of the total energy of the signal. We dened the
50% quartiles and 75% quartiles corresponding to the frequency
where the cumulative energy from the starting frequency (0Hz)
represents respectively 50% or 75% of the total signal energy.
Three kinds of experimental signals were created. In the rst case
(n = 15), the control bleat was high-pass-ltered at Quartile 50%,
(1,680 Hz ± 3%, Figure 1D); in the second case (n = 15), it was
low-pass-ltered Q50% (Figure 1B) and the other (n = 16) low-pass-
ltered Q75% (2,600 Hz ± 3.6%, Figure 1C). Route mean square
(RMS) values, representing the mean intensity of the entire call,
of both experimental signals were adjusted to those of the natural
Experiment 2: do mothers rely on precise frequency values of the
We performed positive linear shifts (Charrier et al. 2003; Randal
& Tech 1987.). This was done by picking a data record through
a square window, applying short-term overlapping (50%) Fast
Fourier Transform (FFT), followed by a linear positive shift of each
spectrum, and by a short-term inverse Fast Fourier Transform
(FFT-1, Randal & Tech 1987). The window size was 4,096 points
(precision in frequency 7-8 Hz). The values were +50 (n=18), +100
(n = 17), +200 Hz (n = 17); see Figure 1E, F, G. For these modied
signals, the natural frequency and amplitude modulations of the
original bleats were unchanged.
Experiment 3: is amplitude pattern an important cue?
We prepared experimental signals (n = 17 lambs tested) without
any amplitude modulation (quavering bleats) but with the natural
frequency modulation kept (Figure 1H). To build this signal, we
used the analytical signal concept, which allows demodulation
of amplitude using a Hilbert transformation (Seggie 1987; Mbu-
Nyamsi et al. 1994).
Criteria of response
Under natural conditions, when recognized, a call elicits various
responses from the receiver: interruption of ongoing activity,
vocalisations, orientation towards the source (head or head and body),
approach to the source (McGregor 1992; Searby & Jouventin 2003;
Ligout et al. 2004; Sèbe et al. 2007; Sèbe et al. 2008), and eventually
reunion of the two members of the dyad. Here, we took into account
these ve response categories during the playback and the minute
following the last played back bleat. The response of each subject was
quantied by allocating points each time the tested animal displayed
one of the above behaviours. When none of these behaviours were
recorded during the testing session, the subject obtained a score of
0 points. Thus, the score of an individual could range from 0 to 8
points (Table 1).
Statistical analyses
The results are presented as medians and lower and upper quartiles
[LQ-HQ]. Because of the discontinuous nature of the data and its
lack of normality, nonparametric statistical tests were used.
In each group, Wilcoxon tests were used to compare the
behavioural responses of subjects to own versus alien bleats and of
non-modied mother’s bleats versus modied mother’s bleats. Mann-
Whitney U tests were used for comparisons of responses between
groups, and particularly, to compare the behavioural responses
of subjects to modied mother’s bleats versus alien bleats. The
signicance level was set at p = 0.05, with bilateral probabilities.
Software used for statistical analysis was Statistica V.6.0 (StatSoft,
Inc. 2002.).
Behavioural responses to playback and score obtained by lambs (Sèbe et al., 2008).
Scores Behavioural response
1 point
Interruption of ongoing behaviour within 2s after the emission
from 0 to 4
Bleats emitted during the playback. Each time the subject vocalised
within 2.5 s after the playback of a played back bleat, he was given
1 point.
1 point
Looking towards loudspeaker within 2s after the emission of a bleat
1 point
Approach toward the loudspeaker (> 1 m) during the playback
1 point
Reunion of mother and young during the playback
Study 1: Vocal discrimination by lambs during the rst two
postpartum days
During the tests, twelve-hour-old lambs did not spend signicantly
more time in the proximity zone near their hidden mother than they
did near the hidden alien ewe (Table 2). At 24 hr, lambs tended to
spend more time near their mother than near the alien ewe (Table 2)
and at 48 hr the difference was statistically signicant (Table 2).
Study 2: Playback experiments with modied calls
Control experiment: Lambs respond specically to their own mother’s
The playback of the own mother’s bleats at 30 min after suckling
elicited higher scores in lambs than the playback of the alien mother’s
bleats at the same time (Wilcoxon, n = 19, p = 0.0004; Table 3). This
experience shows that mother’s bleats elicit more responses than alien
bleats and conrms that lambs are able to discriminate the calls of
their mother.
