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This paper presents a number of research initiatives related to innovative and cut-edge tech nologies for Cloud Computing. These are chiefly in the fields of (i) environment security, (ii) quality assurance , (iii) service composition, and (iv) system management. We present technologies for intrusion detection; a SLA perspe ctive in security management; customer security concerns; a Cloud- based solution for eHealth; experimental assessment of routing for grid and cloud; simulator improvements to validate the green cloud computing approach, and; a framework to radio layer operation in cognitive networks.
Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA
n. 8 (2011) pp. 8-21
Abstract This paper presents a number of research
initiatives related to innovative and cut-edge technologies for
Cloud Computing. These are chiefly in the fields
of (i) environment security, (ii) quality assurance, (iii) service
composition, and (iv) system management. We present
technologies for intrusion detection; a SLA perspective
in security management; customer security concerns; a Cloud-
based solution for eHealth; experimental assessment of routing
for grid and cloud; simulator improvements to validate the green
cloud computing approach, and; a framework to radio layer
operation in cognitive networks.
Index Terms—Management and Security, Cloud Computing
Grid Computing, Cognitive Networks
I. I
LOUD computing technology imposes novel challenges to
service development and management. The inherent
features of vastly distributed processing open environment,
and multi-user/multi-functional solutions require innovative,
cutting-edge system management technologies. In this paper,
we present a number of research initiatives being conducted in
our group related to these technologies, chiefly in the fields of
(i) environment security, (ii) quality assurance, (iii) service
composition, and (iv) system management.
Our group has a long record of research on environmental
security. In [1] we challenged the methods for Security of
Input Validation in current Cloud-based Web Services, and
propose a framework for new method of input validation. In
[2], we dispute the efficiency of current Intrusion Detection
Systems and present a novel intrusion detection method.
Moreover, we demonstrate how the proposed method
overcomes the current limitations through the detection of the
typical attacks on host computers and networks. In addition,
we present a solution where audit data is collected from the
middleware and two intrusion detection techniques are applied
Our research in the field of quality assurance is exemplified
by the description in [4], where we present our research on
Service Level Agreements for Security (Sec-SLAs). In this
paper, we make an overview on the subject and elaborate on
the difficulties related to defining security metrics and
monitoring mechanisms. We concluded by analyzing the
applicability of Sec-SLA for Cloud Computing environment.
Another paper in the same research topic, [5] investigates the
Security Concerns in Cloud Computing.
In the field of service composition, in [6] we proposed a
framework for Cloud Computing eHealth, creating an
architecture for Cloud-based Sensor Networks designed to
integrate existing medical equipments in health institutions. In
this environment, the information is collected, processed and
becomes available in the Cloud. It encompasses the notions of
expert systems, which may require extensively processing for
data analysis, and ubiquitous interfaces
In the field of system management, in [7] we address the
problems of system management considering the Routing
Problem. We conclude by presenting an experimental
assessment of routing for grid and cloud.
In the same field, we propose an Integrated Solution for
Cloud Computing Management based on organization
model [8]. We intend to develop new mechanisms for Green
Cloud computing, which aims at a processing infrastructure
that combines flexibility, quality of services, and reduced
energy utilization.
Finally, in [9] we introduced a method to classify the
Spectrum Band Occupation based on cognitive networks.
We present a list of functionalities that ensure information and
operations need to upper layers perform interference
avoidance, power allocation, sensing control, spectrum
characterization, spectrum selection and reconfiguration. We
underscored the radio configuration features that are relevant
to achieve cognitive network goals.
Management and Security for Grid, Cloud and
Cognitive Networks
Carlos B. Westphall, Carla M. Westphall, Fernando L. Koch, Carlos O. Rolim, Kleber M. Vieira,
Alexandre Schulter, Shirlei A. Chaves, Jorge Werner, Rafael S. Mendes, Rafael B. Brinhosa,
Guilherme A. Geronimo, and Rafael R. Freitas
Westph all, C. B.; Westp hall , C. M., Koch, F. L. et al. / Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n. 8 (2011) pp. 8-21
This paper is structured in sections, where each section
discusses a specific issue, explaining its context, showing our
proposals to tackle with its main issues and concluding with
some general remarks and specific work that must be done in
the field. We close the paper with a specific conclusions
section, in order to complete the mental picture for our reader.
A. Scope and Context
Input manipulation attacks, such as Cross Site Scripting
(XSS), are becoming one of the most common attacks against
Web Applications and Web Services security. Using firewalls
and other security mechanisms is not effective against
application-level attacks, thus new methods of system security
are required.
In [1], we proposed a framework to securing applications
against input manipulation attacks. The mechanism offers a
reusable approach by the use of XML files and a XML
Schema for security parameters specification.
The input manipulation attack typically occurs from the
application interface and could be used to exploit the
Application Server. It allows the attacker to access databases,
files and system configurations. This kind of attack is
generally well known. However, the widespread usage of Web
Services is leading to inventive (and previously unknown)
methods of input manipulation attacks [10].
We highlight that using SSL and firewalls is not effective
against application-level attacks. Hence, the work referenced
proposes a framework for securing applications against input
manipulation attacks using a reusable approach.
B. Proposals and Solutions
Attacks to Web Applications and Web Services are common
due to incorrect or non-input validation. The lack of thorough
input validation could result in different kinds of attack, the
most common of which are defined bellow:
Cross Site Scripting (XSS): consists of executing
scripts on Web pages through the exploration of not correctly
validated fields or URL.
SQL injection: consists of the execution of SQL
commands through the manipulation of the URL variables or
Hidden field manipulation: manipulation of hidden
fields in order to explore some vulnerability.
Buffer Overflows: sending messages bigger than the
maximum allowed in order to execute arbitrary commands.
The proposed framework has the primary objective of
validating the user inputs before the Application starts to
execute. It consists of a XML Schema, a XML file, a server
mechanism for input validation and the front-end application,
whose functions are the following:
The XML Schema defines the valid XML specification
for the framework;
The XML file defines the valid inputs for the required
Application fields;
The server mechanism is called to validate the user
inputs according to the XML specifications;
The front-end application is represented by any
application which uses the framework for validating inputs.
When the user sends a request for an Application, the Input
Validation mechanism receives the Request and checks for any
inconsistence according to the pre-defined XML Input
Validation specification. If the inputs sent are valid, the
request is passed to the Web Application, otherwise, the user
receives an error response.
The framework can be used with already developed or new
applications. When using the framework with already
developed application, the developer must adapt the
application methods for calling the mechanism to validate
inputs after receiving them.
On the other hand, when using the framework with new
applications, the developer can define the application methods
calling the mechanism every time an input is received.
This framework has some important characteristics. It works
in the server-side – which means that any input from the Client
will be validated before being processed.
Some developers usually perform the input invalidation in
the client-side, but this is not correct and secure because the
validation can be bypassed.
Another important characteristic of the framework is that it
uses a single validation mechanism for the entire system,
allowing for many applications from the same server to use the
same mechanism, fostering reuse and systems standardization.
The framework is also XML based, what simplifies the
application maintenance: if any changes are necessary, the
developer just needs to change the XML application file.
This proposed framework addresses the big problem of Input
Validation. Using it, Web Applications and Web Services will
be secured against the various types of input manipulation
C. Conclusions and Future Works
This work presents the following major contributions:
An independent specification of Security for Input
validation, through the use of a separated XML file;
A very reliable framework for validating user inputs in
the server side instead of in the client side, assuring that all
inputs will be validated before processing;
A reusable approach with the implementation of the
Validator mechanism;
An architecture that could be used for Web
Applications or Web Services; and
An experiment result that present how easy is to find
Web Applications with Security flaws related to the lack of
input validation.
This study could be extended with the implementation of a
system for input attacks detection and response, for instance,
blocking the attacker access to the Web Application.
A. Scope and Context
Current intrusion detection technology is limited in
providing protection against the intrusions that may violate the
Westph all, C. B.; Westp hall , C. M., Koch, F. L. et al. / Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n. 8 (2011) pp. 8-21
security of computational grids. We present the problem of
grid intrusion detection, describe the requirements of a system
to detect them, propose a grid intrusion detection method, and
show how it overcomes the limitations by integrating the
detection of the typical host computer and network attacks
with the detection of grid-specific attacks and user behavior
anomalies. This integration is evaluated with a case study that
makes use of simulations and a prototype implementation.
Computational grids are emerging as tools to facilitate
the secure sharing of resources in heterogeneous
environments [11]. Security is one of the most challenging
aspects of grid computing and Intrusion Detection Systems
(IDS) have an important role in grid security management.
IDSs are responsible for the detection of intrusions in
information systems and the responses to them, usually alert
notifications sent to the security managers.
Intrusions can be characterized as unauthorized use by
external parties or abuse of the system by insiders. Typical
host-based IDSs and network-based IDSs can be deployed in a
grid environment to improve its security. However, they
cannot properly detect grid intrusions. The detection of these
intrusions poses new challenges and current intrusion detection
technology is limited in providing protection against them. In
[2] we describe a grid intrusion detection method that
overcomes the limitations.
B. Proposals and Solutions
For intrusion detection in computational grids we
recommend a method in which grid-based intrusion detection
systems (GIDS) is a high-level component that utilizes
functionality of lower-level Host-IDS (HIDS) and Network-
IDS (NIDS) provided through inter-IDS communication. This
makes possible the reuse of intrusion detection software
already available, avoiding re-implementation of functionality.
