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Abstract and Figures

The goal of Risk Management is to define prevention and control mechanisms to address the risks attached to specific activities and valuable assets. Many Risk Management efforts operate in silos with narrowly focused, functionally driven, and disjointed activities. That fact leads to a fragmented view of risks, where each activity uses its own language, customs and metrics. That limits an organization-wide perception of risks, where interdependent risks are not anticipated, controlled or managed. The lack of integrated solutions to manage risk information, lead the experts to use spreadsheets as their main tool, impeding collaboration, communication and reuse of risk information. In order to address these issues, this paper presents a solution that integrates a Risk Management framework, including a XML-based Domain Specific Language for Risk Management. The proposed framework is supported by an information system to manage the definition or risks.
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Managing Risk Data: From Spreadsheets to
Information Systems
e Barateiro
Information Systems Group
Lisbon, Portugal
e Borbinha
Information Systems Group
Lisbon, Portugal
Abstract—The goal of Risk Management is to define prevention
and control mechanisms to address the risks attached to specific
activities and valuable assets. Many Risk Management efforts
operate in silos with narrowly focused, functionally driven, and
disjointed activities. That fact leads to a fragmented view of risks,
where each activity uses its own language, customs and metrics.
That limits an organization-wide perception of risks, where
interdependent risks are not anticipated, controlled or managed.
The lack of integrated solutions to manage risk information,
lead the experts to use spreadsheets as their main tool, impeding
collaboration, communication and reuse of risk information. In
order to address these issues, this paper presents a solution that
integrates a Risk Management framework, including a XML-
based Domain Specific Language for Risk Management. The
proposed framework is supported by an information system to
manage the definition or risks.
Risks always exist, whether or not they are detected or
recognized by an organization. The ultimate goal of Risk Man-
agement (RM) is to define prevention and control mechanisms
to address the risks attached to valuable assets [1].
Despite the fact that different communities use different
terminology and phrasing to define risks, they share the main
basic concepts. Indeed, a risk exists when a threat, that has
potential to cause loss or harm, occur and is able to exploit
a vulnerability/weakness associated with an asset that has a
value to be protected. The type of assets depends on the
organization nature, but might include physical entities (e.g.,
person, office), information entities and processes. When the
vulnerability is exploited, it may cause an impact on the
achievement of the organization’s objectives.
Identifying, analyzing and modeling risks is one of the
most critical tasks in the overall processes of RM. Traditional
approaches, such as Fault Tree Analysis [2], Event Tree Anal-
ysis [2] and Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis [3]
are commonly used to model risks in the safety community.
However, these approaches are not suitable to address the
imminent risks that today’s organizations face at multiple
levels (both internally and externally).
Several models have been proposed to address risks at
the organizational level, integrating the different views of the
related stakeholders, such as the COSO Enterprise RM frame-
work, KAOS [4] or GBRM [5]. Risks at the organizational
level are covered by Enterprise Risk Management (ERM),
which should be seen as an enabler to the organizations, pro-
viding risk information to executives and management boards,
as well as audit committees, making it possible to incorporate
this information to strategic and operational planning [6].
This increases the requirement to be able to exchange risk
information, supporting its interoperability
One of the main problems of RM is the fact that several
RM efforts operate in silos with narrowly focused, functionally
driven, and disjointed activities [8]. This leads to a fragmented
view of risks, using its own language, customs and metrics.
The lack of interconnection and holistic view of risks hampers
an organization-wide view of risks, where interdependent risks
are not anticipated, controlled or managed.
To support interoperability and provide a holistic view of
risk information, moving from the traditional representation of
risks in spreadsheets [9], to a controlled information system,
this paper proposes a RM framework, including a XML-
based Domain Specific Language for RM, and providing
interoperability mechanisms to share information with related
IT Governance and Enterprise Architecture activities.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion II describes our approach to address this problem, while
section III details the developed solution. Finally, we conclude
in section IV.
