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Rapid Decision Making on the Fire Ground:
The Original Study Plus a Postscript
Gary Klein
Roberta Calderwood
Anne Clinton-Cirocco
Klein Associates Inc.
ABSTRACT:[This is an edited version of the original, unpublished 1985 study that identified
recognition-primed decision making, with a new commentary added.] The objective of
this study was to examine the way in which decisions are made by highly proficient
personnel, under conditions of extreme time pressure, and in environments where
the consequences of the decisions could affect lives and property. The domain of fire-
fighting was selected, and the research focused on the decisions made by fire ground
commanders (FGCs). Interviews were conducted with 26 experienced FGCs (mean
experience of 23 years). Each interview covered a critical incident that was nonroutine
and that demanded expertise. A total of 156 decision points were probed in this way.
In less than 12% of them was there any evidence of simultaneous comparisons and
relative evaluation of two or more options. In over 80% of the decision points, the strat-
egy was for the FGCs to use their experience to directly identify the situation as typical
of a standard prototype and to identify a course of action as typical for that prototype.
In this way, the FGCs handled decision points without any need to consider more than
one option. A recognition-primed decision (RPD) model was synthesized from these
data, which emphasized the use of recognition rather than calculation or analysis for
rapid decision making.
pressure, yet current research in decision making has generally ignored the degree to
which time pressure might influence the decision-making processes. As a means of
addressing this issue, we have chosen to study the tactical decisions made at the
scene of a fire by fire ground commanders (FGCs). These FGCs must allocate per-
sonnel and equipment as part of tactical planning.
We define decision making as the selection of one option from a set of two or
more options. Can people make a conscious and deliberate selection of one option
from a set of two or more options when they are constrained to a limited period of
time? Or do people rely on other strategies that enable them to select courses of
action without comparing the advantages or disadvantages of options? The study
ADDRESS CORRESPONDENCE TO: Gary Klein, MacroCognition LLC, P.O. Box 533, Yellow Springs,
OH 45387,
Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, Volume 4, Number 3, Fall 2010, pp. 186–209.
DOI 10.1518/155534310X12844000801203. © Gary Klein; published under an exclusive license
with the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Rapid Decision Making 187
of FGC decision making contrasts with traditional laboratory-based methods along
a number of dimensions.
Time Pressure
Standard models of decision making postulate analytical processes that appear
to be quite time consuming: identifying a full range of options, specifying evaluation
dimensions, estimating utilities for each option for each evaluation dimension,
obtaining scores for each option, and comparing these to determine the highest
score. Surprisingly, there appears to be little data as to how the degree of time pres-
sure might influence the use of decision strategies.
Three applicable studies (Howell, 1984; Rouse, 1978; Zakay & Wooler, 1984)
were found. In both the Zakay and Wooler study and the study by Rouse, partici-
pants trained in decision-making strategies did improve performance when condi-
tions allowed sufficient time. However, there was no evidence that the analytic
strategy improved performance when decisions had to be made under time restric-
tions, suggesting that degree of time pressure is an important determinant of the
effectiveness of decision strategies. In different experiments, Howell (1984) found
that time pressure reduced participants’ ability to apply their own decision rules
and that time pressure combined with other variables to produce a more “intu-
itive” approach to problem solving, supporting the cognitive continuum theory of
Hammond (Hammond, Hamm, Grassia, & Pearson, 1984). Because critical deci-
sions made at the fire ground are frequently measured in seconds, it seemed
unlikely that fire ground decisions would be characterized by the consciously
deliberated processes most frequently described in the decision-making literature.
Many laboratory-based studies of decision making use naive decision makers in
order to standardize the participants’ training and experience. People are asked to
make decisions about something they know little about or a problem presented in
an unfamiliar way. In contrast, FGCs are experts at making the decisions that we are
studying. Although each fire may present some unique challenge, the fire ground
scene is their “home.” Our expectation was that the experienced decision maker is
quite different from the college sophomore who is grappling with a probability
calculation or a move in a zero-sum game.
Meaningfulness of Choice Consequences
Most laboratory-based studies ask participants to consider choices that have no
impact on the decision maker beyond the laboratory session. At the scene of a fire,
however, FGCs are making choices that affect lives and property in an emergency
For our data-gathering approach, we developed a method of retrospective process
tracing based on the FGCs’ memory of the fire scene and their step-by-step decisions
and commands. A semistructured interview technique was developed for this study,
loosely based on Flanagan’s (1954) critical incident method, which has established
the feasibility of using interview techniques for recreating nonroutine events. The
general finding is that nonroutine events in the workplace are reported more accu-
rately and completely than are more routine events. In preliminary interviews with
fire chiefs we found that the most challenging incidents in an officer’s career were
remembered quite well. In terms of level of detail and the vividness of their
accounts, this seemed to be the case for incidents occurring even 5 to 10 years ago.
We have characterized our data-gathering approach as quasi-naturalistic. We
are not attempting to be “purely naturalistic” in the sense sometimes used to desig-
nate unobtrusive field observations (Brandt, 1981). We relied on interview meth-
ods wherein our participants knew they were being studied and knew the type of
information we were trying to obtain. There was no deception involved. On
the contrary, we were asking for their cooperation in reflecting on their decision-
making skills—a fairly “unnatural” request. The naturalistic element of our
approach refers to our commitment to look at decision making embedded in as
much of its natural context as possible.
Quite apart from the issues relating to adequate memory for the event is the
question of whether introspection is a valid means of collecting data about mental
processes. Although we believe that introspection is a legitimate source of data, we
do not presume that it offers a direct access to cognitive processes. It is an indirect
measure with its own peculiar biases and limitations. Its attractiveness is that it
offers a potentially rich source of hypotheses. The firefighters’ ideas about how
they make command decisions stand on their own as an important source of data.
The ultimate validity in relation to any proposed cognitive model will be judged
by the usual standards of scientific acceptability. Although introspective interview
methods may have several weaknesses for obtaining data on mental events (Nisbett &
Wilson, 1977), we felt that the possibility of capturing more of the context and
phenomenological perspective of the decision maker could provide an important
complement to laboratory-based descriptions.
To what extent were the methods we used gathering valid descriptions, and to
what extent were the participants simply telling us what they perceived we
wanted to hear? We obviously cannot determine this absolutely, but we developed
a number of techniques designed to improve the accuracy and consistency of the
interview data. These techniques will be described in the Method subsection on
interview guide development. Our general strategy was to focus our probes in the
direction of obtaining rule-based, rational calculation and option deliberation
descriptions. Only when we could not obtain such a description did we probe for
alternative descriptions.