GIDS integration with the lower level components is the
method’s core. In this method, to achieve the desired security
level for the grid, HIDS and/or NIDS are installed at certain
grid nodes and network domains and work integrated with
GIDS sending relevant information for the detection of
In order to achieve the maximum security level, each grid
node and grid network domain must have a lower level IDS
installed. In this case, all NIDS located in each grid network
domain capture network audit data and look for protocol
anomalies and attack trails existent in network packets.
In addition to that, each grid node has a HIDS installed that
collects and examines host audit data to identify evidence left
by attacks and resource usage anomalies caused by local users.
GIDS uses the audit data shared by the lower-level IDSs to
identify grid attacks and to compare the behavior of grid users
with their previously built historical profiles. The grid security
manager is alerted whenever an intrusion is detected by
GIDS or an alert is (iii) sent by the lower-level IDSs.
The organization of HIDS and NIDS components is
illustrative and the audit information they share with GIDS
Agents is stored in Grid Information Databases. Every time a
user accesses the grid, GIDS Schedulers consult the user
profile stored in a database and, depending on the
demanded computing power for audit data analysis, submit
one or more Analyzer jobs to nodes with available computing
resources. The jobs) exchange data with the databases in order
to analyze user behavior and update the profiles. The
Analyzers are also responsible for correlating the stored audit
data to identify grid attacks.
To show how the GIDS example satisfies the coverage
requirement, consider a scenario where it protects a grid where
an intruder wants to penetrate and follows these steps:
(1) The intruder launches a buffer overflow attack against
an operating system (OS) process running on a grid node. The
attack is successful and he is then able to execute arbitrary
(2) Now with OS root privileges, he runs an exploit
script and impersonates a user with grid privileges,
gaining facilitated access to several nodes.
(3) Continuing the malicious activity, he uses several
grid nodes to run a distributed application.
(4) The application launches a coordinated network denial-
of-service (DoS) attack against an external target.
The first step characterizes a (d) host intrusion detectable by
HIDS. Supposing it’s not detected, the intruder proceeds to
the second step, which characterizes a (c) grid attack and a
consequent (a) unauthorized access, both detectable by GIDS.
If not stopped at that point, the intruder gets to the third step,
where GIDS compares his behavior with the historical profile
of the user he impersonated to identify (b) misuse. If
somehow GIDS fails to identify a behavior anomaly, in
the fourth step NIDS is responsible to detect the (d) DoS
attack trails. In conclusion, in this scenario the GIDS
example covers (a), (b), (c), and (d) intrusions, satisfying
the requirement of (x) coverage. The system example is
designed to distribute the detection problem among its
components in order to achieve (y) scalability and, since it
benefits from the grid by consuming its computing resources,
it achieves (z) grid compatibility.
C. Conclusions and Future Works
The purpose of this work is to describe an approach
that overcomes the weaknesses of the available solutions to
the grid intrusion detection problem. As discussed the current
technology is limited in detecting all the kinds of attacks that
may violate the security of a grid. Typical IDSs cannot
properly identify grid-specific attacks and grid users
misusing resources.
The available GIDS architectures also lack protection
against grid attacks and typical computer host and network
attacks. We listed basic requirements that need to be
satisfied by a GIDS: coverage, scalability, and grid
compatibility. Related works on the subject of grid intrusion
detection describe solutions which try to achieve scalability
and grid compatibility, but lack in achieving complete
coverage protection against the possible grid intrusions.
We described a grid intrusion detection method in which
Westph all, C. B.; Westp hall , C. M., Koch, F. L. et al. / Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n. 8 (2011) pp. 8-21
GIDS is a high-level component that works in an integrated
manner with lower-level IDSs (NIDS and HIDS). Then,
assuming that integrating the IDSs was feasible, we showed
with an example that this method can be used to satisfy the
basic GIDS requirements.
We presented mechanisms to integrate GIDS with lower-
level IDSs. The use of standard protocols and formats was
focused: IDMEF, IDXP, RUR, and syslog. The case study
performed with a simulated grid environment to evaluate
the mechanisms was described. It demonstrated that the
integration of lower-level IDSs with a GIDS using IDMEF
messaging is possible and useful to detect the grid intrusions,
although a complete case study involving all the types of grid
intrusions was not performed, since signature databases of
grid-specific attacks have not been made available to the
scientific community yet. Research topics to be considered for
future work are the distributed GIDS architecture that was left
as an idea, the impact that a grid-wide intrusion detection
service has on a grid’s performance, and grid-specific
attacks, including languages and tools for their manipulation.
Also, other requirements could be considered for GIDS, such
as accuracy, fault tolerance, timeliness, and performance.
A. Scope and Context
Providing security in a distributed system requires more
than user authentication with passwords or digital certificates
and confidentiality in data transmission. Rigorous control of
the executed tasks is needed in order to prevent malicious
users from breaking grid policies, to identify the use of stolen
passwords, and, also, to make possible the rapid detection of
known attacks. In this work, a solution for grid and cloud
computing intrusion detection is presented in which audit data
is collected from the middleware and two intrusion detection
techniques are applied. Analysis for anomaly detection is
performed to verify if user actions correspond to known
behavior profiles and knowledge analysis is performed to
verify security policy violations and known attack patterns.
This approach was evaluated and its resulting performance in
regards to false positives, false negatives, and computational
cost are discussed.
Because of their distributed nature, cloud computing
environments are a great target for intruders willing to explore
possible vulnerabilities existent in the services provided by
them and, consequently, by impersonating legitimate users, can
use the abundant resources inappropriately. An additional
security measure that can be of great value in such systems is
the employment of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) to
investigate configurations, logs, network traffic, and user
actions to detect typical attack behavior.
An IDS must be distributed in order to work in a cloud
computing environment. In this manner, each node is
monitored by a part of the intrusion detection system and,
when an attack occurs, an alert is sent to the other nodes in the
environment. To achieve this distribution, we need
compatibility with heterogeneous hosts, communication
mechanisms, and permission control over the system
maintenance and updates since these features are typical in
cloud computing, the problem becomes simpler, as these
features are supported by cloud computing middleware and
our effort can be focused only on implementing intrusion
detection as a grid service.
An attack against a cloud computing system can be silent for
a network-based IDS, since node communication usually is
encrypted, and invisible to a host-based IDS, since clod
computing attacks not necessarily affect a node's OS or the
user registry but in cloud computing middleware so we will
focus in this part. In this way, traditional IDS cannot
appropriately identify suspicious activities in a cloud
The work described in [3] presents an IDS architecture for
cloud computing environment called CCIDS Could
Computing Intrusion Detection System - which integrates low-
level detection, such as network and host detection, to identify
attacks in the environment.
B. Proposals and Solutions
Could computing is distributed computing in essence and
hence we suggest that intrusion detection and its alert system
for this environment should be distributed and cooperative. In
our solution, each node is responsible for identifying and
alerting the other nodes of local events that may represent
security violations. These individual IDS will cooperatively
participate in the cloud computing intrusion detection, sharing
of information between the cloud computing intrusion
detection service and the elements that realize its architecture.
These elements are described below:
- Node is a grid entity which contains resources. These
resources are accessed homogeneously through the grid
middleware, which also is responsible for controlling access
control policies and supporting a service-oriented
- Service provides its functionality in the environment
through the middleware, which facilitates, for instance,
- Event auditor is the key piece in the system and is
responsible for capturing data from various sources, such as
the log system, service and node messages.
- IDS Service analyzes data captured by the auditor and
applies detection techniques based on user behavior and
knowledge of previous attacks. In the event of a detection, it
uses the communication means provided by the middleware to
send alerts to other nodes. Therefore, cloud computing attacks
are detectable. The middleware has also the task of
synchronizing the known attacks database and the user
behavior database.
- Storage Service holds the data needed by the IDS Service
to perform analysis. It is important for all nodes to have access
to the same data and a grid environment is responsible for
virtualizing the homogeneous environment in a transparent
way so that this database is unique.
Westph all, C. B.; Westp hall , C. M., Koch, F. L. et al. / Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n. 8 (2011) pp. 8-21
C. Conclusions and Future Works
In this work we have described a cloud computing
intrusion detection system capable of identifying unknown
attacks, such as malicious usage through behavior deviation,
and known attacks, with the help of a rule database that defines
typical attacks.
Our solution is an IDS service that captures audit data from
a log and a communication system part of grid middleware
increasing the level of security in each node, as well as the
cloud computing.
Two techniques were applied to achieve a higher level of
security, intensively monitoring for possible malicious actions.
Behavior-based intrusion detection was done with a feed-
forward artificial neural network to recognize patterns of user
behavior and indicate abnormal activity.
The prototype implementing this solution was demonstrably
accurate, with a low rate of false positives and false negatives.
Knowledge-based detection was added to the solution to ease
the identification of trails from already known attacks. These
attacks are previously defined with a set of rules that we
presented as a contribution to the field.
In order to perform the required analysis for intrusion
detection, we described a system for capturing audit data from
a log system and messages exchange between grid nodes. In
contrast to previous related work, this information is retrieved
from the middleware, instead of lower-level systems such as
the operating systems or network. The architecture was
evaluated for feasibility with a prototype. We found out the
processing cost is low and the performance is satisfactory for a
real-time implementation. The individual analysis performed
in each node reduces the complexity and the volume of data in
comparison to previous solutions where the audit data is
concentrated in single points. Communication,
synchronization, and homogenization of resources were
concerns in this work, since cloud computing provides services
with these features.
A. Scope and Context
One of the network and services management problems is
security, either in preventing attacks and using computational
mechanisms to protect data and systems or in administrative
matters, which involves not just what needs to be protected,
but also what security service levels will be delivered. This
work explores Service Level Agreements for Secur ity or just
Sec-SLAs. Is tried to provide an overview on the subject, the
difficulties faced during the security metrics definition process
and the Sec-SLA monitoring, as well as an analysis on the Sec-
SLA role in new paradigms like cloud computing.