Identifying and controlling risks is a critical task in today’s
competitive world. Usually, this task takes place in the internal
context of organizations. However, in complex scenarios, the
problem comprises a whole spectrum of internal and external
stakeholders, where risks can only be identified and adequately
controlled through a proper knowledge of the overall enter-
prise design. This knowledge can be delivered by Enterprise
Architecture (EA), which captures a vision of the ”entire
organization” [10].
Previous efforts build on top of the idea of extending with
risk information, methodologies and models, commonly used
to represent EA artifacts. For instance, in [11] the authors
As defined by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),
interoperability is the ability of two or more systems or components to
exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged [7].
978-1-4673-0784-0/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE 673
Table I
Concept Formalization Description
Attribute At(Name : string, V alue :
Descriptive properties identified by Name and quantified by
Quantitative Domain D
q uant
(T ype : string, Min :
number, Max : number)
Numerical range of Type (N, R) between the minimum Min and
the maximum (Max).
Qualitative Domain D
q ual
: string, ..., dq
Limited list of admissible values dq
, ..., dq
Semi-quantitative Do-
sq uant
: string, v
R), ..., (dsq
: string, v
: R))
Limited list of possible (dsq
, v
), ..., (dsq
, v
) qualita-
tive/quantitative pairs.
Domain D D
q uant
q ual
sq uant
Can be a quantitative, qualitative or semi-quantitative domain.
Asset A(aName : string, aT ype :
q ual
, aRef : D
, a
At, ..., a
: At)
q ual
determines the domain of asset types; D
the reference of the asset to the EA.
Asset Value A
V al
: A > D Asset value (quantitative, semi-quantitative or qualitative).
Vulnerability V (name : string, vT ype :
q ual
, asset : A)
Identifies a vulnerability in an asset defined in A. An asset can
have several vulnerabilities.
Vulnerability Exposure V
: V > D Function that determines the exposure of the vulnerability.
Event E(eN ame : string, eT ype :
q ual
it can be a threat (bad event) or an opportunity (positive event).
Event Likelihood E
: E > D Initial estimation of the probability of occurrence of an event.
Risk R(rName : string, event :
E, asset : A, vulnerability : V )
Risk that occurs when an event is able to exploit an asset
vulnerability. rName identifies the risk.
Risk Consequence R
: R > D Impact that occurs when event triggers the risk.
Risk Severity R
: R > D Severity of the risk (level of risk).
Block Control C
: E > D Control to block the event (reducing its probability).
Elimination Control C
: V > D Control to eliminate a vulnerability (reducing its exposure).
Reduction Control C
: R > D Control to reduce the severity of the impact produced by a risk.
Control C C
Actions that can be taken to mitigate risks.
Cost Cost : C > D Cost of implementing a control.
Policy P C
, C
, ..., C
where C
propose an extension to the Integrated Definition for Process
Description Capture Method (IDEF) [12], while in [13]
the authors propose an extension of the Business Process
Modeling Notation (BPMN) [14] to include risk indicators.
Another example is the creation of a UML profile to analyze
system safety risks [15].
The approaches that extend previous models to integrate
risk information can only be used with the underlying models,
making it impossible to reuse this effort in scenarios that use
distinct modeling notations, as well as limiting the EA rep-
resentation to the semantics provided by the adopted models.
This is not forcibly negative, as it provides an in-depth analysis
in particular scenarios with a narrowly focused area.
In this paper, we intend to overpass these limitations and
provide an integrated solution where risk activities can make
use of knowledge provided by any EA representation. On the
other hand, we also consider the requirement of being able to
share information between distinct risk activities (that can be
executed by distinct people, processes, systems, etc), making
it possible to control risk in an integrated and holistic way.
The communication between risk and EA, as well as
between distinct risk activities, where several models and
representations are used, can only be achieved through a
decoupled solution that supports the interoperability of the
involved components. To support that, the solution proposed
in this paper includes a formalization of the risk concepts, a
domain specific language to support the instantiation of these
concepts, and an architecture solution to support the integrated
management of risk information.