Seven fire departments from municipalities in the United States agreed to par-
ticipate in the study. Some departments allowed us to contact any of their officers
188 Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making / Fall 2010
directly to schedule an interview; others picked certain officers to whom we could
speak. In addition to allowing interviews, most departments that we contacted
agreed to let us ride along on fire calls and observe fire incidents. We found our
few ride-along experiences to be helpful in getting a feel for fire ground opera-
tions. However, we decided early in the study that these observations were not
providing sufficient data to justify the expense of having observers on call contin-
uously for these rare events.
Materials and Procedure: Interview Guide Development
The interview guide was developed in an attempt to strike a balance between
two disparate elicitation objectives. On the one hand, we wished the interview to be
as unstructured and as free from interviewer bias as possible so that the details of the
fire command would emerge with the officer’s own perspective and emphasis intact.
On the other hand, we did not want simply a collection of unrelated fire stories. Our
perspective required that we direct the officer to focus on those elements of the inci-
dent that most affected his [or her] decision making and to structure these answers
in a way that allowed the incidents to be summarized along specified dimensions.
Our solution to these conflicting goals was to ask the officer to describe the
incident completely, from beginning to end, before we began our questioning. This
procedure was judged to be quite successful, in part because it seemed to establish
the interviewer as a listener rather than as an interrogator, and in this sense it
increased cooperation. After the incident had been related, the interviewer then
clarified and probed each event in the interview time line. The officer’s account
may have jumped around in relating the events and decisions/commands. The time
line focused on representing the actual sequencing and duration of events, as well
as the information and cues available at each decision point. This technique was
effective for clarifying the incident events and resolving questions and inconsis-
tencies. An additional purpose was to reactivate much of the context of the scene
by asking the officer to recount the events from different time perspectives, a tech-
nique that has demonstrated utility in obtaining accurate eyewitness testimony
(Geiselman, Fisher, MacKinnon, & Holland, 1985).
Data Summary Technique
Incident Accounts. The first step in the analysis was to reconstruct the account of
the incident, attempting to capture in as rich detail as possible the incident from
the point of view of the commanding officer. Notes and time lines were checked
against the complete taped interview.
Decision Point Structure. Using the completed time line and incident account, each
incident was then structured into the decision format that forms the basis of the
analysis. A decision point was defined as a point in time when alternative decisions
or courses of action could have been chosen or taken. Thus, for each decision
point there was a chosen option and one or more alternative options. This part of
the analysis was largely inferential. One of the first things we learned is that the
Rapid Decision Making 189
officers rarely saw themselves as either generating or selecting from a set of alter-
natives. We had to probe to identify options that did exist at each decision point.
The FGCs experienced themselves as acting in a manner prescribed by their
knowledge, perceptual cues, and goals at that moment. Thus, it was important to
try to elucidate the knowledge, perspective, and cues (which we have termed “sit-
uational awareness”) as they were operating and shifting throughout the incident.
The complete analysis of the decision points attempted to document the
nature and chronology of the officer’s situational awareness and each nontrivial
decision point obtained from the incident account. Each decision point was char-
acterized along a number of dimensions.
1. What other options were actually (or hypothetically) available to the decision
2. How was the chosen option selected? Was it a deliberated choice? Could a
selection rule be articulated or inferred?
3. How much time was taken in making the decision?
4. How much time pressure was involved in making the decision?
5. What level of experience was required to make the decision? How much expe-
rience was required to interpret the cues or know which cues to look for? Was
there a rule that could be implemented by a less experienced officer? What
kinds of critical knowledge or cues were found to be missing?
Questions about time and degree of time pressure were difficult for FGCs to
estimate. In many cases the answer to the time probe was simply “immediately” or
“I just did it automatically, based on experience.” These expressions were coded as
less than 1 min, although in verifying this with the participants, they indicated
that it was actually fewer than 30 s. Time pressure was also difficult for the officers
to report, so it was largely inferred on the basis of the time line information.
Quality Control Procedures
Early in the course of conducting interviews, we found that it was difficult for
one person to capture all of the relevant aspects of the interview, including obtain-
ing and probing a complete time line. It was therefore decided that it was prefer-
able for two interviewers to be present. However, for seven of the interviews there
was only one interviewer present. Also, because interviews were generally 2 hr
long, it was decided to tape each interview so that later discrepancies and ques-
tions might be resolved.
Coding was a lengthy process, requiring anywhere from 3 to 7 hr per incident.
Because of the number of incidents we wished to obtain, it was not feasible to
implement any formal procedures for obtaining an assessment of intercoder relia-
bility. The following informal quality control procedures were employed: (a) Each
incident account and decision analysis was read and criticized by the other mem-
ber of the interview team or by one of the other interviewers, and (b) each incident
account and decision analysis was then reread and questioned by each of the two
principal investigators (who also may have been a member of the interview team).
190 Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making / Fall 2010
Incident Characteristics
We collected 32 critical incidents. They were collected from a total of 29 inter-
views that were conducted with 26 officers. In 3 cases, the same officer was inter-
viewed twice concerning different incidents. In 2 other cases, multiple incidents
were recounted in a single interview session because the officer’s account of the
initially selected incident was extremely short, yielding only a few decisions. [The
29 interviews generated 29 separate incidents but resulted in a total of 32 critical
incidents because of the following reasons.] One fire, at an oil-pumping station,
was so large that it was counted as 3 separate incidents (roughly covering 3 sepa-
rate days of the incident) and was recounted by 2 different officers. Two incidents
were separate versions of the same fire given by officers of different rank, offering
different perspectives. Of the 32 incidents, 29 were fires, 2 were rescue opera-
tions, and 1 was a gas leak.
The officers interviewed were of high rank and experience: 6 lieutenants, 4
captains, and 16 chiefs. The 26 officers had an average of 23.2 years of firefighting
experience. None of the interviewees had less than 12 years of experience, and the
maximum was 37 years. The interviewees also had command experience. For 28
of the incidents, the interviewee was the FGC initially in charge at the scene. The
other 4 incidents involved officers in charge of squadrons or sectors.
The criterion for selecting a particular incident was that it presented a com-
mand challenge or was nonroutine in some way. We found that the officers’ rea-
sons for selecting an incident could be characterized by four factors. Any of the
factors that applied were checked for each incident. Fourteen were designated as
recent incidents, 13 were of unusually high risk, 5 contained disappointments in
terms of the outcome, and 12 were designated as primarily nonroutine. [Twelve
incidents were not coded for risk.]
In general, the selection of incidents did provide us with a good range of cases
for study. There were rescues; fires in single residences, apartment houses, hotels,
businesses, and factories; and an oil tank leak amid a large complex of oil tanks.
We were concerned with the experienced FGCs’ decision process and not the cor-
rectness of the decisions. In some cases we found errors in judgment, and in the
case of the oil pumping station, the situation was so unique and complex that the
FGC had little experience in handling the situation and eventually needed to
bring in consultants for guidance. A few of the incidents were selected because
they involved dramatic search and rescue operations. These were vivid for the fire-
fighters but tended to be less interesting from a decision-making perspective.