Control systems and data security are important in any
computer system. This demand can be covered by creating
new devices or techniques and by making some adjustments in
traditional ways of storing and controlling systems and data. In
this sense, this work studies Security Service Level
Agreements or just Sec-SLAs not as a brand new technique,
but as a new design for the traditional Service Level
Agreements or SLAs. Instead of considering traditional
service levels like network throughput or delay, for example, it
considers just service levels related to security.
To meet these security services levels, a set of security
metrics needs to be defined and monitored. Defining these
metrics is not a trivial task, but great research effort is being
done to facilitate the process.
Service level security requirements or demands include
cryptography, data packet filtering, redundancy of hardware
and software and so on.
After this conversion, we get the second task in an effective
Sec-SLA: monitoring if the metrics agreed are being met. It
was proposed an architecture for monitoring and controlling
these agreements, called Sec-Mon. This work explores Service
Level Agreements for Security or just Sec-SLAs. We try to
provide an overview on the subject and the difficulties faced to
define security metrics to be used in such contracts, as also to
outline its important role in new scenarios, like cloud
B. Proposals and Solutions
Changes occurred in the traditional distributed computing
paradigm lead to the need of enforcements in the traditional
SLAs. The more recent is the notion of “computing in the
cloud”, whose popular designation is cloud computing.
There is no clear consensus on what exactly cloud
computing is, but several authors outline the fact that it is a
new distributed computing and business paradigm, that
provides computing power, software and storage and even a
distributed data center infrastructure on demand, delivered
over the Internet. The key words in the previous definition are
on demand. Services delivered in such conditions demand
considerable effort in the process of defining security service
The definition of security metrics, as well as its monitoring,
has to be done also on demand. The negotiation of the SLA
will have to be agile, in order to not affect the hiring of
services, as one of the greatest appeals of cloud computing is
to allow unexpected demands to be met more quickly.
The security problem in cloud computing raises many
questions, especially from customers, who need to understand
the risks associated when migrating services to the cloud, as
well as to know what are the ways available to ensure that the
security of such data will be maintained.
Several recent work in cloud computing cites the
importance of negotiating SLAs. For instance, The Cloud
Security Alliance [12], whose formal debut was made at RSA
Conference 2009 releasing a white paper entitled Security
Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing,
points the fact that more consideration should be given to the
content of the SLA, considering its ‘auditability’. In [13] is
pointed that to become a viable alternative to the enterprise,
cloud computing infrastructures need to provide stable service
level for business process. It is also pointed that "in cloud
Westph all, C. B.; Westp hall , C. M., Koch, F. L. et al. / Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n. 8 (2011) pp. 8-21
computing environments SLAs are typically provided for basic
platform services (e.g., system uptime, network throughput)
Due to its nature, cloud computing has several types of uses,
i.e., one might be computing in the cloud when creating a
datasheet in Google Docs, as well as when hiring a server in a
data center to any enterprise purpose. Some cloud computing
categorization was done, trying to differentiate these use
possibilities, according to the main objectives of use. The
categories more indicated in cloud computing related work are
the three following, reproduced in this section like the
definition given in [14]
C. Conclusions and Future Works
A Sec-SLA is a formal negotiated document that defines in,
specially, a quantitative way what service levels will be
delivered from the provider to the customer. In other words,
the Sec-SLA deals with the “what”, not the “how”.
Nevertheless, by defining good security metrics thehow
could be better visualized.
Usually the IT team faces lots of options in technological
solutions and having a clear and documented understanding of
what are the security requirements certainly would help. One
of the main advantages of a Sec-SLA, beyond the legal one, is
the possibility of a better understanding of how security is
being accomplished.
It was also possible to notice that many research is being
done focusing on the security metric subject. Fortunately,
security metrics are of great concern in more areas than
network and services management and much of the effort done
to improve their definition and measurability is useful in a Sec-
SLA context.
Proposed architectures like Sec-Mon represent an important
subsidy in the search for ways to monitoring and controlling
the Sec-SLA. The Sec-Mon architecture is independent of a
specific technology and even that in the moment of its
construction was not considered the cloud computing
paradigm, it could easily be adapted to provide means of being
deployed in a cloud environment.
As final remarks, we point out that a research to pre-design
security metrics according to the cloud computing category,
aiming to help the need for dynamic negotiation of Sec-SLAs
in the cloud is in place. It is a great challenge because the
paradigm is still evolving, as well as the understanding of what
are the security challenges that it brings.
A. Scope and Context
There is no consensus on the exact definition of cloud
computing, but some characteristics are clearly repeated. It is a
new distributed computing and business paradigm. It provides
computing power, software and storage and even a distributed
data center infrastructure on demand. In [4], we investigate the
main security concerns faced by the customers that are trying
to better understand or profit from this new paradigm,
especially considering a public cloud and we conclude that
data confidentiality, integrity and availability are the biggest
Despite of the fact that industry big players like Google,
Amazon, SalesForce, Microsoft and others have products and
services under the umbrella of ‘cloud computing’, cloud
ready’ or other similar denomination, there is no consensus
about what exactly cloud computing is. Below we list two
definitions made by researchers:
“A Cloud is a type of parallel and distributed system
consisting of a collection of inter-connected and virtualized
computers that are dynamically provisioned and presented as
one or more unified computing resources based on service-
level agreements established through negotiation between the
service provider and consumers [15].”
“A model for enabling convenient, on-demand network
access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources
(e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services)
that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal
management effort or service provider interaction [16].”
From these definitions, it is possible to notice that some
characteristics are clearly repeated. It is a new paradigm, not
just a distributed computing paradigm, but also a new business
paradigm. It is intended to provide computing power, software
and storage and even a distributed data center infrastructure on
In order to make these characteristics viable, cloud
computing makes use of existing technologies, such as
virtualization, distributed computing, grid computing, utility
computing and Internet. However, even those industry big
players have products and services available as also a
definition of what are the basic cloud computing underlying
technologies, a customer intending to better understand and
profit from this new paradigm faces several concerns,
especially the ones related to security.
Considering the customer point of view, we have made an
extensive research to obtain what are the main security
problems pointed in the available literature for cloud
computing security, aiming to list and discuss the more
recurrent ones.
B. Proposals and Solutions
Many cloud computing security problems are still unclear.
Being cloud computing such a recent computing paradigm, it
is natural that many aspects remain uncovered whereas the
paradigm itself is being more developed and understood.
According to [17], there are three main customers’
- Vulnerability to attack: critical business information and
IT resources are outside the customers firewall.
- Standard security practices: customers want to be
confident that such practices are being followed. Most of those
practices require disclosure and inspection, which leads to
another concern as a customer: will my data be in the same
virtual hardware and network resources with other customers,
being susceptible to disclosure in someone else’s inspection?
Westph all, C. B.; Westp hall , C. M., Koch, F. L. et al. / Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n. 8 (2011) pp. 8-21
- Being subject to state or national data-storage laws related
to privacy or record keeping: European Union (EU), for
example, has privacy regulations that do not permit some
personal data to be transmitted outside the EU. In the cloud,
data can be stored anywhere in the world; it is important to
attend such regulations.
In June 2008, the Gartner Group released a report entitled
“Assessing the Security Risks of Cloud Computing” [17].
According to this report, widely commented and cited on the
Internet, before jumping into the cloud, the customer should
know its unique security risks, considering specially seven
security conditions during the process of choosing a cloud
provider. These unique security risks are:
Privileged user access: outsourcing means allowing
outsourced services to bypass internal controls,
including personnel controls. With this in mind, the
customer has to obtain as more information as possible
about how the possible future provider hires people and
what kind of controls their accesses have.
Regulatory Compliance: if the cloud computing
provider is not subject of external audits and security
certifications, the customer probably should not use its
services for non trivial tasks. Customers have to always
remember that, unless stated or agreed otherwise, they
are responsible for their own data.
Data location: when using the cloud, the customer
probably will not know where their data will be stored.
Thus, it is recommended checking if the provider will
commit to store and process data in specific
jurisdictions and if a contractual commitment on behalf
of the customer will be made by the provider.
Data segregation: customers should check what is done
to separate different customers’ provider data, due to
the fact that, in a cloud, the environment is shared.
Using cryptography, for example, is effective, but do
not solve all the problems. It must be checked also if
the cryptographic schemes are designed and tested by
specialists, because cryptographic accidents are able to
make data unusable.
Recovery: the provider capacity of restoring the entire
system and how long it would take should be checked
by the customer. Any provider that does not replicate
its data or infrastructure is prone to total failures.
Investigative support: In order to have confidence that
inappropriate or illegal activities will be possible to be
investigated, the customer needs a formal commitment
from the provider. This commitment should state which
kind of investigation will be possible and also gives
evidence that similar support was already done by the
provider. Otherwise, the customer almost can be sure
that such investigations will be impossible.
Long-term viability: if happens that the cloud
computing provider be acquired or goes broke, the
customer needs to know if the data will still be
available and in a format that will allow being imported
to a substitute application.
Summarizing the Gartner’s report, customers should
demand transparency and avoid providers that do not offer
clear information about security programs.
C. Conclusions and Future Works
Maybe the cloud will evolve and become the largest
information system we ever saw, having all sort of data and
dealing with all kind of information, all kind of sensitive
information. Hence, much research work is in progress to
provide security for cloud computing, especially regarding do
data confidentiality, integrity and availability.
