
The RD/D opportunities for large air-conditioning and heat-pump systems

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The marketplace factors that constrain a more rapid implementation of energy-conserving heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and system operation in commercial buildings are summarized. The focus was on large air conditioning and heat pump equipment. Use of currently available energy-efficient equipment and systems is presently limited by the economic situation of the building owners. Although case histories of energy-efficient buildings highlight the potential of new and existing equipment and systems, the majority of systems and equipment being installed today do not measure up to that potential. The major recommendations deal with developing the market for energy-efficient HVAC systems by reversing existing market forces that promote energy consumption; promoting technical research and educational programs; increasing the number of technical people competent in the area of high-efficiency system application and maintenance.

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... In addition, other nontechnical impediments, including institutional, educational, informational, 4.8 and psychological constraints, also discourage the use of energy-efficient designs. For detailed discussion on these nontechnical constraints, refer to MacDonald, Goldenberg, and Hudgins (1982). ...
... A report prepared by TRW in 1982 which identified R&D opportunities for large air conditioners and heat pumps concluded that the first part of an energy-conserving system, i.e., efficient equipment, was available and was not a major limiting factor. Instead, the area of system concept development presented extensive R&D opportunities(MacDonald, Goldenberg and Hudgins 1982). ...
This paper considers the features of absorption cycles which are relevant to the development of a practical and viable design for applications which include waste heat recovery.These include the operating principles, performance assessment and practical difficulties. The absorption cycle is compared with the more conventional vapour compression systems and the market for both types is discussed.
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