Table I resumes the proposed RM concepts that are sup-
ported by Risk-DL [16], which is a XML
based vocabulary
and schema. In fact, the Risk-DL defines the XML Schema
, in
the form of a .xsd file, that should be used to create .xml files
defining risks. It uses the notation proposed in the relational
model [17], where a relation schema describes the attributes
of each concept, and a relation instance is composed by a
set of instances of the concepts (tuples) defined in the relation
schema. More formally, let R(f
: D
, ..., f
: D
) be a
relation schema, and for each f
, 1 i n, let Dom
the set of values with the domain named Di. An instance of
R is a set of tuples, where:
: d
, ..., f
: d
i |d
, ..., d
Also, we define functions as f : D > R, where f is the
name of the function; D is the domain and R is the range
of the function. Note that relations can be used to represent
allowed domains or the range of functions.
The main purpose of using XML to model risks is to
support the interoperability between distinct sources of risk
information. Also, XML uses a human language that can be
easily understood by people and computers, being highly
portable and platform independent. Moreover, XML is an
extensible language, which simplifies the evolution of Rik-DL,
as well as the assurance of compatibility between different
versions of the same language.
The main objectives of Risk-DL include, but are not limited
to the following:
support sharing, discovery, reuse and processing of the
risk concepts;
enable the alignment between risks and organization
artifacts, by linking assets to records (e.g., business
processes) managed within an organization EA;
provide discovery and sharing of risk information be-
tween distinct stakeholders that are related to the same
risk information, but can have distinct views and concerns
with regard to those risks;
facilitate feedback to improve and maintain risk informa-
reduce inconsistencies by formalizing the risk concepts
and map them into EA artifacts;
support an optimized definition of treatment plans, track-
ing controls to the related assets and reducing inconsis-
tencies (e.g., controls that reduce a specific risk but may
increase or add another one);
provide an open specification that enables risk informa-
tion to be categorized and support human-machine and
machine-machine interoperability, either internally when
different units produce risk information or externally
across multiple organizations (e.g., external audit firms);
produce a discoverable knowledge base where proven
strategies to address common risks were already tested
by previous treatment plans.
A. Reference Architecture
Figure 1 details the architecture proposed to support the
integrated management of risk information. The Operator
is responsible to interact with the system, providing a Risk
Description that is transformed into the Risk-DL Specification
of these risks, using the Risk Modeling component. The
transformation into the Risk-DL Specification is supported
by the Metadata Registry (MDR) component. This way, the
architecture supports different versions of Risk-DL, as well as
other risk representations.
The use of a MDR intends to ensure interoperability be-
tween different risk representations, as proposed by ISO/IEC
11179 [18], where an information system is responsible for
managing and publishing descriptive information about re-
sources (risk information). This way, the architecture supports
different versions of Risk-DL, as well as other risk representa-
tions. The rational for this approach is based on the separation
of concerns between the risk information and the services
processing it.
Figure 1. Architecture
The Risk Analyzer parses a Risk-DL Specification and gen-
erates an internal Risk Representation to be used and processed
by the Plan Generator, which is responsible to produce options
to manage risks (Risk Plans), based on previous knowledge
stored in the Risk Library.
The Risk Library represents a risk knowledge base, locally
storing validated risk information as, for instance, risks used
in previous scenarios, risk matrices, threats, vulnerabilities,
assets, controls, plans, etc.
The Plan Evaluator produces a set of statistics that can be
used to compare plans. When risks were defined according
to different types of scores (quantitative, qualitative, semi-
quantitative, or different scales), the Risk normalizer is re-
sponsible to normalize scores, turning it possible to compare
and rank risks defined using different methods.