Experiment 1: a too truncated spectrum does not allow recognition
Low and high-pass-ltered Q50% signals elicited a lower response in
the majority of the tested lambs compared to their response to non-
modied bleats from their mothers (Low pass Q50% : p = 0.014; high-
pass : p = 0.0004; Table 3). In contrast, most lambs identied the
Time (s) spent by lambs near their own or an alien hidden ewe, (median, [LQ, HQ]),
in a 3 min two-choice test according to the age of the lamb (12, 24 or 48 hr).
N = numbers of individuals. Lambs had no access to visual or individual olfactory
cues from their mother. Table adapted from Sèbe et al. (2007).
Groups N Time spent near to p-level Time spent near
own ewe Z to alien ewe
12 hr 20 28 p = 0.54 29.5
[0-61] Z = 0.60 [10–43]
24 hr 19 48 p = 0.084 15
[13.5–87] Z = 1.73 [0–31.5]
48 hr 19 63
p = 0.006 4
[30–117.5] Z = 2.74 [0–26]
low-pass-ltered signals with the Q75% lter and their response to
this signal did not differ from that to the non modied signal.
Experiment 2: the precise frequency values of the harmonics are
important features for individual recognition
Most of the positive frequency-shifted signals did not trigger
recognition of the mother’s call by the lamb. Only the +50 Hz signals
elicited responses that did not differ signicantly from those elicited
by the control signal (Table 3).
Results of playback experiments to lambs. N = number of lambs tested, (ns p>0.5,
*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.01, Wilcoxon test for comparisons with the positive control
and Mann-Whitney U tests for comparisons between experimental and alien signals).
Low-pass Q50%; Low-pass Q75%; High-pass Q50%: signals low-pass and high-pass-
ltered. Shift +50Hz; +100Hz; +200Hz: positive frequency-shifted signals. Without
AM: signal with no amplitude modulation.
Playback experiments N Ethological Comparison Comparison
score with the with the
control bleats alien's bleats
Control experiment
non-modied mother’s 19 4 [3–5]
bleat (control)
Alien Mother’s bleat 19 1 [0–2] ***
Experimental signals
Frequency domain
Experiment 1
Low-pass Q50% 15 1 [0–3] * ns
Low-pass Q75% 16 3.5 [3–4] ns ***
High-pass Q50%
Experiment 2
Shifts +50Hz 18 5 [4–5] ns ***
Shifts +100Hz 17 3 [2–4] * **
Shifts +200Hz 17 0 [0–1] *** ns
Experimental signals
Temporal domain
Experiment 3
Without AM 17 0 [0–0] *** ns
Experiment 3: lambs rely on amplitude modulation pattern to
identify their mother
The absence of the amplitude pattern (quavering bleats) impairs the
recognition process: all lambs tested were unable to recognize their
mother’s calls with such modication (Table 3).
Early vocal discrimination
In a double-choice test situation, lambs displayed a preference for
the bleats of their own mother 48 hr after birth. This indicates that
lambs are able to discriminate their mother on the basis of acoustic
cues (high-pitched bleats in the present study) earlier than what had
previously been reported in the literature of vocal recognition (Shillito
& Alexander 1975; Alexander 1977; Searby & Jouventin 2003). There
is no doubt that the discrimination reported here depends only on
acoustic cues. Indeed, the lambs displayed a preference for the bleats
of their own mother hidden behind a canvas screen at a distance of 1
m, excluding thus the involvement of visual and olfactory cues, these
latter cues being not perceived at more than 0.25 cm (Alexander 1978;
Alexander & Shillito 1978; Ferreira et al. 2000). Considering that ewes
are also able to recognize their lamb by hearing at 24 hr postpartum
(Sèbe et al. 2007), this highlights that acoustic communication plays
an important role in mother-young recognition in sheep at a very
early stage.
For lambs, the failure to express a preference between the own
mother and an alien one at 12 hr does not necessarily mean that
they are unable to discriminate their mother at an earlier age. In
fact, in the present study, lambs displayed discrimination later than
reported in the literature of multimodal recognition (Nowak et al.
1987; Nowak 1990; Val-Laillet et al. 2004), but in these studies visual
cues were available at 12 to 24 hr postpartum. This indicates that
visual cues also play an important facilitating role in early mother-
young recognition (Terrazas et al. 2002).As already suggested by Sèbe
et al. (2007), the ability of ewes and lambs to rapidly establish vocal
discrimination of their kin and a preference for them, is consistent
with the vocal behaviour that animals of this species display at the
time of parturition. Both the ewes and the lambs showed an intense
peak of vocal activity just after the birth of the lamb, thus providing
a propitious context for the establishment of vocal recognition.