The general belief, including ours, is that the larger adoption
of cloud computing relies on how secure it is and that security
should be addressed since the very beginning. Given that cloud
computing is a still evolving paradigm, some new security
concerns may appear during the definition process, but the
concerns highlighted in the present survey probably will not
There are, however, a lot of good research and work in
progress aiming to mitigate or to solve the security issues and
to turn the cloud computing horizon less cloudy. Among these
researches are government initiatives, like the cloud security
group from US National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) and industry initiatives, like the Cloud Computing
Security Alliance. Having data confidentiality, integrity and
availability a strong legal side, some legal organizations like
Strafford Publications are organizing events to discuss the
subject, like a Teleconference entitled “Cloud Computing:
Managing the Legal Risks”, showing that other areas beyond
information technology are watching cloud computing growing
adoption more closely. Such initiatives bring advantages for
the customer that can have more qualified background when
analyzing the available cloud computing solutions to migrate
his services to a cloud.
A. Scope and Context
Existing processes for patients' vital data collection
require a great deal of labor work to collect, input and analyze
the information. These processes are usually slow and error-
prone, introducing a latency that prevents real-time data
accessibility. This scenario restrains the clinical diagnostics
and monitoring capabilities. In [5] we propose a solution to
automate this process by using “sensors” attached to existing
medical equipments that are interconnected to exchange
service. The proposal is based on the concepts of utility
computing and wireless sensor networks. The information
becomes available in the “cloud” from where it can be
processed by expert systems and/or distributed to medical
staff. The proof-of-concept design applies commodity
computing integrated to legacy medical devices, ensuring cost-
effectiveness and simple integration.
Telemedicine allows remote diagnoses and monitoring of
patients. It guarantees agility, safety, and reliability in modern
Westph all, C. B.; Westp hall , C. M., Koch, F. L. et al. / Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n. 8 (2011) pp. 8-21
health-care institutions. There are several challenges
associated to automation in this sort of environment, viz:
heterogeneity of devices, protocols, and programming
interfaces; the requirement for flexible, impact-free
deployment; the requirement for easy to configure, easy to
manage, scalable and, if possible, self-adjusting systems, and
We focus on the problem of patients’ vital data collection,
distribution, and processing. We suggest that current solutions
based on manual note taking are slow, time consuming, and
labor resource intensive. Besides, it imposes an obstacle to
real-time data access that curbs the ability of clinical
diagnostics and monitoring.
We present a solution to automate this process from bedside
data collection to information distribution and remote access
by medical staff. Our solution is based on concepts of wireless
sensor networks and utility computing. “Sensors” are attached
to existing medical equipments that are inter-connected to
exchange services; these are integrated to the institution’s
computing network infrastructure. The information becomes
available in the “cloud”, from where it can be processed by
expert systems and/or distributed to medical staff for analysis.
We argue that these technologies provide desirable features for
automation in telemedicine environment.
B. Proposals and Solutions
Our proposal is a system to automate the process of
collecting patient's vital data via a network of sensors
connected to legacy medical devices, and; deliver this
information to the medical center’s “cloud” for storage,
processing, and distribution.
At the patient's bedside, there are sensor nodes which are
loaded with software to collects, encode, and transmit data
through wireless communication channels to be stored. The
Exchange Service acts like a broker between local and remote
services. It is responsible to receive collect data from sensors
and to dispatch it to appropriate storage service hosted on
cloud. It also receives requests from content service to retrieve
data from the Cloud Service, whose functionality is two
folded: (1) it is responsible to provide services to store
collected data; and (2) it provides a platform for development,
testing and deployment of applications needed by medical
staff. Mobile and stationary devices interacts with applications
using Content Service. This service acts like a “door” where
medical staff devices can access all available information.
There are several practical advantages in this
implementation, such as:
it provides always-on, real-time data collecting;
it eliminates manual collecting work and possibility of
typing errors; and
it facilitated the deployment process, as wireless
networking means no need for cabling or other physical setup.
The proposed architecture covers the several elements in
current systems, such as:
Sensors attached to legacy medical devices replace the
necessity of (i) manual data gathering and (ii) data entering on
medical system.
Computer resources available in the cloud are responsible
to (iii) organize, index, and make the data accessible, and;
distribute the data to (iv) medical staff.
At this level of abstraction, there is no need to specify
“what” elements are available in the cloud (logical design) or
to care for performance and scalability (physical design). It
suffices to say that the “cloud” provides the standard interfaces
for application integration.
C. Conclusions and Future Works
In short, our solution delivers an integrated telemedicine
service that automates the process from data collecting to
information deliver as a computing utility. There are several
practical advantages in this implementation, such as: it
provides always-on, real-time data collecting; it eliminates
manual collecting work and possibility of typing errors, and; it
eases the deployment process, as wireless networking means
no need for cabling or other physical setup.
From the software engineering perspective, the proposed
design promotes re-usability through the use of a standard
services implemented and deployed by using a Platform as a
Service (PaaS). In addition, it leverages others health-care
institutions to use services through a Software as a Service
(SaaS) model without investments on hardware or software
Moreover, we suggest that this project contributes to
scientific and social fields. On the scientific field, the project
generates new knowledge and applications for utility
computing, cloud computing, sensor networks and mobile
computing. These areas are being extensively explored by the
academic community and the developments from this project
will address some of the outstanding questions. There are
many lines of research involved in this development, such as:
information systems, system modeling, networking, mobile
service development, service management, computational
security and quality of service (QoS).
In addition, there is a contribution to the social field, as the
proposed service helps to improve the quality of medical
assistance delivery, especially in needy communities. It is
difficult to gather medical staff with varying expertise in a
single place, and it is even more challenging to enable medical
assistance to remote patients located in remote communities.
In addition, expert medical staff has restricted time and cannot
monitor patients or collect additional data from patients at
bedside. Thus, the proposal presents an innovative solution
that addresses problems of integration, such as medical staff
from one institution being able to monitor patients located at
another. It also helps with releasing support staff workload that
can use of saved time to focus on assistance. Finally, due to its
pragmatic approach the project results in a cost-effective
solution to address the requirements for modernization of
health-care system in developing countries.
As future works, we intend to validate the proposal in a real
world setup to assess the benefits of the solution in large scale
scenarios. In addition, we intent to implement several services
Westph all, C. B.; Westp hall , C. M., Koch, F. L. et al. / Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n. 8 (2011) pp. 8-21
enhancements of security and management with interaction of
thirty-party infrastructure service provider.
A. Scope and Context
Grid and Cloud computing technologies are being applied
as an affordable method to cluster computational power
together. These structures aim to support service applications
by grouping devices and shared resources in one large
computational unit. However, the management complexity
grows proportionally to the number of resources being
integrated. This work claims to address the problems of
management, considering the routing problem in a particular
context. An experimental assessment of routing for grid and
cloud is presented. In addition, it introduces a proof-of-
concept implementation and case study scenarios.
According to IBM, traditionally, networks and management
systems are manually controlled processes which demand one
or more human operators to manage all the computing systems
aspects. In this environment, the operator is strongly integrated
to the management process and his task is to execute low level
system calls to solve imminent problems. Even though this
kind of management, which keeps a human into the system,
was appropriate in the past, it cannot cope with modern
The need to connect many heterogeneous systems is one of
the main necessities of grid and cloud computing, introducing
new levels of complexity. Even though it is a complex
environment, the configuration and management is done by
humans. This characteristic makes this task slow and a subject
of decision making problems. Even administrator errors can
occur at this task. In order to avoid this problem a solution is
needed in which the management does not need human
intervention. Observing this scenario, a question emerges:
How to manage efficiently and in an automated way a
heterogeneous and complex environment, like grid or cloud?
In order to answer this question the work in [7] proposes an
experimental assessment of routing for grid and cloud
computing that supports autonomic computing paradigm. The
system has self-management properties, and redefines the
human operator's responsibilities, where their experience is
used to define general objectives and polices to control the
system instead of placing them in a decision making position.
B. Proposals and Solutions
The piece that allows for the system to be called
autonomic is the autonomic manager. Through the monitoring
of managed elements and their external environment, the
autonomic manager is able to build and execute plans for
implementation, based on the analysis of sent information.
Therefore, the autonomic manager is responsible for ensuring
self-management, achieved when all its sub-areas (self-
configuration, self-regeneration, self-optimization and self-
protection) are guaranteed.
For this purpose, this work suggests that the manager is
composed of some components, responsible for monitoring the
data sent by the managed elements and others elements of the
autonomic grid, analyze them, plan actions according to their
objectives and implement these actions, thus achieving a high
degree of autonomy.
The number of mobile devices is constantly changing, which
can result in big changes in the overall system. For the
interconnection among the devices, it is essential to keep the
routing table consistent. The Routing Table Management
component has the goal of detecting routing inconsistencies,
but it cannot directly manipulate the routing table. The latter is
done by the grid’s routing algorithm.
The system proposed here implements two routing
algorithms: one is based on the direct interconnection with a
neighbor node, and the other is based on the interconnection
among all nodes.
In grids, every element has its own routing table that
contains the destination (node name) and a metric (the distance
until the next element in hops). On the first algorithm, each
node connects to the neighbor node only. Thus, the route to the
neighbor node becomes a default route (gateway) to the other
elements in the grid. For example, when an element wants to
request a service, it sends a request to the gateway, and the
gateway is responsible for forwarding the request to the others
nodes connected to it. This process is repeated until the
destination receives the request.
The other algorithm is a little different. As an element joins
the grid, all the other elements add a direct route to it (metric
1). This makes the whole grid to be seen as a complete graph.
The propagation of the information about a node joining or
leaving the grid is coordinated by this same algorithm in an
autonomic way. When all the nodes discover the topology
changes, we have reached the convergence.