The incidents selected generally occurred within the year prior to the interview.
The median recency was less than 1 year, and this was the mode as well. More
than a third of the incidents had occurred less than 3 months prior to the inter-
view. Four of the incidents had occurred more than 5 years earlier.
Officers were also asked to rate the incident on four separate risk factors: the risk
to the initially burning structure, the risk to the adjoining structures or property, the
Rapid Decision Making 191
192 Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making / Fall 2010
risk to civilian life, and the risk to firefighters’ lives. Ratings used a 3-point scale
with 1 indicating low risk, 2 medium risk, and 3 high risk. All the incidents were clas-
sified as high risk on at least one dimension. The mean ratings for the 29 unique
incidents were 2.7 for risk to the involved structures, 1.6 for the risk to adjoining
property, 2.2 for the risk to civilian 1ife, and 2.6 for risk to firefighters’ lives.
Containment is a point at which the fire is no longer escalating, not including
the final fire control operations or salvage. The median reported time to contain a fire
was 2 hr. The shortest fires were contained in 15 min, and the longest lasted 12 hr,
with the exception of the pumping station fire, which took 1 week to contain. The
total alarms called for a fire gives a rough estimate of seriousness, although proce-
dures vary widely from department to department. Seven of the incidents were 1-
alarm calls, 6 were 2 alarms, 8 were 3 alarms, and 2 were 4 alarms. [Six of the
incidents were not coded for number of alarms.]
Analysis of Decision Points
The basic unit of analysis in the study was the decision point, the point in time
where multiple options existed. For the 32 incidents studied, we analyzed a total
of 156 decision points, with an average of 5 decision points per incident. The
number of decision points ranged from 1 to 10 per incident.
Time. As expected, the decisions were generally very time critical; 122 of the 156
decisions (78%) were reported to have been made in less than 1 min, with many
of these being made in under 30 s. Another 15 were estimated to have taken 1 to 2
min. Ten took 2 to 5 min. Nine of the decisions took more than 5 min, but all of
these were from the pumping station incident, which was a unique case. First, it
took almost a week to contain, which is an order of magnitude longer than even
the longest of our other cases; second, the local firefighters who tried to contain
the blaze could not be considered experts. The scope of the fire and the problems
encountered were outside their experience. In addition, there were problems in
coordinating the efforts of the several departments involved, so there was initially
no clearly designated FGC. Thus, in the pumping station fire, many of the deci-
sions were made in consultation and were stretched out over several hours.
Time Pressure. The degree of time pressure is conceptually distinct from how rap-
idly the decision was made. A decision might be made very rapidly simply because
it can be, not because it must be. We rated each decision point for its degree of
time pressure using a 4-point scale in which 1 ⫽low time pressure (incident was
stable), 2 ⫽some potential for escalation, 3⫽imminent loss of control, and 4 ⫽
threatened loss of life. A majority of the total decisions were made under conditions
of some extreme urgency; 61% of the decisions were ranked as either time pres-
sure Level 3 or 4 (95/156). For these levels, every second was important for com-
bating the exponential increase in the fire. Another 36 fell at urgency Level 2, in
which perhaps minutes were available for making the decision. Only 13 were made
under low time pressure. All but two of these decisions were from the pumping
station incident. [Twelve incidents were not coded for perceived time pressure.]
Rapid Decision Making 193
Decision Type. One of the most important goals of this study was to describe how the
officers reported making their decisions. We had originally expected that the FGCs
would tell us about the decisions that they had trouble making. This rarely hap-
pened. In almost none of the cases did an FGC even report making a decision in
terms of comparing two or more options and trying to select one. In other words, we
found virtually no instances of the standard laboratory paradigm for decision mak-
ing: conscious and deliberate selection of one alternative from several. We tried sev-
eral coding schemes to describe the way that the FGC handled each decision point.
Table 1 shows the type of decision strategy found for each of the 156 decision points.
One category we considered was option selection, whereby the FGC would
receive the options from an external source and select one. This category does
describe a standard way that decision making is studied in laboratories. However,
we saw no evidence that any of the FGCs used this approach. In fact, we found
only a very small subset of decisions for which alternative options were even con-
sidered, let alone concurrently contrasted. For only 10 of our decision points, not
including the pumping station incidents, we found that the FGCs consciously
contrasted options in arriving at a decision (“deliberated”). In these cases, the FGC
would typically identify two or more ways of accomplishing a goal and then
would make the selection on the basis of a single dimension, or only a few dimen-
sions, such as the time required and risk factor involved. There was never any sys-
tematic examination of all the relevant attributes in some attempt to perform a
rudimentary decision analysis. Another type of decision was when the FGC faced
an unfamiliar situation and had to creatively generate or construct the possible
options (“constructed”). There were 11 cases that fell into this category.
In the case of the pumping station, roughly 59% of the decisions were arrived
at through a consciously deliberated process, almost always in group consultation.
Therefore, the deliberation component may apply more to the group aspects of
the decisions being made than to decision making for any individual. The major-
ity of the decisions were characterized not by option consideration but by the
FGCs recognizing the situation as an example of something they had encountered
many times before. In other words, there was evidence for a matching process
rather than a calculational process.
TABLE 1. Frequency Distribution of Decision Strategy Used for
Each Decision Point
Type Frequency
Option selection 0
Deliberated 10 (8)
Constructed 7 (4)
Procedural rule 0
Analog 3
Prototype 114 (10)
Total 134 (22)
Note. Pumping station data in parentheses.
194 Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making / Fall 2010
The first type of matching we looked for was matching to a specific analog—
another situation they had been through or heard about. We found very few cases
of this. We specifically probed for analogs and found only three. There were no
cases in which one fire was treated as an analog for another. Rather, the analogs
seemed to serve as flags, which alerted the firefighter to dynamics of the situation
that needed attention. Their effect was on situational awareness and on specific
decision points. In Case 5, for example, the FGC looked up at a billboard near the
roof of an apartment building that was burning down and remembered another
time when a billboard had collapsed, falling off the roof and posing a hazard to fire-
fighters and civilian onlookers. He therefore ordered the crowds to be moved back.
Apparently, the FGCs had so many similar firefighting experiences that these
became merged in memory, with no specific cases standing out. A fire could be
spoken of as typical, which suggested our next category: prototype. For example,
they have been through hundreds of house fires. When they encounter one, they
view it as typical of their prototype, which would include some standard layouts,
some standard approaches, and so on. We used the notion of a prototype in a way
that overlaps the concepts of scripts and frames, and we will discuss the theoreti-
cal issues further in the Discussion section.