A multiparametric decoding process
Our hypothesis that the acoustic encoding of maternal individuality
involves other acoustic parameters than solely the mean fundamental
frequency was supported by the results of the present study. We
established that the recognition process appears to be multiparametric,
relying on several cues in the frequency and temporal domains.
Concerning the acoustic parameters involved in the encoding
of maternal identity, our playback experiments have shown that the
mother’s call presents individual characteristics in the frequency
domain and also that the whole frequency spectrum was not required
for the identication of the emitter. Nevertheless, playback of less
than 50% of the energy spectrum, both at low or high frequencies,
was insufcient to trigger recognition of the mother call by the lamb.
Moreover, the use of the frequency shifted signals showed that lambs
take into account the precise frequency values of the harmonics. In
the temporal domain, amplitude modulations or quavering bleats
are essential for recognition. Thus, our results have demonstrated
that the encoding of the individual signature is not limited to the
frequency domain as suggested by Searby and Jouventin (2003), but
is rather based on a multiparametric encoding process. In a crowd,
the environment is noisy and mother and young can be separated
by a relative great distance. In such a context, a multiparametric
encoding process can more efciently convey information for individual
recognition (Aubin & Jouventin 1998; Aubin & Jouventin 2002).
To conclude, it appears that vocal recognition of the ewe by her
lamb plays an important role for the maintenance of mother-young
contact very soon after parturition. It is interesting to point out that
our results are quite similar to those reported in another gregarious
mammal living in similar conditions (many young, synchronize and
seasonal breeders, maternal selectivity), the fur seal Arctocephalus
tropicalis: in this species, recognition of the mother’s call by the pup
is effective from the age of 2 days, and involves also a multiparametric
encoding process (Charrier et al. 2001; Charrier et al. 2003). This
mutual vocal recognition process in mammals which live in large
and/or moving groups, may be of primary importance when the dyad
(sheep) or one of its members (seals) starts to move from the birth
site, especially given the very short range at which olfactory and visual
discriminations are possible. These observations of early discrimination
and multiparametric encoding in mother-lamb recognition supports
the hypothesis of convergent systems of recognition related to the
social, biological breeding and environmental context. This pattern
seems to occur independently of domestication or of phylogeny.
The authors are grateful to D. Lindsay, F. Lévy, A. Boissy, M.
Hausberger and F. Rybak for suggestions, participation and technical
support; to F. Dupont, E. Archer and the shepherds from the
experimental farm of the INRA of Nouzilly, for the care of the animals.
This work was supported by a Ph.D. scholarship from I.N.R.A. and
GDR 2822 d’Éthologie.
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... Understanding which acoustic parameters are used by recipients to effectively identify a conspecific requires an experimental approach, including playback experiments using modified or synthesised signals (Deecke, 2006). Such investigations have been carried out on three pinniped species [the subantarctic fur seal, Arctocephalus tropicalis (Charrier et al., 2002(Charrier et al., , 2003a, the Antarctic fur seal, Arctocephalus gazella (Aubin et al., 2015), and the Australian sea lion, Neophoca cinerea (Charrier et al., 2009;Pitcher et al., 2012)], sheep (Searby and Jouventin, 2003;Sebe et al., 2011), sulids and larids (Charrier et al., 2001;Dentressangle et al., 2012), and six penguin species (Aubin and Jouventin, 2002). Results showed that individuals generally integrate multiple acoustic parameters [e.g. ...
... First, playback experiments using artificially modified signals were performed to identify the acoustic features used in the cognitive process of decoding individual signatures. Based on previous knowledge of colonial or group-living mammals and birds, a combination of parameters in both the time and frequency domains of the call were varied and tested (Aubin and Jouventin, 2002;Charrier et al., 2001Charrier et al., , 2002Charrier et al., , 2003bCharrier et al., , 2009Pitcher et al., 2012;Sebe et al., 2011). ...
... For all bird and mammal species in which the individual vocal signature has been experimentally investigated, the decoding process always involved the use of a combination of several acoustic features (Aubin and Jouventin, 2002;Aubin et al., 2015;Charrier et al., 2001Charrier et al., , 2002Charrier et al., , 2003aCharrier et al., , 2009Curé et al., 2016;Pitcher et al., 2012;Sebe et al., 2011). This is most certainly a way to secure the individual identity code by maintaining vocal recognition in the case of a parameter being unreliable (e.g. ...