Finally, the Report Generator produces Risk reports to
support the decision on the optimal plan to apply. Also, risk
information must be delivered to different stakeholders (with
different concerns), as proposed by the most prominent RM
references. Having this in consideration, the Report Genera-
tor should provide different representations to view the risk
information from the perspective of the concerns of every
B. System
The architecture proposed in the previous section can be
instantiated in several ways, depending on design options. In
the scope of this work, we developed a web application on
top of the Java technologies and JBoss Community
This solution provides: an interface to model risks, importing
and exporting of Risk-DL, a risk library, plan generator, and
an interface to a MDR service.
On the other hand, the solution is highly extensible, since all
the functions defined in table I can be extended through new
Java functions (registering a .jar that respects the specified
interface, or registering a web-service that receives a Risk-DL
file and returns a new Risk-DL representation. For instance,
a web-service to execute the function: Asset Value (A
V al
A > D), receives the Risk-DL representation for a specific
Asset, and returns a value in the domain D (note that domain
validations are also performed inside the application).
The developed solution uses the JBoss AS application server,
the Seam Framework as platform integrator, Hibernate to as-
sure the persistence of the risk library and risk representation,
and Java Server Faces to dynamically build the user interface.
Figure 2 shows the welcome screen of our solution.
Figure 2. Welcome screen
The risk community faces several challenges to model risk
information. In fact, among other issues, risks involve a highly
heterogeneous set of assets, events, methods, stakeholders
and responsibilities, requiring adaptable methods and tools to
support the exchange and interoperability of risk information.
These issues are commonly addressed by the EA community,
where organizations are modeled from the multiple views
of the involved stakeholders (viewpoints). In this paper, we
propose to take advantage of the EA to facilitate the exchange
of risk information, as well as providing an organization-
wide view of risks. We propose a solution that is decoupled
from any risk or EA representation, so that it does not
depend on any formalism, including a XML-based language to
formalize risks, a reference architecture to develop solutions
using this language, and a technical solution that implements
the proposed reference architecture.
This work is being validated to model the risks associ-
ated to a dam safety information system. As future work,
this approach will be further exploited in the scope of the
TIMBUS project
, where digital preservation risks (that can
occur at several levels, e.g., hardware, software, processes)
must be continuously monitored and assessed in a production
environment that can involve multiple technologies.
This work was supported by FCT (INESC-ID multiannual
funding) through the PIDDAC Program funds and by the
project TIMBUS, partially funded by the EU under the FP7
contract 269940.
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Full-text available
Introdução: A gestão de risco apresenta-se como um instrumento de contingência que pode ser aplicado em diversas situações de ameaças e vulnerabilidade. A preservação digital não está distante desta realidade, seja por motivos de obsolescência tecnológica, fatores humanos, fatores do meio ambiente, geográficos ou pandêmicos. Estes podem causar danos irreversíveis ao nosso acervo informacional caso não estejamos preparados para atuar. Objetivo: Estabelecer o estado da arte sobre a Gestão de Risco e Preservação Digital, por meio da identificação de assuntos pesquisados, embasamento teórico-conceitual, metodologias e ferramentas utilizadas, tipo de publicação, autores mais citados, resultados e conclusões dos estudos. Metodologia: Consiste na análise documental de oito pesquisas sobre o tema, identificadas por meio de levantamento bibliográfico em bases de dados e buscadores da Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD), Base de Dados em Ciência da Informação (Brapci), Portal de Periódicos Capes e Google Acadêmico. Resultados: Revelam que é necessária uma pesquisa mais aprofundada sobre o tema, considerando-se que ela pode contribuir para a preservação da memória informacional. Conclusão: Por fim, foram identificadas três dissertações de mestrado, um artigo, um capitulo de livro e três anais. As temáticas abordam os tipos de ameaças que podem acometer os acervos digitais, o cenário de acidentes para a preservação digital e os métodos de análise de risco para a preservação digital.