It is important to clarify how we used this category. The FGCs encounter a
decision point, they recognize a match to a prototype, and the prototypical sce-
nario guided by experience tells them how to proceed. In this way, they imple-
ment a course of action without ever considering any of the other options at the
decision point. In our interviews, we probed this very carefully, and the FGCs
were clear that they were not aware of other options. That is why they did not feel
that they were making decisions. To ensure that these were really decision points,
we probed to identify potential options. Usually, the participants were not able to
find any. In these cases, we asked about options that a novice might be foolish
enough to consider. Sometimes we had to suggest the options. As long as we found
at least two options, we considered it a decision point. We did not study how
many options existed, given that we were now dealing with the hypothetical.
For the 156 decision points, 127 fell into the prototype category. This was the
dominant approach. Options were selected without any reports of conscious
examination, evaluation, or analysis. In most cases, the events triggered an imme-
diate cognition of what had to be done, and the action was taken. However, there
were three decision points at which there was not a match but a lack of an
expected match, and this mismatch triggered a new situational awareness and the
reassessment or shift to another plan.
In Case 4, a firefighter led his men into a burning house, round back to the
apparent seat of the fire in the rear of the house, and directed a stream of water on
it. The water did not have the expected effect, so he backed off and then hit it
again. At the same time, he began to notice that it was getting intensely hot and
very quiet. He stated that he had no idea what was going on, but he suddenly
ordered his crew to evacuate the house. Within a minute after they evacuated, the
floor collapsed. It turned out that the fire had been in the basement. He had never
Rapid Decision Making 195
expected this. This was why his stream of water was ineffective, and it was why the
house could become hot and quiet at the same time. He attributed his decision to a
“sixth sense.” We would be less poetic and infer that the mismatch was the cue. The
pattern of cues deviated from the prototypical patterns in which heat, sound, and
water are correlated.
Another category we tried to use was a procedural rule. In this case, there would
be a rule of the form “If x, then do y.” All the FGC would have to do is match the x
condition in order to determine whether to implement the yaction. In practice, we
had difficulty in distinguishing this from matching to a prototype. In both cases
there is a matching, followed by an action. The only difference is that the rule is
context free, whereas the prototype is context rich. We were not able to find any
examples of context-free rules that could safely be initiated by novices. If the con-
cept of a procedural rule is broadened to include contextual sensitivity, then the
border between procedural rule and prototype matching becomes very blurred.
Table 2 is a summary of decision time and time pressure findings for each deci-
sion type. It simply confirms the tendency for deliberated and constructed deci-
sions to be made under less time pressure and to take longer to make than
decisions made on the basis of a prototype match or mismatch.
Situational Awareness. Because we treated decision making as a form of complex
pattern matching, much of the expertise of the FGCs came through in the situa-
tional awareness. This reflected their understanding of the dynamics of the case and
was the basis for their ability to recognize cases as examples of standard prototypes.
In many of the cases, the initial situational awareness was maintained throughout
the incident, with new information serving to elaborate on what was originally
In other cases, there were dramatic shifts in the situational awareness. For exam-
ple, in Case 23, a fire at a chemical plant, the situational awareness included the
dynamics of a burning structure and flowing chemicals as well as the risk of nearby
storage tanks exploding. Foam is the first choice for putting out a chemical fire; it
extinguishes the fire by smothering it. However, the tanks required cooling to
reduce the risk of explosion, and water is the best coolant. A novice may have used
foam initially to try to extinguish the fire, or used both water and foam, which
would have produced a diluted and ineffective foam.
TABLE 2. Frequency Distribution of Decision Types, Time, and Time Pressure
Type NTime (min) Pressure Level
<1 1–2 2–5 >5 1 2 3 4
Prototype 117 (10) 108 (6) 7 2 (2) 0 (2) 2 (1) 33 (7) 47 35 (2)
Deliberated 10 (8) 5 4 (1) 1 (2) 0 (5) 0 (1) 5 (7) 5 0
Constructed 7 (4) 3 3 1 (2) 0 (2) 0 (1) 2 (2) 3 (1) 2
Total 134 (22) 116 (6) 14 (1) 4 (6) 0 (9) 2 (3) 40 (16) 55 (1) 37 (2)
Note. Pumping station data in parentheses.
The expert’s decision was to use water initially to cool the tanks and then to
shut down the water and apply foam. He used his perceptual ability to judge when
the tanks had been appropriately cooled, so that an explosion was no longer likely.
He relied on such cues as heat waves and steam levels coming off the tanks. When
the foam operation was begun it was monitored and judged effective. Later, how-
ever, runoff was discovered to have been seeping into the basement of an adjoining
structure, creating a new fire hazard. The situational awareness was now changed,
and the FGC recognized a new out-of-control situation. He immediately called for
additional personnel and equipment to handle the expanded situation.
This example shows the perceptual ability needed, the ability to rapidly assess
the situation, the ability to shift this awareness, and the ease of making decisions.
In our data analysis we decided not to define a change in situational awareness
every time anything happened or failed to happen. This would have become cum-
bersome. We reserved our changes for those events in which there was a shift in
goals or subgoals as a result of new information. For most incidents, there were
generally 3 to 5 different situational awareness changes. Rarely did we identify
more than 10.
In our coding for situational awareness we developed a checklist of nine
dimensions that seemed useful. These are presented in Table 3. The exact number
of dimensions or the ones selected are not important here. What is important is
that these dimensions reflected different classes of causal factors that were being
learned and interpreted by the FGCs to suggest and constrain courses of action.
In determining how situational awareness was growing, we had to infer what
expertise was needed to interpret new facts and to perceive changes. The elabora-
tion of the required expertise took the form of a knowledge analysis, or a critical
cue analysis. It described the type of knowledge and recognitional ability that the
FGCs needed to handle these critical incidents. As such, it was quite different
from the standard firefighting procedures offered as guidance. Instead of vague
statements about how the FGC needs to be able to determine when water is hit-
ting the seat of a fire, we have specific cases, such as Case 21, in which the FGC
thought he was getting at the seat of the fire, waited for signs of white smoke that
show a fire is being extinguished, saw none after about 30 s, and began to worry
that he did not know where the seat of the fire was at all. This type of description
defines the cue, the nature of the cue changes being assessed, and the time frame
for expected cue changes.
The study was successful in challenging some of our basic assumptions about
decision making and forcing us to reconceptualize our approach. In this section,
we will discuss several aspects of that reconceptualization: (a) a recognition-primed
decision model, (b) a characterization of situational awareness, (c) methods for
describing perceptual learning, (d) related processes such as analogical reasoning
and imagery, and (e) types of deliberated decision making. Finally, we will discuss
196 Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making / Fall 2010
Rapid Decision Making 197
the accomplishment of the project objectives and some of the implications of this
research for issues such as decision aids and the selection and training of decision
Recognition-Primed Decisions
The major finding of this study was that FGCs rarely reported having consid-
ered more than one option. In an analysis of 156 decision points, we found that in
only 28 was more than one option even identified. In only 16 did the FGC report
doing any relative evaluation of one option versus another, and these were for
cases specifically selected for their difficulty. If there were instances in which they
would have had to wrestle with choices, it would have been these cases. We there-
fore concluded that the standard approaches to decision making would not apply
to the vast majority of these cases.