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The Cape fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) is one of the most colonial mammals, with colonies of up to hundreds of thousands of individuals during the breeding season. During the lactation period, mothers and pups are regularly separated as females undertake multi-day foraging trips at sea. Mothers and pups use a mutual vocal recognition system to reunite after separation. Such communication is highly constrained by both high background noise and risk of individual confusion owing to the density of seals. This study aimed to experimentally assess the acoustic features relevant for mother–pup vocal identification and the propagation properties of their calls. Playback experiments revealed that mother and pup individual vocal signatures rely on both temporal and frequency parameters: amplitude and frequency modulations, timbre and fundamental frequency (f0). This is more parameters than in any colonial species studied so far. The combinational use of acoustic features reinforces the concept that both environmental and social constraints may have acted as selective pressures on the individual vocal recognition systems. Theoretical propagation distances of mother and pup vocalisations were estimated to be below the range of distances at which mother–pup reunions can occur. This suggests that Cape fur seals may have strong abilities to extract vocal signals from the background noise, as previously demonstrated in the highly colonial king penguin. Investigating the transmission of information throughout the propagation of the signal as well as the ability of the receiving individual to decipher vocal signatures is crucial to understanding vocal recognition systems in the wild.
... 1,2 Moreover, vocal cues are affected to a lesser extent by distance and obstacles than by visual or olfactory cues. 3,4 Depending on frequency, sound can be transmitted relatively well across obstacles compared to visual expressions or chemical signals. Accordingly, auditory signals may travel over long distances, meaning that it is not a necessity for conspecifics to be in proximity to perceive the information encoded by each other's vocalizations. ...
... The latter are produced with the mouth closed, conveying low frequency, low amplitude vocalizations, and are often present between mother and her lamb(s) during the early life of offspring, assisting the strength of the bond between them. 4,24,25 Discriminative cues are also of utmost importance for many animals' social interactions (mate selection, parental care, collective behaviors, etc.), especially for the species that live in common groups. Individualized vocal response is presented when there is low within-individual variation and high between-individual variation. ...
... 3,24,25,39 Previous studies investigated the presence of individuality in mother-offspring pairs of meat or wool type breeds in an early postnatal period (3-15 days of life), when ewes and lambs are in close proximity. 3,4,25,[39][40][41] However, little information is available on whether individuality occurs in the vocal parameters of both ewes and their offspring at a later post-partum period close to weaning, when ewes generally do not spend much time near their offspring apart from suckling. Thus, the aim of the present study was to analyze the acoustic variables of ewes' and lambs' highpitched bleats at a later post-partum time point (40 days postnatal), which is close to artificial weaning for many dairy sheep breeds reared intensively, to identify if individuality in acoustic cues is expressed. ...
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Recognizing the identity of conspecifics is important for survival and social interactions. In sheep, vocal individuality enhances postnatal recognition and strengthens the mother-offspring bond. Although previous studies report vocal individuality in an early postnatal period (3–15 days of life), scarce information exists on whether individuality occurs at a later postnatal time point. The aim of the study was to identify whether individuality in acoustic cues is expressed in ewes' and their lambs' bleats at 40 days post-partum. Dairy ewes ( N = 21) and their suckling offspring ( n = 30) were isolated separately without hearing or seeing each other, and vocalizations were recorded. Different approaches for estimating individuality on 18 determined acoustic parameters were implemented. All parameters showed individuality, but higher individuality appeared in those related with source and spectral characteristics. A discriminant function analysis showed similar levels of individuality between ewes and lambs, but lower than that reported in an earlier postnatal time, suggesting that ewes and lambs do not need strong individualized cues at the examined time point. In both cases, jitter was the only common parameter, suggesting its importance. Distinctive cues were noted between siblings. Ewes displayed vocal individuality at their dry season (a later time point than suckling period), which was based on amplitude-related acoustic parameters.
... Here, we aimed to identify if these parameters (source-related parameters (F0) and/or filter vocal parameters) are used by goat kids to recognise their mother's vocalisations. 30 To this aim, we used an algorithm to modify either F0 or formants of the calls of goat mothers to different degrees (within or exceeding the range of natural intra-individual variability), and 32 we played back these modified calls to their kids. We did not observe any difference in the kid reactions to the modified maternal vocalisations and to the natural calls. ...