To this point, this work described the theory upon which the
proposed system was based, the architecture details, its
components and interactions, and the routing algorithms. To
test it, we have implemented it on Grid-M [18]. Among the
main benefits of the Grid-M middleware are: it is open source,
it is easy to deal with small devices, it has a friendly API and it
is portable [18].
C. Conclusions and Future Works
In [7] we have proposed an experimental assessment of
routing for grid and cloud computing. The convergence time
of the algorithm based on the direct interconnection to the
neighbor node is really small and almost constant. As
expected, the response time of the algorithm based on the
restrict connection to the neighbor node is longer than the
other one. The big question to be answered was: How to make
a heterogeneous environment and with huge complexity, like
grid and cloud computing, not being managed manually, which
is inefficient? The solution proposal is the creation of
autonomic elements acting as intelligent agents, capable of feel
the environment where they are and act the same according to
pre-defined policies.
Westph all, C. B.; Westp hall , C. M., Koch, F. L. et al. / Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n. 8 (2011) pp. 8-21
A. Scope and Context
Green cloud computing aims at a processing infrastructure
that combines flexibility, quality of services, and reduced
energy utilization. In order to achieve this objective, the
management solution must regulate the internal settings to
address the pressing issue of data center over-provisioning
related to the need to match the peak demand. In this context,
we propose an integrated solution for environment, services
and network management based on organization model of
autonomous agent components. This work introduces the
system management model, analyses the system’s behavior,
describes the operation principles, and presents a case study
scenario and some results. We extended CloudSim to simulate
the organization model approach and implemented the
migration and reallocation policies using this improved version
to validate our management solution.
The goal of green computing is to seamlessly integrate
management of computing devices and environmental for
control mechanisms to provide quality of service, robustness,
and energy efficiency. The challenge in green cloud computing
is to minimize resource usage and still satisfy quality of
service requirements and robustness. The problem is
summarized as follows. The load prediction models in
traditional architectures and cloud computing environments
are based on the analysis of historical data and demand
increments from business models. This information makes it
possible to pre-allocate resources. However, load prediction
models are challenged (and frequently broken) when
unexpected peaks of demand occur.
Approaches to dealing with the problems of load prediction
models include the following: (i) allow for a margin of on-line
resources, i.e., over-provision resources; (ii) to turn on idle
resources; (iii) to temporarily use external resources on-
demand (i.e., federated clouds), and others. Each of these
approaches has its advantages and disadvantages.
In [8] we propose a solution based on integrated
environment, services and network management that promotes:
(i) equitable load distribution through techniques like virtual
machines; (ii) predictive resource allocation models through
historical load analysis and pro-active allocation methods; (iii)
aggregate energy management of network devices; (iv)
integrated control over the environmental support units, which
represent the larger share of energy consumption.
The objectives are the following: (i) to provide flexibility of
the system configuration that allows for the easy introduction
of new elements in the managed environment and the
configuration processing distribution among services; (ii) to
provide a level of availability that keeps to higher standard
SLA compliance rates and which contributes to system’s
stability and security; (iii) to reduce cost in both capital and
operational costs (CAPEX and OPEX) to support the business
predicates, and thus promote the acceptability of the proposed
method; (iv) to provide sustainability by using methods to
reduce energy utilization and carbon emission footprints.
B. Proposals and Solutions
To achieve our objectives we propose an organization
theory model for integrated management of a green cloud
computing environment. It works based on organization
models that regulate the behavior of autonomous components
(agents) that view the environmental elements, network
devices (e.g. switches, cards and ports) and service providers
(e.g. processing servers, load distribution services, task
processors and temperature reduction services). For example,
the management system is able to turn off unused network
devices and servers, turning off the environmental support
units. This is reactive to characteristics of the predicted system
load. The controlling elements are able to coordinate between
themselves aiming at a higher-level system’s objective, e.g. to
keep overall energy utilization and SLA compliance metrics.
Our research advances the state of the art as follows: (i) it
introduces an organization theory model for integrated
management of the green clouds based on the concepts of
organization models, network management, and distributed
computing; (ii) it analyses the network and system’s behavior
and operational principles; (iii) it validates the proposal
demonstrating the system’s added-value in a case study
scenario; (iv) it improves a simulator (the CloudSim
framework) to validate the green cloud computing
management approach.
We propose techniques to automatically detect the creation
of data centers. We modeled the system using Norms (NM),
Beliefs (BL) and Plan Rules (PR), inferring that we would
need (NM) to reduce energy consumption, reduce the costs of
the cloud and maintain a minimalist structure, based on a (PR)
minimum of SLA violations and reduction of changes in the
environment, not forgetting parameter settings (BL) of time
provisioning of virtual machines. Based on these definitions
and responsibilities, the agents’ sensors respond more
appropriately to balance the environment. Let’s consider three
services (i.e. web service, backup, remote boot) running
concurrently and whose charge distribution appears to be
complementary. Their high peaks (i.e., variation of workload)
happen at different times. Based on inferences from NM, BL
and PR agents would monitor the system and determine
actions dynamically. In this proposal the agents have two
solutions to the adequacy of servers and virtual machines: at a
time before the peak, migrate the virtual machine to a more
robust server or turn it off. Thus the system would act more
dynamically and autonomically, according to the predefined
requirements. Our environment is simply all the variations of
workload (input), allocating and distributing services
(moving/relocating) to the reduced use of resources (system
output), searching environmental sustainability.
C. Conclusions and Future Works
In [8] we proposed an organization theory model for
resource management of Green Clouds and demonstrated that
the proposed solution delivers both reliability and
sustainability, contributing to our goals of optimizing energy
utilization and reducing carbon emission.
Westph all, C. B.; Westp hall , C. M., Koch, F. L. et al. / Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n. 8 (2011) pp. 8-21
Concepts related to cloud computing and green cloud
computing were presented. We also described the simulator
employed in the practical part of the experiments and de-
tailed improvements undertaken on it to validate the green
cloud computing approach. The simulator we used is called
CloudSim and was developed at the University of Melbourne
in Australia. The improvements we implemented relate to
services-based interaction and policies for migration and re-
location of virtual machines, which are based on system
monitoring and control.
Tests were realized to prove the validity of the system by
utilizing CloudSim simulator from the University of
Melbourne in Australia. We have implemented improvements
related to services-based interaction. We implemented
migration policies and relocation of virtual machines by
monitoring and controlling the system. There was a reduction
in migration (45% on average considering a day of simulation)
as well as the number of SLA violations, found by reducing
the number of lost requests (7.34% on average considering a
day of simulation). Moreover, the approach simplifies the
management model, in which it is possible to manage
resources (connecting / disconnecting machines) of each
element, reducing energy consumption.
X. R
A. Scope and Context
In [9], we present a schema to classify the signal sensed as
well as to classify the spectrum band occupation according to
signals sensed. We also present a list of functionalities that
ensure information and operations need to upper layers
perform interference avoidance, power allocation, sensing
control, spectrum characterization, spectrum selection and
reconfiguration. With this list, we highlight the radio
configuration features that are relevant to achieve cognitive
network goals. Finally, we evaluate the expressivity of
proposed schema to hit the main cognitive network goals and
we conclude that our propose is r elevant to cognitive radio
research once it define de minimum behavior and
responsibilities to cognitive radio layer.
The increase in use of wireless networks led the USA
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to publish a
report showing that problem of spectrum shortage is, in fact, a
problem of spectrum using. So, an effort has been conducted
in order to that unlicensed (secondary) users could use the
spectrum already assigned to licensed (primary) users. In this
way, concept of cognitive networks was created and a lot of
other concepts have been suggested and consolidated around
this concept. Cognitive networks address the problem of
spectrum occupation without or with the minimum interference
in the primary user (PU) communication and, in the same way,
cognitive radio (CR) is defined formally as soon: A
’Cognitive Radio’ is a radio that can change its transmitter
parameters based on interactions with the environment in
which it operates”.
To reach this aim we must assure cognitive capability and
re-configurability where the first one is the ability to sense the
spectrum and identify spectrum holes or white spaces that are
unused portions of spectrum as well as infer or cognize
interference in PU transmissions. The second ability is re-
configurability, which means the ability of CR allowing
change in its operating parameters like channel, transmission
power, sensing threshold and any other in order to assure
connectivity and minimum PU interference. In this work, we
consider spectrum band and channel as synonymous because
of we do not need to consider specificities like modulations
that work with more than one channel, yet which this
framework includes the possibility of treating these
There are two types of spectrum awareness, passive and
active. Besides this classification, some authors classify
awareness according to response time and topology as slow or
rapid and distributed or centralized, respectively. These
concepts are important once we want to situate our proposal as
a schema for active and rapid awareness, allowing centralized
or distributed topology. In fact, it effectively senses the
spectrum where the device is inserted, supplies a rapid
classification of the signal sensed and can easily share its state
(signal and channel rating) with other partner devices. Finally,
we can say that our method is adequate to perform spectrum
sensing, spectrum decision, spectrum sharing and spectrum
B. Proposals and Solutions
Spectrum sensing - to achieve it, the cognitive radio must be
able to perform PU detection, sensing control and, in
cooperative mode, cooperation. We can find these requirement
in a more detailed form, where some important abilities are
presented in order to achieve the best sensing state such as
define the observation time, bandwidth awareness, establish a
sensing threshold for the sensing method and signal-to-noise
awareness. Even so, all related works present three PU
detection methods: matched filter detection, energy detection
and feature detection.