TABLE 3. Situational Awareness Cue Checklist
1. Problem
Smoke: color, amount, toxicity
Fire: amount, location
Explosion potential
Rate of change
2. Structure
Type: factory, house, office, vehicle, etc.
Materials: wood, brick
Architecture: special features
3. Problem ⫻Structure
Seat of fire
Possibilities for movement
4. Weather
Wind: velocity, direction
5. Risk to life
Direct cues
Knowledge of potential risk
Special populations: older adults, disabled, etc.
6. Risk to firefighters
7. Nature of attack
8. Resources
What is available?
What is needed?
Special needs
9. Goals assessment
Search and rescue
Fire control
Property conservation
198 Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making / Fall 2010
Their ability to handle decision points depended on their skill at recognizing
situations as typical instances of general prototypes that they had developed through
experience. The prototypes provided them with an understanding of the causal
dynamics at work, suggested promising courses of action, and provided them with
By contrasting concurrent with serial models of option evaluation, the FGCs’
decision-making strategy can be more accurately described. Figure lA shows a
standard decision analytical structure, with the options down the side and the
evaluation dimensions across the top. In such a model, the decision maker is pre-
sumed to consider several options at the same time, perhaps performing pairwise
comparisons, and to make concurrent, conscious judgments and reflective evalua-
tions of the strengths and weaknesses of the different options. In contrast, Figure
lB shows a serial option evaluation model. Here, an option is generated and then
either implemented or rejected. If rejected, a second option is considered, and so
forth. This may be described as a serial model of decision making, because although
one or more options is considered, only one option is examined at a time. We feel
that this model is a better fit for the data we collected.
We were specifically studying decision making under extreme time pressure,
when there is a need for rapid decisions. We therefore characterize our description
Figure 1. (A) Concurrent evaluation: vertical model. (B) Sequential evaluation: horizon-
tal model.
Rapid Decision Making 199
as a recognition-primed decision (RPD) model. We have developed a different approach
to decision making in part because of the way we conducted this study. We looked
at decisions made under extreme time pressure performed by personnel with high
levels of experience and personal commitment. The use of the quasi-naturalistic
design has given us a unique perspective. Standard laboratory studies usually do
not use highly experienced participants. These studies tend to focus on the analyt-
ical skills needed to evaluate options, and they leave option generation as some-
thing of a mystery. Campbell (1960) described this sort of approach as random
generation and selective retention: basically a random generation of options, fol-
lowed by analytical methods to identify and select the best option.
For our participants, option generation fell out of their situational awareness.
They were able to identify good options immediately: This was part of their skill.
Von Clausewitz (1832/1976) referred to this ability as coup d’oeil, the skill in mak-
ing a quick assessment of a situation and its requirements. In contrast to Campbell
(1960), we are placing more of the burden on the recognitional processes and the
use of experience to generate a plausible option as the first one considered.
For a time-limited task, concurrent evaluation is probably impossible. It takes
a lot of time to consider all options along all evaluation dimensions. Even reducing
the number of options and dimensions still places an unreasonable load on the
decision maker. Serial evaluation seems necessary. Decision researchers may have
to study situational awareness and expertise to understand how effective options
are immediately recognized.
The advantage of the RPD model is that it provides the decision maker with a
course of action at every point. The decision maker begins with an initial option,
and if a response is called for, this will be executed. If there is time for some evalu-
ation, it will be examined, accepted, improved, or rejected for a second option,
which then becomes primed for implementation. In the situation we studied, it is
critical that the decision maker always be ready to act effectively. The RPD model
may explain some aspects of intuitive decision making (Hammond et al., 1984). If
people are using recognitional and perceptual matching processes, it would be
understandable that they could not articulate the bases for the decisions. Our RPD
model is also consistent with Simon’s (1955) notion of satisficing. Simon intro-
duced the concept of satisficing to point out that decision makers typically do not
do all the work to ensure optimal decisions. He was criticizing the economic
assumption of the “rational man.” However, he did not offer an explanation for
how satisficing could be accomplished. How can people be sure of finding work-
able options without generating all options possible and evaluating these options?
Several approaches to serial evaluation models have been proposed. A lexico-
graphic method (e.g., Aumann, 1964; MacCrimmon, 1968) postulates that a deci-
sion maker generates a set of options, orders the evaluation dimensions, starts
with the most important, and selects the option that has the highest rank on the
most important dimension. If there is no clear winner, the second dimension is
examined, and so on. This model allows serial evaluation but still concurrent con-
sideration of options, and it does not fit the majority of our data.
A second model is Tversky’s (1972) elimination by aspects. Here, several options
are generated, they are evaluated on the first dimension, any that do not pass a cri-
terion are rejected, the remainder are evaluated on the second dimension, and so
on. Again, this is concurrent consideration of options and serial evaluation on
dimensions. This model does not fit our data because it stops when one option is left
remaining. This could still take a long time, and it is unrealistic because an option
might still be unacceptable on remaining dimensions. Finally, it does not allow the
generation of new options without starting the whole process over. Clearly, this
will not do for a time-pressured task.
A third model is that of conjunctive standards (Bettman, 1971; Kleinmuntz,
1968). Here, there are criteria for each evaluation dimension. One option is gener-
ated, and if it fails to meet any of the criteria it is rejected and a second option is
evaluated. This is a better description of the data we collected, but there are still
a few shortcomings. This model lacks a description of how effective options can
be generated immediately, something we will discuss later in this article. More
important, our analyses suggested that options are not evaluated as systematically
as in a model of conjunctive standards. We did not see FGCs carefully examining
any option to see if it passed the criterion point on several dimensions. Rather, there
was a general matching of the current situation to the prototype. If the match was
good, then the option was implemented. If it was questionable because of differ-
ences in causal dynamics, then the FGC began to consciously evaluate, often by
imagining how the option would be carried out and what difficulties might arise.
In some cases, the option could be augmented to handle the difficulties. In other
cases, it had to be rejected.
This approach is basically the one described by de Groot (1946/1978), who
studied the way grand master chess players would select a favorite option and
explore its adequacy through progressive deepening. The grand masters were not
looking at all options and conducting shallow evaluations (the way a computer
program usually does).
An example might be helpful. In Case 9 there was a call to rescue a semicon-
scious woman who had jumped off a highway overpass and was dangling sus-
pended on one of the metal supports for a sign. The FGC rushed to the scene. Two
of his crew had climbed onto the supports and were holding her arms and legs. In
that situation, the immediate need was to provide a firm basis of support for her.