... Goat maternal recognition may alternatively rely on duration, amplitude modulation or 02 frequency modulation, which also differ between individuals, , although to a lesser extent than source-filter parameters (Briefer & McElligott, 2011a). In lambs, suppressing amplitude 04 modulation while keeping the natural frequency modulation was found to prevent lambs from identifying their mother's voice (Sèbe et al., 2011). In fur seals, pups can recognise their 06 mother calls despite a suppression of the amplitude modulation, but their recognition ability is impaired by a reversed temporal frequency pattern (Charrier et al., 2003). ...
Features varying more between than within individuals are usually considered as potential cues for individual recognition. According to the source-filter theory of vocal production, the fundamental frequency of mammal's vocalisations depends on the characteristics of the vocal folds, while formants are determined by the characteristics of the vocal tract. Goat mothers and their kids (Capra hircus) display mutual recognition, and both source-related parameters (F0) and filter-related ones (formants) have been shown to be individualised in their vocalisations. Here, we aimed to identify if these parameters (source-related parameters (F0) and/or filter vocal parameters) are used by goat kids to recognise their mother's vocalisations. To this aim, we used an algorithm to modify either F0 or formants of the calls of goat mothers to different degrees (within or exceeding the range of natural intra-individual variability), and we played back these modified calls to their kids. We did not observe any difference in the kid reactions to the modified maternal vocalisations and to the natural calls. We suggest that either: (i) fundamental frequency and formants are not involved in maternal recognition in goats; (ii) goat kids have a tolerance for variation when recognising their mother's calls that exceeds the shifts we performed; (iii) goat maternal recognition is based on other vocal features than those tested here, or (iv) goat kid maternal recognition is based on a combination of different features and might be more flexible than previously thought, such that when one main feature is modified, kids focus on other features.
... In sheep, vocalizations are considered as a very useful mean for mutual recognition, apart from other senses like i.e., olfaction (Alexander and Shillito, 1977;Sèbe et al., 2011). Compared to the other senses, they seem to play a crucial role for remote recognition as they are affected in a lesser extent by distance than visual or olfactory cues (Searby and Jouventin, 2003;Sèbe et al., 2011). ...
... In sheep, vocalizations are considered as a very useful mean for mutual recognition, apart from other senses like i.e., olfaction (Alexander and Shillito, 1977;Sèbe et al., 2011). Compared to the other senses, they seem to play a crucial role for remote recognition as they are affected in a lesser extent by distance than visual or olfactory cues (Searby and Jouventin, 2003;Sèbe et al., 2011). ...
The source–filter theory of voice production is widely used on mammal vocal communication research allowing a better understanding of individual and context variations. Generally, mammals with less complex repertoires have received little attention regarding the influence of different factors on their vocal characteristics. Acoustic cues appear to be crucial for mutual recognition from a distance in sheep. During stressful situations such as separation from the offspring and social isolation, sheep produce mainly high-pitched bleats, which can be influenced by many factors including breed, individuality, sex or body size. The aim of the present study was to analyze high-pitched bleats produced during a short isolation period from four dairy sheep breeds (38-42 days post-partum) and to investigate if breed, number of offspring, presence of sibling, sex, height, activity levels and context (short temporary or complete absence of kids), affect their vocal characteristics. Ewes (n = 49) of four different dairy breeds namely Chios, Karagouniki, Orino Epirus and Synthetic breed (50% Orino Epirus, 25% Chios breed, 25% East Friesian breed) were isolated from their suckling offspring (n = 65) and vocalizations and behavioural response of each ewe and lamb(s) were recorded. In order to examine the effect of different context on the vocal characteristics of bleats, the experiment was repeated for 11 of the above tested ewes in dry period and thus, without suckling lamb(s). Principal component analysis followed by linear mixed model analyses showed significant (p < 0.05) differences in the vocal parameters between the examined breeds in both ewes and lambs. Interestingly, ewes differentiated their bleat characteristics in regard to the number of offspring. In addition, differences were observed in acoustic characteristics of lambs that had a sibling, which produced bleats with higher mean format frequencies. Furthermore, the behaviour of ewes appeared to be related to vocal parameters. Body size affected lambs’ vocal parameters related to fundamental frequency disturbance. In addition, ewes’ acoustic parameters related to fundamental frequency and F0 disturbance were observed to differ between contexts. Finally, individuality in both ewes and lambs was also observed in regard to their vocalizations during the studied separation period. The study provides valuable novel information about sheep high-pitched bleats as well as for future development of in-situ livestock applications.