Spectrum management (or decision) - requires three main
aspects to be successful [19]: spectrum characterization,
spectrum selection and reconfiguration, where the first consists
of information collection about the channel regarding one (or
more) aspects. Spectrum selection is performed after spectrum
characterization, where once channels properly classified, it is
necessary to select the appropriated band according to quality
of service (QoS) parameters, being a common QoS parameter
the interference level over PU transmissions. However, other
parameters where requirements like to maximize discovery
opportunities and to minimize delay in locating an idle channel
are presented, besides classical network requirements, to
maximize throughput and to minimize delay. Finally, the last
aspect of spectrum management is re-configurability, which
carries the needs of channel selection, modulation selection,
bandwidth setting, observation time setting, transmission time
setting and power setting.
Spectrum sharing - stems from the need in preventing
Westph all, C. B.; Westp hall , C. M., Koch, F. L. et al. / Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n. 8 (2011) pp. 8-21
multiple CR networks colliding in spectrum overlapping
portion. According to [19], this concept is detailed and
subdivided in intra-network spectrum sharing and inter-
network spectrum sharing, where the first can be achieved
through its own transmission process. However, for the second
one, there is none infrastructure to perform spectrum sharing
with other CR users. Nevertheless, the CR must have
mechanisms to be able to: resource allocation, channel
allocation, power allocation and smart spectrum access
(random access, time slotted, hybrid). All these concepts are
properly explained in [19]. For our work, the only necessary
concept the reader must keep in mind is that of multiple CR
sharing a spectrum range each other (and with the PU).
Despite of there are not requirements at CR level, the sensing
mode must be expressive enough to differ a PU transmission
and a secondary user (SU) transmission.
Spectrum mobility - gives rise a new type of handoff in CR
network [19], the so-called spectrum handoff, that means the
transfer of connection to another unused spectrum band. This
transfer occurs in three situations: PU detection, connection
lost due to mobility of users involved in communication or
spectrum band can not meet QoS requirements.
Thus, for this work we understand that the proposed
framework must be able to offer the following features: PU
detection; channel classification; channel selection / bandwidth
setting; modulation selection; observation time setting;
transmission time setting; power setting; establish a sensing
threshold; signal-to-noise awareness; quality of detection
awareness; and bandwidth awareness. Because these are the
requirements needed to achieve the follow other requirements:
sensing control; cooperation; spectrum characterization;
spectrum selection; reconfiguration; intra-network spectrum
sharing; inter-network spectrum sharing; and spectrum
C. Conclusions and Future Works
In this we reviewed the evolution of cognitive radios and
networks as well as presented a framework composed by a
schema for sensing signal and classify the spectrum, a set of
relevant operations to cognitive decision making and a set of
states to control the cognitive radio.
The set of operations defined by us are the main operations
that CR must turn available for upper layers, allowing
implementation of: interference avoidance, power allocation,
sensing control, spectrum characterization, spectrum selection
and reconfiguration.
Furthermore, the set of state presented is consistent to
ensure the awareness need for upper layers invoke the
operations available in cognitive radio.
Our approach benefits the cognitive network research by
treating the behavior definition of an important piece in the
cognitive networks: the cognitive radio. Also, with this
definition we make a contribution to define the radio layer
responsibilities. This is an important contribution since the
search by a cross-layer architecture has hampered the
distribution of responsibilities by the layers of cognitive
For future works, we will focus our efforts on the research
challenges to describes optimization of cooperative sensing as
a need for improvement of the cognitive networks.
In this paper we presented some of the major contributions
our work group has offered in the last few years.
The work “A Security Framework for Input Validation
presents the following major contributions: An independent
specification of Security for Input validation, through the use
of a separated XML file; A very reliable framework validating
the user- inputs in the server-side instead of in the client- side,
assuring that all inputs will be validated before processing; A
reusable approach with the implementation of the Validator
mechanism; The proposed architecture could be used for Web
Applications or Web Services; and An experiment result that
present how easy is to find Web Applications with Security
flaws related to the lack of input validation.
The work “Intrusion Detection for Computational Grids”
described a grid intrusion detection method in which GIDS is a
high-level component that works in an integrated manner with
lower-level IDSs (NIDS and HIDS). Then, assuming that
integrating the IDSs was feasible, we showed with an example
that this method can be used to satisfy the basic GIDS
requirements. We presented mechanisms to integrate GIDS
with lower-level IDSs. The use of standard protocols and
formats was focused. The case study performed with a
simulated grid environment to evaluate the mechanisms
was described. It demonstrated that the integration of lower-
level IDSs with a GIDS using IDMEF messaging is
possible and useful to detect the grid intrusions.
The work “Intrusion Detection for Grid and Cloud
Computing” presents an IDS service that captures audit data
from a log and a communication system part of grid
middleware increasing the level of security in each node, as
well as the cloud computing. Two techniques were applied to
achieve a higher level of security, intensively monitoring for
possible malicious actions. Behavior-based intrusion detection
was done with a feed-forward artificial neural network to
recognize patterns of user behavior and indicate abnormal
activity. The prototype implementing this solution was
demonstrably accurate, with a low rate of false positives and
false negatives. Knowledge-based detection was added to the
solution to ease the identification of trails from already known
attacks. These attacks are previously defined with a set of rules
that we presented as a contribution to the field. To perform the
required analysis for intrusion detection, we described a
system for capturing audit data from a log system and
messages exchange between grid nodes.
The work “A SLA Perspective in Security Management for
Cloud Computing” presents a Sec-SLA that is a formal
negotiated document that defines in, specially, a quantitative
way what service levels will be delivered from the provider to
the customer. In other words, the Sec-SLA deals with the
Westph all, C. B.; Westp hall , C. M., Koch, F. L. et al. / Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n. 8 (2011) pp. 8-21
“what”, not the “how”. However, by defining good security
metrics the “how” could be better visualized. Usually the IT
team faces lots of options in technological solutions and
having a clear and documented understanding of what are the
security requirements certainly would help. One of the main
advantages of a Sec-SLA, beyond the legal one, is the
possibility of a better understanding of how security is being
The work “Customer Security Concerns in Cloud
Computing” presents the larger adoption of cloud computing
relies on how secure it is and that security should be addressed
since the very beginning. Being cloud computing a still
evolving paradigm, some new security concerns may appear
during the definition process, but the concerns highlighted in
the present survey probably will not change. There are,
however, a lot of good research and work in progress aiming
to mitigate or to solve the security issues and to turn the cloud
computing horizon less cloudy. Among these researches are
government initiatives, like the cloud security group from US
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and
industry initiatives, like the Cloud Computing Security
Alliance. Having data confidentiality, integrity and availability
a strong legal side, some legal organizations like Strafford
Publications are organizing events to discuss the subject, like a
Teleconference entitled “Cloud Computing: Managing the
Legal Risks”, showing that other areas beyond information
technology are watching cloud computing growing adoption
more closely. Such initiatives bring advantages for the
customer that can have more qualified background when
analyzing the available cloud computing solutions to migrate
his services to a cloud.
The work “A Cloud Computing Solution for Patient's Data
Collection in Health Care Institutions” presents an integrated
telemedicine service that automates the process from data
collecting to information deliver as a computing utility. There
are several practical advantages in this implementation, such
as: it provides always-on, real-time data collecting; it
eliminates manual collecting work and possibility of typing
errors, and; it eases the deployment process, as wireless
networking means no need for cabling or other physical setup.
The work “Experimental Assessment of Routing for Grid
and Cloud” proposed an experimental assessment of routing
for grid and cloud computing. The convergence time of the
algorithm based on the direct interconnection to the neighbor
node is really small and almost constant. As expected, the
response time of the algorithm based on the restrict connection
to the neighbor node is longer than the other one. The big
question to be answered was: How to make a heterogeneous
environment and with huge complexity, like grid and cloud
computing, not being managed manually, which is inefficient?
The solution proposal is the creation of autonomic elements
acting as intelligent agents, capable of feel the environment
where they are and act the same according to pre-defined
The work “Simulator Improvements to Validate the Green
Cloud Computing Approach” proposed an organization theory
model for resource management of Green Clouds and
demonstrated that the proposed solution delivers both
reliability and sustainability, contributing to our goals of
optimizing energy utilization and reducing carbon emission.
Concepts related to cloud computing and green cloud
computing were presented. We also described the simulator
employed in the practical part of the experiments and de-
tailed improvements undertaken on it to validate the green
cloud computing approach. The simulator we used is called
CloudSim and was developed at the University of Melbourne
in Australia. The improvements we implemented relate to
services-based interaction and policies for migration and re-
location of virtual machines, which are based on system
monitoring and control.
The work “A framework to Radio Layer Operation in
Cognitive Networks” reviewed the evolution of cognitive
radios and networks. It presented a framework composed by a
schema for sensing signal and classify the spectrum, a set of
relevant operations to cognitive decision making and a set of
states to control the cognitive radio. Our approach benefits the
cognitive network research by treating the behavior definition
of an important piece in the cognitive networks: the cognitive
radio. Also, with this definition we make a contribution to
define the radio layer responsibilities. This is an important
contribution since the search by a cross-layer architecture has
hampered the distribution of responsibilities by the layers of
cognitive networks.
[1] R. B. Brinhosa, C. B. Westphall, C. M. Westphall, A Security
Framework for Input Valid ation ,” in Second International Conference
on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies. 2008.
[2] K. M. Vieira, A. Sch ulter, C. B. Westphall, C. M. Westphall, A.
Sekkaki, “Intrusion Detection for Computational Grids,” in IFIP Second
International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security.
[3] K. M. Vieira, A. Schulter, C. B . Westphall, C. M. Westphall, “Intrusion
Detection for Grid and Cloud Computing,” in IT Professional
Magazine. 2010.
[4] S. A. Chaves, C. B. Westphall, F. R. Lamin, “A SLA Perspective in
Security Management for Cloud Computing,” in Sixth International
Conference on Networking and Services. 2010.