The standard approach is to use a Kingsley harness, which snaps onto a victim
quickly and allows the victim to be moved and raised. However, the woman’s
position was not standard—that is, she was face down, and a Kingsley harness is
strapped on from the front.
The FGC imagined moving her into position and realized this would place her
and his crew in danger. He also felt that attaching it from the back, a nonstandard
approach, would create severe strains on her back. (Tests the next day showed he was
right.) He rejected this option. Next, he considered another standard type of rescue
equipment, a Howd strap. This loops onto a victim in different ways, but again, the
match wasn’t right. Howd straps are also attached from the front and are open to the
200 Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making / Fall 2010
Rapid Decision Making 201
same weaknesses as the Kingsley harness. He rejected this option. Next, he thought
about ways to use the Howd strap differently but could not come up with any strate-
gies simple enough to guide his crew through. Finally, he remembered the ladder
belt, which firefighters strap around their waists and clip to their ladders to make
sure they will not fall off during a rescue. Ladder belts can easily be attached from the
back and have only one buckle. Moreover, a simple rope could be used to attach the
ladder belt to the crew above her. He quickly ordered the ladder belt brought out.
This decision took less than 1 min from the time he first arrived at the overpass.
This example shows how the FGC examined four options, all serially. The
standard method was considered, evaluated, and rejected; another standard method
was considered, evaluated, and rejected. Next, an attempt was made to construct
an option, and then when this seemed unlikely, a second constructed option was
identified, one that had never been used before in that type of situation. There was
never any attempt to compare two options at the same time.
Situational Awareness
In the RPD model of time-pressured decision making, situational awareness
becomes very important. We are claiming that most decision points can be han-
dled without deliberation by applying an “if x, then y” strategy. The key to making
this work is that an effective option be immediately identified in the majority of
cases, and the way that experienced FGCs can identify effective options is to match
the current situation to a prototype, thereby recognizing it as typical and amenable
to typical procedures. The recognition of a situation as typical of a prototype
depends on the way the FGC has assessed the scene and its problems—that is, the
ability to know that “xapplies” is dependent on situational awareness. The situa-
tional awareness provides the information for triggering the conditional.
For example, in Case 12, a simple residential fire, the FGC sent a crew into the
building with a hose to hit the seat of the fire. The rule might have been “if there is
a fire in a house, hit the seat of it.” It is a standard procedure, apparently requiring
little expertise. However, upon probing we found that another procedure might
have been to send the hose around the house, break some windows, and hit the
fire from the back. This might even have been faster. The FGC never considered it.
The basic idea is not only to hit the seat of the fire but also to drive it out of the
house. Hitting the fire from the back would only drive it farther into the house.
Continuing our probing, we asked if anyone would have sent the hose around
back. The FGC said that this was done too often by people who should know bet-
ter, trying to reduce the risks to their crews. It might be appropriate if there was
no one in the house, or if the house was not worth saving, or if there were adjoin-
ing structures that could be endangered by an internal strategy. All of a sudden, a
simple decision became complicated.
Part of the skill of an FGC is in knowing when to obtain more information. The
term they use is “size-up.” Theoretically, a size-up must be done at every incident
prior to acting. However, for practical reasons, it is not always possible to complete
the size-up. Valuable time can be lost continuing a size-up while a fire spreads out of
control. For example, in Case 26, a fire in a factory, the FGC began to walk around
the factory, saw a fire burning through the wall, and immediately ordered his crew to
train their hoses on it. He recognized that it was a good place to use his resources
and did not want to let it burn further while he kept walking. His experience
allowed him to judge what a good place to hit a fire looked like. A novice would
not be able to make such a judgment. In this domain, time is critical and actions
must be initiated without the benefit of complete information analyses.
Perceptual Learning
The FGCs showed an impressive variety of perceptual learning. For example,
Case 21, a fire in a plastics factory, required that the FGC interpret the smoke color,
the color of the fire, and the sponginess of the roof to assess the situation. At first,
there was only smoke coming out of the front of a factory. The FGC assessed this
as a simple fire and trained his hoses on the source of the smoke. If he had been
hitting the seat of the fire, the smoke should have turned white within 30 to 60 s.
It did not, and he concluded that the fire was burning farther inside.
He then sent some firefighters to the roof to open a channel that would let the
heat and smoke escape. They reported that the roof in a back section of the factory
felt spongy. He went up to investigate because, to inexperienced personnel, all roofs
can feel spongy. He found that the roof indeed had a spongy feel, and ordered his
crew off of it. He concluded that the fire was larger than he had thought and was
probably burning directly below them. There is no way to describe what a spongy
roof feels like. This recognition comes only with experience of walking on roofs
that are solid and roofs that are spongy and learning to discriminate between them.
Finally, they found the seat of the fire. Its bright orange color suggested that the
heat was in excess of 1,000° F (538° C), and a second alarm was called.
The interview guide approach that we used highlighted the perceptual cues
used by the FGCs, and our coding system retained this information by linking
these critical cues to situational awareness and to RPDs. Therefore, our approach
may be useful for developing a critical cue inventory of the types of cue discrimi-
nations that must be maintained for expert performance. It may have value as a
knowledge elicitation method that would feature perceptual knowledge-based
rather than rule-based knowledge.
The RPD model is summarized in Figure 2. The current situation matches a
prototype based on similarity of goals, perceptual cues at the scene of the fire, and
causal factors and information about these. The prototype generates expectancies
and also a set of options, with the most typical option generated first. The action is
evaluated for plausibility and is implemented, modified, or rejected. Often if there
is an unfamiliar situation, the evaluation will include imagery of the anticipated
consequences of using that option. If the option is rejected, the next most avail-
able, representative, and similar one is selected for evaluation.
Related Phenomena
We found several phenomena during this study that may be of interest. One was
the use of imagery. In evaluating options, a common strategy was for the FGC to
202 Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making / Fall 2010
Rapid Decision Making 203
create an image of how the option would be implemented. This strategy was used
rather than the analytical method of evaluating the option with regard to criteria on
several dimensions. A second phenomenon of interest was the failure to find evi-
dence of analogical reasoning. We had originally expected to find a great deal of
analogical reasoning. We found little. The reason is probably that with increasing
numbers of similar experiences, analogs become less vivid and fade out altogether,
becoming prototypes. We expect that for less experienced personnel, analogs are
still important. Where we did find analogs, they were to specific cues and features
of a situation, especially nonstandard ones.