... Il s'agit des éléments spécifiques annonciateurs du déclenchement du comportement maternel Lynch et al., 1992; et qui transmettent au nouveau-né des signaux utiles pour la reconnaissance de la mère (Nowak, 1996, Sèbe et al., 2007. Quand aux bêlements hauts, ils sont abondants un peu plus tard par comparaison aux bêlements bas et semblent impliqués dans la communication à distance à la recherche de l'agneau (Sèbe et al., 2011). Cela incite les agneaux à venir téter leurs mères ce qui justifie l'augmentation de fréquence d'accès à la mamelle et du temps de tétée avec l'âge. ...
... Les bêlements hauts enregistrés chez la brebis D'man sont plus abondants entre 12 et 24 h après la mise-bas. Ce type de communication reflète la communication à distance entre la brebis et son agneau(Sèbe et al, 2011). Par ce moyen, la brebis recherche les autres membres de sa portée qui risquent de s'éparpiller dans les heures qui suivent la naissance, et cela incite les agneaux à venir téter ce qui démontre l'existence d'une relation entre le nombre de bêlement haut et le temps de têtée. ...
... Individualistic calls serve for maintaining parent-offspring relationship (Klenova et al., 2009;Sèbe et al., 2011;Sibiryakova et al., 2015;Volodin et al., 2019b), for maintaining group cohesion Rendall, 1997, 2001) and for facilitating mate recognition (Klenova et al., 2011;Curé et al., 2016). Reliability of individual vocal signature depends on call type and can change within season (Matrosova et al., 2009), between years (Smirnova et al., 2016;Matrosova et al., 2010;Schneiderová et al., 2017) and along development (Klenova et al., 2009;Lapshina et al. 2012;Favaro et al., 2014). ...
Acoustic individuality is present in diverse taxa of mammals and birds, becoming especially prominent in those age groups for which discriminating conspecifics by voice is critically important. This study compares, for the first time, the ontogenetic changes of acoustic individuality of ultrasonic and audible calls (USVs and AUDs) across 12 age-classes (from neonates to adults) in captive yellow steppe lemmings Eolagurus luteus. We found that, in this rodent species, the isolation-induced USVs and AUDs are not individually distinct at any age. We discuss that this result is unusual, because discriminating individuals by individualistic vocal traits may be important for such a social species as yellow steppe lemming. We also discuss the potential role of acoustic individuality in studies including rodent models.
... Contact zones and boundaries were delimited by a thin marker line of rice hull bedding material. The test procedure was similar to that used by Sèbe et al. (2011), but only recorded acoustic cues of the ewe's own lambs were available as stimuli for the playback. Prior to the test, the focal ewe was placed in the starting pen (Zone A, In each of the stimulus pens (Zones B, Figure 2), a powered loudspeaker (Advent AV570, 120 V) connected to a computer was used for the playback. ...
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The neonate distress cry, which displays a similar acoustic structure across a range of mammalian species, is highly effective in attracting, even compelling, parental care. However, if this cry is defective, as found in human and rodent neonates with poor neurobehavioral function, is the signal less enticing? Using playback recordings of a ewe's own co‐twins as stimuli in a two choice test, we compared the preference of each sheep dam for acoustic features of lamb distress calls to assess the impact of signal quality on maternal response. The results of this study indicate that lamb vocalizations with acoustic parameters reflecting poor vocal fold engagement and arousal were less likely to be preferred by their dam. Additionally, these calls were associated with delayed vocal initiation and poor infant survival behavior suggestive of subtle cognitive deficit; and support the possibility that, as in deer and rodents, ovine vocalizations within a specific fundamental frequency range may well be a trigger for optimal maternal behavior. This research has important implications for understanding failed maternal–young interactions in ungulate and other species, and for verifying standardization of infant stimuli used in maternal behavior studies.
... Lamb recognition by the mother is firstly ensured by a rapid establishment of an olfactory recognition (Lévy et al. 1996;Keller et al. 2003), then reinforced by visual and vocal recognition (Hinch et al. 1987;Keller et al. 2003;Sèbe et al. 2007). Previous studies have investigated ewe–lamb acoustic recognition, with several experiments demonstrating ewe recognition by lambs (ShillitoWalser and Hague 1980;Searby and Jouventin 2003;Sèbe et al. 2008, 2011), as well as lamb recognition by their mothers (Shillito Walser et al. 1981;Searby and Jouventin 2003;Sèbe et al. 2008), showing that this process is particularly effective when mother and young cannot see each other (Shillito Walser 1978;Shillito Walser et al. 1981;Hinch et al. 1987). Ewe–lamb vocal communication appears important for the mother–young relationship early after birth and even before nursing (Sèbe et al. 2007, 2008, 2011). ...