[5] S. A. Chaves, C. B. Westphal, C. M. Westphall, G. A. Geronimo,
“Customer Security Concerns in Cloud Computing,” in International
Conference on Networking. 2011.
[6] C. O. Rolim, F. L. Koch, C. B. Westphall, J. Werner, A. Fracalossi, G.
S. Salvador, “A Cloud Computing Solution for Patient's Data Collection
in Health Care Institutions,” in Second International Conference on
eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine. 2010.
[7] D. O. Balen, C. B. Westphall, C. M. Westphall, “Experimen tal
Assessmen t of Ro uting for Grid and C loud,” in International
Conference on Networking. 2011.
[8] J. Werner, G. A. Geronimo, C. B. Westphall, F. L. Koch, R. R. Freitas,
“Simulator Improvements to Validate the Green Cloud Computing
Approach,” in Latin American Network Operations and Management
Symposium. 2011.
[9] R. S. Mendes, C. B. Westphall, E. R. Garcia, “A framework to Radio
Layer Operation in Cogn itive Netwo rks,” in Sixth International
Conference on Networking and Services. 2010.
[10] W. D. Yu, D. Aravind, P, Supthaweesuk, "Software Vulnerability
Analysis for Web Services Software Systems, " in 11th IEEE Symposium
on Computers and Communications. 2006.
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[11] I. Foster, C. Kess elman , “The Grid 2: Blu eprin t f or a New Computing
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[12] "Security guidance for critical areas of focus in cloud computin g,"
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[13] V. Stantchev, C. Schröpfer, "Negotiating and Enforcing QoS and SLAs
in Grid and Cloud Computing," in 4th International Conference on
Advances in Grid and Pervasive Computing. 2009.
[14] N. Leavitt, "Is Cloud Comp utin g Really Ready for Prime Time?"
Computer, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 15-20, January 2009.
[15] R. Buyya, Y. Ch ee Shin, S. Venugopal, “Market-Oriented Cloud
Computing: Vision, Hype, and Reality for Delivering IT Services as
Computing Utilities”, In 10th IEEE Conference on High Performance
Computing and Communications. 2008.
[16] P. Mell, and T. Grance, “Cloud Computing Definition”. NIST. 2009.
[17] J. Heiser, and M. Nicolett, “Assessing the Security Risks of Cloud
Computing,” Gartner Group. 2008.
[18] H. A. Franke, C. O. Rolim, C. B. Westph all, F. L. Koch, and D. O.
Balen. Grid-M: Middleware to Integrate Mobile Devices, Sensors and
Grid Compu ting,” in Third International Conference on Wireless an d
Mobile Comunications. 2007.
[19] I. Akyi ldiz, W. Lee, K. Chowd hury, K. “CRAHNs: Cogn itive Radio ad
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Carlos B. Westphall is a full professor in the Department of Informatics and
Statistics at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, where he is the leader of
the Networks and Management Laboratory. His research interests include
network and service management, security, and cloud computing. He received
his D.Sc. in computer science at Paul Sabatier University, France. He was the
founder of LANOMS. In 2011 he was named an IARIA Fellow. He has served
as Technical Program and/or Organizing Committee member (since 1994) of
IEEE APNO MS. He has been on the Board of Editor s (since 1995) and
Senior Technical Editor (since 2003) of the Journal of Network and Systems
Management of Springer and an Editorial Board member (si nce 2004) of the
Computer Networks Journal of Elsevier. He has also been an Associate Editor
(since 2006) of the Journal of Communication and Information Systems of
IEEE ComSoc /SBrT. Since 199 3 he has been a me mber of IFIP TC6 Working
Group 6. 6 (Managem ent of Net works an d Distribu ted Systems), and since
2003 a member of the core team of the TeleManagementForum Universities
Program (TMF UP). Since 2008 he has been Latin America International
Acad emy, Researc h, and Industry Associati on (IARIA) Liaison Board Chair.
He was a member (2004–2005 and 200 6–2007) of the IEEE ComSoc
Membership Programs Development Board. From May 2000 to May 2005 he
acted as Secretary of the IEEE Committee on Network Operation and
Management (CNOM). From May 2005 to May 2009 he acted as Vice- Ch air
of IEEE CNOM. He has been a member of IEEE CNOM since 1994.
Carla M. Westphall is a professor in the Department of Informatics and
Statistics at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Her research
interests include distributed security, identity management, and grid and
cloud security. Westphall received her PhD in electrical engineering from the
Federal University of Santa Ca tarina. Contact her at carlamw@
Fernando L. Koch obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Sciences (2009) in the
Department of Information and Computin g Syst ems, Utrecht
Universi ty, Net herlands. He has over 1 7 years of R&D in IT Industry, having
been engaged in many Projects in the area of Mobile Computing with large
telecomm accounts. He collaborates with several research groups providing
mentoring to R&D projects in IT Innovation in the area of Cloud
Computing, Distributed Computing, and System Management. His research
interests include Mobile Services, Distributed Computing, and Artificial
Intelli gence .
Carlos O. Rolim is doing his PhD in Computer Science at Federal University
of Rio Grande do Sul (2011). He has a master's degree in Computer Science
from UFSC (2007). He is participating in the Group of Parallel and
Distributed Processing (GPPD) at UFRGS / II, and is associate researcher of
the Networks and Management Laboratory at UFSC. He has experience in
Networks and Distributed Systems acting on the following topics: ubiqui tous
and pervasive computing, wireless networks, wireless sensor networks, grid
computing and cloud computing.
Kleber M. Vieira is a team leader for a software development company in
Brazil and is a member of the Networks and Management Laboratory at
UFSC. His research interests include information systems, software
engineering, distributed systems, and security. Vieira received his MSc in
computer science from the Federal University of Santa Cataria. Contact him
at kleber@
Alexandre Schulter is an IT analyst for a Brazilian government company.
Previously, he was a researcher and software developer at several laboratories
in the Technological Centre at UFSC, Brazil. His research interests include
information systems, component-based systems, software engineering,
distributed systems, and security. Schulter received his MSc in computer
science from UFSC. Contact him at schulter@
Shirlei A. Chaves holds an M.Sc degree in computer science from the
Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil. During her M.Sc. she worked at
the Networks and Management Laboratory as a cloud computing resea rcher.
She currently works as a systems analyst at E3C Technology, Brazil. Her
industrial experience includes network management, Linu x development and
customization, project feasibility reports on system changes and integration,
and close work with clients and developers to ensure technical c ompatibility.
Her research interests include network and service management, and
distributed and cloud computing.
Jorge Werner has received his Master in Computer Science from Federal
University of Santa Catarina (2011) and graduated from the Estacio de Sa
University of Santa Catarina (2007) as Computer Network Technology.
Currently student of College of Technology in Telecommunications Systems
IFSC C amp us i n San J ose a nd guiding the course of Post Graduate (lato
sensu) IT Governance at Senac / SC.
Rafael S. Mendes has received his master degree in Computer Science at
Federal University of San ta Catari na. He is working at ELETROSUL.
Rafael B. Brinhosa has received his Master in Computer Science and
Bachelor of Information Systems from Federal University of Santa Catarina.
Currently pursuing MBA in Strategic Management from UFPR. Certificate
Brazilian chapter member.
Guilheme A. Geronimo is doing his master degree in Computer Science at
Federal University of Santa Catarina. He is currently leased to the Federal
Public Employee Data Processing Center of UFSC.
Rafael R. Freitas has received his Bachelor in Computer Scince from
Federal University of San ta Catari na.
... In [11], the conceptual provisions of several research initiatives related to innovative technologies for cloud computing in environmental security, quality assurance, service composition, and system management are considered. Also, intrusion detection technologies, customer security issues, experimental evaluation of routing for grid and cloud, and improving the simulator for validating an approach to environmental cloud computing are presented without formalization. ...
... In Table 2, the following designations are used: is an indicator that characterizes the probability of implementing cyber attacks against the object of information activity, which should be called the state of aggressiveness of the external environment. In [11], as part of analyzing the motives, goals, and tasks of invasions from different positions, it was noted that knowledge of these factors improves the situation by preventing possible consequences. ...
Conference Paper
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The paper examines the methods of increasing the effectiveness of guarantee capacity management and cyber security of automated systems in critical infrastructure. The use of Anthony's business management model is proposed to build a management system. A binary relation of partial order on a set of functional security profiles of computer systems is proposed to arrange the levels of security. The dynamic model of the provision of capacity and cyber security and critical performance indicators proposed in the paper can be used to model the behavior of critical infrastructure objects and form balanced management decisions in the relevant industries.
... The server verifies the authentication via the "duplicated" signature value, and carries out the integrity verification for the message. The adversary is thus able to intrude the cloud server (Carlos, 2011) and can run malicious code which interferes with the usual function of the cloud. In order to overcome this type of attack, an increase in the security during message passing from a web server to Proceedings of the 14 th Annual Conference on World Wide Web Applications Durban, 7-9 November 2012 ( ...
... Whenever a cloud user launches an instance in the cloud, the amount of information transferred signifies the time used in accessing the cloud as well as the total number of CPU time used by the user. If a malicious user logs into a cloud the infrastructure is used illegally (Carlos, 2011). The computational storage space and power consumed will be billed to the authourised cloud accountholder. ...