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Today's competitive environment requires effective risk management activities to create prevention and control mechanisms to address the risks attached to specific activities and valuable assets. One of the main challenges in this area is concerned with the analysis and modeling of risks, which increases with the fact that current efforts tend to operate in silos with narrowly focused, functionally driven, and disjointed activities. This leads to a fragmented view of risks, where each activity uses its own language, customs and metrics. The lack of interconnection and holistic view of risks limits an organization-wide perception of risks, where interdependent risks are not anticipated, controlled or managed. In order to address the Risk Management interoperability and standardization issues, this paper proposes an alignment between Risk Management, Governance and Enterprise Architecture activities, providing a systematic support to map and trace identified risks to enterprise artifacts modeled within the Enterprise Architecture, supporting the overall strategy and governance of any organization. We propose an architecture where risks are defined through a XML-based domain specific language, and integrated with a Metadata Registry to handle risk concerns in the overall organization environment.
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Although business process modeling is considered as a core activity in enterprise risk management, existing process modeling languages do not include a complete notation for documenting how processes can fail. This paper develops a conceptual framework for extending standard business process metamodels to include comprehensive information that is useful for managing and quantifying operational risk in business processes. We provide formal extensions of the Business Process Modeling Notation standard, as well as a step-by-step process for creating a risk-extended process model.
Conference Paper
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Goals are a logical mechanism for identifying, organizing and justifying software requirements. Strategies are needed for the initial identification and construction of goals. We discuss goals from the perspective of two themes: goal analysis and goal evolution. We begin with an overview of the goal-based method we have developed and summarize our experiences in applying our method to a relatively large example. We illustrate some of the issues that practitioners face when using a goal-based approach to specify the requirements for a system and close the paper with a discussion of needed future research on goal-based requirements analysis and evolution
Examines the problems, and the limitations, of the use of process mapping techniques in the light of sociotechnical experience in systems analysis. To do this, first, the fundamental characteristics of the various process mapping techniques are illustrated, highlighting how these can be characterised by a conception of business processes based on the notion of “technology” which has been developed within modernist organisation theory. Then, the contribution of sociotechnical theory to office work analysis and design is presented, with particular reference to the work of Calvin Pava on the relationship between the method of analysis and the nature of work. Concludes with some reflections on the residual role attributed to social aspects within process mapping and on the problem of artificial rationality and linearity linked to an acritical use of modelling languages.
A variety of methodologies commonly known as business process models are widespread in systems engineering and diverse technology systems. Business process modeling encourages uniform documentation of who generates what information, products, services; for whom; how; and why; and with what authorization. However, no known business process models have the capability to describe sources of risk: that is, what can go wrong in the business process. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the integration of risk identification into a single existing methodology of business process modeling. The paper thus develops an extension of the integrated definition for function (IDEF) modeling that supports describing sources of programmatic risk in business processes. This is demonstrated in an application to planning and programming $1.5 billion per year of highway construction. Identifying the sources of risk is supported by existing methodologies such as hierarchical holographic modeling (HHM) and failure modes, effects, and criticality analysis (FMECA). The results of this paper will emphasize the importance of explicitly introducing the sources of risk in IDEF and other types of business process modeling. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Syst Eng 9: 187–198, 2006
Requirements analysis includes a preliminary acquisition step where a global model for the specification of the system and its environment is elaborated. This model, called requirements model, involves concepts that are currently not supported by existing formal specification languages, such as goals to be achieved, agents to be assigned, alternatives to be negotiated, etc. The paper presents an approach to requirements acquisition which is driven by such higher-level concepts. Requirements models are acquired as instances of a conceptual meta-model. The latter can be represented as a graph where each node captures an abstraction such as, e.g., goal, action, agent, entity, or event, and where the edges capture semantic links between such abstractions. Well-formedness properties on nodes and links constrain their instances - that is, elements of requirements models. Requirements acquisition processes then correspond to particular ways of traversing the meta-model graph to acquire approp...
Risk management: Protect and maximize stakeholder value
  • S Maziol
S. Maziol, " Risk management: Protect and maximize stakeholder value, " Oracle Governance, Risk, and Compliance, White Paper, February 2009.