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The source-filter theory of vocal production supports the idea that acoustic signatures are preferentially coded by the fundamental frequency (source-induced variability) and the distribution of energy among the frequency spectrum (filter-induced variability). By investigating the acoustic parameters supporting individuality in lamb bleats, a vocalization which mediates recognition by ewes, here we show that amplitude modulation – an acoustic feature largely independent of the shape of the acoustic tract – can also be an important cue defining an individual vocal signature. Female sheep (Ovis aries) show an acoustic preference for their own lamb. Although playback experiments have shown that this preference is established soon after birth and relies on a unique vocal signature contained in the bleats of the lamb, the physical parameters that encode this individual identity remained poorly identified. We recorded 152 bleats from 13 fifteen-day-old lambs and analyzed their acoustic structure with four complementary statistical methods (ANOVA, potential for individual identity coding PIC, entropy calculation 2Hs, discriminant function analysis DFA). Although there were slight differences in the acoustic parameters identified by the four methods, it remains that the individual signature relies on both the temporal and frequency domains. The coding of the identity is thus multi-parametric and integrates modulation of amplitude and energy parameters. Specifically, the contribution of the amplitude modulation is important, together with the fundamental frequency F0 and the distribution of energy in the frequency spectrum.
... pathology (Searby & Jouventin, 2003;Sèbe et al., 2011;Sèbe, Duboscq, Aubin, Ligout, & Poindron, 2010). Nonetheless, behavioral traits such as bleat rate (Hernandez, Matthews, Oliver, Bloomfield, & Harding, 2009;Nowak, 1990), latency to the first postnatal bleat (Darwish & Ashmawy, 2011), and timed bleat responses following tagging have been assessed in association with lamb viability (Brien et al., 2014). ...
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Acoustic features of infant distress vocalizations including latency and rate of emission are used as indices of neurological deficit and integrity in human and rodent neonates. This paper investigates the relationship between temporal characteristics of distress calls, elicited by an isolation stimulus, and indicators of neurobehavioral development over 12 hr postpartum in the neonate lamb. Delayed vocalization initiation was found to be associated with poor locomotor and orientation behavior reflecting the capacity of the lamb to reunite with and follow its dam, and a lowered rate of signal emission following commencement of vocalization. Animals demonstrating delayed vocalization initiation also appeared more likely to be of a birth weight predisposed to fetal distress, and to urinate when exposed to a novel environment. Based on these preliminary studies, we propose that compromised emission of vocal signals is indicative of neurobehavioral deficit in the neonate lamb. K E Y W O R D S dam orientation, isolation calls, locomotory behavior, sheep, vocalization rate
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Features varying more between than within individuals are considered as potential cues for individual recognition. According to the source‐filter theory of vocal production, the fundamental frequency of mammals' vocalizations depends on the characteristics of vocal folds, while Formants are determined by the characteristics of the vocal tract. Goat mothers and their kids (Capra hircus) display mutual recognition, and both source‐related parameters (f0) and filter‐related ones (Formants) have been shown to be individualized. Here, we aimed to identify if f0 and Formants are used by goat kids to recognize their mother's vocalizations. To do this, we independently modified these parameters in calls of goat mothers to different degrees (within or exceeding the range of natural intra‐individual variability), and we played back these modified calls to their kids. We found no effect of f0 or Formants modification on the kids' reactions. Further analyses revealed that goat kids emitted fewer calls when modifications to f0 resulted in higher values of the first energy quartile, suggesting a role of the distribution of energy in the spectrum in maternal recognition. We propose that either: (i) f0 and Formants are not involved in goats' maternal recognition; (ii) goat kids have a tolerance for variation when recognizing their mother's calls that exceeds the performed shifts in these parameters; or (iii) goat kid maternal recognition is based on a combination of features and might be more flexible than previously thought, such that when one feature is modified, kids focus on other features. The effect of the spectral energy distribution modification on the kid responses, which depends both on f0 and Formant heights, suggests that (iii) is a likely explanation. Our findings support the hypothesis of complex individual acoustic recognition from the early stages of development in ungulates.