It should also be noted that we are using prototype here to refer to syntheses of
analogs. We are not claiming that episodic memory has transformed into semantic
memory (Tulving, 1972), as this would involve the degeneration of context-rich
episodes into context-poor semantic networks of abstract elements. We think this
is wrong because the FGCs were still very sensitive to context, especially as it alerted
them to features of situations that had potential implications. The way we are
using prototypes includes a highlighting of the general features of situations along
with a potential for specific details where relevant. A third phenomenon is the
reliance on constructed options—cases in which the “if x” portion of the RPD has
been satisfied and the means of implementing the “then y” portion needs to be
found. Usually there is a standard means, but sometimes the FGC will need to
find a unique means or will reject the standard approach in favor of an innovative
one. This is important because decision-making models must be able to describe
how people can synthesize options to develop new and improved options. If deci-
sion making is treated entirely as a way of selecting between a fixed set of options,
then the opportunity for growing new options will be missed.
Types of Deliberated Decision Making
Although most of the decision points were best described by an RPD model,
about 10% (not including the pumping station incidents) included some sort of
conscious processing for selecting one option from several that were considered.
Figure 2. The recognition-primed decision model.
In none of these cases did the FGC attempt to identify additional options. The
focus was on the primary options that were identified. In none of these cases did
the FGC go through an exhaustive evaluation of relative advantages and disadvan-
tages on each important evaluation dimension. Once the FGC was confident that
each option was worth considering, the decision was reported to be made on the
basis of a single overriding dimension, such as safety or time savings.
One fire does stand out as a contrast to our general findings, and this was the
subject of three interviews, Cases 30, 31, and 32. It was the fire at a pumping station.
The command structure and experience at this fire were unlike those at our
other incidents. Fire companies from six small towns were called in and somehow
had to be coordinated on the spot. The cold forced most firefighters to wear masks
for warmth, which disrupted the chain of command because the FGC was not eas-
ily identified. Basically, the fire chiefs were reduced to the level of novices, given
that they were working with something outside their usual experience. They had
no prototypes for action, and they did not take many actions. Success was largely
attributable to their decision to bring in consultants who did have experience with
fires of this magnitude and who were immediately able to see what was needed
and what courses of action to take. The pattern of their decision making does con-
form more closely to the standard accounts. They consciously worked to identify
options. They were unsure about the advantages and disadvantages of options, and
they had to try to figure these out analytically because they did not know what to
We intended to assess the value of a heuristic model of decision making. This
was accomplished, but the model we were assessing was found to be inadequate.
We had hypothesized that FGCs did not have time to consider a wide variety of
options, and we speculated that they would use a strategy of considering only two
options at a time, for purposes of direct comparison. We thought that this was a
radical hypothesis, but in fact it turned out to be too conservative. In general, they
only considered one option at a time, as described by the RPD model.
We wanted to increase our understanding of decision making by experts under
high time stress. We were partially successful in this. We have proposed a descrip-
tive model, the RPD model, and we have a better appreciation of the role of situa-
tional awareness. Yet we realize that there is still much to learn. In hindsight, our
estimate of the time it takes to make decisions was overly focused on the time to
choose the course of action. Our time estimates do not include the “time to situa-
tional awareness,” which in many cases is the most important aspect of the decision.
One concern is with the validity of our findings. Verbal protocols as a data source
have a long history in psychology, but have at various times they have been viewed
as an invalid variant of introspection. In our study, we tried to avoid the tendency
for participants to speculate by asking them to recreate as much as possible what
they were actually seeing, hearing, and thinking at a specific moment. We never
204 Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making / Fall 2010
simply asked “why” an action was taken, which is a procedure Nisbett and Wilson
(1977) have criticized. Furthermore, we suspect that asking experienced personnel
to reconstruct aspects of their decision processes is different from asking partici-
pants to speculate on their motivations in an unfamiliar laboratory environment.
In our case, even when our probes directed officers to relate possible options that
they might have considered, the FGCs firmly insisted that this was not what they
actually did. Thus, although their recall may still be inaccurate, it is not likely attrib-
utable to acquiescence to experimenter bias. Regardless, we do not present our data
as firm evidence supporting our model. Rather, we are suggesting that the retro-
spective protocols enabled us to generate new hypotheses.
We were also concerned that our critical incidents may not have been typical,
but we do not feel that this is a problem. Each incident included approximately five
decision points that were probed, and many of these were routine. In addition,
had we looked only at critical incidents, this would have overemphasized the dif-
ficult and deliberated decisions, not the prototype matches.
The RPD model of decision making under time stress has potential implications
for the selection, training, and support of decision makers. The model suggests that
it will be useless to require decision makers to make comparative evaluations of sev-
eral options. This is a time-consuming process. Instead, decision makers must rely
on their experience and ability to quickly recognize the causal dynamics of situa-
tions as a way of generating effective options and evaluating them. With regard to
selection, there may be individual differences in the way people feel comfortable
relying on recognitional matching as opposed to more analytical processes. If
these differences could be established and validated, it might help assign individ-
uals to conditions where analytical evaluations are necessary versus those where
analytical evaluations are not possible.
With regard to training, it may be valuable to reconsider the worth of teaching
people to generate and evaluate a variety of options if they are going to be placed
in situations where this will be counterproductive. Instead, it may be more effi-
cient for training programs to be reconceptualized to emphasize the perceptual
learning needed to make fine discriminations and the array of experiences needed
to develop situational awareness skills and to acquire a repertoire of options. We
will need to perform additional research into the dynamics of situational aware-
ness in order to develop more definite guidelines for training programs.
Finally, the RPD model suggests that it would be a mistake to develop decision
aids along the lines of only decision analytical theories. In time-pressured situations,
people will not be able to perform the operations needed to make comparative judg-
ments. It would be much more valuable to make sure that decision support systems
are providing an effective situational awareness. We hypothesize that decision sup-
ports that provide options will not be used, or will lead to degraded performance
under time pressure, whereas decision supports for situational awareness will improve
performance. This hypothesis may interact with cognitive styles and with the experi-
ence level of personnel, but it should be considered prior to the development of sup-
port systems for personnel who will be required to make time-pressured decisions.
Rapid Decision Making 205
This effort was extremely valuable for the opportunity to learn about decision
making under time pressure. We had expected to study how options are chosen
from among alternatives, and instead we found that comparative option selection
does not often occur. We wanted to study analogical reasoning, and instead we
found little evidence for the direct use of analogs. For these reasons, we were forced
to develop a new understanding of decision making, as presented in the RPD
model, whereby effective options are directly generated and evaluated for adequacy
without any comparisons with other options. This model links decision making to
pattern matching, perceptual learning, and the formation of prototypes in mem-
ory. It asserts that decision behavior can no longer be appreciated in isolation from
these other aspects of psychological functioning.
Future research is needed into the knowledge elicitation tools we used and into
the postulates of the RPD model—use and nature of prototypes, aspects of situa-
tional awareness, the existence of action queues, conscious analysis of one option
at a time, and evaluation of options. It is hoped that the elaboration of the RPD model
will provide a means for increasing the applicability of decision research for oper-
ational problems and requirements.