Conference Paper
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Grid computing has been in operation for some years now. It has unique characteristics which distinguishes it from other distributed systems. It offers distribution of resources across multiple administrative domains. This feature has enhanced the distribution, sharing and allocation of various computer resources by organisations. Grid computing has provided security to some extent to various resources on its platform. Cloud computing on the other hand could be regarded as an enhanced version of utility computing. It could be regarded as a universal term for computing technology that has to do with providing, delivering, distributing as well as transporting various hosted services over the Internet. Cloud computing is however, faced by some security challenges. Innovations in distributed systems and virtualization as well as the improved demand for efficient high speed Internet have accelerated demand for the application of both grid computing and cloud computing. Notwithstanding the benefit of cloud computing the challenge is security. In this paper, the various security challenges for both technologies is analysed and a secure architecture for a cloud based environment is proposed, using existing generic grid access control architectures.
... The server verifies the authentication via the "duplicated" signature value, and carries out the integrity verification for the message. The adversary is thus able to intrude the cloud server (Carlos, 2011) and can run malicious code which interferes with the usual function of the cloud. In order to overcome this type of attack, an increase in the security during message passing from a web server to Proceedings of the 14 th Annual Conference on World Wide Web Applications Durban, 7-9 November 2012 ( ...
... Whenever a cloud user launches an instance in the cloud, the amount of information transferred signifies the time used in accessing the cloud as well as the total number of CPU time used by the user. If a malicious user logs into a cloud the infrastructure is used illegally (Carlos, 2011). The computational storage space and power consumed will be billed to the authourised cloud accountholder. ...
Conference Paper
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Grid computing has been on ground for quite some years with unique characteristics different from other distributed systems. It offers distribution of resources across multiple administrative domains. This feature has enhanced the distribution, sharing and allocation of various computer resources across various organisations. Grid computing has provided security to a reasonable extent to various resources on its platform. Cloud computing on the other hand could be regarded as an enhanced version of utility computing. It could be regarded as a universal term for computing technology that has to do with providing, delivering, distributing as well as transporting various hosted services over the internet. Cloud computing is however, struggling to survive some of the security challenges facing it. Considerable innovations in distributed systems and virtualization as well as improved demand for efficient high and speed
... Later the data becomes presented in the cloud, and then processed by professional teams or distributed to medical parties for examination. This system is considered a low cost way to enhance the quality of medical support delivery [24]. Generally the two main methods that can be used to utilize the cloud computing environment are; in one method the cloud cluster holds the user's application, which can be presented as a web service reachable to any person with an internet connection. ...
... It's aim is to reduce resource consumption and yet fulfil quality of service needed and hold the resources switched off as long as possible. "The advantages of such technology are lower heat production and power saving by employing server consolidation and virtualization technologies; since active resources (servers, network elements, and A/C units) that are idle lead to energy waste" [24,23]. ...
Cloud computing technology is used as inexpensive systems to gather and utilize computational capability. This technology improves applications services by arranging machines and distributed resources in a single huge computational entity. Clouds consist of data centers which are owned by the same institute. The homogeneity within each data centre in the infrastructure is the main feature for the cloud computing but any conflict between heterogeneous data centers and/or different administration domains can become a serious issue for cloud interoperability and privacy. This paper suggests a new framework to solve the interoperability problem.
... As discussed earlier, the term 'cloud computing' is rather a concept, so are the terminologies to define different blends of cloud computing. At its core essence, cloud computing is nothing but a specialized form of grid and distributed computing which varies in terms of infrastructure, services, deployment and geographic dispersion ( Hashizume et al. 2013;Westphall et al., 2011;Hamlen, Kantarcioglu, Khan, & Thuraisingham, 2010). In a pervasive meaning within the context of computer networks, infrastructure could be thought of as the hardware as well as their alignment where platform is the operating system which acts as the platform for the software (Singh & jangwal, 2012;Lee, 2012). ...
... Intrusion detection is the most important role in seamless network monitoring to reduce security risks. If the contemporary IDSs (Intrusion detection Systems) are inefficient, the resultant consequence might be undetected security breach for cloud environment (Westphall et al., 2011). ...
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Cloud computing has formed the conceptual and infrastructural basis for tomorrow’s computing. The global computing infrastructure is rapidly moving towards cloud based architecture. While it is important to take advantages of could based computing by means of deploying it in diversified sectors, the security aspects in a cloud based computing environment remains at the core of interest. Cloud based services and service providers are being evolved which has resulted in a new business trend based on cloud technology. With the introduction of numerous cloud based services and geographically dispersed cloud service providers, sensitive information of different entities are normally stored in remote servers and locations with the possibilities of being exposed to unwanted parties in situations where the cloud servers storing those information are compromised. If security is not robust and consistent, the flexibility and advantages that cloud computing has to offer will have little credibility. This paper presents a review on the cloud computing concepts as well as security issues inherent within the context of cloud computing and cloud infrastructure.
... Later the data becomes presented in the cloud, and then processed by professional teams or distributed to medical parties for examination. This system is considered a low cost way to enhance the quality of medical support delivery [24]. Generally the two main methods that can be used to utilize the cloud computing environment are; in one method the cloud cluster holds the user's application, which can be presented as a web service reachable to any person with an internet connection. ...
... It's aim is to reduce resource consumption and yet fulfil quality of service needed and hold the resources switched off as long as possible. ―The advantages of such technology are lower heat production and power saving by employing server consolidation and virtualization technologies; since active resources (servers, network elements, and A/C units) that are idle lead to energy waste‖ [24, 23]. ...
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Cloud computing technology is used as inexpensive systems to gather and utilize computational capability. This technology improves applications services by arranging machines and distributed resources in a single huge computational entity. Clouds consist of data centers which are owned by the same institute. The homogeneity within each data centre in the infrastructure is the main feature for the cloud computing but any conflict between heterogeneous data centers and/or different administration domains can become a serious issue for cloud interoperability and privacy. This paper suggests a new framework to solve the interoperability problem.
... lost at the first node). An example of a weak mobility system is Code-on Demand (CoD) and Remote Execution Evaluation (REE) [8,9]. On the other hand strong mobility, which our research builds on, is the ability of a computational environment to mobile the code and execution state (the context of execution) to start again at a new resource. ...
The fascinating world of Cloud computing has definitely changed the way of using computers and the Internet. The impact it has left so far on how IT and business services are delivered and managed is undeniable. However, the evolutionary change that Cloud computing has left on the IT landscape has given rise to a range of concerns by Cloud providers and customers. The current study introduces and examines two major problems in Cloud computing system. The first one is the Cloud internal and external data security and client’s privacy, and the tasks mobility and resources utilization. The study also provides practical solutions to the two aforementioned problems and a prototype, called SPI, which has been successfully tested. The present study suggests using SSL with proxy server and secured access to members control panel for Cloud external data security. As for internal security and client’s privacy, multiple approaches have been applied.
Conference Paper
Spectrum handoff is a crucial function of Cognitive Radio (CR) which is the change of operating frequency. The main problem in spectrum handoff is the time taken in the searching, selection, and switching to a new available channel which can cause a significant amount of delay during spectrum handoff. This research aims to minimize the delay that occurs during spectrum handoff. A Proactive FuzzyBased Backup Channel Selection Scheme (PFBBCSS) was proposed where the Secondary User (SU) gathers backup channels in advance before the return of the Primary User (PU), then fuzzy logic would be used for the selection of the best channel out of the available backup channels. The proposed scheme was simulated and evaluated using the MATLAB Simulation tool and the result was compared with a Pure Proactive Spectrum Handoff Scheme. Results showed, in terms of throughput, that the proposed scheme performed better, making it a good mechanism to be used for handoff decisions by the Secondary User (SU).
Conference Paper
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Existing processes for patients' vital data collection require a great deal of labor work to collect, input and analyze the information. These processes are usually slow and error-prone, introducing a latency that prevents real-time data accessibility. This scenario restrains the clinical diagnostics and monitoring capabilities. We propose a solution to automate this process by using ¿sensors¿ attached to existing medical equipments that are inter-connected to exchange service. The proposal is based on the concepts of utility computing and wireless sensor networks. The information becomes available in the ¿cloud¿ from where it can be processed by expert systems and/or distributed to medical staff. The proof-of-concept design applies commodity computing integrated to legacy medical devices, ensuring cost-effectiveness and simple integration.
Conference Paper
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Grid and Cloud computing technologies are being applied as an affordable method to cluster computational power together. These structures aim to support service applications by grouping devices and shared resources in one large computational unit. However, the management complexity grows proportionally to the number of resources being integrated. The paper claims to address the problems of management, considering the routing problem in a particular context. An experimental assessment of routing for grid and cloud is presented. In addition, it introduces a proof-of-concept implementation and case study scenarios.
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In this work, we present a schema to classify the signal sensed as well as to classify the spectrum band occupation according to signals sensed. We also present a list of functionalities that ensure information and operations need to upper layers perform interference avoidance, power allocation, sensing control, spectrum characterization, spectrum selection and reconfiguration. With this list, we highlight the radio configuration features that are relevant to achieve cognitive network goals. Finally, we evaluate the expressivity of proposed schema to hit the main cognitive network goals and we conclude that our propose is relevant to cognitive radio research once it define de minimum behavior and responsibilities to cognitive radio layer.
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One of the network and services management problems is security, either in preventing attacks and using computational mechanisms to protect data and systems or in administrative matters, which involves not just what needs to be protected, but also what security service levels will be delivered. This paper explores Service Level Agreements for Security or just Sec-SLAs. Is tried to provide an overview on the subject, the difficulties faced during the security metrics definition process and the Sec-SLA monitoring, as well as an analysis on the Sec-SLA role in new paradigms like cloud computing.
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In this work, we introduce a middleware for grid computing that supports network of sensors, like in a network management environment. We present its features, such as manageability, data communication, services directory, resources discovery and security; discuss about inherent problems, and; propose solutions.