Playback is the technique of rebroadcasting natural or synthetic signals to animals and observing their response. The ability to present a putative signal in isolation, without the potential confounding effects of other activities of the signaller, is the main reason for the depth and range of our knowledge of communication systems. To date, playback of sound signals has predominated, but playback of electric signals and even video playback of visual signals suggests that playback will become just as prevalent in studies of communication in other sensory modalities. This book is one of the outcomes of a workshop on playback held at Thombridge Hall in the Peak District National Park, England during August 1991. There were two reasons for organising the workshop. First, the considerable and lively debate in the literature about the design and analysis of playback experiments -the pseudoreplication debate -was in danger of generating more heat than light. A workshop forum seemed the obvious place to clarify and, if possible, resolve the debate. Second, with the number of new playback and analysis techniques increasing rapidly, it seemed an opportune moment to discuss these techniques and to review some rapidly developing areas of interest in sound communication.
The purpose of this book is to provide a readable account of the biological basis of the behaviour of sheep and of the relevance of this to the current practice of sheep production throughout the world. The focus is on issues central to animal production: feeding; social behaviour and organization; reproductive behaviour; maternal behaviour; and behaviour of the lamb.
Publisher Summary This chapter is concerned with the immediate control of parental behavior. When considering the many different forms by which parental care is expressed in mammals and the variety of control mechanisms involved, it becomes quite evident that no general model can be proposed to explain this complex behavior. Even in species occupying the same ecological niches, producing neonates that share the same characteristics, and expressing similar patterns of parental care, the mechanisms that control this behavior are quite different. Typical examples of this are rats and mice: Whereas the former are highly dependent on internal factors (i.e., hormones) for the facilitation of maternal behavior at the first parturition and olfactory cues tonically inhibit maternal responsiveness in virgins, in mice olfactory cues appear to be mostly facilitatory, and endocrine factors are not essential for the rapid display of parental care.
Lambs of Clun Forest, Finnish, Jacob, Dalesbred and Soay breeds of sheep were able to identify and run to their mothers when given a choice of three ewes 16 m away from their point of release. When the ewes were hidden behind canvas, some lambs still ran to their mothers although they were slower and less accurate than when the ewes were visible. The time taken by the lambs to choose the correct ewe decreased as the age of the lambs increased after the lambs were more than 3 days old. There was no difference in behaviour between the breeds of sheep tested except for the Jacob lambs which made more mistakes in identifying their hidden mothers. It is concluded that most lambs will find their own mothers by using vocal cues if visual cues are not available.
This experiment was designed to investigate the function of vocalisations of the parturient ewe to her lambs in two breeds of sheep, a highly selected lowland breed (Suffolk), and a less selected hill breed (Scottish Blackface). Sheep have a specific lambing vocalisation, the low-pitched bleat or "rumble", that is made almost exclusively to the lamb. The hypothesis was that this "care-giver" bleat will be important in the formation of the ewe-lamb bond. Ewes also make high-pitched bleats, considered to be "protest" or distress bleats, after the birth of the lamb. Vocalisation data were collected from inexperienced and experienced ewes of both breeds, and their lambs. Additionally, an embryo transfer study between the two breeds was carried out to investigate interactions between ewe and lamb bleating. Low-pitched bleating was higher in primiparous ewes than multiparous ewes, and highest in primiparous Blackface ewes (mean bleat rate: primiparous Blackface=7.04, multiparous Blackface=2.73, primiparous Suffolk=3.99, multiparous Suffolk=2.18; P
The ability of 12-h-old Merino (M) and Border-Leicester × Merino lambs (BL×M) to be attracted to post-parturient ewes and to recognise their own mothers was tested using a 2-choice situation. When released at 6 m from two ewes placed next to each other, most lambs reached a ewe before the end of the 5-min test (). Amongst lambs spending more than 3 min close to the ewes, 79% () spent at least two-thirds of this time next to their own dam. On the other hand, the proportion of lambs reaching their mothers first () did not differ significantly from a choice at random. Also, the proportion of BL×M lambs reaching a ewe () or spending more than two-thirds of their time with their own dams () was higher than in pure M lambs ( and , respectively; P<0.05 in both cases). It is concluded that 12-h-old lambs are able to recognise their mothers at close quarters, but not from a distance of 6 m. These results also suggest that in these tests, BL×M lambs perform better than M lambs.