Postscript by Gary Klein,November 2010
I appreciate this opportunity to publish the results of the initial firefighter study
conducted by Klein, Calderwood, and Clinton-Cirocco that generated the recog-
nition-primed decision (RPD) model. This study was never even submitted for
publication because we were not aware of any journal that would consider it. (We did
present the results at the 1986 Human Factors Society conference.) Now, 25 years
later, it can finally make its debut in this special issue of the Journal of Cognitive
Engineering and Decision Making, the rationale of which is to showcase cognitive
field research studies such as this one.
When the announcement for this special issue on naturalistic decision making
was issued, Robert Hoffman saw the opportunity for publishing the firefighter study
and transformed the original 1985 report so that it could be submitted. However,
some modifications have been necessary because the original report was 97 single-
spaced pages. Robert deleted the appendices (65 pages), but the manuscript was
still too long. Therefore I have further shortened the manuscript, primarily by delet-
ing some of the examples and eliminating some of the unnecessary tables.
Frankly, I found the writing a bit clunky—after all, this was a final report and
had not been polished to meet journal standards. But I have gritted my teeth and
left it as is. I have not changed anything from that 1985 report other than deleting
some textual description of the material in the tables and adding a very few transi-
tion phrases to bridge gaps left by the deletions. At the request of the editor I made
some additional changes to improve readability and to bring the manuscript into
conformance with current guidelines: breaking up some long paragraphs, combin-
ing some short paragraphs, adding some clarifying comments in brackets, using
Participants instead of Subjects, and combining the reference sections from the
206 Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making / Fall 2010
original article and this postscript. I made only two small substantive changes. I
altered the von Clausewitz reference to reflect its original publication date of 1832,
and I corrected in the text a minor error in the original report’s Table 2 (which has
been deleted for this article). The error did not affect the reported result that 78%
of the decisions we studied were estimated to have been made in less than 1 min.
Additional details of the methods can be found in Klein (1998).
Here are some of the features of the report that I would change if I rewrote it
today. First, I would update the decision model. The RPD model described in the
report contained the core of our insights but had not yet been elaborated with a
few feedback loops. About a decade later we added a situation awareness function
(Kaempf, Klein, Thordsen, & Wolf, 1996) as Level 2 of the RPD model and noted
that decision makers seemed to contrast alternative accounts of a situation, even
though they rarely contrasted alternative options of what to do.
Second, the report emphasized decision-making research and neglected other
research strands, so I would expand on the studies of expertise and knowledge
engineering that converged in the field of naturalistic decision making. Third, the
report noted one incident that was an outlier—a pumping station fire that took a
week to contain and defeated the best efforts of the volunteer fire departments
that were called in initially. The report attributed the different pattern of results for
this incident to difficulties in organizational dynamics, whereas today I would also
emphasize the lack of expertise of the firefighters.
Fourth, the report described an initial step in the development of a critical
decision method for doing cognitive task analysis; today I would describe the ways
in which that method has evolved (e.g., Crandall, Klein, & Hoffman, 2006). Fifth, I
would revise the scoring method because in later studies we concentrated on diffi-
cult decisions rather than all the decision points we could identify in an incident.
Sixth, the report describes a strategy of using imagery to evaluate options—we sub-
sequently came to describe that strategy as mental simulation (Klein & Crandall,
1995). Seventh, I wish we had explained that the RPD model is not simply about
intuition but is a blend of intuition (the prototype matches, which today would be
described as pattern-matching) and analysis (the mental simulation).
Nevertheless, I think the report holds up fairly well after 25 years, and I am
proud of the research we did. We encountered an unexpected finding—time-pres-
sured decision making without generating and comparing multiple options—and
we made sense of it. Also, we appreciated the importance of situational awareness
for this type of decision making. I am not sure how we arrived at the term “situa-
tional awareness”; I believe that only the aviation community was using that term
at the time, and I do not think we were in touch with that literature. In addition,
our research team, which included two psychologists, a communications specialist,
and an anthropologist, struggled with the boundaries of what we called “quasi-
naturalistic” research; several years later the naturalistic decision-making movement
was started at a September 1989 meeting in Ohio (see Klein, Orasanu, Calderwood,
& Zsambok, 1993). Our firefighter project was funded by a 6-month $50,000
Small Business Innovative Research contract. It was an exciting 6 months.
Rapid Decision Making 207
This paper was originally a Report to the Army Research Institute for the
Behavioral and Social Sciences, November 8, 1985 (Klein, Calderwood, & Clinton-
Cirocco, 1985). It was subsequently issued in 1988 by the Defense Technical
Information Center (DTIC) as an Army Research Institute Technical Report. The
authors wish to thank the contract monitor, Dennis Leedom, for his insights, helpful
suggestions, and support of this project. Thanks also to Christopher P. Brezovic and
Jim Malarkey, who helped with interviewing and coding and contributed to the
discussions of study design and interpretation. Helen Altman Klein, Don MacGregor,
and Robert Holt provided consultation and helpful criticisms of earlier drafts of
this report.
The administrative staff of the Klein Associates Division of Applied Research
Associates assisted in producing this updated article based on the original report,
as did Veronica Sanger. Robert Hoffman graciously prepared it for publication 25
years after its original appearance.
Finally, our sincere appreciation is expressed to the officers in the Ohio and
Indianapolis fire departments who gave generously of their time and expertise to
make this study possible.
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208 Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making / Fall 2010
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Gary Klein, Ph.D., is a senior scientist at MacroCognition LLC. Dr. Klein received his Ph.D. in
experimental psychology from the University of Pittsburgh in 1969. He was an assistant pro-
fessor of psychology at Oakland University from 1970 to 1974 and worked as a research psy-
chologist for the U.S. Air Force from 1974 to 1978. In 1978 he founded his own research and
development company, Klein Associates, which was acquired by Applied Research Associates
(ARA) in 2005. He joined MacroCognition LLC in 2009.
Roberta Calderwood, Ph.D., is a senior analyst with Science Applications International
Corporation (SAIC) performing assessments of new military technologies and operational
concepts for a variety of Department of Defense agencies. Prior to joining SAIC in 1990, Dr.
Calderwood worked at Klein Associates (1985–1990) on research related to naturalistic deci-
sion making. She received her Ph.D. in experimental psychology from the University of New
Mexico in 1990.
Anne Clinton-Cirocco, M.S.W., L.C.S.W., is the division officer for social work at the Naval
Health Clinic Great Lakes. Ms. Clinton-Cirocco received her M.S.W. from California State
University, Sacramento, in 1992. She was a graduate research associate with Klein Associates
(1985–1986) while pursuing graduate work in applied behavioral sciences at Wright State
University. Ms. Clinton-Cirocco has been a psychotherapist and medical social worker in the
United States and overseas in civilian and military settings (1992–2010).
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